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Jan 2nd, 2012
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  1. cycle 1:
  2. 1 rupee from grass (room where tatl joins you)
  3. fly to far deku flower in room with deku tree guy
  4. mask salesman, clock town
  5. ECT, deku flower to top of stock pot inn, granny stories (day 3)
  6. WCT, shop, scarecrow dancing (night 3), rupee from jar on table (2R)
  7. 2R in bank, ECT, stray fairy in the air, stock pot inn, 99R from chest upstairs
  8. backwalk past guard in ECT, go left, re-enter at NCT, great fairy for magic
  9. WCT, deposit 99R, clock tower, moon's tear skip, wait for midnight
  10. get OoT, play SoT, reset after saying Yes to save
  12. cycle 2:
  13. get SoH and deku mask, ECT, 99R from chest
  14. SCT, hit owl, WCT, deposit 99R (adult wallet), withdraw 130R
  15. buy bomb bag, buy 20 chus, exit clock town (right next to bomb shop)
  16. hover over GB fence (throw in some superslides if you want)(18C)
  17. hit GB owl, get zora mask, zora pots 2x, hit zora cape owl, refill bombs (20B)
  18. swim to palm tree island things, zora high grab to climb up
  19. hover to last island, open ff (recoil flip in with the same bomb)(18B)(14C)
  20. zora long jump to the left, 4 backflips then 7 sidehops to hover (16B)(4C)
  21. bombs from grass near tree, hit ikana owl, zora swim down river (20B)
  22. woods of mystery (LRRULL), red potion, roll to octo, kill with zora boomerang
  23. time rolls through poison water, deku palace
  24. zora clip past guards (OR put on deku mask and talk to them)
  25. use your favorite strat for deku palace, sonata
  26. jump from lillypad to log, deku fly to owl, SoS
  27. woodfall, play sonata (attempt sig trick)
  28. crouch stab pot for sticks (gets isg), get nuts and hit owl, deku fly to temple
  29. down and to the right, backflip onto log, spin up it to flower, fly to door
  30. get more bombs if you need them, hover across gap (~19B)(0C)
  31. fight dinolfos (stun with nut then deku JS), bow, SoS to entrance, SoS to CT
  32. get bremen mask, buy 20 chus, bottle dupe over sticks, nuts & bremen
  33. (optionally) get scarecrow's song, SoS to GB
  34. swim to pirate's fortress, avoid pirates (get to goron switch thingy)
  35. hover across gap, enter fortress (18B)(16C)
  36. shoot pirate near ladder, climb it, shoot pirate across bridge, go through door
  37. hug the right wall, stand at 2nd to last yellow symbol thing, shoot nest
  38. exit, drop down to right, enter door, hook, get egg 1
  39. out the way you came in, go left, hookshot up, sva trick to drop down into opening, get egg 2
  40. out the way you came in, hookshot across, jump past red roof thing, door on right, get egg 3
  41. out the way you came in, hookshot up-right, hookshot across, enter door
  42. stun pirate with hookshot, go left, fight pirate, get egg 4, SoS to GB
  43. dump eggs, refill bombs/magic/arrows/hearts behind lab, swim to pinnacle
  44. lsat 3 eggs (i hope you know which snake things have them), get lost
  45. swim back to lab, dump eggs, nwbn cs skip, SoS to woodfall, optional owl save
  46. get sticks and nuts, deku fly to flower (maxx attaxx huhu), fly to ff
  47. ffww to the left again (same way), exit fountain at full speed (18B)(6C)
  48. buffer isg, SS past wind, jump up to walkway, isg again
  49. avoid snowballs (use chus), enter snowhead
  50. zora push block, door to the right, refill bombs from grass below (zora die in fire)(note: it's faster to refill all here except 1, so get 15-19 bombs, then do your last refill in the next room)
  51. zora rolljump to the left (don't get frozen), kill freezard, go through door
  52. hold down-downleft as you enter, roll (jump down during cutscene), get last bomb refill, fire death
  53. hookshot left to big ice thing, hookshot up (use scarecrow if you have it)
  54. 2x bomb long jumps to the right, enter door to fight wizrobe, fire arrows
  55. exit, run to edge of bridge (left side), turn around and hookshot up
  56. hover to snowballs, use fire arrows on them once you get inside, go upstairs
  57. hover across gap, bk skip, kill goht with arrows
  58. go in house thing, pay for razor sword, leave, sodt til morning, get razor
  59. SoS to woodfall, deku fly, hookshot up to torch, hookshot across to torch w/ moths, enter door toward bow
  60. jump down to deku flower in the middle, shoot eye switch, deku fly to door
  61. JS gekko, deku mask, knock him off turtle, use fire arrows on him (2 will kill him), bk
  62. fly back to main room, go right, shoot torch in the corner with fire arrow, go through door
  63. jump down to middle thing with flower, kill dumb dragonflys that are bothering you, hookshot up to torch near boss door, enter
  64. kill odolwa with quickspins, exit room that you end up in after, SoS to CT
  65. buy chus, SoS to ikana, climb stone tower (use 1 bomb and 10 chus for each big gap)
  66. hit owl, SoS to CT, buy chus
  67. SoS to stone tower, catch fairy, timestop on right switch, ride block across
  68. enter temple, go right, hover over block, zora swim under bridge through tunnel let hand grab you and throw you up, get key, swim back, go through door
  69. get isg, hover over sun block (you can target a boe to angle change and zora high grab here)
  70. through door, deku updraft room, fight garo master with nuts (and any sticks you have), light arrows
  71. SoS to entrance, recoil flip to the side of the temple, get isg, sidehop hover to invert stt
  72. enter inverted temple, go right, shoot sun block, deku updraft to bridge with beetle guy, go through tunnel
  73. recoil flip to bridge (kinda tough, hover across if you prefer)
  74. kill eyegore by shooting LAs at his eye when it's yellow, don't open chest
  75. hookshot to the right (upside down chest), enter door (don't get jinxed)
  76. bust up boxes for bombs/arrows/magic, fight gomess (LA then JS, repeat), bk
  77. back through hallway, in next room don't move and sidehop right 1 time
  78. hookshot from that spot back to chest you didn't open (between metal support things), open it
  79. go through door that eyegore used to be guarding, hookshot crystal switch in front of you
  80. hookshot chest on ceiling, hookshot target on ceiling in front of you, drop down
  81. refill arrows and magic and hearts in the back (bunch of jars), then open door
  82. fight twinmold with arrows or giant's mask (your call). blue one is weak to fire arrows
  83. SoS to zora cape, catch fairy, play nwbn (attempt turtle cs skip if it's day)
  84. do whatever gbt bk skip you want (2 bomb is a good one), kill gyorg
  85. SoS to CT, tower, oath, SS on moon to kid, start fight (refill arrows and magic from jars)
  86. for mask do zora boomerangs then LA (2x will wake up other masks, then 2x to finish mask)
  87. for incarnation take this opportunity to kill the other masks (if you want), then stun incarnation with an arrow and quickspin at his feet to kill him
  88. for wrath stun him with an arrow then time slashes to kill him
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