
Chatbox Archives 01

Nov 29th, 2013
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  1. [16:34:54 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Oh right, and for the time being, no Silver Crows.
  2. [16:35:21 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : While I'm okay with allowing selecting a bonus mid-battle, Silver Crow is an entirely different case.
  3. [16:36:00 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Aviation was a skill that he had to consciously recall from his wish, so at Level 1 he didn't initially have it equipped.
  4. [16:36:37 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Unless you're telling me that Arashi has an even deeper and stronger wish than his wish to have his gadgets come to life,
  5. [16:37:03 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : With all the characters on the site currently, they have all 'maxed-out' their potential at level 1.
  6. [16:37:37 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Allowing you to create an extra skill in the heat of battle would be adding onto your potential and is *almost* equal to god-modding, no?
  7. [16:38:18 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : All you and I have to do is write a lil' story about facing one's own adversity, because that is exactly how Haruyuki awoke the power of Aviation.
  8. [16:38:43 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Which you might find actually smells alot like something Zagrin would do.
  9. [16:39:13 23/11/13] Gadget : The difference between me and Zagrin is that I know when to cool it
  10. [16:39:17 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : I will have to discuss this with Miale anyway, so I hope you understand that.
  11. [16:39:20 23/11/13] Gadget : he refuses to
  12. [16:39:50 23/11/13] Gadget : anyway if you don't want to give me the power up in mid battle that's fine
  13. [16:40:00 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Right now, you're proposing to learn an ability to get you out of the pinch Lightning Gadget is in.
  14. [16:40:19 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : *coughs* creating space-time rifts for an instant *cough*
  15. [16:40:51 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Refusing both cases for you and Zagrin is an unbiased decision, no?
  16. [16:40:56 23/11/13] Gadget : uh... let's see space time rift, hover shoes to land softly... huge difference there
  17. [16:41:22 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : But you save yourself from a hit.
  18. [16:41:57 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Both ways, it is an action to get oneself out of a tight situation by writing your way out of it.
  19. [16:42:19 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : There's a fine line between being realistic and writing creatively here.
  20. [16:42:38 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Zagrin crossed it, true.
  21. [16:42:46 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Are you about to as well?
  22. [16:42:57 23/11/13] Gadget : I don't plan to.
  23. [16:44:10 23/11/13] Gadget : I just know that Gadget has been beaten on, crushed, and other wise getting his bot kicked and it's all because I made myself weak at first
  24. [16:44:31 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Though personally speaking...
  25. [16:44:41 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : you're not exactly playing to your strengths here.
  26. [16:45:12 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : As a Yellow type, charging in head-on is hardly smart.
  27. [16:45:31 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : And you and Ray standing in the middle of the street was one of those times.
  28. [16:46:11 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : I'm just saying, if I was playing as Lightning Gadget vs Sephiroth, I'd immediately go Gadgets as Limbs
  29. [16:46:32 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Gain KG as I go and wait for Seph to be tied up with the close range guys
  30. [16:46:33 23/11/13] Gadget : really and uh how would you attack huh?
  31. [16:46:45 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Once he's down or in mid-strike, go for it.
  32. [16:47:17 23/11/13] Gadget : ha... dude big saber strike ground make flame barrier
  33. [16:47:25 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : When his attention is elsewhere, get him, or distract him and let Beast or Samurai get him.
  34. [16:47:42 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Don't your hands have the mobility to crawl around...
  35. [16:48:04 23/11/13] Gadget : not fast enough to avoid a sword swing
  36. [16:48:14 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : I was drawing inspiration from Advent Children for Flame Slash, how he justs sets the buildings on fire.
  37. [16:48:29 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : The flames take time to spread.
  38. [16:48:59 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : I would have allowed you to have your hands go through or something, but that is now a question of your playstyle.
  39. [16:49:37 23/11/13] Gadget : my playstyle is that my character learns as he plays
  40. [16:49:48 23/11/13] Gadget : I don't instantly know everything in battle.
  41. [16:50:11 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : I don't give a s**t, lemme be honest.
  42. [16:50:22 23/11/13] Gadget : yeah I know
  43. [16:50:23 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Seriously. *giggles*
  44. [16:50:38 23/11/13] Gadget : a GM rarely does
  45. [16:50:49 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : I think you know as well as I that because all this RP is up to our imagination,
  46. [16:50:50 23/11/13] Gadget : or at least that's what I've been told
  47. [16:51:21 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Everything you do and say is acceptable to a certain degree.
  48. [16:51:44 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : And in a Battle Royale like this, that degree is a lot higher than a duel.
  49. [16:52:11 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Visualising everything for me is challenging too, but the magic happens when players go along and accept it.
  50. [16:52:43 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : A certain kind of trust is needed to play, isn't it? You tell me, because this is my first true RP.
  51. [16:53:12 23/11/13] Gadget : Trust is need yes but also common sense
  52. [16:53:57 23/11/13] Gadget : Space Time rifts is realistically impossible.
  53. [16:55:22 23/11/13] Gadget : and in truth Tusjecht I've only played in single topic RPs not a full RP site
  54. [16:56:06 23/11/13] Gadget : but one of the main rules of RPs that I play in. Is that people are supposed to have fun in them
  55. [16:57:03 23/11/13] Gadget : and while I am having some fun in them. Sometimes things like what Zagrin does just doesn't make it fun
  56. [16:59:06 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : How many posts before you can reattach your limbs again?
  57. [16:59:23 23/11/13] Gadget : currently 15 or 150 seconds
  58. [16:59:43 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : K.
  59. [17:01:55 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : 30 seconds till post.
  60. [17:02:02 23/11/13] Gadget : anyway I could make a deeper wish.
  61. [17:02:21 23/11/13] Gadget : a wish for Gadget to become stronger by making his gadgets stronger
  62. [17:03:15 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht :
  63. [17:03:38 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Wasn't that your char's wish that created Lightning Gadget already...
  64. [17:03:54 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Anyway, digest this first.
  65. [17:04:46 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : I might have pulled some options from your PM, albeit slightly edited, but in the future all your choices will be set independant of your opinion.
  66. [17:04:55 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : aka We do all the shit, you don't.
  67. [17:05:31 23/11/13] Gadget : I try not to
  68. [17:06:01 23/11/13] Gadget : but when I see people do shit to me, I just throw it right back
  69. [17:07:09 23/11/13] Gadget : and personally I could care less about the level up bonuses of my character
  70. [17:07:29 23/11/13] Gadget : because I got the feeling I'm not going to last. My character is too poorly designed
  71. [17:07:41 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Were you not wishing for extra attacking options?
  72. [17:07:50 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : This is where they come in.
  73. [17:08:39 23/11/13] Gadget : what I wanted is a variety of moves and abilities
  74. [17:09:11 23/11/13] Gadget : but I see that in Accel World I can't do that
  75. [17:09:25 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : ...have you missed my point?
  76. [17:09:51 23/11/13] Gadget : I don't know
  77. [17:10:24 23/11/13] Gadget : I guess I just don't see a point in being forced to play as a specialist
  78. [17:10:25 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : At Level 1, everyone is restricted to a rather narrow moveset.
  79. [17:10:40 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : We are all specialists at the same Level 1.
  80. [17:11:28 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Only by levelling up and gaining access to more options then can you choose to remain a specialist, or be a balanced build.
  81. [17:11:53 23/11/13] Gadget : in paper it may sound good but being limited isn't
  82. [17:12:12 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Most MMOs only are the same, actually. <_<
  83. [17:12:15 23/11/13] Gadget : why do you think the author gives people access to IS
  84. [17:12:43 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : (IS isn't even known to the vast majority, this is a moot point.)
  85. [17:13:08 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Cyan Pile is a balanced build.
  86. [17:13:11 23/11/13] Gadget : the whole concept of IS is to overwrite a super restrictive system
  87. [17:13:20 23/11/13] Gadget : and Cyan Pile sucks
  88. [17:13:27 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : By selecting new active skills with each Level up bonus.
  89. [17:13:35 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : But by your logic, he's good!
  90. [17:13:45 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : He has a variety of moves and abilities!
  91. [17:14:05 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Because he chose them!
  92. [17:15:03 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : In contrast, Silver Crow still only has Punch, Kick, and Aviation at Level 4 because he chose to upgrade Aviation all the way.
  93. [17:15:04 23/11/13] Gadget : a player that can use different types of abilities to combat different types of enemies is good
  94. [17:15:30 23/11/13] Gadget : but when you can only get bonuses at a level up
  95. [17:15:38 23/11/13] Gadget : which in Accel World is rare
  96. [17:15:43 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : The main reason why specialists are good, therefore, is because they adapt their strengths into different styles of attacking.
  97. [17:15:43 23/11/13] Gadget : it's stinks
  98. [17:15:56 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Well, there has to be a cost.
  99. [17:16:08 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : You have to earn that extra move or armament.
  100. [17:16:21 23/11/13] Gadget : and for me Accel World just cost too damn much
  101. [17:16:30 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : There is no free lunch, no like Sonic where you have different attacks from the get-go.
  102. [17:16:37 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Then no one is forcing you to play.
  103. [17:16:43 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Let's be honest here.
  104. [17:17:12 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : The freedom to play within the rules is here and I am ensuring it stays.
  105. [17:17:35 23/11/13] Gadget : and I'm trying to
  106. [17:17:42 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : If you want more freedom, then either you circumvent the rules like Zagrin.
  107. [17:17:51 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Or you save yourself the effort.
  108. [17:17:57 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : That is it, black and white.
  109. [17:18:15 23/11/13] Gadget : so in otherword if I don't like the rule just break them or quit huh
  110. [17:18:36 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : This will not be the old AWRP where you were using NPCs as punching bags.
  111. [17:18:43 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : *to farm BPs
  112. [17:18:46 23/11/13] Gadget : uh excuse me
  113. [17:19:05 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Submit your own items to the shop, then buy them with your farmed points.
  114. [17:19:31 23/11/13] Gadget : I only faced the NPCs one time for three different 'boss battle' like roleplaying
  115. [17:20:17 23/11/13] Gadget : I never created anything in the shop, my purchased weapons were either gifts from friends, or earned in tournaments
  116. [17:20:26 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Cyber Dream Sword.
  117. [17:20:31 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Cyber Dagger.
  118. [17:20:38 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Dragon Soul.
  119. [17:20:51 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : These three are the only items I remember because I heard about them secondhand.
  120. [17:20:57 23/11/13] Gadget : Cyber Dream Sword a friend gave that to me, Cyber Dagger purchased from a friend who sold it
  121. [17:20:59 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : I'm betting there are more.
  122. [17:21:12 23/11/13] Gadget : Dragon Soul won from a tournament
  123. [17:21:29 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : The Wipe is a tabula rasa as far as I am concerned.
  124. [17:21:47 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : And so the game can restart on sensible foundations.
  125. [17:21:50 23/11/13] Gadget : tabula rasa?
  126. [17:21:56 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : So all this is in the past, true.
  127. [17:22:05 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Tabula rasa = clean slate.
  128. [17:22:16 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : But that does not mean that it can't happen again.
  129. [17:22:39 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : If there's anything I learnt from history, it's that the past holds lessons in every nook and cranny.
  130. [17:22:55 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : To not learn from them is ignorant, to repeat them is foolish.
  131. [17:23:31 23/11/13] Gadget : Gadget has only learned when he shows self control and doesn't do shit someone else does
  132. [17:23:49 23/11/13] Gadget : and usually I get the short end of the stick
  133. [17:23:50 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : I am talking to you, Kevin.
  134. [17:24:12 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : I will not pretend that characters are not a projection of our own imaginations, wishes, and weaknesses.
  135. [17:24:35 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : I myself am not an exception, and so is the entire universe Kawahara created.
  136. [17:25:50] Gadget : yes indeed they are projections
  137. [17:27:00] Gadget : but the fact is I can be proud of my projections because I'm proud to be me
  138. [17:27:40] Gadget : but other people's projection sometimes I wonder what the hell went wrong
  139. [17:28:06] @ Tusjecht : Then that is other people.
  140. [17:28:23] @ Tusjecht : I believe we are still discussing about you.
  141. [17:28:32] @ Tusjecht : Anyway.
  142. [17:28:44] @ Tusjecht : I have other things to do now, so I'm going off.
  143. [17:29:00] @ Tusjecht : Bye then.
  144. [17:29:00 23/11/13] @ Tusjecht : Bye then.
  145. [17:29:12 23/11/13] Gadget : clear the chat before you go
  146. [17:29:35 23/11/13] Gadget : never mind
  147. [17:53:14 23/11/13] DizzyD : .
  148. [17:55:08 23/11/13] DizzyD : Hi gadget
  149. [17:55:14 23/11/13] Gadget : hey dizzy...
  150. [17:55:25 23/11/13] DizzyD : whats up
  151. [17:55:52 23/11/13] Gadget : tonight is just a bad night for me
  152. [17:56:28 23/11/13] Gadget : and it reminds me of why I left this site in the first place
  153. [17:56:59 23/11/13] DizzyD : ohhh
  154. [17:57:04 23/11/13] DizzyD : im sorry
  155. [17:57:07 23/11/13] DizzyD : why is that
  156. [17:57:17 23/11/13] Gadget : nah don't be. you have nothing to do with it
  157. [17:57:51 23/11/13] Gadget : anyways I got to get going, I have a big day tomorrow
  158. [17:57:58 23/11/13] Gadget : and I need my sleep
  159. [17:58:45 23/11/13] DizzyD : oh alright
  160. [17:58:47 23/11/13] DizzyD : goodnight
  161. [19:14:33 23/11/13] Dranes : Boring archives
  162. [19:18:48 23/11/13] Zagrin : My only questions is what exactly does it smell like I would do?
  163. [19:19:05 23/11/13] Zagrin : Make the extra skill in battle or do the whole adversity story of awesomeness
  164. [19:20:05 23/11/13] Zagrin : Also space time rifts were in the initial description of Lunatic hue hue hue
  165. [19:21:16 23/11/13] Zagrin : >Being realistic
  166. [19:21:26 23/11/13] Zagrin : hue hue hue hue Hallucination, realistic hue hue hue hue
  167. [19:21:41 23/11/13] Zagrin : Entertaining archives very entertaining
  168. [19:23:09 23/11/13] Zagrin : Once again I see the word realistic, so funneh
  169. [19:23:48 23/11/13] Zagrin : On the other hand, why not focus on my current character that I'm actually using rather than one who made the impossible possible
  170. [19:26:04 23/11/13] Zagrin : (Well other than the fact he will become the Main Character(TM) of the story )
  171. [19:28:10 23/11/13] Zagrin : Oh I like that, circumvent the rules
  172. [19:28:30 23/11/13] Zagrin : Yes, I like that line a lot, it ain't breaking, it's just creating loopholes, I follow 'em, yet I am above them
  173. [19:29:42 23/11/13] Zagrin : Oh projections
  174. [19:30:09 23/11/13] Zagrin : ...I have a nice variety of projections hue
  175. [19:30:30 23/11/13] Zagrin : And thus comes the end of the archives
  176. [19:31:03 23/11/13] Zagrin : Gadget, Tus, thank you for the entertaining read, having just finished my finals, it was an enjoyable read and may their be many more like it!
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