
Follow My Lead (ch1)

Sep 16th, 2018
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  4. Written immediately after seeing episode 10. I've been dying for weeks to write for these two. I hope I do them justice.
  6. Disclaimer: I do not own Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight.
  8. -----------
  10. Follow My Lead
  11. Chapter 1.
  13. The walk to exit the auditorium is arduous, considering the entrance had been a graceful, if not unprecedented descent. The red glow of the Top Star tiara glimmers dimly behind them.
  15. The curtain falls, figuratively if not literally, on their chances to become Top Star; be it separately or together, now they'll never know.
  17. They'd left their weapons behind, swords crossed at the corner of the stage, a symbol of their effort, their teamwork, their passion; sharp, beautiful, and together.
  19. Their hands have yet to come apart since Maya had offered hers.
  21. They walk side-by-side, shoulders back, chins high, proud and tall, all traces of shame and regret left behind on the stage. They don't look back.
  23. Though their pace is shared, Maya tends to lead just a little, just by an inch or two, a slight tug of the hand. And for once, Claudine is satisfied with following.
  25. They exit the heavy doors with hearts half the weight, not knowing what goes on behind them back on that fated stage.
  27. It isn't that they don't wish to see Karen and Hikari fulfill their promise together.
  29. It isn't that the loss stings badly enough for them to not wish their friends well.
  31. They simply feel content enough in what they have - and in what the others have - to let them be.
  33. The hallways are brighter, but not by much. The hour is late, and Group B's Audition members are likely the only ones still awake. The only sound echoing is the thud of their footsteps, which form a slow, melodic rhythm.
  35. Claudine maintains her lagging pace; at least this way Maya can't see her face with a simple glance to the side.
  37. She can only keep her eyes forward for so long, though. There is a lightness in her body, with her hand joint with Maya's at the epicenter, but it bleeds away by the time it reaches her heart.
  39. It's uncanny, really, how well Maya knows her, how easily she can read her, even without looking. Because the second Claudine's gaze drops to the floor, Maya squeezes her hand a little harder.
  41. "Does it hurt?"
  43. "Eh?"
  45. A few seconds later their collective pace comes to a halt. Maya turns back to finally get a proper look at her partner in the improved lighting. Her cheeks are still flushed and a little puffy, and upon meeting her eyes directly more tears threaten.
  47. Claudine isn't sure what she meant; the tightness of their hands? The loss of their Audition?
  49. "When you fell from heaven."
  51. "Pardon?!"
  53. "Did you really think I would say that?" Maya's lips curl up at the corners into that familiar smugness, the kind that always has Claudine's heart skipping. It infuriates her, just the slightest bit, just enough to make her feel like her old self again for a second.
  55. "You're unbelievable."
  57. In spite of herself, Claudine returns the grip on her fingers, even going so far as to interlock them with Maya's. She can't look her in the eye for longer than a few seconds, though.
  59. And for once it's not only because Maya's radiances far outshines her own, but because she knows that doing so would make her heart skip again, and she can't afford another blush in front of her.
  61. "You idiot. Of course it hurts... Don't tell me you aren't affected."
  63. "Why would I be?"
  65. Such an infuriating answer. Claudine snaps her head back up in disbelief. Maya responds with calm.
  67. "Why should I be upset? We won that revue, Claudine."
  69. "Excuse me?" she all but shrieks. "Why is it we're out here and the others are inside? That giraffe said it clearly! We lost!"
  71. "But you said it even more clearly." Maya steps closer, until Claudine can feel her breath on her lips. " 'Tendo Maya did not lose.' Isn't that right?"
  73. "Wh-"
  75. She retreats a step, feeling the fluttering chaos in her chest. Maya continues smiling.
  77. "You are my partner, my other half. If I did not lose, then neither did you."
  79. "That... That's just how I feel... To the giraffe and all the others... we really did-"
  81. "Just how you feel?" Maya frowns, seeking her eyes but unable to find them. She gives a gentle pull to the hand in hers, reaching out with her unoccupied hand to catch Claudine around the small of her back and bring her close. She hears the gasp leave her chest, feels it on her lips. Finally, she finds her eyes, like sweet pink blossoms.
  83. "How you feel is more important to me than all the rest. My Claudine."
  85. Unfair. Tendo Maya is really unfair.
  87. Claudine has been doing so well all this time in holding back the tears. But now all barriers come down, and the rivulet rushes forth.
  89. Her breath hitches in the back of her chest, her voice cracks halfway up her throat, and little whimpers are all that manage to slip free. Her fingers curl with trembling force around Maya's, nails pressing light imprints into the back of her hand. Her free hand comes forward to make shaky purchase on Maya's shoulder, dragging at the place where the button of her jacket once was.
  91. She's already lost her composure this much. There's no going back from the tears now.
  93. But she refuses to get any closer. She won't.
  95. And then that unfairness resurfaces with a gentle vengeance.
  97. Maya moves the hand positioned on Claudine's back north, traveling up over the thick curls of silvery-blonde, hovering over the strong yet delicate shoulders, until it comes to rest at the back of her head. She lets her fingers thread through her hair as she cradles her, coaxing her forward.
  99. Claudine can't possibly resist. Not even if she wanted to.
  101. She tucks her head in beneath Maya's chin, slouching against her with tragic grace, staining her uniform with her tears. Somehow, between the sobbing and coughing, she manages to choke out the words.
  103. "It hurts... It hurts..."
  105. Perhaps Claudine thinks Maya is unfair.
  107. But Maya thinks Claudine is even more so. Exactly for reasons such as this.
  109. Maya herself has never experienced emotion in such an honest, open manner as she does. It isn't that she keeps things bottled up, it's just that by nature she is not that kind of person.
  111. It isn't even that she wants to appear strong in her presence, though the way things work out, that is absolutely a preferred bonus to the situation.
  113. The hand in hers is trembling. She can feel each sob and hiccup working its way through Claudine's body, each one producing an expansion to the wetness on her shoulder. It's very unfair.
  115. "I told you, did I not?" She tucks a lock of misplaced hair behind Claudine's ear, then dips down so she can whisper there. "That you're cute, even when you're crying."
  117. "Sh-Shut up."
  119. "That's even cuter."
  121. Maya only slips her hand free of Claudine's grip in favor of embracing her fully. Wrapping both arms around her back and shoulders now, she pulls her close with a gentle desperation. She's wanted to do this for far longer than she cares to admit.
  123. And when she feels Claudine's arms making their best effort at reciprocation, it makes it all the more worthwhile.
  125. To be able to feel those hands clinging to her sides is a reward greater than any Top Star tiara.
  127. Maya prays for silent forgiveness to whatever entity might be listening for taking advantage of the situation, and places a secret kiss on the side of Claudine's head.
  129. She can feel the pulse beating fervently up against her own chest, that frantic, confused rhythm of a heart that wants to be calm, but also wants to express itself. It creates a beautiful turmoil, and an even prettier song. She can hear it loud and clear, more perfectly than any recorded tune.
  131. And she can feel it. Even if she were to pull away, she knows she'll still be able to feel it.
  133. But of course she doesn't do that. The end of the world itself could happen right this moment and it still wouldn't be enough to make her pull away from Claudine Saijou.
  135. Time becomes irrelevant, as it often does when your most treasured person is in your arms.
  137. All Maya knows is that she savors every second of this.
  139. Of being there for her.
  141. Of being able to hold her when she needs it most.
  143. Of being able to protect her during those few vulnerable moments when she cannot protect herself.
  145. It is a performance in its own right; a stage play of the heart.
  147. Quiet. And private. For one another and no one else.
  149. Eventually the sobs begin to soften. Maya can feel Claudine's hold on her slackening. She isn't sure if it's from exhaustion or something else, but she tightens her own grip just to be sure to keep her on her feet. The song of her heart begins to decrescendo, leveling out to a more even pace.
  151. Maya breathes with her, feeling the way Claudine's sides push slightly up against her forearms, the way her chest inflates in time to meet her own. The hand at the back of her head continues carding mindlessly with those silvery-blonde curls, appreciating the impossible silkiness of France-bred hair. The other hand rests idly at the small of her back and even dares to trace circles there.
  153. It's a few heartbeats later when Claudine finally begins to clear her clogged throat, making refined efforts to do so in as proper a manner as possible.
  155. "How-" Her voice rasps rather unceremoniously, and she is forced to try again. "How long do you plan to keep this up?"
  157. As always, Maya is ready for her.
  159. "As long as you'd prefer. Would you like me to stop?"
  161. "I didn't say that."
  163. Maya smiles and closes her eyes, resting her chin on the girl's shoulder, content to stay close, perhaps for eternity. She certainly wouldn't mind.
  165. She's so prepared for that dream she nearly forgets reality.
  167. Just for that split second, that momentary lapse where the lines of reality and daydream blur, Claudine's voice suddenly chokes.
  169. "Maya-"
  171. It's shaky. Scared. So unexpectedly uncertain that Maya can't find the proper time to assess and react.
  173. Before she knows it Claudine's weight is limp in her arms, collapsing as though the floor beneath her has been removed. Maya's heart seizes as she lunges forward to gather her, all but crushing her close as she follows her to her knees.
  175. "Claudine!"
  177. It happens so quickly, all in a split second.
  179. Claudine is shivering all over, sometimes with jolts so intense they come from her very core. Her breathing has turned labored and shallow at the same time, and she can't hold on to Maya very well anymore.
  181. This is different. Maya knows this isn't like the shaking and crying from a few moments ago.
  183. This is more serious. This is her condition.
  185. The tears from earlier had succeeded in concealing the symptoms until it was already too late.
  187. "Claudine!"
  189. Maya shifts her away just enough to glimpse her face. Her eyelids have fallen shut, and her cheeks which had been so flushed before are now suddenly pale.
  191. Hearing the terror in Maya's voice prompts Claudine to open her eyes, albeit weakly, but she can't find the breath to speak.
  193. Maya's frantic gaze meet hers. She's seen this happen before, but only many years ago, years so long ago she hadn't been close enough to Claudine be able to help her when it occurred.
  195. The last time had been as an act, a decoy to cover for Karen and Hikari.
  197. In spite of her career, Claudine was prone to rare bouts of intense stage fright, the symptoms of which were often akin to those of a panic attack. Over the years she'd gotten accustomed to it enough to be able to successfully anticipate and avoid it.
  199. But tonight, everything that had happened in that Audition has caught up to her.
  201. Maya can't maintain her usual composure. Not when Claudine is like this. She grits her teeth, pulling Claudine closer than before, and holding her twice as gently. Her voice is tight and guilty.
  203. "I'm sorry. I should've known it could happen. I wasn't paying attention."
  205. Claudine's clipped breathing fans out against the side of her neck. The trembling continues, as does the almost violent beat in her heart.
  207. "I'm sorry. Just breathe. I'm here."
  209. This pain is worse than anything she's ever felt before. She even dares to think it's akin to the pain Claudine must be feeling right now; the same degree, but in a different sense. It clutches her heart like the panic clutches Claudine's and crushes – slowly.
  211. Maya takes full responsibility for this. For being so caught up in her losses and her victories that she'd neglected to consider an actual threat.
  213. She runs her hands over Claudine's back, up and down along her sides, trying to ease the heaving breaths that shake her. Her own chest reverberates with the beat of Claudine's heart, the pounding thunder that shatters the melody from earlier, creating a terrible dissonance. The whimpers of her voice between rasps of air make Maya's ears sting.
  215. This isn't what she meant. This kind of crying isn't cute. It's terrifying.
  217. "Breathe," she begs her. "Just breathe. It's all right. I'm here."
  219. A reminder. A promise. A vow.
  221. Before, time had seemed to vanish.
  223. Now, it's all around her.
  225. Every second. Every pained breath. Every rapid beat of Claudine's heart.
  227. Maya wants time to stop. Or to hurry up so this can be over. Or to go away.
  229. She isn't sure what she wants other than for Claudine to be all right.
  231. Time takes so long.
  233. "It hurts..."
  235. She recalls Claudine's words from earlier and realizes they may have been a subconscious indication to all of this, a harbinger before she'd even known it herself.
  237. "Please..." Maya whimpers.
  239. Just stop. Stop hurting her-
  241. "Maya."
  243. She gasps.
  245. She hadn't realized when the choppy breaths had found their strength again, enough to form her name. She hadn't realized when the pounding heartbeat had slowed, leaving only her own to shudder.
  247. When she looks up now, Claudine is there, still pale and frazzled, still with tears in her eyes and dripping down her cheeks, but with a small, apologetic smile on her lips.
  249. "I'm all right now."
  251. She has been for several moments already. Maya had just submerged herself in the guilt of being unable to prevent it. Claudine had called her name four times now to bring her back to the surface, to a reality where the danger has passed.
  253. "I'm all right," she repeats, just to make sure she's heard. "I scared you. I'm sorry."
  255. She raises her hand which still trembles, but when her fingers make contact with Maya's cheek they are careful not to scrape. With a gentle brush, she catches a drop of warm wetness.
  257. Maya hadn't realized she herself had started crying somewhere along the lines. For fear of Claudine's wellbeing and nothing else.
  259. To see her smiling again after those moments of sheer terror is like seeing an angel after being on the brink of death.
  261. Claudine exhales, relieved to see she's brought Maya back to the surface.
  263. It's her turn to hug her now, wrapping both arms around her shoulders and neck. She lifts herself up onto her knees a little, so that this time she may hover over Maya; so that this time she may protect her.
  265. She cradles her, covers her, lets her hide herself however she may wish.
  267. It takes Maya another moment, as time becomes her ally once again, to understand what's happening. The trembling and scared pulse now is only her own. Claudine's voice continues to reassure her from above.
  269. "I'm all right, you idiot. Don't worry."
  271. And Maya scoffs a small laugh, both at the fact that Claudine has regained the feistiness to call her names, and at the idea that she wants Maya to stop worrying about her. She's basically asking for the impossible in that regard.
  273. Maya reaches out to grab onto the girl's sides, bowing her head against Claudine's chest with a sigh. She can hear for herself now that Claudine's heartbeat has calmed and slowed, that her breathing has evened out and regained its strength.
  275. Only the knowledge that she is truly all right allows Maya to begin her own recovery from the fright.
  277. But not before Claudine commences her verbal attack.
  279. "You're blaming yourself, aren't you? I can tell." She has that 'don't you dare' warning hint in her tone.
  281. Again, it makes Maya chuckle. She knows her so well. They both do.
  283. "I'm sorry."
  285. "What did I just tell you? Have you gone deaf as well as daft?"
  287. Maya grins to herself, locking her arms around Claudine's waist and pressing closer. She hears the way her heart skips again, and the way it speeds up a little. She wouldn't mind listening forever. That steady drumming rhythm. That secret, romantic melody. All for her.
  289. "Ahem."
  291. She hears the word, feels the vibration it makes it Claudine's throat, but Maya doesn't look up yet. Claudine grunts.
  293. "If you're feeling better, then would you mind letting go? My knees are killing me."
  295. She pushes gently at Maya's shoulders, easing their bodies apart just far enough so Claudine may settle her weight more comfortably into a sloppy kneel. Maya stays as close as she can manage, having her hands linger at her waist. Claudine doesn't seem to mind. She keeps her own hands loosely at Maya's shoulders.
  297. Had they been able to stand they would've made a picture-perfect dance pose for sure. But as things are now, neither is feeling very inclined or able to get up just yet.
  299. Maya checks Claudine over once, then twice, then a third time. And even when she's certain everything is as it should be, she asks anyway.
  301. "Are you sure you're all right?"
  303. And naturally it sets Claudine off.
  305. "My goodness! You really have gone deaf, haven't you?"
  307. Maya cracks another smile, finally convinced the threat has passed. But the smile only lasts briefly before her lips purse together, tone just as taut.
  309. "You scared me."
  311. Claudine exhales.
  313. "I'm aware. And I'm sorry."
  315. "I didn't ask for an apology."
  317. Claudine's exhale turns into a growl.
  319. "That's some double-standard. You're allowed to apologize for something that wasn't your fault, but I'm not?"
  321. "Exactement."
  323. She means it as more of a joke than an actual answer. And it works like a charm.
  325. "Why you-!"
  327. If Claudine could've found the strength to stand up and storm off right now, she would've, and Maya would've followed. But as things are, Claudine simply huffs and puffs and crosses her arms.
  329. "Infuriating. Absolutely infuriating."
  331. At the very least the light bickering has brought some color back to her pallor, and it's improved Maya's condition as well. The only setback is that Claudine has retracted her arms, and Maya wants them back around her shoulders.
  333. But before she can make her next move, to her surprise, Claudine strikes first.
  335. "You know, you're rather pretty when you cry, too."
  337. It was more of an ambush, really. Completely out of left field. The very definition of "unfair."
  339. Maya feels the heat rushing to her face, something that only ever happens with Claudine in her presence or on her mind. A feat no other can achieve.
  341. Claudine drinks it in, letting Maya's embarrassment fuel her ego for once, instead of it being the other way around. It's a rare opportunity, so she takes it for all it's worth. She relishes the moment for as long as she can. At least until Maya is ready to counter.
  343. "What do you mean, 'too'? I don't recall saying that to you."
  345. "You're lying through your teeth! You said that to me earlier and you know it."
  347. "Did I? I never said you were pretty. I said you were cute."
  349. "Wh-" And like clockwork, the process repeats. Claudine's face turns red for all sorts of reasons as the comeback dies on her tongue. "You..."
  351. "Though I suppose that was my mistake." Maya shifts closer to her, slipping one of her knees between Claudine's so she can lessen the devastating proximity between them. "I should have said you were cute and pretty."
  353. Claudine can't even scramble away from her. She's already frozen, ensnared in her trap, for better or for worse.
  355. "I hate you."
  357. "Love you, too."
  359. It's the first time she's ever tossed the word 'love' out to Claudine like that. Maya watches carefully to gauge her reaction.
  361. And her reaction is one of many emotions; confusion, irritation, flattery, joy, and about a million other things all at once. Maya can see the gears in her mind churning in a fluster, trying to think of a response within an appropriate amount of time passed.
  363. Maya supposes that was rather unfair of her, but she doesn't regret it. Not one bit.
  365. When Claudine finally does manage to remember the gift of speech, it's with a voice that displays confidence, but conceals the most poignant uncertainty.
  367. "I swear. First you call me your partner, then you're down on your knees for me, and now you're spewing 'love.' What's next? Do you plan on proposing?"
  369. Maya doesn't miss a beat.
  371. "I can't say the thought hasn't crossed my mind."
  373. Claudine squeaks, half out of fear and half out of excitement she can't contain. Maya presents her with that trademark smirk.
  375. "We can honeymoon in France."
  377. "I hate you so much."
  379. Maya lets it end there for the time being, though she definitely does want to commit to the idea in the future.
  381. But for now she pulls Claudine close once again, putting the banter on pause in favor of something more serious.
  383. "I'm glad you're all right."
  385. Claudine huffs, but doesn't say anything. She just hugs her back.
  387. They remain as such, only until their legs begin to go numb. A mutual, unspoken realization comes to them. They're near the common room, which is pleasantly vacant at this hour of night.
  389. Between the two of them, they can probably muster up the strength and balance to help each other up. But Maya knows she has the better chance of maintaining her equilibrium, so she opts to go first.
  391. Now she can feel the slight soreness coming on from the fight, the small aches in the backs of her calves and the tops of her shoulders. She offers her hand to Claudine in much the same manner as she had earlier onstage.
  393. Claudine raises her right hand to fit into it, but flinches before Maya can grab hold. In a peculiar fashion Claudine switches hands, trying to make sense of the left-handed hold on Maya's right. Maya tilts her head as she pulls her up, steadying Claudine with a hand to her waist.
  395. "What's the matter?"
  397. "It's nothing. Just sore, that's all."
  399. "Sore enough that you can't hold my hand?"
  401. "That Hikari packs a punch. I swear she almost dislocated my wrist a few times."
  403. "I'll see what I can do."
  405. "I don't need you to!"
  407. Maya takes the lead on their walk to the common room and Claudine follows. It's a much slower pace than they'd set before, much more careful, even tentative. Maya keeps her arm firmly across Claudine's back, paranoid she might collapse again.
  409. But luckily they make it to the common room without incident.
  411. Every spacious couch and chair is available to them, but Maya chooses a love seat, both because it's nearest and for several other reasons as well.
  413. Once she's certain Claudine can stand on her own long enough, Maya sits herself down on the cushions, taking up just about the entire space. With open arms, she invites her partner.
  415. "Come here, my Claudine."
  417. And Claudine had had a million and one comebacks at the tip of her tongue; why would she choose here of all places to sit? What about the couch? How is this going to be comfortable to their aching joints? Did she only choose this piece of furniture because it has the word 'love' in its name?
  419. But all of those questions die, as does her will to fight, when Maya plays her trap card.
  421. Those two little letters. "My".
  423. That's all it takes now, apparently.
  425. Claudine hates to admit it though, so she won't. She'll just accept it, and be sure to counter whenever the opportunity presents itself.
  427. Presently, every protest she's been considering culminates into a groan of a sigh.
  429. "Even if I crush your legs and you beg me to move, I'm not going to."
  431. "That's fine with me."
  433. Claudine huffs something else under her breath with the word 'infuriating' as she begrudgingly sits herself across Maya's lap. She has her legs and boots hang off the side, and despite what she said about not caring if she crushes Maya's legs or not, Maya can tell she's still being very careful with the placement of her weight.
  435. Claudine has been rather self-conscious about her weight recently, what with all of the potato snacks provided by Nana. Maya shows her in the purest way possible that she has nothing to worry about, and pulls Claudine fully on top of her without a care.
  437. The sudden tug has Claudine flailing for something to grip, and it just so happens to be Maya's shoulders again.
  439. "I swear! Sometimes I wonder if you have any manners at all!"
  441. "My apologies."
  443. Claudine grumbles something else, but Maya is more focused on the hands on her shoulders. She reaches up to take hold of Claudine's right hand, supporting it gently on her palm. This hand that gripped the hilt of her sword so Claudine could fight so valiantly, so passionately, alongside her tonight.
  445. Maya brings that hand to her lips and kisses it unabashedly.
  447. It earns a soft gasp from Claudine, both at the action and the meaning behind it, but mostly at the softness of her lips. She'd always thought they'd be a little firmer. But why she'd always been thinking about Maya's lips is another story.
  449. Claudine slowly closes her jaw that had gone slack and remains quiet.
  451. Maya kisses the palm of her hand, then moves to the bases of her fingers, followed by the tips. She then turns Claudine's hand over and kisses her knuckles and the back of her hand.
  453. Finally, she rotates her wrist with care and kisses the inside, feeling the flutter of her pulse beneath her lips. She stops there, holding that kiss longer than the rest.
  455. After her heart has calmed again, Claudine finds her voice.
  457. "Are you quite finished?"
  459. Maya withdraws.
  461. "I suppose. For now."
  463. "Good."
  465. Claudine has been in second place ever since she'd joined this academy. She has to pull ahead whenever she finds the opportunity to do so.
  467. Leaning forward, she presses a kiss to Maya's cheek, also unabashedly.
  469. Her lips are even softer than Maya had ever imagined, judging by all the intense words that came from them. But why she'd always been thinking about Claudine's lips is another story.
  471. She wants them to stay on her skin forever.
  473. So when the devastating moment comes when Claudine does pull away, it takes quite literally everything with Maya's power not to pull her back. Maybe not just yet. But definitely some other time, when she can be certain of what both of them want.
  475. "Merci." Claudine's expert French whispers into the shell of her ear. "You were right. We didn't lose that Audition. Saijou Claudine and Tendo Maya can never lose."
  477. "Oui." Maya locks both arms around Claudine's waist again and pulls her against her chest. "We are one, and we cannot lose. There is nowhere to go from here but up. Ever higher. Ever stronger. Ever brighter."
  479. As Maya had eased the soreness of Claudine's wrist, Claudine returns the favor on her sore shoulders. She drapes both arms around Maya's neck once again, resting her chin on Maya's shoulder, pressing flush up against her in a loose embrace. Maya returns it more tightly.
  481. The share a sigh, and before long their hearts begin to synchronize as perfectly as their movements onstage, until a single pulse resonates between them.
  483. It's so warm.
  485. Maya won't let her go, even if they should fall asleep here tonight, which is beginning to seem like it will be the case.
  487. Claudine, who has lived and trained and worked so hard all this time, who has always feared to rely on Maya Tendo, has now decided to trust her - figuratively and literally - leaning all of her weight against her, seeking, expecting, and desiring her support.
  489. Maya will give it with everything she has, and perhaps even seek some of it back now and again.
  491. When she moves her head a little it brushes Claudine's. She nuzzles faintly into that soft curly hair, silently telling her it's all right for her to do the same. She feels Claudine shift a little closer, feels her breathe out another tired sigh.
  493. "I just have one question."
  495. "Anything."
  497. "...Did you really learn French for me?"
  499. Maya has been waiting for this question.
  501. "How do you know I learned it? What if I already knew? Besides, do you really think I would learn another language for your sake alone?"
  503. "...Would you?"
  505. "What do you think?"
  507. A huff.
  509. "I think you're infuriating."
  511. Claudine's voice tapers off after that, turning into a pattern of soft breathing.
  513. Maya shifts just a little to ensure Claudine will have enough space to breathe properly tonight in that position facing the back of the chair.
  515. She waits a while longer, relishing the moments now, savoring every beat of Claudine's heart against hers.
  517. And when she can't keep her eyes open any longer, she kisses Claudine's hair one more time.
  519. "Je t'aime."
  521. ----------
  523. A/N: Being able to finally write this after having so many pent-up Kuromaya feelings was so liberating. I might turn into a compilation of oneshots or a continuos story, but either way I have ideas for at least one more addition, so stay tuned.
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