
Researcher ideas

Jan 7th, 2014
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  1. (Note: should Paleontologist has its prereqs lowered to Novice Pokémon Edu for accessibility, or should it stay as Adept?)
  3. Primeval Innovation
  4. Prerequisites: Paleontologist
  5. At-Will - Extended Action
  6. Target: A Fossil you are reviving
  7. Effect: You refine and modify your Fossil sample to better suit modern ecosystems before reviving it. The resulting Pokémon is born with 2 fewer Tutor Points and gains your choice of the Cave Crasher or Mud Dweller Abilities in addition to its starting Basic Ability. If you chose Cave Crasher, your Pokémon also ignores the effects of Rough and Slow terrain in Underground terrain. If you chose Mud Dweller, your Pokémon also ignores the effects of Rough and Slow terrain in Wetlands terrain. You may use this Feature only once per Fossil.
  9. Ancient Heritage
  10. Prerequisites: Paleontologist
  11. Static
  12. Effect: Your Fossil Pokémon are revived with the Move Ancient Power in their Move List. Whenever your Pokémon use Ancient Power, its activated effect occurs on 18+ and you may choose whether it deals Physical or Special Damage (and your Pokémon adds the appropriate attack Stat).
  14. Prehistoric Bond
  15. Prerequisites: Primeval Innovation, Master Pokémon Education
  16. At-Will - Extended Action
  17. Target: A Fossil
  18. Effect: You convert the Fossil into a Held Item that functions exclusively for the Pokémon line of the Fossil's species. This Held Item acts as a Type Booster for one of the species' Types, chosen upon creation, and has an additional effect depending on the species. The Fossil may no longer be used to revive a Pokémon.
  20. Omanyte Line:
  21. Kabuto Line: The holder's damaging attacks inflict an Injury on 19+.
  22. Aerodactyl:
  23. Lileep Line:
  24. Anorith Line:
  25. Cranidos Line:
  26. Shieldon Line:
  27. Tirtouga Line:
  28. Archen Line: The holder loses the Defeatist Ability.
  29. Tyrunt Line: The holder's damaging attacks Flinch on 19+.
  30. Amaura Line:
  32. ---
  34. Witch Hunter
  35. Prerequisites: Adept Occult Education
  36. Static
  37. Effect: You gain the “Psionic Sight” Feature, even if you do not meet the prerequisites. If you already had the Psionic Sight Feature, you instead gain another Feature for which you qualify.
  39. Mental Resistance
  40. Prerequisites: Adept Occult Education
  41. Static
  42. Effect: You gain the Mindlock Capability.
  44. Psionic Analysis
  45. Prerequisites: Psionic Sight, Master Occult Education
  46. Daily - Extended Action
  47. Effect: You are able to analyze Psychic Residue and can determine the following information about the Trainer or Pokémon that left the residue:
  48. -Whether they are a Human or a Pokémon
  49. -Which Psychic-Type Moves they know
  50. -If they are a Human, which of the following Class Features, if any, they possess: Telepath, Telekinetic, Warper, Clairvoyant
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