
PiE exclusive (for now) - Choose Your Own Story

Apr 29th, 2013
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  1. FAQ:
  4. >Wait? Why is this all spoilered and undertexted? Why is the last post not spoilered? The story's out of order!
  5. This story is more of a game, meant to be read out of order. Scroll down to the last post, which will be the starting point (unspoilered). Each choice will send you a link, bringing you closer to one of several ends. Think of it as those japanese graphic novels, with good and bad ends. Or think of it as those Fighting Fantasy gamebooks you might have played as a kid
  6. (
  8. >There's no unspoilered post. Why are all the posts in black?
  9. WAIT until I am done posting if you want to play along (the start is unspoilered, which is also the last post.) I can't get around that since this is how 4chan links.
  11. >So, going up means that I get an ending. So if I go up to the first post, I can see the good end!
  12. Going upwards may not necessarily mean you're getting closer a particular end.
  14. >I don't want anyone to spoil what is going on.
  15. 4chan filter is your friend. Filter with my name/tripcode.
  17. >But FreeBeer, I want to read all the parts of this story.
  18. After you play along once, pick another path.
  20. >That takes too long.
  22. Check the preorder traversal sequence. Try that.
  24. >What does this have to do with anything?
  25. When you make a bad choice, go back to the previous choice, and pick the next one. Do that until you run out and then go back to the choice before that. Keep on doing it until you ascend into omnisceince because you will then know all the paths to everything.
  27. >Okay. I'm still confused.
  28. Wait until I put up a summary post just after the starting point of this story. It's meant for our fellow anons to post comments or questions about this game (posting on the PiE Skype chat is fine as well). Keep in mind that this story is meant to be treated as a game.
  30. >And what's the objective again?
  31. Try not to get raped.
  34. ----------------CELESTIA VS. THE INTERNET-----------------------
  36. 10.
  37. [spoiler]
  38. >All it took was one compliments Anon on penis size to shut him up.
  39. >He won't be posting that stuff anymore.
  40. >Unfortunately, the tabloids come out a week later with rumors that you have a fetish for human beings.
  41. >Such is the life of a princess. Make one mistake in public and they will eat you alive.
  42. -------------------------------------
  43. >On a side note, your sister points out that fetishlestia stories on /mlp/ went up tenfold during that time.
  44. BAD END__________________________________________________
  45. [/spoiler]
  48. 9.
  49. [spoiler]
  50. >You whisper to one of your assistants if they could find these Spiderman and cat pictures.
  51. "I want you to post them on this board. Do not stop under any circumstance."
  52. >"Yes, Princess Celestia."
  53. >In fact, they do it so much, that you end up getting permanently banned.
  54. >From your own forum.
  55. >You are bad and you should feel bad.
  56. BAD END
  57. [/spoiler]
  60. 11.
  61. [spoiler]
  62. Dear Twilight,
  63. I have this person named Anon. Not that Anon. The Anon online. That Anon. He is posting rude, disgraceful drawings of us having sex! How could he? I was wondering if you could help?
  64. Your princess,
  65. Celestia.
  66. -----------------------
  67. >It took a few hours for her to arrive there.
  68. >"Hello, Princess Celestia."
  69. "Could you help me with a computer problem, Twilight? I'm afraid that he still won't leave, despite my warnings."
  70. >"I would be more than happy to, Princess."
  71. >Luckily, Twilight found that Anon was still hassling the people around the board. It took her another 15 minutes before she worked her computer magic and gave you an address.
  72. ------------------------------------------
  73. >It was the middle of the night when you had appeared on his door, taking care to keep hidden.
  74. >An invisibility enchantment helped with that.
  75. >You knock on the door, only to find a 300lb person who didn't even bother to shave or shower.
  76. >"Um, can I help you?"
  77. >It was then that his mind registered your presence.
  78. >So, Anon, now that we're not online. Would you like to repeat those things to my face?
  79. >You unleash a happy smile, as you smother him in chloroform.
  80. >The dungeons will have an unusual visitor tonight.
  81. GOOD END____________
  82. [/spoiler]
  85. 2.
  86. [spoiler]
  87. >You ignored it. You think some movie said it best; "The only way to win is to not to play".
  88. >But that wasn't fun though was it.
  89. >And you didn't win.
  90. MEH END
  91. [/spoiler]
  94. 7.
  95. [spoiler]
  96. >Typing with your hooves in anger, you end up making a mess on a post. Accidentally hitting enter, you then place the garble inside the message board.
  97. >Where is the delete button?
  98. >You can't find it. This isn't going well.
  99. >Taking a deep breath, you continue type with your horn.
  100. "Say that to my face, not online."
  101. >Hit enter.
  102. >It goes just as well as you'd expect.
  103. >The board was slow, so the two other citizens start laughing at you for your loss of netiquette!
  104. >That was two citizens that could spread rumors about you!
  105. >Where was your assistant? Maybe you should have an assistant.
  106. >You start to think if Twilight can help.
  107. >Anon posts LOL five times, enraging you.
  108. >Damage control!
  109. >How do you maximum damage control?
  110. -9. Counter-troll with Spiderman and cat pictures.
  111. -2. Ignore it.
  112. -11. Summon Twilight to see if she can find him.
  113. [/spoiler]
  116. 8.
  117. [spoiler]
  118. >Sending a message to one of your royal taskstallions, you ask him to get 'That' box from your bedroom.
  119. >One hour later, you are now in possession of your secret SD card.
  120. >The proof that your male concubines were much more virile than Anon suggested.
  121. >You will win this argument, one way or another.
  122. >Some third party software compressed the mp4 things to a gif thingy.
  123. >Then you post the gif thingy onto the net.
  124. ----
  125. >You really didn't think this through.
  126. >Both the Equine tabloids and the Human tabloids post the grainy sex tapes online.
  127. >Great job, Celestia!
  128. BAD END
  129. [/spoiler]
  132. 6.
  133. [spoiler]
  134. "Well, at least I'm not a teenage who is obviously sexually frustrated. Your equipment must be unable to please the mares of your species."
  135. >There was a second of pausing.
  136. >Then he posted, "LOL mares of my species."
  137. >Anon posts more stallion penis pictures during the next few minutes.
  138. >After a barrage of ten or so, some of which were unappetizing to say the least, he responds.
  139. >"At least I last longer than 30 seconds."
  140. >He then continues to place more twi X celly pics pictures as if nothing had happened.
  141. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  142. -8. Send your secret sex .mp4's to prove him wrong. Those stallions lasted a whole 60 seconds!
  143. -9. Counter-troll with Spiderman and cat pictures.
  144. -10. Complement him on his penis size. (You don't know how to post as Anon)
  145. [/spoiler]
  148. 3.
  149. [spoiler]
  150. >You type in,
  151. "If you do not stop this, I shall find you."
  152. >The Anon in question posts a picture. Something about hiding behind seven proxies.
  153. >What was a proxy? You'll have to ask Twilight about that sometime.
  154. >When you get back, you intend to find this 'Anon' and reprimand him.
  155. >For a whole month, equestrian secret agents try to find the location of Anon.
  156. >You found nothing but that it was short for Anonymous, and his face was green. He often wears a black suit.
  157. >Anonymous was everywhere, your agents said.
  158. >Next time, you talk about it with another politician.
  159. >He said, "According to FOX news, he is a cyber-terrorist of the highest degree. The highest degree.
  160. >He has blown up a van, and bullied several people to go kill themselves. They think that it's some game,"
  161. >You spend the next several sessions trying to mediate Anonymous from trying to kill anyone, discussing terms of negotiation.
  162. >And it took a while before someone internet savvy finally clued in.
  163. >Successful troll was successful.
  164. BAD END
  165. [/spoiler]
  168. 4.
  169. [spoiler]
  170. >You type up a PM up to the guy who attempts to moderate the board.
  171. >Apparently, his access was locked out. That explains why he was unable to clean up the board for your arrival.
  172. >Also, he wasn't smart enough to realize that it was a bad idea not telling the others if you could reschedule.
  173. >You ask him if he could find this Anonymous.
  174. >He politely says that it is impossible.
  175. >So, what do you do, Celestia?
  176. -2. Ignore it.
  177. -3. This guy's obviously a moron. Attempt to backtrace him yourself.
  178. [/spoiler]
  181. 5.
  182. [spoiler]
  183. >With using your horn to type, the mechanical keyboard makes a racket as you type in,
  184. "Why are you acting this way, Anon?"
  185. >The response appears just a second later.
  186. >"LOL maybe it's cauz you have small lesbian cunt and u need to fuck ur student to make you feel better."
  187. "I would not dream of fornicating with Twilight."
  188. >"if soooo then explain these pics"
  189. >He refers to those fake pictures posted above.
  190. "Those are fake."
  191. >"of course they are. u drew them"
  192. "No, I did not draw those. If I had someone to draw those, they would be a work of art."
  193. >"so you get someone to draw pics of you fucking with ur student, amirite?"
  194. ------------------
  195. >You are mad now. So mad you could...
  196. -6. Insult Anon's penis size.
  197. -7. Type in "Say that to my face, not online."
  198. [/spoiler]
  200. 1.
  201. >You are the wielder of the sun, Princess Celestia.
  202. >It's that time of the week where you talk online with various human citizens and see what their thoughts are on the human world.
  203. >Entrance was gated though, so only a few were able to get in at one time.
  204. >Since you lack the methods to properly adapt your technology to the human's just yet, this was done on a computer in the American-Equestria embassy.
  205. >You haven't been doing this for long. There was much stuff yet to learn.
  206. >At least the royal guards explained to you what netiquette means. And you were able to type along without supervision.
  207. >Going online, you click to the Canterlot royal message boards. Then you find this person called Anon.
  208. >Strange. You've never heard of that name before.
  209. >Scrolling down, you find something incredibly rude!
  210. >You can't believe it! Fake drawings of you and your student doing lewd, disgusting things to each other.
  211. >This Anon is trying to provoke you!
  212. >But it may be based on ignorance as well. You are not a cruel ruler.
  213. >He only gets one week in the dungeon if you can find him. A slap on the wrist, really.
  214. >It's your decision.
  215. ----
  216. -2. Ignore it.
  217. -3. Attempt to backtrace him yourself.
  218. -4. Ask the human government to backtrace him.
  219. -5. Attempt rational discussion.
  222. ************************************************************************************************************
  225. -------------------FLUTTERRAPE DOGSITS---------------------
  230. 14.
  231. >How in the fuck can you choose between those three endings?
  232. >Fluttershy covered in red blood.
  233. >Fluttershy's blue eyes as her pupils dilated in orgasm.
  234. >Roger's green tie as he came in early.
  235. >How does that piece of shit expect you to get that? You're a dog. You were fucking colorblind.
  236. >"I plan on using old threads to kill the new ones, so that threads can still be created," said the godchild.
  237. >Yeah, made real sense.
  238. >Fuck this shit, and fuck the police. Putting on your N9 suit, you shoot the godchild with your dog gun.
  239. >Fluttershy went and stomped on its corpse.
  240. >The cycle continues.
  241. >Fluttershy rapes the corpse of the godchild.
  242. >Fluttershy continues to rape all the Anons.
  243. >And Anon cried, for he was in a space bubble. The curled up fetus floated just out of Earth's gravity well.
  244. >Anon dog killed one of his brethren. Star Anon wept.
  245. >Weep too because it's a
  246. __________________________EVANGELION END____________________________
  249. 13.
  250. >Angry female chihuahua? Put your dick in it.
  251. >Stupid sexy girl neighbor? Hump your dick on it.
  252. >Sad, crying little yellow pony? Put your dick in it.
  253. >You can't rape the willing, as they would say.
  254. >This time, the spirit was willing was well as the dick.
  255. >Your forelegs grab the pits of her wings, giving you leverage for a quick one.
  256. >Fluttershy's sobs soon turn into moans.
  257. >You pump faster and faster until you get
  258. >a newspaper on your ass.
  259. >"Bad dog, Anon! How many times have I said for you to stop doing that to Fluttershy!"
  260. >Roger was back early. And he caught you on top of Fluttershy.
  261. >Again.
  262. >Looks like you'll be in the dog house for a while.
  263. >Not that you haven't been there since Fluttershy came.
  264. >And boy did she ever.
  265. ________BAD END__________
  268. 4.
  269. "Groooooooorrrr. Grrr."
  270. >Your ears jut forward like fins as big yellow teeth come out in a snarl.
  271. >Staring at the pony with quantifiable rage, you come right at her, bro.
  272. >Fluttershy puts on a face like she's seen this a thousand times from a thousand different animals.
  273. >One hoof lifts up your snout, while another pushes you down on your side.
  274. >Her hoof presses your head to the floor.
  275. >And then, she stares.
  276. >"Anon, why don't you realize that we can work out our frustrations together?"
  277. >Oh god. Her stares are eating at your soul.
  278. >Fluttershy smiles as your whimpering was but in vain.
  279. >That was the last thing you remembered before waking up in the modified laundry hamper that was your doggy bed
  280. >You whine from the pain and from the shame.
  281. >Fluttershy was next to you.
  282. >She was casually smoking a cigarette, sitting down, wings open, as she took another puff.
  283. >Your whining continues as she put down the burning fag, and whispers in your ear.
  284. >"Ready for round two?"
  285. ______BAD END________
  288. 12.
  289. >Memories of watching Cesar Mulan with Roger came to the surface.
  290. >Well, at least one of you were going to be putting that to good use.
  291. >Circling around her, you stand firm.
  292. >Fluttershy tries to use her Flutterstare at her, but you boop her in the nose again.
  293. >You do it much gentler, yet she still squeaks and curls into a ball every time you boop.
  294. >And then it was time to wait.
  295. >And wait.
  296. >And wait.
  297. >Every time she tried to rape you, a boop nudged her out of that mindset.
  298. >Her brain patterns were changing as she calmed down.
  299. >Grabbing a bone, you prompt her to take it inside of her.
  300. >It's a good trade off. You give her the bone, she doesn't bone you.
  301. >Fluttershy screamed in ecstasy for an hour.
  302. >When Fluttershy's frustration settled, you sniff at your bone.
  303. >No sense not having a taste. You've licked weirder things before.
  304. >Taking a quick lick, you find something spectacular.
  305. >Oh god. It was nectar from the gods.
  306. >So salty.
  307. ********************************************************
  308. >A few days later, Roger gets ready to leave again. You roll on your back. Master rubs your belly before he leaves.
  309. >"Fluttershy's been telling me to give you some more belly rubs. I'm so sorry that I've been leaving you out, bud."
  310. "Wuff."
  311. >"Roger, Anon and I will be just fine. Go on now, it's getting late."
  312. >"I guess so. See you Anon. See you Fluttershy."
  313. >The door closes. When your ears pick up the sound of Roger's car starting, you get right to work.
  314. >"I've been holding back for an hour, Anon. Please, make mama feel gooooood."
  315. >Fluttershy goes on her back, her hooves flailing in the air.
  316. >You take your snout and place it in between her hind legs, lapping up her pre-pleasure.
  317. >"So, Anon. Is bestiality your fetish?"
  318. >You don't care. You're just a fucking dog.
  319. _________FTW END (As in Fuck the World, not For the Win. Um, unless that's your fetish Anon...)_______________
  322. 6.
  323. >Taking your paw, you try to bat her softly on the nose.
  324. >Instead, your poor coordination for booping has whacked her instead.
  325. >This was not a good thing to do. Fluttershy holds her bloody nose, and starts to cry.
  326. >"ANON! You meanie."
  327. >She sobs harder and harder until even you begin to feel sorry for her.
  328. >Stupid, cute, adorable Fluttershy.
  329. 4. Rip Fluttershy's throat out
  330. 12. Tame her, making her the pet
  331. 13. Mate with Fluttershy
  332. 14. Kill the godchild for giving you those shitty excuse of an ending.
  335. 10.
  336. >With a high pitched shriek, the chair scrapes along the floor, right up against the freezer.
  337. >You grab the back of Fluttershy's neck with your teeth and leap up on the chair.
  338. >Now Fluttershy can be lifted up inside the fridge. You let go.
  339. >"Ughhhh. Oh, Anon. Why am I in the fridge?
  340. >The shock of the cold woke her up. You try to slam the door shut, but she pulls you inside with her.
  341. >The freezer door slams shut as you were trapped inside with your nemesis.
  342. >"Looks like we'll have to rely on body heat to keep us warm, huh?"
  343. >You'd rather freeze. Not that Fluttershy gave you a choice.
  344. >The whole day was spent cuddling with her.
  345. >Sexually.
  346. ___BAD END____
  349. 11.
  350. >Dragging Fluttershy took some effort.
  351. >But then you were German Shepard master race.
  352. >Taking her in the trunk, you nudge it open with your doggy snout.
  353. >Luckily, the lock was broken, so you didn't need to do a fetch quest to get a key.
  354. > Unceremoniously, you rolled Fluttershy inside the trunk, and closed the door.
  355. >Your body weight kept the yellow pony from escaping as she woke up.
  356. >She even tried to be like a ventriloquist, and make it sound like a cat was in the far corner.
  357. >Yeah, that shit only works on humans.
  358. >When Roger returns back, you leap off towards master while Fluttershy cursed her bad luck.
  359. >"I'll get you my doggie! And your little um, uh...."
  360. >She tries to finish the sentence.
  361. >"...And your little dick too. Just you wait."
  362. _____________GOOD END_______________
  365. 7.
  366. >You follow through with your plan, taking the pony and trying to place her in the freezer.
  367. >Fluttershy's body weight was too much for you to handle, what with her being heavy, and you being unable to push her over the fridge's edge.
  368. >Some wings and a horn would be really nice right now.
  369. >Roger could do so. He has feet and hands. That's why he was master, and you were dog.
  370. >Some days you think that was the only reason why he was master.
  371. >So, what do you do now?
  372. 10. Push a chair up for some leverage
  373. 11. Give up, and roll her up into some trunk instead
  376. 9.
  377. >You can't get Fluttershy in the freezer, but you can get yourself some nice ham.
  378. >Leaping up into the freezer, the clacking of your hind claws against plastic rang out in the kitchen.
  379. >It's as frozen as Fluttershy when she saw that documentary on dragons.
  380. >And like her, it will take just as long to thaw out.
  381. >It will have to be placed in your most secret of areas.
  382. **********************
  383. >"Fluttershy?
  384. >"Yes, Roger."
  385. >"Why is it that I smell chicken in the utility room?"
  386. >Roger walks over, and you walk along with to reduce suspicion.
  387. >Fluttershy, no worse from the wear from her 'accident', flaps her wings when following, sending shivers along your spine.
  388. >Roger sniffs, using his laughable sense of smell to try to pinpoint the area.
  389. >Two minutes later, he ends up febreezing the room.
  390. >Both man and pony leave, allowing you to nudge open the slide open area where the hot water boiler was stored.
  391. >Along the heat was some nice, toasty chicken meat that was still stuck on the bone.
  392. >It would take Anon a month to find out what was going on, only to be confused since he couldn't put two and two together.
  393. >You got away from it all squeaky clean.
  394. ____________GOOD END_____________
  397. 8.
  398. >Taking a nice, big whiff, you make sure that she's down for the count.
  399. >Looks like she is.
  400. >She also smells like a barn, loosely covered up by the scent of perfume.
  401. 7. Put her in the freezer. No one will find her.
  402. 9. Grab some frozen turkey from the freezer. With any luck, you can blame it on Fluttershy.
  405. 5.
  406. >Bolting to the kitchen, you find the indoor freezer.
  407. >This way, you just might put that bitch on ice.
  408. >You leap on two legs, using the chewed up part of your bone as a lever.
  409. >A simple nudge pushes open the freezer door.
  410. >Scampering behind the freezer door, you leave out a whine.
  411. >She flutters along, listening to the sounds that you were making.
  412. >"How did you even get in the freezer, Anon?"
  413. >Fluttershy pokes her head in, leaving her head open to be smashed
  414. >Jumping up to the top of the freezer door, you slide down as her head gets pressed by the freezer door.
  415. >Fluttershy lays out cold on the floor.
  416. >But she was a tricky pony. What should you do with her limp body?
  417. 7. Put her in the freezer. No one will find her.
  418. 8. Sniff her to make sure she's out.
  419. 9. Grab some frozen turkey from the freezer. With any luck, you can blame it on Fluttershy.
  422. 2.
  423. >Think fast, run faster.
  424. >A good motto to live by. One that your dad had taught by example until he got run over by that car.
  425. >You scamper off, leaving Fluttershy to her own machinations.
  426. >"Hello, Anon." Fluttershy looks at the area you had occupied, only to see nothing.
  427. >She sighs as her wings take flight
  428. >"Oh, Anon. Why can't we just get along."
  429. >You aren't fooling me, bitch.
  430. >Finally, you find the behind of the sofa, a hiding spot which gives you the precious seconds necessary to formulate a plan.
  431. >Which was ruined by Fluttershy dragging the sofa enough to see your body, her eyes filled with want.
  432. "Woof woof"
  433. >Now you've got to make with the plan. What do you do Anon?
  434. 4. Give her the evil eye and growl. Great for small kids!
  435. 5. Run into the kitchen and try to trap her inside a freezer.
  436. 6. Boop her in the nose, and hide in the confusion.
  439. 3.
  440. >You wait for the master to walk out of earshot, giving time for you to think.
  441. >The perfect plan comes into your head.
  442. >This will solve all your problems.
  443. >Too bad that Fluttershy already grabbed you with her hooves.
  444. >"I'm really sorry, Anon."
  445. >She bundles your front paws together, and lifts you up on your hindquarters.
  446. >"But I've got this itch."
  447. >Fluttershy sidles along, resting your chest along her back.
  448. >"That only you can scratch. Down there."
  449. >She softly coos, getting you excited. It's not like you could help it...
  450. >"I can't ask Roger for this. He's too scary for that."
  451. "Awror-ro-ro-rooooooooooooo."
  452. >You cry for help, but your pleas were taken for wanderlust.
  453. >"But a dog is fine too."
  454. >Fluttershy made you give her a cavity search with your doggy dick.
  455. _____________BAD END________________
  458. 1.
  459. >You roll over on your back, expecting your master Roger, to give you some belly rubs.
  460. >The problem was, Fluttershy was stealing them from you.
  461. >"How does that feel, Fluttershy?"
  462. >"It um, feels good Anon. I like belly rubs."
  463. >"Yeah, my dog Anon loves this as well."
  464. >That's right. Rub salt in the wound.
  465. >Ever since this little yellow horse came over, Roger's been spending all his time talking and playing with it.
  466. >You were lucky that he remembered to feed you your food. And he was even stingy with that!
  467. >A German Shepard as yourself needs more than kibbles and bits.
  468. >Thinking back, you remember more of what she took from you.
  469. >Fluttershy ate with Roger. The good stuff too. Stuff that you can actually smell.
  470. >You say Roger because he wasn't your master. No. It was Fluttershy.
  471. >Fluttershy controlled Roger, and Roger controls you.
  472. >And you hate her for it.
  473. >That wasn't the worst part though.
  476. 1.(cont.)
  477. >Roger aka: The man formally known as master, aka: The man formally known as your best friend leaves you home alone.
  478. >With her.
  479. >"Okay now Fluttershy. I hope you and Anon will get along fine while I'm off to work."
  480. >He rubs that horse thing's head, tussling her long pink hair.
  481. >He then squats down to your eye level.
  482. >"Fluttershy will take good care of you."
  483. >Roger couldn't leave you alone with her. You had to voice your opinion.
  484. "Rrrr-nonono Rrrrr-nonononononononononono."
  485. >It never works. Roger gives a huge smile, as he reaches out and pets you.
  486. >This rarely happens, so you savor the moment.
  487. >Roger puts your head between his hands so the two of you are in eye contact.
  488. >"Anon, I don't want any trouble from you this time, okay?"
  489. >His she-devil reassures him.
  490. >"I'll make sure that he won't, Roger. You can count on me." She looks at you, licking her lips.
  491. >"See you later, guys."
  492. >Fluttershy puts on an overenthusiastic smile, waiting for the door to close.
  493. >"Bye, Roger."
  494. >Roger closes the door shut. Fluttershy stares at it, waiting for him to leave.
  495. >Think fast.
  496. 2. Run faster.
  497. 3. Think some more.
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