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Nov 7th, 2014
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  1. <string_table>
  2. <string id="2005_Project">
  3. <text>2005 - The 'C-Consciousness.'</text>
  4. </string>
  5. <string id="2005_Project_descr">
  6. <text>Initial tests seemed promising. Five prisoners were chosen, all people who would not be missed, to aid in the implementation of our greatest project yet. We managed to link five of them, into a sort of "unified consciousness". Tested levels of intelligence did not match with our predicted results - there was a much lower level. It is possible that neural functions are damaged by the process. All subjects seem to be in a catatonic state. More work clearly needs to be done ...
  7. ... Precautions were inadequate - the researchers were not prepared for such an event. Seems that the consciousness lives on far beyond the actual lifespan of the subject. A nurse and two research members came into contact with one of the euthanized subjects. All were immediately taken over. The thoughts of the original subjects completely took over, and it seemed to spread virally. In the end, 28 subjects were linked before we managed to subdue the experiment with gas. All original bodies have been disposed of, and no lingering elements of the original experiment seem to remain. If tests are to continue, there needs to be safeguards put into place. Containment units are being designed. Let us hope they are adequate.</text>
  8. </string>
  9. <string id="2006_light">
  10. <text>2006, March 4, 8:00.</text>
  11. </string>
  12. <string id="2006_light_descr">
  13. <text>Received a number of testimonies about how the sky over Chernobyl had a strange glow, illuminating the overcast gray drizzly morning. After appearing for several hours, the glow suddenly faded.</text>
  14. </string>
  15. <string id="2006_Zone_origin_descr">
  16. <text>Chernobyl zone shined brightest, unbearable light. On the silver light of the sky clouds evaporate. After a moment of complete silence, came rumbling and an earthquake. People fell to the ground, clutching the bleeding eyes and ears. Glow appeared over a vast territory. Who could, he fled for his life. From the outside it looked as if the buried fuel stocks soared into the air, breaking into pieces and plant area. By evening, government troops surrounded the Zone ...
  17. The epicenter of the explosion is one kilometer from the plant. Presumably all of the staff was killed in the first moments. Many people were in the affected area. Organize a rescue is not possible, in the area of ??the strange energy disturbances pose a mortal danger to researchers.
  18. A few months after the accident, there was a crisis situation - Zone has increased sharply, by absorbing them, five kilometers in area. Most of the government troops and field laboratories instantly killed. Panic. Inhabitants of the surrounding villages and towns were evacuated in a hurry. Threat hanging over the world, the value of which can only assume.
  19. World shocked. Chernobyl in 1986 is back, bringing with them a new nightmare - the thirty-kilometer zone, devouring all life forms and leaving only a black oily dust.</text>
  20. </string>
  21. <string id="2006_Zone_origin">
  22. <text>2006, April 12, 14:33.</text>
  23. </string>
  24. <string id="2008_confidencial_problem">
  25. <text>2008.</text>
  26. </string>
  27. <string id="2008_confidencial_problem_descr">
  28. <text>Two years passed, c as long as there was a terrible accident and exploded zone. During this time, the radioactive clouds covered a large area, a huge number of dead and missing people, dead animals, burnt wood. Thirty kilometers army cordoned off, scientists can not give an explanation of what happened. Zone grows inside revealed various anomalies, getting into that results in death, the invisible force torn people, causing terrible wounds from which the blood fountain start. Expedition encounter mutated animals, which could not appear in their own zone. Catastrophe, mutants, infection of all a consequence of some terrible events ...
  29. Specialists from around the world studying the effects of disaster. Evacuated population, we study methods to combat Zone. Chernobyl Zone number one problem in the world.</text>
  30. </string>
  31. <string id="2009_expedition">
  32. <text>2009.</text>
  33. </string>
  34. <string id="2009_expedition_descr">
  35. <text>Kiev group of scientists have developed special equipment, which determines the anomalous activity at distances up to 10 meters, which was later than once saved the life of researchers zone.
  36. In winter 2009, the expedition, equipped special clothing, sensors and detectors, went deep into the zone and a mile, not counting the dead dogs, came back almost at full strength.</text>
  37. </string>
  38. <string id="2010_Science_in_the_Zone">
  39. <text>2010.</text>
  40. </string>
  41. <string id="2010_Science_in_the_Zone_descr">
  42. <text>One of the expedition found evidence of human habitation in the Zone. It was an abandoned camp first stalker. What was he doing in the Zone and whether he is alive, and remains unknown. Without equipment, relying only on his flair, this man was traveling through the Zone, trying to move in the daytime.
  43. The scientists found strange formations that produce abnormal types of radiation. These objects are known as 'artifacts Zone' and they began to be explored and mined from Zone. A year passed and one day one of the local old-timers come to the lab and offered to buy him five artifacts, two of which were of unknown type. Laboratory acquired all of the artifacts, and the old stalker continued to work on academics, bringing out all the new areas and new artifacts.
  44. A large group of scientists in the study died of abnormal activity. Group deepened three kilometers into the Zone, where they covered 'throw' a terrible anomaly when a person dies in the open air in a matter of seconds. Afraid to send rescue mission and a belief killed missing.</text>
  45. </string>
  46. <string id="2010_gunfire">
  47. <text>Autumn 2010.</text>
  48. </string>
  49. <string id="2010_gunfire_descr">
  50. <text>Major military skirmish occurred between army troops and returning squad of stalkers. The losses suffered by both sides. For stalkers began hard times - by the army was given permission to shoot to kill, found in a restricted area, stalkers. There are rumors that soon will block all the exits from the Zone and will have to catch the stalker in the Zone.</text>
  51. </string>
  52. <string id="Xlabs_report1">
  53. <text>Report on the experiments.</text>
  54. </string>
  55. <string id="Xlabs_report1_descr">
  56. <text>[TOP SECRET. Access to the protocol can be provided only employee with access levels not lower than fourth]
  57. Operative reports JK27. \n \n
  58. After a search of the cellars block *** in my arms, there are new data. Become known some details of the experiments carried out by this group of scientists. The main area of ??research is the development of human telepathic powers, as well as elimination of a 'special animal defender.' Second program was frozen in ****, and not getting anywhere near the normal report.
  59. Relative success in the general direction the situation is not much better - many of the items in the documents completely perecherkany black marker and now know their content is not possible. Recommend further investigation by department Omega 7 ... \n \n
  60. Inside the folder was found exercise book, indicating that the subjects were taken as prisoners from the penal colony **********, specialized in content sentenced to life imprisonment. For the second series of experiments were taken several pairs of purebred dogs and 7 other members of the species Lynx lynx (Lynx that is common). There are some references to 'hazardous materials' and 'landfill waste.' The case is now engaged operatinik UR51. \n \n
  61. There are data on the location of the laboratory. It's located on the lower levels of the factory floor of unknown purpose. Coordinates - ************. Went there to collect further information on the job. If I do not come out in 48 hours, you know what to do. \n \n
  62. [END OF PROTOCOL]</text>
  63. </string>
  64. <string id="Xlabs_garbage_warehouses">
  65. <text>Warehouses at the Landfill</text>
  66. </string>
  67. <string id="Xlabs_garbage_warehouses_descr">
  68. <text>[TOP SECRET. Access only to employees with level 2 access or higher and only with the approval 01 OF O5]
  69. Judging by the available schematics, the underground utilities SRI A ****** m, the storage of biohazardous material should be to the west. Now, because of the small number of our group, and many curious eyes, we run the risk of this assumption being checked. One thing is for certain, we are not the only ones interested in these warehouses. Men in military uniforms have recently been seen at the Institute. Leaking this information? \n \n
  70. The continued presence is alarming. Our group will try to enter the waste sites and look for the entrances to the caves there. \n \n
  71. End.</text>
  72. </string>
  73. <string id="Xlabs_garbage_warehouses_origin">
  74. <text>On the Organization of Bio-Waste in the Landfill</text>
  75. </string>
  76. <string id="Xlabs_garbage_warehouses_origin_descr">
  77. <text>Chief Research Lead, Agroprom, Professor P.D Strizh
  78. From D.K, Rusenko \n \n Petr Danilovich, your request to use the Landfill for the storage of bio-waste has been approved. I would like to clarify one question about the safe disposal of this stuff. It can be dangerous to all living creatures, not excluding any 'passing by' individuals. If you're going to landfill waste, then take care that no personnel responsible are subjected to exposure. We do not want to shine, right? \n \n At the moment the only acceptable location for the material is the various "premade constructs". I urge you, in the near future, to think of a more secure method of disposal.
  79. </text>
  80. </string>
  81. <string id="Xlabs_personal_list">
  82. <text>List of Institute Staff.</text>
  83. </string>
  84. <string id="Xlabs_personal_list_descr">
  85. <text>To SBU Colonel V.M Kruchelnikov, Head of project 'TRUTH'. From the Commander of 'Search-2', Captain D.F Maksimenko
  86. In the premises of the institute, we found staff records. Here are the contents: \n \n
  87. Strizh P.D - Head of the Institute, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences \n
  88. Silaev A.K - Deputy Head \n
  89. Dzhivarnadze V.N - Head of Support \n
  90. Rusenko D.K - Head of ?? \n
  91. Mileev G.A - Warehouse Guard \n
  92. Samsonov, O. - Time Farm Guard \n
  93. Dokuchaev E.L - Institute Security \n
  94. Rodionova E.Sh. - Doctor of Biological Sciences \n
  95. Ramzatov A.G - Doctor of Biological Sciences \n
  96. Dubcek N.E - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences \n
  97. Nawal P.O - Senior Researcher \n
  98. Rybchenko I.R - Senior Researcher \n
  99. Namirova O.S - Senior Researcher \n
  100. Zubkin D.A - Junior Technician \n
  101. Molotilov A.M - Junior Technician \n
  102. Chub L.P - Junior Technician \n
  103. Dear V.P - Junior Technician \n
  104. Yap Y.E - Staff Physician \n
  105. Annoeva M.V - Cleaner \n
  106. Soldatov K.P - Chef \n
  107. Revichenko A.I - Technician \n
  108. </text>
  109. </string>
  110. <string id="Xlabs_list">
  111. <text>List of Laboratories</text>
  112. </string>
  113. <string id="Xlabs_list_descr">
  114. <text>[TOP SECRET. Access to such records without permission is strictly prohibited. Violators are subject to liquidation.]
  115. For the attention of all REPLICA Commanders. Below is a list of objects subject to investigation 5R-63FD. \n \n
  116. 1) Laboratory X? (Staff - 18, Specialization - 'The Problem of the Noosphere') \n
  117. 2) Laboratory X2 (Staff - ?, Specialization - 'Flora') \n
  118. 3) Laboratory X4 (Staff - 23, Specialization - *** [REDACTED BY ORDER OF O5-11] ***) \n
  119. 4) Laboratory X5 (Staff - 42, Specialization - 'Personnel Policy') \n
  120. 5) Laboratory X6 (Staff - 10, Specialization - 'Torsion Fields') \n
  121. 6) Laboratory X8 (Staff - 14, Specialization - 'Military Development') \n
  122. 7) Laboratory X11 (Staff - 26, Specialization - ?) \n
  123. 8) Laboratory X13 (Staff - ?, Specialization - 'Genetic Engineering') \n
  124. 9) Laboratory X16 (Staff - 20, Specialization - *** [REDACTED BY ORDER A5-6] ***) \n
  125. 10) Laboratory X18 (Staff - ?, Specialization - ?) \n
  126. 11) Laboratory X19 (Staff - 15, Specialization - 'Gravitational Resonances') \n
  127. 12) Laboratory X? (Staff - ?, Specialization - *** [UDD ..??? U???? H at .. r **) \n \n
  128. The operation begins in 15 minutes. Calculations by our analysts, after a maximum of two months of the SBU in any case find the very archives of the cell and learn about the nature of work carried out. Not deal with the problem before then - will be eliminated. \n
  129. O5-4 End.
  130. </text>
  131. </string>
  132. <string id="Agroprom_personal_rescue">
  133. <text>Evacuation Research Institute, an order</text>
  134. </string>
  135. <string id="Agroprom_personal_rescue_descr">
  136. <text>Date and time of: 12.04.2006, 16:02
  137. Petr Danilovich Strizh, Chief Researcher, Agroprom \n \n
  138. ORDER \n \n
  139. Any and all members of the Institute to prepare for immediate evacuation. All the objects of research, as well as all documents and personal belongings of the staff to be destroyed. All that can not be destroyed by improvised means, dispose of in the tunnel, then make sure that all are securly sealed. Rescue vehicles will arrive in two days, so time is of the essence. \n
  140. Sincerely, your manager.</text>
  141. </string>
  142. <string id="Xlabs_psy_defence">
  143. <text>Precautionary measures</text>
  144. </string>
  145. <string id="Xlabs_psy_defence_descr">
  146. <text>Dear employees. I urge you to take the necessary steps to prevent gross negligence. After the incident, the containment unit for N9 has become damaged, which will likely result in a dangerous working environment. The repair work is going to take a while, which will give us ample time to refine the containment system. As should be apparant, DO NOT go into close proximity of N9 during this period. Specialized equipment is required, as there is a significant risk to the life of those working in close quarters.\n
  147. Arrangements have been made for each member of staff to have their own personal wave generator and first aid kit incase of emergency. Should an emergency situation arise, the correct protocol is: \n 1) Finish immediately, \n 2) Turn off the power settings, \n 3) Immediately take protection precautions, asking for personal protection to be issued if it is not available, \n 4) Arrange into an orderly group and proceed to the evacuation point at X21.
  148. </text>
  149. </string>
  150. <string id="Xlabs_gravi_concentrate">
  151. <text>Experiments with gravity concentrates</text>
  152. </string>
  153. <string id="Xlabs_gravi_concentrate_descr">
  154. <text>Sinyuk A.M, Senior Researcher
  155. Gravity concentrates \n \n
  156. Sergey is just phenomenal! Sample #4, which was provided from our colleagues at X6 has incredible stability. As you are aware, previous attempts were very unstable. The synthesised constructs, before this, had a life measured in microseconds. I'm at a loss for words at how incredible this breakthrough is. If we continue on this path, I have no doubt that we will revolutionize chemistry. \n \n
  157. Samples #1 and #3 have surprised me just as much. I do not know what was done to them, but now they ... they ... Are you ready? .. They hover ABOVE GROUND! This is not a cheap stage trick with magnets or pressure changes, this is a real breakthrough. I pass my congratulations to Professor Prokhorov and wish him to continue his excellent work.
  158. </text>
  159. </string>
  160. <string id="Xlabs_radar_origin">
  161. <text>Psychotropic Antenna: To Be or Not To Be?</text>
  162. </string>
  163. <string id="Xlabs_radar_origin_descr">
  164. <text>Professor VM Chubko
  165. From junior assistant professor Mizengora, Poshitova VP \n \n
  166. Psychotropic substances: GOALS, Current State and Problems \n \n
  167. Dear Vadim Mikhailovich. You some time ago asked me to let you into the project details psi antenna, but making it so that the professor Mizengor learned nothing about it. The project has the working title of 'Rainbow'. It represents the underground structure with specially designed antennas (GOST № *. ** 05-83), psi-feeding bass waves at a distance of several kilometers. Initially, this and similar projects will be used for fencing the area from outsiders. But it is exactly to the moment, as a colleague of the X16 will select the desired frequency of the radiation. Once that happens, our entire department to immediately continue the same experiment # 4267-64, frozen yet our predecessors in 1985. \n \n
  168. But also I want to see that the installation is not perfect and still needs work. First of all, for 7 hours of work, it requires a number of energy, which is a day not eat away two of Moscow. Some basic mechanisms during very hot, so we will have to once a day (8:30 to 9:00) to disconnect the antenna. And napoledok say that we have not yet fully prepared to process documentation. \n \n
  169. But all this stuff. I assure you, we will optimize the operation of the plant to the lowest possible energy consumption, and, finally, your colleague Lebedev approve the project. \n \n
  170. How he have four (!) Times sent back for revision, all perfectly remembered. Most of this will not happen ...</text>
  171. </string>
  172. <string id="docs_MOST">
  173. <text>Paper 'On the transfer of the territory to the Office Bridge'</text>
  174. </string>
  175. <string id="docs_MOST_descr">
  176. <text>Secret government organization MOST Ukraine (Ministry of Defense and the secret technology) immediately after the Chernobyl accident in 1986, was transferred to 10-km area around Chernobyl. She handed underground military lab in this area and all the data on psychotropic drugs alter the mind, as this organization has got a radio magnetic antenna for directional psycho - suppress the enemy. Goal - the creation of a secret research center for the development of high-tech electromagnetic detection, network monitoring and tracking research on vortex flows and electromagnetic anomalies in different parts of the world. Likewise, the use of top-secret project 'Sky 2', 'Cover', the development of psychotropic defense and attack, numerous genetic studies, development of new energy ...</text>
  177. </string>
  178. <string id="docs_report">
  179. <text>Document # 12</text>
  180. </string>
  181. <string id="docs_report_descr">
  182. <text>April 10, 2010 at 12:00 local time, 00 minutes of the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, some witnesses heard a clap, as the explosion of ball lightning, followed by a neighborhood within a radius of 10-15 kilometers for 2-3 seconds a strange white glow lit up, not like to something natural or man-made terrestrial origin.
  183. Subordinate chief power zone A.Tuldyshnikova initially decided that the electricity shorted somewhere on the 'point' in Pripyat. Day by truck GAZ-66 went to investigate. However, short of a kilometer - half to the place, the engine 'Gaza' suddenly stood up, and all attempts to run it proved fruitless. Passed out and the car lights and all electrical ... When they tried to get closer to the place and find out what has gone wrong, began to ache and head sharply worsened overall health ... Immediately have realized: it was wrong. Brought the standard equipment with UGC (combined arms protective coveralls) and DP-5 devices to measure radiation and ... stunned: at a distance of a mile from the place of the alleged explosion radiation was ... 15-20 roentgens per hour! Began to look for the source of radiation. A little later, in binoculars looked amazing thing: the charred remains of a small building or a bunker for three rows of barbed wire. Closer to the bunker radiation reaches 30-40 roentgens per hour. It was obvious that semi-desert land around the blast heated to a high temperature, cracked, steamed. Even experienced 'fighters' got scared and quickly left the area to avoid exposure to rush to report the site.
  184. At the headquarters, following the instructions and the Guidelines Ministry of Defense (MOD of Ukraine) of 1996, immediately decided to send cipher telegrams to a special military unit in Kiev is found on the territory of the closed zone of strongly irradiated object. There was a quick reply: wait plane laboratory with special group from Kiev, prepare to receive the airfield, the object does not come close, cordoned off the area ...
  185. Aircraft Tu-134 lab came surprisingly quickly: that morning, just a few hours. The airfield was closed. The scene was quickly cordoned off in a radius of 15 kilometers. In the military cordon stood landfill near them were not allowed.</text>
  186. </string>
  187. <string id="Xlabs_mizengor_report">
  188. <text>Report of Professor M. A. Mizengora</text>
  189. </string>
  190. <string id="Xlabs_mizengor_report_descr">
  191. <text>We must destroy all information about the experiments. We are no longer the green, idealistic scientists that once worked here. Countless experiments and operations, hard work, often thankless has been our lot. Our research has no longer remained the secret we wish it to have been. Times have changed, and we have maybe lost sight of our original purpose. In the eyes of the world, we will be seen as monsters. Perhaps that is true - we have performed countless experiments, not all of them ethical... But we must always remember, for who and what we fought for, and despite the sometimes unbearable working conditions, we continued to work towards the greater good. Unfortunately, this is a hard time and our actions must be as strict as the scrutiny we now face. We should accept that we have been cut off from the greater world at large. Time is short, the Soviet Union is no more, and we will be judged by our conduct. Sooner or later the truth will be explosed on the documents that are in the archives of the KGB and secret government agencies supervising the research and development of new weapons. We may very well be the next Eichmann. God save us.</text>
  192. </string>
  193. <string id="Xlabs_n563">
  194. <text>Decree #563</text>
  195. </string>
  196. <string id="Xlabs_n563_descr">
  197. <text>In order to provide greater security and stability of research (after some unfortunate incidents) it was decided that all personnel will be subject to the psi-field, from cleaners to researchers. The field is put into place to prevent theft, riots, incidental loss of research and increased security.</text>
  198. </string>
  199. <string id="Xlabs_x16_conservation">
  200. <text>Preservation Order on X16</text>
  201. </string>
  202. <string id="Xlabs_x16_conservation_descr">
  203. <text>Date and time of issue: 11/03/05, 10:37\n
  204. During the experiments, the brain mass of the subject was increased substantially beyond what is considered normal.\n
  205. All research staff who witnessed the experiment were enthralled by it. It has become the subject of most of our research, yet there is negative aspects that cannot be overlooked. Where some see a negative, I see a positive - the resulting anomalies of brain waves in Test Subject N9 are of great interest. We have studied the effects it has on other test subjects and are seeing very striking results. Research is being done to "control" this activity.\n\n
  206. I, Professor Chubko, as chairman, issued a decree to limit the output of this experiment as it is quickly becoming out of control.\n\n
  207. The cooling system needs to be modified to allow further containment. Further action will be announced.
  208. </text>
  209. </string>
  210. <string id="docs_about_mosquito_bald">
  211. <text>Abnormal Findings: Mosquito Mange</text>
  212. </string>
  213. <string id="docs_about_mosquito_bald_descr">
  214. <text>Appearance: abnormalities in the structure and hierarchy (existence) of material objects in a small (a few meters) of the territory. The trajectory of a motion, and in the visible range.
  215. A possible explanation: Description of such phenomena was first given academic Komarin (interesting coincidence). He worked on the problem of gravitational variations midget black holes event horizon (the Schwarzschild) of 1 x 10 to the minus ninth to 1 x 10 to the minus cube km. Not clear in this case, omni directional gravitational fields in the 'bald head' (see equation Kerr and Reissner-Nordstrom). But in favor Komarin says bald head after glow emissions - the so-called blueshift. \n \n
  216. Note: The rain falling on the anomaly patterns diverge, forming a small arch.
  217. </text>
  218. </string>
  219. <string id="docs_about_burning_fuzz">
  220. <text>Abnormal response: Burning down</text>
  221. </string>
  222. <string id="docs_about_burning_fuzz_descr">
  223. <text>Appearance: 'abyss of heaven opened up and poured out flakes.' More objective description of the appearance of think hard. Dropping out of the so-called anomaly flakes (like cottonwood fluff) in contact exhibit properties of aggressive media, have an unstable structure with a high degree of entropic decay. After a while the flakes turn into powder, easily spread in the air.
  224. Possible explanations: This anomaly - a product of the strong effects of radiation on living matter. And down this apparently are remnants of the changes in the structure of tissues of living organisms strong radiation (similar to cancer cells). Powder formed after the final destruction of the structure of the former tissue. \n \n
  225. Note: The anomaly shows aggression towards all living things, that it contacts. In the present sulfur oxide flakes (I do not understand how. Maybe local factories as Nadim), which in contact with water, it forms sulfuric acid.
  226. </text>
  227. </string>
  228. <string id="docs_about_ameba">
  229. <text>Abnormal response: Jelly</text>
  230. </string>
  231. <string id="docs_about_ameba_descr">
  232. <text>Appearance: The gelatinous mass, without any external visual criteria. Prolonged contact with the human body is a gradual transformation of the outer cover in something amorphous. Also, it probably makes sense to talk about chemical contamination, if the victim has open wounds are present. Little is known about the effects of exposure to the anomaly, not one of the victims, we have not met.
  233. Possible explanations: The analysis revealed the presence of complex carbon molecules that are similar in structure to the protein tertiary and quaternary structure, but the abnormal activity of carbon in these molecules indicates that the composition of its nuclei are neutrons, which (probably) will decay along with the proton and No electron neutrinos and antineutrinos. Carbon analysis geologists showed that all existing models must be at least 50 centuries. All this explains the ultra-fast penetration neobelkovyh jelly molecules in the body. By the way, a local paramedic said that examining a patient who allegedly got into this anomaly. Very strange symptoms: insomnia, hyperactivity, swollen lymph nodes, increased arousal. Everything points to defeat neobelkami jelly endocrine glands and increased activity.
  234. </text>
  235. </string>
  236. <string id="docs_about_meat">
  237. <text>Appendix 1: The Grinder in action</text>
  238. </string>
  239. <string id="docs_about_meat_descr">
  240. <text>Two days ago, we saw the 'Meat Grinder' - or rather the effects - around the area were two bloody corpses, origin unknown. Several crows had fallen into the field of effect, their feathers being twisted along with the rest of their bodies. Insect chitin was also found, it seems nothing is immune. Then came the rats. Sergei heard their cry long before they arrived. A flood of rats were heading towards the area. They entered the grinder, and in an instant their bodies were torn apart. Blood spray and bones grinding... the screams were the most horrible thing we have ever heard. The rats did not stop... they seemed to sense the presence of the anomaly and all subsequent movement was around the grinder. Two streams around it...\n \n
  241. It was getting dark already, we decided not to risk it...
  242. </text>
  243. </string>
  244. <string id="docs_about_surge">
  245. <text>Appendix 2: Emission</text>
  246. </string>
  247. <string id="docs_about_surge_descr">
  248. <text>Just passed emissions. Chump all buzzing so that aspirin will not save enough.
  249. And half an hour ago Lisk (well that is Sergeant Lysenko, set over us soldier) felt that it would be release. He's here for a long time, and was able to disassemble almost imperceptibly me before every release sounds in noise of leaves added a quiet bass rumble, like the one published bumblebee, busily flying around the swollen flower nectar, steps are now accompanied by a soft border guard echo, as if he was out on the open ground on which to the nearest facility capable of reflecting echoes was going and going, but in a large empty iron hangar. \n \n
  250. When it started, the group felt the throbbing in his temples. She was weak, barely noticeable, but it gradually increased. Through the wall of the checkpoint came high squeak thinned immediately prior to mosquito, compressing the brain heavy vise. Even Sil, who was able to control your hearing, pale - the sound was immediately to the brain, bypassing the eardrum. Then all abruptly thrown into a fever, as if they were on the very Hells pan, then into ice cold that came from the inside, right out of the bones ... \n \n
  251. And ... everything. Lasted only a few moments difficult, though, and the familiar torture. Here, on the edge of the zone, the release felt weak and short-lived - that it was closer to the center, we interviewed the soldiers did not want to even guess.
  252. </text>
  253. </string>
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