
the wyrm's mask part 4

Aug 13th, 2017
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  1. The last echoing chords of the mystical song ended as the light faded, leaving the pair standing there in the bright sunlight of Clock Town, a stark contrast to where they previously stood.
  3. “Please, somebody, any- what...” Verity’s pleading to the sky was interrupted by the sun hitting her eyes. “Everything is… back to normal?!”
  5. Zora’s eyes remained closed, wrapped up in the powerful thrall of memories. Verity leaped up on her head and bit at her ear a little bit, pulling her out of the intensity of her fugue.
  7. “What-”
  9. “Look!!”
  11. Sure enough, as Zora finally looked around, she saw everything as it was on the first day, the day that she had stepped out of the Clock Tower for the first time. The construction workers built their tower in front of her, children ran about the town laughing and playing. The fear was gone. The town was full.
  13. She remembered enough about the first day to be able to step out of the way when the pink-haired child, running about as a whirlwind, darted past her without a care. The child, of course, skidded to a halt after spotting her, and turned around regardless.
  15. “Omigosh!” The young girl cried. “A Changeling!! I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in town before! And I know eeeeveryone in Clock Town!”
  17. “Yeah, I’m new in town...” Zora suddenly felt an intense surge of deja vu. “Do you think you can point me in the direction of the inn?”
  19. “Oh oh! That’s over that way!” The child pointed to the east. “It’s the door with the moon next to it. The lady that runs the counter has been suuuuper sad lately. I tried to cheer her up with cakes, but it didn’t work… she’s supposed to get married soon! But no one has seen-”
  21. “Thank you, kid. Hey, look, I think your friend is hiding over there.” Zora pointed in no particular direction, watching as the child gasped and shot off.
  23. “Well, now that that’s out of the way...” Verity coughed, “Didn’t the creepy salesman tell us if we got back your instrument, to come see him?”
  25. “That’s right, he did...” Zora looked down at her furry, thin, weak arms. “I think maybe we should do that.” She turned on her heel and shoved open the heavy doors into the bottom of the Clock Tower.
  27. Sure enough, the bone-white creature with his backpack of masks, his arms of too many fingers, and his crown of horns, was there waiting for her when she came down the steps.
  29. “Ah, the heralded child returns… were you able to recover your precious instrument?”
  31. “Right here, sir...” Zora presented the red guitar, and the creature’s v-shaped mouth split into a curling smile a bit too wide for comfort.
  33. “Aha! You got it! Most excellent. That, is a powerful instrument, full of love and passion. You have instilled it with the lightning in your heart, tempered its sound with your spirit. Therefore, I believe you shall be most capable of performing this melody. Please, listen to it. Follow along… Remember it well.”
  35. Zora blinked, and all of a sudden, the creature was curled, sans pack, over a piano entirely too large for the space containing it. It was enough, even mired in all the strangeness, to give her quite a bit of pause. All four limbs and far too many fingers sat ready to play a concerto. However, he instead plinked out not more than a few simple chords.
  37. “One two three, one two three… one two, three four five… I think I’ve got this...” She strummed along to the melody the creature played, losing herself in the progression in perhaps a bit less of a bombastic way than before.
  39. She felt her mind focus, and her vision focused in on the hallucination before it. Brief flickers of the fox-like form she had become, barely visible before being covered with the guise of a small, tawny-skinned human girl. The images showed notes upon notes, the girl being found asleep with a mug of coffee clutched in her hand.
  41. And then, it was black. The girl stood before her, looking her up and down. After a moment, she nodded her approval, and with one last look from Zora into her sad eyes, took a solemn bow and faded away. When her sight cleared, she felt the vitality she had lost from her natural form return to her, and heard a clatter on the ground.
  43. The song soon ended, and she looked down to see a carefully hewn mask in the shape of a fennec fox staring back up at her, with the same sad eyes as in the vision. A name found its way into her mind.
  45. “Grace...” She picked up the mask gingerly. “Grace Fox… I know you. I remember you...”
  47. “This...” Samael interjected, “Is a song that heals troubled spirits and evil magic, turning them into masks… It has already helped you, it seems, and I believe it will continue to help you in the future.”
  49. When Zora looked up again, the piano was gone, and Samael had his pack again, causing her to wonder just what was up with this strange creature. What other secrets did he hold? Weird.
  51. “I will give you this mask,” he continued, “in commemoration of this day. Fear not, for the magic has been sealed inside it. When you wear it, you will assume the form you just were in. And when you remove it again, you will return to the body you now stand in.”
  53. “I see… thank you.”
  55. “Ah, but… now that I have fulfilled my promise to you...”
  57. “Er, yes…?” She had forgotten about this part.
  59. “Perhaps it is time that you give me that which you promised me...” Samael stared her dead in the eyes, perhaps even through to her very soul. “You… did of course obtain it, yes…?”
  61. “Er… well, no, sir. There was no way I could--”
  62. “WHAT?!” His voice now became less of a hiss and more of a roar. “Inexcusable! How could you have done this to me?!”
  64. “Sir- please! I’m sorry! I had no way to get at it, before...”
  66. “If you leave that mask out there, with that imp… something unspeakable will happen.” He did not return to the eerie calm that he had been before, but at very least, had stopped yelling.
  68. “Yeah, I know...” Zora grumbled, looking to the side.
  70. “Perhaps… a history lesson is in order, then.”
  72. “At your leisure, sir...”
  74. “The mask that was stolen from me, was an ancient artifact that I have known only as the Wyrm’s Mask. It is an absolutely accursed item, carved and shaped in the likeness of a great and terrible evil… It is, as these things are, said to have been used by a long-lost tribe of shapeshifters for its hexing rituals…”
  76. Something about this story poked at Zora’s mind in a strange, vague way. “I see.”
  78. “It is said that a wicked, mind-bending power is bestowed upon the one who wears the mask… According to legend, the troubles caused by the Wyrm’s Mask were so great… that the ancient ones, fearing an event called the Apocalypse, sealed it away deep within a pitch black labyrinth, so that it may never be misused again...”
  80. “So… why do you have it?”
  82. “Because, that tribe in the legend has long vanished from this world. The true nature of that mask’s power remains unknown thanks to that, but it wormed its way out of the abyss, as these things are wont to do… I feel its power. I went to great lengths to reacquire it. I presumed that perhaps, if I kept it, I too could fend off the Apocalypse. And when I finally had it, I felt… the strange sense of a dark omen brewing. The unwelcome feeling that makes your hair stand on end...”
  84. “Oh...”
  86. “And now, that imp has it… you must fetch it quickly, heralded child, or the Apocalypse will certainly come to pass.”
  88. “I understand, sir...” Even the word ‘apocalypse’ stirred something deep in the pit of her stomach, something uncomfortable and terrified of the very notion.
  90. “Go now. Do what you must to find it. I am, of course, counting on you...”
  93. It was an almost surreal trudge to the inn. Zora felt lightheaded and strange, and in earnest could not wait to return to the lumpy bed inside that ratty old room. In her confused state, it slipped her mind that full reset had occurred until the moment she entered the inn and tried to slump up the stairs.
  95. “’Scuse me?” Came the voice from the counter, bringing her out of her confusion for a moment. “I don’t mean to intrude if y’got business with some of the other tennants, but y’look like you got no idea right from left. You got a reservation?”
  97. It took her a moment to remember that they were back in the first day again, even then. “Um, yes sorry. Zora Blackwood?”
  99. “Blackwood, Blackwood… here y’go. Here’s your key. Have a nice stay.”
  101. As Zora took the key a second time, she couldn’t help but remember what the pink-haired child had told her about this woman. “So… I can’t help but hear around town that you’re going to be married soon.”
  103. “Heh. That’s the plan. Truth be told, I haven’t heard hide nor hair of my fiancee in about a month, hereabouts.”
  105. “Oh...”
  107. “So, I suppose I wait here, waitin’ t’see if the mailman’s gonna bring me any good news.”
  109. “Well, I wish you the best of luck in that.”
  111. “Yeah. You get nice an’ comfortable up there.”
  113. “I will, thank you.”
  115. She and Verity soon slipped into their inn room, and Zora fell unceremoniously on the bed. “It is so good to be strong again.”
  117. “You still look like you’ve been hit by… a metaphor, was it?”
  119. “Er… never mind that. It’s just… it’s been a lot of emotion for me. I’m so sorry I flaked out up there...”
  121. “Flaked out? You saved our lives!”
  123. “I know, but… while you were begging and pleading...”
  125. “Look, you came through in the end. It’s fine.”
  127. “Mmh...” There was a brief pause. “...Verity, I remembered them.”
  129. “What?”
  131. “When I picked my guitar back up. I remembered my sister, and my husband… It’s still coming back to me, even now... I have a sister, and a husband...”
  133. “Oh… so, that’s why you said you knew what I meant.”
  135. “Yeah. Anya, and Jackdaw… I don’t know how I ever forgot them. Such a couple of beautiful souls. Anya was hurt, and she was trying to mend and I loved her so much. And Jackdaw… he was so radiant. So wonderful. Like taking a warm spring day and packing it in the shape of a man. I left them behind and I can’t even figure out why. I need to get back to them. And when I picked up the mask, I remembered her too. Grace… we only met a few times, but she was kind of a stubborn little thing. Sharp as a whip, but had trouble focusing...”
  137. “That mask looks like somebody?”
  139. “And when I put it on, I become her. Huh… it could be useful. Those Goblin Fruits are a hell of a drug...” she shook her head out. “Even the innkeeper. I wish I could remember who she is. I just know that Anya loved her dearly. Her and… and someone else. Ugh… maybe it’ll come back to me if I keep trying to figure out what’s going on...”
  141. “Well… on the one hand, now we know what’s up with Ariel. That mask is making them try to bring on… the Apocalypse. And my brother is still with them. We have to stop it...”
  143. “I know. It’s up to us, Verity. If I help save the world… something in the pit of my gut tells me it’s my duty to do just that. And it’s just the right thing to do, and the fact that, if I do, I might remember more… point is, since we know what’s going on, it’s got to be us.”
  145. “I know...”
  147. “I feel a bit more confident now. I’ve been trained to fight by… somebody. I can’t remember… I remember the lessons, but not who taught them to me. They taught me something else too… I don’t remember it. What I do remember though… is how to use this.” She unsheathed the newly transformed rapier at her waist, restored into its full glory from its former shape as a simple stick. “I don’t think I’ll be able to channel magic through it like I am now, but I know how to use it. Jackdaw taught me.”
  149. “He must have been very important to you.”
  151. “More than you could comprehend. He would take me aside for lessons, just me and him… teach me the stances, the proper technique. He loved to try to correct me, but we both knew it was just an excuse to get close and personal. I miss him, now. I wish I could remember why I left.”
  153. “Take your time… we should figure out what to do next, though.”
  155. “I know. What was it your brother was saying?”
  157. “Swamp, mountain, ocean, and canyon. There are four regions outside town like that. The ones who are there… if I were to take a guess, what we need to do, is find whoever is there, and assemble them at the Clock Tower. But how are we going to do that in just three days...”
  159. “Take it one cycle at a time and hope for the best.”
  161. “But, the resets.”
  163. “I’ve noticed something. My guitar transcended the reset, where peoples’ memories didn’t. The pocket I was keeping the money you gave me in is empty now, too. Maybe there’s something to it.”
  165. “Maybe… you’re right. One step at a time.”
  167. “Maybe it’s time to address the weird lizard creature in the room, too. Didn’t the gecko freak say they were a map-maker?”
  169. “They did.”
  171. “I think it might be time to make a purchase. Where did you find that money you gave me?”
  173. “Just in the tall grass in North Clock Town. It was just lying there, kind of obscured. I don’t know if it was anyone’s private stash or not, but...”
  175. “But it’s ours now. We pick up enough to pay for a map or two, and then we can start plotting a course from there.”
  177. “Seems fair to me.”
  180. It was much easier to walk the town now that Zora was in her proper body, and didn’t get tired nearly as quickly. From what she remembered of the mask’s likeness, it wasn’t surprising that she would wear out so quickly, being kind of a weenie as she was. None of that mattered now, not now that she had her own legs back. Making it back to North Clock Town was much easier in that regard, and she quickly found the patch of tall grass that Verity had indicated.
  182. “Right here?”
  184. “Right in here.”
  186. Sure enough, Zora found, upon a careful search, tiny green crystals hiding in the grass and blending in. “So why is this stuff currency?”
  188. “I dunno. It’s been that way for as long as I can remember.”
  190. “Huh. I’ll just accept it then, I guess.” After collecting a healthy fistful out of the grass of the tiny blue and green crystals, righting herself, she stepped right up to the strange reptilian creature idling around the Great Primogen’s home. She knew she would, shortly, have to fetch that fragment again, or at least check for it just to be sure. But right now, a map is what she needed. The creature turned around to face her, and smiled a wide smile upon spotting Verity on her shoulder.
  192. “Ah! Hello, dear girl!”
  194. “Yes, hello.”
  196. “I can’t help but notice your… companion. And if you’re traveling around with a drake like her… hmm, yes, the embroidery on your clothes, the gleam in your eyes… even the heraldry on your banner. You are like me! You are seeking to become one with the great dragons!”
  198. “I sure am, pal. How about let’s you and I be friends?”
  200. “Hmm, yes, I like that proposition. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Zviad. Yes… in fact, as a token of our friendship, why don’t I offer you a discount on my wares? You see, I am a mapmaker. I do so wish I could give them out for free, but the Great Primogen does have dues to pay...”
  202. “I understand completely. Well as it just so happens, I do in fact have the money to buy a map or two.”
  204. “Then here, yes… a map of the town. Only five rupees.”
  206. “Alright, thank you. That’ll help me greatly. Now… do you think, maybe, you have some maps of the areas outside of town? You see I’m gonna be traveling around soon...”
  208. “Ah, what I have in my wares at the moment… I have a map of the Southern Swamp, if you would like.”
  210. “How much?”
  212. “Fourty rupees.”
  214. “Oh, hmm...” Zora opened up her palm and began to count them out, while Zviad watched her inquisitively.
  216. “My dear girl.”
  218. “Yes?”
  220. “Do you have any idea what a rupee is worth?”
  222. “Ah… no.”
  224. “I see. You really are a traveler then. The green are worth one, and the blue worth five. If you’re fortunate enough to find a red one, they’re worth twenty. Far more rarely, violet is fifty, silver worth one hundred, and gold worth three hundred.”
  226. “Ah. Thank you. I’ll remember that. So, if blue are worth five, then take one of these for the town map, aaand… one, two… hm. Take all of this for the swamp map. I think it’s enough but I’d be taking up both of our time to count it all out.”
  228. “Ah, yes, for the sake of brevity, I will accept it. Here you are.”
  230. Zora was handed two scrolls, which she tucked into her belt. She was going to have to find some kind of bag to carry all this in sooner rather than later, as she rapidly accrued things. “Thank you. Now pardon me, I have somewhere I need to be.”
  232. She absconded quickly, and made her way sooner rather than later to the laundry pool on the other side of town. It was largely the same as ever, and sure enough, hovering over the pool was that warm, orange will-o-wisp.
  234. This time, though, she did not feel the same aversion to water that she did before, and trudged right in to scoop it up in her hands. That warm feeling spread through her body, as that motherly voice touched her mind again.
  236. “You, of the black heraldry, hear my plea… the masked imp who stole your form and your precious item from you, so too split my form into mere fragments. They stole a piece of my very being from my fountain, and without it I can no longer reform. Please, I ask you, as the Great Primogen of Magic...”
  238. “Yes, ma’am, I’m on my way.” She mumbled, pulling herself out of the water and shaking herself down. If nothing else, she wasn’t out of breath yet.
  240. The walk back to the fountain saw her mostly dry by the time she got there, and into the cave she went. She released the wisp back into the fountain, and just like before, the woman reformed.
  242. “Ah… I thank you, child of the black heraldry. With my form reassembled, I can recall my promise to you. Yes, even through time, my dear. Such is the ebb and flow of magic that it transgresses the waves of temporal distortion. I hope you were able to learn what you needed.”
  244. “I was, ma’am.”
  246. “Good. Now, as for my gift, your just reward for reassembling me not once, but twice… I’m afraid I have even more ill news to spare. My brethren, my fellow Primogens across this land, have been similarly fragmented. I ask that you return them to as they are meant to be. To aid you in this task, I would like to present you with this mask. Perhaps, too, it will also stir your memory someday.”
  248. From a bookshelf nearby, the Great Primogen pulled a visage very much like her own. As Zora took it into her hands, though, it didn’t do much more than poke the back of her brain again.
  250. “...Hm. Nothing...”
  252. “Do take your time, my dear child. One day, it will return.”
  254. “I know, ma’am, I know.”
  256. “Did you obtain any maps from my dear friend, my child? Perhaps, as you are able to wear the guise of a Changeling, it would be best for you to visit the Swamp Freehold, to the south.”
  258. “They did give me a map of the Swamp, so there’s that...”
  260. “Ah, yes. Always on top of things, them. Go on, now. You’ve only three days to see your mission complete.”
  262. “Yes, ma’am...”
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