
Disgaea Valor 17-19

May 30th, 2016
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  1. Shika (GM): We're missing a bookworm
  3. Ethan puts a Prinny in a dress and gives it a book
  4. Ethan: Done.
  5. Shika (GM): Excellent!
  6. Comrade Q.: they'll never be able to tell the difference!
  9. Shika (GM) plays Roundabout
  10. NekoIncardine: "It's kind of obvious.... She doesn't have a beak you know."
  11. Shika (GM): "They're demons, you never know!"
  12. Vehrec: Doc can tell the difference.
  13. Comrade Q.: Mannfred definitely can't
  14. Vehrec: she knows cute girls when she sees them...and while the prinny has a cute soul for a sinner, nothing can compare to Elly.
  15. Shika (GM): oh hi
  16. Elly: Hiyo~
  17. ...
  19. Elly sees she's been replaced.
  20. Mannfred: I wouldn't say "replaced"
  21. Elly:, I guess that means I can continue to eat ice cream.
  22. Cool.
  23. Mannfred: "upgraded" maybe
  25. Nocebo stabs Manfred in the back with a scalpel.
  27. Minki K.: (here as guest to watch the rain of arrows)
  29. Mannfred is below critical and ready to rumble
  31. Yakiba is starting this combat better than most other fights
  33. Nocebo will heal you up, don't worry...just enjoy the new celebrity.
  34. NekoIncardine: (... Permission to invite a few of my D&D 4e-playing friends to watch?)
  35. I'd need the link tho
  36. Trapmaster Indra: (Sure?)
  37. Elly: (I'm okay with it)
  38. Nocebo: (no objections here.)
  39. Yakiba: (fine with me)
  40. Mannfred: (I'm cool with strangers watching me fuck up real bad)
  41. NekoIncardine: Can someone PM me the invite link so I can do so?
  42. Trapmaster Indra:
  43. Before we begin, some things to note about this battlefield:
  44. One, the brown squares are trees. You cannot move through them. They are trees.
  45. Mammon: Don't tell me what to do, trees.
  46. Nocebo: tree trunks, got it. do they block LOS for line attacks, not that I have any?
  47. Trapmaster Indra: The gray zones around them are the shadows they cast. They are Darkness.
  48. You have a -1 to defend against attacks from somebody within a dark zone, and a -1 to attack somebody inside of the dark zone.
  49. Unless you have Darksight, or you have and have activated Spirit Sight.
  50. Mannfred: which I'm preeeeeetty sure none of us have
  51. Countess Alesone: "At least you get to die in the shade~"
  52. Trapmaster Indra: good job guys
  53. Nocebo: but if we hide out in the darkness...
  54. Yakiba: Sentry Gun can Boost itself with that, but unless it got full-healed like the rest of us did before we entered the forest...
  55. Trapmaster Indra: It probably did. Maybe.
  56. Possibly.
  57. Elly: Darkness has never been a condition up until now D:
  58. I thought it was a thing that was forgotten
  59. Yakiba: We'll still be fine, I think
  60. Countess Alesone: It's almost like Alesone picked this place to give herself plenty of advantage~
  61. Mannfred: absolutely nothing about this situation is fine
  62. Trapmaster Indra: ANYWAY WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, Indra's turn.
  63. Countess Alesone: (Oh, should we all roll initiative?)
  64. Trapmaster Indra: (We've got initiative up)
  65. (This is a continuation of th3e challenge scene)
  66. Countess Alesone: (I'm only seeing Indra and the soldiers)
  67. Mannfred: same here
  68. Yakiba: also same here
  69. Trapmaster Indra: Um, that's weird.
  70. hold on
  71. Countess Alesone: (Oh! Because our tokens that our init was on are on a different map than we are.)
  72. (So only you can see those tokens, so the order shows up for you.)
  73. Elly: No fair, the computer took away all the player turns
  74. Countess Alesone: It took my turn too, what the hell :(
  75. Nocebo: Be thankfull the countess isn't an XCOM2 Ruler.
  76. Trapmaster Indra: ALL RIGHTY
  77. Nocebo: (Taking an action after every player turn is even more BS than Masters.)
  78. Trapmaster Indra: Mammon, roll Int! It looks like you are being Analyzed. 11
  79. Countess Alesone: (Hah.)
  80. Trapmaster Indra: Good job Indra
  81. Mannfred: she's the Trapmaster, not the Analyst. cut her some slack
  82. Mammon: 12 Too smart for this shit.
  83. Trapmaster Indra: Barely
  84. Mammon: ...Barely.
  85. Trapmaster Indra: BARELY too smart for this shit.
  86. She prepares something and ends her turn.
  87. Yakiba: This darkness... could be as much an advantage to him as to the soldiers.
  88. Trapmaster Indra: Before Yakiba can move there
  89. Yakiba: An Indirect Attack, is it...
  90. Trapmaster Indra: Two talismans call from the tree branches, flying to the two demons who think themselves coolest
  91. Yakiba and Mammon, roll defense vs an Int attack
  92. 15 vs Yakiba
  93. 14 vs Mammon
  94. Mammon: 19 Int
  95. Yakiba: 11 defending with Muscle instead
  96. Mammon: STILL TOO SMART
  97. Yakiba: failed...
  98. Minki K.: (we can't all be geniuses)
  99. Nocebo: wait are you saying that Doc doesn't think she's cooler than these guys?
  100. Trapmaster Indra: 21 damage, inflicted with Aggravated Wounds (1/2 healing) and -6 defense
  101. and -4 move during this round
  102. Yakiba: ...That is really inconvenient.
  103. Trapmaster Indra: Such is the point of traps.
  104. Yakiba: "I will make up for that moment of hubris another time."
  105. While the shadow would have been an ideal place to get dodgy...
  106. he completely failed to account for something that strictly speaking wasn't there a second ago.
  107. He will do that now, though.
  108. Trapmaster Indra: Slip Stance?
  109. Yakiba: Yes.
  110. Trapmaster Indra: thumbs up
  111. Yakiba: aaaand that's not near close enough so I'll be attack moving.
  112. Trapmaster Indra: Fair 'nuff
  113. Mammon!
  114. Mammon: PORTAL TIME bear with me, I have to draw these with the touchpad instead of a mouse.
  115. And he'll use that to cut right to the chase and open fire on Alesone.
  116. 16 Dex
  117. Trapmaster Indra: What technique?
  118. Mammon: Shots Fired.'
  119. Trapmaster Indra: It only has a range of 8 tho?
  120. Mammon: Did I count wrong? Let me see...
  121. Trapmaster Indra: Even if a Prinny did it, it would be one space short
  122. Portals are considered adjacent, not the same space.
  123. Elly: I count 8 :o
  124. Yakiba: If one of those portals was closer to you, maybe it'd reach though
  125. Mammon: ERHEM can I redo where I placed one?
  126. Countess Alesone: 13 Defense via Dexterity!
  127. Trapmaster Indra: and yes you can
  128. Elly: Oh wait
  129. Alesome
  130. Countess Alesone: ?
  131. Elly: nvm
  132. Trapmaster Indra: Anyway, Mammon hits!
  133. Elly: I thought he was attacking Indra
  134. Countess Alesone: "Tch!"
  135. Trapmaster Indra: 57 damage!
  136. Ouch
  137. Nocebo: "Don't riddle her with bullets too much, even if her taste is kinda trashy!"
  138. Mammon: "And that's why bows and magic are completely outmoded. Thank you."
  139. End turn.
  140. Mannfred: "Didn't you just use magic to shoot at her from that distance?"
  141. Melianel Adelgarde: (he's insulting the both of us)
  142. Yakiba: juuust like him to ignore convenient facts
  143. Mammon: "Shut up and stop bleeding, Mannfred."
  144. Countess Alesone: "Oh, no, bleed more. It'll save me time."
  145. Mannfred: "I refuse to do either of those things."
  146. Nocebo: "Stay where I can staunch the bleeding damnit."
  147. "Don't hide behind a barrier that blocks off medical aid."
  148. Mannfred: "For your information, doctor, I've been working on my barriers, so that's no longer of any concern."
  149. Elly: Elly takes a moment to walk over to Mannfred
  150. "Don't talk bad to her."
  151. (Move 1: Steps: 2)
  152. Mannfred: "I didn't say anything! I was just correcting her on a grievous misconception."
  153. Elly: She reaches up to him and starts to clean him up. "Don't forget, you're supposed to be presentable. You are the Hero of Demons, you know."
  154. "If you die here, it would make for a very boring story. So, buck up."
  155. Countess Alesone: "You seriously think you are the heroes?"
  156. Mannfred: "You know it's very hard to tell whether or not you're being sarcastic."
  157. Awe: "Oh, of course we don't."
  158. Elly: As she does this, it would seem that he might feel a bit better. (Literary License: Vitality)
  159. Yakiba: *Yakiba said that
  160. Mammon: "Don't insult us. However, my client here has been mistaken for one."
  161. Nocebo: "We are therefore gonna make a Killing on the Merchandizing."
  162. Elly: "I guess you'll just have to decide. Writers are very hard to tell sometime."
  163. Mammon: "And it's our devil-given duty to exploit the media's mistake!"
  164. Mannfred: "I really appreciate all of you taking my predicament so seriously."
  166. Nocebo produces a Manfreed brand lunchbox, coloring book, and action figure.
  167. Countess Alesone: "... Those look terrible."
  168. Elly: With that done, she'll head up between Yakiba and Mammon
  169. Nocebo: "We're still working on the brand concepts."
  170. Elly: (Move 2: Steps: 8)
  171. Mannfred: "I agree. My nose isn't nearly that big!"
  172. Elly: (As soon as my mouse lets me)
  173. (Yes there.)
  174. And then she does a quick scribble, setting out a page that seems to be glowing fire between the two trees. (Refraction Point)
  175. And end turn~
  176. "...oh... I'm on the front lines. Hehe..."
  177. "Is this what it feels like to be a front line attacker?"
  178. Mannfred: "Well, it leaves more room for me back here, so I won't complain."
  179. "Not this time, anyway."
  180. Elly: Enjoying the moment, ruined by Mannfred mouthing off. Elly rolls her eyes and grimaces towards the archers.
  182. Mannfred runs (or just kinda limps really fast) behind one of the trees, taking cover
  183. Countess Alesone: "It is a pity that your souls are so inherently corrupted that you are beyond redemption. A couple of you look like you'd almost be useful on the Empire's side."
  184. Elly: Elly looks over to Mammon. "Do you think she means you?"
  185. Trapmaster Indra: "As if. Anybody who would dare disrespect you, Countess, would have nothing to offer us."
  186. Countess Alesone: "You've a point, as always."
  187. Mannfred: Throwing up a grand total of two (2) phantom interns along with a tape barrier
  188. Countess Alesone: "... Now what is this?"
  189. Mammon: "I am the Netherworld's Most Useful Mercenary..."
  190. Trapmaster Indra: "Some demon magic."
  191. "Hiding behind it like the cowards they are."
  192. Mannfred: "You say coward as if it's a bad thing!"
  193. Countess Alesone: "... The fact that something so obviously bad is something you'd try to justify really shows off how absurd your pathetic lives really are."
  194. Yakiba: "You say coward as if you haven't been harrying us with traps for the last few hours."
  195. Mannfred: "Who's justifying!? I'm just staying true to my nature!"
  196. "And my nature is to hide behind the giant tree and not get shot at!"
  197. Countess Alesone: "Ten minutes, at most. I'm surprised you survived that long, to be honest."
  198. And then, something you didn't expect occurs. Alesone disappears.
  199. Yakiba: "That, and the 'corrupted' comment, show how little you really know."
  200. Countess Alesone: One minute, she's fully visible; the next, there's no sign of her...
  201. Mammon: 'Yakiba, you're a ninja. How...?"
  202. Mannfred: "I never knew humans were such tremendous hypocrites."
  203. Countess Alesone: She moves to four tiles to the right of the refreaction point, behind the tree cover.
  204. Yakiba: "Contrary to expectations, stealth is actually not something I'm that good at."
  205. Countess Alesone: ... That was meant to be whispered and I am changing where she's moving now.
  206. Mannfred: "Okay, here's a thought, then. Can anyone here see the invisible?"
  207. Trapmaster Indra: "I can."
  208. Yakiba: "You don't count."
  209. Mannfred: "I wasn't asking you!"
  210. Nocebo: "I certainly can!"
  211. Countess Alesone: ... Oddly, no attack comes. Not yet.. Her turn ends. Perhaps that barrier actually was enough to keep her from getting a good angle of attack?
  212. Trapmaster Indra: "If you can't even see the invisible, you deserve to be shot full of arrows by the Countess!"
  213. Mammon: "Hey, I can't even see visible things if they'rein a certain spot to the right."
  214. Nocebo: "I just need to chant the 47 sylables of Revelation and open the Eight seals!
  215. Mannfred: "That sounds like it'll take much more time than we have right now."
  216. Countess Alesone: From a hard-to-determine direction, you hear: "Note to self, shoot the doctor first."
  217. Nocebo: bwahahaha
  218. Mannfred: "I'm going to go ahead and mark you down as a 'no' anyway."
  219. Yakiba: "Forty-seven syllables still wouldn't take that long; this statement has twenty-two of them."
  220. Nocebo: "Your cowardice is noted and observed Mannfred...But if you do not trust in my eyes, will you at least trust in the fact that I'm gonna shoot you in the neck with a dart?"
  221. Mannfred: "Wait, wha...?"
  223. Nocebo pulls out a blowgun. and a dart of that glowy gold stuff she's got.
  225. Elly pulls out a sign that reads "8."
  226. Nocebo: Fumph! "Try being an abject coward when Pure Battlefrenzy and unnatrual endorphins block all the pain!"
  228. Countess Alesone looks confused. Not that you can see it.
  229. Nocebo: Or in other words, she just dropped an early ult on Manfred so he can enjoy the regeneration of Overdrive Serum.
  231. Mannfred puts a hand over his neck. "ugh. I feel all lightheaded. What did you just hit me with?"
  232. Nocebo: "Remember how Yakiba fought like a tiger and a bear and a shark against the Overmayor?"
  233. Trapmaster Indra: Mannfred now has Unyielding Determination and Regeneration!
  234. Nocebo: "Today, you shall be the one to have my miraculous medicine coursing through your veins!"
  235. Mannfred: "Well, that's...! I'm...!"
  236. "...Actually feeling a lot better now."
  238. Mannfred looks down at his hands like he's just seeing them for the first time
  239. Nocebo: "Glad to hear it...the rest of you guys are just getting normal medicine I'm sad to say...But don't worry, my normal medicine is still pretty sweet!"
  240. Healing Elly and Mamon for 45 each.
  241. and end turn.
  242. Mammon: "Thank you, doctor."
  243. Elly: "Thank you, Raf-"
  244. Hand on mouth.
  245. Archer Knight: One of the archers shoots an arrow at Elly right at that moment
  246. First, Mannfred, roll your barrier core
  247. 9\
  248. Mannfred: 4
  249. wow
  250. Archer Knight: Elly, defense vs Dex! 15
  251. Nocebo: ... you guys...
  252. you have to level up your barriers.
  253. Elly: Do I get -1?
  254. Mannfred: "In my defense, just how structurally sound do you expect tape to be?!"
  255. Archer Knight: Yeah but so do they, so it's actually vs 14
  256. Elly: 10
  257. Archer Knight: And also, Nocebo and Yakiba, same. Dex attacks
  258. 11 vs Yakiba,
  259. 15 vs Nocebo
  260. Elly: In a moment of optimism! Elly had believed Mannfred's barrier would keep
  261. Archer Knight: Yakiba gets -1 from shadows and +1 from boost, so hey
  262. Elly: seems she is woefully disappointed
  263. Mannfred: this is what you get from expecting good things of Mannfred
  264. Yakiba: 17 as mentioned his boost and the darkness penalty negate each other
  265. Mobile Dodge activate
  266. Archer Knight: 31 damage to Elly!
  267. Nocebo: curses, not enough Valor to Resolve that...Gonna Aura sub instead. 11
  268. Archer Knight: 28!
  269. New round, +1 Valor, or +2 for Mannfred
  270. Nocebo: "Ah shit. How many arrows am I gonna pick up before this is over?
  271. Eight? TEN?"
  272. Countess Alesone: "I'll make sure to leave twenty in your corpse." STILL no clear sign where that's coming from.
  273. Trapmaster Indra: Indra's turn!
  274. Yakiba, you're being Analyzed. Roll Int! 13
  275. Nocebo: "It's cute you think you can actually KILL me. But it's not gonna happen."
  276. Yakiba: A ninja's mind should be an enigma: 11
  277. Trapmaster Indra: It is not, alas.
  278. Yakiba: Unfortunately, it is not.
  279. Nocebo: yours isn't.
  280. Trapmaster Indra: Then she prepares something. End turn.
  281. Remember, you can spend a support action to try and discern Alesone's location
  282. (You'll need to roll Int/Aur/Res)
  283. Yakiba: (aka any of my bad stats)
  284. Trapmaster Indra: (Yes)
  285. Yakiba: Too much stress wouldn't be good for his little gun friend, so he'd almost rather not, but if it's a sniping war they want... he'll leave it to his inventions and wade into melee anyway. "Sentry going up."
  286. Trapmaster Indra: Where is it going again?
  287. Yakiba: 2 left of Elly/1 north of Yakiba
  288. And he's in position to command it immediately this time. Rather than try to get attention, it begins this time with its performance improvement routines.
  289. (It uses Acquire Target on itself and prepares a counter, in other words)
  290. (I should probably rename that, come to think of it)
  291. Nocebo: (Sensor Sweep?)
  292. Trapmaster Indra: Stamina cost on that should be 11 not 5 btw
  293. Yakiba: (I'll get the explanation later)
  294. Trapmaster Indra: OKAY that sorted out let move on
  295. Yakiba: Anyway let's support move actually, get this counter out of the way.
  296. I mean regular move.
  297. Trapmaster Indra: You have no more support actions left- oh okay
  298. No counter.
  299. Yakiba: Moving there then if there's a clear path.
  300. Mammon: Dealing with her? Good, good.
  301. TOSS
  302. Trapmaster Indra: hmmmm
  303. Mammon: Prinny say goodbye. 16 18 Int.
  304. Unless you're gonna counter that.
  305. *15 and 17
  306. Trapmaster Indra: Mostly I'm trying to figure out how Ranged Interrupt works with throws
  307. I'll allow it for now tho
  308. 1913
  309. Mammon: And let's call that good for now.
  310. Trapmaster Indra: No other moves?
  311. Mammon: I feel good about my current location.
  312. Trapmaster Indra: Elly's up then!
  313. Elly: Effect Transfer works on Refractory Points, right?
  314. Trapmaster Indra: yes
  315. also refraction
  316. Elly: Yes, them
  317. I changed my mind anywho
  318. Trapmaster Indra: RIGHT THERE
  319. You notice a small metal spike sticking up out of the ground.
  320. Elly: "Oh. What's this?"
  321. Trapmaster Indra: It shoots out lightning.
  322. Nocebo: :O
  324. Nocebo: "ELLY!"
  325. Trapmaster Indra: Dex attacks:
  326. 20 vs Elly
  327. 20 vs Mammon
  328. 14 vs prinny
  329. .....EXCELLENT
  330. Elly: "Oh poo."
  331. can't win 18
  332. Trapmaster Indra: 7 damage
  333. Yakiba: "Frightening." That looked fiendishly effective; are we sure Indra isn't a demon
  334. Mammon: 12 can't win but you know.
  335. Prinnyblocking!
  336. Yakiba: like, apparently she set the greatest trap of all
  337. Trapmaster Indra: Prinny has to win first
  338. Yakiba: an RNG trap
  339. Mammon: Oh right, missed that.
  340. Prinny Squad: 19
  341. Nice.
  342. Trapmaster Indra: Elly is immobilized!
  344. Mammon gently places charred Prinny back on the ground
  345. Trapmaster Indra: The prinny is ded.
  346. The lightning is still arcing out.
  347. Nocebo: insidious.
  348. Elly: Can I burn a support to break Immobilize?
  349. Yakiba: no
  350. Trapmaster Indra: Nope, has to be a Move
  351. Elly: She gets two moves, does that count?
  352. Yakiba: Split Move doesn't work that way either
  353. Trapmaster Indra: ^^^
  354. Elly: mmmkay! Just checking
  355. Tching, Elly... looks more than a little miffed.
  356. "That wasn't very nice..."
  357. Trapmaster Indra: The lightning paralyzes Elly sry
  358. "Why should I play nice with demons?"
  360. Mannfred finds this whole setup oddly familiar...
  361. Elly: Okay. What CAN I do? xD
  362. Trapmaster Indra: You could sacrifice an attack action to make it a move and use it to break free
  363. or you can just wallow right there and use whatever supports/attacks you can from there
  364. Nocebo: and hope someone comes along to Toss you out before that attack hits again.
  365. Elly: Okay, good, I was confused because at first it was immobile and then it was paralyzed
  366. Yakiba: Are you insinuating that this is your plan
  367. Trapmaster Indra: you cannot toss somebody who is immobilized btw
  368. "any actions you or an ally takes to change your position is nullified"
  369. Yakiba: I'd have missed that, so thank you for pointing it out.
  370. Elly: ANYWHO!
  371. More than a little miffed, Elly takes out her book and writes up another page. It starts glowing and it becomes a second Refraction Point placed...
  372. There
  373. She'll then cast her aura magic over on the other elf on the far end...
  374. Triggering...
  375. Trapmaster Indra: Wait, what move is this?
  376. Elly: Meddle Fate
  377. It has Area Effect +2
  378. Trapmaster Indra: Looking at it, I'll have to take 1 core power from it, make sure to note
  379. the second level of blast radius is +2, not +1
  380. BUT ANYWAY go ahead and roll attack three times, -1 to attack for each
  381. Well, -1 to two, -3 to the third
  382. Elly: Say that again?
  383. Yakiba: I'd guess Countess Invisible has to be in there somewhere
  384. Trapmaster Indra: Three attack rolls, toll them. -1 to two of them, -3 to one of them.
  385. roll*
  386. Countess Alesone: "!"
  387. Elly: Ooooh
  388. 12 Right. 19 left. 13 ???
  389. Archer Knight: 1018
  390. Alesone, roll defense vs Aura!
  391. (You can, of course, sub another stat if you'd like)
  392. Elly: (and I'll correct the damage, sorry for confusing that)
  393. Nocebo: (so did fate just warp and drop branches on those knights, knocking them out?
  394. Elly: well... it probably couldn't it has a mercy limit :3;;
  395. Countess Alesone: 20 Subbing Dexterity!
  396. Archer Knight: Well they're flunkies so
  398. Countess Alesone whew
  399. Elly: "...that."
  400. "...wasn't."
  401. "...NICE."
  403. Elly sulks darkly.
  404. Trapmaster Indra: "If you meant to hit me, you failed."
  405. Elly: "I will. Soon."
  406. Trapmaster Indra: Mannfred! You're suped up and ready to go. What do?
  408. Mannfred is feeling SUPER jittery thanks to all that juice Nocebo pumped into his system, but for now he'll try and concentrate, figure out where Alesone could be hiding
  409. Trapmaster Indra: Roll Int, Aura, or Res
  410. Mannfred: 15 rollin Int!
  411. Countess Alesone: 19 Resisting with Resolve.
  412. Trapmaster Indra: shrug emote
  413. Mannfred: "Urrgh! Screw this!"
  414. feeling frustrated, Mannfred tries to lash out at Indra with an energy grid
  415. 18
  416. Trapmaster Indra: 17 !!!
  417. Your roll is 19 btw
  418. Since you are Transformed, all attributes are +1
  419. Mannfred: pffft I can't believe I forgot about that
  420. Trapmaster Indra: 15 damage
  421. Mannfred: "Aha! Ahahahaha!"
  422. "See?! Do you see how that feels?!"
  424. Mannfred continues to laugh maniacally, probably for the rest of the round
  425. Trapmaster Indra: Alesone!
  426. Countess Alesone: (Hm)
  427. Mammon: "Oh, great, now he's got self-esteem."
  428. Countess Alesone: "Let's see you suffer! BURNING CHAIN!", Alesone shouts. For a split-second, she appears, before a single, burning arrow bounces in an erratic arc from Yakiba, to Elly, to Mammon, to Nocebo, to Mannfred!
  429. 13
  430. Trapmaster Indra: roll for each target
  431. Countess Alesone: 18 12 20 14
  432. In the order she named.
  433. Mammon: So I'm against the 12, right?
  434. Int?
  435. Countess Alesone: Correct
  436. Yakiba: ...what's our penalty for not being able to see her?
  437. Nocebo: Resolve sub, you're my only hope! 11
  438. Yakiba: Do we even... have one?
  439. Countess Alesone: This is an Agility attack so default is Dexterity.
  440. Nocebo: RESOLVE SUB
  441. noooo!
  442. Mammon: 13 Okay, dex then.
  443. Countess Alesone: No penalty.
  444. Trapmaster Indra: Just -1
  445. Elly: 18 dex!
  446. Mammon: Whoops.
  447. Elly: Noooo
  448. Nocebo: also woops
  449. Countess Alesone: Just the darkness penalty. (Which she does not suffer. She's got Dark Sight.)
  450. Yakiba: 14 but, again, I have that +1
  451. Mammon: That's a hit for me, then.
  452. Mannfred: 14 Int sub!
  453. Nocebo: so that's 10 for Nocebo..
  454. Yakiba: Barely missed!
  455. Countess Alesone: Damage is 71, by the by.
  456. Mannfred: dang
  457. Yakiba: Mobile Dodge tho
  458. Trapmaster Indra: So crit vs Nocebo too
  459. nice
  460. And a hit on everyone but Yakiba
  461. Countess Alesone: 83 to Nocebo, then.
  462. Yakiba: everyone has at least one overdrive, is anyone going to use one
  463. Mannfred: I think imma overdrive this, yea
  464. Mammon: Eh, it's not the hardest attack in the world.
  465. Mannfred: since I've got Valor to spare now
  466. Yakiba: *everyone except Nocebo...
  467. Mammon: Nocebo, though... would need four support overdrives.
  468. Nocebo: leave me to burn.
  469. Mammon: You know what let's use one to spare her the crit.
  470. Nocebo: though that is nice of you :D
  471. Yakiba: Gotta take care of your doctor
  472. Nocebo: Physician still cannot heal herself.
  473. Mammon: Defend the medic, it's battlefield 101.
  474. Yakiba: "Of course you have no respect for the Gehenna Conventions. (Although, neither do we.)"
  475. Trapmaster Indra: 47 to Mammon, 47 to Elly, 44 to Nocebo
  476. Mammon: "I respect them, I just don't make a big deal about it."
  478. Mannfred still takes the hit, but the arrow doesn't even faze him
  479. Countess Alesone: "If she's operating on the frontlines, she's a target, just like any other demon who dares get in the path of our glorious conquest."
  480. Yakiba: "So, you've admitted it!"
  481. Nocebo: Hmmm
  482. Mammon: "She IS literally a combatant."
  483. Nocebo: "Za-Zhi-Lu-Puu-"
  484. Countess Alesone: "Also, I have no clue what you're talking about."
  485. Nocebo: Let's try to count up those 47 sylables and make nonsense into perfect sense... Based on womanly intuition, the Countess must be... 17
  486. Yakiba: "Nor will you ever."
  487. Nocebo: resolve to do that thing.
  488. Countess Alesone: 13 Resolve to stay hidden!
  489. Oh, hey, you've spotted her.
  490. Nocebo: "AHA!"
  492. Nocebo still cannot reach that from where she is... but maybe if she can borrow a portal...
  493. Trapmaster Indra: It would be the same distance Nocebo...
  494. Nocebo: well she might move first!
  495. like dat.
  496. Trapmaster Indra: It's still the same distance.
  497. Countess Alesone: If she moves, she's going to return to being non-locatable...
  498. Trapmaster Indra: Portals are adjacent, not considered the same space.
  499. Nocebo: darn, you're right...
  500. Mammon: Where is she again?
  501. Trapmaster Indra: You don't know Mammon
  502. Only Nocebo
  503. Mammon: Ohhhh.
  504. Trapmaster Indra: (You could sac a support for 1/2 move)
  505. (Wait you already used it nevermind)
  506. Nocebo: No, this is in range of one attack. I think.
  507. (or am I counting wrong and I should have moved up an extra square?
  508. Trapmaster Indra: (Your splash attack has a range of 6 so??? you good)
  509. Nocebo: ...actually, Toxic Dose has a range of 6 now. so yeah. ))
  510. Trapmaster Indra: Roll it with -1, Alesone roll defense +2 vs Int
  511. Nocebo: "Can humans breathe cyanide, Chlorine and carbon monoxide?"
  512. 10
  513. Trapmaster Indra: "You wouldn't dare!"
  514. Elly: "My research says no."
  515. Countess Alesone: 13 Dexterity sub!
  516. "Not finding out."
  518. Nocebo lobs a genade that begins to spray evil-looking green gass...
  519. Nocebo: but evidently it's spreading too slow to be effective.
  520. "Note to self-need new dispersal mechanism."
  521. Trapmaster Indra: New round! +1 valor except to Mannfred
  522. Before anything else, Dex attack!
  523. 11 vs Elly
  524. 12 vs Mammon
  525. Welp
  527. 14
  528. Mammon: [1d10+10]] Dex, it COULD hit.
  530. Mammon: 16 fuck you.
  531. Trapmaster Indra: Double-miss. :<
  532. Nocebo: PRAISE
  533. Trapmaster Indra: There's a voice from beyond the tree line
  534. Archer Knight: "Indra, ma'am! They're ready!"
  535. Trapmaster Indra: "Perfect. On my signal, then!"
  536. Countess Alesone: "Oooh, this'll be fun~"
  537. Trapmaster Indra: She prepares something else, and ends her turn.
  538. Mammon: "That sounds innocuous."
  539. Elly: "I don't think so. I'm finding them very annoying..."
  540. Yakiba: The turret kicks into a high-intensity anomaly locator, making sure to report: 11 Resolve - Find Invisible
  541. it probably doesn't work
  542. Countess Alesone: 19 It probably doesn't.
  543. Yakiba: It was calibrated for demons.
  544. Well, let's find out what nasty thing is in store for us now
  545. ...actually, since the turret's counterattack is still on I think it can just... try that again
  546. Trapmaster Indra: That's true
  547. Yakiba: 14 let's see if the second sweep catches her
  548. Trapmaster Indra: Alesone, go ahead and roll against it!
  549. Yakiba: if it can find a discrepancy between the two scans, there she is
  550. Countess Alesone: 10
  551. Yakiba: it's like spot the difference, with heat signatures.
  552. Countess Alesone: Welp
  553. There she is
  554. Yakiba: (Reminder that Invisibility RAW states that her position wherever she was when she last used a technique is public knowledge, not sure if that was revealed when she Burning Whatevered)
  555. ...oh, that should have been a whisper
  556. Trapmaster Indra: (It was, but she moved immediately after anyway.)
  557. Yakiba: (Yeah I figured)
  558. Not dealing with that just yet though.
  559. Trapmaster Indra: One move, and-
  560. "NOW!"
  561. Yakiba: back to the 'let's see what nasty thing this is' from before
  562. Trapmaster Indra: "CATAPULTS, LAUNCH!"
  564. Elly: "!"
  565. Nocebo: are they flaming boulders, or just regular ones?
  566. Elly: "...this is really cool and really awful..."
  567. Mannfred: "AHAHAHAHA! YOU MISSED ME!"
  568. Trapmaster Indra: Dex attacks;
  569. 11 vs Yakiba
  570. 15 vs Elly
  571. 17 vs Mammon
  572. 12 vs Sentry Gun
  573. 20 vs Nocebo
  574. Nocebo: WHY
  575. Countess Alesone: (Yowch)
  576. Mammon: "Oh my god how primitive can DAMN THEY'RE BIG"
  577. 20 Dex
  578. Nocebo: 17 Resolve.
  579. Mammon: Nice.
  580. Countess Alesone: "Fufufufu~"
  581. Elly: 14
  582. Nocebo: ...OVERDRIVE because I'm going going down.
  583. Yakiba: 13 Dex defense
  584. Elly: Really dice "c
  585. Nocebo: not going*
  586. Yakiba: anyway mmmobile dodge
  587. Nocebo: we need a roll for the sentry gun to.
  588. Yakiba: Oh right 13 Dex defense on it too
  589. Countess Alesone: ... The turret dodged. wow.
  590. Trapmaster Indra: hmmmmmm
  591. Overdrive on Nocebo
  592. Nocebo: ah crap
  593. Mammon: Well that's unsporting.
  594. Yakiba: You rolled a 2 against it, that's not exactly a hard target
  595. Trapmaster Indra: Humans don't play by the rules!!!
  596. Yakiba: ...she needs two Overdrives to dodge.
  597. Nocebo: I guess it's probable this won't kill her...if this isn't a Ult
  598. Trapmaster Indra: Anyway, 33 damage to Elly and 27 to Nocebo
  599. ....
  600. And
  601. they are both knocked down AND immobilized
  602. Nocebo: UGH
  603. Trapmaster Indra: -1 to all rolls
  604. Nocebo: "You know what, I'm just gonna lie down for a while after that concushsuhsuhion."
  605. Trapmaster Indra: And then "Ready the next round!"
  606. Elly: "Why are we doing this again?"
  607. Yakiba: As soon as I can get this Battle Analysis cleared Indra is going to receive Words
  608. Nocebo: "Protip: do not headbutt boulders."
  609. Mammon: "So, let's kill HER."
  610. Trapmaster Indra: Also that is an ult
  611. Yakiba: (accidentally Back-ed)
  612. Countess Alesone: "What, you thought we were out of plans?"
  613. Yakiba: anyway, that was in the middle of my move so I'll keep moving
  614. to here
  615. Trapmaster Indra: Remember ur boost runs out this turn
  616. Yakiba: Noted, but I'm not reapplying it this turn I think
  617. 12 Kinetics/Dex attack vs Indra
  618. Trapmaster Indra: 17 dex defense
  619. She sways out of the way
  620. Yakiba: and that's the turn, Mammon go
  621. Mammon: That's persistent damage I'm gonna have to roll against, isn't it?
  622. Trapmaster Indra: Only at the beginning of Indra's turn
  623. Mammon: Oh, okay, right then.
  624. Reviving both Prinnies!
  625. Trapmaster Indra: oh right, also
  626. The rocks destroyed that tree
  627. Yakiba: It would be very Disgaea for them not to, but humans aren't playing by the rules.
  628. Mammon: And I can still hit Indra from here. Like to try to spot the boss, but ah, action economy.
  629. 18 SHOTS FIRED, Dex
  630. Trapmaster Indra: 18
  631. Hit!
  632. Nocebo: If only you had some kind of bullet hurricane that could target everything around you.
  633. Yakiba: (also, 2000 HL Indra has Effect Transfer)
  634. Trapmaster Indra: 56 damage!
  635. "Ow! What the netherworld!?"
  636. Mammon: "Okay, I find that OFFENSIVE."
  637. And ending turn.
  638. Trapmaster Indra: Remember; move action to end immobilized, move or support to end prone.
  639. Nocebo: you can still crawl half your move while prone though.
  640. Yakiba: not while you're immobilized...
  641. Nocebo: well no
  642. Trapmaster Indra: but you need a move action to remove immobilized, yea
  643. Elly: How much of a move do I get for eating an attack?
  644. Yakiba: Full move
  645. Elly: This is going to look like a really lame turn then, as Elly uses her WILL to get up and her DETERMINATION to pry herself out of the trap...
  646. Only to limp weakly over behind a tree, doing her best Mannfred impression.
  647. And thats it!
  648. Yakiba: I strongly recommend healing Nocebo if you can
  649. Countess Alesone: ((No kidding))
  650. Nocebo: I will return the favor.
  651. Mannfred: Okay, time to figure out where Alesone's supposed to be, for real this time! Mannfred is visibly straining trying to puzzle this thing out 16
  652. Countess Alesone: 10
  653. "Well."
  654. Yakiba: "Your every word betrays you."
  655. Mannfred: "You thought you could hide from me?! I have eyes everywhere!"
  656. Yakiba: (He actually thinks that words from everywhere trick was neat and wants to know how that was done. Engineer's curiosity...)
  657. Mammon: "I think I like High as a Hellkite Mannfred better.
  658. "
  659. Mannfred: And since she's juuust in his range, he'll try and slam her against the tree 15
  660. Countess Alesone: (She's not telling.)
  661. 14 Dex substitution!
  662. Well. +(Increment) to the damage
  663. Trapmaster Indra: Twice ouch
  664. 78
  665. damage
  666. Mannfred: "Nothing can protect you from me! I am the fulcrum! I am the axis on which this world turns!"
  667. Nocebo: "...Elly?"
  668. "Was I like...that when I used that on myself?"
  669. Yakiba: "And thus, the groundbreaking Axis Mannfred theory."
  670. Elly: While this is going on, Evelyn can be heard saying. "Realizing Mannfred is actually doing something for once, Nocebo couldn't hope but feel hope swell within her heart."
  671. Nocebo: uhhhh
  673. Countess Alesone cries out as the strike slams her against the tree, breaking her camoflauge!
  674. Nocebo: isn't her name Ellipsis?
  675. Elly: Ooops xD
  676. (Sudden Action: Literary Liscence: Vitality on Nocebo)
  677. Mammon: "Does the Netherworld even turn? I always thought most Netherworlds were actually flat."
  678. "You know, like a big island in space with jaggy rocks under."
  679. Elly: I have two E-characters, sorry ;w;
  680. Mannfred: the walls between realities just kinda shuddered there for a second
  681. Countess Alesone: (She's no longer invisible! That's good! She's angry, not so good)
  682. Nocebo: either way, at least there's life...and hope.
  683. Yakiba: "A flat world can turn, but it'd make life really hazardous for anyone close to the edge."
  684. "Provided that said edge exists."
  685. Mammon: (Emily we have critically important lore questions.)
  686. Countess Alesone: "HURRY UP AND DIE! BURNING CHAIN!", Alesone declares, as she fires that attack again. This time, it's the Prinny next to her (13), then Mammon (12), then the other Prinny (14), then Nocebo (12), then Elly(17)!
  687. Trapmaster Indra: no the world is not flat
  688. -1 to all defense rolls for that
  690. Mannfred is a dedicated member of the Flat Netherworld Society
  691. Countess Alesone: Also, she should have -10 Sstamina from the turns spent invisible. /does that
  693. Countess Alesone then freaking RUNS!
  694. Mammon: 10 17 19 Dex, in that order.
  695. One Prinny down! Who needs it.
  696. Elly: Well, before the attack clears, Elly used a Sudden Action Valor Skill to heal Nocebo
  697. Countess Alesone: She did. Which may have just saved Nocebo's life.
  698. Trapmaster Indra: Nocebo gets -2 to defense
  699. Nocebo: Nocebo is defending with her wits and her deceptive skills to trick Alesone. 17
  700. Trapmaster Indra: -1 for prone, -1 for the darkness
  701. Countess Alesone: ... While pinned under rock.
  702. Impressive, Nocebo. Impressive.
  703. Nocebo: Okay, so 16
  704. Trapmaster Indra: not that it matters either way
  705. Elly: 12 dex defense
  706. Nocebo: "Years or running a crooked find the lady game finally pays off... though I wish the girl I was conning was less cute."
  707. Elly: Yeah ouchies ;w;
  708. Countess Alesone: "Aw, thanks. Not that it'll save you."
  709. 71 damage. To the one target it hit.
  710. Nocebo: did she vanish again after that attack?
  711. Mammon: "Doc. FOCUS."
  712. Countess Alesone: Nope! She just fled for cover.
  713. Nocebo: oh I see.
  714. Trapmaster Indra: 47 to Elly
  715. Nocebo: "Right, Triage!"
  718. Nocebo spends a Move to stand up and knock away some of the rocks that were semi-pinning her.
  719. Nocebo: "I am an AMAZING doctor! And I gave Elly a bookmark before I came here that's a medicated bandage and I have a magic crystal for Mammon to get healed by."
  720. (The bandage has little hearts on it.)
  721. Countess Alesone: "grrrr"
  722. Mammon: "Crystals?"
  723. "Is this some hippie thing?"
  725. Elly weakly raises a thumbs-up to Nocebo from the darkness.
  726. Nocebo: "No, it's a Geomancer Woo-Woo-thing."
  727. Trapmaster Indra: "Don't underestimate the healing power of crystals."
  728. Mannfred: "WOO WOO!"
  730. Nocebo is regretting the power of suggestion.
  731. Nocebo: for the first time in...ever.
  732. Trapmaster Indra: Anything else for this turn?
  733. Nocebo: "Your opinion is NOT asked for!" Doc'll trade her attack for a harsh GLARE at Indra through the portal, and finishing up clearing her own immobilization.
  734. That will end the turn though since she's not got enough actions to attack :P
  735. Trapmaster Indra: NEW ROUND
  736. +1/2 valor
  737. First, attack rolls vs those still in effect fields!
  738. Dex
  739. 15 vs prinny
  740. 12 vs sentry gun
  741. Trapmaster Indra: 14 vs Nocebo
  742. Prinny Squad: 20 Dex. PRIN LIKE THE WIND
  743. Yakiba: 18 Dex defense
  744. Prinny Squad: IT WORKED
  745. Trapmaster Indra: The fuck
  746. Nocebo: 11 Int! sub!
  747. Yakiba: The point-defense microbullets were a good investment
  748. Mammon: This particular Prinny is untouchable.
  749. Nocebo: ah crap
  750. Trapmaster Indra: 31 damage :x
  751. Mammon: Could it be.... all this time, the legendary Pringer X...?!?
  752. No.
  753. Nocebo: goddamnit.
  754. Yakiba: ...oh, wait, I guess that was a 17. NO MATTER.
  755. Mammon: Just lucky.
  757. Nocebo will never escape this square.
  758. Yakiba: ...still no matter.
  759. Trapmaster Indra: That is what Indra was designed to so
  760. Nocebo: "Locusts. I'll unleash a plague of locusts."
  761. Trapmaster Indra: She prepares another trap.
  762. and....
  763. Nocebo: "That's a good angelic revenge, right? Dad'll be proud..."
  764. Elly: "...maybe."
  765. Trapmaster Indra: Pulls out a pair of pom-poms. And is suddenly dressed as a cheerleader. "Come on, Countess! You've got this you can win! You're the best, the greatest! Play these demons like a violin!"
  766. Countess Alesone: "R-right! Not giving up!"
  767. Trapmaster Indra: Alesone gets +1 to attack and defense rolls
  768. End turn
  769. Mammon: "Okay, rhyming is a death sentence."
  770. "I CANNOT abide this."
  771. Nocebo: ..."I want those pom-poms."
  773. Elly has a sign that reads "5."
  774. Trapmaster Indra: "OKAY HOW DARE YOU?"
  777. Elly reconsiders.
  778. Nocebo: "Elly is the Eastern-nethereuropean judge."
  779. Elly: She now has a sign that reads. "7"
  780. Trapmaster Indra: "BETTER"
  781. Countess Alesone: "..."
  782. "Indra?"
  783. Trapmaster Indra: "Yes ma'am?"
  784. Countess Alesone: "... J-just focus on finishing them. Please."
  785. Trapmaster Indra: "...Of course ma'am!"
  786. Yakiba: Well, let's get back to slip stance first of all; being this close means he's likely an easy target and that's Not Good.
  787. And, presuming there's not a trap sprung...
  788. swing around the back
  789. Trapmaster Indra: There is... not
  790. Yakiba: aaaaand let loose a hydraulic punch 15 Muscle vs Indra
  791. Trapmaster Indra: 13 dex sub
  792. Hit!
  793. Yakiba: Not using Battle Analysis?
  794. Trapmaster Indra: Nope
  795. Yakiba: Right there, thank you
  796. "Back to the penalty grid for you."
  797. Trapmaster Indra: 70 damage
  798. Jeez
  799. Mannfred: "And so she returns!"
  800. Prinny Squad: FIRST OFF
  801. Trapmaster Indra: Good move it where it can do nothing
  802. Perf
  803. Indra approves
  804. Prinny Squad: The Immortal Prinny runs crying out of the immediate danger zone but manages to stay close to Nocebo.
  805. Nocebo: "Hey dood. You come to help?"
  806. Prinny Squad: WHERE IT CAN, IN FACT
  807. Silently, sweatily present her with a chocoolate bar.
  810. Yakiba: "That's a fact."
  811. Nocebo: "I am a delicate flower of battlefield medicine and I need Chocolate delivered to me."
  812. Mammon: *MAMMON SAID THAT
  814. Nocebo noms.
  815. Mammon: He's also firing a shotgun blast at Alesone. No bonus from the dark against her, right
  816. ?
  817. Trapmaster Indra: +40 health
  818. Nocebo: she may get chocolate all over her face from that.
  819. Mammon: 21 Dex
  820. Trapmaster Indra: It's not a bonus, it's a negative on her defense. BUT she has darksight so nope.
  821. You, however
  822. take -1 for attacking somebody in the dark
  823. Mammon: -1, right.
  824. Countess Alesone: 18 Dex evade!
  825. Trapmaster Indra: +1 for the boost
  826. but still 20 vs 19
  827. Countess Alesone: "Gah!"
  828. Mammon: "In the words of my people:"
  829. "BLAM."
  830. Trapmaster Indra: 52 damage
  831. "Countess!!!"
  832. Mammon: And that there is a full set of actions.
  833. Countess Alesone: "Grr!"
  834. Trapmaster Indra: Elly's go
  835. Elly: mhm, I'm deciding!
  836. Nocebo: it's fine
  837. doc has chocolate.
  838. Elly: "Nocebo."
  839. Says a rather battered Elly.
  840. Nocebo: "Don't worry about me. Just...use the portal to snipe somebody?"
  841. Elly: She nods.
  842. "I'm going in."
  843. "If I don't make it..."
  844. "...tell my books. I love them."
  846. Nocebo: "That's unacceptable. I would die before I told all the books that."
  847. Elly: (its true)
  848. "Mammon, Duck."
  849. She doesn't wait for him to respond before firing off some black ink pens at the archer-in-the-shade.
  850. 18
  851. Mammon: "What the DAMMIT ELLY"
  852. Elly: dex! sorry
  853. Countess Alesone: 14 Dex evade!
  854. "What on..."
  855. Trapmaster Indra: 38 damage
  856. Elly: She's been shocked. She's been trapped. She's been shot. She's been hit with giant rocks.
  857. Frankly
  859. Elly is DONE WITH THIS SHIP :<
  861. Countess Alesone takes several hits from the pens, wincing in pain.
  862. Yakiba: and I believe that was a poison pen letter, wasn't it?
  863. Elly: it was~
  864. Trapmaster Indra: 13 damage per round
  865. Anything else?
  866. Elly: Yeah. That other girl.
  867. She's a bit too supportive.
  868. So lets cut her off a bit.
  869. And that's it!
  870. Trapmaster Indra: Mannfred, roll for ur grid!
  871. Mannfred: 14 the grid gets off one last zap while Mannfred continues to lose his goddamn mind
  872. Trapmaster Indra: 15
  873. You forgot the +1 again
  874. so it's actually a hit
  875. Mannfred: yeah, I was just gonna say
  876. Trapmaster Indra: 22 damage
  877. Mannfred: "Yes! Do you see now?! Everything that has occurred up to this point has been by my design! There is no move you can make, no action you can perform, that I haven't already chosen for you! Your life is forever in my hands!"
  878. "Welcome to the office, kiddo!" [[1d10+10}} aaaand blasting her
  879. Trapmaster Indra: "You... you truly are a demon!"
  880. Mannfred: 13 whoops
  881. Trapmaster Indra: +11 not 10
  882. Which move?
  883. 15 tho
  884. so
  885. Mannfred: Hostile Takeover
  886. gonna go ahead and overdrive that tho
  887. Trapmaster Indra: o
  888. Nocebo: "Mannfred. Is this. The first time for you?"
  889. Trapmaster Indra: Moving where?
  891. Nocebo knew her drugs were good, but she may need to put Manny on cold turkey.
  892. Elly: If she was feeling better, Elly would be impressed.
  893. Trapmaster Indra: (Protip, that barrier is totes damaging)
  894. Mannfred: WELP
  895. Yakiba: (oooh, it's Violent?)
  896. Trapmaster Indra: [77+11-29]] damage
  897. -7
  898. Oh come on
  899. 59
  900. Mannfred: I can't believe I just healed her
  901. Trapmaster Indra: THERE we go
  902. "No.... I never... got to..... tell the commander...."
  903. WHUMP
  904. Countess Alesone: "Indra!"
  905. Trapmaster Indra: But
  906. AS she falls
  907. A small rod pops up from a remote location
  908. Final Attack go
  909. Nocebo: aw crap
  910. actual Final Attack?
  911. Trapmaster Indra: dex attacks
  912. 14 vs Yakiba
  913. 15 vs Elly
  914. 18 vs Mammon
  915. Mammon: 16 Dex
  916. Yakiba: 17 Dex defense.
  917. Mammon: Overdriving.
  918. Yakiba: Generating enough force to take his entire body off the ground for the split second needed.
  919. Elly: Oh gosh, 50-50
  920. today this hasn't been going well x.x
  921. 17
  922. Yakiba: You won the flip!
  923. Elly: ./few
  924. Trapmaster Indra: and with Indra gone, the trap doesn't have the magic to maintain its lightning
  925. Countess Alesone: "..."
  927. Countess Alesone looks at the three attackers next to her. Then to Indra, and the other fallen soldiers.
  928. Countess Alesone: "... It seems I have no choice."
  930. Countess Alesone disappears. Followed by a similar stealth seeming to come over Indra. Followed, not that you necessarily know it, by Alesone FREAKING FLEEING.
  931. Mammon: "...Do you think she's still here?"
  932. Nocebo: "...I'm still seeing double, did we just win?"
  933. Trapmaster Indra: And she was right by the edge of the map, too. Bye Alesone.
  934. Elly: "Mannfred is going to owe us something nice to eat after this..."
  935. Yakiba: "We've seen the last of her for today, at least."
  936. Mannfred: "Run! Run, and know that I have bested you! See the shadow of my might follow you as you retreat! Know that I am all-powrful! I am inviincible! I am... I... am..."
  937. "Very tired, all of a sudden."
  938. "I think I might need to lie down for awhile."
  939. Yakiba: "I don't actually know what the crash from that is like. Good luck with that!"
  941. Mannfred just straight-up collapses
  942. Countess Alesone: (Yeah. Alesone basically decided to save her lieutenant before she got to low enough HP to flat-out die. XD)
  943. Mammon: "Dammit, he's not gonna be fun anymore."
  944. Narrator: Hey, Mannfred.
  945. RING. RING.
  948. Mannfred finds just enough energy to pull out his phone and answer
  949. Mannfred: "Hello...?"
  950. Prinwise: "Holy COW Mannfred!"
  951. Nocebo: "oh my god, can't I just have five minutes?"
  952. Prinwise: "Your face is all over the news!"
  953. Mannfred: "Wha?"
  955. Nocebo falls back on the ground.
  957. Mannfred isn't really all there right now
  958. Prinwise: Prinwise turns the phone so that Mannfred can see the news (it's a video call so woo)
  959. Mannfred: "Yes! Do you see now?! Everything that has occurred up to this point has been by my design! There is no move you can make, no action you can perform, that I haven't already chosen for you! Your life is forever in my hands!"
  960. "Oh yeah. I did say that."
  961. Zep Courson: "...With this confession that Mannfred is behind the war with the humans, I have no choice."
  962. "I am offering a reward of ten trillion HL to whoever can bring him to justice."
  963. "Dear or alive."
  964. Dead*
  965. Yakiba: oh.
  966. Narrator: Mammon. RING. RING.
  968. Mannfred just kinda... curls up into a ball
  969. Mannfred: "Of course. Of course. Nothing can ever go right around here."
  970. Mammon: Mammon picks up.
  971. Yumi: "HEY! Uh, boss! Cool guy! My favorite buddy?"
  972. Elly: Mannfred: Nothing really matters~ anyone can see~ nothing really matters~ nothing really matters~ nothing really matters to meee~
  973. Mammon: "Yeah yeah, you." His eyes are a bit glazed over right now.
  974. Yumi: "Are you, uh, interested in a rescue operation?"
  975. Mannfred: any way the wind bloooooows~
  976. Mammon: "Go on."
  977. Nocebo: okay enough of that Bohemian rap.
  978. Yumi: "SO. You know how I'm working with Rosenqueen Co. now, right?"
  979. "Well, I was visiting Rosenqueen, Co. HQ, and. Uh. We're kind of. Under attack."
  980. "By humans."
  981. "And some... other things."
  982. "So please come save me?"
  983. Mammon: "How much?"
  984. Yumi: "All my shares in Rosenqueen, Co. And whatever the boss throws in."
  985. Rosenqueen, Co.'s shares are always high. Naturally.
  986. Mammon: "I've got another job lined up right now, but... eeeeh, I can multitask."
  987. Elly: Elly hops up to Mammon's phone "Throw in a weekend at a hot springs spa and you've got a deal."
  988. Yumi: "Done!"
  989. Nocebo: "Oh god, I could use that."
  990. Elly: Elly gives Nocebo a quiet thumbs up.
  992. Mannfred lets out a quiet noise, sort of like a slowly dying animal
  993. Mammon: "Alright, everybody, we're going to fight more humans!"
  995. Nocebo stands up, wincing. "Oh god, I still have an arrow in me..."
  996. Mammon: "And then maybe other things."
  997. Elly: "Getting paid?"
  998. Mannfred: "Do we have to? I still need some time to reoup."
  999. "And... think about some things."
  1000. *recoup
  1001. Mammon: "Yes, you have to."
  1002. Nocebo: "You tripped balls off your own endorphines so hard you thought you were some kind of hyper-genius mastermind."
  1003. "you have to come with us, if only so I can make sure you don't explode."
  1004. Mammon: "Don't worry, I won't let anybody capture you."
  1005. "Or kill, whatever."
  1006. Mannfred: "Well, I know for certain that I'm at least one of those things still, but fine, whatever."
  1007. Elly: (She whispers to Mammon "He's worth too much?")
  1008. Narrator: In the blink of an eye, Mannfred has gone from the Netherworld's hero to its number one wanted criminal. Such is the sway of public opinion in the Netherworld!
  1009. What awaits our party when they venture into the heart of New Hell City and the Rosenqueen, Co.'s headquarters!?
  1010. Next week, we find out!
  1012. But you know what you win for being awesome?
  1013. A level-up.
  1014. Elly: s'fine! poor Elly though xD
  1015. oh yay~
  1016. Mammon: Sweet.
  1017. Elly: RIP Indra
  1018. Your fangirling will be missed ;w;
  1019. Countess Alesone: ("Medic!!!"
  1020. Yakiba: Unfortunately I feel like the implication is that she'll be back.
  1021. Elly: ...crud
  1022. Yakiba: That's gonna be trouble.
  1023. Nocebo: did we at least
  1024. get the pom-poms?
  1025. Shika (GM): Indra was very annoying to fight wasn't she
  1026. whoops
  1027. that was accidental I swear (it wasn't)
  1028. Nocebo: but also satisfying to take down as a result.
  1029. Elly: I think for me it was the fact that Elly dodged one thing tonight xD
  1030. Yakiba: whereas I got hit once and then proceeded to avoid Everything for the rest of the battle
  1031. Oh, hey, Fast skills are valid at level 3 now
  1032. Shika (GM): yup welcome to level 7
  1033. which is what Alesone was
  1034. NekoIncardine: If Alesone gets a chance to return, I'll be glad to play her. Unless it's during the Faire weekends, since I won't be handy then x_x
  1035. Shika (GM): I'll see if I can fit it in /wink
  1036. Yakiba: also I really should retrain out Team Tactics
  1037. It's not useful in this team full of ranged attackers
  1038. Nocebo: well
  1039. I was thinking of gettin Nocebo team tactics as well
  1040. But she's a freaking glacier on this team
  1041. so slow to move anywhere.
  1042. Shika (GM): But thank u guys for playing and seeing this fight thru
  1043. next week, you get to run into some old friends
  1044. NekoIncardine: :O
  1045. Good luck
  1046. Nocebo: oh boy
  1047. Mammon: HM.
  1048. Elly: Does Yumi still only have 1 HP?
  1049. Shika (GM): yes
  1050. Elly: DON'T DIE YUMI
  1051. Mannfred: I hope we just meet Death Flag again
  1052. Shika (GM): no you won't see him again until the final battle of arc 4
  1053. where he is resurrected as a dark god to wreak vengeance
  1054. Mammon: Death Flag, who died as a zomie, is now a Double Zombie.
  1055. *zombie.
  1056. Mannfred: a zombie ghost
  1057. Yakiba: a zombie goast
  1058. leave this place
  1059. ("but this is my house", said the zombie goast)
  1060. Mannfred: Countess Alesone, saver of humens
  1061. Shika (GM): ANYWAY that was fun times guys
  1062. but it time to go
  1063. o7
  1064. catch y'all next week
  1065. Mammon: Yep! Bye.
  1066. Shika (GM): or tomorrow
  1067. Mannfred: seeya!
  1068. Nocebo: seeya tomorow
  1069. Yakiba: indeed thank you
  1070. Elly: Elly quietly sets up a rock.
  1071. She then sets a sign that reads. "Better Mannfred." The sign has an arrow pointing to the rock.
  1072. Elly stops to consider.
  1073. ...
  1074. She takes out a marker and draws on the rock.
  1075. The rock now has this face:
  1076. Elly:
  1077. Satisfied, she waits for everybody else to show up.
  1078. Shika (GM): I have TWO cats in my lap
  1079. be jealous
  1080. Comrade Q.: I am SEVERELY jealous, you have no idea
  1081. Shika (GM): i have been trapped here for four hours
  1082. my leg is asleep
  1083. i'm thirsty
  1084. but they're so cute /sob
  1085. Comrade Q.: it's a fair trade tbh
  1086. Vehrec: drawing some new attacks?
  1087. Argent B.: I'm practicing
  1088. I found out that if you press Shift + click, it'll fill the box rather neatly :o
  1089. Works on circles too, if you click Shift + Alt + click
  1090. Awe: I have the "fun" job of occasionally trying to reset the water heater...
  1091. be right back from that
  1092. Shika (GM): aw'ight who we missin'
  1093. Comrade Q.: The Netherworld's Least Punctual Mercenary, i think
  1094. Awe: yeah that sounds about right
  1095. Vehrec: and any of our potential 'villians' who want to sit in.
  1096. Awe: or, possibly, this session's guest, if there is one
  1097. Shika (GM): no guests this week
  1098. Argent B.: aw
  1099. well, we'll manage :3
  1100. Shika (GM): we'll be starting in five minutes even without a mercenary
  1101. Vehrec: that greatly simplifies the question of who to give super-medicine to.
  1103. Nocebo has a sign with Mannfred's face on it that says "DO NOT GIVE THIS MAN DRUGS."
  1105. Elly looks at this.
  1107. Elly tacks a sticky note that reads "Man."
  1109. Mannfred doesn't say anything, but manages to look slightly more offended than usual
  1110. Yakiba: It's one of those around-the-neck shaming signs, is it
  1111. Elly: ./nod nod
  1112. Nocebo: Look Mannfred, you earned this with your crazed pronunciations last time.
  1113. Ethan: SORRY
  1114. Shika (GM): WHOA JUST IN TIME
  1115. Ethan: Got all wrapped up in something.
  1116. Yakiba: like, if he's wearing one of those it'd say 'I took responsibility for a Netherworld-spanning war while high on painkillers'
  1117. Mannfred: what's wrong with a little wide-eyed ranting? isn't that what being a demon's all about?
  1118. Elly: It was Overwatch, wasn't it?
  1119. Yakiba: The open beta for that is no longer... well, open, so... probably not?
  1120. Mammon: That'd be hard.
  1122. Elly: I don't follow xD
  1123. Mammon: READY.
  1124. Yakiba: >The GM has initiated a ready check.
  1125. Nocebo: those notropics are supposed to make you more clearheaded not... that.
  1126. Yakiba: Are you ready? >Yes
  1127. Elly: wait!!
  1128. ...okay I got everybody's attention
  1129. Cary on Shika :3
  1130. Nocebo: I finished watching SU 20 minutes ago.
  1131. Narrator: WHEN WE LAST LEFT OUR, uh, heroes?
  1132. Elly: I think at this point we can just qualify them as plot-centered troublemakers
  1133. Narrator: They had decimated the archer division of the knights
  1134. Mannfred was announced the villain behind the human invasion thanks to some out of context quotes
  1135. and an obscenely high price was put on his head!
  1137. Nocebo engages pendant mode and goes 'Actually decimation means 'to kill one-tenth of.'
  1138. Mannfred: those quotes were still pretty bad even in context
  1139. Narrator: then they received word that Rosenqueen, Co's company headquarters was under attack!
  1141. Yakiba: To no one's surprise, Nocebo is beginning to pick up characterization that would not be out of place on her girlfriend.
  1143. Elly isn't paying attention, but is somehow pleased?
  1144. Nocebo: If Rosenqueen is destroyed, how will we buy stuff?
  1145. Narrator: YOU WON'T
  1146. Nocebo: GASP
  1147. Elly: "Can we hurry? I kind of like Yumi."
  1148. "...also I really want that spa vacation..."
  1149. Nocebo: "No sense in looking less than ideal for this!"
  1151. Nocebo is checking her makeup and fixing minor imperfections...and also battle-damage.
  1152. Mannfred: "We're going to be waiting awhile, then."
  1154. Nocebo snaps her compact closed.
  1155. Elly: "I never understood why demons felt the need to do that."
  1156. Nocebo: "The need to do what? Look the best you can?"
  1158. Nocebo thinks about beauty tips for Elly.
  1159. Mannfred: "There's a lot of really nasty things I could say with regards to that, but I for one am very much interested in seeing to it that this valuable pillar of the Netherworld economy doesn't crash down on top of us."
  1160. "So if we could perhaps move things along here?"
  1162. Elly probably uses glue for lip gloss.
  1163. Narrator: So what's the plan?
  1164. Mannfred: we were supposed to have a plan? dammit
  1165. Nocebo: We have very little information other than 'Humans are attacking Rosenqueen.'
  1166. Narrator: Rosenqueen, Co.'s HQ is in the center of the city, one of you is Wanted.
  1167. Mammon: Bait.
  1168. Nocebo: ...
  1169. we disguise Manfred.
  1170. Mannfred: the obvious solution is to pack Mannfred in a cardboard box and pose as delivery demons
  1171. Nocebo: shave his head and take away his glasses or something.
  1172. ...the box may also work.
  1173. Elly: We could put Mannfred in a dress maybe
  1174. Mammon: Nah, the box idea sounds best so far.
  1175. Yakiba: It does
  1176. Nocebo: Crossdressing jokes are insensitive anyways.
  1177. Mannfred: besides, it wouldn't embarrass him nearly as much as you think it would
  1178. Yakiba: Yakiba, non-master of stealth that he is, is thinking there's not much better than a box for concealing oneself from enemies in open spaces
  1179. Nocebo: "Should we put airholes in the box, or just hope he can survive on the air in there with him?"
  1180. Elly: "...we probably shouldn't kill him..."
  1181. Mammon: Air holes are suspicious though.
  1182. Mannfred: "I'd prefer breathable air, generally, but I've survived worse than that."
  1183. Mammon: We're calling it a box of staples.
  1184. Mannfred: "Definitely give me air holes, though. Definitely."
  1185. Narrator: All right guys, we all remember how to do challenge scenes? I hope so there was one like two sessions ago
  1186. Nocebo: rolling initiative: 13
  1187. Mannfred: maybe a tutorial from out good pal Prinwise would jog out memories
  1188. Mammon: 13
  1189. Elly: 16
  1190. Mannfred: 10
  1191. Prinwise classic: RING RING RING CELL PHONE
  1192. Yakiba: 15
  1194. Mannfred answers, kinda confused since he's SURE he put his phone on silent
  1195. Narrator: 17
  1196. Yakiba: (meanwhile I'll be back in a minute again)
  1197. Prinwise classic: "There are three things you need to keep an eye on."
  1198. "First of all, your progress! Which is how close to Rosenqueen, Co.'s HQ you are."
  1199. "Get it to 10 and you make it there!"
  1200. Nocebo: "I guess Chase represents how Keystone Cops things have gotten?"
  1201. Prinwise classic: "Notoriety is how much people are looking for you. It starts at 5 and gives you a penalty to lowering or fighting demons chasing you."
  1202. "Chase is how close you are to actually being caught."
  1203. "You can lower notoriety by throwing people off the trail somehow, or by somehow redirecting the heat on you."
  1204. "You can lower chase by getting away from the demons after you, obviously."
  1205. "I think that's it from me."
  1206. "Good luck!"
  1207. Prinwise classic: Click.
  1208. Mannfred: "...I don't think I ever gave him my number."
  1209. Nocebo: "Whatever, look for a gate, I'm not walking back to town through the Trap Woods.
  1211. Elly considers getting a phone, but seeing how often Mannfred gets called, also wonders if its worth the trouble...
  1212. Imp: Somewhere, you can hear voices. "That guy was told to come out to this forest, right!? That money's ours!" 16 intuition to try and find you losers.
  1213. Somebody roll to oppose.
  1214. Mammon: "Must have got it one of those times we snooped through your phone while you were asleep."
  1215. Mannfred: "What?! You--!"
  1216. Mammon: 12
  1218. Mannfred goes deathly silent
  1219. Mammon: Why.
  1220. Nocebo: Welp
  1221. Imp: Chase is up to 2!
  1222. Elly's turn.
  1223. Mammon: "Shit, everybody shut up!"
  1224. Nocebo: "why are you shouting?"
  1225. Mannfred: "Because he's been looking through my phone! I can't believe you!"
  1226. Elly: Elly is going to go ahead and scout around. While this is a good way to get info, her naturally unassuming and nonthreatening nature may throw people off her trail.
  1227. I'm gonna roll Aura if that's okay?
  1228. Imp: sure
  1229. Elly: 16
  1230. Imp: trying to lower chase or notoriety?
  1231. Mammon: "You must be very skeptical."
  1232. Elly: Notoriety!
  1233. Imp: 15
  1234. Success
  1235. Mammon: "I've given you plenty of reason to believe."
  1236. Elly: Elly returns back. "I heard voices, but I didn't see very many people."
  1237. "I think its okay to leave, if you want."
  1238. Imp: Yakiba
  1239. Mannfred: "I was speaking figuratively. I can absolutely believe you've looked through my things before, and will do so again."
  1240. Yakiba: "Then we'll leave immediately, and move as quickly. Agreed?"
  1241. Elly: "Oh, did he find out about all the measurements I've been taking while he was asleep?"
  1242. Mammon: "It's not my fault! I didn't know you very well, so I thought you might have had valuables!"
  1243. Yakiba: Oh, forget agreement then RACE TO THE FINISH 14 (Dex)
  1244. Mannfred: "I haven't seen a paycheck in weeks, why would I have anything you'd want?"
  1245. Mammon: "Hindsight is 20/20!"
  1246. Imp: NOPE not gud enough
  1247. You make little headway
  1248. Mannfred: "Oh, this coming from the cyclops!"
  1249. Mammon: "Wow. Wow."
  1250. Nocebo: "Stop bickering, you're just making more noise so people can find us."
  1251. Mammon: "Right, about that,"
  1252. Mannfred: "Well, as long as I'm complaining, could we not have sprung for a bigger box? It's getting cramped in here."
  1253. Mammon: "Prinnies! We need a distraction! FAR AWAY."
  1254. Prinny Squad: "Do we have to come back, dood?"
  1255. Mammon: "JUST GO."
  1256. Prinny Squad: Five minutes later, there's an explosion in the distance.
  1257. 20 Int
  1258. Imp: what is this trying to change
  1259. Mammon: Notoriety.
  1260. Imp: 13
  1261. Crit success!
  1262. Elly: That is one distracting distraction
  1263. Imp: You now only take -1 to alter chase scores
  1264. Nocebo!
  1265. Nocebo: right.
  1266. let's get this package delivered.
  1267. "Elly! I need a package label, I'm gonna do some forgery."
  1268. Elly: Oh, okay.
  1269. "Oh, okay."
  1271. Elly takes out her pad.
  1272. Mannfred: "Just make sure you label me as something nice."
  1273. Elly: "There, done."
  1275. Nocebo grabs the label and carefully attempts to craft a delivery order that will get the package Rosenqueen HQ.
  1276. Nocebo: "Perishable...Spider foood...Express Delivery..."
  1277. Mannfred: "Okay, not the worst thing, but I could think of better."
  1278. Nocebo: "Deliver to: The Office of the President."
  1280. Nocebo slaps the label on the box and sees if it attracts postage officials. 20
  1281. Imp: And again, what meter are you trying to affect?
  1282. Nocebo: Trying to get this box delivered, so Progress.
  1283. Imp: Crit success!
  1284. Progress to 3
  1285. the box seems very legit and has made it out of the forest to the first distribution center
  1286. Nocebo: Wooooo go box.
  1287. hope they respected the 'this way up' sticker.
  1288. Imp: 2
  1289. they do
  1290. Nocebo: because if they did, Mannfred should be standing on his head.
  1291. Imp: Mannfred, you're in a box in a NHC package distribution center while on your head
  1292. What do?
  1293. Mannfred: okay, clearly there's not a whole lot he can do while in the box that wouldn't completely blow his cover
  1294. so he'll try and stay as quiet and unassuming as he can for the time being, looking to all the Netherworld like a normal, conspicuously heavy box 12 Int to lower Notoriety
  1295. cool
  1296. Imp: 17
  1297. Crit failure
  1298. Back to -2 to all rolls vs chase
  1299. Elly: Even in a box, Mannfred can't hide his obnoxious aura
  1300. Mannfred: he just can't stop complaining
  1301. Martial Artist: "Why'd I even take a job in the post office...."
  1302. Wrestler: "Your guess is as good as mine, jabroni."
  1303. Martial Artist: "Wait. Is it just me, or is this package REALLY obnoxious...?"
  1304. Wrestler: ".........."
  1305. 21 to increase chase
  1306. Somebody roll at -2
  1307. ...............welp
  1308. Mammon: Well this is doomed.
  1309. Nocebo: 13Doc's note is super good.
  1310. ...not good enough though I guess.
  1311. Wrestler: Crit failure! +2 to Chase
  1312. Yakiba: These random postal muscles are surprisingly diligent
  1313. Wrestler: "Yeah wow this is SUPER obnoxious."
  1314. Martial Artist: "It smells like free money...."
  1315. Mannfred: "Hey! I'll have you know I'm considered very personable in some circles, and--"
  1316. Elly: Elly walks into the distribution center. She rings the bell.
  1317. Martial Artist: "............"
  1318. Elly: She rings the bell again.
  1319. She rings the bell again.
  1320. Wrestler: "HEY WE BUSY"
  1321. Nocebo: oh my god.
  1322. Elly: Again.
  1323. Again.
  1324. Wrestler: "WE HAVE A TALKING BOX IN HERE"
  1325. Elly: Elly walks to the back room.
  1326. "Yeah, that's mine."
  1327. Mammon: "Read the label, jackass!"
  1328. "It's spider food."
  1329. Elly: "Our family has been using that box for years for our passive-aggressive feud against each other."
  1330. Mammon: "You expect demon spiders to eat things that are already dead?"
  1331. Wrestler: Roll it Elly
  1332. Elly: What am I rolling xD
  1333. Wrestler: And what are you trying to affect
  1334. I HAVE NO IDEA
  1335. Int prolly?
  1336. Resolve?
  1337. Elly: Notoriety
  1338. Nocebo: Guile is probably Int, force of personality is resolve?
  1339. Elly: Resolve is good, these bruisers are super imposing!!
  1340. 11
  1341. ...
  1342. super imposing
  1343. Wrestler: 12
  1344. WELL
  1345. Mannfred: oh my god
  1346. Yakiba: Dice. Dice why.
  1347. Wrestler: "THAT SOUNDS SUSPICIOUS"
  1348. Elly: "I-It is...?"
  1349. Martial Artist: "THIS IS ALL SUSPICIOUS"
  1351. Mannfred is trying his best not to freak right the hell out
  1353. Elly is too, and is probably doing a wrose job of it than Mannfred, tbh
  1354. Martial Artist: "SUSPICIOUS...."
  1355. Wrestler: "Wait, hold up."
  1356. "You remember that flier that maid was distributing earlier?"
  1357. He holds out a flier for the martial artist.
  1358. Martial Artist: "Oh, yeah. Mannfred, the demon hero turned demon criminal."
  1359. Elly: "That's a lie!"
  1360. Martial Artist: "It says, 'This is a picture of Mannfred', okay... 'This is a picture of Mannfred with a shaved head and removing his glasses....' "
  1361. "There's a picture of him in a dress, too. Oh, and Mannfred disguised in a box...."
  1362. ".........It looks JUST like this box!"
  1363. Elly: "!"
  1364. Nocebo: what
  1365. how powerful is this maid?
  1366. Mannfred: Quietly, from inside the box: "Dammit!"
  1367. Mammon: "...................................."
  1368. Mannfred: "I knew the box was a bad idea!"
  1369. Elly: "I'm sure there's uhm, a very, uh... good explanation for this..."
  1371. Elly is sweating profusely.
  1372. Nocebo: we need a ninja to provide it
  1373. or steal the box.
  1374. Yakiba: This seems like a Smoke Bomb and Get Out situation.
  1375. And of course taking the box with them.
  1376. 13 Dex vs Chase
  1377. _diiiiiice_
  1378. Martial Artist: -2, so 11
  1379. 19
  1380. Yakiba: DIIIIIIIIICE
  1381. Mannfred: it didn't have to be this way
  1382. Martial Artist: Crit failure, Chase to 6
  1383. The martial artist catches the smoke bomb!
  1384. Elly: Elly was about to scream "CHEESE IT" but covers her mouth when she sees the bomb caught.
  1385. Martial Artist: Protip, it might be easier to try and get progress to 10 rather than lower chase
  1386. "Now I'm definitely opening this box!!!"
  1387. Yakiba: Well, considering I haven't been successful at either yet...
  1388. Nocebo: (that roll would have been unsuccessful either way, but can Progress go down?)
  1389. Martial Artist: nope
  1390. Mammon: Mammon quickly--very quickly--flashes his wallet. "We're with the FBI (Federal Bureau of Immorality), okay? This package is an important witness, and YOU'RE obstructing our investigation!"
  1391. 20 Dex to progress.
  1392. Martial Artist: Crit success!
  1393. They have no choice but to comply with the investigation, but their suspicions remain!
  1394. Nocebo: flashing it so fast that nobody can see the contents, I see, I see...
  1396. Elly might be quietly hiding behind Mammon because... her resolve is shot tbh
  1397. Nocebo: clearly we need a ride to get to town though...
  1398. well, technically we're in town, but outskirts
  1399. ugh.
  1400. Let's steal a car.
  1401. Or a tank
  1402. Or a UFO
  1403. Martial Artist: I should also remind you than you can use ur valor
  1404. Nocebo: 16 Yeah, yeah, let's find some wheels to jack.
  1405. Or treads, something that can get us some Progress!
  1406. Martial Artist: With that score, you can score an old, beaten-up jeep.
  1407. and raise progress to 6
  1408. Nocebo: What do I get if I overdrive?
  1409. Martial Artist: 6
  1410. A tank.
  1411. Nocebo: YES
  1412. Martial Artist: And progress to 7
  1413. Mammon: "Inconspicuous."
  1415. Nocebo hotwires a tank and drives it up to the others.
  1416. Mannfred: "Can we even fit all of us in there?"
  1417. "More importantly, can we fit me in there?"
  1418. Martial Artist: This is the Netherworld, tanks are about as common as Hummers in oours.
  1419. Nocebo: "We strap the box behind the turret, Mammon take's the loader seat, Yakiba the gunner, and Elly get's the commander's cupola."
  1420. Mannfred: "That seems like the absolute possible place to put an unsecured package."
  1421. Yakiba: "What about you?"
  1422. Mannfred: "But I'm just a box! So what do I know?"
  1424. Nocebo revs the engine.
  1425. Mannfred: *absolute worst
  1426. Nocebo: ((Behind the turret is where real tank crews sleep.)
  1427. "If the box has any suggestion..."
  1428. Mannfred: "I suggest that we get some directions." Mannfred pulls up the GPS app on his phone and tries to find a good, slightly less lethal than usual route to Rosenqueen HQ 18 Int to make Progress
  1429. Nocebo: BEEP BEEP, remember to use your blinkers.
  1430. Martial Artist: Progress is now to 8!
  1431. Valkyrie: "Excuse me!" There's a roadblock ahead.
  1432. "Have to check for any suspicious troublemakers or packages."
  1433. 19 to increase Chase, somebody oppose at -2
  1434. wow
  1435. Nocebo: Mammon, blow the Valkyrie off.
  1436. and by blow off, I mean blow up with the gun.
  1437. (not that we can beat that...)
  1438. Mammon: Is that our play?
  1439. I'll do it.
  1440. ...Nah, the lack of any chance to succeed kinda ruins it.
  1441. Elly: Elly tries the trick that Mammon made, conjuring up some face passports and trying to pass them off to the Valkyrie. 16
  1442. Valkyrie: so close
  1443. "Heeeeey...."
  1444. Elly: "CHEESE IT!!"
  1445. Valkyrie: But your tank is already rolling
  1446. Elly's turn
  1447. Elly: In the commander's copula, Elly finds an instructor's manual for the tank. She's going to flip through it and sees a heading that says "overdrive." Apparently it was one of the switches... ahh... there! (Hopefully?) 11
  1448. ...that might have been the a/c
  1449. Nocebo: the AC is now on Overdrive.
  1450. Valkyrie: It is.
  1451. Nocebo: Everyone in the tank is freezing.
  1452. Elly: ...
  1453. "I think its better this way."
  1454. Yakiba: "I have an idea. If I freeze the road in front of us, we can gain speed from sliding on the ice! I just need to reroute the air conditioning into the turret, but I read the manual while everyone else was taking their turn so all I have to do is move the wires."
  1455. 16 Dex vs Progress
  1456. Valkyrie: Progress to 9!
  1457. Unless you wanted to overdrive
  1458. Yakiba: LET'S DO IT
  1459. Nocebo: "Oh jeez, this thing is hard to control!"
  1460. Valkyrie: WOOOOOOOOOO
  1461. Nocebo: "I think we're gonna skid right through that wall-
  1462. Mannfred: "Guys? Guys, what's going on out there?!"
  1464. Yakiba: "Everyone out of the tank now, go go go go"
  1466. Nocebo drops the tank into park and squeezes out of her personal hatch.
  1468. Mannfred springs out of the box like the world's worst birthday surprise
  1469. Narrator: howEVER
  1470. as you all pile out
  1471. Mammon: "That was a perfectly good talking box."
  1472. Narrator: there seems to be one figure in the way
  1473. A hobo, by the looks of it.
  1474. Sleeping in torn robes on the pavement.
  1475. A hat over her face.
  1476. Warden's Hat: "Oh, it's you guys again."
  1477. Carolina: "Nnnnn?"
  1478. Blink, blink.
  1479. Mammon: "Oh, hell."
  1480. Nocebo: "Hey, you're not dead!"
  1481. Mannfred: "Yknow, we'd really love to sit back and reminisce, but we're kind of in the middle of something here."
  1482. Carolina: "It's... you!"
  1483. "YOU JERKS!"
  1485. Yakiba: "You didn't deserve your job."
  1486. Elly: "Oh! Hello Warden's Hat!"
  1487. "...former Warden's Hat?"
  1488. Warden's Hat: "'lo."
  1489. Carolina: "I am going to murder you....!"
  1490. ".....Or...."
  1491. Nocebo: "Find a new job."
  1492. Carolina: "What's even the point?"
  1493. "It won't get me my job back, will it?"
  1494. She sighs heavily.
  1495. Elly: "You can join us, maybe?"
  1496. ?????: "No, but it could net you ten trillion HL."
  1497. Carolina: "Say what?"
  1498. Zombianca: "Yup."
  1500. Mannfred buries his head in his hands
  1501. Zombianca: "Such an amazing number, isn't it?"
  1502. Mannfred: "It can't be easy. I should've known, noting can ever be that easy!"
  1503. Zombianca: "You might be competing for it, though."
  1504. Mammon: "Oh, look, it's the cause of all disease and misfortune in the Netherworld."
  1505. Yakiba: "I was expecting you to be the... wait, no, I just realized why that wouldn't make sense."
  1506. Nocebo: "What would you even spend that much on? It's too big a number, it has to be a lie."
  1507. Martial Artist: "WE'RE HERE!"
  1508. Mammon: "What brought you slithering out of your sludge pit?"
  1509. Valkyrie: "I WANT THAT MONEY!"
  1510. Wrestler: "YEEEEAH JABRONI!"
  1511. Yakiba: "Although given that you're the cause of all disease and misfortune it would have made sense for you to be disguised as a hobo."
  1512. BF: (oh my god I love Wrestler)
  1513. Zombianca: "I'm just doing my new job, that's all."
  1514. "I'm the Netherworld's Greatest Maid...."
  1515. "Now serving OverCEO Zep Courson."
  1516. "That's all."
  1517. Mammon: "Mannfred, your boss is pond scum."
  1518. "Just so we're clear."
  1519. Mannfred: "I've been coming to that realization, yes."
  1520. Mammon: "At any rate!"
  1521. Mannfred: "If nothing else, at least his motivations are pretty cut-and-dry."
  1522. Mammon: "Why don't you all go home? As of now, I am forced to declare that nobody's getting rich off Mannfred except me!"
  1523. "Mammon, the Netherworld's Most Competitve Mercenary!"
  1524. Mannfred: "I'm not sure if I should be flattered or insulted."
  1525. Zombianca: "Oh, look at this. Mammon has a price on his head, too."
  1526. Frowns. "Although... it is far lower than Mannfred's."
  1527. "Really, not even worth it."
  1528. "Fifty HL?"
  1529. Mammon: Mammon freezes.
  1530. Nocebo: "Okay, let's get it over with."
  1532. Mannfred snickers and doesn't even try to hide it
  1533. Zombianca: She tsks.
  1534. Mammon: Then closes his eyes and talks to himself in a low, soothing voice.
  1535. Nocebo: "How much are you going to pay for Elly and me, hmm?"
  1536. Elly: "You're not going to impress her with that low bounty, Mammon..."
  1537. Carolina: "Hey, fifty is fifty. I'll take it if nobody else will!"
  1538. Mammon: "She's making it up, she's making it up, she's trying to get into your head, she's making it up..."
  1539. Mannfred: "I just checked the bounty listings, she's not making it up."
  1541. Mannfred didn't check a single thing
  1542. Mammon: "Mannfred."
  1543. "Once we kill all of these people, I'm turning you in."
  1544. "Probably dead."
  1545. Carolina: "I'm not sure you can, if you have a bounty on your own head."
  1546. Zombianca: "Even if it's only 50 HL."
  1547. Sgt. Prinny: "That's pretty sad, dood."
  1549. Nocebo: UUUUGH
  1551. Zombianca gives a knowing smile.
  1552. Nocebo: "Enough of this."
  1553. "Let's just get the fight over with."
  1554. Yakiba: "You just don't want competition for your superlativity gimmick, do you?"
  1555. Nocebo: "We all know that's what happens next so..."
  1557. Elly is busy writing suggestive fiction, she's good.
  1558. Warden's Hat: "Yeah, just roll initiative already!"
  1559. Yakiba: 21
  1560. Mammon: 20, fueled by rage!
  1561. Mannfred: 16
  1562. Elly: 20
  1563. Carolina: Elly, Mammon, rol la straight d10
  1564. Nocebo: 10
  1565. wow
  1566. Carolina: 21
  1567. Elly: 9
  1568. Zombianca: 23
  1569. Sgt. Prinny: 14
  1570. jesus christ carolina and zombianca chill
  1571. Nocebo: they are thirsty.
  1572. ...but Elly is Doc's!
  1573. Mammon: 2
  1574. Yakiba: Zombianca acted pretty chill... so what's the real her like?
  1575. Mammon: Yeah I didn't think so.
  1576. Mannfred: they're thirsty of dosh
  1577. Zombianca: Zombianca starts off!
  1578. "Let's start the cleaning."
  1579. "Censorship!"
  1580. Dexterity weaken as she throws "E" rating stickers at Mammon, Mannfred, and Nocebo
  1581. Dex vs
  1582. 14 Mammon
  1583. Zombianca: 19 Mannfred
  1584. 16 Nocebo
  1585. Nocebo: 19 E?
  1586. NO thanks!
  1587. Mannfred: 18 Aura sub
  1588. Mammon: 12 Dex
  1589. "SON OF A BISCUIT"
  1590. Zombianca: A sub means you're defending at -1 for a weaken
  1591. Mannfred and Mammon are now rated E, for Everyone!
  1592. And also get -1 to attack.
  1593. Elly: It would have required Nocebo to wear a lex sexy outfit ;x
  1594. ...less
  1595. Mannfred: "Okay, I'll concede that this isn't as bad as last time."
  1596. "I still have my face for one thing."
  1597. Zombianca: "And then let's organize."
  1598. She sections herself off with "CLEANING IN PROGRESS" tape.
  1600. Zombianca: +1 valor for being censored v well
  1601. Yakiba: "Fine, I have my opponent."
  1602. "You very clearly didn't forget about me..."
  1604. Carolina draws her scythe.
  1605. Yakiba: "Relive your memory...!" 13 Muscle vs Carolina
  1606. Carolina: Dex sub! 17
  1607. WHACK as she blocks with her scythe
  1608. Nocebo: dang, she's been leveling up.
  1609. Elly: Being a hobo requires more work than being a warden apparently
  1610. Yakiba: "Haaa... this will be harder than I thought. Your joblessness has tempered you..."
  1611. Carolina: "Because of you, I've had to leave the comfort of my office slash bedroom!"
  1612. "Of course it's tempered me!"
  1613. Yakiba: His legs slide around, never ceasing, so that at any time he can slip out of the way of an attack...
  1614. (that's a Slip Stance)
  1615. (and the end of the turn, Carolina go)
  1616. Carolina: "My Hat, siphon his stance!"
  1617. Warden's Hat: "This sounds very fishy but okay."
  1618. Yakiba: An Effect Capture? She really is getting better.
  1619. Warden's Hat: Roll Aura or Intuition! 21
  1620. ...............
  1621. Elly: Daaang
  1622. Yakiba: Or don't since I can't win that roll
  1623. Elly: hobo life has been good for her
  1625. Carolina takes on his Slip Stance
  1626. Yakiba: Friction resumes.
  1627. Carolina: "Now let me show you... my upgraded Fire spell!"
  1628. Valkyrie: "WHOA HELL"
  1629. Carolina: Aura attacks!
  1630. 21 vs Yakiba
  1631. 12 vs the prinny
  1632. 12 vs Mammon
  1633. 16 vs Mannfred
  1634. 20 vs Nocebo
  1635. Yakiba: 11 Muscle sub since I can't win
  1637. Carolina: that is, in fact, a crit
  1638. Mannfred: "Nope! Nope nope nope nope nope!" 16
  1639. Carolina: and a hit on Mannfred
  1640. Mannfred: so close
  1641. Nocebo: 12 resolve sub
  1642. NOT A CRIT.
  1643. Mammon: 12 21 Dex both.
  1644. Wow.
  1645. Wow.
  1646. Mannfred: why is it like this
  1647. what have we done to offend the RNG
  1648. Carolina: 105 to Yakiba
  1649. 46 to Nocebo
  1650. The prinny dies
  1651. 36 to Mannfred
  1652. Mammon: Oh well.
  1653. Prinny blocks.
  1654. Oh I thought the attack that hit was on Mammon but you know. Same exact result.
  1655. Carolina: EXACTLY half of Yakiba's health
  1656. Yakiba: (It's true, his max is 210)
  1657. (however, ow)
  1658. Carolina: "I've gotten better."
  1659. Elly's turn!
  1660. Elly: "Umm..."
  1661. "Are... you guys okay?"
  1662. Yakiba: "I'm not"
  1663. Mannfred: "Is... is that really the question you should be asking right now?!"
  1664. "I mean of course you don't care if I'm okay, but it should be pretty plain to see!"
  1665. Elly: "Yes... I can attack, but now I'm wondering if I should heal..."
  1666. Nocebo: "Attack before the scrubs get a chance to attack!"
  1667. "I can handle the healing on the back-end of the turn."
  1668. Archer: "Okay, that was very hurtful."
  1670. Elly n-nods...
  1671. Archer: "You hurt my feelings...."
  1672. Yakiba: "Well, tough, this Netherworld only has room for one non-scrub archer."
  1673. Elly: Elly takes a few steps toward the direction of the scrubs. (Move 1, Steps: 6)
  1674. Yakiba: (Somewhere, Count Whateverone has a fit. Although maybe she's out of the Netherworld by now.)
  1675. Elly: She'll them summon a spectral book up in the air, acting as her refraction point
  1676. "Sorry, but we can't be having you attack us!!"
  1677. Archer: you know that the range of a technique is refracted too right
  1678. Elly: Is it?
  1679. Nocebo: she didn't.
  1680. Archer: It is.
  1681. It's completely cast again from the refraction point (with the exception of multiple targets)
  1682. :|b
  1683. Nocebo: yeah, AOE those dudes!
  1684. Elly: 15 Prinny, 18 Valkyrie, 17 Wrestler, 12 Matrial Artist, 19 Imp
  1685. Archer: In order
  1686. 14
  1687. 17
  1688. 14
  1689. 16
  1690. 14
  1691. Archer: The MA survives, the rest ALL DIE
  1692. Elly: Elly brushes off her blouse
  1693. Martial Artist: "No....!"
  1694. "WRESTLER!!!"
  1695. "...And some other guys."
  1696. Elly: And immediately pulls a Mannfred!!
  1697. (Move 2, Steps: 8)
  1699. Mannfred feels vaguely insulted, and he's not sure why
  1700. Zombianca: It's Mammon's turn. What he gunna do?
  1701. Mammon: FIRST, reviving that Prinny.
  1702. "You miss your friend?"
  1703. Addressing the Martial Artist.
  1704. Martial Artist: "Of course I do! We've worked together for six-hundred years!"
  1705. Mammon: "Well then, hold still."
  1706. Martial Artist: "I'll make you pay!"
  1707. Mammon: 17 Dex against her with Shots Fired!
  1708. Martial Artist: 14!!!!!
  1709. Mammon: Also, 20 against the Archer!
  1710. Martial Artist: nope
  1711. archer can't even win but 12
  1712. Mammon: And 15 against that BRITCH MAID
  1713. Martial Artist: Gotta roll core first
  1714. Mammon: Right, barriers.
  1715. Uhhh 8
  1716. Zombianca: 14 barrier core
  1717. The barrier stops his guns, but is shredded in the process.
  1719. Mammon points to his eyes
  1721. Mammon points to Zombianca
  1722. Elly: "He's got his eyes on you~~"
  1723. Zombianca: "I am. So frightened."
  1724. "Truly."
  1725. Yakiba: "I recommend now giving her thumbs down, or saying something about a tribe."
  1727. Elly has her the next title for the next chapter.
  1728. Zombianca: "Oh, an intern."
  1729. Nocebo: "maybe some slightly-less tired memes? Just as a thought."
  1730. Yakiba: "Oh, only one of those is a meme."
  1731. Carolina: "Memes? What do you think this is, a Nippon-Ichi Software game?"
  1732. "Get your dialogue game up."
  1733. Mannfred: "Okay, I was going to say something cool, but then you all had go go and ruin it." Blastin Zombianca real good 20
  1734. "The things I have to put up with."
  1735. Zombianca: 16
  1736. YUP
  1737. Movin' her where?
  1738. Mannfred: would it be cool if I threw her into the tank?
  1739. Zombianca: yes
  1740. 62 damage!
  1741. "OW."
  1742. Mannfred: aaaand making a speedy escape
  1743. Nocebo: gaaah
  1744. this is so lame, why you gotta move back man.
  1745. Yakiba: I'm really the only significantly injured one at this time...
  1747. Mannfred gotta do what Mannfred do
  1748. Nocebo: Yes, I see that.
  1749. Okay, here's what doc's gonna do.
  1750. First, she'll drop her heal, since she actually can reach both Mannfred and Yakiba from here without moving.
  1751. so they each get 50 HP restored.
  1752. Then she moves to there...And drops some nasty stuff of Zombanica's head. An Iodine solution that will stain her white maid outfit. :D 13
  1753. "Enjoy being PURPLE!"
  1754. Zombianca: 15
  1755. Step aside.
  1756. Nocebo: curses!
  1757. Mammon: "Nice attack. Devastating."
  1758. Zombianca: New round! +1 Valor!
  1759. Elly: "It was a good try..."
  1760. Zombianca: "Hey. Mammon...."
  1761. "There's something I want you to know."
  1762. Mammon: "Yeah?"
  1763. Elly: "Yes yes?"
  1764. Zombianca: "Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better."
  1765. She pulls out a pair of pistols.
  1766. "Shots Fired!"
  1767. Nocebo: "Oh snap."
  1768. Elly: "!!!"
  1770. ...
  1772. Elly: *"I said that out loud, didn't I..."
  1773. Nocebo: "How many chapters..."
  1774. Zombianca: Dex attacks;
  1775. 17 vs Nocebo
  1776. 19 vs Mammon
  1777. 21 vs Prinny 1
  1778. 20 vs Yakiba
  1779. Mammon: "AND LET ME TALK NORMAL"
  1780. Mannfred: "For what it's worth, I don't really care."
  1781. Nocebo: 14
  1782. Yakiba: 11 Still can't win but at least this one can't crit
  1783. it's just as well that the dice act like this
  1784. Mammon: 16 and the Prinny is guaranteed hit anyway.
  1785. However, he's adjacent to two of them, so they both are.
  1786. "You thought I wouldn't have a backup meatshield?"
  1787. "So much for being prepared."
  1788. Zombianca: 49 to Yakiba
  1789. 52 to Nocebo
  1790. Nocebo: heh, well, this is what it means to be the tank...
  1791. Zombianca: "Not a bad technique. I might keep it."
  1792. "Time to clean up another mess." She gestures, and both of Mannfred's interns are swept up with a giant broom.
  1793. Mammon: "Looking at your originals, I can't blame you."
  1794. Zombianca: 15 vs top intern
  1795. 20 vs bottom intern
  1796. oppose with resolve, aura, or intuition, Mannfred
  1797. Mannfred: 15Top 13 Bottom
  1798. goddamn
  1799. Zombianca: They are both le gone.
  1800. "This is what it means to be a maid."
  1801. "Able to clean anything."
  1802. "Able to perform any task."
  1803. Mannfred: "Able to have absolutely no appreciation for my hard work!"
  1804. "Do you know how much of a pain it is to set those fools up on the regular?!"
  1805. Zombianca: "Your interns should have chosen a better internship."
  1806. Yakiba: There's a... slight chuckle?
  1807. "You had no way of knowing, but I have a tool for this exact situation!" His knife attack was created with lethal accuracy in mind, and that's exactly what he needs right now! 17 Dexterity vs Carolina
  1808. Carolina: Bringing her scythe to bear again. 14 dex
  1809. Hit!
  1810. 42 damage!
  1811. Nocebo: wow he go far.
  1812. Yakiba: That attack also has Dash and he has 7 Move.
  1813. Mannfred: gotta go fast
  1814. Yakiba: He's going to borrow some more features from the tank, getting evasive again because his buff got stole... but what else did he do?
  1815. Carolina: Slip Stance?
  1816. Yakiba: That was one of the things, yes
  1817. Carolina: ?
  1818. Yakiba: whispering that for the surprise
  1819. Carolina: "Are you guys ready for MORE fire?"
  1820. "I'll let you see my new Giga fire then!"
  1821. A ring of fire sweeps around her.
  1822. Aura attacks!
  1823. 18 vs Nocebo
  1824. 16 vs Yakiba
  1825. Yakiba: 22 Dex sub
  1827. Nocebo sacrastically "I LOVE fire!"
  1828. Nocebo: [[d10+11] resolve sub come on...
  1829. 20
  1830. Carolina: "Well, then prepare for THIS one...!"
  1831. She raises a hand, and...
  1832. ..........
  1833. "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
  1834. Nocebo: ...
  1835. "I can write a prescription for that but I won't bother."
  1836. Yakiba: " leave yourself far too open."
  1837. Carolina: (I love compulsion)
  1838. Elly: "Nocebo, are you okay??"
  1839. Nocebo: "I'm a little singed, but I'll be fine!"
  1840. Elly: "Mmm..."
  1841. Undaunted, Elly runs up to Nocebo and Mannfred, drawing on the refraction point and motioning it to move closer to her.
  1842. She then pulls out her book and starts to write... and then read aloud...
  1843. "Nocebo and Yakiba found themselves caught in a precarious situation. And for what? Why, none other than-- their love for tanks!! Unified in this common resolve, they know that the homeless bum attached to Warden's Hat and Mammon's sort-of-girlfriend can never understand this burning passion within their hearts!! And that gives them renewed resolution to fight!!"
  1844. Heals on Nocebo and Yakiba~
  1845. Mammon: "FIRST OF ALL"
  1846. Carolina: +1 valor
  1847. Mammon: "...NO, I DON'T KNOW WHERE TO START"
  1848. Nocebo: "I do like tanks...I thought about going full-professor for a while you know!"
  1849. Elly: End turn!
  1850. Mammon: Rezzing Prinnies!
  1851. And time to get up close and personal with Zombianca.
  1852. "Eat shot and go to the Shadow Realm!"
  1853. "...I hate you."
  1854. 15 shogun blast with Flank Attack!
  1855. WHY
  1856. Yakiba: Because you're E-rated?
  1858. Zombianca: 17 dex
  1859. Mammon: OVERDRIVE
  1860. Yakiba: Either way the shogun must be pretty confused right now
  1861. Zombianca: Counteroverdrive
  1862. Mammon: "Hold still!"
  1863. Zombianca: "I think... not!"
  1864. Mannfred: "Alright, this is becoming a nuisance." Mannfred reaches up and tries to tear the E rating off of him, sending it flying back to Zombianca 19 to Effect Capture dat weaken
  1865. Zombianca: 12
  1866. Nocebo: suddenly
  1867. Mammon: "WHY CAN YOU HIT HER"
  1868. Zombianca: "Oh, fudge."
  1869. Nocebo: she is wearing a floor-length skirt.
  1870. Mannfred: "I can think of a few reasons. Do you want the whole list?"
  1871. Mammon: "SUCK MY DRINK"
  1872. Mannfred: "Sorry, not thirsty."
  1873. And then he hides behind the pillar like a big ol coward
  1874. Yakiba: "You think that's bad, you haven't seen what they do to undead in Nether-China."
  1875. Zombianca: Is Mannfred doing anything else?
  1876. Mannfred: nope, that was kinda his whole turn
  1877. two supports and a move
  1878. Nocebo: okay then
  1879. Let's start by giving Zombanica the stinkeye. "Hey you. What is the Fifth Cranial Nerve's name?"
  1880. "If you can't answer even a basic question like that, how are you gonna be my teaching dummy for autopsies?"
  1881. Intimidate 20
  1882. Actually
  1883. She can intimidate both the enemies, can't she?
  1884. Zombianca: Actually?
  1885. Yes.
  1886. Nocebo: 17 Let's see if the Ex-Warden is a bit freaked out by this as well.
  1887. Zombianca: 20 impossible for Zombianca to win wow
  1888. 17 for Carolina
  1889. WOW.
  1890. Nocebo: muhahaha
  1891. Not done yet though.
  1893. Nocebo will charge forward... and draw back her hand for a strike!
  1894. Nocebo: "Tai-dai-kai-Strike! True Surgery Technique!" 14
  1895. Zombianca: 19
  1896. Nocebo: Overdrive!
  1897. Zombianca: ...Nope.
  1898. ...Yup.
  1899. 80 damage
  1900. Nocebo: "Huh...Huhh... You cannot hope to evade my strikes."
  1901. Zombianca: New round, +1 valor!
  1902. "You say that...."
  1903. "........."
  1904. Beep. Beep. The alarm on her phone is going off.
  1905. "Ah, I'm running late."
  1906. Mammon: "DON'T YOU DARE"
  1907. Zombianca: "I guess that means I should wrap this up."
  1908. She looks a little more serious now.
  1909. Uncorks a bottle. "Cleanse!" SPLASHES IT ALL OVER.
  1910. It's holy water!
  1911. Aura attacks
  1912. 14 vs Mammon
  1913. Zombianca: 18 vs Prinny 1
  1914. 13 vs Prinny 2
  1915. 19 vs Nocebo
  1916. Mammon: 20 16 15 Dex all.
  1917. Zombianca: Nocebo?
  1918. Elly: She's half-angel, surely...
  1919. Nocebo: oh right.
  1920. 14 Aura defense.
  1921. HAHA no
  1922. she gets burned extra hard actually.
  1923. Zombianca: 56 damage
  1924. Yakiba: "But that's hardly my only new trick. Ever seen a tank jump before?"
  1925. This is still adressed at Carolina.
  1926. "Watch." 17 Muscle vs Carolina
  1927. While he grabs at her with his right hand, his left goes for a small remote he'd prepared on his back, causing their ride to be launched into the air probably right on top of her.
  1928. Carolina: 17 welp
  1930. wait actually I forgot Slip Stance
  1931. so
  1932. 18
  1933. Yakiba: Overdrive
  1934. Carolina: SO CLOSE YET SO FA- welp
  1935. Yakiba: It gets launched so hard it then bounces back to its original position, because that's clearly how physics work.
  1936. Carolina: 93 damage!
  1937. Yakiba: "You just got up on the wrong side of the bed."
  1938. "Oh, wait - there's no right side."
  1939. Carolina: "That is... a really rude way.... to wake somebody up...."
  1940. Elly: Stonetoned: "ooooooh"
  1941. Carolina: Anything else this round?
  1942. Yakiba: Yes, let's stand up and move... this way. In one action since Rolling Recover.
  1943. aaand I have a spare support action so why not, Recharging my stance
  1944. Carolina: From the ground. "Ow..... I kind of wanna just keep lying here and nap...."
  1945. "But I guess I shouldn't."
  1946. Elly: "But you could."
  1947. Carolina: Move action to remove prone, support to remove shaken.
  1948. "All right, I've been leveling up. So it should come to no surprise...."
  1949. "That I know this one."
  1950. "Tryyyyyyy not to wet yourself."
  1951. "OMEGA FIRE!"
  1952. Elly: "..."
  1954. Mannfred is suddenly really glad that he's waaaaaay over there
  1955. Nocebo: HOT HOT HOT.
  1956. Carolina: A giant dragon appears in the sky, everybody is suddenly on a floating platform.
  1957. The giant dragon completely incinerates said platform.
  1958. Elly: Tries to protect anything flammable on her person. Which is pretty much everything.
  1959. Carolina: and everybody is back. IN A SWIRL OF FLAMES.
  1960. Aura attacks
  1961. 19 vs Yakiba
  1962. 19 vs Nocebo
  1963. 17 vs Mammon
  1964. 19 vs Prinny
  1965. Carolina: 15 vs Elly
  1966. Elly: 14 aura
  1967. Yakiba: 22 Muscle sub
  1968. Nocebo: 17 aura def
  1969. Mammon: 16 14 Dex
  1970. Elly: ...:c
  1971. Mammon: Well that went poorly.
  1972. Nocebo: :c indeed.
  1973. Yakiba: "Oh, your spell didn't work on me. Too bad there's nothing stronger than Omega, isn't it?"
  1974. Elly: "uhh..."
  1975. Carolina: 12 damage to Yakiba
  1976. 95 to Elly
  1977. 91 to Nocebo
  1978. 97 to Mammon
  1979. the prinny ded
  1980. Mammon: "Tera? Peta? Are we up to Zeta?"
  1981. Carolina: "Yeah there'
  1982. "there's actually two more levels I think."
  1983. Yakiba: "And yet the name clearly implies it's the last."
  1984. Nocebo: "I would like to get off the pain train now."
  1985. Carolina: "I imagine I'll be picking those up for my level 10 and 15 ultimates."
  1987. Elly frantically throws out all of her valuable things on fire and is desperately trying everything she can think of to put them out.
  1988. Yakiba: "At least we narrowly managed to avoid a cameo we can't afford."
  1989. Elly: She ends up deciding to roll on everything using her body.
  1990. Mannfred: "It's funny how you think you'll even get that far."
  1991. Elly: Oh right, her move.
  1992. She regathers her singed stuff and puts them back in her pockets.
  1993. She then takes a few steps too...
  1994. She then shuffles into her sleeves and pops out--! An eraser!!
  1995. wait, scratch that
  1996. Carolina: "I think by numbers, we're actually winning?"
  1997. "So."
  1998. Elly: Instead, she'll pull out her book. "Neither hail, nor wind, nor demon fire will be enough to put out Nocebo and Mammon's spirits...!"
  1999. "...but boy did that really hurt..."
  2000. (Heal on Mammon and Nocebo)
  2001. Nocebo: "Trust me, I've got a plan."
  2002. Elly: She'll then pop out some back ink pens and tosses them at not Warden's Hat 18 and Mammon's maybe-girlfriend 16
  2003. Nocebo: I thought you were friends with Carolina's Hat!
  2004. Carolina: 13
  2005. Elly: (not Warden's Hat)
  2006. Carolina: The hat dies, it was actually a flunky
  2007. Zombianca: 13
  2008. wow
  2009. Elly: (she was tossing them to Carolina xD)
  2010. Yakiba: It got demoted from Attack Node? Wow.
  2011. Mammon: "Everyone can hit her but me."
  2012. "What did I do to deserve this?"
  2013. Elly: "Its destiny."
  2014. Yakiba: "Actually, we don't know that since I haven't attacked her yet."
  2015. Zombianca: 37 to Carolina, 41 to Zombianca
  2016. Nocebo: kill the healer
  2017. Elly: aaand I have a few more steps to bring heeer...
  2018. Zombianca: and 13 and 14 per round
  2019. Yakiba: "The degree of mistake required to do that isn't within tolerance, though, so I probably would."
  2020. Elly: Here
  2021. End turn
  2022. Nocebo: oh wait, that's not healing
  2023. Yakiba: *miss/be dodged/otherwise not have an attack land
  2024. Nocebo: Zombianca just has more health than I thought.
  2025. Zombianca: Zombianca did in fact heal
  2026. when she transformed
  2027. Mammon: REZZING PRINNIES
  2028. AGAIN
  2029. And shots fired at...
  2030. --Wait is he still censored?
  2031. Zombianca: Yup.
  2032. Mammon: Dang.
  2033. OKAY
  2034. Zombianca: Until the end of his turn.
  2035. Mammon: 19 the witch and 17 the maid
  2036. Zombianca: see
  2037. Mammon: Er, 18 on that second one.
  2038. Flank attack.
  2039. Zombianca: 20
  2040. Carolina: 14
  2042. Mammon screams internally
  2044. Mammon also, externally.
  2045. Elly: "DESTINY."
  2046. Carolina: 52 damage to Carolina, though!
  2048. Mannfred isn't feeling all that creative this time around, so he'll just go ahead and give Carolina a quick blast. 13
  2049. Nocebo: see you need to keep your creativity high.
  2050. Carolina: 19
  2051. Mannfred: that's asking way too much of Mannfred
  2052. Carolina: DeNIED
  2053. Mannfred: WELP that's the turn
  2054. not a whole lot he can do from here
  2055. Nocebo: useless idiot!
  2056. "It looks like we're in a tough spot... but thankfully..."
  2057. "YOU GET A HEAL!
  2058. And You Get a Heal!
  2059. Carolina: also mammon's censor is gone now
  2060. Nocebo: EVERYBODY GETS A HEAL!"
  2061. Healing all three of the other damaged people in the thick of it, because hell, she's got the technique that can do that.
  2062. Elly: Chicken soup for the demon's soul
  2063. It comes with three drumsticks and a fire-breathing beak
  2064. Nocebo: The Purposeless but Driven Life.
  2065. Elly: the healers are getting a real workout this fight, huh
  2066. Nocebo: And also...."So tell me miss you suffer from Narcolepsy, or just revel in it?"
  2067. "Your condition is obviously having a negative effect on your ability to fight..."
  2068. Carolina: "I... what?"
  2069. "It most certainly does not affect my fighting!"
  2070. Warden's Hat: "Yeah it does."
  2071. Yakiba: "You missed me at point-blank range, of course it does."
  2072. "I had to wake you up by dropping this tank on your head, remember?"
  2073. Elly: "Her spells really hurt."
  2074. Nocebo: "But she can scarcely aim, and her dodge is, let's face it, kinda sad compared to some people..."
  2075. Carolina: "Yeah, well, at least I have more health than everybody on your team!"
  2076. Elly: "Actually, I think that's her."
  2077. She points to Zombianca
  2078. Carolina: "...Maximum, not current."
  2079. Zombianca: "Yeah, I'm tied with your doctor."
  2080. Nocebo: "Well...wait, seriously?"
  2081. Mammon: "Transformations don't count!"
  2082. Zombianca: "I've just been hit less, since this guy keeps missing me." Points directly in Mammon's face.
  2083. Nocebo: "anyways, that's immaterial, the point is, you're suffering and you need to get treatment for your condition before you fall asleep and loose again."
  2084. Mammon: "SOON."
  2085. Carolina: "zzzzzzzzzzzzz"
  2086. Nocebo: yep, debuff went through
  2087. bored her to death by telling her to get treatment for her obvious medical condition.
  2088. I'll shift over to there, and end the turn.
  2089. Narrator: FACED WITH, uh, overwhelming? ODDS
  2090. CAN OUR, uh, heroes? SAVE THE DAY?
  2093. to be continued
  2094. Mammon: "WAIT ONE SECOND"
  2095. "Ahem."
  2096. Yakiba: (spanish guitar noises)
  2098. Zombianca: "Still haven't hit me."
  2099. Nocebo: "Did that sound like Majel Roddenburry to anyone else?"
  2100. Elly: "THAT'S THE BOOK TITLE!!"
  2102. Mannfred claps, and it's not 100% clear if he's being sincere or not
  2103. Yakiba: "Which one? Honestly I think either could work"
  2104. Elly: "Yes."
  2105. Nocebo: "I think the big explitive might need a little polish, but it might be a best-seller."
  2106. Shika (GM): Anyway, sorry it ran so late
  2107. Mannfred: it's cool, I think we were all starting to run out of steam towards the end
  2108. Yakiba: Four hours is a long time
  2109. Shika (GM): Well, three hours amd 45 minutes
  2110. technically
  2111. since we started late
  2112. Mannfred: technically
  2113. Shika (GM): your face is technically
  2114. Nocebo: hopefully
  2115. we can finish quick next week
  2116. and move on to the inside fight?
  2117. Elly: I think so, this is a round or so left I figure
  2118. unless we get really bad rolls
  2119. Yakiba: yeah that sounds about right
  2120. Mannfred: what do you mean, "unless"?
  2121. Shika (GM): that's what you think
  2122. little do you realize
  2123. the thing that's keeping YOU all alive
  2124. is something they both have
  2125. Yakiba: that's true though there's like no way no one is going to get a really bad roll
  2126. Shika (GM): (they can both heal in other words)
  2127. Mannfred: we exhausted most of our terrible luck in the box chase, so we should be in the clear
  2128. Nocebo: HAHAHAHA
  2129. Yakiba: uhhhhh
  2130. Nocebo: Murphy has been invoked.
  2131. we're all gonna die.
  2132. Shika (GM): so gud luck
  2133. Yakiba: did you not see the two nat-1 dodges in a row towards the beginning of the fight
  2134. Elly: dang
  2135. Yakiba: one of which may I remind you crit because he was prone at the time
  2136. Mannfred: much like Mannfred, I only see what I want to see
  2137. Yakiba: much like mannfred, you are frequently confronted with things you don't want to see but that you have to anyway
  2138. Shika (GM): anyway I'll catch y'all next week, same bat time same bat channel etc
  2139. Mannfred: seeya!
  2140. Mammon: Later.
  2141. Shika (GM): o7
  2142. Yakiba: i'm gonna give turning this water heater on one more stab, probably fail, say "eh forget it" and go to bed
  2143. Elly: night night~
  2144. Vehrec: we do The Thing.
  2145. Awe: Oh, right. We've still got to deal with these jokers.
  2146. Shika (GM): yuuuup
  2147. Vehrec: if Nocebo is still standing when her turn comes around, I gotta do a thing.
  2148. Shika (GM): if
  2149. Vehrec: If
  2150. Shika (GM): who we missin'
  2151. Mannfred: looks like we're out a bookworm
  2152. Vehrec: we can't go on without her. :O
  2153. Shika (GM): yo!
  2154. Mannfred: AAAAAYYYY alright
  2155. Argent B.: hihi sorry I came on as soon as I could
  2156. Shika (GM): ALL RIGHT LET US GI TO EET
  2157. git
  2158. Vehrec: Git Gud
  2159. Yakiba: branch, add, commit, merge
  2160. Narrator: when we last left our criminals!
  2161. Mammon: Finally, the narrator learns some respect.
  2162. Narrator: They were heading into the heart of New Hell City in order to save Yumi at the Rosenqueen Co. HQ
  2163. They managed to mail Mannfred there and somehow steal a tank in the process
  2164. but a hobo stood in their way!
  2165. And then a maid showed up!
  2167. and are still fighting
  2168. Nocebo: how are we fighting maids and hobos for so long??
  2169. Minki K.: (maids and hobos are traditionally tough)
  2170. Mammon: Zombianca is secretly the endboss and Carolina can't go away until Elly recruits her hat.
  2171. Zombianca: pffffft
  2172. "secretly"
  2173. Elly: It is a very nice hat.
  2174. Yakiba: Really, at this point there are too many flags for her not to be the endboss, but someone's going to be surprised anyway
  2175. or at the very least an endboss
  2176. Zombianca: Anyway, it's the maid's turn!
  2178. Mannfred will absolutely be surprised, because he's kinda been half-paying attention this whole time
  2179. Minki K.: death flag probably wished his name was endboss flag.
  2180. Zombianca: Zombianca removes Shaken! SHE IS A MAID! Maids are scared of nothing!
  2181. Nocebo: Maids are tough and deserving of respect.
  2182. Elly: No truer words
  2183. Zombianca: Zombianca smirks at Mannfred. "So."
  2184. Pulls out two guns.
  2185. "Anything You Can Do..."
  2186. "I Can Do Better."
  2187. Mammon: I feel deeply offended again.
  2188. Mannfred: "Wait, why was she smiling at me?"
  2189. Zombianca: She moves through him and his prinnies, shooting as she goes in a perfect mimic of his Bullet Dance.
  2190. Yakiba: "How can you even tell, standing behind that pillar?"
  2191. Mannfred: "We're in the middle of a life-or-death battle and thse are the questions you ask?"
  2192. Zombianca: Aura attack
  2193. 18 vs prinny 1
  2194. 23 vs prinny 2
  2195. 14 vs Mammon
  2196. wow
  2197. Mannfred: "here I was thinking you were a professional."
  2198. Zombianca: and stop having a name beginning with M and I won't get it mixed up GOD
  2199. Yakiba: "You asked first."
  2201. Mannfred refuses to dignify that with a response
  2202. Mammon: 16 18 14 Dex all.
  2203. Oh my god.
  2204. Zombianca: perfect
  2205. Minki K.: (well)
  2206. Zombianca: 80 damage!
  2207. Yakiba: Welcome to our average luck
  2208. Zombianca: She twirls the pistols and puts them back... wherever Disgaea characters carry misc items.
  2209. Mammon: "Augh! Sure, you can shoot..."
  2210. "But those dance moves were a 7 at best!"
  2211. Zombianca: "I'll have you know I can get a perfect combo on every song in Death Death Revolution!"
  2213. Elly considers this...
  2215. Elly takes out a sign that reads "8." Sorry Mammon.
  2216. Mammon: "TRAITOR"
  2217. Nocebo: incredible.
  2218. Elly: "Eep!'
  2219. Yakiba: Let's at least get one of these women out of the fight, shall we? 18 Muscle vs Carolina
  2220. Carolina: No 12 resolve
  2221. yes
  2222. What move is this?
  2223. Yakiba: it's Pressure Fist since he's already ulted this scene
  2224. Provided the reposition will still move her since it looks like she's still immobilized she goes directly east
  2225. Carolina: 78 damage!
  2226. Yakiba: Also, the approach was a support move, meaning I can rolling recover out of prone
  2227. "And now, you're already dead."
  2228. Carolina: From her spot again the tank,
  2229. there comes a loud snore
  2230. then a jerk. "Ah! Wait, I'm supposed to be fighting!"
  2231. Nocebo: ...Let's let sleeping mages lie-damnit!
  2232. Carolina: "Did you hit me while I was sleeping!?"
  2233. "You jerk!"
  2234. Nocebo: "You didn't wake up when you were hit while sleeping?"
  2235. Carolina: nope
  2236. move action to remove immobilized
  2237. Yakiba: "I don't pass up advantages."
  2238. Carolina: Aaaaaaand dex attack;
  2239. 18 vs Nocebo
  2240. 13 vs Elly
  2241. 21 vs Yakiba
  2242. Yakiba: 16 at least it can't crit
  2243. Nocebo: Resolve defense 13
  2244. Elly: 16 yoink~
  2245. Nocebo: Yoink indeed.
  2246. Carolina: HM
  2247. Overdrive vs Yakiba.
  2248. Noe it's a crit.
  2249. Now*
  2250. Yakiba: well, I stand corrected there
  2251. Nocebo: incredible.
  2252. Carolina: 46 to Nocebo
  2253. 102 to Yakiba
  2254. Yakiba: Good thing I proportionally have the most health out of anyone on the- aaaaand it's gone
  2255. Nocebo: awwww
  2256. Carolina: And then she seems to recover 74 health
  2257. That coulda been better.
  2258. She slashes her scythe, and the image of a grim reaper appears before Nocebo and Yakiba's eyes as their life force is drawn into Carolina.
  2259. Mannfred: "Oh. So that's why they call her the Reaper."
  2261. Mannfred literally just got it
  2262. Yakiba: "No, that would be the scythe."
  2263. "This seems new."
  2264. Carolina: "Living on the streets hardens your soul. It makes you stronger."
  2265. Mammon: "If you're going to be the team nerd, you could at least be smart."
  2266. Nocebo: "Guh-you jerk! I need that HP!"
  2267. Mannfred: "I'm just thinking out loud, alright?!"
  2268. Elly: Elly makes a box out of her fingers and positions them at Carolina.
  2269. Nocebo: "I'm not your personal organ donor! Actually, you shouldn't use me for organ donation at all, I have a rare immuno-complex."
  2270. Yakiba: "She's right though, we needed those. Are you sure you didn't just reincarnate into a Thief that inexplicably looks the same as you did before?"
  2271. Carolina: Looks down at herself. "...Nope. Ain't no thief who looks this good."
  2272. Elly: "Warden's Hat, do be careful. I'm going to attack the Warden."
  2273. "For one, because you hurt Nocebo. And for two, I think your part in this point in the story is over..."
  2274. Nocebo: Rabu rabu, blushy fluffy.
  2275. fwomp goes the right wing.
  2276. Elly: She reaches into the nether and reaches out for two aura-drenched scissors into the air which swirl around and cut in two large diagonal swathes at Carolina. OVERDRIVE 18
  2277. dex
  2278. Carolina: 17 welp
  2279. 97 damage!
  2280. "Oh."
  2281. Falls over.
  2282. Nocebo: "Wow."
  2283. Elly: And then she pulls out her book. "WAHAHA, the warden says, taking out the hearts of Nocebo and Yakiba. Your life-force is mine! But wait! What's this!! From the East, a heroine rises from the sun! I will vanquish you! She says, and uses her most powerful attack! Oh no! Says the warden. I AM VANQUISHED! YES! That is because she was beaten by--! BOOKKEPER ELLIPSES! Nocebo and Yakiba fill their hearts rise with pride at the sight of this glorious heroine! And what's that! They found that their strength is returning to them!!" (Heals on Yakiba and Nocebo)
  2284. Mammon: "...A little much, but it was a good takedown."
  2285. Carolina: +1 valor
  2286. Elly: ""
  2287. "Oh."
  2288. Yakiba: "You've done well. Now, there is but one more step."
  2290. Elly: "Maybe we should beat up Mammon's girlfriend before celebrating."
  2291. Nocebo: . . . "Yeah, she isn't good for him."
  2292. Zombianca: wow rude
  2293. Mammon: "So."
  2294. Nocebo: "Hey Mammon! You need to break up with the Zombie-maid!"
  2295. Yakiba: "She wouldn't be much good for anyone."
  2296. Mammon: "How do you reconcile looking down on someone AND dedicating your whole pathetic existence to copying everything they do?"
  2297. Elly: "Stalker with a crush?"
  2298. "...meets..."
  2299. "...a superiority complex."
  2300. Zombianca: "........"
  2302. Nocebo sniggers.
  2303. Mammon: "No answer, huh?"
  2304. Zombianca: "Oh, sorry. Did you say something?"
  2305. Mammon: "Aaaaand that's enough fucking around. COPY THIS!"
  2306. Unleashing ult!
  2307. Zombianca: "I was trying to pay attention to the real threats."
  2308. Mammon: 22 Dex
  2309. YOOOOO
  2310. Elly: (dang)
  2311. (put your weight behind that one, huh Mammon)
  2312. Mammon: Better: the weight of like 9000 Prinnies.
  2313. With guns.
  2314. Zombianca: 17
  2315. welp it hits
  2316. Mammon: OVERDRIVE FOR A CRIT
  2317. Nocebo: YEAH BOY.
  2318. Zombianca: 138 damage!
  2319. Mammon: "Sorry about your whole Perfect Maid thing, but when it comes to servants..."
  2320. "Quantity trumps quality every time!"
  2321. Prinny Squad: "YOU TELL HER, MASTER MAMMON, DOOD!"
  2322. Zombianca: +1 valor for that line
  2323. Prinny Squad: "Wait, did he just..."
  2325. Mannfred looks up from his phone and glances around, looking more confused than usual
  2326. Mannfred: "Oh, wait, are we still fighting?"
  2327. Yakiba: "YES. Pay more attention."
  2328. Mannfred: "I thought you would've finished things up by now."
  2329. Mammon: "I've got it under control, go back in your box."
  2330. Mannfred: "Too late, it's my turn and there's nothing you can do about it."
  2331. Nocebo: "Are you gonna let him say that when you could kill-steal?"
  2332. Elly: "But that would require effort."
  2333. Mannfred: "Don't tell me what to do when I'm already doing it."
  2334. 16 Very lazily blasting Zombianca
  2335. Zombianca: 18 wow how lazy
  2336. Mannfred: overdriving that purely to spite mammon
  2337. Zombianca: 50 damage!
  2338. Mammon: How do y--
  2339. Whoops.
  2340. Zombianca: Anything else, Mannfred?
  2341. Yakiba: Mammon did you just retreat into the Base Panel
  2342. that doesn't exist
  2343. Zombianca: CTRL+Z
  2344. Mannfred: I was gonna throw her into mammon but I guess that's not an option
  2345. Mammon: It's not working.
  2346. Zombianca: boop
  2347. Mammon: Sorry.
  2348. Zombianca: Into Mammon? Got it.
  2349. Elly: "!"
  2350. Mammon: ...can you Protect Master collision chip damage?
  2351. Zombianca: nope
  2354. Mammon: Alas.
  2356. Mannfred chinhands
  2357. Zombianca: 12 damage to both Mammon and Zombianca
  2358. and the prinny but it just dies
  2359. Elly: "Done."
  2360. Mammon: "Ah, friendly fire."
  2361. "Very mature, very tactically feasible."
  2363. Elly flips over the book and it has a perfect rendition of Zombianca colliding into Mammon.
  2364. Mannfred: "'Friendly' is exaggerating, I think."
  2365. Elly: Its... more suggestive than what actually happened.
  2366. ...there's sparkles and light effects
  2367. Nocebo: "Jeez, give me even more work, why don't you.
  2368. Mammon: "This is why I recommended the box."
  2369. "Oh, and GET THE HELL OFF ME"
  2370. Mannfred: "Please, it's just twelve damage. Get over it."
  2372. Nocebo runs up to each person and bops them on the head with her hand.
  2373. Nocebo: "YOU GET A HEAL! YOU GET A HEAL!"
  2374. ....
  2376. Nocebo looks at Mammon for a while and then knees him in the back.
  2377. Mammon: "Wha--OW"
  2378. Elly: Even if it feels better Elly raises a hand to protect her head.
  2379. Nocebo: "Chiropractory!"
  2380. "And the coup-de-gras..."
  2381. Mammon: "WARN ME BEFORokay that does actually feel great now."
  2383. Nocebo takes her pose before Zombanica. "I'd say that you're already dead...but that would just be a tautology."
  2384. Elly: "Ohh... good word."
  2385. Mannfred: "And Yakiba already said it earlier."
  2386. 'Don't let me spoil your fun, though."
  2387. Zombianca: +1 valor to Yakiba
  2388. Nocebo: 20 "Instant surgery-TOtal Organ Removal!"
  2389. Elly: O
  2390. Mammon: VISCERAL ATTACK
  2391. Elly: *I'm reminded of Fallout's "Bloody Mess"
  2392. Zombianca: 22!!!!11
  2393. ...Welp.
  2394. Nocebo: can't overdrive that, dangit.
  2395. Yakiba: No one can, we're all sub-3 valor
  2396. BUT, it's a new round
  2397. so everyone gets one more
  2398. and that puts ME at 3
  2399. so can I overdrive to turn before Zombianca
  2400. Zombianca: Nope
  2401. That overdrive can only be used as a reaction to a turn end
  2402. and that's already happened before you gain your valor
  2403. Yakiba: That's inconvenient
  2404. at this exact time
  2405. Zombianca: but NEW ROUND +1 VALOR
  2406. Zombianca thrusts out a hand. "Time to sweep up this garbage!"
  2407. Elly: Sudden Action Overdrive!
  2408. Zombianca: To what?
  2409. Elly: "Its the final round! Can Mammon, Nocebo, and Yakiba take down their foe! We will soon see!" -- Heals to Mamoon, Nocebo, and Refraction point which bounces the heals to Yakiba
  2410. Zombianca: And THEN a giant broom appears out of nowhere, sweeping towards Mammon, Nocebo, and Yakiba!
  2411. Dex attacks;
  2412. 21 vs Mammon
  2413. 22 vs Nocebo
  2414. 17 vs Yakiba
  2415. Yakiba: 14 okay, this one he's actually got something of a shot to dodge
  2416. and then that happens
  2417. Nocebo: 18 Let's see if it crits...
  2418. Mammon: 13 Dex, can't dodge.
  2419. "Dammit, where's my meatsh--oh, that's what I was sitting on."
  2420. Elly: "No."
  2421. "That's me."
  2422. Nocebo: "That sweep was by no means clean."
  2423. Yakiba: "This changes nothing. You're within an inch of your unlife, no matter how far away I am."
  2424. Zombianca: 24 to Yakiba,
  2425. 24 to Elly
  2426. 30 to Mammon
  2427. 27 to Nocebo
  2428. With that, she seems to have gained some sort of boost-
  2430. Zombianca: Roll int or aura
  2431. 22
  2432. Mannfred: oh 21
  2433. Zombianca: FWOOSH you seem to have
  2434. traded places with the maid
  2435. "I'll see you all later, I'm sure!"
  2436. Overdrive for an extra movement
  2438. Mannfred feels very exposed all of a sudden
  2439. Zombianca: AAAAND she gone.
  2440. Mammon: "WHAT"
  2441. Nocebo: "... EVERYONE DOWN!"
  2442. Mannfred: "I'm not sure what I expected."
  2444. Nocebo remembers last time she vanished.
  2445. Yakiba: "The worst enemies are the ones that run."
  2446. '
  2447. Zombianca: Nothing explodes.
  2449. Nocebo distrusts this turn of events.
  2450. Mammon: Except the Prinny Mammon punts at the tank in a hissyfit.
  2451. Mannfred: "Well, we don't have to deal with her right now, and that's enough for me."
  2452. Zombianca: that explodes
  2453. ....and sets off a chain reaction of explosions
  2454. as the entire entrance of the Rosenqueen, Co. was rigged to blow
  2455. Mannfred: "Why."
  2456. Mammon: "Don't you fucking dare tell me she predicted I would do that."
  2457. Yakiba: "One day."
  2458. "And no, that'd be giving her far too much credit."
  2459. Nocebo: "The tank! Oh man, I didn't have time to get insurance on it!"
  2460. Zombianca: A single singed note floats down with the ash.
  2461. It lands right in Mammon's hands.
  2462. Elly: ""
  2463. Zombianca: I predicted you'd do that
  2464. Elly: "You should have asked me."
  2465. Mammon: "Oh my god."
  2466. Zombianca: P.S. I took out insurance on your tank
  2467. Thanks
  2468. Yours, Zombianca
  2470. Nocebo reads the note.
  2471. Nocebo: ....
  2472. Yakiba: "We're going to kill her. Repeatedly."
  2473. Mannfred: "I can't even get mad at this, honestly."
  2474. Nocebo: "Elly. I have a cunning plan for our next meeting with Zombianca."
  2476. Elly takes out a book that blooms open to forms of all kind.
  2477. Elly: "Oh?"
  2478. Mannfred: "Mostly I'm just confused. And tired."
  2479. Mammon: "Look."
  2480. "This is very demoralizing, but I think we can all come together and agree..."
  2481. "It was Mannfred's fault."
  2482. Nocebo: "I'll explain it later. But it involves a shopping trip."
  2483. Mannfred: "Explain. Explain to me how this is my fault."
  2484. "I'm dying to hear."
  2485. Elly: Elly is just confused
  2486. "Oh! Is Yumi okay?"
  2487. Mammon: "Didn't contibute enough to the fight, were waiting far enough away to be an ideal target for that transposition thing, you're the whole reason we're in this mess,
  2488. Elly: "And Warden's Hat?"
  2489. Mammon: I need someone to blame or I'm gonna start shooting at everything that moves..."
  2490. "Pick one."
  2491. Nocebo: "Let's check up on Yumi-Carolina and the Hat seem to be blown away."
  2492. Mannfred: "Well, you're wrong on almost all of those points, but I'm too stressed to argue."
  2493. Elly: "Mmm..."
  2494. "Okay."
  2495. Mannfred: "So I'll let you have this. just this once."
  2496. Elly: Nocebo and Elly go to check up on Yumi -- or rather see if they can get inside maybe?
  2497. Yakiba: "We should see if the entrance hasn't been blocked."
  2498. Zombianca: 1
  2499. It totally has been.
  2500. But there is sure to be an alternate route inside
  2501. Nocebo: "gotta be another door..."
  2502. Mannfred: "let's just break in through the window. Nobody's going to mind."
  2503. Yakiba: "There should be a service entrance?"
  2504. Nocebo: "You'll pay for a lot more than the window. This is Rosenqueen."
  2505. Mannfred: "And the front entrance is ruined. If anyone brings it up, we can say it went in the explosion."
  2506. Nocebo: 'I hear their real HQ is three whole Netherworlds."
  2507. Narrator: so breaking a window, or trying to find a door?
  2509. Mannfred is going to break a window no matter what everyone else does
  2510. Yakiba: Let's find a door, there's less imminent cost involved
  2511. Nocebo: Yes, door search.
  2512. Mammon: "Okay, we can tell them we told him not to."
  2513. Nocebo: ...but if you throw a portal through the broken window...
  2514. Mammon: That works.
  2515. Yakiba: Portaling through a broken window actually could be a good idea.
  2516. Maybe if the window is transparent enough we don't even need to break it, though?
  2517. The property damage seems kinda unnecessary
  2518. Narrator: NOPE THE WINDOW BROKE
  2519. And you then teleport inside
  2520. while Mannfred climbs in
  2521. Mammon: Sounds IC.
  2522. Elly: Elly is judging
  2524. Mannfred doesn't need your handouts
  2525. Narrator: presumably,
  2526. Mammon would close the portal before Mannfred could make it in anyway
  2527. Mannfred: he pulled himself through that window by his bootstraps
  2528. Nocebo: "So just as an aside Elly...what are your three sizes? And what size shoes do you wear and how long are your legs?"
  2530. Elly was too busy judging Mannfred to really hear what Nocebo was saying. "What?"
  2532. Nocebo facepalms.
  2533. Mammon: "Can you flirt after we find out if Yumi's alive?"
  2534. Nocebo: "I want. To buy. Some clothes. What are your sizes?"
  2535. Mannfred: "Will saving it for later really make it any better?"
  2536. "I don't know if I can handle two more seasons of this."
  2537. Nocebo: ..."actually saving it for later means I get to play dress-up with Elly."
  2538. Elly: "I've think I've come to a conclusion, Mannfred. I thought originally that you were useless and that you would die in complete obscurity, as is your way."
  2539. "But now I think you are going to irrevocably change the Netherworld."
  2540. "And I'm pretty sure that will be a bad thing."
  2541. Mannfred: "...what?"
  2542. Elly: That being done, she looks a little puzzled at Nocebo. "I don't know. Nobody has ever asked me that."
  2543. And considering that she has information on everybody else's dimensions... that may be a little surprising.
  2544. Mannfred: "No, don't just go back to whatever inane thing you were talking about. What the hell do you mean 'irrevocably'?!"
  2545. "Just for once, Elly, I'd like you to make at least some kind of sense!"
  2547. Mannfred is visibly kinda weirded out
  2548. Mammon: "It means it can't be revoked."
  2549. "Just helping."
  2550. Mannfred: "I know what the word means."
  2551. Nocebo: "Let's get a move on, we're gonna get Elly measured later. Mannfred is beyond help right now."
  2552. Mammon: "Again:"
  2553. "Wasn't this a rescue mission?"
  2554. Let's go find the archer that charmed a nation.
  2555. Elly: Elly likes her
  2556. Nocebo: Nocebo is okay with her as long as she doesn't get any ideas about Elly.
  2557. Mannfred: Mannfred likes her about as much as he likes anybody
  2558. which is to say not at all
  2559. Nocebo: nobody asked you :P
  2560. Narrator: Up ahead, the next room opens into a large warehouse by the looks of it.
  2561. The lights are off.
  2562. Elly: Elly looks over to Yakiba "Is it true that ninjas can see in the dark?"
  2563. Mannfred: "I'm willing to put actual, real money down on this being a trap."
  2564. "Or i would, if I had money."
  2565. Yakiba: "Not until two weeks ago."
  2566. Mammon: "And if I didn't already have a claim to any hypothetical money you might have in the future."
  2567. Elly: "Oh."
  2568. "That's convenient."
  2570. Nocebo will look for any light switches that might seem useful in this next area.
  2571. Narrator: Nocebo can find a light switch!
  2572. Yakiba: "And by 'two weeks ago' I mean earlier when we left the Forest of Undeath."
  2573. Narrator: When the light turns on, you can see the warehouse!
  2574. Elly: "It felt like two weeks ago."
  2575. Narrator: Lots of boxes of "DEMON HERO MANNFRED" merchandise
  2576. which all have a giant "DISCARD" label on them
  2577. Mammon: "Oh."
  2578. Mannfred: "Should... should I be relieved or insulted?"
  2579. Mammon: "I think I've found my happy place."
  2580. Yakiba: "They probably lost a lot making this."
  2581. Mammon: "There's something so comforting about this whole room."
  2582. Elly: Elly takes one.
  2583. Nocebo: "I think we should grab as much as we can."
  2584. "In a thousand years, this stuff might be worth something to collectors of rare toys and junk."
  2585. Mannfred: "I really can't see these things going up in value anytime soon."
  2587. Mannfred takes on anyway
  2588. Mannfred: *one
  2589. Yakiba: "Come to think of it, you didn't ever negotiate royalties, did you."
  2590. "This is for the better after all."
  2591. Elly: "Oh yeah."
  2592. Narrator: Just as he takes one-
  2593. There's a loud creaking sound from the ceiling
  2594. That loud creaking sound becomes a GIANT BOOM
  2595. as the ceiling collapses
  2596. Elly: Elly returns to where she took hers and puts down 895 HL -- the going price for an action figure.
  2597. Narrator: and five GIANT shapes descend
  2598. Mammon: "Mannfred's fault!"
  2599. Elly: Right in time for the giant shapes
  2600. Mannfred: "I told you! I told you so!"
  2601. Nocebo: "WOW
  2602. "they are not screwing around."
  2603. Yakiba: We're seeking the peace of reason, I guess
  2604. Prismatic Adel Blue: "THREATS ASSESSED"
  2605. Nocebo: "But are they gonna Gattai now or later?"
  2606. Prismatic Adel Green: "SEVEN DEMONS"
  2607. Prismatic Adel Red: "RECOMMENDED COURSE:"
  2608. Prismatic Adel Yellow: "DESTROY"
  2609. Prismatic Adel Center: "GLORY TO THE HOLY EMPIRE"
  2610. Mammon: "Wait, seven?"
  2611. Elly: "Um. I paid for mine. Is that ok--" "Oh."
  2612. "They're not with Rosencompany..."
  2613. Prismatic Adel Center: They are totally counting the prinnies.
  2614. Mammon: Yeah Mammon can't parse that.
  2615. "Demons" means "people."
  2616. Nocebo: "I think we should maybe show them out, don't you?"
  2617. Yakiba: "There seems to have been a miscalculation, but hey, that works."
  2618. 20 queue up
  2619. Elly: oh wow, a song came on that totally fits the Holy Empire 19
  2621. Prismatic Adel Center: Yes, go ahead and roll dat initiative
  2622. Mannfred: ""Did the humans seriously make these things? The first time we saw one they didn't even recognize a gun when it was blowing a hole in their chest." 11
  2623. Prismatic Adel Center: actual battle theme
  2624. Elly: yup, we're in Midas xD
  2625. Nocebo: "They look like they could be magically animated."
  2626. Yakiba: extended version of that
  2627. Mammon: 20
  2628. Mannfred: "I don't know. Seems a little too advanced to just be golems."
  2629. Prismatic Adel Center: For the Prismatic Adels, going in order:
  2630. 138121210
  2631. Yakiba: "They must be. This is the kind of work I aspire to..."
  2632. Nocebo: 13
  2633. Yakiba: "I'll be keeping the pieces when we're done."
  2634. Prismatic Adel Center: SOME NOTES:
  2635. Brown are boxes. They can be moved through as difficult terrain.
  2636. Black are shelves. They CAN be attacked THROUGH. But you cannot move through them.
  2638. Yakiba: Adel Yellow has no health bar. Is it a large Companion?
  2639. Okay it's not that's what I thought.
  2640. "I refuse to fall to what I should be master of..." Why does he have to be so far away.
  2641. They're machines, so if he moves erratically, instantly, they can't read him so easily (Slip Stance is go).
  2642. "Why don't I show you my servant, as well?"
  2643. Sentry is installing... there
  2644. Yakiba: WAIT strike that I can't
  2645. forgot about my own limit
  2646. "Oh, right, that will have to wait."
  2647. Prismatic Adel Center: End turn then?
  2648. Yakiba: Yeah probably.
  2649. Mammon: Okay, portals established awkwardly due to lack of mouse. BUT ANYWAY
  2650. Shots Fired at every Prism thing except the Cener one!
  2651. 19 15 15 13 Dex
  2652. Prismatic Adel Center: 15 muscle
  2653. 12 muscle
  2654. 14 muscle
  2655. 20 aura
  2656. Mammon: "This kind of fight is exactly the problem with melee combat."
  2657. Yakiba: "Agreed."
  2658. Unfortunately, Ninjas suck at ranged attacks.
  2659. Prismatic Adel Center: 41 damage!
  2660. Mammon: "Oh, not as sturdy as they look."
  2661. "That's the best kind of giant robot to not have on your side."
  2662. Yakiba: "All the better to improve once we've torn them apart."
  2663. Mannfred: "You get what you can take with human craftsmanship, i suppose."
  2664. Elly: "This is going to take a while if we rely on movement..."
  2665. and abundant creation to put a portal...
  2666. And she'll use Meddle Fate on the green and yellow ones 12 13
  2667. Apparently the distance is too great
  2668. aura
  2669. Prismatic Adel Center: 2013 aura defenses
  2670. One hit!
  2671. Elly: I'm quite surprised actually
  2672. end turn!
  2673. Prismatic Adel Center: 47 damage
  2675. Nocebo glances at Manfred. "hey buddy...want another hit?"
  2677. Nocebo holds up a vial of Overdrive serum.
  2678. Mannfred: "Are... are you serious?"
  2680. Nocebo offers an evil smirk.
  2682. Mannfred takes a deep breath and sighs
  2683. Mannfred: "Alright, fine. but if I wind up inciting a second manhunt, it's all on you."
  2684. Nocebo: "Well when you put it like that..."
  2686. Nocebo loads it into an injector...and then presses it against her own neck.
  2687. Mannfred: "If! I said if!"
  2688. dammit, he's never gonna get another hit at this rate
  2689. Nocebo: "HA! As if there's any question about what you'd do if I gave you some of this."
  2690. Yakiba: Don't get addicted.
  2691. Nocebo: and then she takes a vial of something else and chucks it through one of the portals.
  2692. 15vs blue, 17 vs green. "I know you guys don't react to normal chemicals....but that's pure Rust Beast Venom I keep around for just such an occasion!
  2693. Prismatic Adel Center: 1511
  2694. Double-hit!
  2695. 31 damage!
  2696. Prismatic Adels delay their turn!
  2697. Mannfred: "Alright, that's... a little suspicious, I'll admit."
  2698. Mammon: "Quit being a baby and spring th trap!"
  2699. Mannfred: "Not without taking the proper precautions first!" 14 blasting the yellow'un through the portal
  2700. Prismatic Adel Center: 16
  2701. NOPE
  2702. NOT TODAY
  2703. Mannfred: eh, you win some you lose some
  2704. or in Mannfred's case, you claim to have won some
  2705. Prismatic Adel Center: Here is where it gets fun
  2706. And by fun I mean
  2707. ...super fun
  2708. Mammon: OH GOOD
  2710. Yakiba: Wait, is Not Swindler on the left not firing a beam
  2711. Mannfred: "Proper precautions!"
  2712. Nocebo: are they
  2713. using the portals?
  2714. Prismatic Adel Center: There are five beams
  2715. Nocebo: anyways
  2716. Prismatic Adel Center: The point is
  2718. Yakiba: Well Elly, Mammon - better get lucky since you're standing in four AoEs
  2719. Prismatic Adel Center: Vs Yakiba: 2120
  2720. Vs Nocebo: 201421
  2721. Vs Mammon: 17181719
  2722. Vs Elly: 181714
  2723. Vs Prinny1: 171919
  2724. Vs Prinny 2: 222219
  2725. Prismatic Adel Center: Vs Mannfred('s barrier): 14 hahaha nah it gone
  2726. Mammon: 15 21 18 20 For Mammon....
  2727. Prismatic Adel Center: Only one hit!
  2728. Whoa
  2729. Prinny Squad: 12 21 13 13 18 13 For the Prinnies.
  2730. All dex.
  2731. Yakiba: 22 19 Muscling both of those
  2732. Prismatic Adel Center: prinnies ded
  2733. Elly: 17 19 21 aura
  2734. Prismatic Adel Center: one hit on Elly
  2735. Nocebo: 13 18 12
  2737. Nocebo slowclaps
  2738. Prismatic Adel Center: Two hits on Nocebo!
  2739. And one hit on Yakiba
  2740. DAMN I rolled super good, too
  2741. and still one hit on most y'all
  2742. except Nocebo
  2743. Elly: well, you killed the prinnies :D
  2744. Mammon: They died as they lived.
  2745. As a footnote.
  2746. Prismatic Adel Center: 88 to Nocebo, 48 to Elly, 56 to Mammon, 62 to Yakiba
  2747. Nocebo: "Okay, that sucked. gotta drop these things fast."
  2748. Prismatic Adel Center: New round, but I think I'll cut us off here for tonight.
  2749. Yakiba: All right
  2750. Prismatic Adel Center: I hope you enjoyed meeting the human world's magical unit. :')
  2751. Elly: definite "oh crap" moment
  2752. Mammon: They're not so bad.
  2753. Melianel Adelgarde: our motto: put everything into flashy, sparkling offensive
  2754. Mannfred: I sure did have a lot of fun not getting hit by giant lasers
  2755. Prismatic Adel Center: Mel will show up proper next week!
  2756. Mammon: All you have to do is roll really high like five times in a row every turn.
  2757. Nocebo: just spread out more guys.
  2758. Mannfred: y'all made fun of Mannfred's box, but who's laughing now?
  2759. who's laughing now?
  2760. Bogswalt: Still them, I think
  2761. Mannfred: yeah fair enough
  2762. Elly: on a different note, I have a theme tune for Elly~
  2764. Nocebo: now I need to find a theme for Doc.
  2765., you can't use the X-files them, god.
  2766. Mannfred: Mannfred's theme is two minutes of anguished screaming laid over a bangin new wave beat
  2767. Elly: So this?
  2769. Yakiba: Anyway I'm hype still.
  2770. Elly: Yus~~
  2771. Shika (GM): I hope y'all had fun this week
  2772. and are looking forward to next
  2773. ;)
  2774. Elly: these mechs are going down dangit
  2775. Yakiba: We got very frustrated with maids again, but that was your plan all along no doubt
  2776. Shika (GM): yea it was
  2777. you know she survived with only 1 health?
  2778. Mannfred: the magic pixel
  2779. Elly: wouldn't the ink take her? :<
  2780. Shika (GM): That was after the ink
  2781. Elly: daaaang
  2782. Shika (GM): She had 15 health, ink dealt 14
  2783. Vehrec: Me and Argent are discussing a counter-maid plan.
  2784. it is both cunning and devious.
  2785. Shika (GM): there is no anti-maid plan for she is always one step ahead, that's why she is a maid
  2786. Mammon: Mammon doesn't approve of any anti-maid plans that don't involve him just being better than her in general.
  2787. Mannfred: also
  2788. this is the second time in a row a tabletop character I've played wound up having weird off-brand merchandise of themselves
  2789. Shika (GM): IS
  2790. Yakiba: that's... I'm not sure how to explain a trend like that one
  2791. Vehrec: our anti-maid plan takes into account her maid-ness.
  2792. Shika (GM): I almost forgot about Mollapalooza
  2793. Mannfred: Never Forget
  2794. Mammon: By the way Mammon's theme....
  2795. Let's strongly consider
  2796. Mannfred: I was thinking more
  2797. Mammon: Well that too.
  2798. Shika (GM): ANYWAY Imma head out
  2799. Mammon: Later.
  2800. Shika (GM): see y'all nerds next week
  2801. Yakiba: Me too, thanks
  2802. Mannfred: seeya!
  2803. Elly: I'm listening to themes xD
  2804. Its a good theme /nod nod
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