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a guest
Apr 26th, 2015
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  1. #-Options-#
  2. options:
  3. name: >> Your killboards name here <<
  5. #-Command-#
  7. command /killboard <text>:
  8. usage: "/killboard <on:off>"
  9. description: Toggles the Kill Scoreboard!
  10. permission: skript.op
  11. trigger:
  12. arg 1 is "on":
  13. set {killboard} to true
  14. broadcast "&7[&cUHC&7] &2Kill Scoreboard&a enabled!"
  15. execute console command "scoreboard objectives add Kills playerKillCount {@name}"
  16. wait 1 second
  17. execute console command "scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar Kills"
  18. arg 1 is "off":
  19. set {killboard} to false
  20. broadcast "&7[&cUHC&7] &2Kill Scoreboard&c disabled!"
  21. execute console command "scoreboard objectives remove Kills"
  23. #Removes player from wl, clears xp, auto kicks after 60 secs, clears players stats at killboard and leaves from team (uses d4 team manager)
  24. on death of player:
  25. if {killboard} is true:
  26. attacker is player:
  27. command "/whitelist remove %victim%"
  28. loop 5 times:
  29. execute console command "/xp -999999999 %victim%"
  30. set {ratetime::%victim%} to true
  31. send "{@h} &fYou have 60 seconds to say goodbye!" to victim
  32. wait 10 seconds
  33. execute console command "/scoreboard players reset %victim%"
  34. set {_TeamNumber} to {Teams.InTeam::%victim%}
  35. delete {Teams.InTeam::%victim%}
  36. remove victim from {Team.%{_TeamNumber}%::*}
  37. command "/scoreboard teams leave %victim%"
  38. wait 50 seconds
  39. kick victim due to "&4&lGood Game! Better luck next time!"
  40. delete {rated::%victim%}
  41. delete {ratetime::%victim%}
  42. #Does same things but adds one point to PvE
  43. else:
  44. execute console command "/scoreboard players add &c&lPvE Kills 1"
  45. loop 5 times:
  46. execute console command "/xp -999999999 %victim%"
  47. command "/whitelist remove %victim%"
  48. set {ratetime::%victim%} to true
  49. send "{@h} &fYou have 60 seconds to say goodbye!" to victim
  50. wait 10 seconds
  51. execute consolecommand "/scoreboard players reset %victim%"
  52. set {_TeamNumber} to {Teams.InTeam::%victim%}
  53. delete {Teams.InTeam::%victim%}
  54. remove victim from {Team.%{_TeamNumber}%::*}
  55. command "/scoreboard teams leave %victim%"
  56. wait 50 seconds
  57. kick victim due to "&4&lGood Game! Better luck next time!"
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