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May 27th, 2012
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Sunday, May 27, 2012
  3. 3:37 PM - Ricky: hey hey
  4. 3:37 PM - Ricky: Not too late am i?
  5. 3:37 PM - Dom3k: Nope
  6. 3:37 PM - Dom3k: Well you missed last game but I made it a spin off of the first squad
  7. 3:37 PM - Dom3k: They blew up six sectors ricky.
  8. 3:38 PM - Dom3k: SIX, SECTORS.
  9. 3:38 PM - Warhammer Argatson-O-DFC-2: And suddenly demons
  10. 3:38 PM - Ricky: jebus
  11. 3:38 PM - Warhammer Argatson-O-DFC-2: also setient lascannon THAT MY BITCH TEAMMATE STOLE
  12. Scelly9 entered chat.
  13. 3:38 PM - Scelly9: Ello
  14. 3:39 PM - Dom3k: Are any of you friends with spoony bard?
  15. 3:39 PM - Warhammer Argatson-O-DFC-2: ello
  16. 3:39 PM - Dom3k: And if so invite him kthx
  17. 3:39 PM - Scelly9: We need music
  18. 3:39 PM - [WDZ] LavaLord4: wait
  19. 3:39 PM - nayr eht sdrawkcab: ok done a caritor
  20. 3:39 PM - [WDZ] LavaLord4: let me get iy
  21. 3:39 PM - nayr eht sdrawkcab: character
  22. 3:39 PM - Dom3k:
  23. 3:39 PM - Scelly9: EAT MUSIC:
  24. 3:39 PM - Ricky: spoony bard isnt online
  25. 3:39 PM - Dom3k: Fhtagn
  26. 3:39 PM - Pendragon: Ia Ia!
  27. 3:40 PM - Dom3k: nayr pm me your char
  28. 3:40 PM - Dom3k: upload via kthx
  29. 3:40 PM - Warhammer Argatson-O-DFC-2: oh yeah, you guys hear about the zombie attack in miami?
  30. 3:40 PM - Dom3k: I have pretty much everyone's sheets except nayr and mr.pendragon
  31. 3:40 PM - Dom3k: Nop
  32. 3:40 PM - Warhammer Argatson-O-DFC-2:
  33. 3:40 PM - Dom3k: e
  34. 3:40 PM - Pendragon: Just going to be observing for the most part
  35. 3:40 PM - Dom3k: Are you sure?
  36. 3:41 PM - Dom3k: If you are the person I think you are you'd enjoy the genocide.
  37. 3:41 PM - Dom3k: And the socks!
  38. 3:41 PM - Pendragon: don't really know where to make the sheet
  39. 3:41 PM - Ricky: when was the last game?
  40. 3:41 PM - Warhammer Argatson-O-DFC-2: Dom: will we have to take another R&D developed car?
  41. 3:41 PM - Warhammer Argatson-O-DFC-2: yestrday
  42. 3:41 PM - Dom3k:
  43. 3:41 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: PLEASE NO
  44. 3:41 PM - Dom3k: Classic.
  45. 3:41 PM - Dom3k: HI JOANE
  46. 3:41 PM - Warhammer Argatson-O-DFC-2: GIMME BACK MY GUN JO
  47. 3:41 PM - Pendragon: thanks
  48. 3:41 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: NEVAH
  49. 3:41 PM - Dom3k: Classic no mutant experience do not edit clone or clearance.
  50. 3:41 PM - Pendragon: sector?
  51. Ricky has changed their name to Mart-R-IYD-1.
  52. 3:42 PM - Dom3k: Anything you want
  53. 3:42 PM - Pendragon: k
  54. 3:42 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2Warhammer: Whatever
  55. 3:42 PM - [WDZ] LavaLord4: Just not WTF or some shiz.
  56. 3:42 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: hello argatson
  57. 3:42 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2Warhammer: VENGENCE SHALL BE MINE JO!
  58. 3:42 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2Warhammer: evening mart
  59. 3:42 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: anyway, EVERYONE GET IN HERE
  60. 3:42 PM - Dom3k: This is epic
  61. 3:42 PM - Pendragon: what does it mean with the playstyles?
  62. 3:42 PM - Dom3k: Just select classic.
  63. 3:43 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: ....please?
  64. 3:43 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: i dont even havea facebook or twitter account
  65. 3:43 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2Warhammer: but I have heavy metal playing on pandra
  66. 3:43 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2Warhammer: *pandora
  67. 3:43 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: -_-
  68. 3:43 PM - Dom3k: I lack both twitter and facebook.
  69. 3:43 PM - Dom3k: Also ew, heavy metal.
  70. 3:43 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: I made one just for this
  71. 3:43 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: Its worth it
  72. 3:43 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: I have pandora
  73. 3:44 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: i think the beach boys are playing
  74. 3:44 PM - [WDZ] LavaLord4: The Kiffness all the way
  75. 3:44 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: Well, we have still Alive and The Device Has Benn Modified
  76. 3:44 PM - Dom3k: Scelly change to your char name pl0x
  77. 3:44 PM - Dom3k: oh wait you have it already
  78. 3:44 PM - Dom3k: Frakking steam.
  79. 3:45 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: :P
  80. 3:45 PM - [WDZ] LavaLord4: The Kiffness all the way bro.:
  81. 3:45 PM - [WDZ] LavaLord4: Wait
  82. 3:45 PM - [WDZ] LavaLord4: Do I need to change name?
  83. 3:46 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: yes :L
  84. 3:46 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2Warhammer: yeah
  85. 3:46 PM - [WDZ] LavaLord4: Curses!
  86. 3:46 PM - Dom3k: Change your name to Weiss_Scott-r-66-1 please.
  87. 3:46 PM - Dom3k: Mr.pen
  88. 3:46 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2Warhammer: Dom: Tell me you aren't actually going to send chryssalids after us
  89. 3:46 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: jebus
  90. Argatson-O-DFC-2Warhammer has changed their name to Argatson-O-DFC-2.
  91. 3:46 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: what did i miss last game?
  92. 3:46 PM - Dom3k: I cannot tell you.
  93. 3:46 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Uh
  94. 3:46 PM - Derek Dark-R-12-1: You missed
  95. 3:46 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: R&D built a car
  96. 3:46 PM - Derek Dark-R-12-1: people
  97. 3:46 PM - Dom3k: Well the new team investigated a commie site looking for a VIOLET inquisitor.
  98. 3:47 PM - Derek Dark-R-12-1: pooping.
  99. 3:47 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Which exploded
  100. 3:47 PM - Dom3k: People died too
  101. 3:47 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: and you were already promoted warhammer? :O
  102. 3:47 PM - Dom3k: And five-six sectors exploded.
  103. 3:47 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: I KILL COMMUNISTS AND MUTANT
  104. 3:47 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: this is going to be fun :P
  105. 3:47 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: And I have the gun that did it
  106. 3:47 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: :D
  107. 3:47 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: I Blew up hundreds of COMMIES
  108. 3:47 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: And used a demonically posessed lascannon
  109. 3:47 PM - Dom3k: Let me boil up some secret missions and stuff
  110. 3:47 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: WHICH JOANE STOLE
  111. 3:47 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: LAWL
  112. 3:47 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: I HAD A HAPPINESS WATCH
  113. 3:47 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 throttles Joane
  114. 3:47 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: GIVE FRANK BACK
  115. 3:47 PM - Dom3k: SO MANY TABS OPEN, cannot find the pdfs ;l
  116. 3:48 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: it's all fun and games until someone uses a demonically posessed lascannon
  117. 3:48 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: no, it was still pretty fun
  118. 3:48 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: Then its fun and explosions
  119. 3:48 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: It killed everything, looked badass
  120. 3:48 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: yes it then fun and games with no arms
  121. 3:48 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: I also have shiny metal balls
  122. 3:48 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: warned me off against using it to rocket jump
  123. 3:48 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: OOh yeah.
  124. 3:49 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: and the monocle and the pen.
  125. 3:49 PM - Dom3k: Pendragon.
  126. 3:49 PM - Dom3k: Dom3k: Change your name to Weiss_Scott-r-66-1 please.
  127. 3:49 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: I currently have duct-tape, wireing, a wrench, and assorted other tools
  128. 3:49 PM - Dom3k: Dankeshane
  129. 3:49 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: oh.
  130. 3:49 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: my pen is actually a Laspistol
  131. 3:49 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: and a swiss army knife
  132. 3:49 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: and the monocle can be used for mind control
  133. 3:50 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: ...
  134. 3:50 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: how the fuck did that happen
  135. 3:50 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: oh yes.
  136. 3:50 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: RnD weapon
  137. 3:50 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: I made a troubleshooter recite im a little teapot
  138. 3:50 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: so how does this work then?
  139. 3:50 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Wait, so YOU get an awesome monocole
  140. 3:51 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: but WE GOT A FUCKING DEATH CAR THAT EXPLODES?
  141. 3:51 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: FUCK R&D
  142. 3:51 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: WAs it
  143. 3:51 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: the
  144. 3:51 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: angry woman still?
  145. 3:51 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: octavia?
  146. 3:51 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: eh?
  147. 3:51 PM - Derek Dark-R-12-1: gotta go
  148. 3:51 PM - Derek Dark-R-12-1: from here
  149. 3:51 PM - Derek Dark-R-12-1: my bes frein needs me to help her
  150. 3:51 PM - Derek Dark-R-12-1: with
  151. 3:51 PM - Derek Dark-R-12-1: stuff
  152. 3:52 PM - Dom3k: Sorry if I'm taking long
  153. 3:52 PM - Dom3k: So many char sheets open at once
  154. 3:52 PM - Dom3k: Genning stuff
  155. 3:52 PM - Dom3k: Y u do that lav
  156. 3:52 PM - Dom3k: lava
  157. 3:52 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: Im pretty sure our RnD sepcialist was a buff lesbian.
  158. 3:52 PM - [WDZ] LavaLord4: because
  159. 3:52 PM - [WDZ] LavaLord4: i need to
  160. 3:52 PM - Dom3k: She was in power armor mart.
  161. 3:53 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: thats what makes me think she was lesbian
  162. [WDZ] LavaLord4 left chat.
  163. 3:53 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: *facepalm*
  164. 3:53 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: what do you think she was using that armor for?
  165. 3:53 PM - Dom3k: You disgust me.
  166. 3:53 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: :D
  167. 3:53 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Joane, I may call a truce with you after hearing mart
  168. 3:53 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: lol?
  169. 3:54 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: also, this is the same mart, as im sure you know, argatson.
  170. 3:54 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: are you sure were not playing zap?
  171. 3:54 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 (Renegade): Yep
  172. 3:54 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: we actually NEVER talked to R&D
  173. 3:54 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 (Renegade): Zap ends with you all dying in the briefing room
  174. 3:54 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: she was probably busy beating up some poor male.
  175. 3:55 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: well yea it has too
  176. 3:55 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 (Renegade): I figured out the perfect song for when we talk to R&D
  177. 3:55 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 (Renegade): Still Alive
  178. 3:55 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: lol
  179. 3:55 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 (Renegade): Definetly.
  180. 3:55 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: thats
  181. 3:55 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: pretty much a perfect song
  182. 3:56 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: she punched some poor troubleshooter
  183. 3:56 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: into
  184. 3:56 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: a fine mist
  185. 3:56 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: with one punch :L
  186. 3:56 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: O.o
  187. Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty) entered chat.
  188. 3:58 PM - Dom3k: Simoooon
  189. 3:58 PM - Dom3k: Now I have to gen you a character tooo
  190. 3:58 PM - Dom3k: Er not gen
  191. 3:58 PM - Dom3k: Secret missions
  192. 3:58 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): ((Sorry, I was at the beach longer than expected.))
  193. 3:58 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Oh hey Simon
  194. 3:58 PM - Dom3k: :o beach
  195. 3:58 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Fucking bird boy
  196. 3:58 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 (Renegade): Ello simon
  197. 3:58 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): Hey everyone.
  198. 3:58 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: oh.
  199. 3:58 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: whats my
  200. 3:58 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: job?
  201. 3:58 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: happiness?
  202. 3:58 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: arms?
  203. 3:59 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: WAIT FOR BRIEFING
  204. 3:59 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: WELL
  205. 3:59 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: Simon, where do you live?
  206. 3:59 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: to have a beach so close?
  207. 3:59 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): I'm on vacation
  208. 3:59 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: Oh.
  209. 3:59 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): In Florida
  210. 3:59 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: thats pretty cool.
  211. 4:00 PM - Dom3k: Now let me get julius
  212. 4:01 PM - Dom3k: Looks like Will-O-DIE-2 won't join us too soon.
  213. 4:01 PM - Dom3k: Sadface
  214. 4:01 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Darn
  215. 4:01 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: I wish Vlad was here
  216. 4:01 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: :F
  217. 4:01 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: the only other sane one from last time
  218. 4:02 PM - Friend computer All of your pda's flash in unison, "WARNING, WARNING, MACHINE EMPATH DETECTED NEARBY."
  219. 4:02 PM - Friend computer: (ps game start)
  220. 4:02 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //oh lord
  222. Julius Clonkus entered chat.
  223. 4:03 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 heads down to the armory
  224. 4:03 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1 heads to armory to hunt down the empaths
  225. 4:03 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: how do you do blue text?
  226. 4:03 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): Goes to the armory using an unspecified method of travel
  227. 4:03 PM - Friend computer: ./me
  228. 4:03 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: thanks
  229. 4:04 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 follows
  230. 4:04 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: // double slash is OOC
  231. 4:04 PM - Friend computer: // DO what mart says about OOC
  232. 4:04 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: ((I thought it was double parens))
  233. 4:04 PM - Friend computer: // Vastly superior to ((
  234. 4:04 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: // use them like your life depends on it. because isometimes your life depends on it
  235. 4:04 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 follows the group.
  236. 4:04 PM - Friend computer: // Someone died because of them failing OOC.
  237. 4:04 PM - Friend computer: // Was funny
  238. 4:04 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //oh yeah.
  239. 4:04 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 (Renegade): //Extremely.
  240. 4:04 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: //of course
  241. 4:04 PM - Friend computer: // I am forced to assume everyone is heading to armory now.
  242. 4:05 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 heads down to the armory
  243. 4:05 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): // I remember one time when I joined a game to spectate but still had my name set to friend computer because I had GMed game.
  244. 4:05 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty) is still going to the armory
  245. 4:06 PM - Friend computer You all arrive at the armory to be startled by random troubleshooters and offiers alike scrounging for remains of what used to be the armory. Many of the guns had vanished
  246. 4:06 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Great. We're late?
  247. 4:06 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: What the Hell happened here?
  248. 4:06 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 looks for any intact heavy weapons to grab
  249. 4:06 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Hell happened, I guess.
  250. 4:06 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): I think something bad MAY have happened.
  251. 4:07 PM - Friend computer Argatson finds a "Autocannon." It is a fine weapon tipped with spikes on spikes.
  252. 4:07 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 takes autocannon and any ammo
  253. 4:07 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 asks a trobleshoter what happend
  254. 4:08 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 looks for energy weapons - preferably a laser rifle.
  255. 4:08 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty) looks for any small weaponry
  256. 4:08 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty) also looks for energy weapons, too
  257. 4:08 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1 pulls out his pen-gun
  258. 4:08 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 looks for a medkit as wel, not wanting to repeat his last mission
  259. 4:08 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 Looks around for energy weapons
  260. 4:08 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Will, why do we always get the shit jobs?
  261. 4:09 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Well, we are kind of related to the whole mess.
  262. 4:09 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: But I mean
  263. 4:09 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Related as in "we were within five miles of the source of the problem".
  264. 4:09 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 lookes around for any lasor heads
  265. 4:09 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): Yeah, you guys blew the car up.
  266. 4:09 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: o.o
  267. 4:09 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Not our fault
  268. 4:09 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: and Joane did that
  269. 4:10 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: I thought we had agreed on the first one being blown to bits by Joane giving a lethal order.
  270. 4:10 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: then the second car burst into flames
  271. 4:10 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: for no reason
  272. 4:10 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): Yeah sure.
  273. 4:10 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): It's not like anyone was trying to activate explosives or anything.
  274. 4:10 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): The engine probably just overheated.
  275. 4:11 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Hey, will, found a medkit so we're set on that front
  276. 4:11 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: its not often things happen by chance around here.
  277. 4:11 PM - Friend computer: // I'm sure thats what happened
  278. 4:11 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Great.
  279. 4:11 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: I've found a laser rifle.
  280. 4:11 PM - Friend computer You find an angry looking kim sandez starting at YOU, will.
  281. 4:11 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: So anyone know where the fuck the mutant we're hunting is?
  282. 4:11 PM - Friend computer: // staring*
  283. 4:11 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: oh.... mornin ma'am
  284. 4:11 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 salutes absent-mindedly.
  285. 4:11 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: I dont believe we're hunting a mutant. i think its a ... machine
  286. 4:11 PM - Friend computer: Kim sandez: What the hell happened back there? All I remember was rift opening.
  287. 4:12 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Uh
  288. 4:12 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: You dont want to know
  289. 4:12 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: just
  290. 4:12 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: trust me on that
  291. 4:12 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): We all ate cold fun and everything was good.
  292. 4:12 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: and then the car exploded again
  293. 4:12 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: fucking R&D
  294. 4:12 PM - Friend computer: Kim: Alright simon, atleast you are trying. Report to the briefing room for your next mission.
  295. 4:12 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: I have no clue. There was this strange daemon-weapon-whatever-thingy, a car that went nuclear on us and several other things that could not have gone worse.
  296. 4:12 PM - Friend computer: Kim: Silent about that subject will, we need not kill anyone today.
  297. 4:13 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 briefly looks for anything else useful and heads down to breifing
  298. 4:13 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Alright. Sorry.
  299. 4:13 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 moves towards the briefing room.
  300. 4:13 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 follows will-o
  301. 4:14 PM - Friend computer: // Tell me when the group is ready to transistion to PHASE SPAACE- Briefing room.
  302. 4:14 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 heads down to briefing
  303. 4:14 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: //I ain't got nothing better to do :/
  304. 4:14 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //ready op
  305. 4:15 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //obviously ready
  306. 4:15 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: //ready
  307. 4:15 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //ready
  308. 4:15 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): //ready
  309. 4:15 PM - Friend computer You all arrive at the briefing room in a brief manner exerting the briefest possible physical exertion in a brief untimely manner.
  310. 4:15 PM - Friend computer Of brief.
  311. 4:15 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //too many briefs, whats he planning
  312. 4:15 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //good thing i wore my briefs.
  313. 4:15 PM - Friend computer You find kim staring at you with a briefcase on the table.
  314. 4:16 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //oh god are we facing jeanstealers?
  315. 4:16 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): I hope I arrived breifly enough, ma'am.
  316. 4:16 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: So what's the situation ma'am?
  317. 4:16 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: // noooo my jeans
  318. 4:16 PM - Friend computer: Kim: Good, we dug up this artifact just before the rift exploded in that region of our complex. It seems to have daemon negating properties and RnD needs it tested.
  319. 4:16 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: what, behind the briefcase?
  320. 4:16 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: I will be glad to test these weapons ma'am!
  321. 4:16 PM - Friend computer: Kim: Also since miss octavia is busy strangling a daemon in her lab I'll go ahead and give you the tools she supplemented our efforts worth.
  322. 4:17 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): I call dibs on the narcotics
  323. 4:17 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //i told you octavia was batshit
  324. 4:17 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Do we get like, actual decent armor?
  325. 4:17 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: You saw the armory, Argatson.
  326. 4:17 PM - Friend computer: Kim: 1x Mini nuke with remote detonator, effects may rival singularity. 1x Not so tested power armor. Or prototype REFLEC armor for everyone.
  327. 4:17 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: not that our current stuff is bad, just not gonna do much against demons
  328. 4:17 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: I'll go for the Reflec armor
  329. 4:18 PM - Friend computer: // One selection per group
  330. 4:18 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): I say we go for the reflec armor.
  331. 4:18 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: I would also support picking the REFLEC armor.
  332. 4:18 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): Then we pawn it off for narcotics.
  333. 4:18 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: i agree
  334. 4:18 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: I mean, it benefits all of us instead of some of us
  335. 4:18 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: We could pawn you off for narcotics, Simon.
  336. 4:18 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): only if I get the narcotics.
  337. 4:18 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Simon, you appear to be obsessed with narcotics
  338. 4:18 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Deal.
  339. 4:18 PM - Friend computer: Kim: What about narcotics?
  340. 4:18 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: dunno
  341. 4:18 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Simon keeps rambling
  342. 4:19 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): What?
  343. 4:19 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: Simon has Narcolespy
  344. 4:19 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): I don't recall mentioning narcotics.
  345. 4:19 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Case in point
  346. 4:19 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: We have an ~aaaaaaddiiiiict~ amongst us.
  347. 4:19 PM - Friend computer: Kim: Right, well currently we're fighting a losing battle in the sector LSD. We need you to deploy the anti-daemon artifact there and hope for the best basicly.
  348. 4:19 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): What about LSD?
  349. 4:19 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: I believe sector LSD is Simon's favorite sector.
  350. 4:19 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: No offense.
  351. 4:19 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: And the only was to prevent simon's narcoletpic attacks is Marcotics?
  352. 4:19 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 sighs
  353. 4:20 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Right
  354. 4:20 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Go to LSD, kill everything
  355. 4:20 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Activate briefcase
  356. 4:20 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Everything that is not on our side, you mean.
  357. 4:20 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: What's he catch?
  358. 4:20 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: Time is on our side.
  359. 4:20 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): What do we do if we see a bear?
  360. 4:20 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: ...what's a bear?
  361. 4:20 PM - Friend computer: Kim: You also have to test a hovertank for RnD.
  362. 4:20 PM - Friend computer: Kim: Lots of stuff today eh?
  363. 4:21 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: I think Simon botched the pronounciation of the slang term commonly used for alcohol.
  364. 4:21 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 glances around a bit at the mention of a hovertank
  365. 4:21 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): Good question, Argatson. Does anyone known what a bear is?
  366. 4:21 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: A...hovertank?
  367. 4:21 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Can't we get a non-hover-y tank?
  368. 4:21 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Uh... how safe is it?
  369. 4:21 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: so, a bear is a hovertank.
  370. 4:21 PM - Friend computer: Kim: No can do will.
  371. 4:21 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 sighs.
  372. 4:21 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Alright.
  373. 4:21 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: this is going to be fun
  374. 4:22 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Can we get a manual for the hovertank?
  375. 4:22 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): I think we should name our hovertank bear.
  376. 4:22 PM - Friend computer: Kim: Proceed to mot- Whats that?
  377. 4:22 PM - Friend computer She appears to be talking via a ear device of some sort.
  378. 4:22 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: If this is your idea of fun, viv, you need to get out more
  379. 4:22 PM - Friend computer: Kim: Good news, we located joane. Meet her at the armory!
  380. 4:22 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Wait
  381. 4:22 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Is this a good idea?
  382. 4:22 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: what is she has the bear?
  383. 4:22 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Ma'am, she deserted mid mission
  384. 4:23 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Trusting her is not.... a good idea
  385. 4:23 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): Oh my god, Joane has the bear!
  386. 4:23 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: arg it is and i do
  387. 4:24 PM - Friend computer: Kim: Well she is a part of your team, you'll have to live with it. Tell her that she has been promoted to orange.
  388. 4:24 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1 salutes and heads to armory
  389. 4:24 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 heads to the armory
  390. 4:24 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 following tiem
  391. 4:24 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 *time
  392. 4:24 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty) goes to the armory using an unspecified mode of transportation
  393. 4:24 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 follows.
  394. 4:24 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 salutes, moseys down to the armory
  395. 4:24 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 talking with will on the way
  396. 4:25 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 checks his pdc
  397. 4:25 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Mart? Whats with the ice cream?
  398. 4:26 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: Oh.
  399. 4:26 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: It's Strength-enhancing.
  400. 4:26 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Ah
  401. 4:26 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Isn't that illegeal?
  402. 4:26 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: Isnt unrestricted murder illegal?
  403. 4:26 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: indeed
  404. 4:26 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: cool
  405. 4:27 PM - Friend computer You bump into joane, specificly you argatson. Hint hint nudge nudge
  406. 4:27 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: anyone wanna buy some ice-cream?
  407. 4:27 PM - Friend computer: // Wink wink
  408. Argatson-O-DFC-2 left chat.
  409. Argatson-O-DFC-2 entered chat.
  410. 4:27 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): //OH MY GOD
  411. 4:27 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: // LOL
  412. 4:27 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //freaking x keys
  414. 4:27 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 (Renegade): Hello, argatson
  415. 4:27 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Hello.... Deserter
  416. 4:27 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Joane.
  417. 4:27 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Do you still have my gun?
  418. 4:27 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: whoooo wants ICE CREAM?
  419. 4:27 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 (Renegade) sighs
  420. 4:28 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Hey Guys, I'll be heading down to C-Bay, I'll be at the armory in a sec
  421. 4:28 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 (Renegade): I didn't desert, someone kidnapped me
  422. 4:28 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Bullshit.
  423. 4:28 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: And my gun?
  424. 4:28 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: i bet they didnt have icecream
  425. 4:28 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: mart, would yuo like some chips with your ice cream?
  426. 4:28 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 (Renegade): They took it
  427. 4:28 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: nooo..
  428. 4:28 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: ...Do we know where they are?
  429. 4:28 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 (Renegade): Nope
  430. 4:28 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 tries to see if she's bluffing
  432. 4:29 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 passes mart the chips and nods
  433. 4:29 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 heads down to C-Bay and looks around for a Laser Rifle
  434. 4:29 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: //eventually
  435. 4:29 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: *aghast*
  436. 4:29 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): Wait, I have a good snack to!
  437. 4:29 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: I thought i had the only strength enhancing edible substances!
  438. 4:29 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 slowly pulls out a cig and lights it
  439. 4:29 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: //you do
  440. 4:30 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): Don't make the entire room smokey, argatson
  441. 4:30 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: well chips are tasty
  442. 4:30 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Right, well command seems to have forgotten about your efforts last mission, so you're still red while we are now orange
  443. 4:30 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Sorry bout that
  444. 4:30 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Also
  445. 4:30 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 turns to the group at large
  446. 4:30 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: What's our chain of command?
  447. 4:31 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Considering what happened the last time...err...
  448. 4:32 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): I think I should be the highest in command.
  449. 4:32 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: like hell
  450. 4:32 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): Since I saved the hostage last time single-handedly
  451. 4:32 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 (Renegade): That's rich
  452. 4:32 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): After you guys shot my feet off.
  453. 4:32 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 (Renegade): You betrayed us
  454. 4:32 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Veto the shit out of that
  455. 4:32 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 (Renegade): By being a commie
  456. 4:32 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 returns, with a Sniper rifile on his back
  457. 4:32 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: You acted without instructions or warning. And the betrayal.
  458. 4:33 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): I never shot a round at any of you.
  459. 4:33 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: since i am new i'll go on the lowest rank
  460. 4:33 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: damn, weiss, slick rifle
  461. 4:33 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 nods
  462. 4:33 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): I simply gave the commie's ice cream with loyalty pills on it.
  463. 4:33 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: That's a beautiful gun.
  464. 4:33 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: found it for three hundred
  465. 4:33 PM - Friend computer Vivian walks off and returns with very visible BLUE icecream cones.
  466. 4:33 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): I even tried to convince them that you guys were friendly
  467. 4:33 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: VIVIAN
  468. 4:33 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: STOP!
  469. 4:33 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Vivian, aren't those above your clearence?
  470. 4:33 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: TRAITOR
  471. 4:33 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: BLUE
  472. 4:33 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: BAD
  473. 4:33 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 aims her pistol at Vivian
  474. 4:34 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 facepalms muttering "here we go again"
  475. 4:34 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 springs to action and instantly aims her gun at Vivian, "DROP THAT NOW!"
  476. 4:34 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 drops it
  477. 4:34 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Alright.
  478. 4:34 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Fuck it, I'm heading down to the motorpool
  479. 4:34 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 calms down and turns back towards the roup.
  480. 4:34 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 i dont rember paking them
  481. 4:34 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //*Group
  482. 4:34 PM - Friend computer You see joane drop her gun and walk away to CBAY
  483. 4:34 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: Vivian, I would suggest heading down to the computer and telling it
  484. 4:35 PM - Friend computer Joane walks back with BLUE icecream cones.
  485. 4:35 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: i will
  486. 4:35 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 drops the iceream in her hands
  487. 4:35 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Joane
  488. 4:35 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: WHAT THE HELL
  489. 4:35 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: see
  490. 4:35 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Stop making me twitchy like this.
  491. 4:35 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: THAT WAS WEIRD and awesome
  492. 4:35 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): Does anyone else feel...
  493. 4:35 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): happy?
  494. 4:35 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: A bit
  495. 4:35 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 smiles for some reason.
  496. 4:35 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: I feel crazy happy.
  497. 4:35 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 gives an exasperated fuck everything sigh and walks down to the motorpool
  498. 4:35 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: yeah
  499. 4:35 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: i think we need to move
  500. 4:36 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 heads towards the motorpool.
  501. 4:36 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: Nah, its good here
  502. 4:36 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: i felt this kind of happy
  503. 4:36 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Come on guys, we aren't paid by the hour
  504. 4:36 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty) folllows the others to the motorpool
  505. 4:36 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: when i detonated the nuke-watch
  506. 4:36 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 sighs and follows the others
  507. 4:36 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: I call driving
  508. 4:36 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: i hug argatson
  509. 4:36 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): I call shotgun
  510. 4:36 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: I second Argatson's dibs.
  511. 4:36 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1 goes to motorpool
  512. 4:36 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Vivian
  513. 4:36 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 goes to the motorpool as well
  514. 4:36 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: What are you
  515. 4:36 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 goes to hug arg
  516. 4:36 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 falls
  517. 4:36 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 falles down
  518. 4:36 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Vivian... the fuck are you doing?
  519. 4:36 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: Will, a little help here?
  520. 4:36 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Uh...
  521. 4:36 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 hugs Argatson
  522. 4:37 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: What's the status on a Red hugging an Orange?
  523. 4:37 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: WHY IS EVERYONE HUGGING ME
  524. 4:37 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty) hugs argatson
  525. 4:37 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): its a cornucopia of love.
  526. 4:37 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 continues hugging
  527. 4:37 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: This is nice
  528. 4:37 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 begins to laugh in a strangely familiar fashion.
  529. 4:37 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 drags himself towards the motorpool
  530. 4:37 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1 watches amuusedly
  531. 4:37 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: get out of here...hah...hah...
  532. 4:37 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: EVERYONE LET THE FUCK GO
  533. 4:37 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 falls over and continues to hug Argatson's feet
  534. 4:37 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: Nah...
  535. 4:37 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: BEFORE I DETONATE A GRENADE
  536. 4:38 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 breaks into a run towards the motorpool, laughing all the while.
  537. 4:38 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 pulls towards an exit
  538. 4:38 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 looks at the others, confused
  539. 4:38 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: woo!
  540. 4:38 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 pulls out his wrench
  541. 4:38 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: LET GO
  542. 4:38 PM - Friend computer Vivian is hit in the head by a wrench.
  543. 4:38 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty) runs to the motorpool, also
  544. 4:38 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: ow
  545. 4:38 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 runs to the motor pool
  546. 4:38 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: :(
  547. 4:38 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 desperately runs to the motorpool
  548. 4:38 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 continues to hug
  550. 4:39 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: No! Hugs!
  551. 4:39 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: Hooray@!
  552. 4:39 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 runs to motorpool, trying to shove joane off
  553. 4:39 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 continues hugging his feet
  554. 4:39 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 thinks for a second, and decides to head back to help Argatson get Joane off of him
  555. 4:40 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 pulls out a coil of copper wire
  556. 4:40 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 and a battery
  557. 4:40 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: I WILL TRY SCIENCE IF YOU DO NOT LET GO
  559. 4:40 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: NEVAR
  560. 4:40 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Argatson, let me try something...
  562. 4:41 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 looses a scream of utter frustration.
  563. 4:41 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: maybe our reflec armor is malfunctioning
  566. 4:41 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 tries to go and hug him again
  567. 4:41 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: NO SHIT
  569. 4:41 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 brandishes wire and battery
  570. 4:41 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: STAY BACK
  571. 4:41 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 runs for the motorpool
  572. 4:41 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 pulls the rifile off of his back, and butts Joane in the head with it.
  573. 4:41 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 hugs weiss
  574. 4:41 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 melts weiss's rifle
  575. 4:41 PM - Friend computer: // OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH
  576. 4:42 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //er, tries to
  577. 4:42 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //she is a registered mutant
  578. 4:42 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: *aghast*
  579. 4:42 PM - Friend computer: // Someone rolled a fail roll!
  580. 4:42 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //just so everyone knows
  581. 4:42 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //:D
  582. 4:42 PM - Friend computer The rifle doesn't melt, but your hand feels a singeing sensation. Singe not sing.
  583. 4:42 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): //I may or may not be registered, too
  584. 4:42 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 again looks for transport at th motorpool
  585. 4:42 PM - Friend computer SCREEEEEEEEEEECH
  586. 4:42 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: OH WHAT NOW
  587. 4:42 PM - Friend computer You find the motorpool flooded with all kinds of robots
  588. 4:42 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 runs after Argatson to hug him
  589. 4:42 PM - Friend computer Swarms upon swarms of them of different classes charging weiss specificly.
  590. 4:43 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: ARGATSON, COME BACK
  591. 4:43 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 sprints in the opposite direction
  592. 4:43 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: NO
  593. 4:43 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 politely steps out of those bots' line of approach.
  594. 4:43 PM - Friend computer: Bots: KILL CRUSH DESTROY SWAG! KILL CRUSH DESTROY~
  595. 4:43 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: //:d
  596. 4:43 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 gets out of the way, acquires any car
  597. 4:43 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: weiss got swag.
  598. 4:43 PM - Friend computer A gentlebot with a tophat greets will, and returns to his rampage.
  599. 4:43 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 follows Argat
  600. 4:43 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1 greeets the gentlebot.
  601. 4:43 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: WILL, KEEP JOANE OFF OF ME PLEASE
  602. 4:43 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): Guys.
  603. 4:43 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 follows Argatson.
  604. 4:43 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): I think we might be high.
  605. 4:43 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: NO SHIT SHERLOCK
  606. 4:44 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: would you like a hug
  607. 4:44 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: WE're not even in LSD sector yet
  608. 4:44 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: Simon slipped us all narcotics.
  609. 4:44 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: JOANE! Argatson is Orange, you are Red! Technically you are handling something or someone above your clearance! Stop your behavior at once or face repercussions!
  610. 4:44 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: /,e looks for any functioning cars
  611. 4:44 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1 herp.
  612. 4:44 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 suddenly collapses
  613. 4:44 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): //falls over
  614. 4:44 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 collapses
  615. 4:45 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1 turns into vegtable
  616. 4:45 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 collapse
  617. 4:45 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): // i mean
  618. 4:45 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty) falls over
  619. 4:45 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 suddenly falls to the floor.
  620. 4:45 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //GM
  621. 4:45 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 passes out while running
  622. 4:45 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //dafuq
  623. 4:45 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //WHAT HAVE THOU UNLEASHED
  624. 4:45 PM - Friend computer: // Gas.
  625. 4:45 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: //happy dream times?
  626. 4:45 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //Will, technically I'm orange now
  627. 4:45 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: // Sweet lawdy, I'm screwed
  628. 4:45 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //Do you know ICly?
  629. 4:45 PM - Friend computer You all awaken an half cycle later in the tank. It is currently flying to LSD at impossible speeds! A recorded message lies at the cockpit.
  630. 4:45 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //NOPE
  631. 4:46 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //see?
  632. 4:46 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: OH FUCK
  633. 4:46 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Wha...what's going on?
  634. 4:46 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //That's why I havn't called you on it yet
  635. 4:46 PM - Friend computer One of the antigrav mats must of had failed because you find yourself swirling around.
  636. 4:46 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 lookes outside
  637. 4:46 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: My head is in pain
  638. 4:46 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 tries
  639. 4:46 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: KILL THEM AL- Wait, how the fuck am I in here? Whats that message say?
  640. 4:46 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Fuuuuuuuu-
  641. 4:46 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Not agaaaain-
  642. 4:46 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: again?
  643. 4:46 PM - Friend computer You see some hideous creature latched onto the antimat drive(s). It has two claws and a face that never stops smiling.
  644. 4:46 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: im not a vegetable anymore :D
  645. 4:47 PM - Friend computer It has a grey exoskeleton too.
  646. 4:47 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: ARGH SHOOT IT
  647. 4:47 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: OH GOD TOO HAPPY
  648. 4:47 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 shoots it
  649. 4:47 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 shoots creature with autocannon
  650. 4:47 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: KILL IT
  651. 4:47 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 shoots it
  652. 4:47 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): NO STOP
  653. 4:47 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 shoves the rifile through the exit, and begins to fire without pulling the trigger
  654. 4:47 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): IT"S ON THE ANTIGRAV DRIVES, DUMBASS
  655. 4:47 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: FUCK THAT I WANT OFF
  656. 4:47 PM - Friend computer You shoot the glass futilely, its very resistant.
  657. 4:47 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: hmm
  658. 4:47 PM - Friend computer: Autotank:Repairs have started, nanobots operational.
  659. 4:48 PM - Friend computer: Autotank:Designate punishment to this interloper.
  660. 4:48 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: OH FUCK
  661. 4:48 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: God damn it! Fly low! Fly low! Scrape it off against a building or something!
  662. 4:48 PM - Friend computer: Auto tank: Complying
  663. 4:48 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: WAIT NO!
  664. 4:48 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: does anyone see anymaens of esacpe
  665. 4:48 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: anymeans
  667. 4:48 PM - Friend computer You feel a bump as the autocar's side scrapes across a skyscraper filled with reds and infrareds alike.
  668. 4:49 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: IS IT STILL ON?
  669. 4:49 PM - Friend computer The xeno crawls up slowly but surely until it reaches the glass. Smiling at mart
  670. 4:49 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): AUTO TANK: RELEASE HALLUCINOGENS
  671. 4:49 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: FUCK!
  672. 4:49 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: hey !
  673. 4:49 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: OH GOD
  674. 4:49 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: noooo
  675. 4:49 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: ITS COOL BITCHES
  676. 4:49 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: I GOT THIS
  677. 4:49 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: GOD DAMMIT NO
  678. 4:49 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: CALM YOUR PANTYS
  682. 4:49 PM - Friend computer The autotank releases mass amount of hallucoginec spires into the air, you can see people passing out.
  683. 4:49 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): YES
  684. 4:49 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 continues firing at the Xeno
  685. 4:50 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): //is the Xeno affected?
  686. 4:50 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 punches Simon
  687. 4:50 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: QUIT FIRING AT MY XENO
  688. 4:50 PM - Friend computer Your lasrifle ceases to breach the glass.
  689. 4:50 PM - Friend computer: // The xenos is not affected.
  690. 4:50 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //where the hell are we right now?
  691. 4:50 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: FUCK IT
  692. 4:50 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): //Wouldn't a laser technically go through glass because it's made of light?
  693. 4:50 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: BAIL OUT
  694. 4:50 PM - Friend computer: // Above HUD
  695. 4:50 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Fuck this shit, guys. I'm outta here.
  696. 4:50 PM - Friend computer The doors are locked.
  697. 4:50 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //]BRB
  698. 4:50 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 tries to fiddle with the door controls to open them
  699. 4:50 PM - Friend computer Suddenly the tank halts, and lands at the nearest spot of ground.
  700. 4:50 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: PILE OUT
  701. 4:51 PM - Friend computer: Autotank: MY MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN *SCREECH*
  702. 4:51 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): AUTOTANK, KILL THE XENO!
  704. 4:51 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: DONT
  705. 4:51 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: KILL
  706. 4:51 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: XENO
  707. 4:51 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: ARAGRARGHE
  708. 4:51 PM - Friend computer The doors open and close repeatedly.
  709. 4:51 PM - Friend computer If you try to go out you would be a fine mist
  710. 4:51 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //bak
  711. 4:51 PM - Friend computer The xeno proceeds to the doors and rips them off violently, cackling inaudible things.
  712. 4:51 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: I throw joane into the doors to clog them up
  713. 4:51 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: woo!
  714. 4:51 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 shoots the xeno
  715. 4:51 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 SHOOTS XENO
  716. 4:52 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 fires at the doorway now containing xeno.
  717. 4:52 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: QUIT
  718. 4:52 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: SHOOTINGS
  719. 4:52 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: THE
  720. 4:52 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: XENO
  721. 4:52 PM - Friend computer The lasbolts fail to penetrate the shell
  722. 4:52 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: WHY
  723. 4:52 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty) shoots the xeno
  724. 4:52 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: SHOULD
  725. 4:52 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): WHY
  726. 4:52 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: WE
  727. 4:52 PM - Friend computer The autocannon only barely damages it.
  728. 4:52 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: BECAUSE
  730. 4:52 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: remember this monocle?
  731. 4:52 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 uses autocannon as a club
  732. 4:52 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: it works on mutants
  733. 4:52 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: FUCK YOUR STUPID MONOCOLE
  734. 4:52 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 charges and tries to melt the thing
  736. 4:52 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 Aims for the head and fires again
  737. 4:53 PM - Friend computer The xenos ceases to respond to your clubbings.
  738. 4:53 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: AIM FOR THE LIMBS!
  739. 4:53 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: FUCK IT
  740. 4:53 PM - Friend computer The corrosive acid melts off it's left arm, it remains passive.
  741. 4:53 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 tries to dodge it and get outside
  742. 4:53 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: you fucks
  743. 4:53 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 backs up
  744. 4:53 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: MELTED MY XENOS ARM OFF
  745. 4:53 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 redirects her fire to the xeno's right arm.
  746. 4:53 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 then charges for the door to get outside
  747. 4:53 PM - Friend computer The joint on the arm explodes, it now has two stubs.
  748. 4:53 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: NOOO
  749. 4:53 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: WILL, ITS TIME TO RUN LIKE FUCK
  750. 4:53 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: ARGH
  751. 4:54 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 bails out and follows Argatson.
  752. 4:54 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: FINE
  753. 4:54 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 runs to follow argatson
  754. 4:54 PM - Friend computer: // I love how many of you panic at the sight of REDACTED
  755. 4:54 PM - Friend computer You see the hovertank regain control and it remains in hover mode. It opens up on the xenos
  756. 4:54 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //You described it as the prime horror of 1994 strategy gamers
  757. 4:54 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty) follows argatson
  758. 4:54 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: DONT YOU DARE HUG ME VIVI
  759. 4:54 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty) actually, gets back in the autotank
  760. 4:54 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: i wont :'(
  761. 4:55 PM - Friend computer: // image for confused
  764. 4:55 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: well
  765. 4:55 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: fuck you guys
  766. 4:55 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: killing my xeno.
  767. 4:55 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 gets out and tries to follow
  768. 4:56 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: well
  769. 4:56 PM - Friend computer The hovertank lands and weiss is seen exiting it.
  770. 4:56 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: :c
  771. 4:56 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty) follows weiss
  772. 4:56 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 stands close to Argatson and takes a good look at the surrounding area.
  773. 4:56 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: You all fucking owe me for fixing that damn tank
  774. 4:56 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: so, why are we abandoning this hovertank?
  775. 4:57 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: because xenos inside it
  777. 4:57 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: you all fucking owe me for making the xeno rip the door off
  778. 4:57 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: FUCK IT
  779. 4:57 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: we were trapped in that thing
  780. 4:57 PM - Friend computer Auto tank: Nanobots have completely repaired all armor and doors.
  781. 4:57 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: WHERE THE FUCK ARE WE?
  782. 4:57 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Mart, shut up.
  783. 4:57 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Just...shut up.
  784. 4:57 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: also
  785. 4:57 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: \\im still in tank :d
  786. 4:57 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: WHERE IS THE OBJECTIVE
  787. 4:57 PM - Friend computer Auto tank: PROGRAM OVERRIDE, directive now to get you to LSD.
  788. 4:57 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: oh lord
  789. 4:57 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1 go to LSD in tank
  790. 4:57 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: everyone in. Lets go.
  791. 4:57 PM - Friend computer: Auto tank: Get in the chopper if you want to survive~
  792. 4:57 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty) dives into the driver's seat
  793. 4:57 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: back ing the bear
  794. 4:57 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 gets in
  795. 4:58 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 tries to get in
  796. 4:58 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 gets in the turret
  797. 4:58 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: and
  798. 4:58 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 moves into the tank.
  799. 4:58 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 goes back in
  800. 4:58 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: next Xeno
  801. 4:58 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: dont shoot to fuck
  803. 4:58 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: ...
  804. 4:58 PM - Friend computer Will is seen operating the twin earthshaker cannons. A glorious sight they are
  805. 4:58 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: how would you like a xeno on our side?
  806. 4:58 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: I would hate it
  807. 4:58 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: why?
  808. 4:58 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Mart. The next xeno we see, I kick you out of the tank and expect you to kiss it.
  809. 4:58 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: I only work with humans and sanctioned mutants
  810. 4:58 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: I WILL KISS IT
  811. 4:59 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: and i will ride it into battle
  812. 4:59 PM - Friend computer: Auto tank: Clearance override, maximum speed set to 550 KPH.
  813. 4:59 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: holy shit
  814. 4:59 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: yay
  815. 4:59 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: BUCKLE UP
  816. 4:59 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 puts on the seatbelt
  817. 4:59 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: oh thats fast
  818. 4:59 PM - Friend computer Your ear's start to bleed as the autotank kicks it up to maximum speed.
  819. 4:59 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1 buckle in
  820. 4:59 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: YEE HAAAAAAAAAAW!
  821. 4:59 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 buckles up
  822. 4:59 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): my ears hurt
  823. 4:59 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: NOT MY FUCKING EARS AGAIN
  824. 4:59 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1 cover ears
  825. 4:59 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 brasces her self
  826. 5:00 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: OH GOD TE FLASHBACKS
  827. 5:00 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 holds on for dear life
  828. 5:00 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty) covers ears
  829. 5:00 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): /using Argatson's hands
  830. 5:00 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 fastens her seatbelt.
  831. 5:00 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 fastens seatbelt
  832. 5:00 PM - Friend computer: Auto tank: Illegial vehicle in the ---- * static* firing main weapons.
  834. 5:00 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty) puts on seatbelt
  835. 5:00 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: Ive seen it happen maaan
  836. 5:00 PM - Friend computer You can hear the crackle of ionized air as a infrared passing by is removed by the tank to maintain it's speed.
  837. 5:00 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 SEATBELT
  838. 5:01 PM - Friend computer You all feel a wave of nausea as the tank does a BARREL ROLL - DO A BARREL ROLL~
  839. 5:01 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: THIS IS NOT SAFE
  840. 5:01 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: BAD. BAD. BAD.
  841. 5:01 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //fuck yes. barrel rolls.
  842. 5:01 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 vomits.
  843. 5:01 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //so many situations ive barrel roll''d out of to save my life
  844. 5:01 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //wait, barrel roll or aeliron roll?
  845. 5:01 PM - Friend computer Having nothing else to vomit onto you vomit onto the windshield that allows you to see outside, Great job.
  846. 5:01 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: //:P
  847. 5:01 PM - Friend computer The nanobots automatically assimiliate it.
  848. 5:01 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Urrrrrgh...
  849. 5:01 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: //do a barrle vomity
  850. 5:01 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: We're all going to die...
  851. 5:01 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1 high fives the nanobots
  852. 5:02 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Stop the barrel roll!
  853. 5:02 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty) vomits on Argatson
  854. 5:02 PM - Friend computer The barrel roll stops as the tank recognizes the command.
  855. 5:02 PM - Friend computer You briefly at the briefest time arrive at a command post being invaded by ALL KINDS OF ELDRITCH HORRORS>
  856. 5:02 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //i bet you a quarter we're upside down.
  857. 5:02 PM - Friend computer: .
  858. 5:02 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Oh god-
  859. 5:02 PM - Friend computer You land and the doors open
  860. 5:02 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): Autotank, Fire on the eldritch horrors.
  861. 5:02 PM - Friend computer Everything is sideways for some reason?
  862. 5:03 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): Also, close the doors
  863. 5:03 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: AUTOTANK, CLOSE DOORS
  864. 5:03 PM - Friend computer: Auto tank:DIRECTIVE COMFIRMED
  865. 5:03 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: OKAY
  866. 5:03 PM - Friend computer The doors shut, only one lascannon fires.
  867. 5:03 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: WHATS THE PLAN
  868. 5:03 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: let me
  869. 5:03 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: out
  870. 5:03 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: i dare you
  871. 5:03 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: !
  872. 5:03 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Yes.
  873. 5:03 PM - Friend computer: Autotank: Error, cannot fire secondary lascannon. Obstacle in the way.
  874. 5:03 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: MART! YOUR TIME!
  875. 5:03 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Autotank! Expel Mart!
  876. 5:03 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): AUTOTANK, KEEP FIRING
  877. 5:03 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: LET MART OUT
  878. 5:03 PM - Friend computer: Autotank: Cannot fire twin earthshakers. Pilot interrupting.
  879. 5:04 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: autotank, open doors
  880. 5:04 PM - Friend computer One of the doors open up and mart's seatbelt unlocks automaticly.
  881. 5:04 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: CLOSE DOORS
  882. 5:04 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 vacates the turret seat and tries to fit between the other team members.
  883. 5:04 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 kicks Mart out the door
  884. 5:04 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //so am i outside, or was i kicked into a closed door?
  885. 5:04 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 fires at the aliums
  886. 5:05 PM - Friend computer Outside.
  887. 5:05 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1 climbs on top of autotank.
  888. 5:05 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: //do the doors have windows?
  889. 5:05 PM - Friend computer You all see argatson clock mart as he fires.
  890. 5:05 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: MART! ALIENS! NOW KISS!
  891. 5:05 PM - Friend computer His fist lands on the monocle and his knucles shatter....
  892. 5:05 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 coughs.
  893. 5:05 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: GET OUT OF MY WAY
  894. 5:05 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 charges to the nearst cover spraying his autcannon everywhere
  896. 5:06 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): EXCEPT MART
  897. 5:06 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //Argatson, aren't you actually inside the tank?
  898. 5:06 PM - Friend computer Argatson has lost a leg!
  899. 5:06 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 stays VERY inside the car
  900. 5:06 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: OWWWW FUCK
  901. 5:06 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty) stays inside the car
  902. 5:06 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: WATCH THIS
  903. 5:06 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty) hugs Joane
  904. 5:06 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2 drags himself to cover and uses his medkits
  905. 5:06 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty) unhugs joane
  906. 5:06 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 tries to drag argastion back in the car
  907. 5:06 PM - Friend computer A lascannon bolt flies by argatson.
  908. 5:06 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: ...
  909. 5:06 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Fuck this shit now.
  910. 5:06 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: THEY HAVE MY FUCKING GUN
  911. 5:06 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1 run and jump on illlithid's back
  913. 5:06 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 or more in the car
  914. 5:06 PM - Friend computer: AUto tank: Fucking this shit.
  915. 5:07 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: THEY HAVE MY FCKING GUN
  916. 5:07 PM - Friend computer The tank flips itself back to normal position and opens up on overdrive mode.
  917. 5:07 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: WAIT FU-
  918. 5:07 PM - Friend computer Suddenly the horde infront of you turns into a very fine purple mist.
  920. 5:07 PM - Friend computer Argatson is also killed.
  921. 5:07 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //HAH.
  922. 5:07 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: //O.O
  923. 5:07 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //FUCK
  924. 5:07 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //i have no idea whats going on o.o
  925. 5:08 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //The car fired.
  926. 5:08 PM - Friend computer: // Julius IE will has "Fucked this shit up."
  927. 5:08 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //Seems like your regular Paranoia round
  928. 5:08 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //well, I have dinner soon anyways
  929. 5:09 PM - Friend computer You find mart uninjured and on top of some eldritch squid like creature, it is bipedal and mart is on it's back riding along like a little kid.
  930. 5:09 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: YEAH BITCHES
  931. 5:09 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: SAY HELLO TO ARCHIBALD
  932. 5:09 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: What is that idiot doing...
  933. 5:09 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: wave archibald.
  934. 5:09 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: say hi
  935. 5:09 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: how
  936. 5:09 PM - Friend computer The creature waves and gargles.
  937. 5:09 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 shoots the squid
  938. 5:09 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): Autocar, fire upon the squid creature
  940. 5:09 PM - Friend computer You hit mart's left toe.
  941. 5:10 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): it could be fatal
  942. 5:10 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 for once decides that Joane has a good idea and also fires at the creature.
  943. 5:10 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 continues firing
  944. 5:10 PM - Friend computer: Autotank: Negative, twin earthshakers depleted of ammunition.
  945. 5:10 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 fires at the creature as well
  946. 5:10 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: RUN ARCHIBALD
  947. 5:10 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Can I shoot Mart?
  948. 5:10 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: THEY DONT LIKE OUR KIND
  949. 5:10 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: YES
  950. 5:10 PM - Friend computer The creature falls down with many holes in it, it gasp for air and reaches a hand out to mart.
  951. 5:10 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 fires as well
  952. 5:10 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: NO
  953. 5:10 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: NOO
  954. 5:10 PM - Friend computer You see a tear in it's eye and it falls dead.
  955. 5:10 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 shoots the hand
  956. 5:10 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: NUUU
  957. 5:10 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //Wait, "OUR KIND""
  958. 5:10 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: YOU
  959. 5:10 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: KILLED
  960. 5:10 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: ARCHIBAALD
  961. 5:10 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 Aims for Marts head, making sur ehe doesn't miss
  962. 5:10 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //YOU MUTANT XENOS LOVER
  963. 5:10 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 shoots mart
  965. 5:11 PM - Friend computer The lasbolt hits mart in his monocle, and suddenly a huge shockwave flies upon you all.
  966. 5:11 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1 use poor archibald as meatshield
  967. 5:11 PM - Friend computer You all feel dizzy.
  968. 5:11 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //NO
  969. 5:11 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: NOT AGAI-
  970. 5:11 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //fuck that monocole so hard
  971. 5:11 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: OH JESUS
  972. 5:11 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: MY
  973. 5:11 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: MONOCLE
  974. 5:11 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Why does this keep happening...
  975. 5:11 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: //what does it do?
  976. 5:11 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 shoots blindly at mart
  977. 5:11 PM - Friend computer Mart is the eye of the storm, the shockwaves pulse from him.
  978. 5:11 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //mind control apparently
  979. 5:11 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: //oh
  980. 5:11 PM - Friend computer all attempts to fire are widdled away as you lose nerve control
  981. 5:12 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: YOU SHALL ALL DIEEE
  982. 5:12 PM - Friend computer You all slowly get up, out of control of your bodies. Slowly walking towards the edge of the subsector
  983. 5:12 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 fires at Mart, aiming for the heart, keeping a relaxed grin on his face
  984. 5:12 PM - Friend computer: //Cannot, body is incative.
  985. 5:12 PM - Friend computer: // Inactive*
  986. 5:12 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: //damn
  987. 5:12 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 tries to scream.
  988. 5:12 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: YOU
  989. 5:12 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: CANNOT
  990. 5:12 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: SCREAM
  991. 5:13 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //this will be fun
  992. 5:13 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 tries to shake off the control
  993. 5:13 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //EMPHASIS ON TRIES TO
  994. 5:13 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //I hate you so much mart
  995. 5:13 PM - Friend computer: // You cannot scream.
  996. 5:13 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //Mart(ians)!
  997. 5:13 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: Pick up your guns
  998. 5:13 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: fight the aliens
  999. 5:13 PM - Friend computer You all stand in a clear line along the edge, wielding your guns
  1000. 5:13 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: without your tank
  1001. 5:13 PM - Friend computer You move away from your mass suicide jump and follow mart's command.
  1002. 5:14 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: in fact,
  1003. 5:14 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //So, I'm guessing everyone will be willing to purge mart
  1004. 5:14 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: put down your guns.
  1005. 5:14 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: and charge the aliens.
  1006. 5:14 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): //yup
  1007. 5:14 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: no weapons.
  1008. 5:14 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //whe does the monocole's battery run out?
  1009. 5:14 PM - Friend computer You all drop the guns and charge at a nonexistant enemy. The tank annihiliated them all.
  1010. 5:14 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //HAH
  1011. 5:14 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //well fuck
  1012. 5:14 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): //when did he get this ridiculous monocle?
  1013. 5:14 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //because it running out NOW
  1014. 5:14 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: off the cliff it is.
  1015. 5:14 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //Oh thank tank
  1016. 5:14 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 fires the gun using his mind
  1017. 5:14 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: //:(
  1018. 5:14 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //Would be hilarious
  1019. 5:14 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 tries to break out of it
  1020. 5:14 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 at mart, if possible
  1021. 5:15 PM - Friend computer The shockwaves have been getting slower and slower.
  1022. 5:15 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: welp
  1023. 5:15 PM - Friend computer You can briefly gain conscious control of your body
  1024. 5:15 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //I KNEW IT
  1025. 5:15 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: jump off the cliff
  1026. 5:15 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 runs back and grabs her gun
  1027. 5:15 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 Sprints over to the rifile
  1028. 5:15 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: ?steps back
  1029. 5:15 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: YOU CANT RMEMEBR THIS
  1030. 5:15 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: OFF THE CLIFF
  1031. 5:15 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 steps back
  1032. 5:15 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: FORGET THIS HAPPENED
  1033. 5:15 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 throws herself to the floor.
  1034. 5:15 PM - Friend computer They all drop mind's blank for am oment.
  1036. 5:16 PM - Friend computer You all awaken briefly confused and startled, you last remember getting out of the tank and argaston dropping out of a chute.
  1037. 5:16 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 looks around
  1038. 5:16 PM - Friend computer The shockwave is completely gone now.
  1039. 5:16 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: ...the...fuck.
  1040. 5:16 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: hey guys
  1041. 5:16 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: I killed them all
  1042. 5:16 PM - Friend computer And you find mart innocently setting by the tank
  1043. 5:16 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //am I alive again?
  1044. 5:16 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 checks every one
  1045. 5:16 PM - Friend computer: // Yes.
  1046. 5:16 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Why do I feel like hitting you?
  1047. 5:16 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 is still there
  1048. 5:16 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 Is gripping is rifile, knuckles white, he doesn't know why though
  1049. 5:16 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): I think Mart is a mutant
  1050. 5:16 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: you didnt believe i could do it
  1051. 5:16 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: but i did.
  1052. Argatson-O-DFC-2 disconnected.
  1053. 5:17 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): No regular person could kill all of those alone
  1054. 5:17 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: So.
  1055. 5:17 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: Urgh, what happened?
  1056. 5:17 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: im no
  1057. 5:17 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Mart.
  1058. 5:17 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: You killed them?
  1059. 5:17 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: ayup.
  1060. 5:17 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: How?
  1061. 5:17 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty) shots at Mart because no non-mutant could kill them all
  1062. 5:17 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Why do I feel like running?
  1063. 5:17 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: with that tank
  1064. 5:17 PM - Friend computer You hit his prototype REFLEC ARMOR
  1065. 5:17 PM - Friend computer It does it's name and REFLECS hitting your toe.
  1066. 5:17 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Your order was to kiss them. Not kill them. You have disregarded orders from a superior.
  1067. 5:17 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 heads to the tank
  1068. 5:17 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): // I have reflec armor, too, though
  1069. 5:17 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: also,
  1070. 5:17 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 follows Joane
  1071. 5:17 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: i did kiss one
  1072. 5:17 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: :D
  1073. 5:18 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: it bit off my toe
  1074. 5:18 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: There is no proof.
  1075. 5:18 PM - Friend computer: // It applies to legs and torso.
  1076. 5:18 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: see?
  1077. 5:18 PM - Friend computer: // Not toes
  1078. 5:18 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: Autotank, what happened?
  1079. 5:18 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty) shoots at Mart's Head
  1080. 5:18 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1 jump up, making laser hit torso
  1081. 5:18 PM - Friend computer: Autotank: I destroyed them with twin earthshakers. Mart kissed a illithid
  1082. 5:18 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 walks over to Mart.
  1083. 5:18 PM - Friend computer Simon is hit in the foot.
  1084. 5:18 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: Why where we passed out?
  1085. 5:18 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 look's around then walks towards the tank
  1086. 5:18 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 steps behind Mart.
  1087. 5:18 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: the mind flayer got pissed when i kissed it
  1088. Argatson-O-DFC-2 entered chat.
  1089. 5:19 PM - Friend computer: Autotank: Unknown, electromagnetic pulse emanated from illithid or mart and you all blanked out.
  1090. 5:19 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: //welcome back
  1091. 5:19 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Hmm
  1092. 5:19 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: Autotank, if it was an EMP why are you active?
  1093. 5:19 PM - Friend computer Mart has fallen unconscious, will has hit him in the head with a hammer.
  1094. 5:19 PM - Friend computer: Autotank:My electronics are hardened against emp.
  1095. 5:19 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty) takes his monocle
  1096. 5:20 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: There we go.
  1097. 5:20 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Autotank, permission to reprogram your AI to allow you to become more effective?
  1098. 5:20 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: \\ dont mess with my monocle
  1099. 5:20 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //have I respawned yet?
  1100. 5:20 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: We should restrain him.
  1101. 5:20 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): Will, please get out of the way
  1102. 5:20 PM - Friend computer: Autotank:Monocle is now stated as treasonous material, report it to leader.
  1103. 5:20 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): I want his monocle
  1104. 5:20 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): Nevermind
  1105. 5:20 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: Autotank, how did the Illithid die?
  1106. 5:20 PM - Friend computer: Autotank:Return it to RnD as soon as possible.
  1107. 5:20 PM - Friend computer: Autotank:It died by mass lasgun fire.
  1108. 5:20 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 ties Mart's arms on his back with plasticord, assuming that is actually something you can tie people up with.
  1109. 5:21 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: By who?
  1110. 5:21 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1 derp im unconscious
  1111. 5:21 PM - Friend computer: Autotank:Unknown, lasguns fired when EMP hit. My external sensors are not as lucky as my processors.
  1112. 5:21 PM - Friend computer You successfuly tie him up.
  1113. 5:21 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: So, we fired after the MEP hit?
  1114. 5:21 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Xeno sympathizer. Actually kissed a xeno.
  1115. 5:21 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: That's weird
  1116. 5:21 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Well, what do we do with Mart now?
  1117. 5:21 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): I think we should kill him f
  1118. 5:21 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): He's comitting treason, after all
  1119. 5:21 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: /mumbled* i kissed it by your direct order
  1120. 5:22 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: You kissed it. My point still stands.
  1121. 5:22 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): And it's treasonous to fail to execute someone who commits treason
  1122. 5:22 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: oh for the love of....
  1123. 5:22 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Is my first day on the squad supposed to be like this?
  1124. 5:22 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 shoots mart in the head
  1125. 5:22 PM - Friend computer You miss and hit will.
  1126. 5:22 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //lmao.
  1127. 5:22 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: OH CRRAP
  1128. 5:22 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: SORRY WILL
  1129. 5:22 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Gah!
  1130. 5:23 PM - Friend computer His foot is bleeding now.
  1131. 5:23 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty) searches Mart
  1132. 5:23 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Watch it!
  1133. 5:23 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 goes up to mart
  1134. 5:23 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //isnt will a girl?
  1135. 5:23 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 firest at Mart's head, point blank with the sniper
  1136. 5:23 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 takes a step back.
  1137. 5:23 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 presses her gun to his head, fires
  1138. 5:23 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //Yes she is.
  1139. 5:23 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: //fires*
  1140. 5:23 PM - Friend computer Weiss SOMEHOW misses to some unnatural magick.
  1141. 5:23 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: //looks like you fiered at will
  1142. 5:23 PM - Friend computer Joana does as well.
  1143. 5:23 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: the fuck did I miss?
  1144. 5:23 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //Viv, get the fuck out. That was horrible.
  1145. 5:23 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //MUTANT
  1146. 5:23 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //:P
  1147. 5:23 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 melts marts head
  1148. 5:23 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //FIRE AT WILL! WAIT, NO! NOT ME!
  1149. 5:24 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: // bad puns are my fortay
  1150. 5:24 PM - Friend computer You melt the concrete by his head, you feel that next time will kill him.
  1151. 5:24 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: //so is being dislexsic
  1152. 5:24 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 does it again
  1153. 5:24 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //Seems you fired at...*glasses* Will..YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
  1154. 5:24 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 then shoots him
  1155. 5:24 PM - Friend computer Magick deflects it.
  1156. 5:24 PM - Friend computer: // He made GM happy alot.
  1157. 5:24 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Oh, for the love of god.
  1158. 5:24 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty) removes Mart's Reflec armor
  1159. 5:24 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 Smacks Will in the head with the butt of his rifile
  1160. 5:24 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Anyone with muscles here?
  1161. 5:24 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: mart*
  1162. 5:25 PM - Friend computer You hit him in the soulder, just missing.
  1163. 5:25 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Just snap his fucking neck or something.
  1164. 5:25 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: /am I awake yet?
  1165. 5:25 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 melts the concrete under his head, bathing it in acid
  1166. 5:25 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //my autogun has a tone of spikes
  1167. 5:25 PM - Friend computer His neck is propped by the concrete, it is just under the aid.
  1168. 5:25 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //just so everyone remembers
  1169. 5:25 PM - Friend computer: //acid
  1170. 5:25 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 forces his head into the acid
  1171. 5:25 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty) removes Mart's Reflec armor and throws it in the acid
  1172. 5:25 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Can we just leave him here to die?
  1173. 5:25 PM - Friend computer Unless you break his neck in the middle forcing it into there it won't budge.
  1174. 5:26 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 breaks his neck
  1175. 5:26 PM - Friend computer Rolling rlling rolling
  1176. 5:26 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //They see me rollin', they hatin'
  1177. 5:26 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: hah
  1178. 5:26 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //hah
  1179. 5:26 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //i feel as if you guys dont like me
  1180. 5:26 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //ya think?
  1181. 5:26 PM - Friend computer You critically miss, and break your wrist on the concrete.
  1182. 5:26 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //you even stole my monocle
  1183. 5:26 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: ARGH WHAT THE HELL
  1184. 5:27 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //Is the tank still intact?
  1185. 5:27 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: is the hover tank around?
  1186. 5:27 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: Anyone have explosives?
  1187. 5:27 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): Let's just drive away without him
  1188. 5:27 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: // is there any way to alter my skill sheet?
  1189. 5:27 PM - Friend computer Mart awakens.
  1190. 5:27 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): Also, I'd like some Ice Cream
  1191. 5:27 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //someone tell me when Im ressurected
  1192. 5:27 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: /fire my laser rifile at Mart's throat
  1193. 5:27 PM - Friend computer You feel a shockwave and you all fall, unable to move for a second.
  1194. 5:27 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: ./me *
  1195. 5:27 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 fires at marts feet
  1196. 5:28 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Gha-
  1197. 5:28 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: MUTANT
  1198. 5:28 PM - Friend computer You see mart running away to the tank
  1199. 5:28 PM - Friend computer He makes it in.
  1200. 5:28 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): //He was tied up, though.
  1201. 5:28 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: GO TANK
  1202. 5:28 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 tries to shoot him
  1203. 5:28 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Are you fu-
  1204. 5:28 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: RUN THEM OVER
  1205. 5:28 PM - Friend computer His hands, were tied up.
  1206. 5:28 PM - Friend computer: Autotank: Order comfirmed
  1207. 5:28 PM - Friend computer It slowly moves towards you, out of juice
  1208. 5:28 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Autotank, OVER RIDE LAST ORDER!
  1209. 5:28 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: shit
  1210. 5:28 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: TANK
  1211. 5:28 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: FIRE
  1212. 5:28 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 prepares to dodge.
  1213. 5:28 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): // "Friend computer You successfuly tie him up."
  1214. 5:28 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): //Just sayin'
  1215. 5:29 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //I tied his hands, not his legs.
  1216. 5:29 PM - Friend computer: // You didn't specify WHAT you tied up.
  1217. 5:29 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: did it run out of shells?
  1218. 5:29 PM - Friend computer: // I made a roll for what you did.
  1219. 5:29 PM - Friend computer The lascannon barely misses will.
  1220. 5:29 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //can we move yet?
  1221. 5:29 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Gah! Fuck!
  1222. 5:29 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //it ran out of earthquake shells
  1223. 5:29 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: //thanks
  1224. 5:29 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: but it must have auxillary guns
  1225. 5:29 PM - Friend computer: Autotank: Error, energy drained. Ceasing functions
  1226. 5:29 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: LOCK TANK
  1227. 5:29 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: i see that now
  1228. 5:29 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 throws something into the air - it looks like a disembodied hand.
  1229. 5:29 PM - Friend computer You heard a piercing screech and suddenly hundreds of robots swarm down towards you.
  1230. 5:29 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: The fuck does that thing come from?!
  1231. 5:30 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): //"Will-O-DIE-2 ties Mart's arms on his back with plasticord, assuming that is actually something you can tie people up with."
  1232. 5:30 PM - Friend computer: // Yes, he can run still.
  1233. 5:30 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //Yeah arms. The tank is voice controlled
  1234. 5:30 PM - Friend computer: // And autotank is voice actiated
  1235. 5:30 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: AUTOTANK
  1236. 5:30 PM - Friend computer: activated*
  1237. 5:30 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): //How do you open a door without arms?
  1238. 5:30 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: respond to my voice only
  1239. 5:30 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //we move yet?
  1240. 5:30 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //VOice
  1241. 5:30 PM - Friend computer: // Autotank has no power.
  1242. 5:30 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 tries to shoot mart
  1243. 5:30 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: sigh
  1244. 5:30 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty) shoots at the tank's powersource so it will explode
  1245. 5:30 PM - Friend computer At this point, half of you are wounded. Others recovering from neuroshock of many degrees, and now mart is being swarmed by robots.
  1246. 5:31 PM - Friend computer: //Doesn't work that way.
  1247. 5:31 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty) shoot at the tank's powersource
  1248. 5:31 PM - Friend computer: // Cannot, you do not know where it is.
  1249. 5:31 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 decides to keep some distance between herself and the tank.
  1250. 5:31 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: i say we go home but first shoot
  1251. 5:31 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //Its gonna be armored anyway
  1252. 5:31 PM - Friend computer: // Also, simon is the luckiest frakker in this game.
  1253. 5:31 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 shoots with simon
  1254. 5:31 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 fires at mart
  1255. 5:31 PM - Friend computer: // He is in a tank.
  1256. 5:32 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 attempts to stand up
  1257. 5:32 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //Never closed the doors
  1258. 5:32 PM - Friend computer: // He did.
  1259. 5:32 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //oh god worst time to need to take a leak - afk, even though I will regret it
  1260. 5:32 PM - Friend computer: // And you are INFRONT of the tank.
  1261. 5:32 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): //How close doors without arms?
  1262. 5:32 PM - Friend computer: // VOICE
  1263. 5:32 PM - Friend computer: // ACTIVATED
  1264. 5:33 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //He never said close doors
  1265. 5:33 PM - Friend computer Vivian has shot simon in the knee, he falls down in pain. Somehow his reflec has failed!
  1266. 5:33 PM - Friend computer: // He said it before it lost all power.
  1267. 5:33 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: sorry
  1268. 5:33 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: Friend computer: Autotank: Error, energy drained. Ceasing functions
  1269. Mart-R-IYD-1: LOCK TANK
  1270. 5:33 PM - Friend computer: // He also spent points of a certain degree.
  1271. 5:33 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //That looks like after, but fine.
  1272. 5:33 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //re
  1273. 5:34 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1 makes himself comfortable.
  1274. 5:34 PM - Friend computer At this point the tank is swarmed by bots of all kinds, on the singular goal of getting in.
  1275. 5:34 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 stands up
  1276. 5:34 PM - Friend computer: You stnad.
  1277. 5:34 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: what now?
  1278. 5:34 PM - Friend computer: stand*
  1279. 5:34 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Okay. I guess we should le the bots do this.
  1280. 5:34 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 moves away from the tank
  1281. 5:35 PM - Friend computer The bots retreat and them slam into the door en force, they tip the tank.
  1282. 5:35 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: if he wants to live, he'll have to leave. If he leaves, he dies.
  1283. 5:35 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Shall we just go?
  1284. 5:35 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //rock the boat dont tip the boat over
  1285. 5:35 PM - Friend computer The bots make one last push and the door slams open, mart is carried out floating ontop of bots.
  1286. 5:35 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 fire at mart!
  1287. 5:35 PM - Friend computer They fly above the pit.
  1288. 5:36 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: ladies, gentlemen?
  1289. 5:36 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: i bid you
  1290. 5:36 PM - Friend computer Your shot hits a stray cooking bot and the directive changes.
  1291. 5:36 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: adieu
  1292. 5:36 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 fire at Mart
  1293. 5:36 PM - Friend computer Mart is currently falling down the pit, the bots are swarming joane shouting treason.
  1294. 5:36 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 run away!
  1295. 5:36 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Good job, fool.
  1296. 5:36 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Best go. Now
  1297. 5:36 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 fires behind her wildly
  1298. 5:36 PM - Friend computer You hit the wall of the outpost you were supposed to be helping.
  1299. 5:36 PM - Friend computer You hit weiss in the torso, his reflec armor does so.
  1300. 5:36 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //jebus this was messed up.
  1301. 5:37 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 offers Minty Breath-O-Fresheners to the rest of the team that's not currently dead or on its way to death.
  1302. 5:37 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): /ne thanks Will
  1303. 5:37 PM - Friend computer Mart dies.
  1304. 5:37 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 continue to run!
  1305. 5:37 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1 politly refuses
  1306. 5:37 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1 splat
  1307. 5:37 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: // :D
  1308. 5:37 PM - Friend computer You run into the wall repeatedly.
  1309. 5:37 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 shrugs and takes one herself.
  1310. 5:37 PM - Friend computer: // It took you so much time and effort to kill mart.
  1311. 5:37 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: //yeah
  1312. 5:37 PM - Friend computer: // Was it worth it?
  1313. 5:37 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //Mission accomplished.
  1314. 5:38 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //YES.
  1315. 5:38 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //I spent 6 points on it
  1316. 5:38 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): //yes
  1317. 5:38 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //I spend
  1318. 5:38 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //12
  1319. 5:38 PM - Friend computer: // Mart spent twenty points on it just to troll you.
  1320. 5:38 PM - Friend computer: // No, you spent all of them.
  1321. 5:38 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //oh. 20 XD
  1322. 5:38 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: /how did he get 20?
  1323. 5:38 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: // for what?
  1324. 5:38 PM - Friend computer: // Carried over from last game.
  1325. 5:38 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //I have no idea if I spent any points.
  1326. 5:38 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //Again, HOW?
  1327. 5:38 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //yeah. that was totally worth it.
  1328. 5:38 PM - Friend computer: //Classified.
  1329. 5:38 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //sigh...
  1330. 5:39 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //Wait, he was here last game?
  1331. 5:39 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //No, an even earlier game.
  1332. 5:39 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //your last game = 2nd game
  1333. 5:39 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //0.o
  1334. 5:39 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //oh.
  1335. 5:39 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: // ive been to first and third
  1336. 5:39 PM - Friend computer: // He was here in a earlier game.
  1337. 5:39 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: // that was fun
  1338. 5:39 PM - Friend computer: // ANYWAY
  1339. 5:39 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Right...lets continue on to LSD shall we?
  1340. 5:40 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: How many of us are left, anyway?
  1341. 5:40 PM - Friend computer Joane continues running into the wall desperately avoiding the robots. I isn't working.
  1342. 5:40 PM - Friend computer: // It isn't working*
  1343. 5:40 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //I said run along the wall
  1344. 5:40 PM - Friend computer: // Joane-R-HLI-1 continue to run!
  1345. 5:40 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //nvm
  1346. 5:40 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: I thought about saying it
  1347. 5:40 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: First day and so many dead...lovely.
  1348. 5:40 PM - Friend computer The bots are getting closer, they prime their weapons.
  1349. 5:40 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: -_-
  1350. 5:40 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 run along the wall!
  1351. 5:41 PM - Friend computer You roll a natural 1! You do a mirror's edge style wall run and fly into another role. Edventually climbing over it
  1352. 5:41 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1 find a place to hide!
  1353. 5:41 PM - Friend computer You see simon vanish and a eagle replaces him.
  1354. 5:41 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //I wish i just shoved you guys off the edge. except i didnt know there was an edge. or no more aliens.
  1355. 5:41 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-2: //who all is alive?
  1356. 5:42 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: //I am!
  1357. 5:42 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: // i think i am
  1358. 5:42 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //Will will die, but not right now.
  1359. 5:42 PM - Friend computer: // Joane is about to die, will wills herself to live, weiss is fine, vivian is fine, simon is derping, mart is dead, argatson is respawning.
  1360. 5:42 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): // I am
  1361. 5:42 PM - Friend computer You see the eagle fly to LS
  1362. 5:42 PM - Friend computer: LSD*
  1363. 5:42 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //waaait a minutes
  1364. 5:42 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //Is he registered yet?
  1365. 5:42 PM - Friend computer A van comes out of nowhere and you see argatson coming out of it.
  1366. Argatson-O-DFC-2 has changed their name to Argatson-O-DFC-3.
  1367. 5:43 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: hello argatson
  1368. 5:43 PM - Friend computer It appears to be filled with hippies payed off by argatson.
  1369. 5:43 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 hands the vans driver some credits
  1370. 5:43 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 looks around on the roof.
  1371. 5:43 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Thank god, we have a competent member back.
  1372. 5:43 PM - Friend computer: // Define competent
  1373. 5:43 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: hello again
  1374. 5:43 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: So whats going on?
  1375. 5:43 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: // not me
  1376. 5:43 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: // Has not openly tried to kill all of us yet
  1377. 5:43 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: What did I miss?
  1378. 5:43 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: We killed Mart.
  1379. 5:43 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Oh good
  1380. 5:43 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: We did not kill Mart.
  1381. 5:43 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //hint hint. ask the autotank
  1382. 5:43 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I hope it was painful
  1383. 5:43 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: It was the bots.
  1384. 5:43 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: They threw him off the edge here.
  1385. 5:44 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: it WAS painful?
  1386. 5:44 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: We should of done that from the beginning, and Joane is being chased by robots hellbent on killing her.
  1387. 5:44 PM - Friend computer Currently said robots are swarming the outpost building franticly trying to get joane.
  1388. 5:44 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: If you look closely, you can still see that rose-shaped blood stain he made when he hit the floor.
  1389. 5:44 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: So just another day at the office then
  1390. 5:44 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Of course.
  1391. 5:44 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: I'll keep that noted...
  1392. 5:44 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 grumbles something about paygrades
  1393. 5:45 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: // im gonna be afk
  1394. 5:45 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: So...
  1395. 5:45 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: What now?
  1396. 5:45 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //i smell food. and betrayal.
  1397. 5:45 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //and Itunes starts playing light up the night. good/bad sign?
  1398. 5:45 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: //bad
  1399. 5:45 PM - Friend computer: // Good.
  1400. 5:45 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //yup.
  1401. 5:45 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //cake
  1402. 5:45 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: // FUN sign
  1403. 5:45 PM - Friend computer: // !!SCIENCE!! AND !!FUN!!
  1404. 5:46 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Well, Way i see it, we still have our mission, and we need to accomplish it
  1405. 5:46 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: we move on to LSD I suppose.
  1406. 5:46 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: should we wait for Joane?
  1407. 5:46 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Ah, yes. Mission.
  1408. 5:46 PM - Friend computer You see a squad of men in power armor exit the gates, they take aim and in a burst of light the bots disappear into a greasy mist.
  1409. 5:46 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Wait, weren't we supposed to test something?
  1410. 5:46 PM - Friend computer Joane is among them.
  1411. 5:46 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: yeah, Daemon artefact
  1412. 5:46 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Demon device I think
  1413. 5:46 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: //butchered that
  1414. 5:46 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //aw fuck, afk for a bit again
  1415. 5:46 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Where's that thing now?
  1416. 5:47 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: ...I'll go check the tank
  1417. 5:48 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //I'm gonna ave to head off
  1418. 5:48 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Guys, the tanks recharging! give it a bit and we can go on.
  1419. 5:48 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Wonderful.
  1420. 5:48 PM - Friend computer: // Cya joane
  1421. 5:48 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //bai
  1422. 5:49 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //cya
  1423. 5:49 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 give the pen I found to Will. "What do you think it is? I found it in the tank.
  1424. 5:49 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 (Loyalty): //Bye
  1425. 5:49 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 "
  1426. 5:49 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: // bye :P
  1427. 5:49 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //Mart, you are a master troll with a severly OP thing.
  1428. 5:49 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 examines the pen.
  1429. 5:49 PM - Friend computer: // Master plot device*
  1430. 5:49 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //Severly OP thing.
  1431. 5:49 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //Somebody grab the logs this time.
  1432. 5:49 PM - Joane-R-HLI-1: //bye!
  1433. Joane-R-HLI-1 left chat.
  1434. 5:50 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 smiles as she looks at the pen, then pockets it.
  1435. 5:50 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: No idea.
  1436. 5:50 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: alright then. I also found a briefcase.
  1437. 5:50 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: //oh i have just seen the time :D it's 23:50 i have collage in the morning :D bye
  1438. 5:50 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 Attempts to open the briefcase
  1439. 5:50 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: back
  1440. 5:51 PM - Friend computer: // Cya vivian
  1441. 5:51 PM - Vivian-R-GEP-1: //been a plesure playing
  1442. Vivian-R-GEP-1 left chat.
  1443. 5:51 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: //Bye
  1444. 5:51 PM - Friend computer You open the briefcase to find something disturbing, It is a giant mechanical device with a eye in the centre of four spiked columns.
  1445. 5:51 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: That
  1446. 5:51 PM - Friend computer You recognize this eye, it is similiar to one of the daemons you encountered previously.
  1447. 5:51 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Looks not fun
  1448. 5:51 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: hmm, let me check it out
  1449. 5:51 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: I am not touching that shit.
  1450. 5:51 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: That looks very not fun
  1451. 5:51 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 squawks
  1452. 5:51 PM - Friend computer A red aura pulses around it.
  1453. 5:52 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: I am SO not touching that shit.
  1454. 5:52 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Yeah
  1455. 5:52 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: that seems like a bad idea
  1456. 5:52 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I mean... R&D built it
  1457. 5:52 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: so it will probably summon more of these fucking things
  1458. 5:52 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //back
  1459. 5:53 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Hmm
  1460. 5:53 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Now if Mart hadn't been such a loose cannon, we could have let him test it.
  1461. 5:53 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 attempt to use the object, point it at a building.
  1462. 5:53 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: But...oh well, you know.
  1463. 5:53 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 hides behind cover
  1464. 5:53 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: What the hell are you do-
  1465. 5:53 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: WAIT, LET ME FIND SOME COVER
  1466. 5:53 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 throws herself to the floor.
  1467. 5:53 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //now if you guys would have let me had my fun riding an illithid
  1468. 5:53 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //No.
  1469. 5:53 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: // i would have tested it.
  1470. 5:54 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: //
  1471. 5:54 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //On us. No.
  1472. 5:54 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //like hell
  1473. 5:54 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: // PRAISE ARMOK!
  1474. 5:54 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //tis a shame
  1475. 5:55 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 continues to hold the object, still pointed at the building.
  1476. 5:55 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Uhm, Activate?
  1477. 5:55 PM - Friend computer Nothing happens.
  1478. 5:55 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 cautiously peeks over the cover
  1479. 5:55 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Where's the earth shattering kaboom?
  1480. 5:55 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Welp, we're good.
  1481. 5:55 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: DON'T SAY-
  1482. 5:55 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 glances at will
  1483. 5:55 PM - Friend computer Nothing happens.
  1484. 5:55 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I didn't hear an earth shattering kaboom
  1485. 5:55 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: did you?
  1486. 5:56 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: The lack of anything is more frightening than everything else that could have happened.
  1487. 5:56 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: I think I'm going to call it Nodens.
  1488. 5:56 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 pockets the thing
  1489. 5:56 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ...Did he give it a name?
  1490. 5:56 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Yep!
  1491. 5:56 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: That.....
  1492. 5:56 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I suppose I can't actually make fun of you for that
  1493. 5:56 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Why do you people keep giving names to strange things?
  1494. 5:56 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Well, it has an eye
  1495. 5:57 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I only named one thing
  1496. 5:57 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 pokes it in the eye
  1497. 5:57 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: and, in my defense, thats the name it told me to call it
  1498. 5:57 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: hy are you poking it?!
  1499. 5:57 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: // in my pocket
  1500. 5:57 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: simon, dont poke it
  1501. 5:57 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: just... dont
  1502. 5:57 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 pulls out his cigarettes
  1503. 5:57 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: maybe that's how you activate it, though.
  1504. 5:57 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I need a damn smoke
  1505. 5:57 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: You guys are going to get me to start smoking.
  1506. 5:57 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 lights the cigarette, offers one to the others
  1507. 5:58 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: But...
  1508. 5:58 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Alright then!
  1509. 5:58 PM - Friend computer You all smell something funny.
  1510. 5:58 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Considering our life expectancy, you might as well
  1511. 5:58 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: What's that smell?
  1512. 5:58 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: Your cigarettes smell funny
  1513. 5:58 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 goes over to the rift, takes out the soul gem and throws it off the edge
  1514. 5:58 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ...Simon, did you shit yourself?
  1515. 5:58 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Bye!
  1516. 5:58 PM - Friend computer You feel attracted to eachother, like a magnet pulling metal..
  1517. 5:58 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: No.
  1518. 5:58 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: uh oh
  1519. 5:58 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Wait wh-
  1520. 5:58 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 Hugs Argatso
  1521. 5:58 PM - Friend computer Mart swags out of the building.
  1522. 5:58 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: GET OFF OF ME
  1523. 5:59 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 shoves simon away
  1524. 5:59 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: I can't help it
  1525. 5:59 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: Space wizard magic is making me do it
  1526. 5:59 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: OH FUCK ITS MART
  1527. 5:59 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: KILL IT-
  1528. 5:59 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 shoots mart
  1529. 5:59 PM - Friend computer You miss
  1530. 5:59 PM - Friend computer: // BEsides he is a new clone now, rehab and all.
  1531. 5:59 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //wait, does he still have THAT FUCKING MONOCOLE?
  1532. 5:59 PM - Friend computer You see mart walk away discreetly ignoring you completely almost
  1533. 6:00 PM - Friend computer He disappears into a taxi that he called.
  1534. 6:00 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: did he get a taxi in the middle of a warzone?
  1535. 6:00 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //bitch, please.
  1536. 6:00 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: ...oh that is not good. I think that was the Eldar.
  1537. 6:00 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 shoves simon off again
  1538. 6:00 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: That was the what now?
  1539. 6:00 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 clutches her head and groans.
  1540. 6:01 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: The fuuuuuuuu-
  1541. 6:01 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Will, you okay?
  1542. 6:01 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: the thing had a soul in it. I think it possessed Mart's corpse
  1543. 6:01 PM - Friend computer: You all feel strangely attracted to eachother, a bit more than usual.
  1544. 6:01 PM - Friend computer Mart disappears into the autoar.
  1545. 6:01 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //bow chicka wow wow
  1546. 6:01 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //like physical force or mental They look pretty?
  1547. 6:01 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 walks closer, uncomfortably so.
  1548. 6:01 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: I have a bad feeling about how I'm feeling...
  1549. 6:01 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: You aren't the only one
  1550. 6:01 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 walks over to Weiss Scott and pulls him(?) into a bear hug.
  1551. 6:02 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: So, what is an Eldar?
  1552. 6:02 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 grunts
  1553. 6:02 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //its funny, because im pretty sure i didnt do this.
  1554. 6:02 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: You're strangely huggable.
  1555. 6:02 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: uhm, put me down...please
  1556. 6:02 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 checks the ingredients list on the cigarettes
  1557. 6:02 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: No way!
  1558. 6:02 PM - Friend computer You see two argatsons after the smoke clears.
  1559. 6:02 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 pats him on the head
  1560. 6:02 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ...
  1561. 6:02 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: WHAT
  1562. 6:02 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: ...
  1563. 6:02 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Hugging you is comfortable!
  1564. 6:02 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: WHERE DID
  1565. 6:02 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Help.
  1566. 6:02 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: IS THAT ANOTHER ME
  1567. 6:02 PM - Friend computer: Argatson-O-DFC-3: WHAT
  1568. 6:02 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Argatson?
  1569. 6:02 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: THAT IS ANOTHER ME
  1570. 6:02 PM - Friend computer: Argatson-O-DFC-3: WHO ARE YOU?!
  1571. 6:02 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Will, best put me down, shits going down
  1572. 6:03 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: OTHER ME! WHAT IS YOUR DESIGNATION!
  1573. 6:03 PM - Friend computer: Argatson-O-DFC-3:'A MUTANT IS ATTEMPTING TO IMPERSONATE ME OBVIOUSLY!
  1574. 6:03 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 lets go of Weiss Scott.
  1575. 6:03 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: BULLSHIT
  1576. 6:03 PM - Friend computer: Argatson-O-DFC-3: "SHOOT HIM SHOOT HIM!"
  1577. 6:03 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: YOU DONT EVEN HAVE A WRENCH!
  1578. 6:03 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 grabs a rifle
  1579. 6:03 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I AM THE REAL ONE
  1580. 6:03 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: I propose that we settle this with an old fashioned duel.
  1581. 6:03 PM - Friend computer: Argatson-O-DFC-3 pulls out a wrench uncannily similiar.
  1582. 6:03 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 my rifile, I mean
  1583. 6:03 PM - Friend computer: Argatson-O-DFC-3: "He is a mutant!"
  1584. 6:03 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 pulls out wrench and clubs other me to death
  1585. 6:03 PM - Friend computer He dodges.
  1586. 6:03 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: GET BACK HERE
  1587. 6:03 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //one of you is dark link
  1588. 6:03 PM - Friend computer Suddenly all you see is some queer looking creature clawing your arm.
  1589. 6:04 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: THE FUCK
  1590. 6:04 PM - Friend computer It lets off a ferocious roar
  1591. 6:04 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: KILL IT
  1592. 6:04 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: // i bet its my illithid incarnate
  1593. 6:04 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 attempts to bludgeon it to death
  1594. 6:04 PM - Friend computer The thing swallow's argatson's arm with it's huge mouth.
  1595. 6:04 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 takes out the pen, aims it at the creature and presses the button on the other end.
  1596. 6:04 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: er, hello
  1597. 6:04 PM - Friend computer It's thick "fur" and muscle resist your bludgeons.
  1598. 6:04 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Who are you?
  1599. 6:04 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //I bet its gonna fay your minds
  1600. 6:04 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: MY ARM
  1601. 6:04 PM - Friend computer Before you can do anything you see a even queerer looking creature fly away.
  1602. 6:05 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: GET IT OFF
  1603. 6:05 PM - Friend computer The laspen hits it grazing it's wing but it escapes out of your range too soon.
  1604. 6:05 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: //miracles
  1605. 6:05 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ...
  1606. 6:05 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 throws the cigarettes away
  1607. 6:05 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I need to quit these
  1608. 6:05 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: // is the thing still on my arm?
  1609. 6:05 PM - Friend computer: Auto tank: Following orders.
  1610. 6:06 PM - Friend computer The autotank, recharged and renewed with vigor chases after the beast firing lascannons.
  1611. 6:06 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ...
  1612. 6:06 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Fuck it, let it go
  1613. 6:06 PM - Mart-R-IYD-1: //
  1614. 6:06 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: more trouble than it was worth
  1615. 6:06 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Well, it appears I released the devil apon the earth.
  1616. 6:06 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Congratulations.
  1617. 6:06 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Well
  1618. 6:06 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: so ng as we get paid
  1619. 6:06 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: *long
  1620. 6:06 PM - Friend computer: // You don't get payed unless you do your mission.
  1621. 6:06 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: I'll have to talk to later when we find Mart
  1622. Mart-R-IYD-1 has changed their name to Mart-R-IYD-2.
  1623. 6:06 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: uhh... mission accomplished I guess?
  1624. 6:07 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: I will put in a good word for you; maybe you will be promoted to IR.
  1625. 6:07 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Yep!
  1626. 6:07 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Well, lets go. Tank, open doors
  1627. 6:07 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Well, the outpost does not seem to be under attack anymore and the device is clearly dangerous.
  1628. 6:07 PM - Friend computer You find the two soldiers in power armor staring at you intensely. Tank is out of range.
  1629. 6:07 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Hello.
  1630. 6:07 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: uh
  1631. 6:07 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Morning officers
  1632. 6:07 PM - Friend computer: #1 "What the fuck just happened."
  1633. 6:08 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: You tell me, I just work here
  1634. 6:08 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: I think the devil has come to destroy the earth
  1635. 6:08 PM - Friend computer: #2 " Do you have the device?"
  1636. 6:08 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: We don't.
  1637. 6:08 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 gestures w=to weiss
  1638. 6:08 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 points at Weiss Scott.
  1639. 6:08 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: He has.
  1640. 6:08 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 pulls the device out of his pocket and gives it to him, though the gem slot is now empty
  1641. 6:08 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 sits down and leans against a conveinent wall
  1642. 6:09 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: I tossed the gem into the rift.
  1643. 6:09 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: This freaking worls, I swear
  1644. 6:09 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: It was that or die.
  1645. 6:09 PM - Friend computer #2 " Thank you, but we need to get this back to R-
  1646. 6:09 PM - Friend computer: #1 #2 " WHAT?! "
  1647. 6:09 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: what?
  1648. 6:09 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: IT'S ALL HIS FAULT!
  1649. 6:09 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //wut
  1650. 6:09 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 glances over
  1651. 6:09 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 gestures towards Weiss Scott again.
  1652. 6:09 PM - Friend computer They arm their plasmarifles at weiss.
  1653. 6:09 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: It told me to throw it into the rift or I will die.
  1654. 6:09 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 raises his hands
  1655. 6:09 PM - Friend computer: // aim *
  1657. 6:10 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: yeah...
  1658. 6:10 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ARE YOU AN INFRA RED?
  1659. 6:10 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //shoost him!
  1660. 6:10 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Infawhat?
  1661. 6:10 PM - Friend computer Weiss finds the butt of an rifle applying to his head.
  1662. 6:10 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 facepals hard
  1663. 6:10 PM - Friend computer He is knocked unconscious
  1664. 6:10 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: *facepalms
  1665. 6:10 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //spend an hour trying to kill him :p
  1666. 6:10 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I...Will... why are our teammates always....
  1667. 6:10 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Does it always end like this?
  1668. 6:10 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 walks onto the scene
  1669. 6:10 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Alright. Where is the explosion that kills us all?
  1670. 6:10 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 looks over at the other guys
  1671. 6:11 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: do ANY of you have something to drink?
  1672. 6:11 PM - Friend computer: #1 " The high inquisitor will want to know what he did, take him back to headquarters. NOW!"
  1673. 6:11 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: With what car/
  1674. 6:11 PM - Friend computer: #1 " Go to our motorpool behind the outpost and take a NON experimental tank.
  1675. 6:11 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Alrighty then
  1676. 6:11 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Praise the Computer!
  1677. 6:11 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 slings weiss over his shoulder and heads off
  1678. 6:11 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Non-experimental equipment!
  1679. 6:12 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 follows Argatson.
  1680. 6:12 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: so.. what are the odds we get chewed out for losing most of the squad?
  1681. 6:12 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 mutters stuff while unconcious, mostly just nonsense
  1682. 6:12 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 duct-tape hofties Weiss
  1683. 6:12 PM - Friend computer In the motorpool you find a orange designated area with a hover tank, it gleams with gold plated ceramite and a heavy lascannon. With twin bolters on the sides.
  1684. 6:12 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: *hogties
  1685. 6:12 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ...
  1686. 6:12 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Is that the experimental one or non
  1687. 6:12 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: It's...beautiful.
  1688. 6:12 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: Argatson, I have a drink for you
  1689. 6:13 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: It's a can
  1690. 6:13 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I...Dont think I need it
  1691. 6:13 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: It's...a metal box. A big, beautiful metal box.
  1692. 6:13 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: TODAY IS THE BEST DAY EVER
  1693. 6:13 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 hugs will
  1694. 6:13 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 hugs will
  1695. 6:13 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: Its a cornucopia of love
  1696. 6:13 PM - Friend computer: // Thats just disgusting.
  1697. 6:13 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I CALL DRIVING
  1698. 6:13 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 pulls them both into a chokehold-slash-bear hug, then lets them go.
  1699. 6:13 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 sprints for the tank
  1700. 6:14 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 charges after Argatson.
  1701. 6:14 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 gets in the driver's seat
  1702. 6:14 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 shoves simon out and takes the drivers seat
  1703. 6:14 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: No
  1704. 6:14 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 takes the turret seat.
  1705. 6:14 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: I'n driviing this time
  1706. 6:14 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: // I assume I'm in the back seat
  1707. 6:14 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: You were driving the last vehicle.
  1708. 6:14 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I called driving
  1709. 6:14 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Last vehicle drove itself
  1710. 6:14 PM - Friend computer: Auto tank:Enter directive.
  1711. 6:15 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Set admin Argatson
  1712. 6:15 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 make sad face and climbs into passenger seat
  1713. 6:15 PM - Friend computer: Auto tank: Error, you are not designated driver.
  1714. 6:15 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: AUTOTANK
  1715. 6:15 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ...
  1716. 6:15 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: who is designated driver
  1717. 6:15 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: FULL SPEED AHEAD
  1718. 6:15 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 is still muttering, something about aliens and hell
  1719. 6:15 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 slaps duct tape over weiss' mouth
  1720. 6:15 PM - Friend computer: Tank: Designated driver and cannon operator is WILL-O.
  1721. 6:15 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ...
  1722. 6:15 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Lucky girl
  1724. 6:15 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 pops a cd into the player
  1725. 6:16 PM - Friend computer: Tank: Hallucinogenics are not available at this time.
  1726. 6:16 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: FUCK YOU SIMON
  1727. 6:16 PM - Friend computer: Tank: Would you prefer code zero lethality?
  1728. 6:16 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: YES
  1729. 6:16 PM - Friend computer: Tank: Maybe a can of whoop@ss.
  1730. 6:16 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 slaps duct tape over simon's mouth
  1731. 6:16 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe-
  1732. 6:16 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: SHUT UP
  1733. 6:16 PM - Friend computer: Tank: Awaiting directive.
  1734. 6:16 PM - Friend computer You all feel happy.
  1735. 6:16 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Take us back to HQ
  1736. 6:16 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: I feel happy
  1737. 6:16 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Ah not this again~ :)
  1738. 6:16 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: And play Song: Highway to hell
  1739. 6:17 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: TIME tO ROCK THE FUCK OUT
  1740. 6:17 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: >Hold on.
  1741. 6:17 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: Wait a second
  1742. 6:17 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: // I don' wanna die D:
  1743. 6:17 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: we didn't get paid last time
  1744. 6:17 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: The fuck are you messing with, Simon?
  1745. 6:17 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I got paid last time
  1746. 6:17 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: //well, at least I completed the objective!
  1747. 6:18 PM - Friend computer You all feel happy and endorphins release everywhere, you all let off a sigh.
  1748. 6:18 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: woah guys
  1749. 6:18 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: WOOO! PARTAY!
  1750. 6:18 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: there are endorphins in the air
  1751. 6:18 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //double rainbow maaan
  1752. 6:18 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: TANK! ACTIVATE DISCO PARTY MODE!
  1753. 6:19 PM - Friend computer The lights flash in a eye hurting matter.
  1754. 6:19 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 starts shifting, and attempts to remove the tape on his mouth
  1755. 6:19 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: No shit! FUN FOR EVERYONE!
  1756. 6:19 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Will, get us back to HQ so we can Party even more!
  1757. 6:19 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: I'M NOT THE DRIVER!
  1758. 6:19 PM - Friend computer You all feel like giving off a huge sigh and hugging eachother.
  1759. 6:19 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 stands ready to stuff Cold Fun ice cream into Weiss Scott's mouth.
  1760. 6:19 PM - Friend computer You also notice simon opening things en masse.
  1761. 6:19 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: TANK! TAKE US TO HQ!
  1762. 6:19 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2 hugs everyone
  1763. 6:19 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: TO HQ! AT FUN SPEED!
  1764. 6:20 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: i just opened so much cold fun
  1765. 6:20 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 hugs will
  1766. 6:20 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: now we can all ice cream
  1767. 6:20 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I'm lactose intolerant
  1768. 6:20 PM - Friend computer The icecream is blue.
  1769. 6:20 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 avoids all icecream and dairy products
  1770. 6:20 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: guys
  1771. 6:20 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: does anyone see
  1772. 6:20 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: the floor
  1773. 6:20 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: it's weird
  1774. 6:20 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Oh not the shit about the floor again
  1775. 6:21 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: GUYS
  1776. 6:21 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 throws her ice cream into Scott Weiss's lap and backs away, smiling.
  1777. 6:21 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: THE CARPET IS LAVA
  1778. 6:21 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 shoves simon to the floor
  1779. 6:21 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: NO
  1780. 6:21 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: I'M MELT
  1781. 6:21 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 coughs. "Hold on. Carpet? In MY tank?"
  1782. 6:21 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: TANK! TAKE US TO HQ!
  1783. 6:21 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: The tank does not respond to us - hold on.
  1784. 6:21 PM - Friend computer Suddenly you hear a cracking of ionized air and a red flash flies all around the passenger compartment.
  1785. 6:22 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ....The fuq was tht?
  1786. 6:22 PM - Friend computer: Tank:Awaiting directive from commanding officer aboard.
  1787. 6:22 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Uh.. will.. thinks hes talking bout you
  1788. 6:22 PM - Friend computer Argatson is hit centre in the foot, you feel a sharp pain.
  1789. 6:22 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: woah
  1790. 6:22 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Tank, please state the identity of commanding officer.
  1791. 6:22 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: FU
  1792. 6:22 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: i think it just turned into a disco car
  1793. 6:22 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 checs for any bleeding
  1794. 6:22 PM - Friend computer: Tank: WILL-O-DIE-2
  1795. 6:22 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I told ya will
  1796. 6:22 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Alright! Stop the burninating lightshow!
  1797. 6:22 PM - Friend computer All you can see is a queer looking liquid, your head throbs.
  1798. 6:23 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: woah... I got a headache now
  1799. 6:23 PM - Friend computer The disco lights stop.
  1800. 6:23 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: We need to get back to HQ. Tank, take us there.
  1801. 6:23 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Awww
  1802. 6:23 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: ...please.
  1803. 6:23 PM - Friend computer Simon disappears, you see a fancy velvet carpet on the floor
  1804. 6:23 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //lmao
  1805. 6:23 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: woah, where did simon go
  1806. 6:23 PM - Friend computer The tanks lowly accelerates and gets up to speed, you edventually past by the LSD sector to ETQ
  1807. 6:23 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 attempts to remove the bonds on him.
  1808. 6:23 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //the lava melted simon
  1809. 6:23 PM - Friend computer You fail.
  1810. 6:24 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: We were supposed to bring him to HQ, right?
  1811. 6:24 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 nods
  1812. 6:24 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: yeah, I think
  1813. 6:24 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: because weiss fucked up
  1814. 6:24 PM - Friend computer: Tank: No, you where supposed to execute him on the spot.
  1815. 6:24 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: with the listening to demons thingy
  1816. 6:24 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Tank, is your sarcasm module active?
  1817. 6:24 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 begins shifting his eyes down towards the tape, asking for it to be removed in a way
  1818. 6:24 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: // on my mouth
  1819. 6:24 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: *
  1820. 6:24 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ...nuoh, the guys told us to take him to HQ
  1821. 6:25 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Tank, time until we reach HQ?
  1822. 6:25 PM - Friend computer The carpet suddenly forms a huge mouth in the middle and it wraps around weiss
  1823. 6:25 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: WOAH
  1824. 6:25 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: MOTHER OF GO-
  1825. 6:25 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: NOT KOSHER
  1826. 6:25 PM - Friend computer: Tank: Your lifetime.... HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAAH
  1827. 6:25 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 Attempt to hop out
  1828. 6:25 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 grabs weiss and pulls him up
  1829. 6:25 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //alien carpet is eating weiss
  1830. 6:25 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: BAIL OUT
  1831. 6:25 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: BAIL THE FUCK OUT
  1832. 6:25 PM - Friend computer You can clearly here the cannon firing repeatedly/
  1833. 6:26 PM - Friend computer The doors are locked.
  1834. 6:26 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 tries to leave the tank
  1835. 6:26 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 uses her hottorch in an attempt to cut the tank open from inside.
  1836. 6:26 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 nods his heads towards the bonds, eyes pleading
  1837. 6:26 PM - Friend computer A fleshy mass surrounds the insides, it is impossible to breach it.
  1838. 6:26 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 runs to the door controls
  1839. 6:26 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: NOT COOL! NOT COOL!
  1840. 6:26 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 undoes weiss's bonds
  1841. 6:26 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: WEAPONS OUT
  1842. 6:26 PM - Friend computer The doors force open cutting into the flesh, you can get out.
  1843. 6:26 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 fires autcannon at mouth
  1844. 6:26 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 Bails out
  1845. 6:26 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: RUN
  1846. 6:26 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: LIKE
  1847. 6:26 PM - Friend computer The velvet robe explodes in a gorey manner
  1848. 6:27 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: HELL
  1849. 6:27 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: We're still in the air- fuck it!
  1850. 6:27 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 bails the fuck out.
  1851. 6:27 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 BAIL OUT!
  1852. 6:27 PM - Friend computer it rolls out and a crow replaces it.
  1853. 6:27 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: BANZAI!
  1854. 6:27 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Wait.
  1855. 6:27 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: GERONIMO! What am I supposed to scream? HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-
  1856. 6:27 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //you were patying in a crow.
  1857. 6:27 PM - Friend computer Suddenly a large mass of bots swarm the tank.
  1858. 6:27 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: FOR THE COMPUTEEEEEEEEEEERRRRrrrrrrr
  1859. 6:27 PM - Friend computer You can hear screams of the possessed tank.
  1860. 6:27 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: TAKE THAT YOU SON OF A BITCH!
  1861. 6:27 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: HAH! EAT SHIT AND DIE DEMON!
  1862. 6:27 PM - Friend computer Argatson is caught by a stray robot.
  1863. 6:28 PM - Friend computer Weiss and will land on the huge eagle.
  1864. 6:28 PM - Friend computer Everyone else fales edventually until they hit a robot
  1865. 6:28 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Gods they are useful...did I say too much?
  1866. 6:28 PM - Friend computer falls*
  1867. 6:28 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Oh, hello robot
  1868. 6:28 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Ugh. Fluffy as...fluff.
  1869. 6:28 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Are you friendly?
  1870. 6:28 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: probably!
  1871. 6:28 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 cuddles up in the eagle's feathers. Because why the hell not.
  1872. 6:29 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ....Its saying destroy swag
  1873. 6:29 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I would run weiss
  1874. 6:29 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Means the tank
  1875. 6:29 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 run
  1876. 6:29 PM - Friend computer Weiss and will end up above argatson on the eagle.
  1877. 6:29 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: //I can't on the eagle. Derp
  1878. 6:29 PM - Friend computer The eagle can fly.
  1879. 6:29 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: GUYS?
  1880. 6:29 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: LITTLE HELP
  1881. 6:29 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: PSYCHOTIC ROBOT HERE
  1882. 6:30 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: We're kinda busy here!
  1883. 6:30 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: DOING WHAT?
  1884. 6:30 PM - Friend computer The robots drop off the excess wait onto the ground, all that remains is weiss and will.
  1885. 6:30 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 is a horrendous liar. She's cuddled up in eagle feathers.
  1886. 6:31 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //that eagle is taking you to her nest. to feed her babys
  1887. 6:31 PM - Friend computer Weiss and will find themselves on a huge queer beast, furless and has two large tusk.
  1888. 6:31 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: To the HQ!
  1889. 6:31 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: SCRATCH THE HELP, I'm fine!
  1890. 6:31 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 seems extremely distressed now that the fluff is gone.
  1891. 6:31 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 runs off to HQ, careful to avoid any ambushes
  1892. 6:31 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: WHERE...WHAT IS THIS TREACHERY?!
  1893. 6:31 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 Jumps off and follows Argatson
  1894. 6:32 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 dives after Weiss Scot.
  1895. 6:32 PM - Friend computer You all land safely, except weiss. He lands on his wrist and it is now bruised.
  1896. 6:33 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: WHY IS EVERYTHING GOING CRAZY?
  1897. 6:33 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: oww....lets get going...
  1898. 6:33 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 ignores Weiss and follows Argatson.
  1899. 6:33 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: tank probably drugged us...
  1900. 6:33 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 follow their lead
  1901. 6:34 PM - Friend computer Edventually you find a working transtube with three guards.
  1902. 6:34 PM - Friend computer They send you off to HQ
  1903. 6:34 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: // this sums up every paranoia game ever
  1904. 6:34 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //
  1905. 6:34 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: // WE DID IT!
  1906. 6:34 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Oh good
  1907. 6:34 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Back to sanity
  1908. 6:34 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Is this it?
  1909. 6:34 PM - Friend computer The transtube takes you all to the motorpool, where you find a huge mech suit staring you down.
  1910. 6:34 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Oh god.
  1911. 6:34 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Hello!
  1912. 6:35 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ....Ma'am
  1913. 6:35 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 salutes
  1915. 6:35 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: H-hello.
  1916. 6:35 PM - Friend computer You find mart by her side smililing.
  1917. 6:35 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: WHAT EQUIPMENT?
  1918. 6:35 PM - Friend computer smiling*
  1919. 6:35 PM - Friend computer: Octavia: Don't play dumb with me!
  1920. 6:35 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Er, hello Eldar. Are you well?
  1921. 6:35 PM - Friend computer She sends argatson flying to the wall.
  1922. 6:35 PM - Friend computer: Octavia: What the hell is a eldar?
  1923. 6:35 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Who are you?
  1925. 6:35 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: I'll explain if you get out, I fucked up big time.
  1926. 6:35 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: If it's about that experimental eye-thing. Weiss Scott held it, then dumped the gem part of it.
  1927. 6:36 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: And weiss fucked up badly
  1928. 6:36 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ow
  1929. 6:36 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: my fucking ribs
  1930. 6:36 PM - Friend computer: Octavia: I'm referring to the monocle and las pen!
  1931. 6:36 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: fuck you so hard mart. you and your fucking monocole
  1932. 6:36 PM - Friend computer: Octavia: AND WHERE IS MY NUCLEAR WATCH?!
  1933. 6:36 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Wiil you still got the pen?
  1934. 6:36 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: The laspen! It is still safely here!
  1935. 6:36 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: I will carefully put it down on the floor, okay?
  1936. 6:36 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: I unleashed hell, essentially
  1937. 6:36 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I dunno what happened to the onocole, I got geased before anything happened
  1938. 6:36 PM - Friend computer: Octavia: Put it down and step away.
  1939. 6:36 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: By accident
  1940. 6:36 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: and I never saw a watch
  1941. 6:36 PM - Friend computer SUIT:Activating X-RAY vision.
  1942. 6:37 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 slowly, SLOWLY, EXTREMELY SLOWLY puts it on the floor and steps to the side.
  1943. 6:37 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 Puts the rifile in the corner, leaning it against the wall
  1944. 6:37 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: So, why are you angry at us?
  1945. 6:37 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 is still clutching his poor abused ribs
  1946. 6:37 PM - Friend computer: Octavia: Drop the monocle right now!
  1947. 6:37 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: my fucking ribs
  1948. 6:37 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: what monocole?
  1949. 6:37 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: who has the monocole?
  1950. 6:37 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 heads over and gives Argatson a shoulder
  1951. 6:37 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: mart?
  1952. 6:37 PM - Friend computer: Octavia: The clever one has it, the girl.
  1953. 6:37 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: None of us, Mart had it when the robots threw him off the cliff
  1954. 6:38 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: why is everything pink?
  1955. 6:38 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: I...what?
  1956. 6:38 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: Last I remember, Will stole it from me
  1957. 6:38 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Miss...who rae you?
  1958. 6:38 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: are*
  1959. 6:38 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I can't say I saw her with it?
  1960. 6:38 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Can't be. Wait, I'll...
  1961. 6:38 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 checks her pockets.
  1962. 6:38 PM - Friend computer In hammerspace you find... MONOCLE! DU DU DU~
  1963. 6:38 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Doesn't seem the type to steal a sugarmuffin
  1964. 6:38 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: The hell...this thing.
  1965. 6:38 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 slowly puts it down. Then steps away even further.
  1966. 6:38 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 grasps at little faireis floating around and passes out
  1967. 6:39 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: So, not only did hell try to kill us, someone planted the monocle on you?
  1968. 6:39 PM - Friend computer Octavia pushes mark to his equipment.
  1969. 6:39 PM - Friend computer Gently.
  1970. 6:39 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //Mart?
  1971. 6:39 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Ma'am, should I explain what happened?
  1972. 6:39 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: oh fuck, he gets that FUCKING MONOCOLE BACK?
  1973. 6:40 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2 picks up monocle and laspen
  1974. 6:40 PM - Friend computer: Octavia: No, I'd crush it if I used my powerfist.
  1975. 6:40 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 leans against a wall while he waits for the answer
  1976. 6:41 PM - Friend computer: Octavia: I don't care about your daemon artifacts, I just want my tools!
  1977. 6:41 PM - Friend computer Octavia gestures for mart to put it in her hand / powerfist.
  1978. 6:41 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2 scurries behind octavia
  1979. 6:41 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //derp
  1980. 6:41 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Is there any other equipment?
  1981. 6:41 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2 puts the tools in her hand
  1982. 6:41 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: whatever, some one help me down to debriefing
  1983. 6:41 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Any other equipment that should be here?
  1984. 6:41 PM - Friend computer Octavia walks off down the hallway to RnD
  1985. 6:41 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 limps down to debriefing
  1986. 6:41 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 walks towards Argatson and helps him towards debriefing.
  1987. 6:41 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: So, Mart. What happened after you were thrown off the cliff?
  1988. 6:41 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Never pay us enough
  1989. 6:42 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: Clarity. sudden clarity
  1990. 6:42 PM - Friend computer You find simon in the same hallway.
  1991. 6:42 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Was it by a voice in your head?
  1992. 6:42 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: Hi
  1993. 6:42 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: how the hell
  1994. 6:42 PM - Friend computer Edventually you reach the briefing room.
  1995. 6:42 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: nope.
  1996. 6:42 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ..
  1997. 6:42 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: know what
  1998. 6:42 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: It was archibald.
  1999. 6:42 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: i dont give a fuck anymore
  2000. 6:42 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ran out around lunchtime
  2001. 6:42 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 grabs the rifile and heads down to briefing
  2002. 6:43 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: So, call it a truce and move on then?
  2003. 6:43 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: I am willing to chalk it up to severe clone malfunction.
  2004. 6:43 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 chuckles
  2005. 6:43 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Chalk what up?
  2006. 6:43 PM - Friend computer You see Kim sandez in the debriefing room looking at you patiently, expecting you to tell her something.
  2007. 6:43 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ...Mission FUBAR ma'am
  2008. 6:43 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: I unleashed hell, I think
  2009. 6:44 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 doesnt bother to salute and just slumps into a chair
  2010. 6:44 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 looks back at her, then points at Weiss Scott.
  2011. 6:44 PM - Friend computer Suddenly you are standing above a velvet carpet, disco parteh
  2012. 6:44 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: or something called an Eldar
  2013. 6:44 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 sits down in the chair
  2014. 6:44 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ...
  2015. 6:44 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: What the fuck
  2016. 6:44 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Wait a second. I do not li-
  2017. 6:44 PM - Friend computer Weiss is now in the innards of the carpet.
  2018. 6:44 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2 shows up at debriefing a bit late
  2019. 6:45 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 jumps on a chair.
  2020. 6:45 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Fuck it.
  2021. 6:45 PM - Friend computer: Kim: What the frak?
  2022. 6:45 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: ...Help me...
  2023. 6:45 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Anyone else seeing this shit?
  2024. 6:45 PM - Friend computer Kim pulls out a bolter and shoots the carpet.
  2026. 6:45 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 proceeds to give zero fucks
  2027. 6:45 PM - Friend computer It explodes violently and you find a familiar arm.
  2028. 6:45 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 casually fires laspistol
  2029. 6:45 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2 just.. im just gonna leave now.
  2030. 6:45 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ...Is that my arm?
  2031. 6:45 PM - Friend computer The carpet runs out of the room rolling, spitting out weiss in the process.
  2032. 6:46 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Thank you ma'am...
  2033. 6:46 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ....I think that's my arm
  2034. 6:46 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 cough
  2035. 6:46 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: s\
  2036. 6:46 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2 i think im being chased by a carpet.
  2037. 6:46 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //you are
  2038. 6:46 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: So, I released something called an Eldar, mind explaining what that is?
  2039. 6:46 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //PAYBACK'S A BITCH
  2040. 6:46 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //payback?
  2041. 6:46 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //heh.
  2042. 6:46 PM - Friend computer: Kim: Xenos.
  2043. 6:46 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Fun
  2044. 6:46 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 turns her head towards Kim.
  2045. 6:46 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Ma'am.
  2046. 6:46 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 picks up the arm
  2047. 6:46 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Well, at least we tested it.
  2048. 6:47 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 sits back down
  2049. 6:47 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 sits down as well
  2050. 6:47 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Can I file a request for a Class O amnesiac? This is going to give me nightmares otherwise.
  2051. 6:47 PM - Friend computer: Kim: Denied.
  2052. 6:47 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: awww
  2053. 6:47 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 slumps her head and sighs.
  2054. 6:47 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: ...okay.
  2055. 6:47 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: about beer?
  2056. 6:47 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Trian and error Will, trial and error.
  2057. 6:47 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Can we get some beer?
  2058. 6:47 PM - Friend computer: Kim: How did you find about those?
  2059. 6:47 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: mart must have mentioned them
  2060. 6:47 PM - Friend computer: Kim: No, the amnesiacs.
  2061. 6:48 PM - Friend computer: Kim: Did the inquisitor spill the beans?
  2062. 6:48 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: R&D has so much stuff. I figured there must be something like that.
  2063. 6:48 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: Yes
  2064. 6:48 PM - Friend computer: Kim: Actually no, you have officially forgotten this. Mention it again and exection.
  2065. 6:48 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 examines the arm, trying to figure out whose it is
  2066. 6:48 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: seriously, whose arm is this
  2067. 6:48 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: So, Kim. how were things here while we were out?
  2068. 6:49 PM - Friend computer: Kim: Hell, literally. We've been invaded several times by things RnD named stealers'
  2069. 6:49 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2 runs back into debriefing
  2070. 6:49 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Stealers?
  2071. 6:49 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Yeah, Mart is Buddy Buddy with aliens.
  2072. 6:49 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //YOU FUCKER
  2073. 6:49 PM - Friend computer: Kim: Gene, stealers.
  2074. 6:49 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: ...
  2075. 6:49 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //I HATE YOU FOREVER
  2076. 6:49 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: those actually exist?
  2077. 6:49 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ...they steal pants?
  2078. 6:50 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Genestealers, not jeansstealers.
  2079. 6:50 PM - Friend computer: Kim: They steal your genetic code.
  2080. 6:50 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: How does that even....
  2081. 6:50 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: FUCK IT
  2082. 6:50 PM - Friend computer: Kim: We're working on that.
  2084. 6:50 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Well, I learned some things today. I also learned that I can summon robots. You learn all sorts of things on your first day apperently.
  2085. 6:51 PM - Friend computer: Kim: EMPATH?!
  2086. 6:51 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: mutant *cough*
  2087. 6:51 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Wha-
  2088. 6:51 PM - Friend computer She draws her bolter and plants it onto his head.
  2089. 6:51 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Erm, Ma'am?
  2090. 6:51 PM - Friend computer Argatson runs out of the room.
  2091. 6:51 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Whats wrong?
  2092. 6:51 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Is he supposed to be still alive?
  2093. 6:51 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: WHERE THE FUCKD DI THAT DROOL COME FROOOOooooommmmm
  2094. 6:51 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Wait, what happened to the carpet?
  2095. 6:52 PM - Friend computer You hear a slumping sound as it rolls into place, with a half eaten arm in it's mouth. Argatson's
  2096. 6:52 PM - Friend computer: // Dinner, afk.
  2097. 6:52 PM - Friend computer: afk
  2098. 6:52 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 glances around nervously "Erm, are you going to kill me? I haven't done anything wrong"
  2099. 6:52 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Well, on purpose at least
  2100. Friend computer disconnected.
  2101. 6:53 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: // ...
  2102. 6:53 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ...
  2103. 6:53 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //fuck
  2104. 6:53 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: //And now we wait.
  2105. 6:53 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //Uh
  2106. 6:53 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //so.
  2107. 6:54 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: // So, why am I going to be killed just for being a mutant?
  2108. 6:54 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: // tis the rules
  2109. 6:54 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //DUDE
  2110. 6:54 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: // -.-
  2111. 6:54 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //Because mutants are communists and communists are traitors and traitors must die
  2113. 6:54 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //yep.
  2115. 6:54 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: // -_-
  2116. 6:55 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: // I wish I knew that in the first place
  2117. 6:55 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //thats the fun of paranoia
  2118. 6:55 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //technically seaking
  2119. 6:55 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //Getting killed on first day of new job - the opposite of retirony
  2120. 6:55 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //I'm the only one in here that's read the rules
  2121. 6:55 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //because I gmd at one point
  2122. 6:55 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: // I know the rules.
  2123. 6:55 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //and thats probably bad :p
  2124. 6:56 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: // I gmed a couple of games, topo.
  2125. 6:56 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //Displaying knowledge of the rules is treason.
  2126. 6:56 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: // You don't have any proof though.
  2127. 6:56 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //hence why I've been avoiding my char sheet and asking about rolls
  2128. 6:56 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //If it doesn't show ingame, it's fine, I guess.
  2129. 6:58 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: //so, how long do you think it'll be till Dom comes back on?
  2130. 6:58 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //dunno
  2131. 6:58 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //15 minutes
  2132. 6:58 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: //why 15?
  2133. 6:59 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: // i dunno. just a guess
  2134. 7:00 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: // so why is empathy so dangerous?
  2135. 7:00 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: // Im assuming its dinner with his family, but he would feel somewhat rushed to get back, as to not keep us waiting
  2136. 7:00 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //The computer is a machine. Do the fucking math.
  2137. 7:00 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //At least that's my guess.
  2138. 7:01 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //weiss, do you at least know waht perversity points are?
  2139. 7:01 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: // He never mentioned pevrersity point besides you using them. He never said a word about them in the two sessions I was in.
  2140. 7:02 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: // I had the ebst time blowing all my points trolling you guys.
  2141. 7:02 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //I don't know if I have any.
  2142. 7:02 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: // Anyone got the full log?
  2143. 7:02 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: // of the fgame
  2144. 7:02 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 now you die when you need them
  2145. 7:02 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: // *game
  2146. 7:02 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: //I do!
  2147. 7:03 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //perversity points are like Bonus -Gm points that the GM gives to people he feels like
  2148. 7:03 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I dinnot
  2149. 7:03 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: //Copy and paste the chat then?
  2150. 7:03 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //ask him about is in private chat. he'll tell you more.
  2151. 7:03 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: // I have to go for dinner
  2152. 7:03 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: // Bye
  2153. Simon-O-BMT-2 left chat.
  2154. 7:03 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //im pretty sure i had 20 because im the only one who wanted to ride on illithid's back.
  2155. 7:04 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //I still find it funny that despite a mind wipe, we decided to murder you.
  2156. 7:04 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: //do we still have to do the // thing considering its going to be OOC for awhile?
  2157. 7:04 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I'm not
  2158. 7:04 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //well, im still going to
  2159. 7:04 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: good point
  2160. 7:04 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //Better safe than sorry.
  2161. 7:05 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //call me paranoid, but paranoia and all
  2162. 7:05 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: I hated you from before
  2163. 7:05 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: So I just rolled with it
  2164. 7:05 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: I love how you actually trusted me enough to remove the bonds
  2165. 7:05 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: given how everything was going to fuck?
  2166. 7:06 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: I could of still ran away
  2167. 7:06 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //I still cannot believe I was almost eaten by a fucking carpet.
  2168. 7:06 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: inside the tank
  2169. 7:06 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: whose doors were closed
  2170. 7:06 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: after we got out
  2171. 7:06 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: I mean
  2172. 7:06 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: or summoned a horde to rip you limb from limb.
  2173. 7:06 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: of my swagbots
  2174. 7:06 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I didnt know bout the machine empathy though
  2175. 7:07 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //argatson is being eaten by a carpet XD
  2176. 7:07 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: I got eaten
  2177. 7:07 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: and what troubleshooter would disobey orders
  2178. 7:07 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: :<
  2179. 7:08 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //I think the carpet is eating the arm it left behind
  2180. 7:08 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: I assume our chars are just sort of looking at each other, wondering what to do next
  2181. 7:08 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: massive staring contest
  2182. 7:08 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //I am plotting.
  2183. 7:08 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //*poses like a Gendo*
  2184. 7:08 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: you dont have glasses
  2185. 7:08 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: cant do the gendo pose without thm
  2186. 7:09 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //It was OOC gendoposing, and yes I do have glasses. Your argument is invalid.
  2187. 7:09 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: my guy is half-freaking half-wondering
  2188. 7:10 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: so, what'll happen after I get coned? Die?
  2189. 7:10 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //you're probably gonna die
  2190. 7:10 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: cloned*
  2191. 7:10 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: afterwards?
  2192. 7:10 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: so I'll just insta-killed?
  2193. 7:10 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: probably not
  2194. 7:10 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //well, in paranoia , they say that mutations and crimes you've done are "flaws from the cloning process"
  2195. 7:10 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: might give you a new mutation
  2196. 7:10 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //Nah. People will assume the new clone does not have the mutation defect.
  2197. 7:10 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //and it is assumed all muations and past crimes are forgotten
  2198. 7:11 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: ah
  2199. 7:11 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //Ive only ever seen one guy killed "forever"
  2200. 7:11 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: how badly did he fuck up?
  2201. 7:12 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //He called a vulture team to a freind computers server
  2202. 7:12 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I was in a game that crashed FC, eliminating all possibility of cloning
  2203. 7:12 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: // argatson, you were in the ones where there was that firebug, right?
  2204. 7:12 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Fun
  2205. 7:13 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: firebug?
  2206. 7:13 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //one guy really liked explosives. and blew up everything.
  2207. 7:13 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I remember multiple instances of nuking throughout my paranoia career. please be more specific
  2208. 7:13 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: I love how Mart and I just got along after we got back
  2209. 7:14 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //it was recent. I forget most of the names. but i know you were there as artgatson.
  2210. 7:14 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //and Steph was the explosives person
  2211. 7:15 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I was probably there
  2212. 7:15 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: I always use Weiss
  2213. 7:15 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: I admit I was surprised at the lack of nuclear incidents in this run
  2214. 7:15 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: meh, last time I played paranoia was a while ago, so I dont really remember much about the game
  2215. 7:15 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: other than the battletank incident
  2216. 7:16 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: where our CO was locked in a tank that later exploded due to telekinesis
  2217. 7:16 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Oh god
  2218. 7:16 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: and me trying to get my team mates to pay for another set of clones
  2219. 7:16 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: pretty sure will was there
  2220. 7:16 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: You managed to.
  2221. 7:16 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: I had a secret objective, it'll never be done now.
  2222. 7:16 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Old char of mine. Lost it =(
  2223. 7:17 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: I might still achieve mine. But doing so will mean losing a clone.
  2224. 7:17 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I have a 100% success rate for secret objectives
  2225. 7:18 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: jebus
  2226. 7:18 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: what is the mutant experience from the char generator?
  2227. 7:18 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: expansion pack
  2228. 7:18 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: some extra stuff I guess
  2229. 7:19 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //I wish I could tell you about my mutation so I can explain what idea I had with it the last game.
  2230. 7:19 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Die Roll, Buy to 40, Flat 7, what do the last two do?
  2231. 7:19 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Flat 7 is propably a bland, totally evened out skill set
  2232. 7:19 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: no pros, no cons
  2233. 7:20 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: except for being horrendously average
  2234. 7:20 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //you can tell us, unless you dont want to
  2235. 7:20 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //in ooc you can tell us
  2236. Friend computer entered chat.
  2237. 7:20 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: buy to 40 is just using 40 points to spend on skills?
  2238. 7:20 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //I actually haven't used my mutant powers
  2239. 7:20 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //No, I can't.
  2240. 7:20 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //Not anymore.
  2241. 7:21 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //isnt your power telling other people's power?
  2242. 7:21 PM - Friend computer: // Back, and what?
  2243. 7:21 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: HAIL COMPUTER
  2244. Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 disconnected.
  2245. 7:21 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //I think we scared weiss off
  2246. 7:21 PM - Friend computer: // Soooo theeen
  2247. 7:22 PM - Friend computer: // Probably.
  2248. 7:22 PM - Friend computer: /// Where did everyoooone gooo
  2249. 7:22 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 cautiously pokes his head back into the briefing room
  2250. 7:22 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //argatson, you're being eaten by a carpet.
  2251. Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 entered chat.
  2252. 7:22 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //nope
  2253. 7:22 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //We left off at Weiss Scott chewing on Kim's bolter, being threatened with death.
  2254. 7:22 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //thats the arm it left behind before
  2255. 7:22 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: back
  2256. 7:23 PM - Friend computer: // No, argatson's disembodied arm that he carried is beng eaten.
  2257. 7:23 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: modem unplugged itself
  2258. 7:23 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //dammit, i read half eaten man.
  2259. 7:23 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: so, how often are the games anyways?
  2260. 7:23 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: what?
  2261. 7:23 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //Say when we continue.
  2262. 7:23 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: sessions
  2263. 7:24 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //saturdays, usually.
  2264. 7:24 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //but I'd OOc
  2265. 7:25 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //we starting again?
  2266. 7:25 PM - Friend computer: Alright so
  2267. 7:25 PM - Friend computer: PLOT
  2268. 7:25 PM - Friend computer: Kim: GET ON THE FLOOR NOW!
  2269. 7:25 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: YEAH WEISS!
  2270. 7:25 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 rises from her chair and steps towards Weiss Scott.
  2271. 7:25 PM - Friend computer She pistol whips weiss with her boltpistol
  2272. 7:26 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 readies her laser rifle.
  2273. 7:26 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Ma'am. Orders?
  2274. 7:26 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: I'll succumb to experimentation if it'll let me live
  2275. 7:26 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 cautiously re enters the room
  2276. 7:26 PM - Friend computer: Kim; Escort him to RnD, octavia will brief you while she studies him.
  2277. 7:26 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ....Does it have to be octavia?
  2278. 7:26 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 stands up, arms raised
  2279. 7:26 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2 escorts Weiss to RnD
  2280. 7:26 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: she kinda crunched me ribs
  2281. 7:26 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: yeah
  2282. 7:27 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: I personally like octavia
  2283. 7:27 PM - Friend computer: Kim: She had good reason.
  2284. 7:27 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ...not really
  2285. 7:27 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: What reason?
  2286. 7:27 PM - Friend computer: Kim: You stole her toys.
  2287. 7:27 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I* didnt do anything
  2288. 7:27 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: wait, we STOLE them?
  2289. 7:27 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: When the hell did that happen?
  2290. 7:27 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: 2 had already bit it before that shit went down
  2291. 7:27 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: NO TIME TO TALK MUTANT
  2292. 7:27 PM - Friend computer: Kim: Proceed to research & development.
  2293. 7:27 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2 marches weiss to octavia
  2294. 7:27 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ...Uh, ma'am, where the nearest bar?
  2295. 7:27 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 aims her rifle at Weiss Scott and - pretty much what Mart does right now.
  2296. 7:28 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I need a freaking drink
  2297. 7:28 PM - Friend computer: Kim: Maybe octavia will have some beer for you, experimental of course.
  2298. 7:28 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 Walks away calmly
  2299. 7:28 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ...fuck it, I dont care anymore
  2300. 7:28 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1 to RD
  2301. 7:28 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 follows the group
  2302. 7:28 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Mutant traitor.
  2303. 7:28 PM - Friend computer You arrive in a lab filled with gore and mayhem, a rift of some sort has opened in the middle of it and the researchers in their experimental MEK suits are combatting them.
  2304. 7:28 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ...
  2305. 7:29 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Jesus christ...
  2307. 7:29 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Uh. Nothing to do here.
  2308. 7:29 PM - Friend computer The creatures you see are the ones from before, in the first tank.
  2309. 7:29 PM - Friend computer Chryssalid comes to your minds.
  2310. 7:29 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 tosses his wrench ata demon in frustration
  2311. 7:29 PM - Friend computer Weiss falls down, soaked in blood.
  2312. 7:29 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 readies autocannon
  2313. 7:29 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: ACK
  2314. 7:29 PM - Friend computer His last act, a swarm of robots fill the room.
  2315. 7:29 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: .me runs for cover
  2317. 7:30 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1:
  2318. 7:30 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 spits on the floor.
  2319. 7:30 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 opens fire on anything that isn't human or registered mutant
  2320. 7:30 PM - Friend computer One of the chryssalids charge argatson head on taking multiple blows.
  2321. 7:30 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Mutants...Xenos...Demons...fuck this place. Fuck it so hard.
  2322. 7:30 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 fires at the chryssalid going for Argatson.
  2324. 7:30 PM - Friend computer It's head explodes as a autocannon round hits it.
  2325. 7:30 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: YEAH
  2326. 7:30 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: GET SOME
  2328. 7:31 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 is quite clearly not quite sane
  2329. 7:31 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 fires at the next chryssalid.
  2330. 7:31 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //I'd say its more of a ARGATSON HAS BECOME ENRAGED.
  2332. 7:31 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 fires some more
  2333. 7:31 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //Yes. Definitely ENRAGED.
  2334. 7:31 PM - Friend computer Heads explode, jaws drop. Amazing.
  2335. 7:32 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 charges for the rift
  2337. 7:32 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: SCIENCE AND SHOOT
  2338. 7:32 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: DUCT TAPE FOR EVERYTHING!
  2339. 7:33 PM - Friend computer you fill the room with gore.
  2340. 7:33 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 provides covering fire for Argatson, shooting anything hostile that comes close to him.
  2341. 7:33 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 attempts to duct tape rift close
  2342. 7:33 PM - Friend computer Somehow you roll a natural one and it closes.
  2343. 7:33 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: AHAHAHAHAAHA!
  2344. 7:33 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: SCIENE PREVAILS!
  2345. 7:33 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //seriously? a nat 1 to repair the verse?
  2346. 7:34 PM - Friend computer: // I blame you.
  2347. 7:34 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 raises her left hand for a high five and walks over to Argatson.
  2348. 7:34 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 gives a cheesy 80s jump high five
  2349. 7:34 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //
  2350. 7:34 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2 crawls out from behind some crates
  2351. 7:34 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: good work everybody!
  2352. 7:35 PM - Friend computer:
  2353. 7:35 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: I think Weiss was hit in the crossfire.
  2354. 7:35 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Too bad.
  2355. 7:35 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: well, that was fun
  2356. 7:35 PM - Friend computer His corpse is riddled with holes, each one of them appear to be cauterized. Laser weaponry?
  2357. 7:35 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Are we going to debrief the debriefing briefly now?
  2358. 7:35 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 looks over at the duct tape in the air
  2359. 7:35 PM - Friend computer Speaking of weiss a transtube opens up and he comes out looking fresh and dandy.
  2360. 7:35 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: heya weiss 2
  2361. 7:36 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Ugh, the hell happened?
  2362. 7:36 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: It really DOES fix everything
  2363. 7:36 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: uhh
  2364. 7:36 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Hey, my rifile!
  2365. 7:36 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Demons attacked
  2366. 7:36 PM - Friend computer Two armored mech suits confront you, their cockpit opens to reveal octavia and her assistant.
  2367. 7:36 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: your old self summoned stuff
  2368. 7:36 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I charged them... I think
  2369. 7:36 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2 salutes octavia
  2370. 7:36 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: everything's kinda a blur
  2371. 7:36 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I ASSUME I kicked ass
  2372. 7:36 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 salutes as well.
  2373. 7:36 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: Hmm, I remember some of it. something about me unleashing somethin'...and me almost getting eaten in a hell tank
  2374. 7:36 PM - Friend computer: Octavia smiles: Good job! I'd thought we'd be goners by then.
  2375. 7:36 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I mean, im on a mountian of corpses
  2376. 7:36 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: no problem ma'am
  2377. 7:36 PM - Friend computer: Octavia: Kim told me to brief you and give you a new toy before you leave.
  2378. 7:37 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //she smiled. sweet jebus
  2379. 7:37 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ....
  2380. 7:37 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: New... toy
  2381. 7:37 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 is suddenly wary
  2382. 7:37 PM - Friend computer: Octavia: We have located a disturbance in the processor facilities located at sector FUQ.
  2383. 7:37 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: unfortunate name that
  2384. 7:37 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-1: I'll take it!
  2385. 7:37 PM - Friend computer: Octavia: We are giving you heavy lasguns and powered armor for the mission.
  2386. 7:37 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: oh
  2387. 7:37 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: For real?
  2388. 7:37 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Thats nice
  2389. 7:37 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //oh holy carp
  2390. 7:38 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //Can I tape the lasguns to my autocannon a la Aliens?
  2391. 7:38 PM - Friend computer: RnD toys: 1x Spider bot, 3x vortex grenades, 1x pair of gloves.
  2392. 7:38 PM - Friend computer: // If you get them to fire in sync sure.
  2393. 7:38 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //those gloves are suspicious
  2394. 7:38 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: I'll take the bot!
  2395. 7:38 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: I'll take the gloves.
  2396. 7:38 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Vortex nades.
  2397. 7:38 PM - Friend computer: Octavia: One item per person.
  2398. 7:38 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: One vortex nade, then.
  2399. 7:38 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I'll take a grenade
  2400. 7:39 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: sticking with the robot
  2401. 7:39 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: I'll still take the gloves.
  2402. 7:39 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: I like grenades.
  2403. 7:39 PM - Friend computer: You examine the glove more carefully, its a self contained powerfist.
  2404. 7:39 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2 Picks it up and places it onto his shoulder.
  2405. 7:39 PM - Friend computer: Or rather, power claws.
  2406. 7:39 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //im the wolverine.
  2407. 7:39 PM - Friend computer: The vortex grenades are queer in shape, they seem to hurt to look at.
  2408. 7:40 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: My kind of technology.
  2409. 7:40 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: So what does the robot do?
  2410. 7:40 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 now has an autocannon with underslung heavy lasrifle
  2411. 7:40 PM - Friend computer: The spider bot is a cylinder that collapses out into eight legs and a eyestalk. It has a on and off button accompanied by a joystick / remote.
  2412. 7:40 PM - Friend computer: Octavia: It does !!SCIENCE!!
  2413. 7:40 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I rather like this new gear
  2414. 7:40 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: what kind of !!SCIENCE!!
  2415. 7:40 PM - Friend computer: Octavia: The !!FUN!! kind.
  2416. 7:40 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //oh hey. DOS Space Hulk music jsut started playing
  2417. 7:40 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: I FUCKING LOVE !!FUN!!
  2418. 7:40 PM - Friend computer: // Exactly.
  2419. 7:41 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //where's the shitty motion tracker?
  2420. 7:41 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: Can I head down to C-Bay real quick?
  2421. 7:41 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2 powerfist punch upwardly in a happy motion
  2422. 7:41 PM - Friend computer: // Comes included with power armor
  2423. 7:41 PM - Friend computer: Octavia: Permission granted.
  2424. 7:41 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //and wheres the decent smoothly operting motion tracker?
  2425. 7:41 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2 nods and walks out to head over to C-Bay
  2426. 7:41 PM - Friend computer: //
  2427. 7:41 PM - Friend computer: // Check the gloves.
  2428. 7:41 PM - Friend computer: // ie power claws
  2429. 7:42 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: If this area is safe now, I think I'll also head over to C-Bay.
  2430. 7:42 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 suits up and hefts his improvised combi weapon
  2431. 7:42 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //im a mole
  2432. 7:42 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: And yet i feel under-armed
  2433. 7:42 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //can I pick up and fire a gun?
  2434. 7:42 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 follows the group
  2435. 7:42 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 quickly leaves the room to access C-Bay at some terminal somewhere.
  2436. 7:44 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //This power armor had best be in deathwing colors Dom
  2437. 7:46 PM - Friend computer: // Argatson, you know me.
  2438. 7:46 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: // for those of you who haven't played that classic
  2439. 7:47 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //Reminds me, been wanting to do an LP of that on the forums
  2440. 7:51 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2 goes to the motorpool, with a new shoulder mounted chainlasgun and laser shooting mech lizard on his other shoulder, he puts the spider and its remote control away for now
  2441. 7:55 PM - Friend computer Assuming you are all done doing whatever, you arrive at the motorpool.
  2442. 7:55 PM - Friend computer: // Nevermind
  2443. 7:55 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //shopping shopping shopping
  2444. 7:56 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 has strapped a flamethrower to one arm, using an ungodly combination of duct tape and wwire to fasion a remote trigger
  2445. 7:56 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2 whistles
  2446. 7:56 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: nice, aint it
  2447. 7:56 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: I see I'm noth the only one who came armed to the teeth
  2448. 7:56 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2 has nothing to show for his hard work
  2449. 7:56 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2 sadfaec
  2450. 7:56 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //BAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  2451. 7:57 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //Hard work
  2452. 7:57 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: //Hhehehe
  2453. 7:57 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //is good one
  2454. 7:57 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //I love shopping.
  2455. 7:58 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //women
  2456. 7:58 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //I bet GM hates it :p
  2457. 7:58 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: right, so who is going to drive?
  2458. 7:58 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: DIBS
  2459. 7:58 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2 nods
  2460. 7:59 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 hits up a local terminal
  2461. 7:59 PM - Friend computer You have the choice of A VTOL that has four autocannon weapon pods.
  2462. 7:59 PM - Friend computer APC with flamethrowers and one plasma cannon on the top
  2463. 8:00 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 walks into the room, sporting new boots - propably as a response to the recent incidents that involved weapon fire to the feet.
  2464. 8:00 PM - Friend computer Or a SANCTIONED holy tank with it's own techpriest, said tank comes with heavy las cannon and twin bolters.
  2465. 8:00 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: Tank.
  2466. 8:00 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ....Which one shall it be people
  2467. 8:01 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I'm thinking the sanctioned tank
  2468. 8:01 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: A VTOL will propably just get shot out of the air or stopped in another way.
  2469. 8:01 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: because less chance of demonic posession
  2470. 8:01 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Going with tank here.
  2471. 8:01 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I call driver
  2472. 8:01 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 strides over to the tank
  2473. 8:01 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2 heads over as well, and jumps inside.
  2474. 8:01 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: I, for one, trust Argatson's driving skills.
  2475. 8:01 PM - Friend computer The tank appears to be entirely operated by crewmen, as in you and the techpriest keeping it online.
  2476. 8:01 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: I, for one, welcome our new demonic overlords.
  2477. 8:02 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 introduces himself to the techpriest
  2478. 8:02 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: Eh, so so with me.
  2479. 8:02 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: oh shaddup mart
  2480. 8:02 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //Are we going to continue the session right here?
  2481. 8:02 PM - Friend computer The techpriest looks at you. "Do not blow it up like last time."
  2482. 8:02 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: NOT
  2483. 8:02 PM - Friend computer: //If you guys want
  2484. 8:02 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: MY
  2485. 8:02 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: FAULT
  2486. 8:02 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //dont mind if we do
  2487. 8:02 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //I'm running out of time here.
  2488. 8:02 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: Hopefully less daemons then before
  2489. 8:02 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2 gets in holy tank and buckles up
  2490. 8:02 PM - Friend computer: // If you want we can continue, your choice.
  2491. 8:02 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //I dont have school tomorrow So i can go till whenever
  2492. 8:03 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2 I got a few hours left
  2493. 8:03 PM - Friend computer: //You do have a day off julius.
  2494. 8:03 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: //*
  2495. 8:03 PM - Friend computer: // And for those in the states its memorial day.
  2496. 8:03 PM - Friend computer: // ie day off
  2497. 8:03 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: //yep!
  2498. 8:03 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //im out of school for summer :p
  2499. 8:03 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //I want to slug you
  2500. 8:03 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //Yes, but still. I'm going to be murderized if they catch me past 4 AM.
  2501. 8:03 PM - Friend computer: // So continue or
  2502. 8:03 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //We will shoot past 4 AM if we continue.
  2503. 8:03 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //what time is it over there will?
  2504. 8:03 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //3 AM.
  2505. 8:03 PM - Friend computer: // Should be 1 am or so.
  2506. 8:04 PM - Friend computer: // Wooaaah forgot about the six hour thing
  2507. 8:04 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //oh
  2508. 8:04 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: // well, if we end it here when do we start it again?
  2509. 8:04 PM - Friend computer: // Tomorrow if you'd like.
  2510. 8:04 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: //I'm cool with that
  2511. 8:04 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //Wait.
  2512. 8:04 PM - Friend computer: // Lets go ahead and finish off the vehicle part before we end it kay?
  2513. 8:04 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //As in, starting on monday, same time as this session?
  2514. 8:04 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: // *nods*
  2515. 8:05 PM - Friend computer: // We could start earlier.
  2516. 8:05 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //That works. Tuesday is off too for me.
  2517. 8:05 PM - Friend computer: // Amazing.
  2518. 8:05 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: // same
  2519. 8:05 PM - Friend computer: // Anyway
  2520. 8:05 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 slides into tanks driver's seat
  2521. 8:05 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //lucky bastards
  2522. 8:05 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //im off till august.
  2523. 8:05 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 takes a seat inside the blessed metal box.
  2524. 8:06 PM - Friend computer: // Continouing or
  2525. 8:06 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //Only to a point where we can pause cleanly
  2526. 8:06 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //continuing till end of vehicle bit
  2527. 8:06 PM - Friend computer: // Mart? weiss?
  2528. 8:06 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: // I'm with Will
  2529. 8:07 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //im game with whatever everyone else wants
  2530. 8:07 PM - Friend computer: // Alright
  2531. 8:07 PM - Friend computer: Techpriest: Are you all seated?
  2532. 8:07 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: indeed
  2533. 8:07 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: and we're buckled too!
  2534. 8:07 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2 pets his new lizard, and nods
  2535. 8:07 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Yes.
  2536. 8:07 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2 puts on his seat belt
  2537. 8:08 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: seriously, what happened to that carpet?
  2538. 8:08 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: What have you named your new reptilian freind weiss?
  2539. 8:08 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: hmmm, Jackson
  2540. 8:08 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Who cares about the carpet
  2541. 8:08 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: it isnt our bproblem any more
  2542. 8:09 PM - Friend computer The tank's engines start, and the anti matt drives propulse at a rather high speed for a tank. Topping off the experimental at 570 kph. The interntia drives make it feel all smooth though
  2543. 8:10 PM - Friend computer: // intertia*
  2544. 8:10 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: this actually seems like a smooth ride
  2545. 8:10 PM - Friend computer You arrive there briefly, the outside seems weird to you all. Its empty, nothing but the plant stand heres and a few malfunctioning turrets with broken barrels.
  2546. 8:10 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Do not mention the carpet ever again. As far as I am concerned, that thing never existed.
  2547. 8:10 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: Shut up. You know what happens when we talk.
  2548. 8:10 PM - Friend computer: You heard reports of this sector being sealed off but you'd think it would be messier.
  2549. 8:11 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: da fuq?
  2550. 8:11 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //get it ? get it? :D
  2551. 8:11 PM - Friend computer: The tank door's slam open and your seatbelts automatically come off. The tech priest signals you to get out
  2552. 8:11 PM - Friend computer: // Exactly.
  2553. 8:11 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 hustles out, wary of ambush
  2554. 8:11 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2 gets out of the tank.
  2555. 8:11 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2 jump out, laser everything ready
  2556. 8:11 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: //jumps*
  2557. 8:12 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 cautiously leaves with her laser rifle ready.
  2558. 8:12 PM - Friend computer All you see is is the plant and it's entrances.
  2559. 8:12 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2 go into plant
  2560. 8:12 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 is currenlty dual weilding a combi-autocannon and flamethrower
  2561. 8:12 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 cautiously advances into the plant
  2562. 8:12 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 turns the motion tracker on
  2563. 8:12 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2 head into the plant, following Argatson's lead
  2564. 8:12 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: wait.
  2565. 8:12 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: I got an idea
  2566. 8:12 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3:
  2567. 8:13 PM - Friend computer You open the doors allowing light to flood on, its empty. Hallways are riddled with tools and equipment some personal effects like if everyone had just left in a hurry.
  2568. 8:13 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 follows Argatson.
  2569. 8:13 PM - Friend computer To your left you see a lobby / cafeteria, its the same. Warm looking food that has just been left..
  2570. 8:13 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2 take out the spider and send it in first, via remote control
  2571. 8:13 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Well... THIS ISNT SUSPICIOUS AT ALL
  2572. 8:13 PM - Friend computer The spider walks around everywhere, climbing along walls and checking it. The entrance is clear
  2573. 8:13 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 attempts to lure our monsters with his biting sarcasm
  2574. 8:13 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2 go to cafeteria and grab some food.
  2575. 8:14 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2 examines the remote control for additional buttons
  2576. 8:14 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 cautiosly advances and searches for booze
  2577. 8:14 PM - Friend computer: // No additional buttons
  2578. 8:14 PM - Friend computer: You store the food into hammerspace.
  2579. 8:14 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2 I'll check around for other things, I'll meet back here.
  2580. 8:14 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: ""
  2581. 8:14 PM - Friend computer: There is limited booze, in the private reserve locker.
  2582. 8:14 PM - Friend computer: You open it by bashing it with your autocannon, smooth
  2583. 8:14 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I think we should hit up the control room first
  2584. 8:14 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2 heads off alone around to the other side of the building.
  2585. 8:14 PM - Friend computer: Inside you find three things they call PARTY DELUXE
  2586. 8:15 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 pockets the booze
  2587. 8:15 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: should we let Weiss off by himself?
  2588. 8:15 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: What are we expecting here again?
  2589. 8:16 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Jean stealers
  2590. 8:16 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I think
  2591. 8:16 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2 looks for stairs up to the next level.
  2592. 8:16 PM - Friend computer: You find nothing but stairs going down.
  2593. 8:16 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 looks for a map/directory
  2594. 8:16 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //Where did we want to cut off again?
  2595. 8:16 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: awkward.
  2596. 8:16 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: at a good stopping point
  2597. 8:16 PM - Friend computer: // At a cliffhanger obviously.
  2598. 8:17 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //Now watch as such a thing refuses to appear
  2599. 8:17 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //hah
  2600. 8:17 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 looks at the stair leading down
  2601. 8:17 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ...Might as well?
  2602. 8:17 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2 goes downstairs.
  2603. 8:17 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 cautiosuly follows
  2604. 8:18 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 also heads downstairs.
  2605. 8:18 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 tries his radio "Weiss, you reading us?"
  2606. 8:18 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2 you hear "loud and clear"
  2607. 8:19 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: "You find anything like a map up there?"
  2608. 8:19 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: "Not really"
  2609. 8:19 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: "I saw movement, get up here
  2610. 8:19 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: "
  2611. 8:19 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: Guys
  2612. 8:19 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: "Genestealers. Haul ass.
  2613. 8:19 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: this building has an "unknown" sector.
  2614. 8:20 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: "need assistance weiss?
  2615. 8:20 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: He said "haul ass".
  2616. 8:20 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: So I guess...
  2617. 8:20 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 heads back up the stairs quickly
  2618. 8:20 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: "Probably"
  2619. 8:20 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 follows Argatson up the stairs.
  2620. 8:20 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //Can these stairs support the wight of powered armor?
  2621. 8:20 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: "Position?"
  2622. 8:20 PM - Friend computer: // They're made to last.
  2623. 8:21 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: "No idea"
  2624. 8:21 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: "Continue searching, be careful, they don't seem to be able to see in the dark"
  2625. 8:21 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: " neither can we
  2626. 8:22 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: "You have night vision, don't you?"
  2627. 8:22 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 cautiously makes his way through the building, motion tracker on
  2628. 8:22 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: guys, there seems to be a hidden area
  2629. 8:22 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: with three routes to it.
  2630. 8:22 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: "I haven't figured out all the buttons yet"
  2631. 8:22 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: i think my spider just killed a genestealer.
  2632. 8:23 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Any idea what it is?
  2633. 8:23 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: what what is?
  2634. 8:23 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: the spider, the dead genestealer, or the unknown area?
  2635. 8:23 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: the hidden area
  2636. 8:23 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: oh, im not sure.
  2637. 8:23 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: dont get sassy
  2638. 8:23 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: but
  2639. 8:23 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: it seems to be where all the genestealers are.
  2640. 8:24 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ...
  2641. 8:24 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Great. You found the nest?
  2642. 8:24 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: Do we avoid it like fuck or plunge in?
  2643. 8:24 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: i believe we should send our spiders and lizards in
  2644. 8:24 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: I'd rather not jump into a horde of xenos we don't know too much about.
  2645. 8:24 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: uh, I think weiss still needs help
  2646. 8:24 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: They seem to be vulnerable from the belly.
  2647. 8:24 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Uh, right.
  2648. 8:25 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: might want to bail him out first
  2649. 8:25 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 tries to track down weiss
  2650. 8:25 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 motion tracker STILL on
  2651. 8:25 PM - Friend computer: He is fifteen floors down.
  2652. 8:25 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: "Just came face to face with one, its hibernating"
  2653. 8:25 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: "the fuck is it hibernating?"
  2654. 8:26 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 descends the stairs
  2655. 8:26 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: "Genestealers"
  2656. 8:26 PM - Will-O-DIE-2 still follows Argatson.
  2657. 8:26 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: "...and?"
  2658. 8:26 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: "Nothing else, careful of the claws."
  2659. 8:27 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: uh
  2660. 8:27 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: guys
  2661. 8:27 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: take the middle path
  2662. 8:27 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: what now?
  2663. 8:27 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 follows the middle path
  2664. 8:27 PM - Friend computer Descending the stairs after weiss you and will find mart, he is in a hallway with three paths.
  2665. 8:27 PM - Friend computer The middle path is dark as hell and you feel unnerved staring at it for too long
  2666. 8:27 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: there's nothing vitally important down here, right?
  2667. Your state is set to Offline.
  2668. Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
  2669. Connected again and rejoined chat.
  2670. 8:29 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //I usually stick to the party and wait for an opportunity to appear
  2671. 8:29 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //internet had a fart. whatd i miss?
  2672. 8:29 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: uhh
  2673. 8:29 PM - Friend computer: // We're stopping it a cliffhanger
  2674. 8:29 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I stepped on something that went click
  2675. 8:29 PM - Friend computer: // Argatson found a already dead genestealer, unknown deathmarks.
  2676. 8:29 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: oh great.
  2677. 8:30 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: //
  2678. Simon-O-BMT-2 entered chat.
  2679. 8:30 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: // Back from dinner
  2680. 8:30 PM - Friend computer: // Took you long enough
  2681. 8:30 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //i believe my spider shoved a knife through his belly
  2682. 8:30 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: // just decided to end it
  2683. 8:30 PM - Friend computer: // We have power armor now
  2684. 8:30 PM - Friend computer: // no mart thats not that one
  2685. 8:30 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //WE SPACE HULK NOW
  2686. 8:30 PM - Friend computer: ^
  2687. 8:30 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: // My spider is in my pocket
  2688. 8:30 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //oh. so there's more dead genestealers.
  2689. 8:30 PM - Friend computer: // Oh yeah I forgot
  2690. 8:30 PM - Friend computer: // Mart has power gloves
  2691. 8:30 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3:
  2692. 8:30 PM - Friend computer: // Weiss has spider
  2693. 8:30 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: DARK ANgELS CHAPTER
  2694. 8:30 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: //Power gloves or The Powerglove?
  2695. 8:31 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: DEATHWING COMPANY
  2696. 8:31 PM - Friend computer: // So your spider never killed anything gnaah
  2697. 8:31 PM - Friend computer: // Power claws basicly.
  2698. 8:31 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: I own that, its freeware
  2699. 8:31 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //but
  2700. 8:31 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: abandonware at any rate
  2701. 8:31 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: //We still playing?
  2702. 8:31 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //i stole a spider :o
  2703. 8:31 PM - Friend computer: // No.
  2704. 8:31 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: no
  2705. 8:31 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: just ended
  2706. 8:31 PM - Friend computer: // You didn't.
  2707. 8:31 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: on sliff hangar
  2708. 8:31 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //I didnt?
  2709. 8:31 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: // your the reason why Octavia punched Argatson
  2710. 8:31 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: What's the cliffhanger?
  2711. 8:31 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: hanging from a cliff
  2712. 8:31 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: oh
  2713. 8:31 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3 pokerface
  2714. 8:32 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Hm.
  2715. 8:32 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: //let me put how fucked I am in a picture
  2716. 8:32 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: Did anything happen to your other arm?
  2717. 8:32 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I still have both arms
  2718. 8:32 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: ?
  2719. 8:32 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: One of them got eaten, remember?
  2720. 8:32 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: Between missions is usually a full heal
  2721. 8:32 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: no
  2722. 8:33 PM - Friend computer: // That was a disembodied arm
  2723. 8:33 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: that was an arm i picked up
  2724. 8:33 PM - Friend computer: // Reminds me, odd place to find a carpet.
  2725. 8:33 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //I HATE YOU DOM
  2726. 8:33 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //SO
  2727. 8:33 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //FREAKING
  2729. 8:33 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //MUCH
  2730. 8:33 PM - Friend computer: // Cannot stop laughing
  2731. 8:34 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: // I hated that carpet...
  2732. 8:34 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //IS THAT CARPET STALKING US
  2733. 8:34 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: //it ate me :>
  2734. 8:34 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: // :<*
  2735. 8:34 PM - Friend computer: //,1305621438,2/stock-vector-vector-stairs-with-red-velvet-carpet-77374993.jpg
  2736. 8:34 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: //im happy to say i have had no encounter with carpets
  2737. 8:35 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: // yet
  2738. 8:35 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: ah well
  2739. 8:35 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: I have clones
  2740. 8:35 PM - Friend computer: // Sums up how dead weiss is
  2741. 8:35 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: // proper hive
  2742. 8:36 PM - Friend computer: // No, proper hives have hundreds.
  2743. 8:36 PM - Friend computer: // And see infrared.
  2744. 8:36 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //simon also missed me ductaping a warp rift shut
  2745. 8:36 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: // Fuck the objective, I'm going up the stairs
  2746. 8:36 PM - Friend computer: // Right, well we're gonna end that for tonight.
  2747. 8:36 PM - Friend computer: // Same time at tomorrow kay?
  2748. 8:37 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: kay
  2749. 8:37 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: //which would be what time?
  2750. 8:37 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: // Might be interrupted by dinner again
  2751. 8:37 PM - Friend computer: // 4:30 PM east coast time.
  2752. 8:37 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: 4:30 EST
  2753. 8:37 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: //Alright, same timezone
  2754. 8:37 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: GMT-5
  2755. 8:37 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: // Thank god I'm in florida so I don't have to figure out the difference in time.
  2756. 8:37 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: //NY
  2757. 8:37 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: 3:30 for me.
  2758. 8:38 PM - Friend computer: Equipment update, heavy lasguns and power armor for everyone.
  2759. 8:38 PM - Friend computer: This was issued as mission equipment ofc
  2760. 8:38 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: Awesome
  2761. 8:38 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //And combiautocannons and flamethrowers for me
  2762. 8:38 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: can powerclaw me even wield a heavy lasgun?
  2763. Friend computer left chat.
  2764. 8:39 PM - Will-O-DIE-2: I'll just drop all my shit when Steam tells me of the event.
  2765. Friend computer entered chat.
  2766. 8:39 PM - Friend computer: derp
  2767. 8:39 PM - Friend computer: Ricky get he logs!
  2768. 8:40 PM - Friend computer: get the*
  2769. 8:40 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: D:
  2770. 8:40 PM - Friend computer: Joane kept compplaining about it
  2771. 8:40 PM - Argatson-O-DFC-3: //someone get the logs
  2772. 8:40 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: //logs for what?
  2773. 8:40 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: //er, why?
  2774. 8:40 PM - Friend computer: The session
  2775. 8:41 PM - Friend computer: People like reading our ramblings.
  2776. 8:41 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: ah
  2777. 8:41 PM - Weiss_Scott-R-66-2: //where do you go to post that?
  2778. 8:41 PM - Friend computer: bay12 forums
  2779. 8:41 PM - Friend computer: paranoia thread
  2780. 8:41 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: im gonna break my scrooll wheel .-.
  2781. 8:41 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: Hey, I just noticed
  2782. 8:42 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: Mart is that one guy from Dwarven Invaders!
  2783. 8:42 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: I know him!
  2784. 8:42 PM - Simon-O-BMT-2: Kind of.
  2785. 8:42 PM - Mart-R-IYD-2: :o whatd i do?
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