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Minecraft Update 1.8 Full Change Log!

a guest
Oct 25th, 2014
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  1. Additions[edit]
  2. General[edit]
  3. Splashes
  4. "That's Numberwang!"
  5. "pls rt"
  6. "Do you want to join my server?"
  7. "Put a little fence around it!"
  8. "Throw a blanket over it!"
  9. "One day, somewhere in the future, my work will be quoted!"
  10. "Now with additional stuff!"
  11. "Extra things!"
  12. "Yay, puppies for everyone!"
  13. "So sweet, like a nice bon bon!"
  14. "Popping tags!"
  15. "Now With Multiplayer!"
  16. "Very influential in its circle!"
  17. "Rise from your grave!"
  18. "Warning! A huge battleship "STEVE" is approaching fast!"
  19. "Blue warrior shot the food!"
  20. "Run, coward! I hunger!"
  21. "Flavor with no seasoning!"
  22. "Strange, but not a stranger!"
  23. "Tougher than diamonds, rich like cream!"
  24. "Getting ready to show!"
  25. "Getting ready to know!"
  26. "Getting ready to drop!"
  27. "Getting ready to shock!"
  28. "Getting ready to freak!"
  29. "Getting ready to speak!"
  30. "It swings, it jives!"
  31. "Cruising streets for gold!"
  32. "Take an eggbeater and beat it against a skillet!"
  33. "Make me a table, a funky table!"
  34. "Take the elevator to the mezzanine!"
  35. "Stop being reasonable, this is the Internet!"
  36. "/give @a hugs 64"
  37. "This is good for Realms."
  38. "Any computer is a laptop if you're brave enough!"
  39. Difficulty
  40. Difficulty is per world
  41. No more global difficulty option
  42. Prevents accidentally changing the difficulty when joining the world
  43. Can be locked for each world
  44. Prevents the temptation to change to an easier difficulty in difficult situations
  45. Locking can not be undone without external editors
  46. However, using the /difficulty command will still work
  47. Hunger now refills on Peaceful difficulty
  48. Options
  49. New 'Skin Customization' settings
  50. Can toggle cape and skin layers from here
  51. Multiplayer settings
  52. 'Reduced debug info' toggle to enable/disable reduced information on the F3 debug screen
  53. Video settings
  54. Alternative Block toggle
  55. Can disable/enable (weighted) alternative block models
  56. When turned off, the least complex highest priority model will always be used for each block
  57. Use VBOs toggle
  58. Can enable/disable vertex buffer objects
  59. May offer a ~10% performance increase when set to ON
  60. Anisotropic filtering has been removed
  61. Render distance slider now goes up to 32 when using 64-bit Java
  62. Requires 2 GB of allocated RAM
  63. Removed Advanced OpenGL
  64. Shaders
  65. New "creeper" shader (creeper.json), applies a green tint
  66. Is applied when spectating from the perspective of a creeper
  67. Can also be applied using Super Secret Settings
  68. New "spider" shader (spider.json), applies octuple vision
  69. Is applied when spectating from the perspective of a spider
  70. Can also be applied using Super Secret Settings
  71. Gameplay[edit]
  72. Statistics
  73. stat.crouchOneCm
  74. Detects how many cm the player has moved while crouching
  75. stat.sprintOneCm
  76. Detects how many cm the player has moved while sprinting
  77. stat.timeSinceDeath
  78. Detects how much time has passed (in ticks) since the player's last death
  79. stat.talkedToVillager
  80. Detects how many times the player has talked to villagers
  81. stat.tradedWithVillager
  82. Detects how many times the player has traded with villagers
  83. Achievement
  84. New achievement Overpowered
  85. Obtained by crafting an enchanted golden apple
  86. Requires first obtaining Getting an Upgrade
  87. Spectator game mode
  88. Only can be acessed via /gamemode, either using spectator, sp, or 3
  89. No interaction with the world
  90. Only the Void and /kill can damage a spectator
  91. Flying mode
  92. Landing is not possible – the player can fly through the ground
  93. The mouse scroll wheel, the sprint key, and the slowness and swiftness effects all affect the flying speed
  94. Night vision potions still have an effect in spectator
  95. First-person view through another player or mob’s eyes
  96. Certain mobs have different vision
  97. Pressing the dismount key (shift by default) returns the player to flying mode
  98. Viewing privileges
  99. Spectators can see other spectators
  100. Invisible players and mobs appear visible, but translucent
  101. An optional hotkey to show outlines on players whilst spectating
  102. Can be color coded to teams
  103. Outline seen when key is held down (like sneaking when shift is held down)
  104. Spectators have a UI to teleport to other players
  105. Teleportation works across dimensions
  106. Worlds can be shared to LAN in spectator mode
  107. Particles
  108. barrier
  109. Shows up at the location of barrier blocks for players holding a barrier item in their hand
  110. droplet
  111. Are created when a sponge soaks up water
  112. mobappearance
  113. Shows up on one's screen when near an Elder Guardian
  114. take
  115. Enchantment
  116. "Depth Strider"
  117. Allows the player to move faster in water
  118. Can be applied only to boots
  119. Can go up to level III
  120. Commands & NBT Tags[edit]
  121. Target selectors
  122. @e
  123. Targets entities
  124. Can specify type of entity by entity ID to either include or exclude with [type=Chicken] or [type=!Skeleton]
  125. Example: /kill @e[r=50,type=Chicken] - kills all chickens within a radius of 50 blocks
  126. Example: /tp @e[r=5] ~ ~5 ~ - any entity within a radius of 5 blocks will be teleported five blocks in the air
  127. Commands
  128. /blockdata
  129. Modifies NBT data at a specific coordinate, the <dataTag> merges with the block at that position
  130. Can be used to change the contents of a chest
  131. Usage: /blockdata <x> <y> <z> <dataTag>
  132. /clone
  133. Clones all the blocks (not entities) from a given area to a different given area
  134. Up to 32768 (323) blocks can be copied
  135. The clone can be replace , masked, or filtered
  136. replace will copy every block (the default behavior)
  137. masked will copy only non-air blocks
  138. filtered will remove unnecessary blocks
  139. It can additionally be move , force, or normal
  140. move will move the selection from the first location to the second location, which may overlap
  141. force will force the cloning operation, even if the areas overlap
  142. normal only needs to be specified if using filtered
  143. Usage: /clone <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <x> <y> <z> [mode]
  144. Example: /clone 1001 3 1002 1011 3 992 1001 5 992 masked
  145. /entitydata
  146. Works similarly to /blockdata, but for entities
  147. Does not work on players
  148. Usage: /entitydata <entity> <dataTag>
  149. Example: /entitydata @e[type=Sheep,r=20] {Color:14} will color all the sheep within a radius of 20 red
  150. /execute
  151. Allows commands to be run from the position of specified entities
  152. A detect argument allows the /execute command to run only if a block is detected at a specific location relative to the target
  153. Usage:
  154. /execute <entity> <x> <y> <z> <command…>
  155. /execute <entity> <x> <y> <z> detect <x2> <y2> <z2> <block> <data> <command…>
  156. Example:
  157. /execute @a ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:grass 0 say You are standing on grass. will make everyone who is standing on grass say that they are doing so
  158. /execute @e[type=Chicken] ~ ~ ~ fill ~-1 ~-1 ~-1 ~1 ~1 ~1 minecraft:glass will create a small cube of glass around all chickens
  159. Commands run using the /execute command pass their success value back to the command block running them
  160. /fill
  161. Fills a given volume with a specified block
  162. Up to 32768 blocks can be filled
  163. oldBlockHandling works like with /setblock, but with additional options: hollow to only fill the outer layer of blocks and fill the inner part with air, and outline to fill the outer layer of blocks and ignore the inner part
  164. Works similarly to /setblock
  165. Usage: /fill <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <TileName> [dataValue] [oldBlockHandling] [dataTag]
  166. Example: /fill 1001 3 1002 1011 5 992 wool 6 replace will fill the given area with pink wool
  167. Can filter certain blocks
  168. Only if it’s used to fill in replace mode with “normal” blocks.
  169. It does not work when filling with block entities.
  170. Usage: /fill [x] [y] [z] [x] [y] [z] [BlockName] [Data] replace [filterBlockName] [filterData]
  171. /particle
  172. Spawns particles in a given area
  173. Usage: /particle <name> <x> <y> <z> <xd> <yd> <zd> <speed> [count] [force]
  174. Example: /particle lava ~ ~1 ~ 1 1 1 0.5 50 normal @e[type=Chicken] will create 50 lava popping particles, centred one block above the block/entity running the command, spreading around a radius of 1 block, with a speed of 0.5, relative to all chickens in that world
  175. The force argument can be set to force to display particles even if a player has his 'Particles' toggle set to Minimal or Decreased
  176. List of particles: hugeexplosion, largeexplode, fireworksSpark, bubble, suspended, depthsuspend, townaura, crit, magicCrit, smoke, mobSpell, mobSpellAmbient, spell, instantSpell, witchMagic, note, portal, enchantmenttable, explode, flame, lava, footstep, splash, wake, largesmoke, cloud, reddust, snowballpoof, dripWater, dripLava, snowshovel, slime, heart, angryVillager, happyVillager, barrier, iconcrack_(ID), blockcrack_(ID), blockdust_(ID)_(DATA), droplet, take, mobappearance
  177. /replaceitem <entity|block> ...
  178. Can replace items in any inventory, including the inventories of mobs such as zombies
  179. Usage:
  180. /replaceitem entity <entity> <slot> <item> [amount] [data value]
  181. /replaceitem block <x> <y> <z> <slot> <item> [amount] [data value]
  182. Example:
  183. /replaceitem entity @e[type=Zombie] slot.weapon minecraft:iron_sword 1 0 will give all the zombies iron swords
  184. /replaceitem entity @p slot.hotbar.0 minecraft:fish 4 2 will put 4 clownfish in the players first hotbar slot
  185. /replaceitem block ~ ~1 ~ slot.container.5 minecraft:redstone_block 1 0 will put a redstone block in the 6th slot of a container 1 block above the player
  186. /stats <entity|block> ...
  187. Usage:
  188. /stats entity <selector> <mode>
  189. /stats block [x] [y] [z] <mode>
  190. Alternative and more featureful way of interacting with CommandStats
  191. Will update a scoreboard objective based on the number of entities/blocks which have been affected by the command, it updates the objective for the entity that ran the command, fake players can be used when run in a command block
  192. After the mode there are currently 5 possible stats that can be updated: SuccessCount, AffectedBlocks, AffectedEntities, AffectedItems and QueryResult
  193. For example: /stats entity @a set AffectedBlocks @a Test will update a scoreboard objective named 'Test' for all players whenever a command is performed relative to them, the objective will update by the number of blocks affected by the command since the stat was set to AffectedBlocks, this means if the command is /fill then it will update the objective for whoever is running the command (@a) by the number of blocks filled
  194. /testforblocks
  195. Compares two areas of a world
  196. The mode can be set to all or masked, all is the default while masked will ignore air
  197. Usage: /testforblocks <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> [mode]
  198. Example: /testforblocks 100 64 100 107 69 107 0 64 0 masked
  199. /title
  200. Can make text display on a players screen in the form of a title and/or subtitle using JSON
  201. /title @a times <fadeIn> <stay> <fadeOut>
  202. Set the fade in time, the stay on screen time and the fade out time for the title
  203. /title @a title <raw json message>
  204. Set and start showing the title and subtitle
  205. /title @a subtitle <raw json message>
  206. Set the subtitle (optional)
  207. /title @a clear
  208. Clear titles immediately
  209. /title @a reset
  210. Reset all title parameters to defaults (fade times)
  211. /trigger
  212. Functions the same way as /scoreboard players set or /scoreboard players add, but can only modify objectives with the trigger criteria (referred to as "triggers") and can only modify the score of the player running the command
  213. Allows non-op players to use clickEvents as well as prevent spamming clickEvents
  214. Can be used by non-operator players
  215. For a player to run this command, the trigger must be enabled for that player
  216. /scoreboard players enable <player> <trigger> will enable the specified player to use the specified trigger objective
  217. Trigger availability is stored per player, per trigger
  218. One trigger may be disabled for a player, but that player can use a different trigger
  219. One player may be unable to use a trigger, but another player can use the same trigger
  220. Disabled after the trigger has been used (must be re-enabled to use the trigger again)
  221. Mostly for use with /tellraw
  222. Usage: /trigger <objective> <add:set> <value>
  223. /worldborder
  224. /worldborder <set,add,center,damage,warning,get>
  225. /worldborder set <sizeInBlocks> <timeInSeconds>
  226. Used to set size of border. The first argument sets the size of the border and the second sets the speed of the border to expand or shrink
  227. /worldborder add <sizeInBlocks> <timeInSeconds>
  228. Adds blocks to the current size of the world border. Can use negative (-) numbers to subtract the size of the border
  229. /worldborder center <x> <z>
  230. Sets the center of where the border will be placed.
  231. /worldborder damage <buffer|amount>
  232. Allows you to customise the amount of damage taken while outside the border, and buffer, the higher value, the further you can be outside the border without taking damage
  233. /worldborder warning <time|distance>
  234. Allows you to customise how far you have to be or the time for how long it takes to activate the world border warning
  235. /worldborder get
  236. Tells the player running the command the current width of the world border
  237. Gamerules
  238. logAdminCommands
  239. Prevents command block output from being stored in chat logs. In multiplayer, also prevents player-initiated commands from being stored. Unrelated to commandBlockOutput, which is output into the visible chat
  240. randomTickSpeed [value]
  241. Controls how often a random tick occurs; random ticks influence how fast plants and crops grow, how fast pigmen spawn from portals, how fast farmland updates, how fast grass and mycelium grow and decay, etc...
  242. If set to 0, random ticks never occur
  243. reducedDebugInfo
  244. Gamerule to enable/disable reduced information on the F3 debug screen
  245. Op-only unlike the 'reduced debug info' toggle in multiplayer settings
  246. Overrides 'reduced debug info' settings in clients
  247. sendCommandFeedback
  248. If set to false, player-run commands will not show a success message
  249. showDeathMessages
  250. Prevents death messages like "[player] fell out the world" from appearing in the chat
  251. The ability to create gamerule variables[2]
  252. These are fake gamerules which don't actually affect your world, but can be used with /stats with the new QueryResults argument to update a scoreboard objective based on the value of that gamerule
  253. Declare using /gamerule <newRuleName> <value>
  254. Access using /gamerule <newRuleName>
  255. Scoreboards
  256. New objective criteria for team-specific kills, e.g.:,
  257. New objective criteria 'trigger
  258. Acts like the dummy criteria
  259. Can be interacted with using the /trigger command
  260. Mostly for use with /tellraw
  261. The ability to iterate over every scoreboard player with *
  262. This will also affect people who have not yet joined the world
  263. Fake players with a name starting with # will never show up on the sidebar
  264. New /scoreboard subcommands: /scoreboard reset, /scoreboard operation, /scoreboard test and /scoreboard enable
  265. The reset subcommand can reset all objectives for a player or reset a player's objectives one by one
  266. Example: /scoreboard players reset @a anObjective will reset the scores of an objective named anObjective for all players in the world
  267. The operation subcommand can apply arithmetic operation to scores (+ – * / % < > =) and accumulate player scores
  268. Example: /scoreboard players operation #teamscores redScore += @a[team=red] blueKills adds every red player's count of kills on blue to the red team's score of kills
  269. Can be tested with a comparator to see if two scores are greater than, smaller than or equal to each other
  270. The test subcommand can be used to test if a scoreboard value is between a min and a max value
  271. Example: /scoreboard players test #global anObjective 12 19 checks whether the global score of the given objective is between 12 and 19, inclusive
  272. The enable subcommand can be used to enable a trigger objective
  273. Example: /scoreboard players enable aTrigger enables a trigger named aTrigger
  274. Different teams can now have different objectives displayed in the sidebar
  275. Example: /scoreboard objectives setdisplay anotherObjective (referring to team color, not team name)
  276. Testing for scores now also works in @e entity selector
  277. Added scoreboard team property to disable name tag visibility: /scoreboard teams option <name> nametagVisibility with options hideForOtherTeam, hideForOwnTeam, never and always (default)
  278. Added scoreboard team property to disable death messages: /scoreboard teams option <name> deathMessageVisibility with options never, hideForOtherTeams, hideForOwnTeam and always (default)
  279. Command /scoreboard players can now filter by NBT data
  280. NBT Tags
  281. BlockEntityTag
  282. BlockItem instances can now hold a custom NBT tag that is merged into a block entity when it’s placed
  283. Example: /give @p command_block 1 0 {BlockEntityTag:{Command:"/setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:diamond_block"}} will give a command block that, when placed, will automatically have the command /setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:diamond_block set
  284. CanDestroy
  285. Mostly for use in adventure mode
  286. Items with this tag display the names of the blocks that they can destroy in the item tooltip
  287. Example: /give @p minecraft:diamond_shovel 1 0 {CanDestroy:["minecraft:sand","minecraft:grass"]} to give a diamond shovel that can break grass and sand
  288. Putting an invalid item name in will display as "missingno" under the "Can Break" list.
  289. CanPlaceOn
  290. Allows placing of certain blocks against other blocks in adventure mode
  291. Example: /give @p minecraft:stone 16 0 {CanPlaceOn:["minecraft:diamond_block"]} to give a block of stone that can only be placed on diamond blocks
  292. Putting an invalid item name in will display as "missingno" under the "Can be placed on" list.
  293. CommandStats
  294. Allows a command block or sign to increase a certain score in the scoreboard when it runs successfully
  295. The command will increase the score based on the number of items/blocks/entities/successes
  296. For example, a command block with this tag running a command which affects items (e.g. /give) will cause it to update the score based on the number of items given
  297. Usage: {CommandStats:{AffectedItemsName:"playername", AffectedItemsObjective:"objective", AffectedBlocksName:"playername", AffectedBlocksObjective:"objective", AffectedEntitiesName:"playername", AffectedEntitiesObjective:"objective", SuccessCountName:"playername", SuccessCountObjective:"objective"}}
  298. generation
  299. Defines whether a written book is an "Original" a "Copy of Original" or a "Copy of a copy"
  300. HideFlags
  301. Allows hiding of certain parts of the tooltip
  302. Bit field determining which parts of the tooltip to hide on an item. 1 for ench, 2 for AttributeModifiers, 4 for Unbreakable, 8 for CanDestroy, 16 for CanPlaceOn, and 32 for various other information (including potion effects, StoredEnchantments, written book generation and author, Explosion, and Fireworks).
  303. Examples: Setting bit field to 3 would hide both ench and AttributeModifiers tags, and setting to 63 would hide everything.
  304. Lock
  305. A way to lock containers from being opened using NBT tags
  306. Mostly useful for adventure maps in adventure mode
  307. Containers can be unlocked by clearing their string for Lock
  308. Locked containers can only be opened while holding anything renamed to the given string, item is not removed on use[3]
  309. The lock can be completely removed utilizing the command /blockdata
  310. NoAI
  311. Disables an entity's AI
  312. Entities without AI do not attack players or move or rotate on their own, and do not despawn, they also do not respond to gravity or collision with other mobs, but can still take damage, die, and ride other entities
  313. PickupDelay
  314. The number of ticks before an item entity can be picked up.
  315. Set to 32767 for items that can't be picked up
  316. rewardExp
  317. Controls villagers giving xp for trading, set to 1 or 0
  318. SelectedItem
  319. Contains the item data of the item currently held in the player's hand
  320. Added to compact the process of testing if a player is holding a specific item
  321. Previous method required nine commands in command blocks; now requires only one command
  322. ShowParticles
  323. Option to show or hide all particles for a potion effect, while the Ambient tag only shows fewer particles, set to 1 to show, 0 to hide
  324. Silent
  325. Determines whether sound is produced by an entity, such as idle and hurt sounds, setting to 1 disables sound
  326. World Generation[edit]
  327. Underground
  328. Granite, andesite and diorite generate in pockets within stone terrain
  329. Slightly larger size and abundance than gravel
  330. Pockets don't reduce ore frequency, since ores can generate inside these pockets
  331. Ocean monuments
  332. New underwater generated structure made out of Prismarine, Prismarine Bricks, Dark Prismarine and Sea Lanterns
  333. 8 gold blocks can be found at the center of the monument
  334. A flashing boss Guardian will appear on screen when close to an Elder Guardian, and Mining Fatigue III will be inflicted on the player for 5 minutes
  335. Will also generate in old worlds
  336. Customized world type
  337. Highly customisable terrain generation
  338. To use, press create new world then ‘world type: customized’ and then press the 'customize' button
  339. There are 4 pages to customize the world
  340. Page 1: customizes generation of structures, chance of lake generation, size of certain structures, and biome type and size, and sea level
  341. There are 18 customization options which affect whether generated structures will spawn in, as well as other environmental factors such as sea level. Some of these presets are Yes/No inputs or sliders.
  342. Sea level height, toggles for cave, village, temple, ocean monument, dungeon, water lake, lava lake, stronghold, mineshaft and ravine generation, sliders to control water lake, lava lake and dungeon rarity, toggle to turn oceans into lava oceans, biome selection, biome and river size sliders
  343. Page 2: customizes the ore distribution for dirt, gravel, granite, diorite, andesite, coal, iron, gold, redstone, diamond and lapis
  344. Rarity, height range and vein size
  345. Page 3 & 4: Expert customization of the terrain generation
  346. There are 16 customization options which can be used to affect various aspects of Minecraft's terrain generator. These can be changed by moving sliders or by typing in values directly
  347. Main Noise Scale X/Y/Z to smooth out terrain, larger values for smoother terrain; Biome scale/depth weight and Biome scale/depth offset to stretch/squash terrain vertically based on the biomes default height settings; Upper/lower limit scale to make terrain more solid/riddled with holes, depending on how close the values are to each other; Height Stretch to pull terrain upward, with smaller values causing more extreme stretching; Height scale, Coordinate scale, Depth base size, Depth noise exponent, Depth noise scale
  348. There are seven presets
  349. Water World, Isle Land, Caver's Delight, Mountain Madness, Drought, Caves of Chaos, Good Luck
  350. Each page has a button to randomize the various values and a button to reset to default values
  351. Uses the 'generator-settings' string known from superflat presets for and world data
  352. Generate structures button disappears when selected
  353. Debug Mode world type
  354. Useful for resource pack makers
  355. Hold ⇧ Shift and cycle through "World Type" to select it
  356. Tweaked world creation
  357. Other world options are not available
  358. Only Spectator mode can be enabled
  359. All possible blocks with all possible data values are generated
  360. This includes all possible states of redstone wire, fire, tripwire, stairs, etc.
  361. They are arranged in a grid across height y=70, with a barrier floor at y=60
  362. Every block state generates only once
  363. Blocks placed are deleted, and blocks destroyed are restored
  364. Blocks and items[edit]
  365. Diorite
  366. Crafting recipe: 2 cobblestone and 2 Nether quartz in a checker board pattern
  367. Can be crafted into polished diorite
  368. Andesite
  369. Crafting recipe: 1 cobblestone and 1 diorite
  370. Can be crafted into polished andesite
  371. Granite
  372. Crafting recipe: 1 Nether quartz and 1 diorite
  373. Can be crafted into polished granite
  374. Polished Diorite
  375. Crafting recipe: 4 diorite in a 2x2 configuration
  376. Polished Andesite
  377. Crafting recipe: 4 andesite in a 2x2 configuration
  378. Polished Granite
  379. Crafting recipe: 4 granite in a 2x2 configuration
  380. Coarse Dirt
  381. Replaces the grassless dirt variant found in Mega Taiga, Mesa and Savanna biomes.
  382. All worlds with grassless dirt blocks will seamlessly change over to coarse dirt as it uses the same block ID and data value as the original grassless dirt block
  383. Slightly darker texture than regular dirt
  384. Can be picked up with bare hands (silk touch is not required)
  385. Tilling coarse dirt with a hoe will turn it to regular dirt
  386. Crafting recipe: dirt and gravel in a 2x2 checkered pattern, yields four coarse dirt
  387. Red Sandstone
  388. Can be crafted with 4 red sand in a square
  389. Can be crafted into chiseled, smooth, stair and slab forms
  390. Chiseled variant has a wither pattern to complement the normal creeper pattern
  391. Slabs have (like stone and sandstone) a smooth variant
  392. Comes as a smooth double slab - minecraft:double_stone_slab2:8
  393. Generated only in Mesa biomes at cave entrances
  394. Prismarine
  395. Generates in ocean monuments
  396. Can be crafted with prismarine shards
  397. The cracks in Prismarine appear to slowly change color between brown, blue, gray and purple.
  398. Prismarine Bricks
  399. Generate in ocean monuments
  400. Can be crafted with prismarine shards
  401. Dark Prismarine
  402. Generate in ocean monuments
  403. Can be crafted with prismarine shards and an ink sac
  404. Sea Lantern
  405. Generate in ocean monuments
  406. Can be crafted with prismarine shards and prismarine crystals
  407. Emit light at a light level of 15 and have an animated texture
  408. Prismarine Crystals
  409. Drop from Guardians
  410. Can be crafted into sea lanterns
  411. Prismarine Shard
  412. Drop from Guardians
  413. Can be crafted into all three kinds of prismarine blocks and sea lanterns
  414. Wet Sponge
  415. Obtained when a sponge soaks up water
  416. Smelting a wet sponge yields a dry sponge
  417. When smelted, they will fill empty buckets in the 'fuel' slot with water if possible
  418. Emits water dripping particles
  419. Dropped by Elder Guardians on player kills
  420. Slime Block
  421. Players and mobs that land on their top side will bounce, like on a trampoline
  422. Bounce rebound velocity is scaled by impact velocity, can reach up to 60%
  423. Currently does not affect item entities
  424. Prevents fall damage
  425. Walking on it is slower than walking on soul sand, close to one's speed whilst sneaking
  426. Crafting recipe: 9 slime balls
  427. Can be crafted back into 9 slime balls
  428. The placing/breaking sounds use hurt sounds of slimes
  429. Connected to sticky pistons, slime blocks will now push and pull blocks beside them when moved by pistons
  430. Connected to normal pistons, slime blocks will only push blocks, but not pull them
  431. Coded by KaboPC and Panda4994[4][5]
  432. Up to 12 slime blocks connected to a piston in any arrangement can be moved as long as the following conditions are met: blocks do not disrupt the chain, non-moveable blocks are not in the way or slime blocks are not attached to the piston itself
  433. Follows all the rules that pistons follow, for example blocks which can normally be moved by pistons can be moved if attached to slime blocks
  434. Allows for more contraptions, from new redstone clocks, moving devices, farming etc
  435. Extending a piston with a slime block attached to it will propel entities (mobs, players, items, launched arrows etc) in the appropriate direction[6]
  436. Fence
  437. New types of fences for all the different types of wood
  438. Different types can connect to each other
  439. Original fence renamed to oak fence
  440. New crafting recipe for fences to make this work: 2 sticks and 4 planks to make 3 fences
  441. Fence Gate
  442. New types of fence gates for all the different types of wood
  443. Different types can connect to each other
  444. Original fence gate renamed to oak fence gate
  445. Doors
  446. New types of doors for all the different wood types
  447. Different types of doors have different textures, with some types having no windows
  448. Door recipes now require all 6 wood to be the same type
  449. Iron Trapdoor
  450. Can only be opened and closed using redstone, similar to an iron door
  451. Crafting recipe: iron ingots in a 2x2 pattern, yields one iron trapdoor
  452. Banner
  453. Can be worn as head gear - but only using commands
  454. Over a quadrillion possible combinations
  455. Crafted like a sign, just with one color of wool instead of planks
  456. Can be stacked to 16
  457. Most patterns are created by arranging dyes in certain ways around a banner on a crafting table
  458. Additional patterns: creeper, skull & crossbones, brick, flower, curly border and Mojang logo - making these without dyes will result in a black pattern, use dyes to get different colors (items: creeper skull, wither skeleton skull, brick block, oxeye daisy, vines and enchanted golden apple)
  459. Many patterns can be produced
  460. Up to 6 layers of patterns possible
  461. Can be placed on walls or on the ground (16 rotations possible)
  462. Sway with the wind
  463. Can be cloned by crafting them together with a blank banner
  464. Top-most layer can be removed using cauldrons
  465. Can be used as fuel in furnaces
  466. Armor Stand
  467. Can be used to decoratively display armor (including pumpkins, mob heads and player heads)
  468. Armor can be right-clicked to be applied to the armor stand and can be applied by dispensers
  469. Armor can be applied by dispensers aimed at any part of the Stand
  470. Armor can be removed by right-clicking on the piece of armor you want to remove
  471. Can render enchanted and dyed armor
  472. Can use pick-block on armor stands (will give the stand not the armor equipped)
  473. Crafted using a stone slab and 6 sticks
  474. Stacks up to 16
  475. Armor stands are actually entities not blocks and can therefore can be summoned using /summon ArmorStand and put in minecarts
  476. NBT tags can be used to create armor stands which are small (Small), invisible (Invisible), have arms (ShowArms), have disabled slots (DisabledSlots), have no base plate (NoBasePlate), have no gravity (NoGravity) and are in a preconfigured position (Pose)
  477. Raw Mutton
  478. Restores 2 (Hunger.svg)
  479. Drops from sheep
  480. Can be cooked into cooked mutton
  481. Cooked Mutton
  482. Restores 6 (Hunger.svgHunger.svgHunger.svg)
  483. Rabbit Hide
  484. Can be crafted in a 2x2 arrangement to produce leather
  485. Drops from rabbits
  486. Raw Rabbit
  487. Restores 3 (Half Hunger.svgHunger.svg)
  488. Drops from rabbits
  489. Can be cooked into cooked rabbit
  490. Cooked Rabbit
  491. Restores 5 (Half Hunger.svgHunger.svgHunger.svg)
  492. Rabbit's Foot
  493. Brewed to make a Potion of Leaping
  494. Drops from rabbits
  495. Rabbit Stew
  496. Restores 10 (Hunger.svgHunger.svgHunger.svgHunger.svgHunger.svg) and 12 saturation
  497. This makes it the best food in the game other than golden carrots
  498. Recipe: 1 cooked rabbit, 1 mushroom, 1 carrot, 1 baked potato, and 1 bowl
  499. Potion of Leaping
  500. Adds effect Jump Boost, for "I" and "II" levels
  501. Brewed with a rabbit's foot and Awkward potion
  502. The potion and bubbles are bright green coloured
  503. Barrier
  504. Acts like a full block but is completely transparent
  505. Can transfer redstone signals and allows blocks to be placed on it
  506. Can only be destroyed in Creative mode
  507. Can be obtained using /give @p minecraft:barrier <amount>
  508. Becomes visible to players who are holding a barrier in their hand
  509. Appears to be rendered as particles; always facing the player
  510. Guardian Spawn Egg
  511. Spawns the Guardian mob
  512. Cyan coloured with orange spots
  513. Endermite Spawn Egg
  514. Spawns the Endermite mob
  515. Purple coloured with grey spots
  516. Rabbit Spawn Egg
  517. Spawns rabbits
  518. Brown coloured with brown spots
  519. Mobs[edit]
  520. Endermites
  521. Sometimes spawns when a player teleports using an Ender pearl.
  522. Despawns after 2 minutes (unless it is named using a name tag)
  523. Have the same sounds as silverfish
  524. Guardians
  525. Spawns in ocean monuments
  526. Attacks squid and players with a web/beam
  527. When on land, it flops around, unlike squids
  528. Drops prismarine shards, prismarine crystals and raw fish
  529. Makes wet noises when hurt and squeaky, wet noises when flopping around on land
  530. Elder Guardians
  531. A boss-like variant of Guardians
  532. There are 3 elders in each ocean monument
  533. A flashing boss Guardian will appear on screen when close to the boss Guardian, and Mining Fatigue III will be inflicted on the player for 5 minutes
  534. Drops wet sponge
  535. Rabbits
  536. Drops rabbit hide, raw rabbit, cooked rabbit and rabbit's foot
  537. They have many different skins similarly to horses and ocelots. They have 8 skins including: Black, White, Brown, Gold, Black & White, Salt & Pepper, Toast, and the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog
  538. Naming a rabbit spawn egg or name tag "Toast" will give rabbits a special skin as a memorial to user xyZenTV's girlfriend's rabbit Toast
  539. Very low rate of spawning as "The Killer Bunny" (or the "The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog")
  540. 1/1000 chance of spawning
  541. This type of rabbit is hostile and will attack players within 4 blocks, deals 5 (Heart.svgHeart.svgHalf Heart.svg) in easy, 8 (Heart.svgHeart.svgHeart.svgHeart.svg) in normal difficulty and 12 (Heart.svgHeart.svgHeart.svgHeart.svgHeart.svgHeart.svg) in hard
  542. A reference to the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail
  543. It is white with bloodshot eyes, and blood on its legs and mouth
  544. Automatically spawns with a name tag titled 'The Killer Rabbit'
  545. It can be directly spawned in with the command /summon Rabbit ~ ~ ~ {RabbitType:99}
  546. Rabbits can be bred using carrots, golden carrots or dandelions
  547. Rabbits have the same AI like the most other passive mobs, and jump around randomly.
  548. Make little squeaky sounds when hurt or killed
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