

Jan 30th, 2015
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  1. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: (I'm not an object.)
  2. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (I hear ya. Others probably don't.)
  3. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: (Well, I'm not anyone's waifu but yours and I detest having to skirt around you just because "it draws attention," it's dumb.)
  4. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (Such are the obstacles fated to accost true love.)
  5. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: (I guess.)
  6. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (Welcome back!)
  7. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: (Thank you!)
  8. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (Lol, dang! Waifu's gunnin' it today!)
  9. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: (Had to play with someone.)
  10. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (That bad, eh?)
  11. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: (Not really, nobody pays Rinji attention so I thought it'd be nice.)
  12. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (Ah, gotcha. Waifu's so kind~)
  13. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: \o/
  14. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood pulls his waifu into a hug. This class academia nonsense was make it really hard to pay her the attention she deserves...)
  15. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: making*
  16. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (Welcome back!)
  17. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: (Thanks.)
  18. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (Everything ok over there?)
  19. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: (Just bored.)
  20. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (Ah. You seemed busy enough .-. )
  21. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: (As are you?)
  22. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (Eh, I've been taking my time, chatting with folks. You sure you're ok?)
  23. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: (Yeah, I'm fine.)
  24. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood rubs his waifu's back lightly. "K. I know you don't like cock-blocking or being possessive, but remember: you're waifu. Say the word, and I'll drop any other play I'm doing to spoil you if I can.")
  25. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: (Welcome back.)
  26. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (Thanks for the welcome!)
  27. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (Good luck!)
  28. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: (Thank you, love.)
  29. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: (And I understand that you don't want to hurt others or cause drama by playing with me in CSR, but if everyone else can be considerate then I see no reason to worry! As it were, I'm not going to stop you from doing what you do, but it's dumb that we don't play together to shelter other people but then we play with everyone else just fine. Like, you were saying how you couldn't give me the attention I deserved but you were so easily playing in CSR, so I don't see the issue. I'm not often this assertive but I don't see why I shouldn't be when I'm feeling alienated for the sake of someone else by my favorite person. That's all, I'm out to exercise, I'll be back later.)
  30. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: (So today's a recovery day and all we're doing is laying down and stretching.)
  31. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (Sorry for making you feel like that, sweetheart. I guess I just worry too much about fucking this up with you, so I try to be cautious about things I shouldn't. Aa for playing easily... I'm mostly just trying to distract myself from wanting to just take you in front of everyone and keep you for myself, and I end up going too far in the other direction. Your husbando's an idiot like that.)
  32. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (Sounds prudent!)
  33. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood groans. He'd been doing ok, but now he kinda just wants to wrap things up so he can make it up to his waifu.)
  34. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev will indulge him when she's done.)
  35. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: I'm mostly just trying to distract myself from wanting to just take you in front of everyone and keep you for myself, and I end up going too far in the other direction.)
  36. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: (I'd actually love that, though, I don't know.(
  37. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (Don't know what?)
  38. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (I kinda wanna establish the fact that we're actually cool with each other, y'know? Despite the silliness.)
  39. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: (Yeah, people think we don't like each other.)
  40. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: (And by "I don't know," I mean, I don't know because usually possessiveness is a big no-no but from you I would like it. '~')
  41. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (I noticed. I mean, yeah, we're both kinda hard-headed IC, and Rainer's crass and rude, so he catches a lot of shit, but then I get comments like "a lot of people who've wanted to play with you have been like...")
  42. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood will keep this in mind and pounce when it seems to be a good time.)
  43. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (Also, fuck the chat. I ended up writing that post five times. Comes out to just over a thousand words. Trying to make ONE post.)
  44. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev pats him reassuringly. "At least you got it done, love.")
  45. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: (I mean, don't get me wrong though, I love their implied affection for one another in public and I love that they're playing out slowly but I just need to be with you more.)
  46. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: (And now that I said that I'm going to crawl in a hole and die.)
  47. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (...? Resting up?)
  48. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: (, I was embarrassed but you're pretty oblivious so I don't have to be
  49. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: ~)
  50. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood was honestly not expecting the waifu to be embarassed!)
  51. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (We're usually pretty open with each other about wanting to spend time together and being crazy for each other.)
  52. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: (Well, true, but, I don't know. I don't like being demanding.)
  53. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood snatches his waifu in a great big hug. She's adorable when she gets like this! "Hey, like I said: you're waifu. Be as demanding as you like. Hell, be nice about it and I'll gladly wait on you hand and foot in the CSR.")
  54. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev slips into his embrace without much resistance, biting down on her lip. "How does one be nice about that, though?")
  55. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood shrugs, kissing her on her brow. "Best bet, we make a game of it. No power-balance stuff - just one friend holding up his end of a bet while the other enjoys the attention. Maybe the odd display of affection for good sportsmanship. Y'know. Smiles and warmth - what waifu does best.")
  56. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev hangs her head, confused. "I don't... quite... follow? Do you mean we should screw around lots on CSR and play it out as if we're locked in a bet?"
  57. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (Well, I meant the "wait on you hand and foot part" as being the result of losing a bet.)
  58. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (Still not sure how to resolve the tension between us IC without it seeming drastic though.)
  59. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: (Oh, that's a good idea. Their tension is nothing short of sexual, though.)
  60. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (Fair enough. It's mostly "I want to love the hell out of you without looking dumb in front of everyone.")
  61. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: (Like, they banter a lot and there's plenty of back and forth, but yeah! Also, she's very obviously tsun to him in public.)
  62. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: (Like when she's all, "pft, it's not like I WANTED to keep you company or anything." and stuff.)
  63. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (Though sometimes she's a little too convincing - otherwise, people wouldn't buy it so easily.)
  64. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (Hell, I'd buy it if I didn't know any better.)
  65. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: (I really like that for some reason. So many people ask me to make her less cold and I'm just, "Listen, this girl lives her life kicking ass, taking names and posing for a camera. She lives fast, does what she wants, hardly has time to cater to everyone's whims." Like, she's going to keep everyone on ice most of the time unless she has a reason not to. She's opening up to Rainer slowly, very slowly, especially after he made that comment about her being too reserved, but slow and steady wins the race. Or in this case, the sort-of-vampire, whatevs.)
  66. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (Honestly? It's what I like about Misha too.)
  67. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (Oooh! Know what we could do?)
  68. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: (Hmm?)
  69. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (Y'know how we were talking about playing in hiding?)
  70. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: (Yes!)
  71. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (Both have had a rough day, and kinda just wanna kick back. They don't really wanna deal with anyone... well, with one exception. So they cozy up on a couch under the blankets... and start being nice to each other. Not 'handjob under the covers' nice, 'I'll hold your hand, give you hugs, and keep you close' nice.)
  72. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: (I'd like that, and pft, don't lie, you liked the handjob under the covers!)
  73. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (Didn't say I didn't!)
  74. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (Just saying, we can just cuddle under the covers, maybe talking some half-hearted shit, and just see if anyone catches us. Boom. Suddenly, we're all lovey-dovey while having been acting same as we always have on the surface.)
  75. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: ('w' I'm interested. Wouldn't take long to get caught, though, considering how popular the two of us adw
  76. [2015/01/29]Misha Yuriev: are.*)
  77. [2015/01/29]Rainer Underwood: (That's what I'm counting on.)
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