
Working Methods Embodied By Ponies

Oct 28th, 2013
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  1. ===================================================================================================================
  2. Summary: Anon/ writefag asked for help in getting motivated to write. This is some options provided in a way anyone could enjoy.
  4. Posted in Thread 864
  5. ===================================================================================================================
  7. >Man, today is boring.
  8. >Every weekday is boring.
  9. >Dare you say you miss work?
  10. >Not having to do anything all day is great, but everyone else is busy.
  11. >And there’s a part of you that feels empty from not contributing.
  12. >Ugh, this feeling sucks. How did things get like this?
  13. >Why didn’t they ever teach you about this in school?
  15. >Your whole body just feels lethargic.
  16. >If only there was a way to spice things up, to kick start everything.
  17. >Maybe visiting your friends will help.
  18. >Sure they’re working today, but you’ve caught them slacking off or having some downtime before.
  19. >Let’s start with Rarity. She’s either running herself ragged with work, or going just as crazy as you with nothing to do.
  20. >It’s a 50/50 shot.
  22. >Opening the doors to her little shop, the bell rings out, but there’s no Rarity to greet you.
  23. >It’s not unusual for her to be in the back or upstairs, but normally she quickly comes in with her little catchphrase.
  24. >The steady ticking of her sewing machine confirms your fears.
  25. >”RAH!, This simply won’t do!”
  26. >Uh-oh. If Rarity is shouting that means she was probably up all night working.
  27. >She could probably use a break for her own health.
  29. >Daring to enter the designer’s den, you find the room absolutely littered with fabrics and colors.
  30. >Her once perfect mane now possessed split ends. Any other day that would be enough for her to freak out.
  31. >You’ve come this far, might as well chance it.
  32. “Hey there Rarity. Keeping busy?”
  33. >She snaps her eyes up from the latest piece, and blinks a few quick times before bumping her mane with her hoof in a vain attempt to compose herself.
  34. >”Heehee. Hello there, Anonymous, I didn’t hear you come in.”
  37. >She practically throws the sewing machine to the side, and steps over the minefield of cloth to get to you.
  38. >”Can I do something for you, dear?”
  39. “I was just seeing if you want to go grab a bite to eat, and maybe talk a little.”
  40. >Before you could even finish the sentence she was already shaking her head no.
  41. >Her closed eyes and weary smile suggests she was sad to do so.
  42. >Opening her eyes once more she turns to face the mess behind her before returning her gaze to you.
  44. >”I’m sorry Anonymous, but I REALLY must get this order done. Would you take a rain check? I will be done tomorrow, and I would love to try out that new diner down the street.”
  45. “It looks like you’ve been at it nonstop. Are you sure you don’t want to take a break?”
  46. >She gives an aggravated huff.
  47. >The work must be getting to her if she’s being this open about her frustration.
  48. >”Yes, it APPEARS my muse is hiding, but I’ll find her yet. And when I do I’ll drag her out!”
  49. “Don’t you creative types like to wait until inspiration hits?”
  51. >The snort she gives this time was light and quick; playful even. It was accompanied by a little ‘hmph’.
  52. >”Deadlines don’t wait for inspiration, darling. While it directs me at times, I do not have the luxury of being only an actor. Sometimes I need to ‘set the stage’ as it were.”
  53. “Set the stage? How so?”
  54. >She sweeps her front leg through the air, guiding your vision to the clutter all around you.
  55. >”By trying, of course. The dresses I’ve made so far may not be the answer, but eventually one of them will lead into something fabulous. Plus, all of the practice is good for the doyenne.”
  56. >Her usual flourish was returning with the explanation.
  57. >Her head bobs a little to each side as she waves about the room, emphasizing the performance her and her sewing machine gave last night.
  58. >The play ends as it normally does, with her putting a hoof to her chest, and looking up regally as she describes herself.
  61. >”But I must get back to work. Thanks for stopping by, Anonymous. Lunch tomorrow?”
  62. “Lunch sounds good. Alright, Rarity, I’ll cya tomorrow.”
  63. >”See you, darling.”
  64. >Rarity was a lot perkier than when you first came in.
  65. >It may not have been more than a few minutes, but the break really helped her.
  66. >She’ll be done tomorrow, and although that doesn’t solve your boredom today you have lunch to look forward to.
  68. >Well, that’s strike one. Who else is nearby?
  69. >Twilight and Pinkie are close. Rainbow Dash might be, but you’d have to find her first.
  70. >With your usual late morning wake up time, the midday rush is hitting Sugarcube Corner hard.
  71. >The library should be empty, but that girl never stops studying.
  72. >Maybe you could entice her somehow.
  73. >She loves magic, and she always wants to experiment on you.
  74. >Hmmmm. Is the potential trauma worth getting rid of your boredom?
  75. >Yes, yes it is.
  77. >Entering the library you sure enough find Twilight Sparkle with her nose in a book.
  78. >Every day it’s books with this mare. You’re going to hook up with that DJ-Pon3 chick and record an audio book for Twilight’s Christmas gift.
  79. >Then maybe she’d try to find another hobby.
  80. >What would be a good book to do?
  81. >”Oh, hello Anonymous. What brings you here? Not looking to cause any trouble I hope.”
  82. >Always so quick to judge. Et tu Twilight?
  84. “No trouble, I merely wanted to do some experiments.”
  85. >She pierces you with her glare, clearly suspicious of your intent.
  86. >”You never want to do experiments, Anon.”
  87. “I mean it. Come on, Twilight, hit me! Give it your best! Cone of Cold, Fireball; hell even a fear spell, I don’t care!”
  88. >Oh how the mighty have fallen.
  89. >You’ve gone plum crazy.
  90. >You’re going to die here. You just know it.
  93. >Her vision never lets up.
  94. >She’s not racing to torment you like you expected.
  95. >”You’re definitely up to something.”
  96. >How dumb can she be?
  97. “I’m not! I’m just soooooo borrrrrrrrred!”
  98. >Her face jumps to surprise.
  99. >”What?”
  100. >Srsly?
  101. “Bored, uninterested, not entertained, fatigued, tired.”
  102. >”If you’re tired then go to bed.”
  103. “I just woke up!”
  105. >”Then how can you be tired? I watched you race Rainbow Dash, play a game of hoofball, and then go out for a night of binge drinking all within the span of hours.”
  106. “Human’s are like diesel engines, Twilight.”
  107. >“Diesel engines?”
  108. “Never you mind. The point is, we take a while to start up, but once we get started we can go for hours without stopping.”
  109. >”Then you should go do something. It sounds like the problem is you have too much energy.”
  110. “But I don’t know what to do!”
  111. >She rolls her eyes, and lets out a sigh.
  113. >”You need a hobby, Anon.”
  115. “I have plenty of hobbies, thank you very much. I just can’t get myself to focus on them. So come on, chain lightening my ass and let’s see how many lights we can turn on.”
  116. >She’s not even listening to you. Instead she’s browsing her shelves like always.
  117. >”You know, when I have trouble starting I do something similar, but unrelated. Just a quick little thing for fun. When Celestia asked me to decode this spell, I could only get the first part. So, I played around with some of the spells I already knew that had the same beginning and that led into an epiphany.”
  118. >Finding whatever book she was looking for she levitates it to you.
  119. >’200 Completely Random and Unrelated Facts’
  120. >She must be a riot at Trivial Pursuit.
  123. “Thanks, but no thanks, Twilight. I don’t know if that’s going to work for me.”
  124. >She smiles and pushes the book closer towards you.
  125. >”You can go ahead and borrow it; you never know. If it doesn’t work you can bring it back, and maybe we can try some of those experiments.”
  126. “Why don’t we just do them right now?”
  127. >”Sorry Anon, but I’m on the verge of a huge breakthrough. How about tomorrow?”
  128. “Well tomorrow I’m going to go have lunch with Rarity. If you’re free you can come too.”
  129. >”Alright, I’ll be there.”
  130. “And no experimenting on me during lunch.”
  131. >She gives a soft hum, and a mischievous grin.
  132. >”No promises~.”
  133. >Why does she make it so easy for you to love to hate her?
  135. “I’ll let you get back to your thing then, but I swear to God, Twilight. If you turn my spoon into a fork when I’m trying to enjoy my soup again, Dewey Decimal and I are going to have a cage match.”
  136. >You’ll wreck her organization of the shelves so hard! Let her find all of her books then!
  137. >She only gives you a wave, and a grin like she was threatened by a declawed kitten.
  138. >”Bye, Anon.”
  139. >Bah.
  141. >There’s only one pony who can cheer you up from any mood.
  142. >Lunch rush be damned, you’re going to get your Pinkie on.
  143. >Wait where’s the line?
  144. >Why are the doors closed?
  145. >’Closed For Nony’
  146. >What kind of sign is this? What does it mean closed for you?
  147. >Is it saying you aren’t allowed in? Nuts to that!
  148. >You burst in through the door, finding no resistance to it.
  149. >The entire place is dark and quiet, there’s not a soul around.
  150. >The lights flash on and attack your eyes.
  151. >Ponies and confetti pop out from the seats.
  152. >”SURPRISE!”
  153. >They all yell from the booths, with Pinkie behind the counter.
  156. “What the— what’s this all about?”
  157. >The pink blur bounces towards you.
  158. >”Didn’t you hear us yell surprise, silly?”
  159. “Why though?”
  160. >Zipping up onto your shoulders, she makes herself comfortable.
  161. >”Well I was in the back making all sorts of goodies when my body started to shake. My ears flapped but they didn’t flop, that’s the important part, and my face got all twitchy and jerked to the right like I had to sneeze, but I didn’t have to sneeze. So, that’s how I knew you were coming to visit your good friend Pinkie Pie.”
  162. >Did she have to repeat every motion from on top of you?
  163. >You can’t believe you’re saying this, but you can follow her explanation.
  164. “But why the surprise?”
  165. >”Oh that’s easy. Sometimes I do have to sneeze, but my face doesn’t get twitchy, it gets itchy. Since I didn’t sneeze, my Pinkie sense told me you were kinda down, so I had everyone hide and we threw you a little welcoming party.”
  166. “You just said that those signs meant I was coming to visit.”
  167. >”Noooo, I said that you needed your friend Pinkie. My ears flapping, but not flopping let me know it was you coming. I told you that was the important part. “
  168. >Sometimes you pine for the normalcy of your people, but you would be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy her antics.
  170. >Reaching up with your hands, you grab the pink puff on your back, and lift her off of you.
  171. >Still in your grasp you bring her in front of you and look into her sparkling eyes and carbonated face.
  172. >You offer a soft reply, both teasing and a statement of facts.
  173. “You’re nutty.”
  174. >Exchanging no other words you bring her in towards your chest, and, in-turn, she wraps her hooves around you.
  175. >Everyone else goes back to their food as if nothing had happened.
  178. >After a moment you set the peppy pony down.
  179. >She skedaddles back to her place behind the counter and waves you over.
  180. >”What’ll it be Nony~?”
  181. >Not a one of the assortment of treats qualified as an appropriate breakfast, but how could you say no?
  182. >The hard part was picking one.
  183. “How do you make so many different kinds of baked goods? Not only that, they are all delicious.”
  184. >Pinkie’s face cracks in half from the wide smile. She always loves it when you compliment her food.
  185. >All sorts of shapes and sizes fill the display. Desserts of all styles seek your taste buds, from flavors of home to ones you’ve never even imagined before.
  186. “Seriously, how do you find out that kiwi and mangos go together? You’re like a baking genius.”
  188. >”It’s not only little ol’ me. I learned a lot from other bakers around the world. I see what they did, hear what they tried, and it just lights a spark in me. I can hardly control it, and it makes me feel all warm and tingly. Then, when I share it ponies tell me what they think, and I can make it even better next time.”
  189. >You wish you could have that fire right now.
  190. “That’s special.”
  191. >”Nony, my special talent is making ponies happy, not baking. Anypony could do it. You should try Mrs. Cake’s marble cake.”
  192. >Maybe you will.
  193. “Alright, I’ll have a slice of the cake, Pinkie.”
  194. >”Coming right up~”
  196. >No sooner had she disappeared than a plate with a piece of cake, an éclair, part of a donut, and a dab of chocolate mousse clanged onto the counter.
  197. >Sometimes you wonder who really is the fastest in Ponyville.
  198. >Pinkie is looking up at you with her signature cheer.
  199. “This is a lot more than I expected.”
  200. >”It’s a specialty. Something I picked up here and there.”
  201. >Her sing song voice murmured the last part.
  202. >it gave the telltale sign that she was remembering something poignantly relevant.
  205. >Before you pick up your plate you thumb through the book Twilight gave you.
  206. >Maybe you could be poignant too.
  207. “The common buzzard has a 109–136 cm (43–54 in) wingspan.”
  208. >Nope.
  209. >Pinkie giggles at your mix of wistful stare and mundane fact.
  210. >You merely start shoving cake in your mouth. It’ll taste better than your foot.
  213. >All of the flavors dance wildly, yet in some sort of insane choreography.
  214. >Pinkie can clearly read the satisfaction on your face.
  215. >”Glad you like it, Nony. You need to take a seat, though. Ponies are waiting.”
  216. >The line behind you can go to hell, but you don’t want to make things difficult for Pinkie.
  217. >Remembering why you’re here, you delay for a little longer.
  219. “Say, Pinkie. Wanna go out and have some fun this afternoon?”
  220. >The lively mare turns to a posture of defeat. Still energetic, but apologetic.
  221. >”Sorry, but I promised I’d watch the twins today. I can’t leave the store, but I hope the surprise cheered you up.”
  222. >Damn, that’s 3 for 3. If you followed any sports you could make some sort of reference here.
  223. >Pinkie has already done more than enough for you, anyway.
  224. “That’s fine. You want to join me and the gang for lunch tomorrow?”
  225. >”SURE!”
  226. >Rebounding to her happy self she practically jumps at the offer.
  227. >That settles that. Best get out of the way then.
  228. “Cya tomorrow, Pinkie.”
  229. >”Bye bye Nony.”
  231. >With the sweetest of foods now in your belly you were full of energy for the day.
  232. >Which made your current situation worse.
  233. >All this energy and nothing to spend it on.
  234. >If you do a few little things here and there you might start to burn some, but that would take forever.
  235. >Let’s stick with the plan.
  236. >With your current supercharge, hunting down Rainbow sounds like a good idea.
  239. >You haven’t seen any streaks of skittles lately, so that meant she was probably taking a nap somewhere.
  240. >Clouds or trees?
  241. >The sky above is clear, eliminating the first option.
  242. >Time to go find a tree with tassels.
  244. >Every tree in Ponyville was as blank as the Cutie Mark Crusaders butts.
  245. >Heading out passed the outskirts of town you find a hint of yellow lying against a tree.
  246. >Getting closer the color orange separates from the bark it was once blending into.
  247. >Shifting to the side the hues of green and blue give away your target.
  248. >Settled across the thick branch sleeps the blue Pegasus, with her snout pointed towards you and her rear towards the tree.
  249. >She could sleep all day and still be out like a light.
  250. >Time to mess with her.
  252. >The lack of low branches makes the initial climb difficult, but you make it up to where Rainbow Dash is sleeping.
  253. >Precariously positioned, you sit on the branch beneath hers, and grab the edge.
  254. >Possessed by the powers of leverage, you twist both hands tightly and ready your muscles.
  255. >You shake the shit out of that branch.
  257. >She shoots up instantly from the trembling.
  258. >A panicked Rainbow clings on for dear life.
  259. >For the grand finale you pull the branch as far down as possible.
  260. >Her eyes fall on you, and she growls at you.
  261. >”Anony—“
  262. >Before she can finish you let the branch loose, and it snaps back into position.
  263. >Like a sling shot, Rainbow is thrown further up into the tree, embedding herself in the heavy foliage.
  265. >While you laugh a blue dive kick strikes your own branch.
  266. >The damaged limb gives the comically slow creak inhabited by all cartoons.
  267. >In a matter of seconds your own seat leaves you, and gravity takes over.
  268. >You’ve done this dance too many times, your bruised buttocks stinging from the ground.
  271. “Ow. Always with the violence.”
  272. >”Serves ya right.”
  273. “Just having some fun.”
  274. >Rainbow hovers overhead, her natural demeanor returning.
  275. >”What’s up, Anon?”
  276. “Not much, Dash. Slacking off again?”
  277. >”I was only taking a break. It’s been a slow day.”
  278. >Huzzah.
  280. “Cool. Hey, you want to hang out and do something?”
  281. >”Sure. Like what?”
  282. >Crap, you didn’t plan this far ahead.
  283. “I don’t know. What do you want to do?”
  284. >”Iunno.”
  285. >She only offers a shrug and mumbles an equally indecisive reply.
  286. >Balls.
  288. “We can think of something. Got any ideas to start with?”
  289. >”That’s not really my thing. I just do what I feel like at the time.”
  290. >Ah, a kindred spirit. That’s why you like hanging out with Dash.
  291. “I hear ya. So what are you in the mood for?”
  292. >”Nothing really. Kinda bored.”
  293. >This mare.
  294. “You and me are a real pair of diesel engines.”
  295. >”Diesel what now?”
  296. “Not important. You want to go hang with Flutters? Rarity, Twilight, and Pinkie are all busy working; and you know Applejack probably is too.”
  297. >”Hee, yeah. Wait, horsefeathers!”
  298. >Every fiber of Rainbow tenses up, and she narrows her body for takeoff.
  300. “What?”
  301. >”I forgot about our meeting at work! Gotta go, Anon!”
  302. >She’s already starting to head out, the trail of her flight path heading towards Cloudsdale.
  303. >You could still talk with her if you yelled.
  304. “DASH!”
  305. >”YEAH?”
  307. >”KAY!”
  308. >She shortly went out of sight, leaving you with your book and the broken branch.
  310. >You’re practically here already, might as well see what Fluttershy is up to.
  311. >A gentle song is comes from inside the small cottage.
  312. >The lyrics are hard to make out, and you can’t say if they even are words or just noises.
  313. >A swift razzamatazz on the door with your knuckles cuts the song short.
  314. >The slow hoof steps approach the door from the other side and open the wooden barrier.
  315. >She flinches in shock, not expecting to see you.
  318. >”Oh, hello Anonymous.”
  319. “Hey Fluttershy. How’s it going?”
  320. >”It’s, uh, good. How are you?”
  321. “Doing okay. Came to see what you were up to.”
  322. >”Oh.”
  323. >She doesn’t pick up on your indirect question, and a few awkward seconds go by.
  324. >Her social skills need some work.
  325. >Fluttershy snaps to, still completely ignoring your last sentence.
  326. >”Ah, I’m being a terrible host. Sorry, please, please, come in.”
  328. >Following her lead into the sitting room, you take a spot on her couch next to Angle Bunny.
  329. >He doesn’t bother to look up from the newspaper. Little shit.
  330. “So, what are you doing today, Fluttershy?”
  331. >She leaves the room, and heads into the kitchen.
  332. >You can hear her fiddling with some pots and pans.
  333. >”I’m just doing a little cleaning. Do you want sugar with your tea?”
  334. “Sure.”
  336. >While you wait, you gaze at the wreckage Fluttershy calls a home.
  337. >Food and beds for various animals are all over the place, along with toys and medical supplies.
  338. >Through some wonder she is able to clean the place to an acceptable level, but she has quite a way to go.
  339. “Appears you have a long day ahead of you.”
  340. >Hmmm, that came out kind of rude.
  341. “Need any help?”
  342. >Coming back with the plate of tea and two teacups, she sets them on the table.
  343. >”No, I’m fine, thanks. I wouldn’t want you to miss out on such a nice day.”
  344. “You sure? It would be no trouble, I’m actually really bored.”
  345. >So bored, in fact, you actually offered to help clean.
  346. >You got it bad.
  348. “I know it can’t be fun to clean alone.”
  349. >She hands you a cup, and picks up her own.
  350. >A simple cozy smile comes across her face.
  351. >”It’s not always fun, but then I go to my happy place. I get to think about how great things are, and the possibilities ahead, and that makes me glad. Sometimes I sing and the animals join in. It really helps clear my head.”
  352. >And here you thought she was just about animals.
  355. >”After all the stress goes away it’s easy to enjoy the day. It makes difficult things like talking with new ponies not so scary. Why, I don’t know what I would do without a little peace and quiet each day.”
  356. >Okay, nature CD for Fluttershy on Christmas.
  357. >You don’t own one of those. Maybe you’ll record yourself doing some bird noises.
  358. >Given your acting that would sound awful. Wonder if you can get that DJ to set up her recording stuff in the woods.
  359. >It all runs on magic anyway.
  361. >”Not to say I don’t enjoy your company or anything.”
  362. “No offense taken.”
  363. >Despite no end in sight for your boredom, the quiet time with Fluttershy is relaxing.
  364. “You know, I never really noticed how peaceful it is out here. I figured you were still close enough to town to hear all of the hustle and bustle.”
  365. >Fluttershy has sunk into her chair, enjoying the warmth of her tea.
  366. >”It is nice.”
  367. >It you’re not careful both of you might end up falling asleep.
  368. >Guess you’ll try your luck with Applejack.
  370. >You set your teacup on the tray, and pick it up off the table.
  371. >Walking over to her, you offer your empty hand in request for her empty mug.
  372. >”Oh, no, I’ll get it.”
  373. >Reaching for the cup, you grab it and she lets go without a fight.
  374. “No worries.”
  375. >Taking the plate to the kitchen, you set it down by the sink and return to the front room.
  376. >Making your way towards the door, you wait to make your exit.
  378. “Hey, Fluttershy.”
  379. >”Yes?”
  380. “You free tomorrow?”
  381. >”Um, I should be.”
  382. >She didn’t sound like she was willing to commit, but you want her to be with her friends too.
  383. “The group’s gonna have lunch down at that new diner in town. You should come too.”
  384. >”Oh, o-okay Anonymous.”
  387. >Not sure why that made her nervous.
  388. >She gets invited to stuff all the time.
  389. >You have just the thing for this.
  390. “Did you know the common buzzard has a 109–136 cm (43–54 in) wingspan?”
  391. >”Um…yes.”
  392. >Solid.
  393. “Alright, I’ll meet ya at the diner.”
  394. >She gives a light wave as you walk out the door.
  395. >”Bye Anonymous.”
  397. >That’s 5 for 6, and Applejack is the least likely of them all to be free.
  398. >If nothing else, you ate up most of the day already.
  399. >The journey from Ponyville to Sweet Apple Acres takes up even more of the sunlight.
  400. >Spotting diligent orange by the barn you make your way up the hill.
  401. >As she pulls a plow towards the open doors she catches you coming.
  402. >”Hey there partner. Mind lending a hoof?”
  403. >You didn’t even offer yet. Eager for some free help aren’t we Applejack?
  404. >Stepping behind her, you lift the plow off the ground and follow her inside.
  406. >There’ barely anything to the barn floor; just a thin layer of wood, and some patches of dirt.
  407. >Various tools and farm supplies are on the shelves or hanging on the walls.
  408. >Bags of seeds and hay are lumped in piles on the ground.
  409. “What’s with all the hay? Winter isn’t even close. Stocking up early?”
  410. >She chuckles for no apparent reason.
  411. >”That’s straw, Anon. Common mistake fer a city slicker like you.”
  412. >Well excuse you for not being an expert on grass.
  413. >It’s not your fault your glorious digestive system hates the stuff.
  415. “Straw, hay, whatever. It’s baled grass.”
  416. >”Wrong again, that there is barley and oat stems.”
  417. “I stand by my statement. Grass is grass.”
  418. >”Ah figured one who enjoys their alcohol as much as you would be a lil’ more appreciative of barley.”
  419. >Why did it have to be Applejack that was the only one who could hold her liquor?
  422. >Rainbow Dash always went out after a few.
  423. >You need to hang out with that purple mare you keep seeing at the bar.
  424. “You’re awfully snippy for someone needing a hand.”
  425. >She actually is a little taken aback by that, but quickly recovers.
  426. >”Now what’s got yer creepers all sour? Usually yer all about the back n forth. Ya just wakin’ up from one of yer ‘human hangovers’?”
  427. >NO! You refuse to believe her lies about horses being able to cope with alcohol better.
  429. “Alright, Ms. Fancypants, when you drink more than me I’ll let you talk all you want.”
  430. >She just gives a flick of her tail as she walks back out of the barn.
  431. >”Maybe when Ah ain’t so busy the next mornin’ we’ll have a proper go at it.”
  432. >Pfft.
  433. “You’re always busy the next morning.”
  434. >”Just you wait till winter.”
  435. >Oh you are going to enjoy that race.
  438. >It’s fun to have these little exchanges from time to time.
  439. >Applejack is mentally sharper than she lets on, but you’re no knob either.
  440. “And what are you up to today, besides, you know, farm stuff.”
  441. >She laughs at your choice of words again.
  442. >”When ya say it like that what else is there?”
  443. “I don’t know. Maybe fun.”
  444. >”Now Ah’m thinkin’ you mean ta say all Ah do is work.”
  445. “I didn’t say that, you said that.”
  446. >”Ah’ll have you know I have plenty of fun; just not when there’s stuff ta do.”
  448. >You hold out your hand and start counting fingers.
  449. “Any time I see you, you’re either; working the farm, working the stall, going on some crazy adventure, or entering a FARM RELATED competition.”
  450. >Applejack gives you a deadpan stare.
  451. >”Ya wound me, Anon. Of course Ah do nothin’ but work during workin’ hours. From sun up till sun down there’s plenty ta do, but at night Ah get to relax and have fun just like anypony else. The farm keeps me busy, but it’s good ta me too.”
  452. >Who works from dusk to dawn anymore?
  455. “How do you do it? How do you wake up and work that long every single day?”
  456. >”That’s easy. Routine.”
  457. “Routine?”
  458. >”Yup. Ah couldn’t sleep in if Ah wanted to knowing there was stuff that needed to be done. My body just wouldn’t do it. It’s become like second nature.”
  459. “So you do the same thing every day, and it just stuck? And now you can’t help yourself?”
  460. >”Pretty much.”
  461. “Sounds boring. What point is there in waking up if you know everything is going to be the same?”
  462. >”Parts may be the same, but every day is still different. It may sound like everything is planned out, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.”
  464. >Wonder if she still gets bored, too?
  465. >Probably. She’s just like everyone else after-all.
  466. >Her methods still sound kind of….rigorous.
  467. >In all fairness, she is having an easier time than Rarity right now.
  468. >Poor girl.
  469. >That’s not to say AJ couldn’t use a break every now and then.
  471. “How about tomorrow you free up some time in your schedule, and come to town for lunch?”
  472. >”Ya buyin’?”
  473. >HA.
  474. “Fat chance freeloader.”
  475. >She gives you a jab in your side with her front hoof.
  476. >”Remind me who stayed where when you first arrived.”
  477. >She swung at your pitch. Poor AJ, always so predictable.
  478. >Time for the free throw.
  479. “Tell ya what, if you can out drink that purple mare at the bar this weekend I’ll pay for lunch AND the drinks.”
  480. >”You mean Berry? Yer on!”
  482. >Easiest wingmare yet.
  484. >”Just do me a favor, Anon.”
  485. “Yeah what’s that?”
  486. >The playfulness left her, and she looks uncertain about something.
  487. >”Don’t come ta the farm the day after.”
  488. >Huh?
  489. >She rushes to continue.
  490. >”It’s not that I don’t like havin’ ya around or nothin’, but you know what they say about habits. Hard to make, easy to break. Ah can’t risk this one breakin’, so just give me a day in-between.”
  491. >Damn. That came out of nowhere.
  494. >You suppose that’s fine. If the method works for her it works for her.
  495. “Okay.”
  496. >She shoots back up to her normal self.
  497. >”Unless ya wanna help out ‘round here. We got plenty of things you could do. Maybe Ah’ll even let ya and Applebloom sell our stock in town.”
  498. >Regardless of what you said earlier, you didn’t miss working THAT much.
  499. “I’ll pass.”
  500. >”Haha, figured ya would. Now it’s getting’ dark, so you should get headin’ on back.”
  502. >She leers at you in a way that makes you a little worried.
  503. >”Unless ya wanna stay an’ find out what a farm gal does fer fun.”
  504. >She’s challenging you like it’s some kind of dare.
  505. >Before you can respond to her threat, she slugs ya again and laughs.
  506. >”Ah’m jus’ teasin’ ya. Ah’ll cya in town tomorra.”
  507. >It’s always in the same spot, God damn.
  508. “I’m sure it’s something dull anyway. If you want to step up to a real good time stop by my house one night. You got time in the winter, right?”
  509. >Yeah, that’s right. Two can play that game.
  510. “Maybe Ah will.”
  512. >Seems winter wont suck here after-all.
  513. >Shit, it really is getting late. Better head home.
  514. “By the way, we’re all meeting at the new diner.”
  515. >”Sounds like a plan, Anon.”
  516. “See ya there.”
  517. >”Bye.”
  519. >Phew, home sweet home.
  520. >A little small and a little dirty, but it was yours.
  521. >And a little cold. Why was your window open?
  523. >Holy tap dancing Christ on a cracker!
  524. >That voice came from nowhere! Your house is haunted!
  525. >A dark figure lurches from its place in the shadows.
  526. >It’s not haunted! You’re being robbed!
  528. >Madly looking for the lights, you finally reveal the midnight princess.
  529. >Your heart slams against your chest time and time again, trying to escape.
  530. >First thing tomorrow you’re making a club out of that branch Rainbow broke.
  531. “Luna! What are you doing in my house?!”
  532. >”We have heard thou was bored, and came to entertain you.”
  533. >What? Why is gossip so strong in this world?
  536. “So you broke into my house?”
  537. >”We did not break in. The door was unlocked.”
  538. >But the window…
  539. >Wait, just imagine her trying to fit through your window.
  540. >She’d get stuck half way through.
  541. >You’d have half a Luna inside and outside of your house.
  542. >Imagine the audacity of that situation.
  543. >Really imagine it.
  544. >Do it.
  547. >Stop doing it.
  548. “As flattering as that is, Luna, I’ve had a big long day of nothing.”
  549. >”But you could start doing something now. The whole night is ahead of us.”
  550. “I’m kind of tired, and I have plans tomorrow.”
  551. >”We have regaled many ponies in the past as they set to their task while weary from exhaustion. Some even said it was their best work.”
  552. “So you think it’s a good idea I do something while extremely tired? OSHA would love you. What’s your stance on operating heavy machinery?”
  553. >”What is an OSHA?”
  554. “There’s a connection to diesel engines in there somewhere, but I’m too beat to bother.”
  555. >”Diesel engines? We are sorry, we do not follow.”
  557. >You’re rambling. She’ll never understand with your current condition.
  558. “How about I explain everything tomorrow over lunch, when I’ve had some sleep. All of the elements will be there, as well.”
  559. >She offers you a look like you just said something ridiculous.
  560. >”Anonymous, we are the Princess of the Night.”
  561. “Oh come on, what’s a little sleep deprivation? You know, some have told me their best lunch was when they were tired.”
  562. >She didn’t seem to enjoy that as much as you did.
  563. >Her loss.
  564. “It’ll be fun.”
  565. >”Sorry, Anonymous, but we have our duties.”
  566. “Some other time, then?”
  567. >”Some other time.”
  569. “Okay, Luna, I’m going to go get some sleep.”
  570. >”Fare thee well.”
  571. “And stay out of my dreams, will ya.”
  572. >”I am the night!”
  573. >She just takes off right through your window.
  574. >How did she even do that?
  575. >Oh, right. Magic.
  578. >Locking up your house, you settle into bed.
  579. >In some odd way you felt you did a lot today, and yet you also felt like you did nothing at all.
  580. >Tomorrow you’ll get started on something big for sure; something to pour yourself into.
  581. >You can’t say for sure which method works best for you, but you have a wide selection to choose from.
  582. >One day you’ll find the perfect match. Maybe a mix of them.
  583. >But now sleep.
  584. >You’re not procrastinating; you have to be rested for lunch tomorrow.
  585. >Because despite the various methods there’s one truth to them all.
  586. >Life comes first.
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