

Mar 29th, 2015
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  1. 01:07 Eridana silently eyes the newcomers, tapping away on her wrist communicator.
  2. 01:08 Kinder checks his watch. "A bit late..." He eyes the area. He spots a familiar suit lying around by the jukebox. "Hehe. Well aint that something." He turns his attention to the newcomer, smiling, "Good night." He removes his hat in greeting.
  3. 01:08 Roxanne looks around, raising an eyebrow. "This that Neon Lights place I keep hearing so much about?" Drops into a stool near the bar and orders a drink. "Doesn't look like much." Oh god don't look at the alien don't look at the alien don't look at the alie-shit
  4. 01:09 Kinder takes a seat and waves to the awfully large gray dame.
  5. 01:09 Roxanne glances at Eridana
  6. 01:09 Kinder takes a glance at the two ladies, he jokes to himself. "This city sure knows how to make em..."
  7. 01:12 Eridana nods at the two, face straight and posture straighter. "Greetings."
  8. 01:14 Roxanne sighs to herself. The one goddamn day she checks this place out....."Yeah. Hello." Glances at Kinder. "And what's that supposed to mean?"
  9. 01:15 Kinder "Sorry if offend ma'am. Women in this city are awful unique, all of em."
  10. 01:18 Kinder looks at his hand, and recollects a few memories.
  11. 01:19 Kinder looks over to the Ayy. "Eridana is it?"
  12. 01:19 Kinder "Fancy meeting you. How's the family? Swell I hope."
  13. 01:21 Roxanne She laughs. "Yeah, ain't that the fucking truth." Oh god her teeth are metal why are her teeth metal those are shark teeth not human teeth.
  14. 01:23 Kinder outstretches his hand to sharkface. "Fancy meeting you as well. Shake? I'm Kinder."
  15. 01:25 Eridana nods from her seat. "Yes it is, and you know my name how, Mr...?"
  16. 01:25 Eridana "Kinder?"
  17. 01:27 Kinder "Kinder indeed. Same way you'd sound out kindle."
  18. 01:27 Roxanne "I wouldn't, if I were you." She holds up a hand. Oh good lord those are claws, not fingers. "Last guy that tried to hold my hand lost a finger."
  19. 01:28 Kinder takes his hand back...of course...
  20. 01:28 Kinder "So uh. How's about we all make friendly?"
  21. 01:29 Kinder smiles cheerfully at the two
  22. 01:33 Roxanne picks up her drink, and tears the bottle cap off with her teeth, spitting it back onto the bar counter. "Right then, Mr. 'Kinder'."
  23. 01:36 *** Sylum is now known as Thomas-Orolanus
  24. 01:37 Kinder nervously grabs bottle himself, "Indeed..."
  25. 01:37 Eridana "I've no reason to be anything but." She scratches at the table top, leaving a few marks before returning to her wrist. "What is it that you do for a living?"
  26. 01:39 Kinder "Private investigator."
  27. 01:39 Kinder "I handle oddball cases..."
  28. 01:40 Kinder "And looking at this city. That's all of em. Hehe."
  29. 01:40 Roxanne "Must be pretty busy then. This is an odd fucking city."
  30. 01:40 *** Cadence joined #neonlights_bar
  31. 01:40 Kinder "The job's a lot easier for me at least."
  32. 01:40 Kinder "I have a knack for. Figuring things out."
  33. 01:41 Thomas-Orolanus walks in, hammer sticking out a satchel much to small to hold it
  34. 01:42 Thomas-Orolanus sits at a booth, placing bag and legs up
  35. 01:44 Cadence walks in, wearing a black-white striped sweater and a brown pair of pants. She also wears her necklace as well, not that she can't ever part from it.
  36. 01:44 Kinder "More company...Greetings." His smile doesn't stop.
  37. 01:45 Roxanne She looks around. "This place fills up, doesn't it? It all metas here, then?"
  38. 01:45 Cadence "H-hello.. Uh, pretty cozy tonight." She replied to Kinder and smiles back.
  39. 01:45 Thomas-Orolanus "Always good to see new faces"
  40. 01:46 Kinder "Metas? Maybe. And all nights are splendid in my book."
  41. 01:46 Thomas-Orolanus "Dunno if magic makes a Meta, if so, eh, maybe"
  42. 01:46 Cadence "And, for that status I'm technically a human but for some reason I'm considered as a metahuman." She sits and orders some soda. Doesn't want to get drunk and maybe unleash her other self.
  43. 01:47 Kinder "I'm just a PI..."
  44. 01:49 Cadence "What is that? Please, elaborate."
  45. 01:50 Roxanne "Means he's a detective." She eyes the newcomers, face glinting in the low light.
  46. 01:50 Eridana grabs a darkly coloured beverage and takes a dainty sip. "Human, metahuman, the line becomes ever so blurred recently."
  47. 01:50 Thomas-Orolanus "Hah, Iron Maiden"
  48. 01:51 Kinder "All I know is they make my job that much more interesting."
  49. 01:51 Cadence "Ah. Well I'm pretty behind if it comes to those... And indeed, the line is almost nonexistent nowadays."
  50. 01:52 Cadence sips her drink a little
  51. 01:54 Cadence "Ah.. How much I miss simple human contact outside of works, and the atmosphere of this place..." She grins a bit before returning to a more cold looking face.
  52. 01:58 Roxanne laughs at the Iron Maiden comment. "This place ain't so bad, is it?"
  53. 02:00 Cadence "Yep. I rarely ventures on my own lately.. I need to do it more often."
  54. 02:01 Thomas-Orolanus "Don't come here often myself, but it seems fine"
  55. 02:06 Cadence drinks more of her soda. "So, what are you guys up to lately? Me myself haven't done much."
  56. 02:07 Roxanne "Just got offa work. Figured I'd check this place out since I hear so many..." Glances at Eri again. "People hang out here. This spot's pretty damn well-known."
  57. 02:08 Kinder "This place is nothing but a place to ask questions to me."
  58. 02:08 Kinder "All sorts of interesting characters..."
  59. 02:09 Kinder "Met one the other day."
  60. 02:09 Roxanne "That might be good and well for a fancy-pants detective like yourself, but some of us like just looking for a place to unwind."
  61. 02:09 Thomas-Orolanus "Or get drunk of our asses"
  62. 02:10 Cadence "Ah, I see... I just passing by and thought why not visit this place and here I am.."
  63. 02:10 Kinder "I may love my job, but I'm no high strung kinda guy..."
  64. 02:14 Eridana "If you wish to act the drunken buffoon then my pity goes out to you. Every high strung job has other ways to manage the stress that comes along with it." She finishes the dark drink, a red stain left behind in the glass.
  65. 02:16 Thomas-Orolanus "Good thing I don't have a high strung job then"
  66. 02:16 Thomas-Orolanus "Or any job technically"
  67. 02:17 Cadence "Well... Being an accountant, can't say anything about that."
  68. 02:17 Roxanne "Thank /fuck/ I get days off of Evo duty. Whooping criminals is a blast, but there's only so many times in a week I can stand getting shot at."\
  69. 02:19 Thomas-Orolanus "Hows Evo pay? Been thinking of checking that out"
  70. 02:21 Roxanne She glances at the guy with the hammer. "It's good. But they don't just fucking let anyone in."
  71. 02:21 Bud [HAHAHAHA]
  72. 02:21 Kinder "Evos? That's the uh....." He clutches his hand tightly..."Xenon' or something?"
  73. 02:22 Cadence [Pfft]
  74. 02:22 Thomas-Orolanus "You curse almost as much as Ski-Mask"
  75. 02:22 Eridana "That is Chimera, you're thinking of." She says to Cadence, a tone of bitterness in her voice.
  76. 02:23 Cadence [Eh, Cad haven't speak a thing]
  77. 02:23 Roxanne She takes a sip. "Nah, we're bona fide superheroes. Get to stop crime around the city and everything." Glances back at Thomas. "And? You got a problem with that?"
  78. 02:23 Eridana [I meant Kinder]
  79. 02:23 Cadence [Haha]
  80. 02:24 Kinder "Oh I remember now....those uh.....circus guys.....with the costumes and the tricks..."
  81. 02:24 Kinder "Am I....close?"
  82. 02:25 Thomas-Orolanus "The title oh Super Hero doesn't matter, at all, in a city like this."
  83. 02:25 Roxanne snarls, glaring at Kinder. " 'scuse me? Hearing must be off, because you did /not/ just call me a circus trick."
  84. 02:25 Eridana "So far off, you are orbital."
  85. 02:25 Kinder chuckles heartily. "My apologies. Haha. My memory is shaky..."
  86. 02:26 Kinder "Enlighten me, please."
  87. 02:26 Cadence nods at Thomas's reply. "Yes, indeed.."
  88. 02:29 Roxanne "Yeah. Thought so." She sighs. "Superheroes. You never read a comic before? We go around beating on supervillains and criminals and keep the city safe. That whole business, y'know?"
  89. 02:31 Cadence "Yes, although I would prefer a more, peaceful, life myself.. Not this whole buzzes." She sighs before slurping her drink.
  90. 02:31 Kinder "Like the uh....police right?"
  91. 02:31 Kinder "Sure not dressed the part, hehe."
  92. 02:33 Thomas-Orolanus "I'm just saying, Evo's aren't the only one fighting the good fight, only difference is they get to have less fun"
  93. 02:35 Roxanne "Yeah. We also get paid, so that's a plus." Another glare at Kinder. "Keep on digging that hole. For a detective, you sure seem pretty damn clueless."
  94. 02:36 Kinder "Fighting the good fight huh? I uh.....met this guy his name was......Wallace or something. Gosh my memory is fading...." He laughs at Roxanne's comment. "Can't deny that, hahaha."
  95. 02:37 Kinder "But yeah this Wallace fellow. Real neurotic. I think he was a 'superhero' as well. Couldn't function properly..."
  96. 02:37 Kinder "Had a daughter. Strange guy. Was pretty alone though. How come he doesn't join this group too?"
  97. 02:38 Kinder "He doesn't seem to need any credentials to do the right thing."
  98. 02:38 Cadence "He could be out there and dealing with weird stuffs himself, probably.."
  99. 02:39 Thomas-Orolanus "To quote, 'they don't just fucking let anyone in"'
  100. 02:40 Kinder "Funny how everyone else is out fighting crime guys don't seem to be much it seems..."
  101. 02:40 Kinder "Can't join you guys. Why not join the police?"
  102. 02:41 Cadence "I.. Would rather not do that, and I already have a job, so.." She sighs.
  103. 02:41 Roxanne "The hell are you on about? I'm off-duty now, but there's always at least half a dozen or so capes on duty." She shakes her head, sipping her drink. "Christ. Everyone on my ass tonight."
  104. 02:42 Thomas-Orolanus "Half a doesn't evos, 45 or so people watching over the city they love"
  105. 02:42 Cadence "If only she could be kinder to humans."
  106. 02:43 Eridana puts the red-stained glass down and laughs at Roxanne, "Half a dozen is shortselling it, I would feel."
  107. 02:44 Roxanne "Maybe? I don't know. You'd have to ask Cap for that, he'd know more than me."
  108. 02:45 Kinder smiles, rather cheerful guy, "Once again sorry for the hounding but uh..." His smiles fades. "What makes you guys any different from the rest of us...We all have powers and we all make something of it...I seriously wonder why our youth would work for some big conglomerate than simply join the police if they mean to make a difference..."
  109. 02:46 Thomas-Orolanus "That guy has the right idea"
  110. 02:46 Kinder "Make yourselves seem a bit top of the line...I know a dozen guys who do it for free..."
  111. 02:49 Cadence "Well, if I can control her a little bit more then I'd like to be some kind of law enforcement. But yeah, things doesn't always work like that."
  112. 02:50 Cadence looks at her amethyst pendant. "If only everything was different.."
  113. 02:50 Kinder "Trust me. If you mean to make a difference, know that taxpayer money won't go to waste if you join the NCPD...if it's a personal thing...well...just smile and move forward."
  114. 02:51 Roxanne "Police ain't equipped to deal with metas. Some mad scientist comes rolling in with a death ray, there ain't jack shit they can do about it." She sighs. Jesus, if this is what the Captain has to deal with every day, little wonder why he's so pissed all the time.
  115. 02:52 Thomas-Orolanus "Uh, Normal people aren't, but Meta police, pretty sure they can"
  116. 02:52 Thomas-Orolanus Cant*
  117. 02:52 Kinder "Hahaha! Good ol land of the free, dropping a piece of the land in the middle of the Gulf, cramming it full of /us/ and letting it go about it's day?"
  118. 02:53 Kinder "You'd think they would be more lenient than that..."
  119. 02:54 Roxanne "Police doesn't have metas in it, though. Closest we have to a 'meta police' would be the Buffers. And even then, there's only so much they can deal with." She's regretting stepping foot in the bar now. Girl wants to relax, and next thing she knows a bunch of people decide to roast her for her goddamn job.
  120. 02:55 Thomas-Orolanus "Were saying why should Metas join you instead of the police"
  121. 02:55 Kinder "Last time I checked, the police doesn't discriminate..."
  122. 02:56 Kinder "Thought this was a progressive country..."
  123. 02:57 Kinder "Make a city full of super powered bozos, and let the regular guys enforce the law. Haha!"
  124. 02:59 Kinder "And then some company steps up to take the plate on what grounds?"
  125. 03:01 Kinder "Kids know the name of some potty mouth in a turtleneck and draw blanks when the mayor is mentioned. This kinda stuff keeps me going. Real riot..."
  126. 03:02 Cadence "Chaos.. I don't understand why would my company send me here instead of their other, overseas, branches."
  127. 03:03 Kinder "What company ya work for?"
  128. 03:03 Thomas-Orolanus "This city even have a prison?"
  129. 03:03 Kinder "Ask Evos. I'm just a PI."
  130. 03:04 Kinder "Haha. This city is a treat."
  131. 03:04 Cadence "Eh, SigCorp. Jumped into this hellhole a few months ago. Trying to expand their sights, i don't know."
  132. 03:05 Cadence "Then again I'm still a new kid on this place.."
  133. 03:05 Kinder "If I know one thing about businesses in this city, they go real far..."
  134. 03:08 Cadence "Yes, I've seen it before.."
  135. 03:09 Kinder "Give it a chance, and who knows how much power they'll have. Ha."
  136. 03:10 Thomas-Orolanus "Maybe they'll have their own Evos
  137. 03:10 Thomas-Orolanus "
  138. 03:10 Roxanne She turns to face the two of them. "First off, bud, just because we're filled with metas doesn't mean we do any discrimination. Or do detectives not bother actually checking their facts before launching off insults nowadays?. Secondly, for the umpteenth time, the regular guys can't half deal with the shit we take on at the Evos. I don't know what problem you have with the idea of metas...
  139. 03:10 Roxanne ...protecting the city, but this bug you have up your ass isn't my damn problem."
  140. 03:12 Thomas-Orolanus "What? You mean like carjackers?"
  141. 03:12 Thomas-Orolanus "Pretty sure you just send big red to do the hard work"
  142. 03:14 Roxanne "I'm sorry, weren't you just asking if you could sign up not even an hour ago? For someone who was asking around about us, you seem to think you already know everything."
  143. 03:16 Cadence "Uh... On that note, I.. Got to go.. I don't feel really well. Goodbye." She stands up, pays for her drink and left in a kind of hurry, trying to get away as far as she could before her internal forces take her over.
  144. 03:16 Cadence [Sleeping, bye!]
  145. 03:16 *** Cadence left #neonlights_bar (See)
  146. 03:17 Thomas-Orolanus "Big red isn't a thing you can easily hide. and I was asking for a job for money, people put up for worse for, possible less"
  147. 03:20 Kinder gets up smiling, "Protecting this city...although something the qualified should do...The same way I'm qualified to solve people's problems. The same way this country qualifies people to bust drug rings. To catch murderers. To lock away maniacs. To hunt down those nutjobs with the lava arms when they spring up. It would be a travesty if it didn't...A big ol slander on the American...
  148. 03:20 Kinder ...pride and responsibility to the people. Haha. I've had my fun though. You young people are a treat." He gets up and walk to the door smiling, but it fades once gain. "Oh and. Please don't complain about your job if it makes so much of a damn difference. We all have it rough..." He leaves.
  149. 03:21 Thomas-Orolanus "I like that guy"
  150. 03:23 Roxanne She laughs as he leaves. "What a fucking coward. Too afraid of 'you young people' calling him out on his shit to stay and actually defend what he says. Idiots like him need to get in the last word just to make themselves feel important."
  151. 03:23 Thomas-Orolanus "Like how you just tried to get the last word right now?"
  152. 03:25 Roxanne She shrugs. "I'm not running away, am I? He obviously didn't give a shit about actually talking if he was just gonna up and leave after fucking saying shit like that. Just wanted to hear himself talk."
  153. 03:27 Eridana "His facts were skewed. Flawed, at best. Pay the peasantry no mind. In the end it matters little."
  154. 03:27 Thomas-Orolanus "Like you are, instead of ignoring him you continued to fuel him."
  155. 03:32 Roxanne Roxanne opens her mouth to respond, but then Eri's words sink in. She shakes her head, and returns to her drink. "How the hell do you stand the people in here sometimes?"
  156. 03:45 Eridana "I give the same consideration that I was once given. It is only fair."
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