
Idea From Spike Anon

Mar 5th, 2014
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  2. *Note* Meridian Systems are energy path ways that chieses acupuncturists use to heal diseases way pack when think Chakra or what have like in Naruto if you cant get it around your head, blood vessels for magic
  4. "Okay, we'll start with the basics. Here is a diagram showing the meridian system of the three pony races. We're going to be focusing on the Unicorn, obviously. As you should already know, the horn is the point at which the unicorn's magic merges the inner 'self-world' with the 'outer world', which Philosophers and mages formally refer to as 'The Noumenon'. The inner world has various names, but most often is referenced as 'Qualia'. The placement of the Unicorn's horn makes their magical circuit the shortest of the three races. This is why they are capable of much more varied spells and enhantments and are often thought of as 'more magical' than the other two.
  6. As you can see on the Earth Pony Diagram, their meridians run thickly all over their body, strengthening it, and getting especially thick at the hooves and the base of the tail, giving them their innate connection to the Earth, and therefore their ability to grow things and know the health of the land and plants they interact with. They also keep those things healthier just by existing in a given area. It's how the Apple Orchard in Appaloosa was raised so quickly on such dry lands. It doesn't end with making fertile land or growing plants, either. It extends to the growing of crystals, finding underground water and caverns, and makes them key in finding the best sites for new construction. The list goes on and on."
  8. >Twilight paused for a moment to check if she still had their attention. You give a thumbs up and look over to Sweetie Belle.
  9. >She looks overwhelmed, but Twilight doesn't seem to notice and continues.
  11. "To bring this back around to Unicorn magic, the smaller loop in their major meridian system actually has the opposite effect as that of Earth Ponies. Leaving them more separated from the universe around them. This is what makes all but the most basic unicorn magic difficult to accomplish, and quite different from the nearly innate abilities of their friends. It means that inorder to breach the horn and enter the noumenon, A Unicorn must first find a way for their intended spell to resonate both within themselves, and with the outside world. In other words, they must find a way to meet reality halfway."
  13. "Any questions so far?"
  15. >You can think of a few, but you look to Sweetie Belle.
  17. "You go first, Sweetie Belle. I'm sure you have lots of questions."
  19. >She looks hesitant to speak up, so you make some vaguely encouraging gestures. It probably just looks like you're flapping your arms around all over the damn place.
  21. "Then how did Discord do what he did? And where does Spike fit into all of this. Do you have a diaphram for Dragons?"
  23. >Wow, you did not expect any of that. Sweetie Belle must be even smarter than you thought.....
  25. >By the looks of it, Twilight didn't expect that shit either. She looks like she might be choking on something.
  27. ------------------
  28. "I'm kind of interested in that second one, myself. But when it comes to Discord, I have to suspect that the answer has something to do with power levels? Or does that even apply?"
  30. >Twilight seems to recover somewhat as you add your 2 bits to the discussion
  32. "Umm....Yes! It kind of applies. Princess Celestia wouldn't tell me much about Discord, but what little I got out of her leads me to believe it has to do with both the amount of power he wields, plus just how good he is at uh, well, for lack of a better way to put it, 'convincing reality that he is right, and it is wrong, and it must just be mistaken, surely.' This is a result of his being even further removed from reality than any Unicorn could ever be, and being arguably insane.
  34. "Dragon meridian systems are strangely malleable, and seem to change as they grow older to match their personality and how they make use of it. They seem to always start off similar to an Earth Pony's well balanced system, only with more robust lines, with the add on of the system that allows them to breath fire and be extremely resistant and resiliant overall. The malleability seems to be related to how dragons end up in all different shapes and forms, some with or without wings, as well as some ending up growing into a shape fit for life in the oceans and rivers, and others not. And it's diagram, not diaphram, Sweetie."
  36. "Any questions actually about how Unicorn magic works? That was kind of the point of this lecture, although it's always good to have curiousity."
  38. >Sweetie Belle looks worried to ask her next question as well. Oh boy.
  40. "Is resonating with reality the same thing as Harmony, like the Elements of Harmony?"
  42. >Twilight looks pleased this time. This should be interesting.
  44. "Yes and no. Harmony with a capitol H is an effect that occurs in a situation where lots of ponies of all three types in a given area are in sync with each other. Most likely you've seen it's effects when a large group of ponies will burst into song together. This happens more often around holidays or weddings or festivals. It can also be triggered by a single pony feeling very strong emotions that resonate with the ponies around them.
  46. "The Elements act as a focus which multiplies this effect, and if guided correctly, can be used by a Unicorn or Alicorn to alter a wide area or destroy exorcise, and/or purify a particularly powerful troublemaker. As you may know, While an Alicorn is by nature strongly connected with the noumenon and therefore able to weild the Elements on their own, a Unicorn like me needs friends to help.
  48. "Resonance, on the other hoof, is merely the basic ability of a Unicorn to affect the world around them. You could say that all Harmony is a kind of resonance, but not all resonance is Harmony."
  50. >Okay, now you had a pretty big question.
  52. "Twilight, can the individual elements do anything on their own, and also, if they're just a tool, why are each of them associated with some virtue or other? You know, Kindness, Generosity, Laughter, etcetera."
  54. "Actually Spike, we don't know the answer to that for certain. We think it all has to do with friendship creating more resonance, and therefore more magic and Harmony. Can you see how it all flows together? That's why we were told to stay here in Ponyville in the first place, after all! Research!"
  56. >Oh, right. Friendship is Magic. Wow, what the fuck. It actually makes sense.
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