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Mar 25th, 2017
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  2. 1) Keep an eye on where the jungler starts. You can do this by watching if the enemy botlane arrives to lane immediatly with the minions or
  3. do they arrive late with some health and mana spent. If the enemy botlane comes to lane late, you need to ward around 2:50-3:20 depending on
  4. the jungler you are facing.
  6. 2) Keep an eye on your enemys items, mana and summoners. If your enemy has no potions and you have, go ahead and trade him for a bit.
  7. If your enemy has no summoners and you have the wave under your tower, maybe you could try and kill him.
  8. If your enemy has no mana, maybe you could make him waste his flash or potentionally get a kill.
  10. 3) With Garen, I know it's tempting to use your E on the minions. But this way you will give the enemy team a safer place from your jungler. To avoid getting
  11. ganked so early in Silver. You should try to freeze the wave under your tower by just only last hitting the minions. If your enemy toplaner doesn't have flash,
  12. You should try to freeze the wave under your tower and spam ping your jungler to come and gank. It will most likely reward with you a kill since I doubt people
  13. in that elo will look at the minimap if they ward.
  15. 4) If you have more minions than the enemy has. You should try to do a quick trade with him. The minions still deal damage. When the enemy auto attacks you,
  16. you should try to make him autoattack you once and thus giving you a upperhand. Your minions will aggro to him but the enemy minions wont. This is how
  17. you can make the wave push towards you when the wave has reset.
  19. 5) You should not be perma pushing the wave unless the enemy toplaner has no teleport and you have. You should be pushing the wave if the enemy toplaner
  20. no teleport and you have. You can use this to your advantage by prehaps teleporting into botlane and getting a double kill. Keeping the toplane shoved
  21. because you have teleport makes you have more map pressure.
  22. -20-25 MINUTE MARK-
  24. 1) You should not be sitting in toplane anymore. You should try to group up with your team. Even if you lose top tier 1, you can prehaps trade it with mid tier 1 or more.
  26. 2) 23:20, you are going Infernal dragon without your jungler. This is bad, you should never try to do Dragon without your jungler unless the enemy team has no vision
  27. of it. You saw the enemy jungler peak to take a look at Dragon. This is extremely risky. Infernal is a very high priority and you should not try to greed for something
  28. like that since you never know, it could lose you the game.
  29. 3) 26:50, Teamfight 4v4 at your bottom inhibitor tower. You should try to make fast decisions. The enemy ADC was hit by Nami's bubble and survived with very low hp.
  30. You should prioritise her so your team won't have to deal with that anymore. Prioritising an Ezreal mid is worse than just killing the enemy ADC with 200 health.
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