
Ezra and Lily Play Cards

Jul 29th, 2015
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  1. [08:48] <Strategist14> Both of you, roll Strength one last time
  2. [08:49] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> roll 1d20+1
  3. [08:49] <`DICE> Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp] rolled 1d20+1 [ 1d20=1 ]{2}
  4. [08:49] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> ASFHASDGJLAERHLQERf
  5. [08:49] <Lily_Miller[silver]> roll 1d20-1
  6. [08:49] <`DICE> Lily_Miller[silver] rolled 1d20-1 [ 1d20=17 ]{16}
  7. [08:49] <Lily_Miller[silver]> it's happening again
  8. [08:49] <Strategist14> ((It doesn't stop happening))
  9. [08:49] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> I can't even
  10. [08:49] <Strategist14> Vamp, you lose your grip and end up clocking Lily in the face
  11. [08:49] <Strategist14> You monster
  12. [08:50] <Lily_Miller[silver]> "Ow!"
  13. [08:50] <Strategist14> 1+Str mod damage
  14. [08:50] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> "<>H G<>D 1'm s<> s<>rry!"
  15. [08:50] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> ((2 damage))
  16. [08:50] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> "1 guess my hands aren't as steady as 1 th<>ught they were!"
  17. [08:50] <Lily_Miller[silver]> "It's okay, it was an accident."
  18. [08:51] <Strategist14> At your shout, the skittering noises behind the door redouble in intensity
  19. [08:51] <Strategist14> You hear a shriek
  20. [08:51] <Lily_Miller[silver]> "What IS that? There's someone back there too!"
  21. [08:51] <Rouge_Sinna> < Poor Ezra, your rolls hurt me ;( >
  22. [08:52] <Strategist14> There's a bang on the door
  23. [08:52] <Strategist14> And the wheel shifts slightly
  24. [08:53] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> "Hell<>!?" I try to call through the door.
  25. [08:53] <Strategist14> The door goes silent
  26. [08:53] <Strategist14> Followed by a metallic bang
  27. [08:54] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> "Sh<>uld we keep try1ng t<> <>pen 1t?!" I ask Lily.
  28. [08:55] <Lily_Miller[silver]> "I mean... if there's a person back there, we need to get them out"
  29. [08:55] <Lily_Miller[silver]> "But if there are monsters..." I haven't seen Ezra fight, and I certainly can't. Fighting might leave both of us dead.
  30. [08:56] <Lily_Miller[silver]> "Your call."
  31. [08:57] <Strategist14> Another bang
  32. [08:57] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> "1'm n<>t the best f1ghter, but 1 haven't seen anyth1ng <>ther than 1mps ar<>und here, and 1 was able t<> make fr1ends w1th them eas1ly!"
  33. [08:57] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> "1 th1nk we sh<>uld d<> 1t!"
  34. [08:58] <Lily_Miller[silver]> "Okay then, let's do it."
  35. [08:58] <Strategist14> Both roll perception, please
  36. [08:58] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> roll 1d20+1
  37. [08:58] <`DICE> Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp] rolled 1d20+1 [ 1d20=15 ]{16}
  38. [08:58] <Lily_Miller[silver]> roll 1d20+7
  39. [08:58] <`DICE> Lily_Miller[silver] rolled 1d20+7 [ 1d20=14 ]{21}
  40. [08:58] <Strategist14> You both notice the wheel rattle a tiny amount
  41. [08:59] <Strategist14> You're fairly certain there's something trying to open the door from the other side
  42. [09:00] <Lily_Miller[silver]> "They're trying to get out!"
  43. [09:01] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> "Alr1ght, let's help them!" I say rushing over and grabbing the door's wheel.
  44. [09:01] <Lily_Miller[silver]> I do the same, getting into position on the other side.
  45. [09:02] <Lily_Miller[silver]> "Ready?"
  46. [09:02] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> I take a deep breath to try and stop my hands from shaking, "Yeah!"
  47. [09:03] <Lily_Miller[silver]> "Pull!"
  48. [09:03] <Strategist14> Another Strength check each
  49. [09:03] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> roll 1d20+1
  50. [09:03] <`DICE> Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp] rolled 1d20+1 [ 1d20=15 ]{16}
  51. [09:04] <Lily_Miller[silver]> roll 1d20-1
  52. [09:04] <`DICE> Lily_Miller[silver] rolled 1d20-1 [ 1d20=5 ]{4}
  53. [09:04] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20+3
  54. [09:04] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=1 ]{4}
  55. [09:04] <Strategist14> You hear a thud come from the other side as someone or something falls flat on its face
  56. [09:04] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> ((well at least it isn't me anymore))
  57. [09:04] <Strategist14> However, between the two of you, you manage to finally spin the wheel!
  58. [09:05] <Lily_Miller[silver]> "YEAH! Finally!"
  59. [09:05] <Strategist14> The door is now openable
  60. [09:05] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> "YES!"
  61. [09:06] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> I move to open the door.
  62. [09:06] <Strategist14> You pull the door open
  63. [09:07] <Strategist14> To reveal six imps, as well as one much larger entity spread-eagled on the floor
  64. [09:07] <Strategist14> One imp throws its stubby little arms into the air and walks away muttering to itself in some language
  65. [09:07] <Strategist14> The other five stare
  66. [09:08] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> "<>h, h1!"
  67. [09:09] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> I wave at the imps
  68. [09:10] <Lily_Miller[silver]> My breathing becomes a bit shaky, my last couple experiences with imps did not end very well. Just stay behind Ezra, she seems to know what she's doing.
  69. [09:10] <Strategist14> The imps stare at you some more
  70. [09:10] <Strategist14> The comatose ogre begins to stir
  71. [09:11] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> "My name's Ezra, w<>uld y<>u l1ke t<> be fr1ends!" I say with a big smile towards the imps.
  72. [09:11] <Strategist14> One imp starts chattering at another, then cuffs it over the ear.
  73. [09:12] <Strategist14> The smacked imp rushes towards the door and tries to start closing it on you
  74. [09:12] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20-1
  75. [09:12] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20-1 [ 1d20=14 ]{13}
  76. [09:13] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> "W<>ah, w<>ah, w<>ah! H<>ld <>n guys, we just want t<> talk!"
  77. [09:13] <Strategist14> The smacked imp looks to its superior, which gives a begrudging nod
  78. [09:14] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> "Thank y<>u!" I say with a grateful smile.
  79. [09:14] <Strategist14> The imp rejoins the others
  80. [09:15] <Strategist14> Two of the imps seem to be in the middle of a heated conversation that involves a lot of gesturing towards the vault door
  81. [09:15] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> "1'm Ezra and th1s 1s L1ly!" I say gesturing behind me towards Lily.
  82. [09:16] <Lily_Miller[silver]> "Hi," I suppy, trying to not let my voice crack.
  83. [09:16] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> "We came here thr<>ugh a we1rd gl<>w1ng d<><>rway and s<>me dark v<>1dy th1ng!"
  84. [09:17] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> "What're y<>u're names?!"
  85. [09:17] <Strategist14> One imp gets pushed forward by the rest of the group
  86. [09:17] <Strategist14> With a scared expression, it starts edging closer to you
  87. [09:18] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> I do my best to look warm and friendly.
  88. [09:19] <Strategist14> Once it makes it to the vault door, it presses itself against the wall and tries to get past while keeping as much distance as possible between itself and you
  89. [09:20] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> I move aside to let the imp pass, feeling a bit confused and slightly miffed at being ignored.
  90. [09:20] <Strategist14> Once the imp feels it's gotten out of your reach, it starts sprinting down the corridor
  91. [09:20] <Strategist14> The others continue to stare and murmur amongst themselves
  92. [09:20] <Lily_Miller[silver]> "They're trying to leave?" I whisper to Ezra. They weren't scared of me before, so what's different now?
  93. [09:21] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> "1 d<>n't kn<>w, the last <>ne's 1 met were pretty fr1endly!"
  94. [09:21] <Lily_Miller[silver]> "What's with the big one?"
  95. [09:22] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> "1'm n<>t sure, 1've never seen an 1mp l1ke that bef<>re!"
  96. [09:22] <Strategist14> A shriek emanates from down the corridor
  97. [09:22] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> I spin around to see what's happening.
  98. [09:22] <Lily_Miller[silver]> Don't panic don't panic
  99. [09:22] <Strategist14> The imp has already turned around the corners. There's nothing visible from your vantage
  100. [09:23] <Strategist14> Two more imps rush down, these ones not bothering to keep their distance from you
  101. [09:24] <Lily_Miller[silver]> "Something's off..."
  102. [09:24] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> "Sh<>uld we g<> see what happened?"
  103. [09:25] <Lily_Miller[silver]> "Yeah probably, we should keep our distance though."
  104. [09:26] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> I turn to the remaining imps and say, "We're g<>1ng t<> g<> see what happened!" before I begin moving down the hall.
  105. [09:26] <Strategist14> The two remaining imps nod and move to their comatose ally
  106. [09:27] <Lily_Miller[silver]> Notdontleaveme! "I'm going too," I say, following Ezra
  107. [09:28] <Strategist14> You arrive at the U-turn uneventfully
  108. [09:29] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> I continue around the U-turn.
  109. [09:30] <Strategist14> The three imps that have gone down so far are standing in front of the doorway, arguing with each other
  110. [09:31] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> "Hey guys, what happened?!" I call out to them.
  111. [09:32] <Strategist14> They look to you and start gesturing wildly at the door in a slightly accusatory manner
  112. [09:33] <Lily_Miller[silver]> "There must have been another actauly door there that our doorway replaced!"
  113. [09:34] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> "<>h! 1f y<>u guys want t<> get t<> the r<><>m there y<>u just need t<> g<> thr<>ugh the d<><>rway's <>ther s1de!"
  114. [09:35] <Strategist14> They stare at you uncomprehendingly
  115. [09:36] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> "Err, s<> y<>u g<> thr<>ugh the d<><>rway, and then walk ar<>und 1t thr<>ugh the v<>1d and g<> thr<>ugh 1ts <>ther s1de!"
  116. [09:36] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> I attempt to explain, using my hands to make vague gestures of walking and flipping things turnwise.
  117. [09:37] <Strategist14> Roll for, let's call it a Performance check to play charades
  118. [09:37] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> roll 2#1d20+6
  119. [09:37] <`DICE> Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp] rolled 2#1d20+6 [ 1d20=16 ]{22}, [ 1d20=11 ]{17}
  120. [09:38] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> ((22))
  121. [09:38] <Strategist14> Roll 3#1d20-1
  122. [09:38] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 3#1d20-1 [ 1d20=20 ]{19}, [ 1d20=16 ]{15}, [ 1d20=2 ]{1}
  123. [09:39] <Strategist14> Two of them look at the door in fear
  124. [09:39] <Strategist14> The third understands you perfectly, and hops through
  125. [09:40] <Strategist14> As it disappears around the other side, the other two stare in incomprehension
  126. [09:41] <Strategist14> After a moment, one of the two steps through as well
  127. [09:41] <Strategist14> And falls flat on its face due to the uneven ground
  128. [09:42] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> I move forward, "Hey are y<>u <>k?!"
  129. [09:43] <Strategist14> The imp struggles to its feet, leaking grist
  130. [09:43] <Strategist14> Roll 2#1d4
  131. [09:43] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 2#1d4 [ 1d4=2 ]{2}, [ 1d4=4 ]{4}
  132. [09:43] <Strategist14> Ezra collects 2, Lily collects 4
  133. [09:43] <Lily_Miller[silver]> THEY LEAK IT! WHAT! Oh gosh that's disgusting.
  134. [09:44] <Strategist14> The imp looks at you, hurt
  135. [09:44] <Strategist14> You monster
  136. [09:45] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> "<>h g<>sh! 1'm s<> s<>rry 1 d1dn't warn y<>u ab<>ut the gr<>und!" I exclaim feeling terrible
  137. [09:45] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> "Here, let's take y<>u back t<> y<>ur fr1ends s<> they can patch y<>u up!" I beckon the imp towards me.
  138. [09:46] <Strategist14> The imp approaches
  139. [09:46] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20-1
  140. [09:46] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20-1 [ 1d20=16 ]{15}
  141. [09:46] <Strategist14> And successfully navigates the doorway unharmed
  142. [09:48] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> "Alr1ght, c<>me <>n l1ttle guy!" I say as I take the imps hand and begin walking back to his comrades.
  143. [09:48] <Strategist14> You return to the other two, who seems to have gotten the larger monster conscious
  144. [09:49] <Strategist14> The remaining imp looks at Lily
  145. [09:50] <Lily_Miller[silver]> "Uh..." What am I supposed to say to an imp? I can't read these guys like Ezra can!
  146. [09:51] <Strategist14> The imp seems equally nervous
  147. [09:52] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> "H1 aga1n! Th1s guy tr1pped and hurt h1mself! Can any <>f y<>u help h1m <>ut?!" I ask the imps.
  148. [09:52] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> "<>h and hell<>!" I say to the larger monster, "My name 1s Ezra!"
  149. [09:53] <Strategist14> One of the imps grabs the injured one by the hand and pulls it to a door inside the vault
  150. [09:54] <Strategist14> The remaining imp and monster just stare at you
  151. [09:55] <Lily_Miller[silver]> I try to see if there's anything in the vault, behind the imp and other thing.
  152. [09:56] <Strategist14> Perception check, please
  153. [09:56] <Strategist14> And also Investigation
  154. [09:56] <Lily_Miller[silver]> roll 1d20+7
  155. [09:56] <`DICE> Lily_Miller[silver] rolled 1d20+7 [ 1d20=3 ]{10}
  156. [09:56] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> "S<>, where are we?!" I ask the imp and larger monster.
  157. [09:56] <Lily_Miller[silver]> roll 1d20+5
  158. [09:56] <`DICE> Lily_Miller[silver] rolled 1d20+5 [ 1d20=17 ]{22}
  159. [09:57] <Strategist14> Lily, you notice quite a bit
  160. [09:57] <Strategist14> This room contains two closed doors, one of which was just passed through by the injured imp and its medic
  161. [09:58] <Strategist14> As before, the entire thing is lit by apparently no source
  162. [09:58] <Strategist14> There is a desk covered in playing cards in the middle of the room
  163. [09:58] <Strategist14> And, notably, the vault door also has a wheel on this side
  164. [09:59] <Strategist14> You're beginning to get the sense that this isn't the "vault" side of the door
  165. [09:59] <Lily_Miller[silver]> "Were you guys playing cards?" I ask the remaining imp.
  166. [09:59] <Strategist14> Ezra, the remaining imp says something you can't quite recognize
  167. [10:00] <Strategist14> Frustrated with the language barrier, it runs to the same door the injured one was taken through
  168. [10:00] <Strategist14> You are now alone with the ogre
  169. [10:01] <Strategist14> ... which nods, and shuffles towards the card table
  170. [10:02] <Lily_Miller[silver]> I follow. I've played a couple card games in online chat rooms, but was never that good. I wonder what they were playing?
  171. [10:02] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> I walk there too, curious having never played a card game before.
  172. [10:02] <Strategist14> Yeah you have no idea. The cards are all scattered, seemingly at random except for seven small piles circling the table. There's no pattern to speak of
  173. [10:03] <Strategist14> or at least, not one either of you can identify
  174. [10:04] <Lily_Miller[silver]> "How do you play?" Might be an imp game, but not a human one.
  175. [10:05] <Strategist14> The huge imp sweeps the cards together in a practiced motion, and starts shuffling the deck
  176. [10:07] <Strategist14> The two imps still down the hallway arrive, chattering excitedly between themselves
  177. [10:07] <Strategist14> They each take a spot at the table, and the behemoth starts passing out cards
  178. [10:08] <Strategist14> Both of you roll "Deck 4", please
  179. [10:08] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> Deck 4
  180. [10:08] <`DICE> Queen of Hearts, Jack of Hearts, Ace of Clubs, Ace of Diamonds
  181. [10:08] <Lily_Miller[silver]> Deck 4
  182. [10:08] <`DICE> Nine of Spades, King of Hearts, Five of Hearts, Nine of Diamonds
  183. [10:09] <Strategist14> These cards are passed to you, face up
  184. [10:09] <Strategist14> Deck 4
  185. [10:09] <`DICE> Ten of Diamonds, Ace of Diamonds, Eight of Clubs, Six of Clubs
  186. [10:09] <Strategist14> Deck 4
  187. [10:09] <`DICE> Six of Clubs, Seven of Spades, Nine of Clubs, Ten of Spades
  188. [10:09] <Strategist14> These are passed to the imps, also face up
  189. [10:09] <Strategist14> The ogre takes the rest of the deck
  190. [10:10] <Strategist14> It then counts out roughly half, and throws that up into the air
  191. [10:10] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> ((Uh we have two aces of diamonds, is that ok?))
  192. [10:10] <Strategist14> ((Yeah))
  193. [10:10] <Strategist14> ((The game isn't really supposed to make that much sense))
  194. [10:11] <Lily_Miller[silver]> ((there's more than one deck or something))
  195. [10:11] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> ((Or maybe they just swapped some cards with another deck?))
  196. [10:11] <Strategist14> The cards settle to the table top, and play begins. The imp to the ogre's left picks out two of its cards and throws them at Ezra
  197. [10:11] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20-1
  198. [10:11] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20-1 [ 1d20=5 ]{4}
  199. [10:11] <Strategist14> The cards flop to the table
  200. [10:12] <Strategist14> Lily's turn
  201. [10:13] <Lily_Miller[silver]> What even is this? I follow the imp's example and pick up two cards close to me, throwing them at the first imp.
  202. [10:14] <Strategist14> Dexterity check
  203. [10:14] <Lily_Miller[silver]> roll 1d20+2
  204. [10:14] <`DICE> Lily_Miller[silver] rolled 1d20+2 [ 1d20=8 ]{10}
  205. [10:14] <Strategist14> The cards make it about halfway between you and the first imp before they land on the table
  206. [10:15] <Strategist14> Ezra's turn
  207. [10:16] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> I'm really confused at this point, but I guess I'm supposed to throw cards at people? I grab my Ace of clubs and queen of hearts and then return fire at the imp.
  208. [10:16] <Strategist14> Roll Dex
  209. [10:16] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> roll 1d20+2
  210. [10:16] <`DICE> Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp] rolled 1d20+2 [ 1d20=18 ]{20}
  211. [10:16] <Strategist14> You manage to hit the imp square in the jaw
  212. [10:16] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> ((yay?))
  213. [10:17] <Strategist14> Imp #2 starts clapping
  214. [10:17] <Strategist14> Ogre gives you an impressed nod
  215. [10:17] <Strategist14> Imp #1 grumbles and adds the cards to its pile, then picks out two more cards from the mess on the table and adds those as well
  216. [10:18] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> I feel pleased with myself even though I have no clue what's going on.
  217. [10:18] <Strategist14> Imp #2 spends a few moments thinking
  218. [10:19] <Strategist14> Then grabs four cards off the table and throws those plus the four it started with, all at Imp #1
  219. [10:19] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20-1
  220. [10:19] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20-1 [ 1d20=20 ]{19}
  221. [10:20] <Strategist14> Imp #1 receives a face full of playing cards, and explodes into grist
  222. [10:20] <Strategist14> Imp #2 and the Ogre start cheering
  223. [10:20] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> I take a moment to realize that Imp #2 just killed imp #1.
  224. [10:21] <Lily_Miller[silver]> What the...
  225. [10:22] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> I look at Lily with confusion and some small amount of worry.
  226. [10:22] <Strategist14> The ogre starts collecting the cards off the table
  227. [10:22] <Lily_Miller[silver]> That's so violent. You can't do that in online card games.
  228. [10:22] <Strategist14> Imp #2 holds its hand up to high-five Ezra
  229. [10:22] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> I complete the high-five.
  230. [10:23] <Strategist14> As you finish the first round of cards and/or Imp Russian Roulette, three of the imps return from the door, one of them bandaged up
  231. [10:25] <Ezra_Rabbit[Vamp]> i wave to the returning imps.
  232. [10:25] <Strategist14> They wave back
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