
A.i.E : Part 1

Jun 26th, 2012
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  1. >your eyes lift slowly, though consciously you do nothing to push them upward.
  2. >wherever you are, it's very bright. A swarm of pastel colors assault your vision, which blurs a fair bit in response
  3. >it stings a bit, so you naturally raise your arm to block the light.
  4. >you sit up slowly, arm still over your eyes, but a bit more distanced now as you take a few seconds to "wake up"
  5. >as you finish your normal routine of coming out of sleep, you lower your arm.
  6. >you begin to stretch as your eyes start to focus in on where you are, however, what you see when the focus kicks in makes your movement cease immediately.
  7. >you're alone in a field of grass.
  8. >except there's something profoundly different about where you are
  9. >everything in thsi world appears as if it is a cartoon.
  10. >you blink instinctually a few times, attempting to make sense of where you exactly are, or how you got here.
  11. >sadly, you cannot reach far enough into your memory to remember exactly how you got here.
  12. >come to think of it, you can't really remember who *you* are.
  14. >standing up, you rub your eyes sleepily, still not believing you are in a pastel coloured, cartoon field in the middle of nowhere
  15. >come to think of it, you can't say that you are in the middle of nowhere with any reasonable certainty, tehcnically speaking, because you have no idea where it is that you are.
  16. >you finish your stretching and decide to get moving and try to find somebody who can help you.
  17. >you find a dirt road to follow after a short walk across the field.
  18. >as you stride down the winding, straight road, you examine your surrounding with more attention to detail. You see that everything around you is presented in a cartoony way.
  19. >the grass is all one shade of light green, the sky is a pastel blue as well. Everything else is pretty much the normal color you would expect it to be, too.
  20. >the walk continues on for a while, nothing happening
  22. >you have been walking along this road for a few hours. With no end in sight, you begin to wonder whether you're in some kind of coma, or on an acid trip gone wrong.
  23. >or maybe you're dead. Cursed to walk along a cartoonized dirt road for the rest of your existance.
  24. >as you continue your depressing train of thought, you spot something out of the top right-hand corner of your eyes
  25. >the perfectly white clouds above float along calmly, and you move your eyes away from the spot, dismissing it as nothing.
  26. >but then you see it again out of the corner of your eye. You're sure that something is up there, but you can't entirely see what
  27. >you refuse to take your eyes off of it this time, standing in place, looking to the cloud.
  28. >and then you see it, darting through the cloud you had been looking at and reducing it to white wisps in the sky before flying just as quickly as it had come to another cloud not very far away.
  29. >now you know you aren't crazy and that you had actually seen it.
  30. >too bad you can't tell what "it" is.
  32. >All you can tell about it is that it can move at inconceivable speeds and can destroy clouds at this point.
  33. >your eyes follow whatever it is up until the point where you lose sight of it in a field of clouds.
  34. >throughout the time you were watching it, it had repeated the same task of destroying the clouds by barreling into them, at least that's how it appeared to you.
  35. >you slowly start back down the dirt path, wondering just exactly what that thing was while keeping your eyes trained to the sky, looking for any more of the things.
  36. >as time begins to pass on, your eyes slowly drift away from the bright blue sky and back to the tan and brown of the dirt road.
  37. >you begin to scan the road ahead for any sign of life, without success, of course.
  38. >this method continues for quite a few more hours
  40. >you've been walking on this abondoned dirt road inside a cartoon fantasy world for what seemed like ages, although it was probably about a half-day.
  41. >you wonder if you are ever going to find your way back to civilization, if there is any, in this nightmarishly idealistic realm.
  42. >the sun is lowering in the sky, and you worry that you may be stuck out here at night.
  43. >that thought is aplifyed quite a bit, because as you go on, the road narrows and more and more trees begin to encroach on the path
  44. >your fears are confirmed as now you walk on a path that has less than an arms-length of width, surrounded by trees.
  45. >light is beginning to become scarce as you push on, but you can still make out how drastically different this place seems in comparison to the dirt road you had been walking on before.
  46. >the pastel colors have now been degraded into a depressed gray and brownish mess, blue hightlighting the outlined shape of almost everything here.
  47. >something different catches you eye, however as you pass it and double back for a better look at it.
  48. >It's a sign. You struggle to read it in this light, and move forward for a closer look at it.
  49. >"BEWARE! You are now entering the Eve-"
  50. >you cannot make out the rest though, as the sign looks thoroughly aged and whatever has been used to write on it has been worn away over the years it has been here.
  52. >you decide against heading into whatever that forest is at night with no light, and set up your best attempt at a makeshift camp off to the side of the road in a clearing.
  53. >as you settle into your improvised bed, under the night time sky, you begin to hope that this is some dream, and that you are still at home, wherever your home was, exactly, sleeping in bed.
  54. >come to think of it, how exactly has it come to be that you remember nearly everything about making a camp, yet can't remember how you learned these things?
  55. >these thoughts, among many others, flood your mind until you slip into sleep.
  57. >your eyes shoot open, adjusting to the slight amount of moonlight reaching in through the canopy of trees above you slowly.
  58. >you hear something not far from you, and shoot up into a crouched position.
  59. >hopefully your eyes can adjust to the light before whatever you're hearing finds you.
  60. >sight slowly returns to you, revealing to you more and more of the clearing you had familiarized yourself with to a minimal extent as you made camp.
  61. >as you scan for the origin of the noise, you slowly begin to search, careful to make as little noise as possible.
  62. >then, another sound hits your ears, except this time, it is a roar.
  63. >suddenly you are thrown onto your shoulder and off your legs as something hurls itself into you.
  64. >a flash of immeasurable pain hits you next, as the thing on top of you claws at your left shoulder
  65. >yelling, you throw the thing off of you and clutch at the wound
  66. >sadly, the thing doesn't seem to be deterred very much, as it jumps onto you when you roll onto your back
  67. >it starts attacking you when you put your arms up to block any swipes at your face
  68. >you surmise that this has to be some form of lion, or something, but you don't have time to think about it much as it keeps swiping at your head
  69. >you figure you have to do something now, or you're fucked.
  70. >shifting your weight, you tip the thing off of you in-between attempts to maul your face and onto the ground, trying as quickly as possible to get to your feet.
  71. >you get up just as soon as the lion, thing, leaps at you. This time however you have sidestepped it, leaving it slightly confused as to what has happened.
  72. >the gravity that you just sidestepped an animal that you should, in reality, have absolutely no business fighting hasn't hit you though, so you subconsciously charge back at it, kicking it in the stomach as hard as you possibly can.
  73. >for all your trouble kicking it though, you are gifted with a yelp, and as the thing scrambles away into the forest, you realize that it most likely wasn't even realtively close to full age, judging by size.
  75. >by the next morning, you have moved your camp back into the grassland, and hopefully away from the potential threats of the forest.
  76. >you had thought as you had ripped a section of your shirt and fashioned it into a bandage for your flesh wound, that maybe being attacked by that thing had an upside, considering the fact that you now knew that you were not alone in this place.
  77. >but now that you think about it again, being alone would be better than being surrounded by a bunch of predators who take you as easy prey.
  78. >you get up from the grassy ground where you have set up another makeshift bed, setting off to forage for something to eat.
  80. >your hunt for food went rather well. You found several apple trees scattered about the area and brought as many as you could carry back to camp.
  81. >you had finished off the apples a while ago, and after a couple of trips out for firewood and another sleeve from your shirt torn for your wound, you sit down on the ground with an enormous sigh.
  82. >as you sit there, surrounded by the momentary calmness which contrasted the evil forest beyond it, you think about your situation, wondering who you are, where you are, and how to get out of this terrifying, easter coloured nightmare.
  83. >you spit on the last embers of the fire you had let burn out after dinner, and now, as the sun sets, you lay down to sleep, hoping with all of your heart that you will wake up tommorow and that this will have all been a bad dream.
  85. >your eyes groggily lift, giving way to some light.
  86. >you lift yourself up out of your sleep, tiredly trying to stretch your aching limbs
  87. >until the cold touch of metal on your arms causes you to recoil in shock
  88. >your eyes dart open and you become much more aware of your current situation as you attempt to move your head to confirm it
  89. >although it is too dark to see it, you can tell by the touch of your hands where you are
  90. >you are inside a covered metal cage
  92. >you feel movement shake your metal cage, sliding around and clunking against the walls of whatever you were inside
  93. >you attempt to call for help by yelling, knowing that it is a terrible idea and that it more than likely will result with you in more trouble with your captors, but you cannot help
  94. >this yelling is continued for about ten minutes before you stop yourself and decide against the waste of energy.
  95. >you can't believe that you had been so careless as to be captured in your sleep without even a fight. you are extremely angry, at what you don't know.
  96. >you drift back into a nervous rest as your cage continues to shift back and forth
  98. >your started up as you feel your cage slam against something hard and solid
  99. >it remains quiet for a couple of minutes, as you lay still in eager anticipation of confronting your captor face to face
  100. >suddenly you hear a creak, and the cloth covering your cage is lightened slightly, light coming through it slightly
  101. >you feel your cage being lifted slowly into the air and being moved.
  102. >funny thing is, you don't see the shadow of anyone looming over you.
  103. >the only sound you can really hear is the crunch of feet on the ground as you travel to whatever destination you are headed inside your small, improvised jail cell.
  105. >the temperature has dropped significaintly in your still covered cage as the air has now become much more humid.
  106. >the light penetrating through the cloth went out a while ago, and the only sound you could hear was a steady clicking, almost as if someone had dress shoes on and was walking on cement
  107. >except there were 4 clicks. You had figured that it was two people, holding up your cage, but there was no way to be sure if there weren't more.
  108. >you soon found out as the feeling of descent overtakes you.
  109. >the clicking continues as you continue to descend what you would have to assume is a staircase. The steps sound much more solid now, though.
  110. >when you do level out, you continue for about 30 seconds before the door to your cage swings open and you barrel through the temporary exit, rolling onto the floor.
  111. >and just like that you are knocked unconscious
  113. >when you come to, you grasp at the ground and jump up with a start
  114. >you are in a dirty looking, brown room. As has been the fashion lately, it is drawn as if it a cartoon.
  115. >however to your surprise, the room is quite busy.
  116. >you see some weird cartoon, horse, thing running around. You think he had some sort of glowing, stick coming out of his head.
  117. >and then you see another
  118. >and another
  119. >and another
  120. >it's quite the sight to take in, seeing all these different coloured, cartoon horse, things. At least you think they're horses. They have hooves, and snouts, and tails.
  121. >yeah, they're probably horses.
  122. >before you can figure out what they are for sure, you've began to be pushed forward by a rather large male looking one
  123. >"Move, freak."
  124. >normally you would object but you figure that this many.. whatever these things are could give you a tough physical obstacle to overcome, and you were in no condition to fight with your shoulder injury.
  126. >the horse-thing that was pushing you can now be found on your side.
  127. >He leads you forward, but you can't help but try to understand *what* exactly he is.
  128. >you see he has hooves, and the other stuff the other ponies have. Except this one doesn't have one of those sticks sticking out of his forehead.
  129. >you also notice he has some sort of symbol on his ass
  130. >that's the closest look at his ass you're comfortable with however, as you follow him to wherever he seems to be leading you.
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