
Silver's WIP

Dec 3rd, 2013
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  1. Just posting a quick WIP. See if you can figure out what Anon is doing.
  3. >Your footsteps echo through the halls of Canterlot Castle.
  4. >It really is quite nice that they let you run around amok.
  5. >Though perhaps the fact that the Princesses let you be the "pluripotent" human ambassador is also quite nice.
  6. >Granted there's no other humans.
  7. >Which is also relatively nice.
  8. >You're unique and get opportunities to hobnob with all the higher class ponies.
  9. >Oh, and Twilight totally has a thing for you.
  10. >You've recently been promoted to Royal Consort after all.
  11. >But that doesn't mean your mind isn't like a buzzsaw.
  12. >You knock on the door leading to Twilight's study.
  13. >She'll be moving back to Ponyville soon.
  14. >Whenever they're done with the remants of the Chaos Vines that Discord unleashed.
  15. >Until then, Canterlot is holding all the Ponyvillean refugees.
  16. >And Twilight is in charge of the relief efforts.
  17. >The door opens, handle seized by telekinesis.
  18. >"Oh Anon, so good of you to come!"
  19. >The purple alicorn runs up to you and wraps you in her wings.
  20. >You return the hug, drinking in her scent, and squeezing her tightly against your chest.
  21. >Her horn pokes you but it's not that unpleasant.
  22. >The fact that she became alicorn also added an inch or so to her height.
  23. >You couldn't be happier.
  24. >She reaches up and gives you a quick peck on the lips.
  25. >"So, how are you settling into YOUR royal duties?"
  26. >Heh.
  27. >Yeah...
  28. >So you may have been declared Royal Consort to Princess Twilight Sparkle.
  29. >That happened.
  30. >You grin and absent-mindedly start toying with her mane.
  31. >Immediately she goes slack and leans against you.
  32. "I love the new digs. I didn't realize that consorts were a thing or that we got so much -stuff-!"
  33. >She giggles.
  34. >"Well, even pony princesses need to unwind."
  35. >She looks up at you with bedroom eyes, smoky purple orbs obscured by purple eyelids.
  36. >Her horn glows and the door slams behind you.
  37. >The alicorn thing also did a number on her confidence.
  40. "Y'know Twilight, I gotta say, the whole 'Princess' thing really did wonders for your confidence."
  41. >She gigglesnorts, breaks the hug, and pokes you in the butt with her hoof.
  42. >"Oh puh-lease, Anon! I'm inches away from having another breakdown and crashing into the ceiling."
  43. >You glance up.
  44. >It's covered in horn marks.
  45. >You facepalm.
  46. "Twilight, you're the smartest (and cutest) mare I know. You're also the most well-organized. You -got- this."
  47. >She blushes and rubs against you.
  48. >"You're too sweet."
  49. >She trots over to the desk tail raised high.
  50. >O-oh my.
  51. >Presumably, porking the purple pony princess was part of her prescient plans.
  52. >You had other ideas.
  53. "Actually, Twilight, I think I have something even more alluring than my mere presence."
  54. >She lowers her tail and looks at you with one eye closed, the other raising an eyebrow.
  55. >"Oh?"
  56. >You reach for you belt and pull out a scroll-case, containing - what else - a scroll.
  57. >Walking over to the desk, you unfurl it, and place a weight on it.
  58. >She cranes her neck to look at it and starts reading out loud.
  59. >"A dark gray crystal-like rock, occasionally interspersed with pale green or pale yellow crystals."
  60. >She looks up at you with confusion on her face.
  61. >"So, what's the big deal? I think I saw a sample of it at the Canterlot Curiosity Collection."
  62. >You tap another part of the scroll and read:
  63. "Team has encountered a strange sort of sickness. Geologist Star Dust began shedding mane and coat. She handled most of the mineral. She has been removed to Stalliongrad Surgery. Caution signs have been placed. Probable cause is residual chaos magic. Mining does not seem to be feasible."
  64. >You give a little grin, while Twilight still looks confused.
  65. >"I don't get it. Why are you so excited about this - and why is it more important than coitus."
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