
The Event - Intro

Apr 5th, 2012
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  1. After thousands of years, little comes as a surprise to you. The cycle of the seasons, swift and regular like the soft ticking
  2. of a fine grandfather clock.
  3. The slow spiral of your sisters constellations as they move in the inky black.
  4. Even your little ponies who you try so hard to get to know, to mentor, or just be friends; fall out of time with despairing swiftness.
  5. To many others, even with the help of your sibling a life such as this could only bring madness or melancholy.
  6. Facts which have been dealt with both by your sister and your worst enemy.
  7. And so to find yourself here tonight, when all of time should pass before you with the tick tick of regularity and monotony,
  8. surprise and yes, even a little fear is the most wondrous and exhilarating feeling you have felt for millennia.
  10. The results of this little experiment have been far greater than you could've anticipated.
  11. It was nothing more after all than a little side project, just something to do when not out on royal duty or official business.
  12. It had been nice, having a little secret no one knew what you did high up here in a tower, the scholars far below in the archives and even your student further still in ponyville had all been kept quietly in the dark.
  13. The task had not been easy, the relativistic effects and fall-out from such magic should have been easily detectable; but hey, they don't call you a goddess for nothing.
  14. Tonight had been the fruition of all your labours, a bowl. A shallow silver bowl faintly patternd as if by hammer blows, and studied along the rim
  15. with tiny obsidian shards.
  17. For many it might have been a nice curio, something to smarten up a dreary corner of the house. But for you it was a window, a new window.
  18. A window to let you see things beyond the cycles and predictability of your world.
  19. A well of magic so powerful it could see beyond the veil of time and space, and on to worlds a-new.
  20. O brave new worlds with such people in them you saw! People and places that could never exist within your realm.
  21. Planets without magic, creatures of titanic size who walked and talked, 800 million songs and stars ringing throughout space.
  22. With such wonders breaking the monotony you almost forgot to raise the sun on that first night, only to be brought back by the frantic knocking on the door by a panicked sister.
  24. And so it had been for a week now, after your last daily duty was done, the sun safely lowered; You would retire to your study and trip the light fantastic.
  25. Until the lights of your lamps dim, and and sleep takes you. Until tonight.
  26. Tonight you knew that the fantastic was coming here, all the signs of 1000 worlds very similar but not quite yours were here, now.
  27. The alignment of the stars, the soft movement of wind and many other subtle atomic things that only you could perceive.
  28. It was thrilling, it was surprising, it was too late to do anything about it.
  29. You could run, canter down the halls and alert the guards, bring down your sister from sky and race to intercept the event before it happens, however there was little point.
  30. you have seen your parallel counterparts try that, and many other strategies in many other worlds only to meet failure.
  31. You could not just sit here however, and passively stand aside and let fate be your master.
  32. And so you rise up, up and out of your study your mane shining like the aurora and dancing in the wind of swift flight.
  33. Even out here high above the city with your sisters elemental light illuminating the path your wings glow with Solaris Power.
  34. Journeying through a climate where even the chaos of the weather has been tamed should be no issue yet the fear still bites like a timber wolfs maw.
  35. Gods and goddesses have no need to believe in fate, for they know it exists they are the masters of it. The fear you feel that even as a goddess you are still subject
  36. to a power greater than your own begins to be tempered by a respect for it. Much as your little ponies fear and respect you.
  37. You can only hope that fate is as kind to you, as you are to them.
  39. Landing a trifle heavy, and not nearly as daintily as you hoped, the scene is set before you as you have seen it a dozen times in a dozen worlds.
  40. A tree stands old and dead, with its broken branches pointing like fingers accusingly at a cruel Sky.
  41. Nothing about this spot in the Everfree Forest marks it as extraordinary, the moonlight illuminates the usual litter of dead leaves and twigs and the scratched weathered bark of the tree.
  42. You wait on tenterhooks poised in the easy regal manner that you are accustomed to, waiting out the final moments.
  43. It begins with a soft sigh, like the tree was lamenting its own demise; and a rush of cold air. The shimmer of an iridescent sheen forms near the base of the tree
  44. Rolling onto itself like a oyster making a pearl.
  45. The source of this itch, this irritation of reality was unceremoniously dropped at the foot of the tree with a pop.
  46. Having steeled yourself for this moment you wait for the anomaly to stand up before proclaiming in the antiquated speech of your sister;
  48. Welcome Anonymous. To your new home.
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