

Jun 4th, 2013
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  1. [17:20] <@Kukulkan> While war Rages against Xeno abominations from without, strife from heresy and traitors runs rampant from within. in order to combat this threat, the Holy God-Emperor has tasked his Inquisition to root out taint from his domain.
  2. [17:26] <@Kukulkan> Men like Inquisitor Triarii watch over his Holy imperium ever vigilant against sedition and the vile temptations of the ruinous powers. On his charted Ship 'The Eloquent Stanza' Triarii makes way to the Velite System to investigate rumors discontent that have taken his notice.
  3. [17:32] <@Kukulkan> In the crew hold of this ship his retinue await his word to investigate and do whatever necessary to carry out his divinely mandated will. in hold 2-Zwei: Room 345: Bunks A, B and C are assigned some of these retainers. they have been given privilege to act freely on their approach til summoned, which if crewhands are to be believe should be any moment
  4. [17:34] *** Colt has joined #XibalbaIC
  5. [17:34] *** Colt is now known as Silon_Karr
  6. [17:39] * Mark Tellik, a scrawny-looking man dressed in clothing that clearly has seen better days, is simply biding his time on the bunk assigned him, idly shifting through a deck of playing cards while waiting for the announcement. His appearance is unkempt, scraggly brown hair going gray at the temples and back while pollution scars stain patches of exposed skin.
  7. [17:44] * Grizz Fortuna is in the middle of quietly putting his things away. He heads over to an empty cabinet and puts his clothes, mainly rough cloth, there. Grizz is wearing similar clothes and has grey hair and yellow eyes with pupils similar to a cat's. As he moves you catch glimpses of groups of straight scars on his skin. As he moves over to to the lowest bunk, carrying a furry pelt of some
  8. [17:44] * Grizz kind, he says "Hello, i'm guessing we're going to be working for Inquisitor Triarii together. I'm Grizz Fortuna, nice to meet you." as he lays the pelt out on the bunk.
  9. [17:46] * Mark looks up. "Ah. Mark Tellik. Pleasure." He sticks a hand out.
  10. [17:47] * Grizz smiles and grasps Mark's hand, giving it a firm shake, causing the necklace of various bones around his neck to jangle.
  11. [17:53] <Grizz> "Have you been working for the Inquisitor long? I was only just recruited myself."
  12. [17:53] <Mark> "Same." He stretched, put the cards away. "Got picked up after leaving home after the 'nids took everything else."
  13. [17:55] * Silon_Karr breaks away from examining the markings on the bulkhead and eyes the other two
  14. [17:56] <Grizz> "The 'nids? I haven't heard of them but that's horrible."
  15. [17:58] <Mark> "Count yourself lucky, friend. I wouldn't have a name for 'em either except I heard it in passing." He shakes his head. "Not an experience I'd like to repeat."
  16. [18:00] <Grizz> "Right." Grizz says with a frown before turning to Silon and asking "How about yourself? How'd you join the Inquisitor?"
  17. [18:00] <@Kukulkan> Silon_Karr observes with his eyeing two humans. rather scraggy looking to him, with scars that if he were to guess, were from burns and some kind of animal attack most likely.
  18. [18:07] * Silon_Karr looks from one chatterer to the next before speaking "Silon Karr, techpriest of the Omnissiah"
  19. [18:09] <Grizz> "Omnissiah? Is that the god you worship?" Grizz asks, confused
  20. [18:17] * Silon_Karr sighs and mutters something about savages before pointing to the AM cog hanging from his neck "The Om-nis-si-ah. The great machine god, Deus Mechanicus..?"
  21. [18:19] <Grizz> "Ahhh, i see. We only leared about The Emperor on my world, though many people call him the Huntmaster as well."
  22. [18:19] <Mark> "Where you from., Grizz? That's not an epithet I recognize."
  23. [18:21] <Grizz> "My homeworld's Iocanthos. It's mostly broken up into different tribes of people, mine's the Fortuna tribe, with many young men like myself leaving to join wandering warbands."
  24. [18:23] <Mark> "Huh. I ain't heard of that one." He shrugs. "Guess that's why you haven't heard of the cogb--er. Of our good friends, a splendid example of which is right here with us."
  25. [18:26] * Silon_Karr shakes his head and looks for a likely exit from the savage holding tank
  26. [18:26] <Grizz> "All it's really known for is these flowers that are turned into combat drugs. Well, i look forward to working with you Silon.""
  27. [18:31] <@Kukulkan> before anymore could be said, a loud crackling comes from a Voxcom on the wall "Occupants of of Room 345 in hold 2-Zwei, prepare for departure staging and report to your superiors in staging area 2"
  28. [18:33] * Grizz jumps a bit at the still new to him technology before saying "Sounds like we're up."
  29. [18:34] <Mark> "Yeah, time to go." He turns to Silon. "We'll see you there."
  30. [18:37] * Grizz nods in agreement before turning to Mark and saying "Lead the way, i'm still new to being in a spaceship."
  31. [18:37] * Mark gestures for Grizz to follow at that.
  32. [18:38] * Grizz does so.
  33. [18:39] * Silon_Karr references the markings on the bulkhead and makes his way to the staging area
  34. [18:42] <@Kukulkan> when you get to staging area 2, you find 3 people there that each of you would recognize and another that none of you have seen. there is Cromwell, speaking candidly with Slazz(who has his nose back, seems it was some kind of trick for the mission, but he still is a slab of slazz) and [EXPUNGED] whom Silon would recognize from his adventure.
  35. [18:47] * Mark hangs back as they all gather; Slazz may have saved his bacon, and gotten him here, but there's still something about him--about all of this--that Mark doesn't quite trust.
  36. [18:48] <@Kukulkan> (Link:
  37. [18:48] <@Kukulkan> and then there is other that dwarfs the other 3. his old and scarred olive skin at contrast with his gray hair and shining power armor. standing at about 7 feet tall, no doubt due to the amour increasing his height, he towers over you lot, even Grizz
  38. [18:51] <@Kukulkan> he is smiling, barely noticeably, at the conversation that the other 3 seem to be engaged in. at your approach turns to you with a (slightly more) neutral stare [EXPUNGED] notices you next and alerts the other 2 who turn to greet you
  39. [18:58] <@Kukulkan> "ah yes, welcome all. I, as some of you may know, am Eli Cromwell, welcome to the briefing" he says with a flourish. "these are my, and now your, companions and fellow operatives; [EXPUNGED], and Valter Bellows, also known as 'Slazz' to some here" he says the last part with a bit of humor
  40. [19:00] * Mark shakes his head wryly.
  41. [19:00] <Grizz> "Nice to meet you all."
  42. [19:04] * Silon_Karr says nothing
  43. [19:07] <@Kukulkan> (Link:
  44. [19:07] <@Kukulkan> with a voice as Solid and resounding as a two tree trunks hitting each other, or like the deep thunk of a helmed head hitting rockcrete to those whom never seen trees do that, the Giant speaks "I have gathered you here for a purpose that is until now been kept from you as you have been each evaluated and grouped into a team that will carry out the mission-
  45. [19:09] <@Kukulkan> -With maximum efficiency and probability of success. Each of you have been chosen for your skills and dedication. See to it that you make such appraisal accurate, and you may yet bask in the favor of Him on Terra."
  46. [19:11] <Grizz> "I'll make sure to live up to your expectations."
  47. [19:16] <@Kukulkan> Slazz- or Valter, Speaks up "allrioght, ya got ta get yer mission now. so come close an' be sure not to miss any detail, ya see?"
  48. [19:19] * Grizz nods and moves closer
  49. [19:21] * Silon_Karr extracts a dataslate from his robes and poises a hand over it
  50. [19:23] <@Kukulkan> "We are sending you 3 to the fourth planet of the Velite System, aptly named Velite IV. It is a medium scaled industrial world with pockets of wilderness still untapped. the reason being is that world has had a decent Administratum comptroller in the region and decided in his wisdom that the planet could be useful as something other than a barren rock in 500-
  51. [19:27] <@Kukulkan> -years" cromwell speaks while reviewing his data-slate "the populace is longtime adherents to the true Faith, and have a good sized ecclesiastic presence. the world has not had a xenos incursion since the 35th millennium and no malign influence has been reported since the Great Scouring."
  52. [19:32] <@Kukulkan> "unfortunately you are not being sent fer ah example imperial world. we received ah few reports of anti-imperial sentiment being spread thoughout the planet. could be a couple of over sensitive administratum clerks gettin antsy or could run deeper. thats were you lot come in."
  53. [19:34] <@Kukulkan> The Inquisitor speaks up "Questions?"
  54. [19:37] <Mark> "If I'm hearing you right--" Mark says, then pauses, eyes the Inquisitor. "--sir, we're to go in, figure out the source of the unrest, and then...fix it? Report in? What's your preferred method of our dealing with it?"
  55. [19:38] <Grizz> "Will it be just the three of us on this mission once we arrive?"
  56. [19:41] <@Kukulkan> Answering Mark's question first the Inquisitor says "I leave that to your discretion. if you think it is a simple fix, do what needs to be done. if it is beyond your abilities get into contact with this ship. we must leave on it's scheduled course as to not raise any suspicion to our true mission, but we will be in the next system, a mere few days -
  57. [19:45] <@Kukulkan> - away Emperor and currents willing." and then turns to Grizz "this mission is dependent on a small team rooting out the core of this possible insurrection. it also might not even be based on Velite IV as these 3 will be sent to another world in this system. for their safety and the mission i cannot disclose to you which"
  58. [19:45] <@Kukulkan> he says while gesturing to the more senior acolytes
  59. [19:47] * Grizz nods in understanding.
  60. [19:48] <@Kukulkan> "any more inquiries?" the inquisitor asks
  61. [19:49] <Grizz> "None here."
  62. [20:00] <Mark> "I have none." He turns to the so-far silent tech-priest.
  63. [20:01] * Silon_Karr continues to say nothing, taking notes on his dataslate
  64. [20:09] <@Kukulkan> "Good. You will be dropped off at the starport in Samnita city, a trading center of some size that will most likely be a good place to start the investigation and get your bearings. from there, I leave it to you 3 to find out what is going on. Work together and have faith and you cannot fail."
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