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  1. 19:14 *** lurkd joined #redpool
  2. Pool Status: red
  3. Topic set by Rogattheconvention on Fri Oct 18 2013 05:57:26 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
  4. 19:14 *** lurkd is now known as lurkdGM
  5. 19:15 *** Gara joined #redpool
  6. 19:16 *** Balthazaar joined #redpool
  7. 19:17 *** |PuNKCaT| joined #redpool
  8. 19:17 Balthazaar Mark arrives at the sub bay
  9. 19:17 lurkdGM A few guys in lab coats are standing around in a group trying to compare notes.
  10. 19:17 ShotgunFiend Zay walks in, all swagger-like. (Not really)
  11. 19:17 lurkdGM One is decked out with a high tech radio receiver.
  12. 19:17 ShotgunFiend But he does walk in. "Sup Mark?"
  13. 19:17 jedifan Phelan arrives in the subbay.
  14. 19:18 *** Tehpillowstar left #redpool (Be right back; going to the moon. )
  15. 19:18 Gara Loren arrives!
  16. 19:18 *** Strifers joined #redpool
  17. 19:18 Balthazaar "not a lot. Same old shit. "You?"
  18. 19:18 jedifan "Anyone know what's going on?"
  19. 19:18 ShotgunFiend "S-S-D-D, brotha."
  20. 19:19 jedifan "Um, what?"
  21. 19:19 Strifers Rick trots into the bay. He's got his pistol belt on over his coat already.
  22. 19:19 Strifers "Sitrep?"
  23. 19:19 lurkdGM Everyone's radios are saturated with clicks and static as they approach the pool.
  24. 19:19 lurkdGM <<*clicking* *static* *beep*>>
  25. 19:19 Strifers Rick listens to the clicks, looking for patterns.
  26. 19:19 lurkdGM Rick, it's pretty chaotic.
  27. 19:20 lurkdGM Roll perc Rick to hear more.
  28. 19:20 jedifan Phelan listens in a bit as well.
  29. 19:20 jedifan 6df+6
  30. 19:20 Glacon jedifan: 8 (6df+6=-, 0, +, +, +, 0)
  31. 19:20 lurkdGM Anyone listening intently to the radio frequencies can roll perc.
  32. 19:20 ShotgunFiend Zay looks to Phelan. "Same shit, different day. S-S-D-D."
  33. 19:21 Strifers 6df+12 tagged.
  34. 19:21 Glacon Strifers: tagged.: 14 (6df+12=+, +, 0, 0, +, -)
  35. 19:21 Strifers Rick ignores the other people.
  36. 19:21 Balthazaar Mark ignores his radio
  37. 19:21 *** Puppetmaster joined #redpool
  38. 19:21 lurkdGM Phelan, you hear a very faint beeping that keeps cutting in and out. Rick here's the same thing but would probably recognize this as a mayday beacon.
  39. 19:22 Strifers "Morse code."
  40. 19:22 Strifers Rick strides up to the labcoats.
  41. 19:22 Strifers "Hey, you guys reckognizeing the SOS? Who do we have down there?"
  42. 19:22 jedifan "Any indication where the signal is originating from?'
  43. 19:23 ShotgunFiend "SOS?" Zay perks up.
  44. 19:24 lurkdGM The lab guys scatter, except one. He pushes his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. "It's coming from the pool, last few hours and has been pretty non-stop. It's a mayday beacon, defintley a Foundation one."
  45. 19:24 Gara "Huh, okay."
  46. 19:24 jedifan "What signals analysis has been done so far?"
  47. 19:25 lurkdGM "And we... we can pick out at least several different beacons once we filter it. But we can't nail down an exact number."
  48. 19:25 jedifan "That is ... interesting."
  49. 19:26 jedifan "We don't currently have anyone out and about do we?"
  50. 19:26 lurkdGM "It's the exact same beacons our subs transmit."
  51. 19:26 ShotgunFiend "So we gotta fleet in distress out there?"
  52. 19:26 Strifers "So it's all the subs that we've lost over the months, then?"
  53. 19:26 Gara "Maybe."
  54. 19:26 ShotgunFiend ~How many subs do these guys go through...~
  55. 19:27 Strifers "Can you give us a ballpark?"
  56. 19:27 lurkdGM "No we don't have any departures listed. We need you investigate. Basically get in and get out. Rescue... I'll leave that to the team's discretion. We don't know much else I'm afraid at this point."
  57. 19:28 Strifers "What kind of standard locking collar do we have on these subs?"
  58. 19:28 Strifers "I take it that it's not the standard SOV-NATO agreement style, right?"
  59. 19:29 lurkdGM "Um... I don't have the specs with me, sorry."
  60. 19:30 jedifan "I'm more interested in the signals myself, any information contained in it beyond a simple mayday or pon-pon?"
  61. 19:30 Balthazaar "Well, no time like the present. We going?"
  62. 19:31 lurkdGM "Well, the radio signals may be more clear on the other end."
  63. 19:31 jedifan "Well, sounds like I'm definitely going."
  64. 19:31 Strifers "Well then, there's not much time to waste. We'll deal with it, Doc."
  65. 19:32 Gara Loren goes on into the sub.
  66. 19:32 Balthazaar So does Mark
  67. 19:32 jedifan Phelan follows.
  68. 19:32 lurkdGM "Good luck team." She walks off. Technicians prepare the sub.
  69. 19:32 ShotgunFiend Zay hops in and buckles up.
  70. 19:32 Strifers Rick gets in!
  71. 19:32 jedifan Phelan heads to the communication station.
  72. 19:33 lurkdGM Phelan, all the radios are saturated.
  73. 19:33 lurkdGM Everyone in?
  74. 19:34 Strifers Everyone in!
  75. 19:34 jedifan yep
  76. 19:34 lurkdGM The sub is launched. *bloop* *bloop*
  77. 19:34 *** Strife quit (Client exited)
  78. 19:35 *** Strife joined #redpool
  79. 19:35 *** Strifey joined #redpool
  80. 19:35 *** Strife quit (Client exited)
  81. 19:35 *** Strifey quit (Client exited)
  82. 19:35 *** Strifey joined #redpool
  83. 19:35 *** Strife joined #redpool
  84. 19:35 lurkdGM As it descends, the light slowly drowns out till it's pitch black outside.
  85. 19:35 ShotgunFiend Zay hums the Jeopardy theme.
  86. 19:36 jedifan Phelan listens to the radios trying to pick up any changes in the signals.
  87. 19:36 Strifers "A bit quieter, please."
  88. 19:36 Strifers Rick listens for leaks in the sub, senses waiting for problems.
  89. 19:36 lurkdGM All the sound outside slowly drowns out... even the engine noise is getting snuffed.
  90. 19:36 ShotgunFiend "..." He stops.
  91. 19:37 lurkdGM Then... all stop. The sub is still.
  92. 19:37 Balthazaar "Looks like we're here."
  93. 19:37 Strifers "You hear the engine noise being gone?"
  94. 19:38 Strifers "Someone knock on the far bulkhead please."
  95. 19:38 lurkdGM Nope. There is a bright flash of light outside and the sub accelerates very quickly.
  96. 19:38 lurkdGM It's spinning, everyone is glued to a seat from the centrifugal force.
  97. 19:38 jedifan "Please tell the new guy that this is normal."
  98. 19:38 lurkdGM *rumble*
  99. 19:38 Balthazaar "Oh shit..."
  100. 19:39 jedifan "That would be me if anyone was wondering."
  101. 19:39 ShotgunFiend "Toootaaallyy nooorrmaaaallll."
  102. 19:39 ShotgunFiend He talks through clenched teeth
  103. 19:39 lurkdGM The light outside fades to black and the spinning and sub begins to decelerate. Everyone feels... lighter?
  104. 19:40 Strifers "Sure. Normal is as normal does, man."
  105. 19:40 Gara "You're new too, though. This is normal."
  106. 19:40 lurkdGM The sub crawls to a gentle stop and everyone feels it... Zero G. Everything not bolted down begins to float.
  107. 19:41 Strifers "I've been here for awhile, Loren."
  108. 19:41 ShotgunFiend "Well considering /we/ got launched like a cannon out of water, I figured this couldn't be /too/ far-fetched."
  109. 19:41 Gara "Wasn't talking to you."
  110. 19:41 ShotgunFiend "Last night, that is."
  111. 19:41 jedifan Phelan pops his neck, "I've always wanted to experience zero-g."
  112. 19:41 Strifers "Ah, fair enough. This is cool."
  113. 19:41 lurkdGM Mdef everyone.
  114. 19:41 Strifers Rick looks around for a bottle of water!
  115. 19:41 ShotgunFiend Zay lets his rifle float
  116. 19:41 jedifan 6df+6
  117. 19:41 Glacon jedifan: 3 (6df+6=0, -, -, 0, -, 0)
  118. 19:41 Gara 6df+6 Strong of mind.
  119. 19:41 Glacon Gara: Strong of mind.: 5 (6df+6=-, 0, +, -, -, +)
  120. 19:41 Balthazaar 6df+6
  121. 19:41 Glacon Balthazaar: 7 (6df+6=-, +, -, +, 0, +)
  122. 19:41 ShotgunFiend 6df+5 Defense of tee bran
  123. 19:41 Glacon ShotgunFiend: Defense of tee bran: 4 (6df+5=-, 0, -, +, +, -)
  124. 19:42 *** Aphex_ quit (Connection reset by peer)
  125. 19:42 lurkdGM Strifers?
  126. 19:42 Strifers 6df+6 mdef
  127. 19:42 Glacon Strifers: mdef: 7 (6df+6=+, 0, +, -, 0, 0)
  128. 19:43 lurkdGM Zay, you are struck with moderate nausea and begin to feel pretty shitty. Phelan, you can't handle this, you blow ralph everywhere in zero-G.
  129. 19:43 lurkdGM *chunks not ralph
  130. 19:43 ShotgunFiend "Mmmm, ooh man..."
  131. 19:44 lurkdGM (wow... that's bad)
  132. 19:44 jedifan Phelan spews regurgitated coffee all over the place, then wipes his chin.
  133. 19:44 lurkdGM Phelan, it floats beautifully.
  134. 19:44 jedifan "Blergh, Sorry everyone."
  135. 19:44 ShotgunFiend He closes his eyes and presses his knuckles to his fore head. ~Seriously, I can live on a boat for /how long/ but some no-g fucks me up...?~
  136. 19:45 Balthazaar Mark laughs and takes a picture of the incredible flying vomit with his pda
  137. 19:45 Strifers "Well then. I'd rather try that with water, but okay."
  138. 19:45 lurkdGM It's so silent and dark outside.
  139. 19:45 Strifers "If it hits me, I'm going to be annoyed."
  140. 19:45 lurkdGM Nothing but black.
  141. 19:46 Strifers Rick watches the perfect sphere of formercoffee
  142. 19:46 jedifan "Evidently, its a good thing I chose not to become an astronaut."
  143. 19:46 Balthazaar Mark looks out the window. "I don't like it out there." Is it like night out there, or like somethings covering the windows?
  144. 19:47 jedifan "Next time, I'm carrying barf bags with me."
  145. 19:47 lurkdGM Mark, it's black... like... BLACK BLACK. There is some sort of faint light below, but you can't see.
  146. 19:47 Strifers Rick turns on his rifle light and points it out the window. Can he see any beam in the blackness?
  147. 19:48 Balthazaar "... It looks pretty fucked out there. Reminds me of those nature documentaries where they go deep sea."
  148. 19:48 jedifan Phelan turns his focus from his abused sense of balance to the signals coming from the radio.
  149. 19:48 lurkdGM Rick, it's just a faint glow below. It doesn't illuminate anything else outside.
  150. 19:49 *** Strifey quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))
  151. 19:49 *** Strife quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))
  152. 19:49 Gara Loren checks the oxygen.
  153. 19:49 lurkdGM Phelan, it's sounds a /little/ clearer, less static.
  154. 19:49 Gara "Has to be pressure out here... This thing should'v popped like a balloon."
  155. 19:49 lurkdGM Loren, it's breathable. Temperature is slightly below freezing, but tolerable.
  156. 19:49 Strifers "Well, I don't know if we're underwater or what. Not like the pool to not give us somewhere to go."
  157. 19:49 Balthazaar "Can the sub tell us what sort of environment we're in?"
  158. 19:50 Gara "It's breathable."
  159. 19:50 Gara "Cold, but breathable."
  160. 19:50 jedifan "Well, the signals are definitely better, but I'm still getting a lot of static."
  161. 19:50 lurkdGM Zay, agility.
  162. 19:50 Balthazaar Mark zips up his jacket
  163. 19:50 Gara "Lets go, who's out first?"
  164. 19:50 ShotgunFiend 6df+5 I actually HAVE THIS STAT
  165. 19:50 Glacon ShotgunFiend: I actually HAVE THIS STAT: 8 (6df+5=0, 0, +, +, +, 0)
  166. 19:50 Strifers "I'll take point."
  167. 19:50 Gara "Alright. Here we go."
  168. 19:50 Strifers Rick pulls up his clava and gets ready to exit.
  169. 19:51 lurkdGM A puke sphere narrowly misses Zay's head.
  170. 19:51 Balthazaar Mark unbuckles
  171. 19:51 Gara Loren buttons up.
  172. 19:51 ShotgunFiend "Oh, jesus..."
  173. 19:51 ShotgunFiend Zay pulls on some more wintery gear from his pack and floats on over towards the ladder
  174. 19:51 *** Rogwork is now known as Roget
  175. 19:51 Gara "We should tie together."
  176. 19:51 jedifan Phelan grabs his shotgun and tries to follow, still feeling the effects of zero-g.
  177. 19:51 Balthazaar "Good idea."
  178. 19:51 Gara "So, uh." She pulls rope. "Do that."
  179. 19:52 Balthazaar Mark ties on
  180. 19:52 Gara Loren ties in.
  181. 19:52 jedifan Phelan ties on extra secure.
  182. 19:52 Strifers Rick clips on!
  183. 19:52 ShotgunFiend He does so
  184. 19:52 ShotgunFiend Around a belt loop
  185. 19:53 Balthazaar "Ready when you are Rick."
  186. 19:53 Gara "Alright, rick, go."
  187. 19:53 Strifers Rick opens the hatch and climbs out!
  188. 19:53 lurkdGM PERC!
  189. 19:53 lurkdGM For Rick.
  190. 19:54 Balthazaar Mark follows Rick
  191. 19:54 Strifers 6df+12 who needs AP for the actual run?
  192. 19:54 Glacon Strifers: who needs AP for the actual run?: 13 (6df+12=0, 0, 0, +, +, -)
  193. 19:54 ShotgunFiend Zay is somewhere in the line, probably.
  194. 19:56 lurkdGM Rick something flutters in your peripheral vision a ways off, but it's so brief. You're are pretty sure you saw something. That light source is directly below, you'll have to peer over the edge to look.
  195. 19:56 lurkdGM Other than that, it's a dark empty void.
  196. 19:57 Strifers Rick turns to try to follow it.
  197. 19:57 *** TheRaven joined #redpool
  198. 19:57 jedifan "Make sure you keep a secure grip to the boat, Rick."
  199. 19:58 Strifers "Ayup."
  200. 19:58 jedifan "Zero-g is nasty without a way to change momentum."
  201. 19:58 jedifan "Can we possibly grab a fire extinguisher before we exit the boat?"
  202. 19:59 Gara "Do we have one?"
  203. 19:59 Strifers "Fire extinguishers? Why'd they put one of those on a sub filled with stuff that could start on fire?"
  204. 19:59 Strifers "We've got bullets if need be."
  205. 19:59 Balthazaar "If we don't, then it's not up to scratch."
  206. 19:59 jedifan "I thought they were required for all vessels."
  207. 20:01 Balthazaar "They should be."
  208. 20:01 lurkdGM gimme a sec
  209. 20:03 lurkdGM Rick, you peer over, or rather float and see this below:
  210. 20:04 lurkdGM It's very still and rotating slowly.
  211. 20:04 lurkdGM And yes, subs have fire extinguishers.
  212. 20:05 Strifers "Coooool."
  213. 20:05 Strifers "Mark, you should take a picture of this."
  214. 20:05 Balthazaar "Okay." He does so.
  215. 20:05 jedifan Phelan grabs the fire-extinguisher and floats to the exit.
  216. 20:05 Strifers Rick attempts to experiment with maneuvering in zero G!
  217. 20:05 lurkdGM Roll agility.
  218. 20:06 Balthazaar "My names Mark, and welcome to zero G submarine task force photography."
  219. 20:06 Strifers 6df+4
  220. 20:06 Glacon Strifers: 1 (6df+4=0, -, -, 0, 0, -)
  221. 20:06 Balthazaar Does a surprisingly goodimitation of Johnny Knoxville as he says this
  222. 20:06 lurkdGM Rick, you try to paddle, but you just look like an asshole and get tangled in the line.
  223. 20:07 Balthazaar Mark takes a picture of the tangled Rick
  224. 20:07 Strifers "Hmmm. Not effective."
  225. 20:08 Gara "The hell are you doing?"
  226. 20:08 Strifers Rick tries to get a single finger up in time for the picture.
  227. 20:08 jedifan Phelan stifles his chuckles.
  228. 20:08 ShotgunFiend "You gotta use counter-forces. Throw your shoe left, you fly right. Push offa shit, that sorta thing.
  229. 20:08 ShotgunFiend "*
  230. 20:09 Strifers "Yeah, but we have air."
  231. 20:09 Balthazaar "So, that glowy thing seems like a good thing to head for."
  232. 20:09 Strifers "And air has at least some friction."
  233. 20:09 Strifers "I'd like to keep my boots."
  234. 20:09 Strifers Can Rick see his breath when he exhales?
  235. 20:09 lurkdGM Yes he can.
  236. 20:09 Balthazaar "Seeing as there appears to be literally nothing else to head to."
  237. 20:10 jedifan "Lets see if we can triangulate where the signals are coming from first."
  238. 20:10 lurkdGM Everyone perc.
  239. 20:10 Strifers 6df+8
  240. 20:10 jedifan "Don't exactly want to jump into a star after all
  241. 20:10 jedifan ."
  242. 20:10 Gara 6df+4
  243. 20:10 Glacon Gara: 3 (6df+4=-, 0, +, 0, 0, -)
  244. 20:10 Strifers 6df+8 minus the space
  245. 20:10 Glacon Strifers: minus the space: 9 (6df+8=+, -, -, +, 0, +)
  246. 20:10 jedifan 6df+6
  247. 20:10 ShotgunFiend 6df+5 Zay shrugs. Air or no air, it's still zero-g
  248. 20:10 Glacon ShotgunFiend: Zay shrugs. Air or no air, it's still zero-g: 5 (6df+5=0, +, -, -, 0, +)
  249. 20:10 Glacon jedifan: 3 (6df+6=-, 0, 0, -, 0, -)
  250. 20:10 Balthazaar 6df+6 those points better be worth it
  251. 20:10 Glacon Balthazaar: those points better be worth it: 5 (6df+6=0, +, -, -, +, -)
  252. 20:10 lurkdGM Also, there seems to be a lot of particulate in the air.
  253. 20:11 lurkdGM Rick can see a small red strobe. Between the glow and their sub. Drifting in the still void is an exact model of their own sub. The red strobe indicates that the beacon is activated.
  254. 20:12 Balthazaar Mark ties a handkerchief around his nose and mouth. "I don't want to breathe that shit in."
  255. 20:12 lurkdGM Mark it's pretty light.
  256. 20:12 jedifan do the particulates taste or smell like anything?
  257. 20:13 lurkdGM The dust is tasteless, but it has a certain stale odor to it.
  258. 20:13 Strifers Rick already has his balaclava over his face.
  259. 20:13 Strifers "Lets go examine that strobe, there, I think."
  260. 20:13 Strifers Rick estimates the distance!
  261. 20:14 Balthazaar "What strobe?"
  262. 20:14 lurkdGM Best guess, 200 meters.
  263. 20:14 ShotgunFiend "Lead the way." Zay is still in the sub, waiting to actually be able to climb out.
  264. 20:14 Strifers "How much cord do we have?"
  265. 20:14 Strifers Rick pulls out his loop of 550 cord to add to the current tiedown cord!
  266. 20:16 ShotgunFiend "I got thirty meters."
  267. 20:17 jedifan "I didn't bring any with me."
  268. 20:17 lurkdGM Rick. You see it again. Right in front of you.
  269. 20:17 Balthazaar "I got 50 or so metres."
  270. 20:17 lurkdGM It just appears, does a turn, then vanishes.
  271. 20:18 Strifers "What the hell *is* that."
  272. 20:18 Strifers "Okay, let's loop it together. I'll make a jump to the next sub and see what's up."
  273. 20:19 Gara "Alright."
  274. 20:19 ShotgunFiend Zay ties his cord to the existing line.
  275. 20:19 Strifers 6df+8 perception maneuver to figure out the best way to push from one sub to the one with the strobe in zero gravity.
  276. 20:19 Glacon Strifers: perception maneuver to figure out the best way to push from one sub to the one with the strobe in zero gravity.: 7 (6df+8=+, -, -, 0, 0, 0)
  277. 20:19 Balthazaar Mark adds his to the line
  278. 20:19 Strifers "You guys all brace yourselves, okay?"
  279. 20:19 Balthazaar Mark grabs the sub
  280. 20:19 Gara Loren braces.
  281. 20:20 jedifan Phelan gets a firm grip on the sub.
  282. 20:20 ShotgunFiend Zay grabs onto... Something.
  283. 20:20 lurkdGM Everyone see this thing now. It's there for a couple of long seconds as it floats by them.
  284. 20:21 Strifers Rick attempts to push off to the next sub.
  285. 20:21 Strifers "Enemy's gate is down!"
  286. 20:21 lurkdGM Roll!
  287. 20:22 jedifan Phelan sniggers at the Ender's Game quote, but doesn't relax his grip.
  288. 20:22 Strifers 6df+8 agility!
  289. 20:22 Glacon Strifers: agility!: 8 (6df+8=-, +, +, -, 0, 0)
  290. 20:22 ShotgunFiend "Best book, ever."
  291. 20:23 jedifan "Except for the ending."
  292. 20:24 lurkdGM Rick jumps and everyone is in tow.
  293. 20:24 lurkdGM It looks like he aimed well.
  294. 20:24 lurkdGM Everyone is now floating freely.
  295. 20:24 Balthazaar "I never wanted to be an astronaut."
  296. 20:25 jedifan "Geeze, a little discussion next time?'
  297. 20:25 ShotgunFiend "Nah, the ending was decent. Weird, but decent."
  298. 20:25 ShotgunFiend So casual.
  299. 20:25 Strifers " . . ."
  300. 20:25 Strifers "You guys didn't get the whole bracing part, did you?"
  301. 20:25 jedifan "Sorry, not much field experience."
  302. 20:26 Balthazaar "Not really."
  303. 20:26 lurkdGM Rick, it's getting closer.
  304. 20:26 lurkdGM The sub that is.
  305. 20:27 jedifan Phelan tries to calculate on the fly how accurately they are heading towards the new sub.
  306. 20:27 Strifers Rick waits to reach the sub!
  307. 20:27 Strifers 6df+8 perception maneuver to finding something to grab onto when he gets there!
  308. 20:27 Glacon Strifers: perception maneuver to finding something to grab onto when he gets there!: 9 (6df+8=0, 0, 0, 0, 0, +)
  309. 20:27 jedifan 6df+6 ditto
  310. 20:27 Glacon jedifan: ditto: 3 (6df+6=+, -, -, -, 0, -)
  311. 20:28 lurkdGM You reach the sub, Roll strength to hang on to something!
  312. 20:28 lurkdGM Everyone!
  313. 20:28 ShotgunFiend 6df+4 oh noesss
  314. 20:28 Glacon ShotgunFiend: oh noesss: 6 (6df+4=0, -, +, 0, +, +)
  315. 20:28 Strifers 6df+8 stonk!
  316. 20:28 Glacon Strifers: stonk!: 7 (6df+8=-, +, -, +, -, 0)
  317. 20:28 Balthazaar 6df+4 I should have buffed this
  318. 20:28 Glacon Balthazaar: I should have buffed this: 6 (6df+4=+, -, +, -, +, +)
  319. 20:28 jedifan 6df
  320. 20:28 Glacon jedifan: 1 (6df=-, -, +, +, +, 0)
  321. 20:28 lurkdGM jedifan, you have 0 strength?
  322. 20:29 jedifan yep
  323. 20:29 lurkdGM wow
  324. 20:29 lurkdGM ok Gara, roll
  325. 20:29 Gara 6df+4 I will be strong.
  326. 20:29 Glacon Gara: I will be strong.: 2 (6df+4=-, -, +, -, 0, 0)
  327. 20:29 Gara No I won't.
  328. 20:30 lurkdGM Loren and Phelan can't grasp onto anything. They get whipped around and bang hard against the hard sub. -1 Body for both of you weaklings.
  329. 20:30 lurkdGM *THONK*
  330. 20:30 jedifan "Gah,"
  331. 20:30 Gara "Shit."
  332. 20:31 jedifan "Oh, my ribs don't like me."
  333. 20:31 Strifers "You'll be fine."
  334. 20:31 Strifers Rick latches on tightly until everyone can get in place.
  335. 20:31 ShotgunFiend Zay lands oh so gracefully on the sub and holds on. "You two good?"
  336. 20:31 jedifan "Yeah, I've had worse."
  337. 20:31 jedifan "Just not pleasant."
  338. 20:31 lurkdGM That'll leave a nasty bruise. The sub moves as everyone's weight crashes into it. It spins slowly in the void.
  339. 20:32 Balthazaar "I hope the hope holds." Mark hangs on to the sub
  340. 20:32 *** TheRaven quit (Quit: Sail away where no ball and chain can keep us from the roarin' waves, together undivided but forever we'll be free!)
  341. 20:32 lurkdGM Looks like the hatch to this sub is already open.
  342. 20:32 jedifan Phelan scrambles to find purchase.
  343. 20:33 Strifers "Think that it's the same sub?"
  344. 20:33 Gara Loren grabs something and holds tight.
  345. 20:33 Strifers Rick moves to look inside the hatch, rifle ready.
  346. 20:33 lurkdGM Roll that perc Rick.
  347. 20:33 jedifan "Let me check the radio on this thing."
  348. 20:33 Balthazaar Mark draws his knife in anticipation of close quarters combat
  349. 20:34 jedifan Phelan heads towards the hatch.
  350. 20:34 ShotgunFiend Zay draws his handgun and slides over towards the hatch.
  351. 20:35 lurkdGM Loren also perc.
  352. 20:35 Gara 6df+8 Tagging this one.
  353. 20:35 Glacon Gara: Tagging this one.: 5 (6df+8=-, -, +, 0, -, -)
  354. 20:36 Strifers 6df+8 percepting!
  355. 20:36 Glacon Strifers: percepting!: 3 (6df+8=-, -, 0, -, -, -)
  356. 20:36 lurkdGM As the sub rotates slowly, you can see the sub you just jumped from. A swarm of those blue critters are now surrounding it. They flutter and blink in and out of existence as they close in to it.
  357. 20:37 lurkdGM Rick, some loose items inside, a clipboard and some exhausted supplies. You can see the vague outline of a body tucked away.
  358. 20:38 jedifan Phelan looks inside the sub.
  359. 20:39 Balthazaar Mark looks around, keeping an eye out for any threats.
  360. 20:39 lurkdGM Roll perc guys to look
  361. 20:40 Balthazaar 6df+6
  362. 20:40 Glacon Balthazaar: 8 (6df+6=0, +, +, -, +, 0)
  363. 20:40 ShotgunFiend 6df+5 Zay pops his head inside
  364. 20:40 Glacon ShotgunFiend: Zay pops his head inside: 5 (6df+5=0, -, 0, 0, +, 0)
  365. 20:40 jedifan 6df+6
  366. 20:40 Glacon jedifan: 8 (6df+6=-, +, +, -, +, +)
  367. 20:40 Strifers Rick goes to examine the body.
  368. 20:41 lurkdGM Mark and Phelan have the best vantage point. They can make out a mummified corpse still dressed in security gear.
  369. 20:41 lurkdGM Rick, it has an exit wound in the back of the head. You can see dog tags... Dodridge.
  370. 20:41 jedifan "Hrrm, do security guys wear dog tags?"
  371. 20:41 Gara "Yeah, some of them."
  372. 20:42 jedifan Phelan heads in looking to find the communications gear.
  373. 20:42 Strifers "Yep. Alternate uses."
  374. 20:42 Strifers Rick looks for a weapon!
  375. 20:42 lurkdGM Phelan, you too see that clipboard floating around, it has papers on it.
  376. 20:42 Balthazaar "That's fucked."
  377. 20:43 lurkdGM Rick, just a pistol that looks corroded.
  378. 20:43 jedifan Phelan grabs at the clipboard.
  379. 20:43 Strifers Rick grabs the pistol and tucks it into a pocket.
  380. 20:43 Strifers Rick grabs the pistol and tucks it into a pocket.
  381. 20:43 Strifers "Be on guard, everyone. Someone capped not-Jason here."
  382. 20:44 ShotgunFiend Zay opts to stay outside the sub and stand guard.
  383. 20:44 Balthazaar "Or did he gank himself?"
  384. 20:44 Strifers "It could be either."
  385. 20:45 lurkdGM Phelan, the first page has something that looks like this handwritten on it. The rest of the pages are calculations.
  386. 20:45 jedifan "Hrmm"
  387. 20:46 lurkdGM Phelan, there is also something familiar about this handwriting.
  388. 20:46 jedifan "Evidently this guy had at least some idea he was heading into space."
  389. 20:46 jedifan roll perception?
  390. 20:46 lurkdGM Phelan, roll perc
  391. 20:46 Balthazaar "Either way, I think that that points to this place not being too great."
  392. 20:46 jedifan 6df+10 tagging
  393. 20:46 Glacon jedifan: tagging: 8 (6df+10=0, +, 0, -, -, -)
  394. 20:47 lurkdGM Phelan, this is for sure Eriko's handwriting, as well as someone else, but you can't make out who.
  395. 20:47 lurkdGM Now roll Sci.
  396. 20:47 jedifan 6df+6
  397. 20:47 Glacon jedifan: 5 (6df+6=0, +, -, -, +, -)
  398. 20:47 ShotgunFiend 6df+5 percep, standing guard, make sure nothing sneaks up on the sub
  399. 20:47 Glacon ShotgunFiend: percep, standing guard, make sure nothing sneaks up on the sub: 5 (6df+5=-, +, +, 0, 0, -)
  400. 20:47 jedifan "Whoah, this was written by Eriko."
  401. 20:48 Strifers :"Not Eriko."
  402. 20:48 Strifers "Make the distinction, doctor."
  403. 20:48 jedifan "I know Eriko's handwritting, this matches."
  404. 20:48 Balthazaar "Bizaro Eriko?"
  405. 20:48 Strifers "Yeah, but it's not our Eriko."
  406. 20:49 Strifers "Don't personalize other instances of ourselves."
  407. 20:49 jedifan "Fine, an Eriko wrote this."
  408. 20:49 lurkdGM Phelan, besides a few tic-tac-toe games, the equations are pretty straight forward. It shows a trajectory around the light and is plotted quite well. Vectors, speeds, trajectories, everything one would need to steer safely around the light.
  409. 20:49 lurkdGM There is also a not a sentence on the bottom, not Erkio's handwriting, not Japanese either. Some other language.
  410. 20:49 jedifan "This has everything we need to steer around safely here."
  411. 20:50 jedifan Phelan makes sure to secure the clipboard, or at least the sheet safely.
  412. 20:51 jedifan redact last
  413. 20:51 jedifan Phelan points to the sentence on the bottom, "Can anyone read this?"
  414. 20:51 Strifers Rick looks at it!
  415. 20:52 lurkdGM Roll academics to figure out that last sentence.
  416. 20:52 Gara Loren looks.
  417. 20:52 Balthazaar Mark has a look
  418. 20:52 Balthazaar 6df
  419. 20:52 Glacon Balthazaar: 0 (6df=0, -, -, +, 0, +)
  420. 20:52 lurkdGM Loren, you automatically know this is Elif's handwriting.
  421. 20:52 jedifan 6df
  422. 20:52 Glacon jedifan: -2 (6df=-, +, -, 0, -, 0)
  423. 20:52 Gara 6df+4 "Not Elif wrote this."
  424. 20:52 Glacon Gara: "Not Elif wrote this.": 7 (6df+4=0, +, 0, +, +, 0)
  425. 20:53 jedifan Yep, Phelan's clueless.
  426. 20:53 Strifers 6df
  427. 20:53 Glacon Strifers: 2 (6df=+, +, 0, +, 0, -)
  428. 20:53 jedifan "What's it say?"
  429. 20:53 Strifers "Well then. Looks like a whole team of not uses, then."
  430. 20:53 Strifers "I don't know, I don't speak more turkish than a colt model translator lets me."
  431. 20:54 lurkdGM Loren, you can't read it, but you can tell it was written in a hurry with a shaky hand. It says: 'Artık bunu yapamam. Hepsi uyku, ben gidiyorum' You know at least one of those words means sleep.
  432. 20:54 Balthazaar Mark seems unsettled. "...If the bizarro us's died here, how can we escape?"
  433. 20:54 Gara "I don't read turkish, but she wrote it fast, and shakey, like she was scared."
  434. 20:54 Gara "One of the words mean sleep."
  435. 20:54 Gara "That's all I got."
  436. 20:55 Strifers "Eh, we do it all the time, Mark."
  437. 20:55 lurkdGM *pop* From outside.
  438. 20:55 Strifers "I got to shoot not Bill at some time."
  439. 20:55 Strifers "Errr . . . new guy? What was that?"
  440. 20:55 jedifan "Well, I'm going to secure this in case we get a way to steer around here."
  441. 20:55 Balthazaar Mark points at Bizarro Jason. "Didn't go so well for hi- What was that?"
  442. 20:55 ShotgunFiend "Wasn't me!" Calls Zay
  443. 20:56 ShotgunFiend Zay looks about for the source
  444. 20:56 jedifan Phelan hurries to secure the paper safely but securely.
  445. 20:57 lurkdGM Zay, your original sub is being slowly ripped apart by those critters. The pop was one of the air tanks bursting. The whole thing looks like it's experiencing accelerated corrosion caused by those things.
  446. 20:57 Strifers Rick pulls himself out to get good eyes on what's happening.
  447. 20:57 Balthazaar Mark looks
  448. 20:57 ShotgunFiend "Uh, guys. Get a move on. That noise was /our/ sub getting shredded."
  449. 20:58 lurkdGM Tiny flakes of rust float away from it, as the sub decomposes before your eyes.
  450. 20:58 Balthazaar "... Fuck. We'll have to take this one then."
  451. 20:58 jedifan Phelan looks out the hatch, "Note to self, shot those things before they corrode anything useful."
  452. 20:58 jedifan *shoot
  453. 20:59 lurkdGM The blue creatures flutter around it in an excited manner. Feeding off of it.
  454. 20:59 jedifan Phelan heads inside to look for controls and signals equipment
  455. 20:59 lurkdGM Phelan, it's dead. No juice except for emergency power.
  456. 21:00 Strifers Rick braces himself and puts a few rounds at the creatures.
  457. 21:00 jedifan "This thing is a no joy. Need to see if we can track down a functioning sub."
  458. 21:00 ShotgunFiend "..." He looks at Rick. "Yes. Please attract them to /us./ "
  459. 21:00 lurkdGM Roll it
  460. 21:00 Balthazaar "What are you doing Rick? Now they know we're here."
  461. 21:01 lurkdGM Rick roll range please
  462. 21:01 Strifers 6df+6 ranged
  463. 21:01 Glacon Strifers: ranged: 8 (6df+6=0, 0, +, +, 0, 0)
  464. 21:02 lurkdGM As Rick fires at them, they blip out of existence as they hit. More appear to join the swarm. The whole sub lurches forward slightly from the recoil.
  465. 21:03 Gara "Goddamn it."
  466. 21:03 Strifers "Eh, nice grouping."
  467. 21:03 Strifers Rick looks around! Is there anything else to see?
  468. 21:04 jedifan Phelan heads outside and looks for any other subs in sight.
  469. 21:04 Balthazaar Mark looks for anything he can see around
  470. 21:04 lurkdGM Rick, the original sub is now in several pieces.
  471. 21:05 lurkdGM The sub comes to a stop and rests.
  472. 21:06 lurkdGM Mark, Phelan, roll perc to search
  473. 21:06 Gara "... Okay, so, this is bad, tim to get out of here."
  474. 21:06 jedifan 6df+6
  475. 21:06 Glacon jedifan: 6 (6df+6=0, +, -, +, -, 0)
  476. 21:06 Balthazaar 6df+10 tagging
  477. 21:06 Glacon Balthazaar: tagging: 9 (6df+10=0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -)
  478. 21:06 Balthazaar "I'm with Loren on this."
  479. 21:06 Strifers "Yeah, probably for the best."
  480. 21:07 lurkdGM Phelan, tiny tiny blinking lights orbiting the faint light ahead.
  481. 21:07 jedifan "I'm seeing something way of in the distance, may be another sub."
  482. 21:07 jedifan "Its got flashing lights, so it might have power."
  483. 21:07 lurkdGM Mark, a working fire extinguisher and.... grenades on Jason's corpse.
  484. 21:08 Balthazaar "We got grenades and a fire extinguisher in here." Mark enters the sub
  485. 21:08 Strifers "Shit, it was even from a *competent* Not Foundation, too."
  486. 21:08 Strifers "Maybe I should leave a resume."
  487. 21:09 jedifan Phelan tries to calculate the distance and angle to the blinking lights.
  488. 21:10 Balthazaar Mark grabs the grenades and the fires extingusher if he can.
  489. 21:11 lurkdGM Phelan, based on the notes, you can do that quite easily. About a kilometer according to the calculations.
  490. 21:11 lurkdGM Mark grabs them.
  491. 21:11 jedifan "Looks like the next sub might be a klick off in the distance."
  492. 21:12 Gara "Can we make it?"
  493. 21:12 Gara "Before they do.'
  494. 21:12 Balthazaar "Do we have a choice?"
  495. 21:12 jedifan "I think so."
  496. 21:13 jedifan "Lets not forget anything that we could use to correct our course later on."
  497. 21:13 ShotgunFiend "We've got propulsion, so if we misjudge, we can adjust."
  498. 21:13 lurkdGM Phelan, the light does have some gravitational pull as per the notes.
  499. 21:14 jedifan "We are going to need to adjust for a slight pull from gravity."
  500. 21:14 jedifan "That light source," Phelan points at the big light, "apparently has a gravitational pull."
  501. 21:15 Strifers "Why were we stationary to start with?"
  502. 21:15 Gara "No idea, lets think about it later."
  503. 21:15 jedifan "My guess would be inertia."
  504. 21:16 lurkdGM The creatures are done with the original sub. All that's left is tiny flecks. They all blip and vanish when they realize the food is gone.
  505. 21:16 jedifan "Gravity at this distance would be pretty small. It can still cause problems if it isn't accounted for."
  506. 21:16 ShotgunFiend "We gotta move. Now."
  507. 21:16 jedifan "Agreed."
  508. 21:17 Balthazaar "Let's go then."
  509. 21:17 Strifers "Yeah, lets/
  510. 21:17 jedifan "Follow me then."
  511. 21:18 jedifan Phelan jumps in the direction he calculated.
  512. 21:18 lurkdGM Roll agility.
  513. 21:18 jedifan 6df+6
  514. 21:18 Glacon jedifan: 7 (6df+6=-, +, 0, +, +, -)
  515. 21:18 Gara 6df+6 Weeeeeee.
  516. 21:18 Glacon Gara: Weeeeeee.: 3 (6df+6=-, -, -, 0, -, +)
  517. 21:18 Strifers Rick jumps!
  518. 21:18 Strifers 6df+4 not looking before leaping!
  519. 21:18 Glacon Strifers: not looking before leaping!: 3 (6df+4=-, +, 0, -, -, +)
  520. 21:18 ShotgunFiend 6df+5 erryone?
  521. 21:18 Glacon ShotgunFiend: erryone?: 6 (6df+5=+, -, 0, -, +, +)
  522. 21:19 Balthazaar 6df+5 I just want to fit in
  523. 21:19 Glacon Balthazaar: I just want to fit in: 7 (6df+5=-, +, 0, +, +, 0)
  524. 21:19 lurkdGM Everyone does a successful jump, except Loren and Rick. They just look helpless but are towed with the group nonetheless.
  525. 21:20 lurkdGM Phelan, according to the equations, this is not enough speed to safely pull away from that light.
  526. 21:21 Balthazaar "Good thing we tied on. You two okay?"
  527. 21:21 jedifan "Guys, hand me one of the fire extinguishers."
  528. 21:21 Balthazaar Mark hands him a fire extinguisher
  529. 21:21 jedifan Phelan calculates how he needs to aim the extingusher to get the group on target.
  530. 21:22 jedifan I'm thinking this would be a science maneuver to aid a ranged roll?
  531. 21:22 lurkdGM You know how much acceleration you need, but you'll need to roll range to apply it correctly.
  532. 21:22 lurkdGM The notes solve out all those factors already.
  533. 21:23 jedifan 6df+6 how well does he shoot.
  534. 21:23 Glacon jedifan: how well does he shoot.: 5 (6df+6=+, -, -, 0, +, -)
  535. 21:23 lurkdGM jedifan, you have a 5 in range, not 6, so this is really a 4.
  536. 21:23 jedifan oh, oops
  537. 21:24 lurkdGM ees kay
  538. 21:24 lurkdGM Everyone feels a jolt and is propelled faster.
  539. 21:24 lurkdGM Fuck, Phelan. You held down the handle too long. This is too fast.
  540. 21:25 jedifan Phelan aims again, to correct for his overcorrection.
  541. 21:25 jedifan 6df+5
  542. 21:25 Glacon jedifan: 3 (6df+5=-, 0, -, +, -, 0)
  543. 21:26 lurkdGM That light is getting awfully bigger. Only a few more minutes...
  544. 21:26 Strifers Rick is along for the ride.
  545. 21:26 lurkdGM Phelan, you goof again and drift off course a little.
  546. 21:27 lurkdGM Fuck, this is not going well.
  547. 21:27 jedifan "Ok, I need a little help."
  548. 21:27 lurkdGM Everyone roll agility to not get tangled in the line.
  549. 21:27 ShotgunFiend 6df+5 dun goof plz zay
  550. 21:27 Glacon ShotgunFiend: dun goof plz zay: 6 (6df+5=+, -, 0, +, -, +)
  551. 21:27 ShotgunFiend yay
  552. 21:27 jedifan 6df+6
  553. 21:27 Glacon jedifan: 6 (6df+6=+, 0, -, -, +, 0)
  554. 21:27 Strifers 6df+4
  555. 21:27 Glacon Strifers: 1 (6df+4=-, +, -, -, 0, -)
  556. 21:27 Balthazaar 6df+5 I am the spider, not the fly
  557. 21:27 Glacon Balthazaar: I am the spider, not the fly: 3 (6df+5=+, 0, -, -, 0, -)
  558. 21:27 Strifers Rick is a fly.
  559. 21:27 Gara 6df+6 Stop fucking up.
  560. 21:27 Glacon Gara: Stop fucking up.: 4 (6df+6=-, 0, 0, -, 0, 0)
  561. 21:27 jedifan "Ok, Guys, I need a little help."
  562. 21:28 jedifan "We need to correct our course, but I'm not getting it quite right."
  563. 21:28 jedifan "Whose the best shot that can follow my instructions?"
  564. 21:28 Strifers Probably me, I suppose.
  565. 21:29 Strifers "But I, uh, just use the M4, mostly."
  566. 21:29 jedifan "How about you try the extinguisher?"
  567. 21:29 lurkdGM Rick is all tangled up, he's not much use till he unfucks himself.
  568. 21:29 Gara "God damn it."
  569. 21:29 jedifan "Get yourself straightened out first."
  570. 21:30 lurkdGM Guys, this thing takes up your whole view now.
  571. 21:30 ShotgunFiend "I ain't a half-bad shot. Lemme give it a go?" Zay is /not/ tangled up.
  572. 21:30 Balthazaar "I can give it a go if you want."
  573. 21:30 jedifan "I think we kinda need to hurry."
  574. 21:30 lurkdGM The red clouds circling it is actually red pool water floating around.
  575. 21:30 Balthazaar "What is /that/?"
  576. 21:31 jedifan "Fine, here you go."
  577. 21:31 ShotgunFiend To Zay or Mark?
  578. 21:31 jedifan zay
  579. 21:31 lurkdGM Everyone feels the gravity pull now.
  580. 21:31 Strifers Rick attempts to detangle.
  581. 21:31 ShotgunFiend Whoop. He takes it. "Instreuct away."
  582. 21:31 jedifan "Follow my instructions exactly."
  583. 21:31 Strifers "That's a red pool that is in a universe sans gravity, Mark."
  584. 21:31 ShotgunFiend Intruct, even.
  585. 21:31 lurkdGM Rick, agility to detangle and wiggle free.
  586. 21:31 Strifers 6df+4 Agility!
  587. 21:31 Glacon Strifers: Agility!: 4 (6df+4=0, 0, 0, 0, -, +)
  588. 21:31 jedifan Phelan tells zay where he needs to aim and for how long.
  589. 21:32 Balthazaar "Fantastic."
  590. 21:32 ShotgunFiend 6df+6 Zay does that shit.
  591. 21:32 Glacon ShotgunFiend: Zay does that shit.: 3 (6df+6=0, 0, -, 0, -, -)
  592. 21:32 ShotgunFiend No he doesn't.
  593. 21:32 lurkdGM Rick, you're arms are free, but your feet are failing you.
  594. 21:32 Balthazaar "Want me to try?"
  595. 21:33 lurkdGM Zay, no dice. Your making it worse. Feels like it's almost empty.
  596. 21:33 ShotgunFiend "... I'm only used to firing guns, sure. Might only get one more go, though."
  597. 21:33 ShotgunFiend He hands it off to Mark.
  598. 21:33 Gara "Goddamn it."
  599. 21:33 lurkdGM Everyone is pelted by little droplets of red pool water.
  600. 21:33 jedifan "Ew."
  601. 21:33 Strifers Rick just stays still so his wiggling doesn't mess up anyone else.
  602. 21:33 ShotgunFiend Zay is well covered.
  603. 21:33 Strifers "Go neverwet coating"
  604. 21:34 jedifan Phelan shields his face.
  605. 21:34 Balthazaar 6df+6 Fuck you Glacon
  606. 21:34 Glacon Balthazaar: Fuck you Glacon: 3 (6df+6=-, 0, +, -, -, -)
  607. 21:34 lurkdGM Mark sprays, but it's not enough. The extinguisher is out. The droplets get thicker as everyone descends into the nebula.
  608. 21:35 Balthazaar "Oh fuck no..."
  609. 21:35 Gara "Damn it."
  610. 21:35 ShotgunFiend Zay salutes to the group. "It was an honor serving with you all."
  611. 21:35 jedifan "Deep breath."
  612. 21:36 Gara "Shut up, Zay."
  613. 21:36 Gara "We're not going to die."
  614. 21:36 jedifan Phelan matches actions to words.
  615. 21:36 Balthazaar Mark grins at Zay. "Get fucked, we'll be fine."
  616. 21:36 Strifers "Who the fuck are you, actually?"
  617. 21:36 Balthazaar This is said in good humour
  618. 21:36 lurkdGM The droplets condense and everyone passes through the liquid.
  619. 21:36 Gara "This is his first assignment and second mission, Rick."
  620. 21:36 ShotgunFiend "Me? Name's Zay Martin. Medical type."
  621. 21:36 lurkdGM #farrecon
  622. 21:36 Gara "Maybe we should cut free?"
  623. 21:37 ShotgunFiend He's grinning similarly to Mark
  624. 21:37 Gara "Not going to fuck us at this point."
  625. 21:41 *** Tehpillowstar joined #redpool
  629. 21:37 lurkdGM There's a ripple across the water.
  630. 21:37 lurkdGM Slowly a swell begins to build.
  631. 21:37 Puppetmaster Carmen's in rec, boredly looking through images on her iPod.
  632. 21:37 lurkdGM <<All available agents, possible emergence event. Repeat, possible emergence event.>>
  633. 21:38 Puppetmaster "... The fuck."
  634. 21:38 Puppetmaster Carmen grabs her shotgun and loads a few extra shells as she sprints through the halls.
  635. 21:38 lurkdGM <<Please head to sub bay.>>
  636. 21:39 Puppetmaster Carmen's waaaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of ya, command.
  637. 21:39 lurkdGM The swell builds and bursts. *FOOM* Everyone from the run is ejected up.
  638. 21:39 Puppetmaster She shows up on ground level and shoulders her shotgun at the water. Full auto.
  639. 21:39 Puppetmaster "..."
  640. 21:39 Puppetmaster Safety back on for now.
  641. 21:40 Balthazaar "Told you so."
  642. 21:40 jedifan "Bleh!"
  643. 21:40 Strifers Rick swims.
  644. 21:40 ShotgunFiend As Zay flies up, then back down, "Cannonball!"
  645. 21:40 Strifers "Everyone good to make it shore?"
  646. 21:40 Gara "See." Loren cuts rope, and swims.
  647. 21:40 lurkdGM All people on the run fly up and over the wall and into the surrounding trees.
  648. 21:40 jedifan Phelan treads water and clears his eyes.
  649. 21:40 lurkdGM (wait till I was done)
  650. 21:40 jedifan redact
  651. 21:40 Balthazaar "Fuck!"
  652. 21:40 Gara Oh.
  653. 21:40 lurkdGM Everyone roll Pdef
  654. 21:40 ShotgunFiend Er. yeah. Not cannonball.
  655. 21:41 Balthazaar 6df+7
  656. 21:41 Glacon Balthazaar: 8 (6df+7=+, +, -, 0, 0, 0)
  657. 21:41 jedifan 6df+9 tagging
  658. 21:41 Glacon jedifan: tagging: 7 (6df+9=0, -, 0, 0, 0, -)
  659. 21:41 ShotgunFiend 6df+5 Dun stab meh trees
  660. 21:41 Glacon ShotgunFiend: Dun stab meh trees: 6 (6df+5=+, 0, -, -, +, +)
  661. 21:41 Gara 6df+6 I'd readlly rather not die.
  662. 21:41 Glacon Gara: I'd readlly rather not die.: 3 (6df+6=-, +, -, 0, -, -)
  663. 21:41 Roget Ralph is probably in medical waiting to treat that one person who just got tree'd. Or reading a magazine. One of the two.
  664. 21:42 lurkdGM pause for descriptions
  665. 21:42 ShotgunFiend Strifers roll?
  666. 21:42 lurkdGM Yes, Strifers roll please.
  667. 21:43 Strifers 6df+5 pdef
  668. 21:43 Glacon Strifers: pdef: 4 (6df+5=+, +, -, 0, -, -)
  669. 21:43 lurkdGM Ok.
  670. 21:44 Strifers (redact to a +7)
  671. 21:45 lurkdGM Mark and Phelan, you miraculously get snagged by some sturdy branches and just hang there. Zay, some weak branches break your fall and you *poof* into a snow drift. Loren and Rick, you pretty much ragdoll and hit all the branches on the way down. -1 Body to both.
  672. 21:46 lurkdGM unpause
  673. 21:46 lurkdGM And done.
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