
Massage Therapy

Jun 12th, 2014
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  1. >You pushed the door open, dead on your feet.
  2. >Your back hurt, your shoulders hurt, and it didn't help that today's patron thought strong back-pats with hard stallion hooves was 'showing appreciation.'
  3. >Of course, the Crusaders weren't helping either, surprise surprise.
  4. >'Cutie Mark Crusader Carpenters' indeed.
  5. >Scootaloo managed to tip one of the heavy dressers you were building, and had the intelligence to simply stand in the way as it fell.
  6. >You had to lunge to stop it, catching it with your back and rolling it to the floor.
  7. >You promptly kicked them out, and you were pretty sure you were bruised all over.
  8. >"Oh, hi Anon!" Twilight chirped, shelving a few books while pulling out a few more.
  9. >You simply grunted in response, flopping down onto the couch.
  10. >"Anon? What's wrong?"
  11. "Tired."
  12. >She trotted over, giving you a once over and sighing in a concerned manner.
  13. >"You look like you were hit with a train."
  14. "Thanks." You replied dryly, giving the overly-honest mare a small glare from the corner of your eye. "Feel like it too."
  15. >Twilight looked around.
  16. >"Is there...anything I can get you? To help you relax?"
  17. "You."
  18. >"I wish, Anon. I'm in anestrus, it hurts too much." The mare replied in a sullen tone.
  19. >She knew it was the best way for the both of you to relax (not to mention it was the purple pervert's favorite thing to do with you, next to cuddle-reading), but her body simply shut down any attempts due to over-sensitivity.
  20. >It would continue to do so for the next three weeks as well, when the ultra-sensitivity would finally die down.
  21. >You scratched behind the mare's ears, her eyelids fluttering lightly.
  22. >"N-no fair, I can't do that to you..."
  23. >You chuckled tiredly as the mare pushed your hand away.
  24. >"Lay down, take your clothes off."
  25. "Thought you said no."
  26. >"Not sex, you horny ape, something else." The mare chuckled.
  27. >You obliged, arching an eyebrow when she huffed.
  28. >"On your stomach, Anon." The alicorn said, rolling her amethyst eyes.
  29. "Oh."
  30. >You rolled over, exposing your back to her.
  31. >"Better. Now, hold still."
  32. >You heard a book crack open, followed by a spell being lit.
  33. >It hit something else, and then you felt it.
  34. >A heated liquid dripped on your back, warm enough to make you jump but not quite hot enough to hurt.
  35. "T-Twi, what are you doing?!" You asked, shocked.
  36. >"It's just heated oil, calm down." She shot back, still drizzling the fluid onto you.
  37. >It smelled of lavender.
  38. "Is lavender a theme with you or something?" You asked with a small chuckle.
  39. >"Yes, it is. Just so happens to be my favorite scent, and for a peaceful library, it's perfect." The mare replied with a small grin of her own. "Why, does Anonymous not like it?"
  40. >Loaded question.
  41. "It's lovely."
  42. >Her soft hooves were on your shoulders a mere five seconds later, and you immediately groaned.
  43. >The mare was kneading them, lowering her voice to just a whisper as she pressed the oils into your skin.
  44. >"Mmm, so tense. Let's see if I can't fix that, hmm?" She whispered into your right ear, sending a pleasant chill down your spine.
  45. >"So, tell me what happened."
  46. >In your left ear this time. You hadn't heard her move.
  47. "Well, first of a-" You started hotly, before Twilight stopped you.
  48. >"Ah ah." The mare reprimanded with a quick touch to your nose. "Quietly. Getting angry and frustrated is exactly what you don't need right now."
  49. "Fine." You huffed. "First, some client wanted me to build several dressers for him. No big deal, I could handle it."
  50. >"Mmhm." Twilight replied, hooves moving to make small circles on your back.
  51. >She danced around the small bruises you had, never actually making contact.
  52. "Then he turns around and tells me he wants all sorts of 'fancy artistic edits' to the frame, after I had the first one built. Had to scrap the entire thing."
  53. >"Oh, I can see why you're a little agitated." Twilight said, a hoof going down your spine.
  54. " that again..." You asked.
  55. >Twilight giggled and obliged, tracing both of her hooves down your spine, much more slowly this time.
  56. >A wave of relaxation washed over you, and you felt your body go a little limp.
  57. >"What else? That doesn't explain the bruises."
  58. "I had to keep Scootaloo from being flattened."
  59. >Twilight stopped for a moment.
  60. >"What?"
  61. "The Crusaders got into my workshop, asked if they could help." You said with a huff. "Wish I had told them no, but I said yes. Go figure."
  62. >"Go on?"
  63. "Scoots took a saw to the leg of a dresser, claiming it 'wasn't level'. She cleaved through the leg before I could stop her, and the dresser toppled."
  64. >Twilight finally continued her gentle ministrations.
  65. >"Oh. I take it that's why there's..."
  66. >She paused, presumably counting.
  67. >"Eighteen bruises all along your back?"
  68. "Yeah."
  69. >Twilight kissed your cheek.
  70. >"Well, don't you worry about that. Your girlfriend is here to take all those aches away."
  71. "I'd hope so." You chuckled, sarcastic tone not missed.
  72. >"I can add to them too, if you want. You're in an awfully vulnerable position." The mare said flatly in response, poking you with a hoof.
  73. >You winced.
  74. "Okay, okay, I get it. No taunting...for right now."
  75. >"...I'll accept that."
  76. >Her hooves went back to you, spreading more of the heated oil on your back.
  77. "I hope you're keeping this off of the couch."
  78. >"I am. Why do you think I cast a spell?" Twilight asked, tone implying you were being thick.
  79. "To heat the oil...?" You replied in a questioning tone.
  80. >"Oh no Anon, this has been set up for a little while now. I was planning on this for today even before you walked in like, well...this."
  81. >Her hooves inadvertently hit a knot, and you hissed in pain.
  82. >"Ah, sorry!"
  83. >She took her hooves off, you heard pages of a book flipping, then her hooves went right back to the knot.
  84. >Softer this time, and with a little more tenderness.
  85. >Her hooves kneaded the knot out, the entire area feeling more relaxed and just a little exhausted.
  86. >"Been planning on this since you gave me one a few weeks back. Give a little, get a little, right?" She breathed into your ear, causing the hair on your neck to stand up.
  87. >She always loved getting that reaction out of you.
  88. >Giggling, Twilight breathed a cool breath onto your neck, watching each and every hair stand to attention as you shuddered.
  89. >Her hooves moved south, to your lower back.
  90. >The large majority of your bruises were here, so the alicorn was trying to navigate a veritable minefield of blinding pain.
  91. >She didn't spend much time there as a result.
  92. >The oil was at least helping alleviate some of the aching.
  93. >You felt her hooves move below the waist, onto your thighs and calves.
  94. >" tense here."
  95. "I walk all day, Twi. Of course they're tense."
  96. >The mare giggled suddenly, and you arched an eyebrow.
  97. "What?"
  98. >"Someone's happy to see me, I take it..." The lavender alicorn cooed mischievously.
  99. "Huh?"
  100. >She then poked her hoof on the head of the erection you didn't realize you had.
  101. >A small bolt of pleasure shot through you, but Twilight didn't go any further.
  102. >You wish she had, but you knew why she hadn't. Literally no drive for it.
  103. >Your eyelids felt heavy, as the weight of the day crashed down around them.
  104. >Twilight's own 'weight' was added to it.
  105. >You simply passed out without any further fanfare.
  106. ---
  107. >As you continued your gentle ministrations on his back, you heard him snore quietly.
  108. >Snore?
  109. >Were you boring him?
  110. >You picked the book back up, flipping a few pages and skimming for the info you needed.
  111. "Subjects may, on occasion, fall asleep due to the decreased heart rate and subsequent decreased blood flow associated with deep relaxation." You read.
  112. >A shot of worry passed through you as you kept reading.
  113. "This is...normal, and the subject should be allowed to sleep." You finished with a relieved sigh. "At this point, continuing the massage is completely optional, though the subject may find relaxing dreams if the massage is continued."
  114. >You smiled, continuing to trace lazy circles on the human's bare back.
  115. >You kissed his neck, watching the hairs again reflexively jump up.
  116. >Anon shivered this time, too.
  117. >As your lips trailed down his spine, he trembled in what you could only assume was pleasure.
  118. >A happy, sleepy yawn forced its way out of his mouth moments later.
  119. >"Mmghm...Twi...?" He asked.
  120. "Go back to sleep, silly." You whispered into his ear, and the small smile that lit his face lightened your heart.
  121. >"Okay..."
  122. >His breathing slowed again, almost immediately.
  123. >Anon likely wasn't even really awake, then.
  124. >You sincerely wished magic worked on him. There were a few tricks that the book told you about that you simply couldn't use.
  125. >Direct nerve stimulation and the like.
  126. >It was written by a unicorn, after all. Perhaps one written by an earth pony would have been better...
  127. >No matter.
  128. >Your human was peacefully sleeping as your hooves traced small circles on his shoulder blades.
  129. >A short spell to repel the residual oil off of his skin, leaving it looking...actually quite healthy, despite the obvious injuries he was sporting.
  130. >You put the remaining oil in a bottle, for the next time he needed this.
  131. >A blanket was draped over him, then you settled in next to him to read.
  132. >Your favorite thing: Cuddle-Reading.
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