
passpatout/zippy jan 2013

Jan 13th, 2013
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  1. [08:44] <+FathZippyZan> Gmolly, demoncrats like existing drug situation too
  2. [08:44] <@gmolly> zshurp that is my whole point - gov't is not the only way humans can address real problems in their communities
  3. [08:44] <+Passpatout> well take it up with Rockerfeller and his insane drug laws in NYstate
  4. [08:44] <+ZShurp> AusteritySux, I think the punishment should fit the crime.  We don't want to encourage men to show their nads to people... but a fine and a slap in the face with a newspaper should be sufficient.  The hysteria has led to ridiculous punishments and results
  5. [08:44] <+Passpatout> gmolly, it wasn't seen as a problem to be addressed
  6. [08:44] <@gmolly> i wanna see 'life of pi' - asnybofy seen it yet?
  7. [08:44] <+FathZippyZan> Rockefeller laws were passed by democratic majorities in both the houses of the legislator
  8. [08:44] <+AusteritySux> if i show my dick to a 15 year old girl does that really disqualify me to conduct a symphony orchestra? come on now.
  9. [08:44] <+Passpatout> it was seen as a criminal issue and that's it
  10. [08:44] <+FathZippyZan> Gmolly very good movie
  11. [08:45] <@gmolly> pass? but 'why' a criminal issue if not a problem?
  12. [08:45] <+FathZippyZan> But certainly not top five this year
  13. [08:45] <@gmolly> brb phone
  14. [08:45] <+FathZippyZan> Top five of the year
  15. [08:45] <+Passpatout> gmolly.. well it starts back with the league of nations where to join the league certain drugs had to be outlawed in particular ways
  16. [08:45] <+Passpatout> then it moves on across time to the prison industry who makes more money if the jails are full
  17. [08:45] <+FathZippyZan> Beasts of the Southern Wild, Lincoln, Lincoln, Sixty Dark Zero (i think thats the name)
  18. [08:46] <+FathZippyZan> See these movies and lets hear what you think
  19. [08:46] <+Passpatout> Carter came close to getting some changes to drug policies, but crack showed up and that ended double quick
  20. [08:47] <+AusteritySux> lol i like MSNBC because they got black people that come on and don't give a fuck
  21. [08:47] <+Passpatout> and still the majority of illegal drug users in the US are white, and the majority of people in jail for drugs are black
  22. [08:47] <+AusteritySux> black ppl tell it how it is
  23. [08:47] <+ZShurp> I guess that is a good question... why did we get so insane on drugs in the first place?
  24. [08:48] <+Passpatout> well look back at prohibition
  25. [08:48] <+AusteritySux> neo-Jim-Crow laws
  26. [08:48] <@gmolly> back
  27. [08:48] <+ZShurp> then again, this is the country in which alcohol is still illegal in many counties
  28. [08:48] <+FathZippyZan> Zshurp, mostly muslim countries
  29. [08:48] <+ZShurp> so it's really the christian fundies.
  30. [08:48] <@Tina`a> oops
  31. [08:48] <@Tina`a> \night all
  32. [08:48] <+Passpatout> there are no muslim counties FathZippyZan
  33. [08:48] <+FathZippyZan> I think if Muslims drank, they would be much happier
  34. [08:48] <+Passpatout> sheesh.. fucking learn to read
  35. [08:49] <+FathZippyZan> Passpatout: Saudi Arabia?
  36. [08:49] <+FathZippyZan> idiot
  37. [08:49] <+FathZippyZan> learn to learn
  38. [08:49] <+Passpatout> 10:48] <+ZShurp> then again, this is the country in which alcohol is still illegal in many counties
  39. [08:49] <+Passpatout> counties
  40. [08:49] <+Passpatout> counties
  41. [08:49] <+Passpatout> counties
  42. [08:49] * @Tina`a ( Quit (Quit: Quit: Eat your pheasant, drink your wine, your days are numbered, bourgeoisie swine)
  43. [08:49] <+Passpatout> not countries
  44. [08:49] <+AusteritySux> first we had slavery, then we had indentured servitude, then we had jim crow laws, and since then we've started the neo-Jim-Crow laws aka the Drug War and penal-industrial complex with private prisons and judges in their pockets
  45. [08:49] <+FathZippyZan> I am talking countries you idiot
  46. [08:49] <+FathZippyZan> Pay attention
  47. [08:49] <+ZShurp> heh, now there's a policy -- we need the UN to declare alcohol legal worldwide and send blue helmets to force alcohol consumption upon any nation that resists :)
  48. [08:49] <+Passpatout> fuckwit
  49. [08:49] <+FathZippyZan> Not counties
  50. [08:49] <+FathZippyZan> Angry hag
  51. [08:49] <@gmolly> okok
  52. [08:49] <@gmolly> please
  53. [08:49] <+FathZippyZan> Okay
  54. [08:49] <+Passpatout> [10:48] <+ZShurp> then again, this is the country in which alcohol is still illegal in many counties
  55. [08:49] <+Passpatout> [10:48] <+FathZippyZan> Zshurp, mostly muslim countries
  56. [08:49] <@gmolly> oy
  57. [08:49] <+Passpatout> keep pretending
  58. [08:49] <+FathZippyZan> Gmolly you see, she is raging
  59. [08:49] <+Passpatout> its all you're good at
  60. [08:49] <+FathZippyZan> She can't control herself
  61. [08:50] <+FathZippyZan> Rage at SWEETIE not me
  62. [08:50] <@gmolly> people can rage - just try not to rage *personally*
  63. [08:50] <+ZShurp> errrmmm, it's ok to misread occasionally :-P
  64. [08:50] <+FathZippyZan> Stop using IRC to express your anger at SWEETIE
  65. [08:50] <+Passpatout> drop dead you slimy piece of shit
  66. [08:50] <+FathZippyZan> emm
  67. [08:50] <@gmolly> asked and answered
  68. [08:50] <@gmolly> le's move on please....
  69. [08:50] <+Passpatout> get the fuck out of my personal life you worthless prick
  70. [08:50] <+FathZippyZan> Chances are I will live longer then you
  71. [08:50] <@gmolly> okok
  72. [08:50] <+Passpatout> I hope so
  73. [08:50] <+FathZippyZan> Thats statistically more likely
  74. [08:50] <+Passpatout> cause I loathe a world you are part of
  75. [08:50] <+Passpatout> you make me sick
  76. [08:50] <+AusteritySux> i think the president of the united states by law should be a sassy black woman
  77. [08:50] <+ZShurp> wow, this is kind of funny to watch
  78. [08:50] * +Passpatout ( has left #rebelyell
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