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Jan 20th, 2017
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  1. Your character sheet will be used as a combination of your character and their Knightmare Frame (KNF). Out of combat, you will use your Skills (when they make sense) and roll attributes to do things. In combat, you'll use the whole character sheet.
  3. If your the way your KNF fights doesn't line up with what your character is like out of the cockpit, use this Custom Skill:
  5. Pilot Specialty
  6. Season 1
  7. Progression: Fixed
  8. Cost: 1 SP
  9. Effect: Pick two of your active attributes. When you are not fighting in a Knightmare Frame cockpit, their values are switched.
  10. Special: You can take this skill multiple times.
  12. If you use a KNF other than your own for a scene, then it will have different stats - for my sanity, please don't go swapping mechs between the party unless absolutely necessary, but there may be times when you want to, for example, commandeer an enemy KNF. I will create basic statblocks for each enemy KNF, and then once you get in, I will level up a copy of it to match your character level. You will then use that character sheet for combat until you return to your main KNF.
  14. For KNF combat, Spirit represents the use of high-powered or explosive energy weaponry. For pilots, Spirit represents availability of highly-advanced energy tech or connection to supernatural forces.
  16. When you have to get in fights outside of your KNF, those will be resolved as Challenge Scenes.
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