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Jan 6th, 2013
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  2. [23:56] <GD12> Mortrig - we do know of a said planet, though the dreadnaught we do not know about, and likely do not care about.
  3. [23:56] <GD12> Mortrig -Anyway, I would suggest leaving now, this after all, is my planet.
  4. [23:56] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - Wait for Telcam', then I shall leave.
  5. [23:57] <GD12> Mortrig - Very well.
  6. [23:57] <lmTlLDE> Telcam - Sir, we've recovered all we can, there's nothing left.
  7. [23:57] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - Come back.
  8. [23:57] <lmTlLDE> Rhul (muttering to himself) - What the hell are these guys...
  9. [23:58] <GD12> Mortrig *overhearing Rhul* - Perhaps you would like to establish more formal diplomatic contact as well?
  10. [23:58] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - I wouldn't mind doing so, for if such incidents happen again, it isn't us the remainder of Lokk's faction will be answering to.
  11. [23:59] <lmTlLDE> They believe in some god...
  12. [23:59] <GD12> Mortrig - Very well, this sounds interesting ... for me.
  13. [23:59] <GD12> Mortrig - You are cleared for this world when you decide to come over.
  14. [23:59] <lmTlLDE> Some sort of ancient civilization known as... Grox.
  15. [23:59] <GD12> (have you read about the grox in fication?)
  16. [00:00] <lmTlLDE> (They're exctinct aside for a splinter faction)
  17. [00:00] <lmTlLDE> (Explaining godlike status)
  18. [00:01] <GD12> Mortrig - Hmph, the Grox. we've beaten them on multiple occasions.
  19. [00:01] <GD12> (you could meet some grox when you get to his world)
  20. [00:01] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - I need to return back to Onyx, the Hanaeris can't stay in line for more than a few months without someone keeping them in check.
  21. [00:01] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - Farewell
  22. [00:02] <GD12> Mortrig - Farewell.
  23. Several months later...
  24. [00:53] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - Contacts! Blast them!
  25. [00:54] <lmTlLDE> A ship of gargantuan proportion approaches the Malicious Intent
  26. [00:54] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - Wait a second... Cease fire men!
  27. [00:55] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - Greetings commander... What is the issue?
  28. [00:55] <GD12> The Vampire Class Devastator entetered the system of the Malicious Intent.
  29. [00:55] <GD12> Mortrig - Perhaps we coulst start formal diplomatic relations.
  30. [00:56] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - My men... Telcam wasn't happy about some of the stuff which happened back there, but I'm more than willing to extend the hand.
  31. [00:56] <lmTlLDE> Though our... introduction to such empires would surely make us targets.
  32. [00:56] <GD12> Mortrig - I'll have to talk with someone more powerful than you, take me to your leader.
  33. [00:56] <lmTlLDE> President Aepus...
  34. [00:57] <GD12> Mortrig - Do it now.
  35. [00:57] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - Jul! Set the course for Onyx station, we have a new visitor.
  36. [00:57] <lmTlLDE> The two ships approached Onyx, which dwarfed even the Devestator in size.
  37. [00:57] <lmTlLDE> The two ships dock on Docking Bay Z14
  38. [00:57] <lmTlLDE> This way.
  39. [00:58] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - President Aepus! This... old friend of mine wants to discuss diplomacy with you.
  40. [00:59] <GD12> Mortrig - I am Imperator Mortrig Malevon of the Drakodominatus Tyranny, and I would like to commence diplomatic relations.
  41. [00:59] <lmTlLDE> Aepus - Hmmmm... This one... He... Is a powerful one...
  42. [00:59] <lmTlLDE> Aepus - I see, but what are we in for if we do extend our hand of friendship?
  43. [01:00] <GD12> Mortrig - Come with me to my world, and I shall show you.
  44. [01:00] <lmTlLDE> Aepus - I cannot leave, my duty is to remain here, maybe you can take Rhul?
  45. [01:00] <GD12> Mortrig - Do you vest in him your authority for these matters?
  46. [01:01] <lmTlLDE> Aepus - He is the leader of the Elite, the SpecOps, our finest.
  47. [01:01] <lmTlLDE> Aepus - Just... Bring him back in one piece, and breathing too.
  48. [01:01] <GD12> Mortrig - Very well, Rhul, come with me.
  49. [01:02] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - Yes. Jul, take charge of the Malicious Intent while I am gone.
  50. [01:02] <lmTlLDE> Several days later.
  51. [01:02] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - What the....
  52. [01:03] <GD12> Mortrig took Rhul to the bridge of his AI controlled ship and made way for his estate world
  53. [01:03] <GD12> (this ship is warp 9)
  54. [01:03] <lmTlLDE> How is your situation, Mortrig? I wouldn't mind fielding the Hanaeris in order to dwell some of their numbers.
  55. [01:04] <GD12> Mortrig - What do you mean?
  56. [01:04] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - How are you faring diplomatically with other empires?
  57. [01:04] <GD12> Mortrig - we are allied with civilizations such as the Delpha Coalition of Planets and at war with quite a few lesser.
  58. [01:05] <GD12> Mortrig - Conquest is our way of life, if not for your stunt, you would be slated to conquered.
  59. [01:06] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - Do you need military aid? My SpecOps can crush opponents within the second.
  60. [01:07] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - Mortrig?
  61. [01:07] <GD12> Mortrig - Perhaps, perhaps not.
  62. [01:07] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - This place, it amazes me...
  63. [01:07] <GD12> They eventually make landing on the world, where they are flanked by two 7 meter tall Grox Overseers.
  64. [01:07] <GD12> Mortrig - You asked about the Grox?
  65. [01:08] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - THAT is what the Rogues worshipped?
  66. [01:08] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - They look more like monstrositys than gods.
  67. [01:09] <GD12> Mortrig - These are our versions of them, from when we defeateed them in battles.
  68. [01:09] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - Interesting...
  69. [01:09] <GD12> Mortrig - These ones are 99% cybernetic.
  70. [01:09] <GD12> Mortrig - This is the world I use to manage the worlds under my control, it is merely a palace world.
  71. [01:09] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - No wonder they look so.. different...
  72. [01:10] <GD12> Mortrig - This is what the normal ones look like.
  73. [01:10] <GD12> Mortrig then shows Rhul the picture of normal Grox.
  74. [01:10] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - Pfft, is this a joke? Rogues must really have been deluded!
  75. [01:11] <GD12> Mortrig - Tell me more about the rogues?
  76. [01:13] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - My men... originally a Spec Ops team under Lokk, but they came across some artifacts relating to the dreadnought on Xero, which I now speculate is of Grox religion and they, seperated, taking a good amount of Chirpataurs too... The Hanaeris were too blunt to realize their true intentions....
  77. [01:13] <GD12> Mortrig - The Grox are weak, tossed asunder, now disunited and feeble.
  78. [01:13] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - They began fantasizing about a "master race". Eventually Lokk attacked the RALA military installations, converting many and killing others.
  79. [01:14] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - Algolis, the homeworld of my Revark, was nearly destroyed!
  80. [01:14] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - Eventually SpecOps came out full force, driving them to your systems... somehow.
  81. [01:15] <GD12> Mortrig - That was an abandoned system, for no particular reason.
  82. [01:15] <GD12> At that, they entered the offiical grouds of the palace, made of solid gold.
  83. [01:16] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - The rest of the forces dissolved and the remaining Revark joined back up with us... There were less that 100 left in the movement.
  84. [01:16] <GD12> the doors are opened by hounds of kuzushimasu overseers who seat them down and prepare them food.
  85. [01:16] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - ...We let them rot.
  86. [01:16] <GD12> Mortrig - Quite interesting.
  87. [01:16] <GD12> Mortrig - Now what technology did they bring to the world)
  88. [01:16] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - A weapon so powerful..
  89. [01:17] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - It could destroy planets and render them uninhabitable IF lucky.
  90. [01:18] <GD12> Mortrig *unimpressed* - Explain more.
  91. [01:18] <GD12> Mortrig - What would you like to eat?
  92. [01:18] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - The rogues nearly took out Onyx before our intervention...
  93. [01:18] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - I don't mind, anything should do
  94. [01:19] <GD12> Mortrig then took a non sapient epic and killed it with a single punch, and told the overseers to cook it.
  95. [01:19] <GD12> Mortrig - Perhaps you'd like accomodations for your time here?
  96. [01:19] <lmTlLDE> Rhul cringes at the sight
  97. [01:19] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - I would appreciate that.
  98. [01:20] <lmTlLDE> Though a question... What is going on in out there? Because whatever it is, I want to bring our boys into it.
  99. [01:20] <GD12> Mortrig - In the First Gigaquadrant?
  100. [01:20] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - Wherever.
  101. [01:20] <GD12> Mortrig - War, only war.
  102. [01:21] <GD12> Mortrig - If you haven't guessed as well, my species hails from another galaxy.
  103. [01:21] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - Figures...
  104. [01:22] <GD12> Mortrig - We are the Dominatus, a species of a million people and a million worlds.
  105. [01:22] <GD12> *million Dominatus
  106. [01:22] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - I want to bring in SpecOps and see their true potential, they crushed anything in our galaxy, I want to see what they can do with others.
  107. [01:22] <GD12> Mortrig - Quite interesting.
  108. [01:23] <GD12> Mortrig - Though we originate from this universe, we have dominion in a total of 13.
  109. [01:23] <GD12> Mortrig - Now tell me, what relations would the RALA be interested in opening ?
  110. [01:23] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - Any areas we can deploy our men? Military is what I do prefer, Aepus wouldn't mind trade routes.
  111. [01:24] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - And the Scythetor would certainly love to get their hands on some of the stuff you have.
  112. [01:24] <GD12> Mortrig - Perhaps, I will contact you when i decide.
  113. [01:27] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - As I was sayin- What the hell is that?
  114. [01:27] <lmTlLDE> Rhul points to a small fleet
  115. [01:27] <GD12> Mortrig - You would like to prove the power of SpecOps, proceed.
  116. [01:27] <GD12> Mortrig orders the AI controlled ships to stand down.
  117. [01:27] <lmTlLDE> Man...
  118. [01:28] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - Jul, lead a fleet to my co ordinates now! I'm under attack and our defenses are down! That's an order commander!
  119. [01:28] <lmTlLDE> Jul - Commander...?
  120. [01:28] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - Do it.
  121. [01:29] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - I hope you don't destroy any of those ships, my boys wouldn't be too happy you know.
  122. [01:29] <lmTlLDE> The SpecOps fleet emerge out of a portal and begin attacking
  123. [01:29] <GD12> Mortrig's ships shield's hold, being fully powered, as the rogues are mystified that the shiedling is holding.
  124. [01:29] <lmTlLDE> Several ships fall as the battle rages
  125. [01:30] <GD12> Mortrig laughs as his shields merely serve as spectators.
  126. [01:30] <lmTlLDE> Rogue shipmaster - What the... SpecOps! Those heretics shall not get in our way of disposing of Rhul!
  127. [01:30] <lmTlLDE> One by one, the SpecOps fleet disassemble the Rogue's.
  128. [01:31] <lmTlLDE> Jul lands from his ship with SpecOps troops, including Telcam'.
  129. [01:31] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - You arrived in time...
  130. [01:31] <lmTlLDE> Jul - For now we're safe, and what the hell happened?
  131. [01:33] <GD12> Mortrig - Nothing much.
  132. [01:33] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - A goddamn rogue fleet showed up, that's what happened.
  133. [01:33] <GD12> Mortrig - We've pinpointed the point from which they came from using our computers.
  134. [01:33] <GD12> Mortrig - perhaps you'd like to end this.
  135. [01:33] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - This is Mortrig, a friend of the RALA.
  136. [01:34] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - And yes, it's time to... Finish the fight.
  137. [01:34] <GD12> Mortrig - Perhaps you'd like to see the power of my fleets.
  138. [01:35] <GD12> Mortrig - You will provide the main ground forces and I will bring along vehicles and overseers.
  139. [01:35] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - Agreed.
  140. [01:35] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - Synthetors will support us with engineering, Hanaeris won't be taking part on this one...
  141. [01:35] <GD12> Mortrig - I will spectate.
  142. [01:36] <lmTlLDE> 4 days later...
  143. [01:36] <GD12> Mortrig - Show up with whatever forces you want.
  144. [01:36] <GD12> Mortrig has amassed a force of 500,00 ships, halft of the ships he has access to.
  145. [01:36] <GD12> *500,000
  146. [01:36] <GD12> Mortrig - Are your ships ready?
  147. [01:37] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - SpecOps! I stand here before you as we commence a FINAL battle to finish this longing fight! To destroy rebels who threaten our peace! For years they have killed our women, our children, our friends! Now it's time we repay them. Begin the offensive my men!
  148. [01:37] <GD12> Mortrig - Your men are on my ships, this commences when I want.
  149. [01:38] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - Once their fleets are down, we will show what a true SpecOps soldier IS!!!!
  150. [01:38] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - Prepare to drop....
  151. [01:38] <lmTlLDE> 500,000 pods drop onto the planet, beginning the ground offensive against the rogues.
  152. [01:39] <GD12> The Dominatus fleet exits hyperspace, and outnumbering and outlcassing the rogues by a giant factor, utterly smashes them in a small amount of time.
  153. [01:39] <lmTlLDE> Jul - Sir, all but 53 of the pods have made it.
  154. [01:39] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - They will be honoured in the aftermath.
  155. [01:40] <GD12> Mortrig and one million grox overseers, there just to spite the enemy, teleport down.
  156. [01:40] <lmTlLDE> Rogue infantry is slaughtered till the last man, who dies by his own hand rather than the SpecOps.
  157. [01:40] <GD12> Mortrig - Terminate them.
  158. [01:40] <GD12> Mortrig - My servants are your gods
  159. [01:40] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - There's squatters underground, take them out!
  160. [01:40] <GD12> Mortrig - No, let me handle this.
  161. [01:40] <GD12> Mortrig - Go back to the ships.
  162. [01:41] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - SpecOps, we have done enough today! Return to our ships!
  163. [01:41] <GD12> Once they are all on the ships, Rhul and Mortrig gather on the bridge of the devestator.
  164. [01:41] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - It's over...
  165. [01:41] <GD12> Mortrig - Have you seen a world destroyed?
  166. [01:42] <lmTlLDE> One, and that was only a field test...
  167. [01:42] <GD12> Mortrig - Did it merely render the world uninhabirable?
  168. [01:43] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - No... That planet became erased from history..
  169. [01:43] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - We are ready to dedicate our forces to your cause.
  170. [01:43] <GD12> Mortrig - Very well, watch this.
  171. [01:44] <GD12> The dark energy weaponry of the Vampire Class literally obliterates the planet, leaving nothing behind.
  172. [01:44] <GD12> Mortrig - That is true power.
  173. [01:45] <lmTlLDE> Rhul stares silently, before walking away.
  174. [01:45] <lmTlLDE> Rhul - We're ready.
  175. [01:45] <GD12> Mortrig - You are now instruments of my will.
  176. End.
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