

Feb 15th, 2015
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  1. >It was funny, you thought as you picked out a bouquet of flowers, how Valentine's Day and Hearts and Hooves day lined up.
  2. >You gave the salesmare the few bits she asked for, then turned and headed for the castle.
  3. >Twilight was out on Royal Business, and Spike was off trying to woo Rarity for the...
  4. > had lost count, actually.
  5. >You were going to have to talk to that dragon eventually.
  6. >Love was nice, turning it into an obsession was not.
  7. >You opened the palace door and set the flowers on the table, with a love note to the purple alicorn.
  8. >It read simply: "Come upstairs, lover. Your human has a surprise."
  9. >Indeed you did.
  10. >Of course, you didn't know how long Twilight would be gone.
  11. >She had told you early in the morning, waking you up with a kiss to tell you she'd be back.
  12. >You had, of course, promptly gone back to bed.
  13. >Par for the course for you, of course. She wasn't upset.
  14. > hoped.
  15. ---
  16. >Three hours passed without any real activity.
  17. >You had cracked open a book from her newly stocked "Ponyville Royal Library."
  18. >Each individual book had been enchanted to be completely immune to fire, done by the mare herself.
  19. >She didn't want a repeat of what had happened roughly a year before.
  20. >Twilight wasn't kidding when she had said she wanted to KEEP these books.
  21. >You had jokingly asked if she could make your bones unbreakable while she was at it, which got you a tail slap against the waist.
  22. >The sun had long since gone down, and Spike had come home fifteen minutes before.
  23. >The dragon had headed right for his own room, shutting and locking the door.
  24. >You eventually drifted off, book covering your eyes.
  25. ---
  26. >"...Anon?"
  27. >You felt something poke you.
  28. "Nnn...five more minutes..."
  29. >Twilight sighed.
  30. >"It's okay, just go back to bed. I'll be there in a minute..."
  31. >You were up after a few minutes more of bleariness, watching as Twilight dejectedly dragged herself into the bathroom.
  32. "What's wrong, Twi?"
  33. >"Nothing." She replied, almost instantly.
  34. >A blatant lie if you had ever heard one.
  35. "No, really?" You pressed, following her in as she turned the bath faucet on.
  36. >"I'm just annoyed, Anon. I spent all of today away from my boyfriend, over what was essentially nothing." The alicorn huffed.
  37. >You tilted your head questioningly, helping Twilight out of the dress she had to wear.
  38. >She hated dressing up. Most times, ponies would be lucky to see the mare wearing her crown.
  39. >"Mmm...thank you, Anon." Twilight crooned, pecking you on the cheek.
  40. >You returned it, helping her into the warm bath.
  41. >"Scrub here, please?" Twilight asked, highlighting a part of her back right between her wings.
  42. >She could have gotten itself, but she much preferred you to get it.
  43. >"Oooo...that's the ticket..."
  44. >You kept the scrub-turned-massage up for a while longer, the mare relaxing in the water.
  45. >"You had...something for me?"
  46. "Did you like the flowers?" You asked, ignoring her question for now.
  47. >"Mmhm! They were delicious, thank you!"
  48. "You're welcome, love."
  49. >Your massage went from between the wings to full body, and you just watched Twilight melt.
  50. >"Oh...that's nice..."
  51. >Kissing her neck, you hummed into it. Twilight giggled, rubbing the back of her head into the side of yours.
  52. >"What did you want to show me, Anon?"
  53. >You kissed her neck, then lifted the clean mare out of the bath.
  54. >She dried herself with a quick spell, allowing herself to be carried to the bedroom.
  55. >You dropped her onto the bed, letting her bounce.
  56. >"Hehehe, what are you doing~?"
  57. >Still smiling, you opened up your locked nightstand with the key you had.
  58. >You then pulled out a hefty tome, freshly inked.
  59. >By you.
  60. >"My Times and Experiences in Equestria," the title read.
  61. >Twilight gasped.
  62. >"When did you...?"
  63. "Whenever you would go out with the girls, or whenever I couldn't sleep...I'd write."
  64. >You chuckled as Twilight pulled the book over, cracking it open.
  65. >On the table of contents was a note.
  66. >"Pages past one-twenty are blank, for future entries...?"
  67. "It's not done yet, Twi."
  68. >You kept up the smile, reaching into your pocket.
  69. "Would you like to help me finish it?" You asked, pulling the small box out.
  70. >Inside was a ring, lined with amethyst gems.
  71. >It was small and thin, minimalist jewelry like she liked.
  72. >Tears were in her eyes as she levitated it over to her, then placed it on her horn.
  73. >It settled halfway down, exactly where it should have stopped.
  74. >"I-I..."
  75. >She sniffled, then leapt into your arms and kissed you deeply.
  76. >"Absolutely!"
  77. >The mare giggled and sobbed into your chest. "I'd be stupid to say no!"
  78. "Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, Twilight..." You whispered into her ear, stroking the ecstatic mare's neck.
  79. >"Happy Valentine's Day, Anon!" She shouted back, before kissing you with an energy level that would make Pinkie Pie jealous.
  80. >There was no sex with your girlfriend that night.
  81. >There was, however, one active night with your new fiancée.
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