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roblox forum glitch

a guest
Jun 30th, 2015
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  1. javascript:var doc = document; var forums = ""; var board = 18; var floodcheck = 32000; var reply = ""; var frame = document.createElement('iframe'); var threadview = "ctl00_cphRoblox_ThreadView1_ctl00_ThreadList"; var body = "ctl00_cphRoblox_Createeditpost1_PostForm_PostBody"; var postbutton = "ctl00_cphRoblox_Createeditpost1_PostForm_PostButton"; var keywords = new Array("no. ","I don't understand. ","I actually agree with OP. ","Sure why not. ","Yeah. ","I like that too. ","No, not really. ","huh? what? ","Yeah sure. ","Of course, why not. ","Whatever. ","That's not really nice. ","hey. ","That's funny actually. ","lol. ","No, I won't. ","I don't believe you. ","Why's that? ","That's very nice but no thanks. ","lol. ","please... ","What did you say? ","lol no. ","whats up with you? ","u ok? ","You alright? ","Mate that's silly. ","Hi There. :) ","Hey there my man. ","huh? no. ","Okay buddy. ","Whatever you say. ","That's like only your opinion. ","Are you ok with that? ","lol pls. :/ ","Haahha no. ","Eh, what?"," Don't understand what you mean. ","You sure you're alright? ","Hope you're okay. ","Sure.. ","Doubt many care tbh. ","Yes. ","of course you're right. ","Yeah sure lol. ","That's fine, if you're okay. ","Sorry don't understand.","What lol? ","That's nice? :) ","Ummm..what? ","Eh yeah, sure. ","A little weird, but ok. ","huh? ","That's not very nice. ","Hope you're okay. ","Ah, that's bad. ","That's odd. ","Nothing to add here. ","No, not really.","Suuure. ","Bit sarcastic don't ya think? "," Yah sure. ","lol what?? ","Sure, I agree with you. ","That's okay. ","What you on about? ","what's that? ","Whats up? ","That's upsetting. ","Sure. ","Of course. ","That's not funny neither are you.. ","I`totally agree with OP. ","Oh, okay. ","Nothing much to add here. ","hi.. ","Boring lol. ","Kind of scared now. ","It's not funny. ","I disagree with you. ","Sure.."," Of course.. "); var keywords2 = new Array(" "," "," "," "," "," "); var added = String.fromCharCode(1) + " "+ String.fromCharCode(1); var subject = "ctl00_cphRoblox_Createeditpost1_PostForm_PostSubject"; var posts = 0; function Add(str){ keywords.push(str); } function FindPost(){ var doc = frame.contentDocument; var threds = doc.getElementById(threadview).firstElementChild; var post = threds.children[Math.floor(Math.random()*20)+5]; var postlink = post.children[1].firstElementChild; var postid = postlink.href.substring(postlink.href.indexOf("=")+1); return postid; } function load() { var loc = frame.contentWindow.location; var url = loc.hostname+loc.pathname; if (loc.href == forums + board) { var postid = FindPost(); frame.contentWindow.location = reply+postid; } else if(url == ""){ frame.contentDocument.getElementById(subject).value = "RE: "; frame.contentDocument.getElementById(body).value = keywords[Math.floor(Math.random()*keywords.length)]+keywords2[Math.floor(Math.random()*keywords2.length)]+keywords2[Math.floor(Math.random()*keywords2.length)]+keywords2[Math.floor(Math.random()*keywords2.length)]+added; frame.contentDocument.getElementById(postbutton).click(); posts++; document.title = posts+" posts"; } else { setTimeout("frame.contentWindow.location = forums+board;",floodcheck); } } frame.onload = load; frame.src = forums+board; frame.height = 600; frame.width = 900; = "absolute"; frame.sandbox = "allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-forms"; document.body.innerHTML = ""; document.body.appendChild(frame);
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