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Oct 31st, 2014
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  1. Celestial has upgraded from patch 5.0.5 to 5.1, this is a big step forward and preperation for when we update patches again in the future to 5.4.8. No characters will ever be lost during any future upgrades
  2. Player fields have been completely rewritten for the upgrade to patch 5.1
  3. Fixed an issue where Hunters were receiving an unusual error message when trying to cast Disengage, preventing them from casting it
  4. Updated several player fields and defines that blizzard updated the values to in 5.1, this should fix several unusual error messages players have been receiving
  5. Companions fixed, players are now able to summon any companions they have in their journal
  6. Along with Companion summoning being fixed, the battle pet system has been mostly rewritten for future updates to eventually fix the battle pet combat system
  7. Warden was enabled however the opcodes weren't updated to 5.1, this has been fixed and the Warden system should monitor the server correctly now
  8. Fixed soulstone and self ressurecting spells
  9. Fixed an issue where daily quests were crashing the client's game
  10. About 30 missing opcodes completed and enabled
  11. Fixed an issue with transcendence crashing the server
  12. Fixed Safeguard, now removes roots like it should
  13. Fixed bloodsurge proc, should proc correctly now
  14. Fixed raging blow procs, warriors should now be able to use raging blow whilst enraged
  15. Increased the DoT damage of bloodbath
  16. Fixed an issue with Arcane Mage mastery where it was scaling all damage done too high, which meant arcane mages were hitting way harder than they should have
  17. Reduced the damage of explosive shot and black arrow, it was overscaled accidently
  18. Reduced healing of healing sphere slightly
  19. Fixed glyph of deep freeze
  20. Fixed an issue with the beastmaster script, hurray for hunters
  21. There was a bug that made Hunters unable to carry more than 3 pets or save a new ones, this has been fixed
  22. Fixed an issue where players couldn't revive
  23. The Cross faction battleground system was removed after the patch upgrade to 5.1 to avoid any major issues, CFBG's will be reimplemented and improved for better battleground balance
  24. Fixed panda faction selection
  25. Buffed hunter, warlock and DK pets
  26. Players can now use the '.duel' command to teleport to the duel zone, can only be used out of combat
  27. Updated PvP titles npc, the rewarded titles now have the amount of kills needed next to the options in the gossip menu
  28. Fixed an issue where player transmogs wouldn't save after they had transmogged an item
  29. Battle Fatigue implemented correctly, it is set at 30% (as it was at the end of patch 5.1 on retail, blizz hotfixed this but didn't change the tooltip, so the tooltip will say 15%, not 30%, just a visual thing)
  30. Frost bomb has had it's damage reduced as it was overscaled
  31. Dragon Roar has had it's damage reduced as it was overscaled
  32. Ferocious Bite has had it's damage reduced slightly
  33. Eviscerate has had it's damage reduced very slightly
  34. Envenom was slightly overscaled, damage has been modified to correct this
  35. Fists of Fury has had it's damage reduced as it was hitting too hard in PvP
  36. Rising Sun Kick has had it's damage reduced as it was hitting too hard in PvP
  37. Corrected an issue where the scaling of Rip was incorrect
  38. Increased the damage coefficiency of Rupture
  39. Hunter's pet attacks scale more with their owners attack power now than they used to, this should fix some of the low auto attacks from hunter pets
  40. Updated the way mastery is calculated with characters, this is to pave the way for future fixes to a players spec mastery
  41. Fixed an issue where battlegrounds weren't showing event text correctly (e.g. Player has picked up flag)
  42. Fixed an issue where pets wouldn't spawn at all
  43. Fixed the battleground starting timer
  44. Corrected the win/loss amount of a random battleground
  45. Fixed an issue where players were unable to leave a battleground
  46. 14 more crash fixes that were spread all around the core
  47. Corrected an issue where enchanting scrolls were unable to be used
  48. Fixed a server crash that was caused by player procs, more specifically procs that reset a spell or multiple spells cooldown
  49. Lots of changes to the movement structure, mostly rewritten for future updates (such as implementing MMAPs for PvE, and updating to 5.4.8)
  50. Fixed an issue where when players teleported somewhere, they were unable to move or do anything
  51. Fixed an issue where newly created characters would only be created with the first 3 letters of their name
  52. Corrected an issue where custom items (such as replica weapons) weren't showing up in the client
  53. Corrected a database structure problem that prevented characters from being successfully transferred from 5.0.5 to 5.1
  54. Death and Decay spell can target invisible target from now
  55. Disable slow effects on elite/boss npc
  56. Implements achlemy perk mixology
  57. Corrected an issue where players professions would show as '0/0' instead of '600/600' skill
  58. Fix Mage's Invisibility/Feral Charge/Light's Beacon Combat/Pull Bugs (no threat generated now when these spells are used by the player on enemies)
  59. Corrected an issue where the new mall, and the duel zone weren't set as sanctuary's, this meant players could kill each other at both locations
  60. Storm Bolt's stun has now been correctly implemented
  61. Rewrote the morph NPC to only include basic race morphs, may add more morphs in the future
  62. Spirit Heal, the buff you get after being ressed in BG's now correctly make player spells have no resource cost as intended
  63. Updated dispell spells such as mass dispell to be unable to dispell death persistant spells
  64. Fixed an issue where player would teleport randomly during a fear
  65. Fixed an issue where steady shot and cobra shot wasn't able to be cast on the move as it should
  66. AFK timer in battlegrounds has been reduced from 5 minutes to 3 minutes
  67. Fixed an exploit where players were able to delete team members during an arena fight
  68. Glyph of blazing trail partially fixed, still need to find the correct spell id for the blizzlike flame effect left behind after the charge
  69. Fixed an issue where mirror image was spawning 6 images instead of 3
  70. Fix pet spell cooldown being extended even without a successful cast
  71. Load pet auras before setting his health, fixes issue where pet with full health and stamina buff was damaged after player dismounted
  72. Implemented a better anti rollback system to attempt to prevent any character data loss if the server crashes
  73. Fixed an issue where DK pet gargoyle wasn't targetting enemies correctly
  74. Anti-magic Zone fix - Calculate absorbtion of anti magic zone from DK attack power instead of dummy that summons zone itself
  75. Small fix to Warriors where they would receive error messages for no reason during attacking or equipping gear
  76. Improved mages Mirror Image's AI, should be improved and more responsive in PvP combat and cast more than just frostbolt varying on spec
  77. Updated the Maps version and the map extractor to adapt to the different structure blizzard implemented during the further patch upgrades, this isn't a big deal until we upgrade to 5.4.8, it's just preparing. Thanks to the TC team for the base version of the Maps code
  78. Fixed an issue where players could duel in battlegrounds and abuse the duel cooldown reset in battlegrounds giving them unfair advantage
  79. Fixed the Guild Vendor, players may now be able to purchase items correctly from the guild vendor
  80. Fixed pets HP not being maximum after being summoned or teleported
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