
Cannibalism, Part 1

Sep 3rd, 2012
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  1. >Be Anon, owner of a fluffy named Starsplash
  2. >Starsplash is a Pegasus, with a gold coat and a white mane
  3. >He was the best looking fluffy of his litter
  4. >More importantly, he was the runt
  5. >He was born about five months ago and has developed wonderfully
  6. >His mother refused to care for him, and his father followed suit, so you decided to raise him yourself
  7. >His parents have since been fixed and donated to a shelter
  8. >His siblings have been sold as breeders
  9. >You made sure to sell them to a good shop, you've heard the horror stories and you couldn't bring yourself to punish the babies
  10. >Starsplash is the most well-behaved fluffy you've ever encountered
  11. >That probably has to do with the fact that you saved him as a baby
  12. "Daddeh, can haf nummehs, pwease?"
  13. "Sure, little guy, it's lunchtime. How about some carrots?"
  14. "Stawspwas wuv cawwot! Wuv daddeh!"
  15. >He hugs your shin and you feel your blood sugar spike
  16. >You make him lunch and heat yourself some leftovers
  17. >You're always careful not to eat spaghetti when he doesn't have any
  18. >You remember how Beavis reacted to that
  19. >It wasn't pretty
  20. >After lunch, you start cleaning the dishes
  21. >You notice something out the window
  22. "What the hell...?"
  23. >You see what looks like a moving patch of grass on the horizon
  24. >You write it off as the wind and play with Starsplash
  25. >Hours later, after dinner, you go to clean the last of the day's dirty dishes
  26. >That's when you see it
  27. "Oh, no...ferals..."
  28. >There's something about the herd that strikes you as...well, odd
  29. >It's just, standing there
  30. >Every single flufy is completely silent, just staring at your house
  31. >Their eyes creep you the fuck out
  32. >You'll call animal control in the morning
  33. >You are NOT going to deal with a damned smarty
  34. >You make sure to nail Starsplash's fluffy door shut
  35. "Can't let those fuckers get in here..."
  36. >You put Starsplash in his safe room and close the curtains on the window
  37. "Why dawk? Stawspwas scawed of dawk, daddeh..."
  38. "I know, buddy, but there's some very bad fluffies outside and I don't want them to see you."
  39. >This frightens him, so you decide to move his bed into your room
  40. >You gently squeeze him over his litterbox, and bring him in
  41. >This seems to calm him down, and he falls asleep
  42. >You, however, are too curious to sleep
  43. "Never seen those guys so calm...something's wrong."
  44. >You go back to the window and sure enough, there they are
  45. >Standing, staring...smiling?
  46. >Now that's just fucking creepy
  47. >They're definitely smiling, looking right back at you
  48. >Their teeth look...different from other fluffies'
  49. >They look almost sharp
  50. "Alright, that's fucking scary."
  51. >They also seem closer than before
  52. >You decide to play this safe
  53. "Hello, animal control? I got a feral herd outside..."
  54. >They ask you to describe the herd, any pregnant mares, any foals, the usual stuff
  55. >It's illegal to exterminate certain fluffies
  56. "Yeah...no dams, no foals...they're just standing there...MENACINGLY."
  57. >They'll be there within two hours
  58. >As far as your concerned, it may as well be two weeks
  59. >You grab some coffee and continue monitoring the herd
  60. >They seem a bit more active than before
  61. >You walk around the house, making sure all your windows are secured
  62. >You head back to the kitchen and peer out the window
  63. "Oh fuck."
  64. >The herd is nowhere to be seen
  65. >This is a huge problem
  66. >You grab your computer and research the herd's behavior
  67. "Let's see...smarties...crop destruction...no..."
  68. >You search for about 30 minutes and come across an article that piques your interest
  69. >It describes a phenomenon known as a "cannibal herd"
  70. >It describes fluffies that become carnivorous under certain conditions
  71. >They also seem more intelligent than average fluffies
  72. >You mind flashes back to that scene in Jurassic Park
  73. >Yeah, the one with the raptors
  74. "No, sir, no way in hell am I dealing with this."
  75. >You check the clock
  76. >One hour left until animal control arrives
  77. >Then you hear it
  78. >It sounds like scratching, sort of like a dog would scratch on a door
  79. >Then you hear more of it
  80. >And more...and more
  81. >You hear the sound all around your house
  82. "Oh, Jesus what is that?
  83. >The scratching continues as you double check all of your windows
  84. >Then you realize what it is
  85. >They're trying to get in
  86. "Alright...stay calm. They're fluffies for fuck's sake"
  87. "Daddeh...wah noise? Stawspwas scawed..."
  88. >Starsplash woke up
  89. >You'll have to calm him down
  90. "Hey, little guy. It's okay, the bad fluffies are just making noise outside. I need you to be a good fluffy and stay quiet for daddy."
  91. "Otay, daddeh...am gud fwuffeh."
  92. >You pat him on the head and move your dresser in front of your bedroom window
  93. >You lock the bedroom door and walk back into your kitchen
  94. >Then you see it
  95. >A single fluffy is sitting on the outside windowsill
  96. >Its fur looks like it was once green, but it looks dirty
  97. >Its eyes light up as soon as it sees you
  98. >It smiles with broken, jagged teeth
  99. >It then starts biting the window
  100. >It leaves marks on the glass, but there's no way it can get in
  101. "Well, that is absolutely horrifying...."
  102. >You grab a cutting board and prop it up against the window
  103. >You don't want to be reminded that those things are out there
  104. >You check the time
  105. >Animal control should be here soon
  106. >You turn on the TV and try to calm yourself down as you wait
  107. >You hear the fluffies all around your house scurrying away
  108. >Then you hear a car pull up your driveway
  109. "Must be them..."
  110. >You unlock your door and look outside
  111. "Hello, Mister Anon was it? I'm the fluffy exterminator. Hear you got a feral herd"
  112. "Oh hi...Dale, right? come on in I'll fill you in on the details."
  113. >You tell him about the article you read and about the herd's behavior
  114. "Can't say I ever heard of a cannibal herd...but that's alright. My poisons are great for any fluffy. Humane too."
  115. "That's nice, but this herd is supposedly smart. Be careful man."
  116. >He gears up and walks outside
  117. "Hey, Anon...there's no fluffies out here."
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