
Eventide's Birthday

Aug 11th, 2014
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  1. >you are Eventide
  2. >Derpy had dropped off a letter, as well as sharing a little showtune with you
  3. >it felt pretty sweet, really
  4. >you rip open your letter
  5. >inside is just a card
  6. >you open it, getting blasted with confetti
  7. >really funny
  8. >the card was cute
  9. >'roses are red, violets are blue; parties are fun, so I invite you!'
  10. >you laugh to yourself and look for an address of some sort
  11. >instead, you find a signature
  12. >'Alex '
  13. >alright, so now everything was clear
  14. >two days, Alex's place
  16. >once again, you stand in front of Alex's house
  17. >she actually opens the door this time
  18. >"Nice to see you, Eve!"
  19. >she punches your shoulder playfully
  20. >you giggle and give Alex a light peck
  21. >her reaction is that of a Looney Toon
  22. >damn cute
  23. >you take note that Alex has taken the liberty of doing her hair up for the occassion
  24. >stepping inside, it's really dark
  25. "Uhh, Alex? Did you plan on being in a completely dark house?"
  26. >"Nope."
  27. >she flips on the lightsm revealing a sight you weren't exactly prepared for
  28. >satyrs filling the room to the brim
  29. >"Surprise!"
  30. >you can't help but laugh
  31. >and cry
  32. >Alex is right next to you, rubbing your shoulder
  33. >she leans over and whispers
  34. >"Hey, you ok, Eve?"
  35. >sniffling, you nod
  36. "This is just the best gift ever, Alex."
  37. >she noses your ear and lets her breath graze your skin
  38. >"Happy birthday, sweetheart."
  40. >tears left behind, you were now busying yourself
  41. >you decided you wanted to meet the pink satyr first
  42. >"Happy birthday, Eventide!"
  43. >you curtsy to him, and he bows in response
  44. "Thank you! What's your name?"
  45. >he jumps back and sits on his tail like a spring
  46. >"My name's Pogo! I helped with the party. Oh! And the card!"
  47. >...how is he doing that with his tail?
  48. "Well it's really nice to meet you! And thanks for doing such a bang up job with these decorations."
  49. >he smiles and wipes his nose
  50. >"Anything for a friend! As they say, like mother, like son!"
  51. >he jumps away backwards like an acrobat
  52. >what the what?
  53. >"Don't worry about him."
  54. >you nearly jump out of your metaphorical socks
  55. >turning, you see a female satyr adorning mass amounts of jewelry, with very pale skin and purple lipstick
  56. >she even wears a semi-mesh dress
  57. >goddamn is she pretty
  58. >"Hi, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sapphire. Pleased to meet you."
  59. >like a true gentlesatyr, you get on a knee and kiss her hand
  60. "Charmed."
  61. >you catch her blush and cover her mouth
  62. >"What a lady!"
  63. >a party popper shocks you to jump up
  64. >Sapphire catches you, wrapping you up in her grasp
  65. >it's your turn to blush now
  66. >you feel a hand snatch yours as Alex reels you away
  67. >Sapphire simply winks at you
  68. >"Getting a little jealous, Alex?"
  69. >Alex pokerfaces hardcore
  70. >"I-I don't know what you're talking about."
  71. >she drops you like an anchor, much to your confusion
  72. "Itetete..."
  73. >you give Alex a dirty look, but she shoots you a 'shut up!' in return
  74. >you bite your lip and dust yourself off
  75. >"Do you like Alex's hair, Eventide? I did it myself."
  76. >you lock eyes with Sapphire
  77. "You did a fantastic job. Excuse me."
  78. >recollecting yourself, you move on to a tall, big breasted female
  79. >she offers a hand to shake
  80. >as you take it, she begins to spin velvet with her voice
  81. >"Howdy, hun. Very nice ta meetcha."
  82. "Likewise."
  83. >you're still reeling from whatever just transpired back there
  84. >"Eventide, was it? Th' name's Darcy."
  85. >man, she must have the biggest boobs in all of Equestria
  86. >the two of you carry a light conversation, her telling you about the farm, and you telling her about the woods
  87. >you two seemed to live similar, hardworking lives
  88. >only Darcy was leagues stronger than you
  89. >"You and Eventide should arm wrestle!" Pogo teased as he bounced past
  90. >"Yeah, that seems like fun!"
  91. >oh boy.
  92. >the rest of the satyrs encourage the show, setting up a table in the center of the room
  93. >you watch Darcy plop her plump ass down in the seat
  94. >"C'mon, Eventide. No worries."
  95. >swallowing hard, you sit adjacent, propping your arm up
  96. >Darcy grins and takes hold of your hand
  97. >"No worries," she repeats softly
  99. >flexing your hand, you whine at Darcy
  100. "Holy damn, girl. You're really strong."
  101. >being in private for this sort of thing was extremely helpful
  102. >"Well, sugar, I couldn't have them all believing I went easy on you, now could ah?"
  103. >this was true
  104. >still, it was a little over the top
  105. >"Hey guys, whatcha doin'?"
  106. >you shriek louder than you thought possible
  107. >from the ceiling, hanging from a wooden beam, was a changeling satyr
  108. >her tongue was lolled out at you
  109. >as you catch your breath, the satyr grins wide
  110. "Were you spying on us?"
  111. >"Nnnnnooo? Now tell me what you two were up to!"
  112. "We were up to nothing specific. Just a light chat."
  113. >"Boring. Come on! Alex told me to get you!"
  114. "Huh? Are we cutting the cake already?"
  115. >the satyr looked at you, perplexed
  116. >"No, ding dong! We're having a ping pong tournament!"
  118. >it was down to the wire
  119. >the finals, Icarus against Alex
  120. >sadly, the seeding pitted you against Alex in the semis, and boy was she good
  121. >Sapphire had sat it out, choosing to be referee instead
  122. >she had very keen eyes
  123. >Alex was currently losing, 16-20, game point on the line
  124. >she served that tiny little ball, only for Icarus to spike it back so hard it warped through time
  125. >he couldn't stop his damn gloating for the rest of your party
  126. >you went straight to Alex's side, hugging her and telling her how awesome she did
  127. >"But I lost..."
  128. "Trust me, Alex. You're anything but a loser."
  129. >and she's gone, outta here
  130. >you leave Alex in a blushing mess
  131. >all to congratulate Icarus
  132. >"Hey, where's Alex? Is she over there crying about her loss? What a baby!"
  133. >oh
  134. >no
  135. >he
  136. >didn't
  137. >fist balled up tighter than 50,000 mexicans in a Volkswagen Beetle, you snatch his collar and snarl
  138. "Don't you dare shittalk Alex."
  139. >he slaps your hand away and scoffs
  140. >"Y-yeah, whatever."
  141. >he stumbles away, shocked
  142. >you hear off to the left
  143. >"Alex and Eventide, sitting in a tree!"
  144. >"Hey, knock it off! They don't deserve that."
  145. >you flip around to see a satyr arguing with herself
  146. >"You're no fun, Mera."
  147. >"Well then you need to stop being such a little brat, Kimmy."
  148. >Kimmy
  149. >Mera
  150. >Oh.
  151. >Shit.
  152. >satyrs are weird
  153. >you watched the two argue among each other, lifting a finger to try and squeeze a word in
  154. >but they completely forgot about you at this point
  155. >you feel a tap on your shoulder
  156. >as you turn, you lay eyes upon a flat-chested cutie with pigtails, looking particularly displeased
  157. >"Listen, ignore them. Mostly everyone here is crazy. The name's Peach."
  158. >you shake her hand and giggle
  159. >she looks more content now
  160. >"Are you enjoying the party? Alex tried really hard to make sure everything was optimal for you."
  161. >you blush and nod
  162. "It's the best party I've ever had."
  163. >scuffing a hoof on the ground, you sigh
  164. "It's also my first that wasn't just me, Mom, and Dad."
  165. >Peach seems genuinely surprised
  166. >"Really now? /That/ sheltered, are you?"
  167. >you can't help but burn with embarrassment
  168. >Peach caught on quick
  169. >"Hey now, it ain't a bad thing. It means we all get to teach you the wonders of the world!"
  170. >considering that, you nod with a smile
  171. "I can't wait."
  172. >with a pat on the back, Peach moved on, mingling with the crowd
  173. >the changeling satyr, who you found out was named Mistake, waved you over
  174. >"Come on! It's the last game of the night!"
  175. "Really? What's it called?"
  176. >"Seven minutes in heaven!"
  178. >ok
  179. >so this game was completely different than you had expected
  180. >two satyrs would go into the broom closet, then seven minutes would pass, then they'd come out, giggling like mad
  181. >and they were typically out of breath
  182. >except for Darcy, who seemed to have her shit in check
  183. >it's Alex's turn to spin, and she's kind of excited
  184. >round and round it goes, where it lands nobody--
  185. >oh.
  186. >"Ooooooh."
  187. >the entire group is now looking back and forth between you and Alex
  188. >Alex's face is simply on fire
  189. >yours can't be much better
  190. >but rules are rules
  191. >you both get in the closet and lock the door
  192. >both of your breathing is short and shallow
  193. "Alex?"
  194. >"Y-yeah?"
  195. "Are you ok?"
  196. >you can see Alex trying to fight tears of worry
  197. >"I think so..."
  198. "Then sit down. No need to be so tense. We've still got, like, six and a half minutes left."
  199. >Alex listens, wrapping her tail around her legs
  200. >you get on your knees in front of Alex
  201. >she was becoming really special in your heart
  202. >guess it was time to really show her how much she meant
  203. >putting your hand behind her head, you bring her face to yours, kissing her
  204. >unlike the first time, where Alex was shocked for a few moments, the gryphon satyr showed she knew exactly what she was doing this time
  205. >everything was deadened to you
  206. >you couldn't hear any of the silly party music
  207. >you couldn't hear all of the chatter about you two outside the door
  208. >it was just you and Alex in this moment in time
  209. >and that moment lasted forever
  211. >"And smells like one too!"
  212. >everyone laughed so hard, they blew out your candles for you
  213. >you aren't phased by it
  214. >you cut the first piece of cake and smash Alex's face into it
  215. >then, there was no more cake
  216. >everyone had to finally head home, but you were staying the night, thankfully
  217. >as the two of you lay in bed, braiding each other's hair with nothing more to do, you decide to ask the burning question
  218. "So... are me and you...?"
  219. >Alex looks up from her handy work
  220. >"I-I'd like it that way."
  221. >you nod and grin
  222. "Girlfriends?"
  223. >Alex pulls you close, kissing you once more
  224. >that feeling of your hooves gently grazing her soft paws was exoticly arousing
  225. >pulling away finally, a single tendril of saliva connecting the two of you, Alex smiled as innocently as she ever had
  226. >"Girlfriends."
  228. >"Hey, honey, how was the party?"
  229. "I'll never forget it."
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