
Linkin troll hurr

Mar 18th, 2012
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  1. (8:02:00 PM) Linkin [~Linkin@] entered the room.
  2. (8:02:04 PM) Linkin: Hello
  3. (8:02:10 PM) Linkin: anyone here?
  4. (8:02:50 PM) Apple_Jack: Yes
  5. (8:03:11 PM) Lunick: maybe
  6. (8:03:23 PM) Linkin: :)
  7. (8:03:32 PM) Linkin: I'm looking for someone who's willing to start with me
  8. (8:03:45 PM) Linkin: a minecraft server, i have already everything settled down
  9. (8:04:00 PM) Linkin: all i need is some people who are willing to test, suggest and have fun
  10. (8:05:21 PM) Lunick: No thanks
  11. (8:05:24 PM) Lunick: Deadly and I have a server
  12. (8:05:29 PM) Lunick: we have ponies and apples
  13. (8:06:01 PM) Lunick: and moujaves
  14. (8:07:59 PM) Linkin: What server?
  15. (8:08:05 PM) Linkin: 1.2.3?
  16. (8:09:40 PM) Lunick: I'm joking
  17. (8:09:44 PM) Lunick: I'm not interested
  18. (8:13:17 PM) Apple_Jack: moujave's are awesome
  19. (8:13:33 PM) Apple_Jack: .lfm
  20. (8:13:34 PM) Lunick: no they are not
  21. (8:13:35 PM) [S]: ? Fonik - Pain Game [05:14]
  22. (8:13:39 PM) Lunick: not when they fucking ping you all the time
  23. (8:13:45 PM) Lunick: also add me deadly dear
  24. (8:13:47 PM) Apple_Jack: Screenshotted, sending to mou
  25. (8:14:11 PM) Apple_Jack: And why should I add you? :3
  26. (8:14:29 PM) Linkin: Lol..
  27. (8:14:30 PM) Linkin: huh
  28. (8:14:44 PM) Lunick: because
  29. (8:14:47 PM) Lunick: I wuv you?
  30. (8:18:22 PM) Linkin: W/E
  31. (8:18:33 PM) Lunick: bye then
  32. (8:18:55 PM) Linkin: how old are you Lunick ?
  33. (8:19:03 PM) Apple_Jack: Pffftt you don't love me Lunick :(
  34. (8:19:03 PM) Linkin: Because you really act like a 10
  35. (8:19:08 PM) Apple_Jack: Nobody loves me
  36. (8:19:23 PM) Linkin: Apple
  37. (8:19:28 PM) Linkin: You think you're cool right?
  38. (8:19:32 PM) Apple_Jack: lolno
  39. (8:19:38 PM) Lunick: I'm 17
  40. (8:19:39 PM) Linkin: trololol yes.
  41. (8:19:40 PM) Apple_Jack: I'm just average lil' ol me
  42. (8:19:44 PM) Lunick: The fact is Linkin
  43. (8:19:55 PM) Linkin: The fact is Lunick i dont really care
  44. (8:19:59 PM) Lunick: we get tons of people every day/week coming in and advertising their server
  45. (8:20:02 PM) Apple_Jack: ^
  46. (8:20:04 PM) Linkin: You still look like a 10
  47. (8:20:06 PM) Lunick: .classic
  48. (8:20:06 PM) [S]: WoM:Realms(
  49. (8:20:07 PM) Apple_Jack is now known as Deadly
  50. (8:20:07 PM) Lunick: .smp
  51. (8:20:08 PM) [S]: Open to users who are Surveyor+ or WoM Premium on WoM:Realms(classic Server) also must have full minecraft to join. IP:
  52. (8:20:11 PM) Lunick: our servers^
  53. (8:20:13 PM) Linkin: Im not advertising anything
  54. (8:20:21 PM) Lunick: You want people to play with you
  55. (8:20:27 PM) Lunick: THus taking our players away
  56. (8:20:35 PM) Linkin: I can close your server
  57. (8:20:37 PM) Linkin: my friend
  58. (8:20:41 PM) Lunick: ahahahahahaha
  59. (8:20:42 PM) Linkin: Its not about that
  60. (8:20:54 PM) Lunick: I'm sure you can
  61. (8:20:54 PM) Linkin: Ofc you have a 2gb ROCKET HOST
  62. (8:21:08 PM) Linkin: THAT HAS CISCO ON IT
  63. (8:21:13 PM) Linkin: Right?
  64. (8:21:27 PM) Lunick: I would have no idea, I'm not the server host.
  65. (8:21:39 PM) Linkin: I can tell you
  66. (8:21:42 PM) Linkin: that server will get down
  67. (8:21:46 PM) Linkin: in less then 0.1 seconds
  68. (8:21:47 PM) Lunick: sure it will
  69. (8:21:57 PM) Linkin: once the bots start :)
  70. (8:21:59 PM) Deadly: Sure sure. Then guess what, it'll be back up in seconds
  71. (8:22:04 PM) Linkin: Minecraft servers wow =)
  72. (8:22:05 PM) Deadly: With your entire IP range banned
  73. (8:22:16 PM) Linkin: Oh damn:(
  74. (8:22:25 PM) Linkin: Deadly, you impressed me
  75. (8:22:27 PM) Deadly: And FBI reported as well.
  76. (8:22:31 PM) Lunick: lol Deadly
  77. (8:22:33 PM) Deadly: Happened to the last guy that tried that
  78. (8:22:40 PM) Linkin: Oh srsly
  79. (8:22:44 PM) Linkin: Let me remind you something
  80. (8:22:48 PM) Linkin: Deadly :))
  81. (8:23:02 PM) Deadly: Lol Lunick
  82. (8:23:04 PM) Linkin: Im not really impressed about your crybaby attitude =]
  83. (8:23:09 PM) Deadly: lol crybaby
  84. (8:23:10 PM) Deadly: :3
  85. (8:23:12 PM) Lunick: Well Linkin
  86. (8:23:17 PM) Linkin: 1) I just said that your server can fail in less then 0.1 seconds.
  87. (8:23:20 PM) Lunick: I'm not impressed by your 9 year old attitude
  88. (8:23:29 PM) Lunick: yo uare not worthy of a 10 year old
  89. (8:23:30 PM) Linkin: Lunick? cry moar?
  90. (8:23:32 PM) Lunick: .ban Linkin
  91. (8:23:33 PM) Linkin left the room (Kicked by [S] (Linkin)).
  92. (8:23:34 PM) Deadly: He's threatening to shut a server off
  93. (8:23:37 PM) Deadly: xD
  94. (8:23:39 PM) Lunick: no one currr
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