
Winter is a bitch by !oUYpxFo6Q2 [WIP]

Jun 1st, 2014
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  1. >"ACHOO!"
  2. >You rub your fingers past your nose and sniff loudly
  3. "Man, this weather blows." you mumble as you shuffle through the light snow
  4. >You look up in the distance to see your favorite coffee shop is still open
  5. "Thank Celestia." you sniffle
  6. >As you approach you notice something quite different
  7. >A small cardboard box sits quietly next to the window of the shop
  8. >Something appears to be inside it as you get closer
  9. >You crouch down to take a better look
  10. "A.. Pony?"
  11. >The small brown pony inside the box shivers before looking up at you
  12. >"H-Hello S-Sir.."
  13. >You peer into her light blue eyes
  14. "Hey. What the hell are you doing in this box? I don't know if you've noticed or not, but it's snowing."
  15. >She shivers, completely ignoring what you said
  16. >"H-How can I service y-you today, S-Sir..."
  17. >You cock an eyebrow
  18. "Service? What are you talking about?"
  19. >She slowly points her hoof at the sign next to her
  20. >You had noticed it earlier but had completely forgotten to check what it said
  21. "5 bits, 10 bits.. 20..." you read aloud
  22. >You look at her again
  23. "What's a hoofjob? Some kind of pony manicure or something?"
  24. >She stares at the bottom of her box, still shivering
  25. >You're genuinely confused, but curious
  26. >Reaching into your back pocket, you pull out a 5 piece bit and drop it next to her
  27. >The sound it made hitting the box made her shoot up
  28. >She quickly picked up the bit and placed it into some kind of smaller box she had behind her
  29. >She looks at you in silence, waiting
  30. "O-Oh, right."
  31. >You hold your hands out in front of her
  32. "Like this, maybe?"
  33. >She's still staring at you
  34. >You retract your hands and put them back in your pockets
  35. "This isn't what a hoofjob is, is it?" you ask
  36. >She slowly shakes her head, still maintaining eye contact
  37. "Then I have no idea what I payed you for."
  38. >She points to your lower region
  39. >It takes you a moment before you realize
  40. >The small pony just shrinks up and stares at the floor of her box again
  41. "Oh.. Hey, look, I'm sorry.. I didn't know this was..."
  42. >"W-Was my service n-not satisfactory S-Sir? W-Would you like a r-refund?"
  43. >She won't look at you directly
  44. "Refund? Well yeah I..."
  45. >You stop yourself
  46. "How long have you been out here?" you ask
  47. >She remains quiet as she shuffles in the back of her box
  48. >She pulls out her smaller box and dumps the contents in front of her
  49. >2 coins fall out
  50. >You can't help but cringe as her shaking hoof pushes the coin towards you
  51. >"I-I'm s-sorry Sir."
  52. >You hesitantly reach for the coin
  53. "No.." you mutter
  54. >You leave the coin on the ground and stand up
  55. >The once light snow had now built up on the box in front of you
  56. >You push some of it off and head inside the coffee shop
  57. >Sitting down at a table, you grasp your head with your hands, trying to comprehend what had just happened
  58. >A mare approaches you
  59. >"You alright, Anon?"
  60. >You shove your hands back into your pockets
  61. "No, I'm not. Do you know about that pony outside your shop?"
  62. >She looks at you for a moment and her expression changes almost immediately
  63. >"Her..."
  64. >You look back at her, puzzled
  65. "...Her?"
  66. >"Listen Anon, you stay away from that.. that.. whore. Alright?"
  67. "Woah, what?"
  68. >She sighs before speaking again
  69. >"She's been out there all week. We don't know where she came from, but she won't leave."
  70. "But why are you calling her a whore?"
  71. >She shares your puzzled expression
  72. >"Did you even read the sign she has out there? She's a whore. She charges money for ponies to.. you know."
  73. >You look over towards the window to see the box still there, motionless
  74. "I saw the sign. Why is she in a box?"
  75. >The mare rolls her eyes
  76. >"She's probably homeless, Anon. Don't know why though, she probably gets a million bits from all those disgusting stallions that visit her."
  77. >You continue staring at the motionless box outside
  78. "Yeah.. probably.."
  79. >The mare coughs to break the silence
  80. >"Anyway, how can I help ya' Anon? The usual?"
  81. >You stop and remember the entire reason you walked through the snow to get here
  82. "Yeah, the usual."
  83. >You always come here for 2 donuts and a cup of coffee
  84. >Today shouldn't be any different
  85. >She smiles and starts to head over towards the glass counter
  86. >"Will that be all for tod--"
  87. "Make that two, please."
  88. >Today is different
  89. >She cocks her head back towards you
  90. >"Two? Really?"
  91. >You look and her and put on a fake expression
  92. "Yeah, I'm feeling uh.. extra hungry today."
  93. >Flawless
  94. >"Alright... 4 donuts and 2 cups of coffee coming right up."
  95. >You look over your shoulder to see it's getting dark fast
  96. "Oh, could I get that to go, please? I'm kind of in a rush."
  97. >You hear a muffled response over the sounds of her stuffing your donuts into a bag and the coffee machine wildly blaring
  98. >You pull out a few bits and leave them on the counter as you wait for your things
  99. >"Sure wish I was a unicorn; magic would make this a hell of a lot easier!" you hear her whine, desperately trying to put the lids on your cups
  100. >You grab the bag and cups and head towards the door
  101. "You always say that." you chuckle as you exit the shop
  102. >The cold air hits you as you look down at the box
  103. >You crouch down once again and see the small pony still shivering inside the box
  104. >You put your things down and give her a small poke
  105. "Hey. You ok in there?"
  106. >She doesn't even open her eyes before she speaks
  107. >"H-Hello S-Sir.. How can I be of s-ser--"
  108. "Stop that."
  109. >You give her another poke
  110. >She opens her eyes and notices its you again
  111. >"O-Oh.. H-Hello Sir."
  112. >You frown
  113. "Don't call me Sir, call me Anon."
  114. >She stares blankly at you
  115. >"Y-Yes S-Sir.."
  116. >You sigh
  117. "Man you're a pain. Take these."
  118. >You push one cup of coffee into her box and grab your bag of donuts
  119. >Shuffling through the bag, you stop to look at her again
  120. "You like chocolate or strawberry?"
  121. >She stares at you silently still, expressionless
  122. "Ugh, strawberry it is then."
  123. >You slide 2 strawberry donuts into her box
  124. >She looks at the contents before her as if she's staring into the eyes of god
  125. >Suddenly, you notice a tear stream down her face
  126. >You were expecting that, and you still couldn't handle it
  127. "Hey, Hey! Don't..."
  128. >She pulls the cup closer towards her and holds it close, tears still falling into her cardboard box
  129. >You wince
  130. "One last thing..."
  131. >You pull off your jacket and push it into the box, carefully avoiding pouring the hot coffee over
  132. >She's still crying in disbelief
  133. >You can't stand another minute of watching that
  134. >Standing up, you start your walk back home, rubbing your arms close
  135. "I'm going to regret that last part, I know it." you mutter
  136. >In the background you hear a familiar voice
  137. >You turn around to see a brown head sticking out the box
  138. >"T-Thank you S-Si-- um.. A-Anon..."
  139. >You smile and continue to head home
  140. ---------
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