
FATE and Literomancing in Hong Kong

May 4th, 2012
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  1. [00:30:22] <~castfromhp> The mini-campaign, being as it's short, will begin in media res. It's just a few days before the celebration of Hong Kong's 15th anniversary of independence from Britain. You have already been in the city for a couple of days, having either been curiously drawn there by a magical sense or just being there for no reason other than coincidence!
  2. [00:30:58] <~castfromhp> The past few days have been spent coping with supernatural events suddenly cropping up into the open. Think Devil Survivor basically. SUDDENLY DEMONS. Except just MAGIC instead of demons.
  3. [00:31:57] <~castfromhp> The factions involve different depending on whose account it is. Some say the government's planning some big ritual, others say there's a war between local and foreign corporations, some say even an outright capitalist free trade vs protectionist sentiments, which is odd for a place as open as Hong Kong.
  4. [00:33:05] <~castfromhp> All in all, one thing can be agreed upon - just a few days ago no one was really aware of magic in the world other than those who wielded it and perhaps their close associates. Now it's open magical warfare in Hong Kong.
  5. [00:33:45] <~castfromhp> Every common trope about the city probably exists in some form. Kung-fu everywhere? Yes. Corporations being super srs about Feng Shui? Very yes. Etc.
  6. [00:34:14] <@Giantree> Oh, that answers a lot, I was actually going to ask about whether the city is actually... like, still a city, or if it was just a batshit place full of paranoia and shit blowing up constantly.
  7. [00:34:18] <@Giantree> Sounds like the latter!
  8. [00:34:26] <~castfromhp> It's kinda both!
  9. [00:34:36] <~castfromhp> Public transit certainly still works.
  10. [00:34:38] <@Giantree> Because some people just don't care?
  11. [00:34:58] <@Giantree> And they just have their chinese food stands open without giving a shit?
  12. [00:35:09] <~castfromhp> Oh I derped and forgot to mention. Magical warfare is, for the most part, confined to certain battlegrounds. Usually the property of certain organizations or government buildings.
  13. [00:35:10] <@Giantree> actually I like to think they have hot dog stands instead
  14. [00:35:16] <~castfromhp> Certain corporations rather.
  15. [00:35:22] <@Giantree> oh, that explains a shitton then
  17. [00:35:44] <~castfromhp> No, fuck that. You can have stands for milk tea and xiaolongbao though because those are delicious and totally castfromhp approved.
  18. [00:35:58] <~castfromhp> What I have yet to decide yet is if there's some plot device item like in Devil Survivor to lead people places or not.
  19. [00:36:07] <@Giantree> Like, do you mean 'confined' as in there are organizations or people openly restricting it like WIZARD DUELS, or that it's actually impossible to do magic except in certain places?
  20. [00:37:14] <~castfromhp> Both.
  21. [00:37:40] <~castfromhp> There aren't THAT many magic users after all, so when some of them choose to hole up in their safe havens surrounded by their Feng Shui protections and all, that kinda limits where battles will happen.
  22. [00:38:08] <~castfromhp> And when there are magical advisors in the government, it's fairly easy for feng shui practioners to set up large zones where magic just plain doesn't work too.
  23. [00:39:24] <@Giantree> Ohh, that makes sense. I was just thinking that there'd obligatorily be batshit people who realize they have magic so they want to just blow shit up with their minds for no reason, and how likely they'd be to be allowed to continue doing that bullshit.
  24. [00:40:24] <~castfromhp> If you're publically flaunting magic, you're either dangerously powerful enough to not give a shit and are gonna be targeted anyway, or you're stupid and get taken down. If you'll notice mechanically in FATE being a magic user doesn't help THAT much against bullets.
  25. [00:40:39] <@Giantree> point taken
  26. [00:40:48] <~castfromhp> Then again, not much in the way of guns in HK.
  27. [00:40:50] <~castfromhp> KNIVES then.
  28. [00:41:09] <@Giantree> Really? Isn't it a place with like, a high crimerate?
  29. [00:41:57] <~castfromhp> It's pricy as fuck. And generally the laws for gun ownership are not favorable toward haivng one.
  30. [00:42:06] <~castfromhp> That said, TROPES, so yes to Hong Kong Triad.
  31. [00:42:12] <@Giantree> Oh, that sort of makes sense
  32. [00:42:31] <@Giantree> Of course I can't imagine gangs and shit NOT existing, but knives being more popular than guns overall is believable
  33. [00:42:34] <@zoofman> so does the dresden fluff bit hold anything here or are you just using this particular one for some mechanics to it?
  34. [00:42:43] <~castfromhp> Just mechanics.
  35. [00:43:49] <~castfromhp> That said, the pdf is a blast to read, especially all the little notes.
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