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Sep 9th, 2016
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InnoDB \n=====================================\n160909 20:32:04 INNODB MONITOR OUTPUT\n=====================================\nPer second averages calculated from the last 12 seconds\n-----------------\nBACKGROUND THREAD\n-----------------\nsrv_master_thread loops: 2298 1_second, 2298 sleeps, 224 10_second, 71 background, 71 flush\nsrv_master_thread log flush and writes: 2301\n----------\nSEMAPHORES\n----------\nOS WAIT ARRAY INFO: reservation count 292, signal count 302\nMutex spin waits 353, rounds 2317, OS waits 41\nRW-shared spins 244, rounds 7235, OS waits 239\nRW-excl spins 11, rounds 519, OS waits 11\nSpin rounds per wait: 6.56 mutex, 29.65 RW-shared, 47.18 RW-excl\n------------\nTRANSACTIONS\n------------\nTrx id counter 434E8B0\nPurge done for trx's n:o < 434E0A2 undo n:o < 0\nHistory list length 1514\nLIST OF TRANSACTIONS FOR EACH SESSION:\n---TRANSACTION 0, not started\nMySQL thread id 292, OS thread handle 0x7f88202e8700, query id 186703 localhost root\nshow engine innodb status\n---TRANSACTION 434E8AF, not started\nMySQL thread id 288, OS thread handle 0x7f8820191700, query id 186355 localhost root Waiting for table level lock\ncall psurebets(1)\n---TRANSACTION 434E8A9, not started\nmysql tables in use 6, locked 6\nMySQL thread id 286, OS thread handle 0x7f882040e700, query id 185987 localhost root Waiting for table level lock\nupdate mem_bets set koef = 3.05, updated_at = '2016-09-09 20:27:15.952', link_attr_name = 'bet-selection-id', link_attr_value = 1221385 where bookmakerId = (select id from bookmakers where name = 'betfair') and playTypeId = (select id from play_types where synonymBF = 'football') and marketTypeId = (select id from market_types where name = 'Total') and resultTypeId = (select id from result_types where name = 'back') and competitionId = (select id from competitions where name = 'Airtricity Premier Division') and competition = 'Airtricity Premier Division' and runnerName = 'Under 1.5' and team1 \n---TRANSACTION 434E889, not started\nmysql tables in use 6, locked 6\nMySQL thread id 278, OS thread handle 0x7f88202b7700, query id 185955 localhost root Waiting for table level lock\nupdate mem_bets set koef = 3.45, updated_at = '2016-09-09 20:27:14.190', link_attr_name = 'bet-selection-id', link_attr_value = 1221385 where bookmakerId = (select id from bookmakers where name = 'betfair') and playTypeId = (select id from play_types where synonymBF = 'football') and marketTypeId = (select id from market_types where name = 'Total') and resultTypeId = (select id from result_types where name = 'back') and competitionId = (select id from competitions where name = 'Serie A') and competition = 'Serie A' and runnerName = 'Under 1.5' and team1 = 'Juventus' and team2 = 'Sassuolo' and \n---TRANSACTION 434E827, not started\nmysql tables in use 6, locked 6\nMySQL thread id 281, OS thread handle 0x7f8820255700, query id 185859 localhost root Waiting for table level lock\nupdate mem_bets set koef = 1.15, updated_at = '2016-09-09 20:27:13.186', link_attr_name = 'bet-selection-id', link_attr_value = 1222344 where bookmakerId = (select id from bookmakers where name = 'betfair') and playTypeId = (select id from play_types where synonymBF = 'football') and marketTypeId = (select id from market_types where name = 'Total') and resultTypeId = (select id from result_types where name = 'back') and competitionId = (select id from competitions where name = 'Serbian Super Liga') and competition = 'Serbian Super Liga' and runnerName = 'Under 3.5' and team1 = 'Mladost Lucani'\n---TRANSACTION 434E0FB, not started\nmysql tables in use 6, locked 6\nMySQL thread id 274, OS thread handle 0x7f882043f700, query id 183907 localhost root Waiting for table level lock\nupdate mem_bets set koef = 1.625, updated_at = '2016-09-09 20:26:55.133' where bookmakerId = (select id from bookmakers where name = 'matchbook') and playTypeId = (select id from play_types where synonymMB = 'MMA') and marketTypeId = (select id from market_types where name = 'Total') and resultTypeId = (select id from result_types where name = 'back') and competitionId = (select id from competitions where name = 'UFC') and competition = 'UFC' and runnerName = 'Over 2.5' and team1 = 'Jason Gonzalez' and team2 = 'Drew Dober' and url = '' and datetime = '201\n---TRANSACTION 434E182, not started\nmysql tables in use 6, locked 6\nMySQL thread id 273, OS thread handle 0x7f8820224700, query id 184054 localhost root Waiting for table level lock\nupdate mem_bets set koef = 1.625, updated_at = '2016-09-09 20:26:55.708' where bookmakerId = (select id from bookmakers where name = 'matchbook') and playTypeId = (select id from play_types where synonymMB = 'MMA') and marketTypeId = (select id from market_types where name = 'Total') and resultTypeId = (select id from result_types where name = 'back') and competitionId = (select id from competitions where name = 'UFC') and competition = 'UFC' and runnerName = 'Over 2.5' and team1 = 'Jason Gonzalez' and team2 = 'Drew Dober' and url = '' and datetime = '201\n---TRANSACTION 434E240, not started\nmysql tables in use 6, locked 6\nMySQL thread id 272, OS thread handle 0x7f8820319700, query id 184267 localhost root Waiting for table level lock\nupdate mem_bets set koef = 1.625, updated_at = '2016-09-09 20:26:58.968' where bookmakerId = (select id from bookmakers where name = 'matchbook') and playTypeId = (select id from play_types where synonymMB = 'MMA') and marketTypeId = (select id from market_types where name = 'Total') and resultTypeId = (select id from result_types where name = 'back') and competitionId = (select id from competitions where name = 'UFC') and competition = 'UFC' and runnerName = 'Over 2.5' and team1 = 'Jason Gonzalez' and team2 = 'Drew Dober' and url = '' and datetime = '201\n---TRANSACTION 434DFA2, not started\nMySQL thread id 268, OS thread handle 0x7f882034a700, query id 181944 localhost root\n---TRANSACTION 434DF4D, not started\nMySQL thread id 271, OS thread handle 0x7f8820470700, query id 181319 localhost root\n---TRANSACTION 434DF1B, not started\nMySQL thread id 269, OS thread handle 0x7f88203dd700, query id 180956 localhost root\n---TRANSACTION 434DF07, not started\nMySQL thread id 270, OS thread handle 0x7f88201c2700, query id 177177 localhost root\ncall psurebets(1)\n---TRANSACTION 0, not started\nMySQL thread id 245, OS thread handle 0x7f8824262700, query id 166268 localhost root\n---TRANSACTION 434DF03, not started\nMySQL thread id 242, OS thread handle 0x7f88200fe700, query id 183910 localhost root Waiting for table level lock\nselect id,bookmakerId,playTypeId,marketTypeId,resultTypeId,competitionId,competition,runner_id,runnerName,datetime,team1,team2,koef,url,link_attr_name,link_attr_value,created_at,updated_at from mem_bets LIMIT 9900,300\n--------\nFILE I/O\n--------\nI/O thread 0 state: waiting for completed aio requests (insert buffer thread)\nI/O thread 1 state: waiting for completed aio requests (log thread)\nI/O thread 2 state: waiting for completed aio requests (read thread)\nI/O thread 3 state: waiting for completed aio requests (read thread)\nI/O thread 4 state: waiting for completed aio requests (read thread)\nI/O thread 5 state: waiting for completed aio requests (read thread)\nI/O thread 6 state: waiting for completed aio requests (write thread)\nI/O thread 7 state: waiting for completed aio requests (write thread)\nI/O thread 8 state: waiting for completed aio requests (write thread)\nI/O thread 9 state: waiting for completed aio requests (write thread)\nPending normal aio reads: 0 [0, 0, 0, 0] , aio writes: 0 [0, 0, 0, 0] ,\n ibuf aio reads: 0, log i/o's: 0, sync i/o's: 0\nPending flushes (fsync) log: 0; buffer pool: 0\n663 OS file reads, 45150 OS file writes, 36218 OS fsyncs\n0.00 reads/s, 0 avg bytes/read, 0.00 writes/s, 0.00 fsyncs/s\n-------------------------------------\nINSERT BUFFER AND ADAPTIVE HASH INDEX\n-------------------------------------\nIbuf: size 1, free list len 5, seg size 7, 0 merges\nmerged operations:\n insert 0, delete mark 0, delete 0\ndiscarded operations:\n insert 0, delete mark 0, delete 0\nHash table size 276671, node heap has 3 buffer(s)\n0.00 hash searches/s, 0.00 non-hash searches/s\n---\nLOG\n---\nLog sequence number 2510416636\nLog flushed up to 2510416636\nLast checkpoint at 2510416636\n0 pending log writes, 0 pending chkp writes\n35631 log i/o's done, 0.00 log i/o's/second\n----------------------\nBUFFER POOL AND MEMORY\n----------------------\nTotal memory allocated 137363456; in additional pool allocated 0\nDictionary memory allocated 284747\nBuffer pool size 8191\nFree buffers 7427\nDatabase pages 761\nOld database pages 268\nModified db pages 0\nPending reads 0\nPending writes: LRU 0, flush list 0, single page 0\nPages made young 1, not young 0\n0.00 youngs/s, 0.00 non-youngs/s\nPages read 652, created 109, written 9178\n0.00 reads/s, 0.00 creates/s, 0.00 writes/s\nNo buffer pool page gets since the last printout\nPages read ahead 0.00/s, evicted without access 0.00/s, Random read ahead 0.00/s\nLRU len: 761, unzip_LRU len: 0\nI/O sum[0]:cur[0], unzip sum[0]:cur[0]\n--------------\nROW OPERATIONS\n--------------\n0 queries inside InnoDB, 0 queries in queue\n1 read views open inside InnoDB\nMain thread process no. 21192, id 140222324909824, state: waiting for server activity\nNumber of rows inserted 14191, updated 1010, deleted 4412, read 3040406\n0.00 inserts/s, 0.00 updates/s, 0.00 deletes/s, 0.00 reads/s\n----------------------------\nEND OF INNODB MONITOR OUTPUT\n============================\n
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