
Ayy talk 1

Jun 9th, 2015
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  1. 19:45 F021 i'm trying to think of the outline of the ayy civil war
  2. 19:46 Bud So when did metahumans start becoming popular you guys think?
  3. 19:46 Bud Just from WW2 and on?
  4. 19:46 Isidora I would imagine
  5. 19:46 Greg 1940s. Pretty much.
  6. 19:46 Isidora although
  7. 19:46 Isidora I wouldn't say popular
  8. 19:46 Greg They existed beforehand, but they started getting notice.
  9. 19:46 Sylum Yeah, but I think its the science age
  10. 19:47 Sylum magic age would be dark ages, middle ages type of deal
  11. 19:48 Greg Like, I'd imagine that before the 16th century Metahumans would be referred to as gods, folklore creatures, etc.
  12. 19:48 Sylum but there were real Dragons and other folklore creatures
  13. 19:48 Isidora I am trying to think. Meridian's abilities are meant to be natural, inborn.
  14. 19:49 Greg Inborn Metahumans best Metahumans
  15. 19:49 Bud Metahumans probably just became more understood/recorded as time went then
  16. 19:49 Wells uh
  17. 19:49 F021 Stephanie's power is inborn as well
  18. 19:49 Wells Like
  19. 19:49 Isidora is it just some genetic thing, did ayyyys sometime a long time ago, was it magic crap
  20. 19:49 Isidora why'd meri's line get this
  21. 19:49 Wells Reemus is late 1800's old
  22. 19:50 Wells That arm is voodoo
  23. 19:50 Wells So magic
  24. 19:50 Wells Which was kinda common but low key I suppose
  25. 19:50 F021 her ancestor was a tribe of earth manipulating people
  26. 19:50 Bud Rhoms still walks the earth because of either a divine force or some weird stubbornness
  27. 19:50 Greg Magic lost purpose when the TV came out.
  28. 19:50 Sylum I said magic started in the dark ages, died down, then science metas showed up, then magic starts to make a caome back
  29. 19:51 Sylum saying* not said
  30. 19:51 F021 some millenia ago they disappeared leaving only two direct lines
  31. 19:51 Isidora actually asking a question, what should be the source of Meri's inborn psychic abilities
  32. 19:51 Isidora its supposedly been in the family as long as they remember
  33. 19:51 Bud Also, Isi, didn't you once say something about Meri's abilities being something most humans could do if they trained it long enough or sumfin?
  34. 19:52 Wells Yeah
  35. 19:52 Wells He could be one of those rare humans who have more than 20% of their brain unlocked
  36. 19:52 Wells War probably brought them out fully
  37. 19:52 Sylum I spent to much time on a stolen joke from /co/
  38. 19:52 Greg but humans use all their full brain power
  39. 19:53 Isidora Yeah, humans all have the psychic potential
  40. 19:53 Isidora Meri's family seems to have it already very very strong from the get-go
  41. 19:53 Wells Well. All their brain power in a fictional, 'We're all potential psychics' sense
  42. 19:53 F021 But some of them have it unlocked
  43. 19:54 Wells Is us being potential psychics even a supported theory?
  44. 19:54 Isidora an actual scientific theory?
  45. 19:54 Bud Could say the Graylmaos did something way back but iunno
  46. 19:54 Wells Cuz I don't believe those stupid mediums in tv
  47. 19:54 Wells Yes irl
  48. 19:54 Isidora yeah don't know shit about that
  49. 19:54 Greg I was going to use the same thing for Sila, but I kind of made it that you'd have to be from the circus to have it.
  50. 19:55 Isidora also could possibly be grayylmaos
  51. 19:55 F021 Hmm
  52. 19:55 Sylum would Sylum be some type of new age Meta? seeing how so far nothing like him has shown up
  53. 19:55 Bud I wouldn't believe it either way. I tried all my childhood and still try to this day to move remotes with my mind
  54. 19:55 Greg Then acknowledgement of Sila disappeared after a short time.
  55. 19:55 Isidora Sy is an artificial meta
  56. 19:55 Bud Sy is an [other]
  57. 19:55 Isidora In that he really isn't huamn
  58. 19:55 Wells Oh yeah. Human experimentation by the grays could be a great reason. Since metas were more in the spotlight after their decimation
  59. 19:55 Bud Human beings with some advanced form of skull/ability are metas
  60. 19:55 F021 I'd like to think that Stephanie's ancestors were gifted the power of earth manip by a god/goddess
  61. 19:56 Greg But do we have the first ever Meta?
  62. 19:56 Wells Dieties are fine as long as they don't shove their dick in overall lore since that's not our thing.
  63. 19:56 Bud Jesus Christ
  64. 19:56 F021 Nope
  65. 19:56 Isidora So grayyyys fuck around with some Germans way back when 200-400 years ago and share their weird psychic ayyy dna
  66. 19:56 Greg Like, a Caveman with Laser Vision and Time Travel?
  67. 19:56 Wells No we don't have n Apocalypse.
  68. 19:56 Bud It all makes sense now
  69. 19:56 Bud Jesus Christ was a metahuman
  70. 19:57 Greg holy shit
  71. 19:57 F021 And no, Wells, the deities are just some symbol for us
  72. 19:57 Wells cool
  73. 19:57 Greg Does that mean God's a metahuman as well?
  74. 19:57 Wells >God
  75. 19:57 Wells Which one sweetie?
  76. 19:57 Greg Monotheistic God.
  77. 19:57 Bud Also Isi yeah
  78. 19:58 F021 They'll be completely passive.
  79. 19:58 Bud Could also explain why the Graylmaos came back
  80. 19:58 Wells Well...has to be proven real first.
  81. 19:58 Wells Then yeah sure. God is a filthy meta
  82. 19:58 Bud There are demons therefore there must be hell
  83. 19:58 Greg God = Meta confirmed
  84. 19:58 Bud If there is hell there is a satan
  85. 19:58 Bud If there is a satan there is a God
  86. 19:58 Isidora So, I guess.... that would make Meri the equivalent of an inhuman
  87. 19:58 *** Antenora quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  88. 19:59 Isidora Descended from ayyy experiments
  89. 19:59 Greg Well, there's angels and demons, so they's have to be a higher force.
  90. 19:59 Bud Grays fuck about with Germans and leave em gunked up for a few generations
  91. 19:59 Bud Come back to check out the progress
  92. 19:59 Isidora ...Which is probably why Eri's alien arm was able to mesh with him
  93. 19:59 Bud Find out everybody on Earth is being demicky
  94. 20:00 Wells In my eyes Hell is a separate dimension
  95. 20:00 Bud Try to step in and beat everybody up. Get wiped out
  96. 20:00 *** F021 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  97. 20:00 *** F021 joined #Covengers
  98. 20:00 Sylum I think Ramses is the oldest or one of the oldest human Metas
  99. 20:00 Greg Hell is another realm, so yeh
  100. 20:00 Bud Eri is a Graylmao mutant
  101. 20:00 F021 And there's my tatoo barechest guy. He have blue fire manip and is supposedly gifted by a god
  102. 20:00 Isidora So, that sorta works
  103. 20:00 Wells Eri is the posterchild of the Grayyys
  104. 20:01 Bud Her race is dead
  105. 20:01 Sylum Ramses was gifted too...
  106. 20:01 Wells She's originally human though
  107. 20:01 Bud Humanity is dead too
  108. 20:01 F021 He was a prince of a grand empire
  109. 20:01 Isidora ....Which means
  110. 20:01 Wells Unless she's cool with changing her background. Grayy's could be her Adopted mother species.
  111. 20:02 F021 But at some point the empire's allies betrayed and his family were forced to flee
  112. 20:02 Bud Which probably won't actually mean much
  113. 20:02 Isidora we switched out a grayyylmao accidental mutie
  114. 20:02 Bud The Grays are wiped out
  115. 20:02 Isidora for a grayyyylmao intentional mutie
  116. 20:02 Greg what if a Meta traveled back to a point in time where Ramses didn't exist
  117. 20:02 Greg does that mean Ramses is truly the oldest meta?
  118. 20:02 Bud Call the Enclave to deal with the mutie
  119. 20:02 Sylum Well
  120. 20:03 Bud What year did Ramses come from?
  121. 20:03 Isidora that does settle stuff
  122. 20:03 Bud A secret Gray invasion actually ties things together fairly well somehow
  123. 20:03 Bud Huh
  124. 20:04 Sylum I never stated when, but I'm think early to middle Egypt
  125. 20:04 Wells Grayyys are the lore this project needs
  126. 20:04 Wells Quite frankly
  127. 20:04 Wells Everything has boiled down to this
  128. 20:05 Sylum but the Jackal King was said to exist before that, the reason there is a dessert, that most likely a myth however
  129. 20:05 Greg what if they were metas before aliens even existed
  130. 20:05 Bud Rhoms is like...600 or so years old
  131. 20:05 Isidora speaking of ayyys and metas, side note, I have figured that the Vekadem have meta-ayyys of their own
  132. 20:05 Wells Well, all species have the potential to mutate.
  133. 20:05 Wells Not far off as a concept in the slightest
  134. 20:06 Isidora its been suggested by a lot of things here that the scale on earth is greater than what would be normal
  135. 20:06 Isidora and I figure Veka are on that same amount
  136. 20:06 Sylum Destinox would technically be a Meta to the Quavrs, thanks to the bio tech surgery
  137. 20:07 Bud Our universe is actually kinda like Shadowrun in many ways
  138. 20:07 F021 Destinox is originally an eelman, yes?
  139. 20:07 Bud What with combinations of futuristic machinery and magical essences
  140. 20:07 Sylum yeah
  141. 20:07 Wells Yeah
  142. 20:07 F021 Eelpeople needs more love
  143. 20:07 Wells Earth is like
  144. 20:08 Wells A meltingpot of meta/ayy/supernatural
  145. 20:08 Sylum they have weird gill mouths
  146. 20:08 F021 Hmm
  147. 20:08 F021 My headcanon is
  148. 20:08 F021 Earth is some sort of a metahuman hub of the universe
  149. 20:09 Sylum well
  150. 20:09 Sylum yeah
  151. 20:09 Sylum it the only place with humans
  152. 20:09 Greg Earth is the ______ of the Universe.
  153. 20:09 Wells That's like a weird universal constant of science fiction
  154. 20:09 Sylum and thus Metahumans
  155. 20:09 Wells Earth is the center of everything
  156. 20:09 Bud Well, depends perspective
  157. 20:09 Bud We see it from our perspective
  158. 20:10 Bud Alien races have had all kinds of their own civil wars and progresses
  159. 20:10 F021 Like, every meta from specieses in this region of galaxy wants to go to this place because of the sheer concentration of supes
  160. 20:10 Sylum literally to Bud
  161. 20:10 F021 There are other hubs out there just as earth have other metahuman cities
  162. 20:10 Greg yeah, but most Ayys advanced more towards science or some other form of studied enhancements.
  163. 20:11 Greg There has yet to be an Alien Race that mostly relies on magic
  164. 20:11 Greg Or naturally creates Metahumans.
  165. 20:11 Greg Meta-Aliens*
  166. 20:11 F021 Earth is simply the newest addition.
  167. 20:12 Wells I like how Allens have sparked discussion of a deeper lore and setting
  168. 20:12 Isidora Vekadem has a shit ton of natural metas, actually
  169. 20:12 Sylum Maybe the Grayys gave Trance the cloning tech?
  170. 20:12 Isidora They just regulate them to special areas in their castes
  171. 20:12 F021 And for that note
  172. 20:12 Sylum well, not gave, you get what I mean
  173. 20:12 Bud Grays were assholes and thought the Russians were dumbasses
  174. 20:12 Greg Grayys were attacked by Russians.
  175. 20:12 F021 Dirir Kmotral have very scarce amount of meta ayys
  176. 20:13 Greg Maybe stolen, not give.
  177. 20:13 Sylum thats what I was saying
  178. 20:13 F021 Most of the meta ayys were dead before adulthood
  179. 20:13 Bud That would also imply the Grays themselves had that technology
  180. 20:13 Sylum Good point
  181. 20:13 F021 And those who survived lives in the forests as a separate tribe
  182. 20:13 Bud Grays from my point are literally the classic grays from movies and stories
  183. 20:13 Greg but it would explain The Red Menace's general body proportions.
  184. 20:14 Bud With classic flying saucers and shit
  185. 20:14 Greg Kind of an Alien head with alien details to biology.
  186. 20:14 Greg Sy, you still have RM?
  187. 20:14 Sylum Ye
  188. 20:15 Sylum
  189. 20:15 Bud Could just be a combination of Grey DNA and human shell
  190. 20:15 Wells So far the Grays are responsible for 1.) Usual alien bullshit like anal probes and crop circles. 2.)Immense Human Experimentation in Russia 3.)WWII
  191. 20:15 Isidora Not just in Russia
  192. 20:16 Wells Mmmmm. So when did these experiments take place?
  193. 20:16 Wells pre 40's?
  194. 20:16 Bud Grays aren't responsible for WW2. They just acted in the background like assholes
  195. 20:16 Bud Doing their shit
  196. 20:16 Greg Experiments on Bol'shoy or general Experiments?
  197. 20:16 Wells general ones
  198. 20:17 Bud brb
  199. 20:17 Isidora the Meri experimentation happened a few hundred years ago
  200. 20:17 Isidora middle ages
  201. 20:17 Isidora to renaissance
  202. 20:17 Sylum >Experiments on Bol'shoy
  203. 20:17 Wells >Allens killed the Dark Ages
  204. 20:17 Sylum that was your original idea, we're back to square one
  205. 20:17 Wells That makes sense...
  206. 20:17 Isidora the allens weren't killed
  207. 20:17 Isidora they abducted and experimented
  208. 20:18 Greg How so?
  209. 20:18 Bud Reminder to save these talks in a pastebin
  210. 20:18 Bud okay brb
  211. 20:18 Wells Period of immense religious iron fist over people halting progression technologically>Allen Experiments> Renaissance
  212. 20:19 Isidora the ayys probably knew about earth a very long time
  213. 20:19 Isidora so
  214. 20:19 Isidora yes I am saying
  215. 20:19 Isidora ancient aliens
  216. 20:20 F021 Mmhm.
  217. 20:21 Wells Let's not go full on History Channel with this shit though. Pyramids were a pretty baller product of humanity
  218. 20:21 *** Sylum is now known as Ramesses
  219. 20:21 Greg Verji'kan were aware that Humanity was creating Civilization on Earth around 25'000 years ago, although they were generally ignored.
  220. 20:22 Ramesses I agree with what the coin man said
  221. 20:22 Isidora Yeah, actual human achievements lets not say ayyys did
  222. 20:23 Greg So Ayys did not create: Microchips, Nukes, Pyramids, Peanut Butter and Something else
  223. 20:23 Isidora originally I had the idea that the Verji'kan or somebody trying to fight their psychics were the ones behind Meri's acnestral abilities
  224. 20:23 Isidora but that's be a stretch
  225. 20:23 F021 Microwave?
  226. 20:24 Greg Easy-Bake Ovens
  227. 20:24 F021 I'm thinking why my ayys wanted to go to earth in the first place.
  228. 20:24 F021 Sure, they're refugees from a commie planet
  229. 20:25 Ramesses I know the Unknown [is that a good name?] would take some of it over, mainly metas
  230. 20:26 Isidora Well
  231. 20:26 F021 But still, there have to be something that drives them to go here. Either resources or other.
  232. 20:26 Isidora Earth is a pretty goddamn good place to settle if you are of similar biochemical makeup
  233. 20:27 Isidora and when they arrived there would be no space age races to contend with
  234. 20:27 Isidora its a nice getaway
  235. 20:27 Greg Purple Water Ayys welcome
  236. 20:27 Ramesses Green Eels welcome?
  237. 20:27 F021 I'd like to think they don't want to settle here.
  238. 20:27 Greg only in Japan
  239. 20:28 Isidora purple water ayys want to come to earth but PARSEC is likely keeping them from getting too close
  240. 20:28 *** Ramesses is now known as Sylum
  241. 20:28 Isidora /too/ close
  242. 20:28 F021 They just want to grab metals and maybe cultural exchange before leaving
  243. 20:28 Isidora also, another option is perhaps they crashed there? ran out of fuel? had a mishap that kept them from leaving
  244. 20:29 F021 Some of them, however, can opt to permanently stay on earth and have half-ayy children
  245. 20:29 Sylum would Quavrs and Emola get along?
  246. 20:30 Isidora Emloa get along well with anybody who doesn't want to shoot them
  247. 20:30 Greg what about the Encantados? Hypothetical Question.
  248. 20:30 F021 Kmotralians are generally friendly.
  249. 20:30 Wells We killed them all
  250. 20:31 Wells There's your answer
  251. 20:31 Greg Hypothetical.
  252. 20:31 Greg What if they weren't killed.
  253. 20:31 F021 Hmm
  254. 20:31 Wells Considering their biology depends on rape...
  255. 20:31 Greg depends on /sex/.
  256. 20:31 Wells Either EXTERMINATUS or "Hey ya know you can jack off, right?"
  257. 20:32 F021 Sex is quite a taboo in kmotralians culture
  258. 20:32 Greg But yeah, The Encantados are generally a hated race.
  259. 20:32 F021 And by that they'll probably disagree with encantados.
  260. 20:32 Sylum I wonder why
  261. 20:32 Wells How about
  262. 20:33 Greg Then they go full "IT'S OUR CULTURE"
  263. 20:33 Wells You all get a fuggin greencard n visa before steppin on my earth soil
  264. 20:33 Wells Fuckin cholos
  265. 20:33 Wells allens*
  266. 20:35 Wells We should have an Allen immigration processing hub set up on the moon or some shit
  267. 20:35 F021 That would be a good point.
  268. 20:35 F021 Preventing some 10.000 refugees from filling up earth
  269. 20:36 Greg PARSEC will probably have that covered after a few years.
  270. 20:37 Wells If that's the case, Allens all stepping foot on Earth. on after the other would be a bit much.
  271. 20:37 Wells Imo at least
  272. 20:37 F021 Huh
  273. 20:38 F021 I'd like to think my ayy race has been in here since 1900
  274. 20:39 F021 They'll leave in 2020, after their ships are fully loaded and there's enough food and drink for everyone onboard
  275. 20:39 F021 Like, three or so will choose to stay here because they have kids
  276. 20:40 Bud >PARSEC is literally the border patrol searching for illegal aliens
  277. 20:40 Wells muckin up my human DNA
  278. 20:40 Bud I'm also back
  279. 20:40 Sylum both the Unknown and Destinox will be modern day things
  280. 20:40 Greg >Breard arrested for multiple accounts of violence against aliens when co-operating terms of immigration
  281. 20:41 Greg I can see Human on Alien Brutality becoming a thing
  282. 20:41 Isidora heyo budo
  283. 20:41 Isidora I am thinking
  284. 20:41 F021 I-is completely benevolent cultural allens accepted
  285. 20:41 Sylum Any ayy is good
  286. 20:42 F021 Good then
  287. 20:42 Isidora I will make another ayyy race. I have made friendly sexy allens, sneaky paranoid self serving allens
  288. 20:42 Greg even the ones that tried to blow up the planet or take over the entire dominant race via hivemind?
  289. 20:42 Isidora I need to make
  290. 20:42 Isidora EVIL ALLENS
  291. 20:42 Bud Relocation, Surveillance, and Containment aspects of PARSEC aren't necessarily antagonistic to alien races
  292. 20:43 Greg Most ayys I've made so far are bad.
  293. 20:43 Bud Like those Emloas would get their trial of watching before security around them wasn't so tense
  294. 20:43 Isidora trial of watching, huh
  295. 20:43 Bud They would still be under wraps, of course
  296. 20:43 Isidora but I hear ya
  297. 20:44 Bud Everything I'm saying sounds vaguely lewd
  298. 20:44 Greg Encantados=Rape Phugeyians=Smuggling Drugs Verji'kan=Blowing up shit
  299. 20:44 Isidora Oh I've also made vaguely cute insectoid allens (vaguely evil)
  300. 20:44 Isidora Dem mites
  301. 20:44 Bud It is also true that there's one Graylmao left on Earth
  302. 20:45 F021 Kmotralians = cultural exchange and resource gatherings (which may or may not be coercive)
  303. 20:45 Bud As one of PARSEC's kitchen staff
  304. 20:45 Greg whut can the ayy cook?
  305. 20:46 Bud Spaghetti
  306. 20:46 F021 Hmm
  307. 20:47 F021 Seafoods?
  308. 20:48 Bud Show YouTube video ( info...
  309. 20:49 Sylum
  310. 20:49 Sylum there you go Buddy
  311. 20:50 Bud Add a little American flag scarf around his neck and bingo
  312. 20:56 Sylum
  313. 20:57 Bud perfect
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