
Gods of the MESIverse

Apr 3rd, 2019
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  1. The Agai gods are Deamuni (“Divine ones”) which watch over Agaimeky and Vosovei. Among them, 6 gods stand above all of them as The Senidi. These 6 are further divided into two trinities: The World Gods and The Spirit Gods. Gods that hold these titles are at great risk, however. If they focus too much on their work, they risk losing themselves to the forces they look over, and will perish as their essence is drained by that force.
  3. The World Gods are gods who watch over the main forces of our world: Life, Death, and Time.
  4. The Spirit Gods are gods who watch over the spiritual forces of our world: War, Love, and Justice.
  6. The World Gods:
  7. Maia—The Goddess of Life/Goddess of Nature/The Sower
  8. Maia is one of the youngest gods of the Senidi, having been born to the God of Rivers and the Goddess of Flowers following the Holy War. As such, she takes the form of a young child when appearing before mortals. While she is still new to the role, Maia has shown an atunement to nature that surpasses even the former Goddess of Life. Of course, this has put her at major risk of losing herself, but she counteracts this by being selfish at times so that she keeps her identity.
  10. Vega—The God of Death/God of Transformation/The Reaper
  11. Vega is the son of the former God of Death and the Goddess of Justice. Prior to the Holy War, he was the God of Harvests and worked alongside his brother, the former God of Fall. He proved to be worthy of taking his father’s place after being a key player in routing Kali’s invasion of Dea’tol and claiming the goddess’ head. While he is the one that has gotten close to losing himself, his brother Rigel and his wife Denebe have both managed to remind him of the joys of life.
  13. Rigel—The God of Time/God of History/The Keeper
  14. Rigel is the result of a tryst between the God of Mists and the Goddess of Justice and is the elder brother of Vega. In his early days, he was the God of Fall, watching over the season and ensuring that the hard work of farmers were rewarded. During the Holy War, he took up the mantle of God of Time after leading a raid on Thor’s fortress and capturing the god. Out of all the gods, Rigel is closest to mortals due to his duty of recording history. Prior to marrying his lover Yaotl, this meant that the god often fooled around with mortals, much to the love goddess’ chagrin.
  16. The Spirit Gods:
  17. Denebe—The Goddess of Love/Goddess of the Hearth/The Queen of Light
  18. Denebe was born in the middle of the Holy War, having been formed from the ashes of the former Goddess of Life and the tears of the Goddess of Fire. While she couldn’t do much for the war, the fact that she was able to be born in the conflict meant that the Agai gods still held the faith of the people and became the symbol of their resistance to the Terran gods. As a full powered goddess, Denebe is tasked with watching over the righteous spirits and bringing balance to the emotions of mortals. She and Vega fell in love after she caught him allowing two lovers to cross into the afterlife together.
  20. Yaotl—The God of War/God of Mercy/King of Darkness
  21. Yaotl is technically a foreign god, having been born from the blood of a Terran god that was slain during the Holy War. At first, he was akin to a demon who feasted on those he encountered. But after devouring a holy man, the darkness within Yaotl was cleansed and he came into his god powers. While the others were weary of him due to his relation to the Terran gods, he soon proved himself during the Draconian Uprising by crafting a plan that lead to the dragon’s extinction. While he is a warmonger, Yaotl is in favor of good wars where sides equally clash and disavows any senseless massacres. This is further compounded with him being in charge of punishing the wicked in Pandemonium and sending demons into the world to test the resolve of mortals. He and Rigel used to be rivals, but that rivalry soon blossomed into love as they came to understand one another.
  23. Trunita—The Goddess of Justice/Goddess of Balance/The Final Judge
  24. Trunita is the last of the Senidi that survived the Holy War, and mothered two of the World Gods. When she gained her position, she closed her eyes permanently in order to halt any bias she may have. The only time she has been seen to open them was during the final days of the Holy War, where she stood toe to toe with the combined forces of Odin, Ra, and Zeus. She is also credited with creating the plot that would starve the Terran gods of faith by uniting the Terrans and Vosomuni into a new people who would be under the Agai gods’ watch. Despite her reputation as being a fair judge, she does show some favoritism to her sons, but will just as likely scold and lecture them as she would anyone else.
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