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Sep 16th, 2016
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  1. Hey Survivalists,
  2. Here are the release notes for the upcoming Alpha 15 release. We know you folks like to read them beforehand so we’re releasing it early. If you’d like to participate in testing an early experimental version, please go to our forums news and announcements to learn how.
  4. This update has some big framework changes so starting a new game is a must. Please don’t try to salvage your old saved game. And for those of you that experience any problems please use your steam client to delete local files and reinstall the game. Also wiping your player profile data might be helpful.
  6. For a complete list of Alpha 15 release notes read on!
  8. Alpha 15 Official Release Notes!
  10. Navezgane world updates
  12. New Distant Terrain feature renders terrain over 1 kilometer away.
  13. Almost 2 square kilometers of new explorable space has been unlocked
  14. New highly embellished height map with huge mountains in every biome
  15. New giant desert canyon
  16. Over 19 new locations have been added to Navezgane:
  17. 5 new unique Trader Settlements
  18. Grand Ostrich Hotel
  19. 2 new roadside hotels
  20. Football stadium
  21. Auto Parts Store
  22. New hidden bomb shelter
  23. Oil refinery
  24. Funeral Home
  25. Prison
  26. Red Mesa Government Installation
  27. Indian Cliff Dwellings (Canyon)
  28. Canyon gift shop and scenic overlook
  29. 2 new bars
  30. Random Gen Worlds 3.0
  31. We’ve greatly improved random gen with many improvements and additions including:
  33. New RG Distant Terrain
  34. New road system that uses pathfinding for smoother transitions in height in all areas besides the hub entries.
  35. Terrain generation is now in rwgmixer.xml: This allows for modification of the terrain
  36. Biome generation is now also in rwgmixer.xml : This allows for modification of biomes
  37. Hubcell data is generated and saved in the game’s save dir: This allows backward compatibility and prevents RWG from regenerating the hub each time it’s called when not cached.
  38. Rwgmixer is saved to the game’s save dir: This ensures the same terrain generation and biome generation and prefab regardless of edits to the main file.
  39. All new locations spawn except for the football stadium, canyon gift shop and canyon cliff dwellings.
  40. Journal Tip System
  41. A new journal tip system has been added to the main in game menu signified by a pen icon. The system writes all old tips and has over 20 new conditionally based in-game tips that pop out with a right screen notification. Players can at their leisure read these tips on advanced gameplay system teaching players everything from gun assembly when finding their first gun to harvesting with the best tool after killing their first animal.
  43. Trader and Economy System
  44. We have added NPC traders to the game at 5 unique White River settlements signified by a White River Flag and a Traitor Joel’s sign. These Settlements and NPCs appear in both Navezgane and Random Gen Worlds. NPCs include Trader Joel, Trader Rekt, Trader Bob, Trader Hugh and Trader Jimmy. The settlements are 100% land protected, players cannot build near them and players will be teleported out when the traders are closed so they cannot be exploited as a night time safe haven. Traders announce over loudspeakers when they are open, closed and about to close. When they close they lock their gate and turn off their open sign. When they open they unlock their gate and turn on their open sign. It is wise to close the gate behind you so you don’t let the zombies follow you into a settlement.
  46. The in-game economy uses Duke coins and players can see how many they have in the upper right corner of their backpack. Traders will restock items periodically so check back often. They also have a secret stash category signified by a safe icon which offers special items based on your level and perks. Some items can only be bought or sold in bundles. Traders are open for business between dawn and dusk. Invest in the Barter skill and Secret the Stash perk to get better deals and see better items with traders.
  48. Vending Machines
  49. There are three types of vending machines: beverage vending machines found at stores, rentable trader protected vending machines found at Trader Settlements, and player owned vending machines which can only be acquired through a Trader’s Secret Stash. All vending Machines use Duke Coins which can be found in the world or acquired through selling items to Traders. You can see how much money you have in the upper right of your inventory.
  51. NPCs can purchase from your rented vending machine so it’s wise to keep it well stocked and not mark up the items too high. If you buy your own vending machine it’s wise to put it in your land claim area as other players with effort can destroy them and steal your goods. Use these at your own risk as vending machine raiding ‘griefing’ will be possible. Note rented or player owned vending machines can be password shared if you want to let a friend use all of your vending machines functions.
  53. Blood Moon Horde Party System
  54. We have added a partying system that groups players together into parties of one or more players within a minimum distance. These parties will now each get their own blood moon horde.
  56. Blood Moon Dynamic Difficulty
  57. We have also added a Blood moon horde dynamic difficulty system. At runtime the game calculates the spawn game stage difficulty group for each party based on the criteria of number of players in the party, each player’s level in the party, each player’s current days survived ratio in the party and the hosts global difficulty setting. These things work together to output a game stage number or dynamic difficulty number for each party.
  59. Higher game stage numbers have harder enemies F.E. Game stage 10 might only have base female and crawler zombies while game stage 20 might spawn those plus Dogs and Feral Zombies. Higher game stages will also have higher spawn limits meaning more total spawned not more alive at once to keep the games framerate consistent. New players can join the game just before the first Blood moon and only get a game stage 1 horde if they’re the only party member. The plan is to use the dynamic difficulty system for static spawned and screamer hordes in A16.
  61. Improved Farming
  62. We’ve improved the farming adding fertilizer and 5 new growable crops: Yucca, Mushrooms, Red Flowers, Aloe and Hops to make Beer. The soil can be improved and depending on it’s quality, grown crops will yield a greater harvest. Trees require regular dirt to grow to full size. Growing them in a desert or snow biome is less efficient.
  64. Chemistry Station
  65. We’ve added a new craftable Chemistry Station where both old and new advanced chemical and compound recipes can now be crafted. While some critical recipes can still be crafted with a beaker on a campfire, crafting them in a chemistry station is faster and requires fewer resources. Advanced recipes are limited to the chemistry station.
  67. New UMA Zombies
  68. We’ve expanded on our general UMA system to use it to make custom zombies with unique loot, health and some with unique behaviors or abilities into the general spawning, special locations and blood moon spawning. The system is used for our NPCs like Traders too and will be used for Bandits in upcoming updates.
  70. Fallen Soldier Zombie (Found at Army and Government Installations. Notable loot includes firearms and military gear)
  71. Hazmat Male and Female Zombies (Found at Army and Government Installations. Notable loot includes hazmat gear and technical supplies)
  72. Zombie Biker (Found at bars. Notable loot includes biker clothing, melee weapons and minibike parts)
  73. Zombie Stripper (Found at bars. Notable loot includes cash and drugs)
  74. Utility Worker Zombie (Found at Utility and Factory locations. Notable loot includes mining helmets, metal resources, calipers and more)
  75. Team Z Player Football Zombie (Found at Football Stadiums. Notable loot includes football helmets, Mega Crush energy drink, drugs, treasure maps and challenge quests)
  76. Motivated Cheerleader Zombie (Found at Football Stadiums. Notable loot includes treasure maps and challenge quests)
  77. Miner Zombie (Found at Utility and Factory locations. Notable loot includes mining equipment and dynamite)
  78. Zombie Cowboy (Found at Old West ghost town locations. Notable loot includes cowboy gear, gun parts and complete weapons)
  79. Zombie Farmer (Found near Barns and crops. Notable loot includes tools crops and seeds)
  80. Skater Punk Zombie (Found in general spawns. Notable loot includes hoody, mechanical parts and quest notes.)
  81. Hungry Female Zombie (Found in general spawns. General zombie loot.)
  82. Walker Male Zombie (Found in general spawns. General zombie loot.)
  83. Risen Woman Zombie (Found in general spawns. General zombie loot.)
  84. Experience, Progression and Skill Changes
  86. The most notable difference is that you now gain level XP when killing zombies and animals. It will always be possible to reach level 200.
  87. Weapon and armor skills will now increase faster.
  88. Experience from action skills like mining is no longer capped when the skill reaches 100. It may not be much but you will always gain some XP while harvesting resources.
  89. With a crafting skill of 100 you can craft Quality Level 500 items.
  90. To get higher quality items you can use the combine feature of the workbench or go out and find better items in loot or on traders.
  91. Before buying perks you can see which stats are going to be affected and what your base value for that stat currently is.
  92. Concrete mix is now only crafted in a cement mixer. You may find cement mixers in the world now.
  93. The Steel Smithing perk now has multiple (but pricey) levels where you can acquire recipes for items that are usually only found and harvested.
  94. Sign Creation System
  95. Players can craft, place and add custom text on small medium and large signs made of wood. Sizes are 1×1, 1×3 and 2×5
  97. Localization
  99. We now support 4 languages English, Spanish, French and German which can be set through your steam language selection Tab. In Steam Right click on 7 Days/properties/language select your language. Note: The main menu and post alpha 14 new or changed text will only appear in English which will be updated in future releases.
  101. Steam Achievements
  102. We have added a ton of Steam achievements some of which are secret.
  104. Improved Ore Veins and Mining
  105. We have random underground mineral veins where you can find all the old ores plus new rare mineral deposits which can yield Diamonds, Gold, and Silver. These minerals can be sold at the Trader Stations.
  107. Workbench Improvements
  108. We added a new combine items feature to the workbench where players can combine 2 similar items to produce one of better quality. We have also moved some advanced recipes exclusively to the workbench. Workbenches have been added to some locations like trader settlements and other areas. Workbenches can also be disassembled with a wrench.
  110. Backpack and Container Sorting
  111. We added a new backpack and loot container sorting system. Just click on the icon of your backpack and container and items will stack and sort properly.
  113. New Recipes
  114. There are over 80 new recipes including a Chemistry Station, Beer, Snowberry Juice, Player Made Signs, Draw Bridges, Garage Doors, Arrow Slits, Wooden and Metal Catwalks, Railings and Stairs and switchable lights. Note: Some recipes can only be crafted at the new Chemistry Station or improved Workbench and some are only unlocked by purchasing a related perk.
  116. Adobe White Arrow Slit
  117. Awning Red Corner Full
  118. Awning Red Corner Inside
  119. Awning Red Corner Round
  120. Awning Red Corner Round Top
  121. Awning Red Gable
  122. Awning Red Pyramid
  123. Burning Barrel
  124. Ceiling Light (Switch)
  125. Ceiling Light 02 (Switch)
  126. Cobblestone Arrow Slit
  127. Cobblestone Frame Full Corner
  128. Cobblestone Frame Inside Corner
  129. Cobblestone Frame Pillar 100
  130. Cobblestone Frame Pillar 50
  131. Cobblestone Frame Plate
  132. Cobblestone Frame Pole
  133. Cobblestone Frame Stairs
  134. Cobblestone Frame Wedge
  135. Cobblestone Frame Wedge Tip
  136. Concrete Arrow Slit
  137. Concrete Corner Round Top
  138. Concrete Corner Round
  139. Concrete Support
  140. End Table
  141. End Table Lamp
  142. Flagstone Arrow Slit
  143. Garage Door Metal
  144. Industrial Light (Switch)
  145. Metal Trussing Ramp
  146. Porch Light (Switch)
  147. Reinforced Double Drawbridge
  148. Reinforced Drawbridge
  149. Scrap Iron Arrow Slit
  150. Scrap Iron Frame Wedge Tip
  151. Street Light (Switch)
  152. TV
  153. TV Large, Left
  154. TV Large, Right
  155. Wood 1/2 Block
  156. Wood Arrow Slit
  157. Wood board stairs
  158. Wood Board Stairs With Railing
  159. Wood Catwalk
  160. Wood Catwalk Corner
  161. Wood Catwalk Wedge Corner Railing
  162. Wood Catwalk With Railing
  163. Wood Railing
  164. Wood Wedge Tip
  165. Mining Helmet
  166. Beverage Cooler
  167. Cooler
  168. Lockers
  169. Aloe Vera Seed
  170. Chrysanthemum Seed
  171. Hop Seed
  172. Mushroom Spores (Seed)
  173. Yucca Seed
  174. Beer
  175. Moldy Bread
  176. Snowberry Juice
  177. Candy Tin Can
  178. Car Air Filter
  179. Dirt Fragment
  180. Electrical Parts
  181. Electronic Components
  182. Fertilizer
  183. Flashlight
  184. Hub Cap
  185. Scrap Cable
  186. Scrap Plastics
  187. Snowball
  188. Snowberry Extract
  189. Spring
  190. Sign (C)old Beer
  191. Wooden Sign 1x1m
  192. Wooden Sign 3x1m
  193. Wooden Sign 5x2m
  194. Snow
  195. Nailgun
  196. Cooking Pot Mine
  197. Scrap Log Spike Frame
  198. Chemistry Station
  199. New Items (Lootable/Harvestable/For Sale)
  200. We have added many new items you can get by looting, harvesting or purchase from traders.
  202. Nailgun Schematic
  203. Tasting And Brewing
  204. Black Baseball Cap
  205. Black Cowboy Boots
  206. Black Goth Boots
  207. Black Goth Pants
  208. Black Hooded Sweatshirt
  209. Black Jacket
  210. Black Leather Duster
  211. Black Leather Hood
  212. Black Press Boy Cap
  213. Black Shades
  214. Black Shorts
  215. Black Skirt
  216. Blue Baseball Cap
  217. Blue Hooded Sweatshirt
  218. Blue Press Boy Cap
  219. Blue Shorts
  220. Blue Skirt
  221. Brown Baseball Cap
  222. Brown Hooded Sweatshirt
  223. Brown Press Boy Cap
  224. Brown Shorts
  225. Brown Skirt
  226. College Jacket
  227. Cowboy Boots
  228. Green Baseball Cap
  229. Green Hooded Sweatshirt
  230. Green Press Boy Cap
  231. Green Shorts
  232. Green Skirt
  233. Heavy Bandit Boots
  234. Heavy Bandit Chest Armor
  235. Heavy Bandit Gasmask
  236. Heavy Bandit Gloves
  237. Heavy Bandit Leg Armor
  238. Overalls
  239. Red Baseball Cap
  240. Red Hooded Sweatshirt
  241. Red Press Boy Cap
  242. Red Shorts
  243. Red Skirt
  244. Running Shoes
  245. Strong Glasses
  246. White Football Jersey
  247. White Hooded Sweatshirt
  248. White Jacket
  249. White Press Boy Cap
  250. White Shorts
  251. White Skirt
  252. ZU Football Helmet
  253. Aloe Vera Plant
  254. Aloe Vera Seed
  255. Chrysanthemum
  256. Chrysanthemum Seed
  257. Corn Plant Random (Harvestable)
  258. Cotton
  259. Goldenrod Flower
  260. Hop Plant (Harvestable)
  261. Hop Seed
  262. Hops Flower
  263. Mushroom Spores (Seed)
  264. Snowberry
  265. Snowberry Plant (Harvestable)
  266. Yucca Seed
  267. Mega Crush
  268. Snowberry Juice
  269. Yucca Cocktail
  270. Dirt Fragment
  271. Electrical Parts
  272. Electronic Components
  273. Fertilizer
  274. Gold Nugget
  275. Mechanical Parts
  276. Old Cash
  277. Raw Diamond
  278. Raw Iron
  279. Scrap Plastics
  280. Silver Nugget
  281. Snowball
  282. Snowberry Extract
  283. Steel Polish
  284. Nailgun Frame
  285. Nailgun Parts
  286. Nailgun Receiver
  287. Rechargeable Battery
  288. Diamond Deposit
  289. Gold Ore
  290. Silver Ore
  291. New Creative Block Shapes
  292. We have also added many new block shapes for the creative builders to use.
  294. Adobe White Arrow Slit
  295. Arrow Slit
  296. Awning Green Corner Round Top
  297. Awning Red Corner Round Top
  298. Awning Tan Corner Round Top
  299. Bar Stool
  300. Brick Corner Round Top
  301. Ceiling Light (Switch)
  302. Ceiling Light 02 (Switch)
  303. Cobblestone Arrow Slit
  304. Cobblestone Frame Full Corner
  305. Cobblestone Frame Inside Corner
  306. Cobblestone Frame Pillar 100
  307. Cobblestone Frame Pillar 50
  308. Cobblestone Frame Plate
  309. Cobblestone Frame Pole
  310. Cobblestone Frame Stairs
  311. Cobblestone Frame Wedge
  312. Cobblestone Frame Wedge Tip
  313. Cobblestone Full Corner
  314. Cobblestone Inside Corner
  315. Cobblestone Pillar 100
  316. Cobblestone Pillar 50
  317. Cobblestone Plate
  318. Cobblestone Pole
  319. Cobblestone Wedge
  320. Cobblestone Wedge Tip
  321. Concrete Arrow Slit
  322. Concrete Corner Round Top
  323. Concrete Corner Round
  324. Corrugated Metal Corner Round
  325. Corrugated Metal Corner Round Top
  326. Draw Bridge
  327. Fertilized Farmland
  328. Flagstone Arrow Slit
  329. Forest Flower
  330. Forest Grass Diagonal
  331. Furnace Door, Open
  332. Garage Door Metal
  333. Garage Door Metal v2
  334. Green Drawer, Open
  335. Green Rusty Metal Corner Round Top
  336. Green Rusty Metal Wall Ramp
  337. Hubcap (No Mine)
  338. Industrial Light (Switch)
  339. Loudspeaker
  340. Metal Catwalk
  341. Metal Catwalk Corner
  342. Metal Catwalk Wedge Corner
  343. Metal Catwalk Wedge Corner Railing
  344. Metal Catwalk With Railing
  345. Metal Railing
  346. Metal Reinforced Wood Arrow Slit
  347. Metal Sheet Random (POI)
  348. Metal Stairs
  349. Metal Stairs With Railing
  350. Metal Trussing Ramp
  351. Mobile Spotlight (POI)
  352. Mortician’s Drawer, Open
  353. Mushrooms (Harvestable)
  354. Porch Light (Switch)
  355. Red Metal Corner Round Top
  356. Reinforced Concrete Arrow Slit
  357. Reinforced Concrete Corner Round
  358. Reinforced Concrete Corner Round Top
  359. Reinforced Double Drawbridge
  360. Reinforced Drawbridge
  361. Reinforced Scrap Iron Arrow Slit
  362. Reinforced Scrap Iron Wedge Tip
  363. Reinforced Wood Arrow Slit
  364. Reinforced Wood Metal Wedge Tip
  365. Reinforced Wood Wedge Tip
  366. Rusty Iron Corner Round
  367. Rusty Iron Corner Round Top
  368. Scrap Iron Arrow Slit
  369. Scrap Iron Frame Wedge Tip
  370. Scrap Iron Wedge Tip
  371. Stainless Steel 1/2 Block
  372. Stainless Steel 1/4 Block
  373. Stainless Steel 1/8 Block
  374. Stainless Steel Arrow Slit
  375. Stainless Steel Block
  376. Stainless Steel Corner Round
  377. Stainless Steel Corner Round Top
  378. Stainless Steel Full Corner
  379. Stainless Steel Inside Corner
  380. Stainless Steel Pillar 100
  381. Stainless Steel Pillar 50
  382. Stainless Steel Plate
  383. Stainless Steel Plate Centered
  384. Stainless Steel Pole
  385. Stainless Steel Pyramid
  386. Stainless Steel Ramp
  387. Stainless Steel Ramp Corner
  388. Stainless Steel Stairs
  389. Stainless Steel Support
  390. Stainless Steel Wedge
  391. Stainless Steel Wedge Tip
  392. Steel Arrow Slit
  393. Steel Corner Round
  394. Steel Corner Round Top
  395. Street Light (Switch)
  396. Trader Spawn Block
  397. White Metal Corner Round Top
  398. White River Flagpole
  399. Wood Arrow Slit
  400. Wood Board Stairs With Railing
  401. Wood Catwalk
  402. Wood Catwalk Corner
  403. Wood Catwalk Wedge Corner
  404. Wood Catwalk Wedge Corner Railing
  405. Wood Catwalk With Railing
  406. Wood Railing
  407. Wood Shingles Corner Filler
  408. Wood Shingles Ramp Corner
  409. Furnace
  410. Green Drawer
  411. Mortician’s Drawer
  412. Player Vending Machine
  413. Vending Machine
  414. Vending Machine Rental
  415. Diamond Deposit
  416. Gold Ore
  417. Silver Ore
  418. Cooking Pot Mine
  419. Scrap Log Spike Frame
  420. Chemistry Station
  421. Added
  423. Added: To optimize framerate and give players a chance to loot zombie corpses. We added a new system where ragdoll zombies turn into a lootable corpse approximately 45 seconds after death.
  424. Added: water_emerge sounds and entry in sounds.xml
  425. Added: Launcher on Windows, allows switching 32/64 bit engine as well as a few other options
  426. Added: Wood and glass items can be scrapped
  427. Added: Workstations can be disassembled with a wrench
  428. Added: Blood Draw Kit has a side-effect
  429. Added: control keys to modify god mode and free camera speeds using keyboard -/+ keys
  430. Added: heavy bandit armor items
  431. Added: new male hairstyles
  432. Added: weeds, cinder blocks, small rocks, cracks, and an occasional old tire to roads
  433. Added: Heavy bandit armor is equal to iron armor, armor name keys and description added
  434. Added: New eyeball specular texture
  435. Added: Water Particle Limiter in Video Option
  436. Added: sawing sound when placing wood frames
  437. Added: Animation for climbing ladders
  438. Added: Missing (new) stairs variant Added: so all upgrade paths are consistent.
  439. Added: Items and schematic for nailgun parts and some advanced resources
  440. Added: Cooking pot mines
  441. Added: Console output can be scrolled with PageUp / PageDown
  442. Added: Directional thunder & lightning
  443. Added: You can scrap stone tools or leftover concrete/brick blocks
  444. Added: Bleedout buff audio hookup to code, internalBleeding & bleeding
  445. Added: Stunned buff audio code
  446. Added: Stunned audio filter
  447. Added: Blood moon lighting
  448. Added: default eyebrow to male and female bases
  449. Added: Player Exp from killing entities
  450. Added: 6 new maple forest grasses to maple forest.
  451. Added: console comands BuffPlayer, DebuffPlayer, ExportItemIcons, RepairChunkDensity, TeleportPlayer
  452. Added: Snowberry harvesting, crafting and effects
  453. Added: new broken highway section to the wasteland decoration
  454. Added: rough cut wood texture
  455. Added: console commands GetGameStats and SetGameStat
  456. Added: eyeliner, eyeshadow, blush, goth eyeshadow and lipstick to female characters
  457. Added: land mines to the wasteland.
  458. Added: commandline argument “-noeac” to disable EAC on Linux/OSX clients
  459. Added: Gunpowder recipe for the workbench
  460. Added: Any kind of food heals you now.
  461. Added: library to school
  462. Added: Command “teleport” which acts on the player issuing the command
  465. Changed
  467. Changed: Added dtx1 and 5 compression to all atlases as an optimization. Deleted unused water textures
  468. Changed: Optimized lights so they look better and cause less overdraw which will give locations and player placed lights better performance
  469. Changed: overlays may now use named colors such as skin, eye, hair
  470. Changed: UMA creation refactored into one class for all UMA generation
  471. Changed: Body sliders Changed/removed, now muscle and weight control the body proportions
  472. Changed: Adjusted alpha cutout to reduce see through hair and baldness
  473. Changed: Hide poncho now hides chest armors to fix flipping issues
  474. Changed: Metal items and armor are more expensive making repair more viable.
  475. Changed: Rockets now require fuel.
  476. Changed: Default placement rotations of stairs, corners, etc. are now consistent.
  477. Changed: Updated uma standard shader to look identical to standard (specular setup) the artists use so that in game art looks correct
  478. Changed: Removed import animations flag from some clothing models
  479. Changed: values of uma hair shader to match standard shader specular setup
  480. Changed: Deleted old beard textures
  481. Changed: Assigned new beard textures to bearded characters
  482. Changed: Removed color from ball cap so it can be colored in game better and white hats are possible
  483. Changed: Tribal tattoo is white so it can be colored now
  484. Changed: Characters now use the standard shader for eyes which reduces draw calls
  485. Changed: Hair now has working specular
  486. Changed: Planted and decorative tree stages / resources cleaned up
  487. Changed: TNT can be picked up
  488. Changed: Adjusted some holster transitions to reduce sideways guns
  489. Changed: Default color of jeans for male and female custom characters
  490. Changed: Adjusted player editing menu probe intensity and color
  491. Changed: Players eyes were too bloodshot
  492. Changed: Removed stone-tipped crossbow bolts.
  493. Changed: A workbench is required to craft steel tools, and other advanced items.
  494. Changed: Clubs in general are very bad at harvesting but the sledgehammer has gotten a lot better at smashing things.
  495. Changed: Damage on mining tools adjusted.
  496. Changed: Iron ore is not as soft any more.
  497. Changed: Auger and chainsaw do not break as quickly and are more competitive overall.
  498. Changed: The claw hammer is the “iron” upgrade to the stone axe and only requires a forge.
  499. Changed: The wrench is a steel tool, repairs faster than the hammer and can disassemble things.
  500. Changed: Dirt and snow Changed: to granular drops.
  501. Changed: The concrete mixer is made in the workbench but does not require a skill.
  502. Changed: Item and block prices, second pass.
  503. Changed: All red clothing items to a unified tone
  504. Changed: Improved SpawnScouts command
  505. Changed: Scaled characters to fit our new skinny weight.
  506. Changed: Adjusted a few heights of characters.
  507. Changed: Hoe attack rate is much faster, making the hoe much better for clearing grass
  508. Changed: All blocks that used cutout moveable are now on the grass atlas, for less draw calls and a performance increase
  509. Changed: Updated rope texture for cobblestone frames.
  510. Changed: Gain level Exp on skill cap
  511. Changed: Beer is now brewed with a brewery station. Beer is no longer another flavor of coffee, it prevents you from being stunned and gives you unlimited stamina for 60 seconds.
  512. Changed: Zombies spawn from a sleeping position and stand up
  513. Changed: All trees are now defined as multiblocks and support blocks up to likely heights
  514. Changed: New stairs and catwalks have recipes, upgrade paths, repair cost, etc. (except for Board Stairs without railing)
  515. Changed: The nailgun is now an assembled gun.
  516. Changed: Small spikes redesigned
  517. Changed: Updated snowy grass and wasteland brown grass
  518. Changed: Land mines are more powerful, create no chain-reactions, and do almost no terrain damage
  519. Changed: F-keys cannot be bound to actions
  520. Changed: Console key is F2 now
  521. Changed: The “burning” buff from stepping on a campfire ends quickly after stepping off the fire
  522. Changed: Cacti do less damage than big mean spike traps
  523. Changed: The bleeding effect from traps is more informative and does not linger as long
  524. Changed: Cloth blocks like awnings will prevent fall damage
  525. Changed: Log spikes brought in line with block upgrade costs and paths
  526. Changed: CPU optimization on crop and tree growth timers
  527. Changed: Cement mixers and workbenches do not emit heat
  528. Changed: Trees do not grow to full size if planted on meager ground like in a desert or wasteland
  529. Changed: Craftable biome-specific earth blocks unified and they grow appropriate grass types
  530. Changed: Snow is no fertile ground
  531. Changed: The burnt forest isn’t as hot
  532. Changed: Water cools you down a lot more. Beware of getting wet in the cold areas. It should cool you off in the desert now though.
  533. Changed: Dry temp cutoff based on outside temp not core temp.
  534. Changed: More balancing of all explosives.
  535. Changed: Ores and boulders drop iron fragments that need to be scrapped or smelted
  536. Changed: All basic metal resources have a weight of 1. This means a lot of numbers Changed: so please keep an eye on crafting, harvest or upgrade amounts.
  537. Changed: Crossbows require forgedIron to craft so this is also the repair material
  538. Changed: Crafting stations (blocks) do not stack
  539. Changed: Painkillers make you immune to stuns but cost more hydration
  540. Changed: Beds and mattresses prevent falling damage
  541. Changed: Updated mipmaps and textures art to reduce distant tiling of terrain textures
  542. Changed: desert grass sun spectrum and pine forest sun spectrum
  543. Changed: No longer “ending” horde spawns on logout after 30 zombies arrive. The 12 hour timeout will catch the case where people logoff and relog, also this punishes leaving during a horde since the horde starts over when you rejoin.
  544. Changed: Avoiding too much memory allocations on dedi: clearing chunk pools when a player disconnectes
  545. Changed: Armor skills increase much faster. This should be workable now.
  546. Changed: Allow commands to have default permission levels
  547. Changed: Following commands can be used by any user by default now: chunkcache, debugweather, getgameprefs, gettime, help, listplayerids, listthreads, memcl, settempunit
  548. Changed: Hitmask properties for thrown items
  549. Changed: Road decorations to fix multi texture blending problems.
  550. Changed: Grass sub biome in pine forest to dirt sub biome, added hollowed out trees to them
  551. Changed: Added wild grass growing to country dirt roads
  552. Changed: Removed asphalt cracked textures as all asphalt is now cracked everywhere
  553. Changed: The fog of war of 4 instead of 2 chunks are now uncovered around the player.
  554. Changed: Updated green rusty metal, red rusty metal, brown and green tile floors.
  555. Changed: asphalt, forest ground, barnwood textures
  556. Changed: XUI Bindings are now case sensitive.
  557. Changed: Choosing Random Gen from new game will use RWG 5
  558. Changed: Can no longer pick up land mines once placed. In the future there might be a disarm mini game like lockpicks
  559. Changed: Started adding border mountains to the plains and a few rock spires
  560. Changed: Wasteland sub biomes are now dead grass instead of dirt
  561. Changed: burnt forest sub biomes to dead grass
  562. Changed: wasteland dirt sub biomes to dead grass
  563. Changed: cotton harvest/repair events and recipes to the new harvested items
  564. Changed: Commercial door 3 is prepared for removal of art assets
  565. Changed: Reduce Collider allocations in ApplyExplosionForce.FixedUpdate
  566. Changed: Updated cone with a new shape that has smooth shading
  567. Changed: Aloe plant model.
  568. Changed: Yucca plant model.
  569. Changed: Wood spikes now use rough cut wood texture for non-upgraded ones
  570. Changed: Adjusted enemy audio repeat rates (slower) and loudness (eg. alert vs roam).
  571. Changed: Reduced range and intensity of water particle audio so it doesn’t mask other sounds so much
  572. Changed: Adjusted animal and zombie volume ranges so you can hear them squeal loud enough when you hit them or when they agro you
  573. Changed: Change upgrade path of whiteSidingWoodPanelBurnt1-3
  574. Changed: Spotlights can now be switch on/off in the game
  575. Changed: Light optimization pass for intensity, range, and overlap
  576. Changed: Emma has new hair
  577. Changed: Dirt sub biomes in the pine forest don’t stand out as much on the map
  578. Changed: All “new” stairs have a flag that should help zombies path over them.
  579. Changed: Yucca plant harvesting Changed: to Yucca fruits
  580. Changed: Stone tools require more small rocks but picking up rocks gives you 2 per
  581. Changed: Economy balancing
  582. Changed: Updated Maria character preset to be more appealing
  583. Changed: New sounds hooked up for garage doors
  584. Changed: Adjusted blood moon and snow fog
  585. Changed: Set hornet wing to better alpha values. (Not working on fog yet)
  586. Changed: Increased rain epicness (drop count, opacity, stretch)
  587. Changed: Updated desert wall, wasteland rubble, and wasteland sky/fog/lighting
  588. Changed: Updated curb wasteland textures
  589. Changed: Sub biome in the forest blends better with main biome vegetation
  590. Changed: Updated cotton flower art
  591. Changed: Wooden club + shiv are not repairable and break after use. Repairable weapons or tool do not.
  592. Changed: Updated plains biome art
  593. Changed: Fixed the AudioSource the announcement sounds were pointing to.
  594. Changed: Made garage door sounds louder.
  595. Changed: Forest can randomly be a little colder.
  596. Changed: Wasteland now has extreme temperatures.
  597. Changed: Clothing rebalanced for temperature and wetness protection (details in XML.txt)
  598. Changed: Zombie kill XP and level XP rebalanced. You can make level 2 by “only” killing 8 easy zombies. At level 60 you need 12.
  599. Changed: Made vending sounds louder.
  600. Changed: Made plant pick sfx louder.
  601. Changed: Biome ore distribution rebalanced
  602. Changed: Increased probability and value of precious ore blocks
  603. Changed: Updated the chemistry station recipe to better reflect the block model
  604. Changed: In loot or on traders you can find better items than what you can craft yourself
  605. Changed: Separated “music” from sound effects in environment audio (stingers vs. natural sounds like owls hooting). The audio options slider for music should now affect these.
  606. Changed: Smooth audio volume fade added for indoor/outdoor enclosure volumes (eg. hear rain quieter when you’re indoors)
  607. Changed: If more than 50 items are dropped on a chunk, delete the oldest until there are only 50 again.
  608. Changed: Improved snow shader, cobwebs blend with fog, lighting transitions and shadow transitions throughout the day/night, and increased moon’s sprite brightness
  609. Changed: Rebalanced skill gain. Repairing items and using weapons gets you noticeable increases.
  610. Changed: Assigned AudioSource_Default to the correct AudioSource per category.
  611. Changed: Adjusted crafting perk costs like for concrete
  612. Changed: Raised ambient in the mixer
  613. Changed: Raised impacts and reduced menu sounds.
  614. Changed: Made red and green maples more saturated
  615. Changed: Footstep volumes increased when entity is running, including self
  616. Changed: Blunderbuss is better early on but does not get that much better at high QL. Go get a shotgun.
  617. Changed: Crossbow + Blunderbuss are “medieval era” weapons and require no workbench or wrench.
  618. Changed: All biped corpses (excl chickens) decay in 45s. Others 300s. Their loot moves to the gore block.
  619. Changed: Optimized tree texture compression
  620. Changed: Optimized campfire and forge particles, added Light LOD cutoff for their light sources.
  621. Changed: Reduced weapon switch time in third person. Masked gunjoint in idle animation to reduce guns rotating sideways when switching. Removed idle states in weapon switching so weapons transition without a “middle man” animation influencing them.
  622. Changed: Make ladders stickier
  623. Changed: Made density verification check a bit less hard (density < 0 and none terrain is now allowed). Was a request from the modder
  624. Changed: Increased zombie cop and feral block damage
  625. Changed: Updated blunderbuss, AK-47 and chainsaw art
  626. Changed: Huge update to forest art
  627. Changed: Updated stone texture
  628. Changed: All terrain textures tile every 8 meters instead of every 4, this helps texture tiling on distant terrain
  629. Changed: Buffs can play auto-gender pain or hit sounds
  630. Changed: Updated curb grass and asphalt to match new terrain grass
  631. Changed: Tweaked blood moon visuals
  632. Changed: Adjusted plains fog/sky
  633. Changed: Non threaded HubCellData pregeneration updated to work like the threaded version
  634. Changed: Dedicated servers now use the non threaded HubCellData pregeneration
  635. Fixed
  637. Fixed: rendering issues on Linux/Mac
  638. Fixed: A falling block’s “stick” event replaces any partial block
  639. Fixed: Servers don’t save time on crash/improper shutdown
  640. Fixed: Player cannot jump in shallow water during crouching
  641. Fixed: Plantfiber and leather hood are rigged to eyes.
  642. Fixed: SWAT helmet clips through female head
  643. Fixed: Jumping animation is glitching when character is in idle state
  644. Fixed: Moon alpha
  645. Fixed: Client’s wellness resets to 100 when their character dies,
  646. Fixed: Minibike horn too quiet
  647. Fixed: Number defining Nailgun’s quality is not placed centrally.
  648. Fixed: Minibike causing insane damage to players, once it was hit by spikes
  649. Fixed: Queued tooltips and sounds display after quitting and starting a different game.
  650. Fixed: Medicine skill effects do not show on items or buffs
  651. Fixed: Tracking waypoint does not work properly.
  652. Fixed: Debug string zombie name in description of “I’m a Lumberjack an I’m Okay” challenge.
  653. Fixed: Removed blood splatter on respawn
  654. Fixed: Perk level 0 so that a perk displays what it currently does before you buy it
  655. Fixed: Ballcap uses faceted lighting
  656. Fixed: Bad UV’s on vertical low quality water
  657. Fixed: Sneaking status and hitpoints indicator appear on the black screen after death.
  658. Fixed: Environment – Mining Helmet flashlight’s bulb is not bright when flashlight is on and player sits on the Minibike.
  659. Fixed: Sounds pause when game is paused
  660. Fixed: Wood Log Spike’s collider is too big
  661. Fixed: Not able to jump on block while in water
  662. Fixed: Changing music volume in settings is not smooth between 0-100%
  663. Fixed: Underwater soundFX
  664. Fixed: Ranged gunshot sound played when game starts if equipped
  665. Fixed: Movement fade removed from non-weapon crosshair
  666. Fixed: Unnecessary prompt when trying to disassemble weapon on reloading.
  667. Fixed: Sneaking status and hitpoints indicator appear on the black screen after death.
  668. Fixed: Yucca Plant have low quality textures and strange rotation problems.
  669. Fixed: FP – UI – Buffwindow disappears when clicking on buff after inspecting item.
  670. Fixed: Reentering session with active crafting causes crafted item SFX to be audible outside of crafting menu.
  671. Fixed: Minibike’s name does not update
  672. Fixed: Grammatical error in Raphael’s Treasure Map quest
  673. Fixed: Misleading Buckshot description
  674. Fixed: Breath Hold Attribute is not mentioned is Athletics Skill description
  675. Fixed: Typo in “Nail some chicks” challenge description
  676. Fixed: Typo in “Nurse you back to health” challenge description
  677. Fixed: Missing space in “Nail some chicks” challenge description
  678. Fixed: Missing skill in the Leather Tanning book description
  679. Fixed: CORN BREAD and MOLDY BREAD float above character’s hand
  680. Fixed: Redundant dot in Iron Leg Armor text
  681. Fixed: Glow around player when fog is in transition
  682. Fixed: Audio base volume on object types
  683. Fixed: Moon cycle
  684. Fixed: Wood Poles Can Block Zombies
  685. Fixed: Player cannot jump in shallow water during crouching
  686. Fixed: Zombies have a chance of walking on one leg
  687. Fixed: Zombies have incorrect dismemberment animation while stunned and lying on the ground
  688. Fixed: Iron Boots textures are black in the character preview menu
  689. Fixed: Sounds repeating when hitting escape
  690. Fixed: Missing last bullet sound on semi-autos
  691. Fixed: Semi-auto empty clip sound playing when holding fire button down
  692. Fixed: Medicine skill effects don’t show on items or buffs
  693. Fixed: Swimming sounds added for all entities
  694. Fixed: Player may have endless coal supplied by destroying and rebuilding burned blocks
  695. Fixed: Minibike Chassis can be placed inside other objects
  696. Fixed: Minibike Chassis may hover in the air when placed at the top of grass or other plants
  697. Fixed: Damage amounts in UI for weapons not consistent
  698. Fixed: Character – Iron Boots textures are black in the character preview menu
  699. Fixed: Auger and chainsaw do not receive perk bonus
  700. Fixed: Quick looting icon overlaps with names of some containers in Looting Tab
  701. Fixed: Character’s hair has no shadow
  702. Fixed: When Crawling Zombie gets hit with certain weapons, it stops moving along with animation reset
  703. Fixed: Gun fire on swapping ak47 during reload, Rocket Launcher not playing sounds after a rocket reload, & fast weapon switch not playing first firing sound
  704. Fixed: Red outline when placing object in invalid location
  705. Fixed: Removed oversized flare from flashlight.
  706. Fixed: Grass shadows
  707. Fixed: Particle distance size on flashlight being too large.
  708. Fixed: Broken icons for vitamins and herbal antibiotics Fixed.
  709. Fixed: End table furniture blocks having cloth particles.
  710. Fixed: Removed car battery from damaged car frame model.
  711. Fixed: Mined materials drop small fragment meshes instead of sacks.
  712. Fixed: Lvl 1 Wooden Door clipping wall at open resting position on damage states.
  713. Fixed: InvalidCastException, when another player has arrows in toolbelt and scrolls through them
  714. Fixed: Minibike shakes in the water
  715. Fixed: Chicken does not properly interact with the water surface
  716. Fixed: Biome audio transitions are smoother & dusk/dawn stingers clipping when crossing biome borders
  717. Fixed: Worn Boots clip into character’s model
  718. Fixed: Player kills shown as “player died” in chat
  719. Fixed: NRE at XuiC_TipWindow.OpenTipWindow.
  720. Fixed: Some archetypes were of the wrong group
  721. Fixed: Wood Frame Exploit from harvesting debris.
  722. Fixed: clients not ragdolling after death animation.
  723. Fixed: clients not animating after ragdoll on server.
  724. Fixed: Misleading Buckshot description
  725. Fixed: Missing space in “Nail some chicks” challenge description
  726. Fixed: Basic clothes clip through each other and through armors
  727. Fixed: Corrupted UMA body model after death
  728. Fixed: [LOC] FR / DE /ES fix Placeholders displayed in blocks and items
  729. Fixed: Possibility to kill a player in Creative Multiplayer
  730. Fixed: After falling footsteps are not audible for a couple seconds
  731. Fixed: Wood Window does not generate glass.
  732. Fixed: Deprecated “scrapable” properties removed from recipes.
  733. Fixed: Pressure Plate Resource Exploit – report from forum
  734. Fixed: Water Cook Times Are Inconsistent
  735. Fixed: Fix landing sound not playing when jumping in place.
  736. Fixed: Moon lighting against bright skies
  737. Fixed: Torch sound playing when under water
  738. Fixed: Global temperatures, clouds, and precipitation now obey biome rules (eg. not ever cold in the desert & won’t snow… unless you climb extremely high 😉 )
  739. Fixed: Set keystone impact overlay repeat rate to 3.0 seconds matching sound
  740. Fixed: Synchronized skinning sfx.
  741. Fixed: During Gameplay, Loot/Item Pickup Becomes Difficult Up Close
  742. Fixed: Death Scene Camera can clip through zombies
  743. Fixed: Wood Poles Can Block Zombies
  744. Fixed: Single player thunder playing every time the game is unpaused after thunder has played at least once in gameplay.
  745. Fixed: cactus damage infliction on MP client playing twice per hit.
  746. Fixed: Attacking near border of ground tiles doesn’t show durability bar
  747. Fixed: Destroyed loot containers never dropping their contents when destroyed
  748. Fixed: Colored items are missing their color overlay in crafting menus.
  749. Fixed: Tool Tips Disrupt Gameplay & Cause Player to Pause.
  750. Fixed: Minibike IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range
  751. Fixed: Selected item from inventory may persist in the location of crosshair.
  752. Fixed: Bedroll and things around it are blurry when placing your bedroll
  753. Fixed: Cobblestone ramps may change rotation when upgraded to concrete
  754. Fixed: Leather tanning does not mention it is required to scrap leather items
  755. Fixed: Repositioned hold for generic parcel item. (Ryan)
  756. Fixed: Cotton Has No Description
  757. Fixed: Conduit blocks give more IRON after being destroyed by an explosion
  758. Fixed: Door frame blocks cannot be hit by ranged weapons
  759. Fixed: Incorrect animation of breaking down Mushrooms and Mushroom02
  760. Fixed: Supply crate may land out of the user’s reach
  761. Fixed: Switching to bow from any slot in toolbelt causes the arrow to appear unattached to the weapon
  762. Fixed: Metaltrussing LOD is too short, makes you believe certain blocks float
  763. Fixed: Negative kill count on player list with kills > 32767
  764. Fixed: Hide helmet was making male players cross-eyed.
  765. Fixed: No console scrolling when manually scrolling up
  766. Fixed: Treasure quest loot can fall through terrain
  767. Fixed: When the Minibike has blocks above it, it flies up when player is coming back to its chunk
  768. Fixed: Nailguns are treated like bows for collision purposes.
  769. Fixed: Hold fire until weapon loops, hit escape, let go of fire button, press fire button, and hit escape again in a very rapid order causes looping audio on weapon forever until exit game
  770. Fixed: Shadow clipping on gun flashlights
  771. Fixed: Improved framerate when disrupting lots of water
  772. Fixed: Short cutoff on sounds being played in world
  773. Fixed: Hair shader missing specular values
  774. Fixed: Servers don’t save time on crash/improper shutdown
  775. Fixed: Wrong string displayed when harvesting / picking up blocks
  776. Fixed: Character’s model is catapulted during death animation
  777. Fixed: Forge tooltip shows up when anyone else near you discovers a forge.
  778. Fixed: Using Eat/Read Function in Backpack Makes Craft Noise.
  779. Fixed: Sneaking status is changing rapidly
  780. Fixed: Pass N’ Gas Index Out Of Range Missing Chunk
  781. Fixed: Player can be ejected in the air while climbing on the terrain
  782. Fixed: Player is ejected in the air to a high altitude when jumping on the seat of Minibike
  783. Fixed: Character is sent flying after jumping on another player
  784. Fixed: Toolbelt transform duping for placeable items
  785. Fixed: Added “Branch_legacy” shape to replace any blocks using the old voxel tree branch shape which did not tile and caused Z-fighting when stacked. (Ryan)
  786. Fixed: Reset opaque atlas back to crunched texture format
  787. Fixed: BlockTextureAtlases asset bundle has grown from 69mb to 393mb in latest merge.
  788. Fixed: Wrong reference on the firstAidLarge buff info.
  789. Fixed: Basic clothes clip through each other and through armors. *Note that there is no way to stop the iron gloves from clipping the hazmat shirt, and the hide armor clips too without some redesigns.
  790. Fixed: Switching to bow from any slot in toolbelt causes the arrow to appear unattached to the weapon
  791. Fixed: all new female hairs
  792. Fixed: You Can Loot cntCabinetOldCNRRound In The Diner Even Though It Doesn’t Have Doors
  793. Fixed: Placing a complete pistol in a lit forge eats the weapon
  794. Fixed: Curb blocks had no destroy event
  795. Fixed: Wooden Burnt roof panel uses square block
  796. Fixed: Adjusted icon for the fertilizer.
  797. Fixed: Low quality pistols are not quite so bad any more.
  798. Fixed: Inconsistency inside Skills Tabs
  799. Fixed: Nailgun has grey layer over it
  800. Fixed: goggle spec and scrap iron spec overlay & deleted unused texture
  801. Fixed: UMA Character standing on death and laying down on respawn
  802. Fixed: Multiples of Day 49 do not spawn feral hordes
  803. Fixed: Chat not scrolling
  804. Fixed: Incorrect particles are displayed after hitting Yucca Plant and Aloe Vera Plant
  805. Fixed: Player’s view is switched to 3rd person after respawn if character died by fall damage while being on Minibike
  806. Fixed: Hornets can fly under the water
  807. Fixed: Jump’s VO is audible even when falling
  808. Fixed: Particles of waterfalls are visible only for host players
  809. Fixed: Rework the friendly fire settings.
  810. Fixed: Character crouch animation is desynchronized after reconnecting to session
  811. Fixed: Football helmet lighting issue
  812. Fixed: Rework the friendly fire settings.
  813. Fixed: Low quality water z-fighting on steps
  814. Fixed: Fire on zombies have no audio
  815. Fixed: water stuck in hatches
  816. Fixed: broken material on zombie arlene
  817. Fixed: Not able to craft steel tools with workbench.
  818. Fixed: Campfire / Forge Recipe List Index Requires Activation.
  819. Fixed: Character’s standing up and crouching animations are looped after exiting the stealth mode and evoking any menu simultaneously
  820. Fixed: Zombies’ bodies move slightly to the left when they fall down stunned
  821. Fixed: Nitrate Powder disappears after placing it in smelting socket
  822. Fixed: Rework the friendly fire settings.
  823. Fixed: Auto-Tools don’t show block health bar when using on block you are standing on
  824. Fixed: 3rd person item holster/unholster turn items sideways. Note: the magnum, pistol sack and smg were Fixed.
  825. Fixed: Character standing after changing any piece of gear by other player
  826. Fixed: Character’s Minibike pose persists after being hit and dismounting
  827. Fixed: Character with Character tab open is seen standing when crouched
  828. Fixed: Character may not hold handlebar when driving
  829. Fixed: Character not ragdolling on death in some cases
  830. Fixed: Minibike radial menu horn honked by client in MP game
  831. Fixed: Player is able to turn with Minibike while its Handlebars are broken
  832. Fixed: Crafting timer shows negative values
  833. Fixed: blurry corn
  834. Fixed: Grammatical error, “Collect 2 Ear of corn”
  835. Fixed: Wood log spikes stage 1 cannot be repaired
  836. Fixed: Wood Frame missing upgrade sound in 1st stage
  837. Fixed: Sprained leg and broken leg buffs stack
  838. Fixed: Potted plants drop dirt fragments on destruction
  839. Fixed: Not able to craft a lot of items with workbench (again)
  840. Fixed: Rain audio clipping up/down
  841. Fixed: Dupe Exploit.
  842. Fixed: Fix problem that zombies hit you from 20 meters away on dedis
  843. Fixed: female shaggy hair 02 slot
  844. Fixed: Removed references to non-existing damage types
  845. Fixed: Texture references to non-existing materials
  846. Fixed: Stacknumber property does not work for blocks.
  847. Fixed: Male shaggy hair 02 and hat hair
  848. Fixed: Updated long pomp hair so it works *note that it has bugs and is positioned incorrectly, I already have a bug for it.
  849. Fixed: Character status becomes reset after quitting and rejoining the game session
  850. Fixed: Removed obsolete item properties
  851. Fixed: The antibiotics effect makes you immune to dysentery
  852. Fixed: White-skinned characters have dark-skinned hands
  853. Fixed: Iron Helmet corrupts characters face
  854. Fixed: Bug where blood moon horde would be skipped entirely if the max zombie count was reached.
  855. Fixed: Volume was too high for rain & thunder
  856. Fixed: Mining Cap is way too Reflective
  857. Fixed: Hide leg armor hides clothing so it doesn’t clip
  858. Fixed: normals and tangents on male and female base mesh so normal maps are rendered properly.
  859. Fixed: Grass cutout fade at distance
  860. Fixed: Client’s trader window is not showing the proper list.
  861. Fixed: Male asian face to have normal maps
  862. Fixed: Gravel roads show patches of asphalt_crack
  863. Fixed: Player will clip into ground when standing still for 10 seconds
  864. Fixed: Wood Ramps disappear when logging out then back in to game (also reloading the chunk )
  865. Fixed: Visual ammo creating / duping (count of 0)
  866. Fixed: treePlantedMountainPine6m, drops spruce seeds
  867. Fixed: Labeled Storage Crates will not place in correct direct on top view of crate
  868. Fixed: Poles turn white when falling, after it has snowed
  869. Fixed: block #617 whiteSidingWoodPanelBurnt6/T_Mesh_B_00 will not upgrade
  870. Fixed: Door damage audio playing too loud
  871. Fixed: Added more distance to pain and death creature audio
  872. Fixed: problem that placed plant (f.e. corn) was sometimes rotated wrong to the ground
  873. Fixed: Mushrooms do not appear to be spawning in caves in RWG
  874. Fixed: green mipping on dead pine branch
  875. Fixed: gap in Diner 2 poi aka bob’s cafe
  876. Fixed: wrongly rotated sinks in apartments
  877. Fixed: Stencil image of hands showing inside cold breath
  878. Fixed: Jim’s car lot is too easy to break in
  879. Fixed: Ammo HUD not showing anymore
  880. Fixed: Error in NetPackageChunk for clients in MP
  881. Fixed: Some doors are given back to the player upon destruction
  882. Fixed: Harvest amount is not calculated correctly for multiblock crops
  883. Fixed: Max health number does not update after wellness boost.
  884. Fixed: Water surfaces are not seen when head goes underwater
  885. Fixed: NRef in Skill.AddExperience on dedicated server
  886. Fixed: Fix “Stairs” model. Textures do not display correctly on some areas.
  887. Fixed: Wood logs were shiny
  888. Fixed: Road signs are terrain decorations so they adjust to smoothed terrain
  889. Fixed: Infinite meat and hides exploit
  890. Fixed: POI Cabin Has Invisible Window Plug
  891. Fixed: Stretched rain transition time up 10x longer so it’s not popping on/off so much
  892. Fixed: Added thunder and rain back into indoor occlusion
  893. Fixed: Replaced legacy female hair bun with new one that has alpha hairs instead of a solid mesh
  894. Fixed: Helen’s hat hair in the preview window
  895. Fixed: wooden stairs with no railing collision. You can build upwards by aiming at the top step.
  896. Fixed: Fix glass in fog (window02, car03, transparent blocks like on the hospital, glass on commercial doors)
  897. Fixed: Fix purple in dark corners (Ambient color is no longer a color, but just an intensity)
  898. Fixed: Corrupted Item Icons
  899. Fixed: Added toolbelt message when inventory is full and you try to pickup an item.
  900. Fixed: Flipped vision when AA is on/off or crouching with Night Vision goggles on
  901. Fixed: Material memory leak when setting object light levels
  902. Fixed: Zombies don’t play their proper stun animation.
  903. Fixed: Running zombies may remain standing after death
  904. Fixed: Zombies slide and or rotate when knocked down
  905. Fixed: Rain audio playing in main menu
  906. Fixed: Rain audio not pausing when game is paused *Fixed: Player planted corn plants disappear when the hit the final growth stage
  907. Fixed: Antibiotics do not cure infection in the second stage as stamina drain continues.
  908. Fixed: Custom Plant Pick SFX.
  909. Fixed: Several items (iron pick, flashlight, etc) were not playing a sound when used at 0 durability.
  910. Fixed: XP value of crafting gas from oil shale adjusted
  911. Fixed: Garden Hoe yields incredibly fast mining tools skill
  912. Fixed: UMA Character Customization Window bug
  913. Fixed: Wrong environment temperature reported to body temperature sim
  914. Fixed: Constant rain in burnt forest
  915. Fixed: Constant 60 byte heap allocations in weather list – Code optimization
  916. Fixed: Optimization of ChunkGameObjectLayer.FadeIn removed (not used)
  917. Fixed: MeshGenerator.CalculateLight() temp array moved to class variable – code optimization
  918. Fixed: Telegraph pole poi is too prolific in the wastelands RG
  919. Fixed: Index is out of range RWG
  920. Fixed: burnt forest ground impact sounds
  921. Fixed: ERR Block spam caused by 2 joining car prefabs in Navezgane @1904,810
  922. Fixed: Some cabinet doors are darker than others
  923. Fixed: Water reflections
  924. Fixed: Nail gun assembly window preview
  925. Fixed: Pistol assembly window preview
  926. Fixed: NRE – unfriend an offline friend.
  927. Fixed: Trader’s not stocking the first time on Dedicated servers.
  928. Fixed: Living sounds (eg. Hornet buzz) not playing on clients in MP games
  929. Fixed: Missing sound when picking up dropped items
  930. Fixed: Character Screen has text overlap with long character name.
  931. Fixed: Reverted to safe version of mix. Boosted VO +3. This should be corrected by ducking later.
  932. Fixed: Yucca Fruit will not auto stack in toolbelt
  933. Fixed: Harvest event on bedframe
  934. Fixed: animalHideLegArmor does not poof when being equipped. Does not display right but it’s less broken.
  935. Fixed: Pistol/Magnum assembly screen is broken
  936. Fixed: null reference when p2p client grabs a frame
  937. Fixed: Duping method using scrapping amounts > stacksize.
  938. Fixed: Fix alpha in fog (burnt zombie smoke + gamma and fog density fixes to SkyboxFog & Alpha shader)
  939. Fixed: a15b48 rwg poi issues
  940. Fixed: a15 rwg floating cabin
  941. Fixed: Enter game, use a light, enter *new* game, takes 2 tries to turn on light (eg. mining helmet light)
  942. Fixed: NRE/Argument exception on opening character screen
  943. Fixed: Several missing localization entries
  944. Fixed: Metral Truss Ramp Id #1914 makes walls transparent
  945. Fixed: Assembly screen is broken
  946. Fixed: Duping method using scrapping amounts > stacksize.
  947. Fixed: Both Spotlights Face The Same Direction On All Compass Points
  948. Fixed: Player is able to upgrade blocks without required resources
  949. Fixed: Death animation may not be displayed for other players
  950. Fixed: Wood Frame Exploit from harvesting debris (from forum)
  951. Fixed: Auger and Chainsaw cause NRE when used.
  952. Fixed: Tweaked brass faucet textures to regain lost color from PBL lighting switch
  953. Fixed: Added collision to glass pane prefab
  954. Fixed: Durability bar of zombie corpse may be displayed, when hitting the zombie for the first time
  955. Fixed: Map can be scrolled outside its borders
  956. Fixed: Crawler keeps climbing an obstacle when hunting instead of attacking it
  957. Fixed: Upgrade icon stays as crosshair when opening backpack while upgrading
  958. Fixed: Players may respawn in fallout zone if bedroll was close to the area and spawn near bed option was selected
  959. Fixed: Items wielded by character clip with their model when aimed at the ground
  960. Fixed: Most of the minibike stats in Minibike Assemble Menu are not updated.
  961. Fixed: Character incorrectly sits on Minibike when viewed from another player’s perspective
  962. Fixed: Third person view of player on minibike is off
  963. Fixed: Character’s walking animation is unappealing while crouching and looking up
  964. Fixed: Animation of looking down with 2 hand weapons is corrupted while crouched
  965. Fixed: The player teleports to the highest block above him after quitting the game via the Pause Menu right after the jump
  966. Fixed: Dupe exploit with teleport
  967. Fixed: Dropped torch renders in front of everything
  968. Fixed: preview collision is only 1 meter
  969. Fixed: Dropped magnum always stand on its grip
  970. Fixed: No pickup prompt for several items
  971. Fixed: Perishton contains chunk(s) that breaks terrain generation
  972. Fixed: Slow weather transition when re-entering a game
  973. Fixed: Nailgun audio too loud
  974. Server.Config
  976. Changed: Console key is F2 now
  977. We now have PlayerKillingMode which replaces Friendly Fireand offers more options than the checkmark for FF
  978. <property name=”PlayerKillingMode” value=”3″ />
  979. <-- Player Killing Settings (0 = No Killing, 1 = Kill Allies Only, 2 = Kill Strangers Only, 3 = Kill Everyone) -->
  980. Known Issues
  982. In Random Gen clay deposits are 1 meter below the surface. Look for groups of plants and dig down 1 meter.
  983. Clay can also be found easily in rivers etc, it is on the river bed and it is also on the surface around town pois.
  984. (Windows) Quitting the game sometimes results in a game crash if you have a wired controller attached
  985. (SteamOS) Quitting the game from main menu does not properly work, use the Steam overlay to force quit the game instead
  986. NRE for clients/servers on reloading a chunk after a UMA zombie lost a body part
  987. UMA zombies stand when dead after reloading the chunk
  988. This entry was posted in News on 09/15/2016 by rhuenink.
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