
In which Zach enters

Jan 21st, 2017
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  1. * YG[N00bFlesh] is now known as Yanniy_Grehij
  2. <yzabtech> ==START==
  3. <Yanniy_Grehij> I'm standing in my room, and decide to head outside, then back inside through the front door.
  4. <yzabtech> ((what's theos esperchum handle))
  5. <yzabtech> HOLY CRAP IT'S COLD--
  6. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((I dunno))
  7. <yzabtech> oh, nevermind
  8. <yzabtech> You're back in your house now. Wimp.
  9. <yzabtech> What do?
  10. <Yanniy_Grehij> "Brrr... It's frigging cold outside."
  11. <Yanniy_Grehij> "Mom, do we have any funking warm clothes?"
  12. <Yanniy_Grehij> "And maybe an actual axe for firewood?"
  13. <yzabtech> ((do you even have a mom))
  14. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((I should have))
  15. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((It's in my description))
  16. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((It's just not specified who she is))
  17. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((and she's dead probably))
  18. <yzabtech> ((i thought ezra left))
  19. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((Then momi is ded))
  20. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((Also, after Jonahh died, mom was the only one to take care of her))
  21. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((But anyways))
  22. <yzabtech> You realize you don't have a mom anymore.
  23. <Yanniy_Grehij> Wait, didn't mom need to go to the store to buy some food?
  24. <yzabtech> Yeah, 5 years ago.
  25. <Yanniy_Grehij> "SHIIIIIIIII...PPUDEN? Crud that's a bad replacement."
  26. <Yanniy_Grehij> You're pretty sure she was here yesterday
  27. <Yanniy_Grehij> Either way, I don't think mom could survive armageddon
  28. <yzabtech> Weeb.
  29. <Yanniy_Grehij> I guess I can explore her bedroom, and see what I can find?
  30. <yzabtech> Creepy, but sure, why not.
  31. <Yanniy_Grehij> I open the closest closet, the one which used to belong to mom.
  32. <Yanniy_Grehij> (In the bedroom)
  33. <Yanniy_Grehij> In it there're a bunch of coats, which should help, considering anything's better than a hoodie.
  34. <Yanniy_Grehij> I put on the fluffy pink one, since it looks totes adorbs.
  35. * IK ( has joined
  36. * IK is now known as shiningGreatsword
  37. <shiningGreatsword> k im here
  38. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((Nice))
  39. <shiningGreatsword> do i know yanniy
  40. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((You should not atm))
  41. <shiningGreatsword> kk
  42. <shiningGreatsword> ready to start
  43. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((Our dads knew each other, but we've never met))
  44. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((Also, we were already busy))
  45. <shiningGreatsword> ((oh shit my bad))
  46. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((But yzab seems preoccupied at the moment))
  47. <yzabtech> ((yeah sorry))
  48. <yzabtech> ((i'm back))
  49. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((ok))
  50. <shiningGreatsword> ((ready to start if ready))
  51. <yzabtech> Yanniy's too busy trying on clothes to save Theo from the apocalypse.
  52. <Yanniy_Grehij> My phone buzzes, indicating a message.
  53. <Yanniy_Grehij> I look at my phone.
  54. <yzabtech> Final connection established.
  55. <yzabtech> [NF -> SG] Confirm?
  56. <Yanniy_Grehij> I click the yes button. Must be part of this stupid doomsday program.
  57. <Yanniy_Grehij> Might as well message this SG guy.
  58. <yzabtech> You now see a young man in his bedroom.
  59. <Yanniy_Grehij> NF: Hiya!
  60. <shiningGreatsword> SG: Ah, hello!
  61. <shiningGreatsword> SG: Are you meant to be my server player?
  62. <Yanniy_Grehij> NF: I guess?
  63. <Yanniy_Grehij> NF: Tbh, I don't know shins about this server client dealio.
  64. <Yanniy_Grehij> NF: But yeah, let me check out the interface first.
  65. <yzabtech> ((brb i'm switching to phone))
  66. <Yanniy_Grehij> I check the server interface
  67. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((ok))
  68. * yzabtech_ ( has joined
  69. * yzabtech_ is now known as yzabtech[DM]
  70. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((Oh shit, I forgot my quirk last line))
  71. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((Oh well))
  72. <Yanniy_Grehij> I check the server interface
  73. <yzabtech[DM]> You see a young man in his bedroom, with a bar at the top.
  74. <yzabtech[DM]> It has multiple dropdown menus
  75. <yzabtech[DM]> including one with three machines and a punched captchalogue card.
  76. <Yanniy_Grehij> Oh hey, that looks familiar
  77. <shiningGreatsword> The man is sitting at his computer patiently.
  78. <Yanniy_Grehij> I go to that dropdown menu and select the first machine.
  79. <yzabtech[DM]> Wait, he's not a man yet.
  80. <Yanniy_Grehij> That man is no man! He's a woman!
  81. <yzabtech[DM]> He didn't get his mind broken and sort-of rebuilt through a supernatural doomsday game.
  82. <shiningGreatsword> He's like 16-17 and looks older
  83. <yzabtech[DM]> Yet.
  84. <Yanniy_Grehij> Wait no, just a really tiny guy.
  85. <yzabtech[DM]> He is but a boy.
  86. <Yanniy_Grehij> Anyways, back to the first machine.
  87. <Yanniy_Grehij> NF: I'm g69nna dr69p s69me machines in y69ur r6969m. D69n't be alarmed.
  88. <Yanniy_Grehij> I drag the first machine on to a spot that seems free.
  89. <shiningGreatsword> ((lmao what the fuck id that quirk))
  90. <shiningGreatsword> SG: Very well.
  91. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((It's the yinyang symbol represented in numbers
  92. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((Totally not a sex position))
  93. <shiningGreatsword> ((aight lmao))
  94. <shiningGreatsword> SG: Oh my.
  95. <shiningGreatsword> I look at the machine.
  96. <yzabtech[DM]> ((oh yanniy's just saying what she wants to do to theo))
  97. <yzabtech[DM]> ((too bad theo knows dorothy better than yanniy if ya know what i mean))
  98. <Yanniy_Grehij> NF: I think y69u might wanna clear s69me space, these machines are fudging huge.
  99. <Yanniy_Grehij> Also, I read the names of the machines. Now I know how they are called.
  100. <Yanniy_Grehij> Cool.
  101. <shiningGreatsword> SG: If you insist.
  102. <Yanniy_Grehij> Anyways, I drag the Totem lathe on to another free spot.
  103. <shiningGreatsword> I move my furniture to the corners of the room.
  104. * yzabtech_ (~yzabtech@2600:1017:b402:caff:452d:5c3b:c9a2:5196) has joined
  105. <yzabtech_> ((darn it phone internet))
  106. <yzabtech_> ((what did i miss))
  107. <Yanniy_Grehij> NF: 69h, d69n't try t69 bl69ck any d6969rs 69r wind69ws, I made that mistake earlier.
  108. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((I read the names of the machines and plonked down the totem lathe))
  109. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((And Theo moved his shit))
  110. <yzabtech_> ((did anybody laugh at my pun))
  111. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((I didn't even notice a pun, it's like 1 am, I'm too tired for puns))
  112. * yzabtech[DM] has quit (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
  113. * yzabtech_ is now known as yzabtech[DM]
  114. <shiningGreatsword> SG: I'm sorry, daggers?
  115. <yzabtech[DM]> First machine is placed down.
  116. <yzabtech[DM]> It has a wheel on the side, and a lid on the top.
  117. <yzabtech[DM]> Also a small screen that's blank.
  118. <Yanniy_Grehij> N69, I mean keep any exits clear, y69u idi69t arsenaltrumpet
  119. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((Imagine an NF before that))
  120. <yzabtech[DM]> ((whoops nevermind))
  121. <yzabtech[DM]> The DM is an idiot.
  122. <yzabtech[DM]> The first machine is actually oblong.
  123. <yzabtech[DM]> It has a strange laser-needle-thing, and a slot on the side.
  124. <shiningGreatsword> SG: I apologize, your typing quirk is difficult to read. And seemingly rather inappropriate.
  125. <yzabtech[DM]> Also a place to hold in a cylindrical object.
  126. <shiningGreatsword> ((you can just tell me what machine it is lmao))
  127. <shiningGreatsword> ((ive doen this before))
  128. <Yanniy_Grehij> NF: It's a Yin-Yang symb69l! Every69ne I kn69w said the same darn thing!
  129. <shiningGreatsword> SG: If you insist.
  130. <shiningGreatsword> SG: Next machine? How many are there to be placed?
  131. <Yanniy_Grehij> NF: 3 in t69tal
  132. <shiningGreatsword> SG: Excellentz
  133. <shiningGreatsword> Excellent.*
  134. <Yanniy_Grehij> NF: I placed the alchemiter, 69nly the t69tem lathe and the cruxtruder are missing.
  135. <Yanniy_Grehij> I place the Cruxtruder.
  136. <shiningGreatsword> SG: And now for the... Lathe, I assume?
  137. <Yanniy_Grehij> And I place the lathe too.
  138. <Yanniy_Grehij> NF: I think the alchemiter is actually the last part 69f the chain.
  139. <shiningGreatsword> SG: Ah. So what do I use first?
  140. <Yanniy_Grehij> NF: The cruxtruder. Y69u might want s69mething heavy hitting.
  141. <Yanniy_Grehij> NF: But after it is 69pened a c69untd69wn starts.
  142. <shiningGreatsword> SG: To turn a handle? I think not.
  143. <Yanniy_Grehij> NF: A c69untd69wn until the w69rld g69es t69 shingles
  144. <shiningGreatsword> SG: In that case, would you be so kind as to walk me through the rest of the process?
  145. <Yanniy_Grehij> NF: Sure
  146. <Yanniy_Grehij> NF: Y69u 69pen the cruxtruder, take a cylinder fr69m it, and put it in the t69tem lathe, t69gether with the card I'm ab69ut t69 give y69u.
  147. <Yanniy_Grehij> NF: Then it d69es lasery stuff, and the lasered cylinder g69es in the Alchemiter, which d69es s69mething?
  148. <Yanniy_Grehij> NF: F69r me it spawned a pen, but it might be player-specific
  149. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((Also where is yzab))
  150. <yzabtech[DM]> ((watching))
  151. <yzabtech[DM]> ((waiting))
  152. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((k))
  153. <Yanniy_Grehij> NF: G69t all that?
  154. <shiningGreatsword> SG: Yes.
  155. <Yanniy_Grehij> I drop the card, the final piece of the puzzle
  156. <shiningGreatsword> I get up and turn the handle with brute strength.
  157. <yzabtech[DM]> Roll strength.
  158. <shiningGreatsword> !roll 1d20+3
  159. <Tyche[Dice]> (1d20+3) [6+3] : {9}
  160. <NOTTyche[Dice]> rolled 1d20+3 --> [ 1d20=19 ] | {22}
  161. <shiningGreatsword> nottyche said it first
  162. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((Ok which dice do we follow?))
  163. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((I guess first come first served?))
  164. <shiningGreatsword> ((nottyche, spoke first))
  165. <yzabtech[DM]> tyche spoke first for me
  166. <shiningGreatsword> oh lmao
  167. <shiningGreatsword> should i reroll?
  168. <yzabtech[DM]> kick one of the dice
  169. <yzabtech[DM]> wait
  170. <yzabtech[DM]> i can do that
  171. * yzabtech[DM] is now known as Twelve
  172. <shiningGreatsword> k
  173. * Twelve is now known as yzabtech_
  174. <yzabtech_> no i can't
  175. <shiningGreatsword> rip
  176. <shiningGreatsword> one of you can
  177. <yzabtech_> only on my computer
  178. <shiningGreatsword> ok in that cae
  179. <yzabtech_> i'm on my phone since i'm out
  180. <shiningGreatsword> henceforth we use tyche
  181. <shiningGreatsword> normal tyche
  182. <yzabtech_> alright
  183. <shiningGreatsword> !roll1d20+3
  184. <Tyche[Dice]> (1d20) [8] : {8}
  185. <NOTTyche[Dice]> Error: Invalid Expression
  186. <shiningGreatsword> 11
  187. <shiningGreatsword> ((didnt add my mod lmao
  188. <yzabtech_> You barely manage to get turn the wheel and get the machine open.
  189. <yzabtech_> to turn*
  190. <shiningGreatsword> I take the cruxite and put it on the lathe, then plug the card in.
  191. <yzabtech_> A glowing orb pops out, along with a dowel--
  192. <yzabtech_> Enthusiastic, I see.
  193. <shiningGreatsword> I take the tooth Father gave to me all those years ago after Lizzy died and put it in the orb.
  194. <yzabtech_> I'll get to meet you soon enough, Theodore. We'll see if your enthusiasm keeps up.
  195. <shiningGreatsword> ((whos speaking))
  196. <shiningGreatsword> I flinch
  197. <shiningGreatsword> "Hello?"
  198. <yzabtech_> The orb now has the image of a dragon inside.
  199. <shiningGreatsword> ((is Zach still alive))
  200. <yzabtech_> ((idk, is he?))
  201. <shiningGreatsword> ((shrug, probably))
  202. <yzabtech_> Oh, there's nobody here.
  203. <shiningGreatsword> Elizabeth.
  204. <yzabtech_> Just your own thoughts.
  205. <shiningGreatsword> "Lizzy! It's been so long."
  206. <yzabtech_> The orb makes some dragon noises.
  207. <Yanniy_Grehij> I quickly check the timer on Theo's cruxtruder
  208. <yzabtech_> Lizard?
  209. <yzabtech_> I'm not sure.
  210. <shiningGreatsword> Dragon.
  211. <yzabtech_> One minute, and thirty seconds.
  212. <shiningGreatsword> I next put the carved dowel on the alchemiter.
  213. <Yanniy_Grehij> NF: Y69, y69u've 69nly g69t a minute, s69 st69p talking t69 rand69m v69ices in y69ur head and f69cus 69n n69t dying
  214. <Yanniy_Grehij> NF: Please
  215. <shiningGreatsword> Then activate the alchemitrr.
  216. <yzabtech_> It works. You see that a d10?
  217. <shiningGreatsword> I pick it up and look at it?
  218. <shiningGreatsword> A dice?
  219. <yzabtech_> There are no numbers.
  220. <yzabtech_> The clock ticks down.
  221. <shiningGreatsword> Shrug. I roll it.
  222. <yzabtech_> What's the point of rolling when there are no numbers?
  223. <yzabtech_> Twenty seconds.
  224. <shiningGreatsword> I do it anyway.
  225. <shiningGreatsword> It's a die, thats the point.
  226. <yzabtech_> Nope, nothing.
  227. <yzabtech_> Fifteen seconds.
  228. <shiningGreatsword> Fuck! I stomp it.
  229. <Yanniy_Grehij> NF: Try excessive f69rce!
  230. <yzabtech_> How dare you attempt to bring harm upon my visage, mortal!
  231. <yzabtech_> The countdown hits zero, and the decahedron sends a sharp pain through your leg, bringing you to your knees.
  232. <yzabtech_> It rises infront of you, growing before becoming transparent and disappearing. There is nothing but the void around you.
  233. <yzabtech_> Yanniy's screen cuts out.
  234. <yzabtech_> It's time I reveal myself to you, Theodore.
  235. * yzabtech_ is now known as AhuraMazda
  236. <Yanniy_Grehij> NF: Hey, are y69u there?
  237. <shiningGreatsword> "Uh..."
  238. <Yanniy_Grehij> NF: Hell69?
  239. <AhuraMazda> Rise.
  240. <shiningGreatsword> I stand.
  241. <shiningGreatsword> Instinctively.
  242. <Yanniy_Grehij> Oh jeez.
  243. <AhuraMazda> Your instincts are merely a product of your environment along with your genetic coding.
  244. <AhuraMazda> Polybius has done a wonderful job creating it, I must say.
  245. <shiningGreatsword> I say nothing. What is happening to me.
  246. <Yanniy_Grehij> I uncaptchalogue the book of the void
  247. <Yanniy_Grehij> !roll 1d20
  248. <Tyche[Dice]> (1d20) [6] : {6}
  249. <NOTTyche[Dice]> rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=7 ] | {7}
  250. <Yanniy_Grehij> !roll 1d12
  251. <Tyche[Dice]> (1d12) [2] : {2}
  252. <NOTTyche[Dice]> rolled 1d12 --> [ 1d12=10 ] | {10}
  253. <Yanniy_Grehij> The book takes 2 damage!
  254. <AhuraMazda> The Book of the Void has 24+3i HP.
  255. <Yanniy_Grehij> I read the Book of the Void to see if I can learn something about SG's situation
  256. <AhuraMazda> The number seems to change to other numbers any one in a while
  257. <AhuraMazda> It's not dying anytime soon.
  258. <AhuraMazda> You flip to a random page, and see images of 6 geometric figures.
  259. * Theodore (~zacharyho@ has joined
  260. <Yanniy_Grehij> I look at the geometric figures
  261. <AhuraMazda> ((1 sec))
  262. <AhuraMazda> ((test))
  263. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((test for what?))
  264. <AhuraMazda> ((connection))
  265. <AhuraMazda> The page has a tetrahedron, a cube, an octahedron, a decahedron, and a dodecahedron, in a circle around an icosahedron larger than the rest.
  266. <AhuraMazda> It is spread over two pages.
  267. <Yanniy_Grehij> Eh, not really what I'm looking for right now
  268. <AhuraMazda> The pages are labeled " Συμβούλιο του Ωvερμινδ"
  269. <Theodore> ((is anything happening to me or...)
  270. <AhuraMazda> ((sorry theo))
  271. <AhuraMazda> Theo is still located in the void.
  272. <Theodore> ((im just confuse))
  273. <AhuraMazda> He hears a voice.
  274. <AhuraMazda> The voice is me, of course.
  275. <AhuraMazda> Congratulations, Theo. You have successfully completed your first test.
  276. <Theodore> "Good. But where am I? Who are you?"
  277. <AhuraMazda> I am Ahura Mazda, third member of the Council of the Overmind.
  278. <Theodore> "Overmind. That does not sound good, to be honest."
  279. <AhuraMazda> You are temporarily in a space between universes I have constructed.
  280. <Theodore> "Why have you taken me here?"
  281. <AhuraMazda> "To congratulate you, of course."
  282. <AhuraMazda> "And also a warning."
  283. <Theodore> "On what?"
  284. <Theodore> "On both counts."
  285. <AhuraMazda> "It appears you have prior knowledge on the mechanisms of S-B.
  286. <AhuraMazda> "
  287. <AhuraMazda> "Your parents have trained you well."
  288. <Theodore> "Some, yes. Neither of my parents told me much, but I gleaned some from them yes."
  289. <AhuraMazda> "Never before have the sons and daughters of prior players have to have been entered into S-B."
  290. <Theodore> "That is true. How is it relevant."
  291. <AhuraMazda> "You're one of the first."
  292. <AhuraMazda> "This is a warning. Your predecessors have become very proud."
  293. <AhuraMazda> "They have lost their humility, and one has attempted to usurp a member of the Council in her blind rage."
  294. <AhuraMazda> "She has been swiftly dealt with, in a punishment found suitable and fitting."
  295. <Theodore> "Who? None of my aunts or uncles would do such a thing."
  296. <AhuraMazda> "The universe you were born from was created by two others."
  297. <AhuraMazda> "Each with their own respective sets of S-B players."
  298. <AhuraMazda> "Your parents were the ones who came before them."
  299. <AhuraMazda> "Along with ten other players, they created not one, but two universes, due to a spacio-temporal anomaly."
  300. <Theodore> "Yes, I already knew that."
  301. <AhuraMazda> "Your universe, as it came after theirs, is the result of this anomaly."
  302. <AhuraMazda> "We as the Council have made a collective decision that it must be purged."
  303. <AhuraMazda> "Do not become too proud. Retain your humility, or you will suffer the same fate as your universe."
  304. * Theodore has quit (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
  305. <AhuraMazda> You see a vision of various places on earth in ruin.
  306. <AhuraMazda> ((wait wat))
  307. <AhuraMazda> ((theo you still there))
  308. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((I'm gonna have to leave now, it's already 2am here and dad's knocking on my door))
  309. <Yanniy_Grehij> ((sorry))
  310. * Yanniy_Grehij has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  311. <AhuraMazda> ((tell him you're too busy fucking your body pillow))
  312. <AhuraMazda> ((ok bye))
  313. <AhuraMazda> Theodore
  314. <AhuraMazda> shiningGreatsword
  315. <shiningGreatsword> "I swear not to become proud.
  316. <shiningGreatsword> ((sorry parents got home and forgot for a sec))
  317. <AhuraMazda> "Wonderful."
  318. <shiningGreatsword> "So I am to follow again in the footsteps of my parents."
  319. <AhuraMazda> "I shall take my leave now. Remember to keep your oath, for I know all with the Overmind above me."
  320. <shiningGreatsword> "I will remember."
  321. <AhuraMazda> "Goodbye, Theodore."
  322. <AhuraMazda> The void disappears, and you see your house around you again--
  323. <AhuraMazda> ...oh man, is he gone?
  324. <shiningGreatsword> What the fuck. I look outside.
  325. <AhuraMazda> ((i don't have a land for you yet))
  326. <shiningGreatsword> oh ok
  327. <shiningGreatsword> end irc then?
  328. <AhuraMazda> Do you know how painful it is to be locked away in a pocket dimension?
  329. <shiningGreatsword> ((uh, no))
  330. <AhuraMazda> ((almost))
  331. <shiningGreatsword> Aw man. "Uh, no."
  332. <AhuraMazda> Well, I got locked away so the magic d10 could narrate instead for a bit.
  333. <AhuraMazda> I'm back now. The old narrator. Remember me?
  334. * AhuraMazda is now known as yzabtech[DM]
  335. <shiningGreatsword> Yes. I do.
  336. <yzabtech[DM]> Wonderful. You'll get to know me.
  337. <yzabtech[DM]> Time to take on the world, kid.
  338. <yzabtech[DM]> ==END==
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