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Polski język 1.0!

a guest
Jul 3rd, 2015
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  1. <?php
  2. // Copyright 2011 Toby Zerner, Simon Zerner
  3. // This file is part of esoTalk. Please see the included license file for usage information.
  5. ET::$languageInfo["English"] = array(
  6.     "locale" => "en-US",
  7.     "name" => "English",
  8.     "description" => "A casual English language pack.",
  9.     "version" => ESOTALK_VERSION,
  10.     "author" => "esoTalk Team",
  11.     "authorEmail" => "",
  12.     "authorURL" => "",
  13.     "license" => "GPLv2"
  14. );
  16. // Define the character set that this language uses.
  17. $definitions["charset"] = "utf-8";
  19. $definitions["date.full"] = "%c";
  21. $definitions["%d day ago"] = "wczoraj";
  22. $definitions["%d days ago"] = "%d dni temu";
  23. $definitions["%d hour ago"] = "1 godzinę temu";
  24. $definitions["%d hours ago"] = "%d godzin temu";
  25. $definitions["%d minute ago"] = "1 minutę temu";
  26. $definitions["%d minutes ago"] = "%d minut temu";
  27. $definitions["%d month ago"] = "1 miesiąc temu";
  28. $definitions["%d months ago"] = "%d miesięcy temu";
  29. $definitions["%d second ago"] = "1 sekundę temu";
  30. $definitions["%d seconds ago"] = "%d sekund temu";
  31. $definitions["%d week ago"] = "ostatni tydzień";
  32. $definitions["%d weeks ago"] = "%d tygodni temu";
  33. $definitions["%d year ago"] = "ostani rok";
  34. $definitions["%d years ago"] = "%d lat temu";
  36. $definitions["%s and %s"] = "%s i %s";
  37. $definitions["%s can view this conversation."] = "%s może zobaczyć tą rozmowę.";
  38. $definitions["%s changed %s's group to %s."] = "%s zmienił %s grupę do %s.";
  39. $definitions["%s changed your group to %s."] = "%s zmienił twoją grupę %s.";
  40. $definitions["%s conversation"] = "%s temat";
  41. $definitions["%s conversations"] = "%s tematy";
  42. $definitions["%s has registered and is awaiting approval."] = "%s został zarejestrowany i czeka na aktywację.";
  43. $definitions["%s invited you to %s."] = "%s zaprosił Cię do %s.";
  44. $definitions["%s joined the forum."] = "%s wszedł na forum.";
  45. $definitions["%s mentioned you in %s."] = "%s oznaczył Cię w %s.";
  46. $definitions["%s post"] = "%s wiadomość";
  47. $definitions["%s posted %s"] = "%s napisał %s";
  48. $definitions["%s posted in %s."] = "%s napisał w %s.";
  49. $definitions["%s posts"] = "%s wiadomości";
  50. $definitions["%s reply"] = "%s odpowiedz";
  51. $definitions["%s replies"] = "%s odpowiedzi";
  52. $definitions["%s Settings"] = "%s Ustawienia";
  53. $definitions["%s started the conversation %s."] = "%s zaczął rozmowę %s.";
  54. $definitions["%s will be able to view this conversation."] = "%s będą mogli zobaczyć tę rozmowę.";
  55. $definitions["%s will be able to:"] = "%s będzie zdolny do:";
  57. $definitions["A new version of esoTalk (%s) is available."] = "Nowa wersja esoTalk (%s) jest dostępna.";
  58. $definitions["a private conversation"] = "prywatna wiadomość";
  59. $definitions["Automatically follow conversations that I reply to"] = "Automatyczne śledzenie rozmowy.";
  60. $definitions["Automatically follow private conversations that I'm added to"] = "Automatyczne śledzenie prywatnych rozmowów, które mam dodane do";
  61. $definitions["Access the administrator control panel."] = "Uzyskaj dostęp do panelu administratora.";
  62. $definitions["Account type"] = "Typ konta";
  63. $definitions["Activate"] = "Aktywne";
  64. $definitions["Activity"] = "Działalność";
  65. $definitions["Add"] = "Dodaj";
  66. $definitions["Administration"] = "Administracja";
  67. $definitions["Administrator email"] = "Email administratora";
  68. $definitions["Administrator password"] = "Hasło administratora";
  69. $definitions["Administrator username"] = "Nazwa użytkownika administratora";
  70. $definitions["Advanced options"] = "Opcje zaawansowane";
  71. $definitions["All Channels"] = "Wszystkie działy";
  72. $definitions["Allow members to edit their own posts:"] = "Zezwalaj użytkownikom na edycję własnych wiadomości:";
  73. $definitions["Already have an account? <a href='%s' class='link-login'>Log in!</a>"] = "Masz konto? <a href='%s' class='link-login'>Zaloguj się!</a>";
  74. $definitions["Appearance"] = "Wygląd";
  75. $definitions["Approve"] = "Zatwierdź";
  76. $definitions["Automatically star conversations that I reply to"] = "Automatyczne śledzenie rozmów.";
  77. $definitions["Avatar"] = "Zdjęcie";
  79. $definitions["Back to channels"] = "Wróć do kategorii";
  80. $definitions["Back to conversation"] = "Wróć do tematu";
  81. $definitions["Back to member"] = "Wróć do użytkownika";
  82. $definitions["Back to members"] = "Wróć do użytkowników";
  83. $definitions["Back to search"] = "Wróć do szukania";
  84. $definitions["Background color"] = "Kolor tła";
  85. $definitions["Background image"] = "Zdjęcie tła";
  86. $definitions["Base URL"] = "Podstawowy URL";
  87. $definitions["Bold"] = "Pogrubienie";
  88. $definitions["By %s"] = "Autor %s";
  90. $definitions["Can suspend/unsuspend members"] = "Może zbanować (zawiesić) / odbanować (odwiesić) użytkowników?";
  91. $definitions["Cancel"] = "Anuluj";
  92. $definitions["Change"] = "Zmień";
  93. $definitions["Change %s's Permissions"] = "Zmień uprawnienia %s";
  94. $definitions["Change avatar"] = "Zmień zdjęcie";
  95. $definitions["Change Channel"] = "Zmień kategorię";
  96. $definitions["Change channel"] = "Zmień kategorie";
  97. $definitions["Change username"] = "Zmień nazwę użytkownika";
  98. $definitions["Change Password or Email"] = "Zmień hasło lub email";
  99. $definitions["Change Password"] = "Zmień hasło";
  100. $definitions["Change password"] = "Zmień hasło";
  101. $definitions["Change permissions"] = "Zmień uprawnienia";
  102. $definitions["Channel description"] = "Zmień opis";
  103. $definitions["Channel List"] = "Lista kategorii";
  104. $definitions["Channel title"] = "Nazwa kategorii";
  105. $definitions["Channel slug"] = "Ślimak kategorii";
  106. $definitions["Channels"] = "Kategorie";
  107. $definitions["Choose a secure password of at least %s characters"] = "Wybierz hasło które ma %s znaków.";
  108. $definitions["Choose what people will see when they first visit your forum."] = "Wybierz kto może widzieć forum.";
  109. $definitions["Click on a member's name to remove them."] = "Kliknij na nazwę danego członka, aby ją usunąć.";
  110. $definitions["Close registration"] = "Zamknij rejestrację";
  111. $definitions["Confirm password"] = "Potwierdź hasło";
  112. $definitions["Controls"] = "Moderacja";
  113. $definitions["Conversation"] = "Temat";
  114. $definitions["Conversations participated in"] = "Rozmowy z";
  115. $definitions["Conversations started"] = "Rozpoczęte rozmowy";
  116. $definitions["Conversations"] = "Rozmowy";
  117. $definitions["Copy permissions from"] = "Kopiuj uprawnienia z";
  118. $definitions["Create Channel"] = "Utwórz kategorię";
  119. $definitions["Create Group"] = "Utwórz grupę";
  120. $definitions["Create Member"] = "Utwórz użytkownika";
  121. $definitions["Customize how users can become members of your forum."] = "Dostosuj sposób który pozwala użytkowniką zostać członkami forum.";
  122. $definitions["Customize your forum's appearance"] = "Dostosuj wygląd twojego forum";
  124. $definitions["Dashboard"] = "Panel główny - Dashbord";
  125. $definitions["Default forum language"] = "Podstawowy język forum";
  126. $definitions["<strong>Delete</strong> all conversations forever."] = "<strong>Usuń</strong> wszystkie rozmowy.";
  127. $definitions["Delete Channel"] = "Usuń kategorię";
  128. $definitions["Delete conversation"] = "Usuń rozmowę";
  129. $definitions["Delete member"] = "Usuń użytkownika";
  130. $definitions["Delete Member"] = "Usuń użytkownika";
  131. $definitions["<strong>Delete this member's posts.</strong> All of this member's posts will be marked as deleted, but will be able to be restored manually."] = "<strong>Usuń wiadomości użytkownika.</strong> Wszystkie wiadomości tego użytkownika zostaną usunięte.";
  132. $definitions["Delete"] = "Usuń";
  133. $definitions["Deleted %s by %s"] = "Usunięto %s przez %s";
  134. $definitions["Deny"] = "Odmów";
  135. $definitions["Disable"] = "Wyłączony";
  136. $definitions["Discard"] = "Odrzuć";
  137. $definitions["Don't allow other users to see when I am online"] = "Nie dopuścić innych użytkowników, aby zobaczyć, kiedy jestem Online.";
  138. $definitions["Don't have an account? <a href='%s' class='link-join'>Sign up!</a>"] = "Nie masz konta? <a href='%s' class='link-join'>Zarejestruj się!</a>";
  139. $definitions["Don't repeat"] = "Nie powtarzaj";
  140. $definitions["Don't require users to confirm their account"] = "Nie wymagaj od użytkownika, aby potwierdził swoje konto";
  142. $definitions["Edit Channel"] = "Edytuj kategorię";
  143. $definitions["Edit Group"] = "Edytuj grupę";
  144. $definitions["Edit member groups"] = "Edytuj grupę użytkownika";
  145. $definitions["Edit your profile"] = "Edytuj swój profil";
  146. $definitions["Edit"] = "Edytuj";
  147. $definitions["Edited %s by %s"] = "Edytowane %s przez %s";
  148. $definitions["Editing permissions"] = "Edytuj uprawnienia.";
  149. $definitions["Email me when I'm added to a private conversation"] = "Powiadom mnie, kiedy zostałem dodany do prywatnej rozmowy";
  150. $definitions["Email me when someone mentions me in a post"] = "Powiadom mnie, gdy ktoś wspomina o mnie w poście";
  151. $definitions["Email me when someone posts in a channel I have followed"] = "Powiadom mnie, gdy ktoś napisze wiadomość w śledzonym przezemnie temacie.";
  152. $definitions["Email me when someone posts in a conversation I have followed"] = "Powiadom mnie, gdy ktoś napisze wiadomość w śledzonym przezemnie temacie.";
  153. $definitions["Email me when there is a new post by a member I have followed"] = "Powiadom mnie, gdy ktoś napisze wiadomość w śledzonym przezemnie temacie.";
  154. $definitions["Email"] = "Email";
  155. $definitions["Enable"] = "Włączone";
  156. $definitions["Enabled"] = "Włącz";
  157. $definitions["Enter a conversation title"] = "Tytuł tematu";
  158. $definitions["Error"] = "Błąd";
  159. $definitions["esoTalk version"] = "Wersja esoTalk";
  160. $definitions["Everyone"] = "Każdy";
  162. $definitions["Fatal Error"] = "Coś poszło nie tak...";
  163. $definitions["Feed"] = "Karmić";
  164. $definitions["Filter by name or group..."] = "Filtruj przez nazwę lub grupę...";
  165. $definitions["Find this post"] = "Wyszukaj tutaj wiadomości.";
  166. $definitions["First posted"] = "Pierwsza wiadomość";
  167. $definitions["Follow"] = "Śledź";
  168. $definitions["Follow to receive notifications"] = "Śledź otrzymać informację";
  169. $definitions["Following"] = "Śledzeni";
  170. $definitions["For %s seconds"] = "Za %s sekund";
  171. $definitions["Forever"] = "Na zawsze";
  172. $definitions["Forgot?"] = "Nie pamiętasz?";
  173. $definitions["Forgot Password"] = "Zapomoniałeś hasła?";
  174. $definitions["Forum"] = "Forum";
  175. $definitions["Forum header"] = "Nagłówek forum";
  176. $definitions["Forum language"] = "Język forum";
  177. $definitions["Forum privacy"] = "Prywatność forum";
  178. $definitions["Forum Settings"] = "Ustawienia forum";
  179. $definitions["Forum Statistics"] = "Statystyki forum";
  180. $definitions["Forum title"] = "Nazwa forum";
  181. $definitions["forumDescription"] = "%s jest forum %s, i %s.";
  183. $definitions["Give this group the 'moderate' permission on all existing channels"] = "Daj tej grupie (moderacja) pozwolenie na wszystkich istniejących kanałów ";
  184. $definitions["Global permissions"] = "Uprawnienia globalne";
  185. $definitions["Go to top"] = "Wróć do góry";
  186. $definitions["Group name"] = "Nazwa grupy";
  187. $definitions["group.administrator"] = "Administrator";
  188. $definitions["group.administrator.plural"] = "Administratorzy";
  189. $definitions["group.guest"] = "Gość";
  190. $definitions["group.guest.plural"] = "Gość";
  191. $definitions["group.member"] = "Użytkownik";
  192. $definitions["group.member.plural"] = "Użytkownicy";
  193. $definitions["group.Moderator"] = "Moderator";
  194. $definitions["group.Moderator.plural"] = "Moderatorzy";
  195. $definitions["group.suspended"] = "Zawieszony";
  196. $definitions["Groups can be used to categorize members and give them certain privileges."] = "Grupy te mogą być stosowane do klasyfikowania elementów i daje im pewne przywileje.";
  197. $definitions["Groups"] = "Grupy";
  198. $definitions["Guests can view the:"] = "Gość widzi to:";
  200. $definitions["Header"] = "Nagłówek";
  201. $definitions["Header color"] = "Kolor nagłówka";
  202. $definitions["Heads Up!"] = "Głowy Do Góry!";
  203. $definitions["Hide"] = "Ukryj";
  204. $definitions["Home page"] = "Strona Główna";
  205. $definitions["HTML is allowed."] = "HTML jest dozwolony.";
  207. $definitions["If you run into any other problems or just want some help with the installation, feel free to ask for assistance at the <a href='%s'>esoTalk support forum</a>."] = "Jeśli napotkasz jakieś inne problemy lub po prostu chcesz pomocy z instalacją, nie krępuj się poproś o pomoc w <a href='%s'> esoTalk Forum pomocy </a>.";
  208. $definitions["Install esoTalk"] = "Zainstaluj esoTalka";
  209. $definitions["Install My Forum"] = "Zainstaluj moje forum";
  210. $definitions["Installed Languages"] = "Zainstalowane języki";
  211. $definitions["Installed Plugins"] = "Zainstalowane wtyczki (pluginy)";
  212. $definitions["Installed plugins"] = "Zainstalowane wtyczki (pluginy)";
  213. $definitions["Installed Skins"] = "Zainstalowane wyglądy forum";
  214. $definitions["Installed skins"] = "Zainstalowane wyglądy forum";
  215. $definitions["is %s"] = "jest %s";
  217. $definitions["Joined"] = "Dołączył";
  218. $definitions["just now"] = "teraz";
  220. $definitions["Keep me logged in"] = "Zapamiętaj mnie";
  221. $definitions["<strong>Keep this member's posts.</strong> All of this member's posts will remain intact, but will show [deleted] as the author."] = "<strong>Trzymaj posty użytkownika.</ strong> Wszystkie posty użytkownika pozostaną nienaruszone, ale pokaże [skreślony] jako autor.";
  223. $definitions["label.draft"] = "Projekt";
  224. $definitions["label.locked"] = "Zamknij";
  225. $definitions["label.ignored"] = "Ignorowane";
  226. $definitions["label.private"] = "Prywatne";
  227. $definitions["label.sticky"] = "Przypnij";
  228. $definitions["Labels"] = "Etykiety";
  229. $definitions["Last active"] = "Ostatnio aktywny";
  230. $definitions["Last active %s"] = "Ostatnio aktywny %s";
  231. $definitions["Latest"] = "Najnowszy";
  232. $definitions["Latest News"] = "Najnowsza aktualność";
  233. $definitions["Loading..."] = "Ładowanie...";
  234. $definitions["Lock"] = "Zamknij";
  235. $definitions["Log In"] = "Zaloguj się";
  236. $definitions["Log Out"] = "Wyloguj się";
  238. $definitions["Make member and online list visible to:"] = "Dodać online użytkownika i widzieć go na liście:";
  239. $definitions["Manage Channels"] = "Zarządzaj kategoriami";
  240. $definitions["Manage Groups"] = "Zarządzaj grupami";
  241. $definitions["Manage Languages"] = "Zarządzaj językami";
  242. $definitions["Manage your forum's channels (categories)"] = "Zarządzaj swoimi kategoriami";
  243. $definitions["Mark as read"] = "Oznacz jako przeczytane";
  244. $definitions["Mark as unread"] = "Oznacz jako nieprzeczytane";
  245. $definitions["Mark all as read"] = "Oznacz wszystko jako przeczytane";
  246. $definitions["Mark listed as read"] = "Oznacz listę przeczytanych";
  247. $definitions["Maximum size of %s. %s."] = "Maksymalny rozmiar %s. %s.";
  248. $definitions["Member groups"] = "Grupa użytkownika";
  249. $definitions["Member list"] = "Lista użytkowników";
  250. $definitions["Member List"] = "Lista użytkowników";
  251. $definitions["Member privacy"] = "Prywatność użytkownika";
  252. $definitions["Members"] = "Użytkownicy";
  253. $definitions["Members Allowed to View this Conversation"] = "Użytkownicy mogą zobaczyć tę rozmowę";
  254. $definitions["Members Awaiting Approval"] = "Użytkownicy oczekujący na zatwierdzenie";
  255. $definitions["Members Online"] = "Aktywni użytkownicy";
  256. $definitions["Members who are part of this group can be listed by searching for the group name in the member list."] = "Użytkownicy, którzy są częścią tej grupy mogą być wymienione, szukając nazwy grupy na liście członków.";
  257. $definitions["Mobile skin"] = "Wygląd komórki";
  258. $definitions["Moderate"] = "Moderować";
  259. $definitions["<strong>Move</strong> conversations to the following channel:"] = "<strong>Move</strong> conversations to the following channel:";
  260. $definitions["Mute conversation"] = "Mute conversation";
  261. $definitions["MySQL database"] = "MySQL database";
  262. $definitions["MySQL host address"] = "MySQL host address";
  263. $definitions["MySQL password"] = "MySQL password";
  264. $definitions["MySQL queries"] = "MySQL queries";
  265. $definitions["MySQL table prefix"] = "MySQL table prefix";
  266. $definitions["MySQL username"] = "MySQL username";
  267. $definitions["MySQL version"] = "MySQL version";
  269. $definitions["Name"] = "Nazwa";
  270. $definitions["never"] = "nigdy";
  271. $definitions["%s new"] = "%s nowy";
  272. $definitions["New conversation"] = "Nowy temat";
  273. $definitions["New Conversation"] = "Nowy temat";
  274. $definitions["New conversations in the past week"] = "Nowe rozmowy w zeszłym tygodniu";
  275. $definitions["New email"] = "Nowy email";
  276. $definitions["New members in the past week"] = "Nowi członkowie w ciągu ostatniego tygodnia";
  277. $definitions["New password"] = "Nowe hasło";
  278. $definitions["New posts in the past week"] = "Nowe posty w ostatnim tygodniu";
  279. $definitions["New username"] = "Nowa nazwa użytkownika";
  280. $definitions["Next Step"] = "Następny krok";
  281. $definitions["Next"] = "Dalej";
  282. $definitions["No preview"] = "Brak podglądu";
  283. $definitions["No"] = "Nie";
  284. $definitions["Notifications"] = "Powiadomienia";
  285. $definitions["Now"] = "Teraz";
  287. $definitions["OK"] = "OK";
  288. $definitions["Online"] = "Online";
  289. $definitions["online"] = "online";
  290. $definitions["Only allow members of this group to see who else is in it"] = "Pozwala jedynie członkom tej grupy, aby zobaczyć, kto jeszcze jest w nim";
  291. $definitions["Open registration"] = "Otwórz rejestrację";
  292. $definitions["optional"] = "nieobowiązkowy";
  293. $definitions["Order By:"] = "Zamów przez:";
  294. $definitions["Original Post"] = "Pierwszy post";
  296. $definitions["Page Not Found"] = "Nie znaleziono strony";
  297. $definitions["Password"] = "Hasło";
  298. $definitions["PHP version"] = "Wersja PHP";
  299. $definitions["Plugins"] = "Wtyczki";
  300. $definitions["Post a Reply"] = "Napisz odpowiedź";
  301. $definitions["Post count"] = "Ilość wiadomości";
  302. $definitions["Posts"] = "Wiadomości";
  303. $definitions["Powered by"] = "Wspierane przez";
  304. $definitions["Preview"] = "Podgląd";
  305. $definitions["Previous"] = "Poprzedni";
  307. $definitions["Quote"] = "Odpowiedz";
  308. $definitions["quote"] = "Odpowiedz";
  310. $definitions["Read more"] = "Czytaj więcej";
  311. $definitions["Recent posts"] = "Ostatnie wiadomości";
  312. $definitions["Recover Password"] = "Odzyskaj Hasło";
  313. $definitions["Registered members"] = "Zarejestrowani użytkownicy";
  314. $definitions["Registration"] = "Rejestracja";
  315. $definitions["Registration Closed"] = "Rejestracja zamknięta";
  316. $definitions["Remove avatar"] = "Usuń zdjęcie";
  317. $definitions["Rename Member"] = "Nazwij użytkownika";
  318. $definitions["Reply"] = "Odpowiedz";
  319. $definitions["Report a bug"] = "Zgłoś błąd";
  320. $definitions["Require administrator approval"] = "Wymaga zgody administratora";
  321. $definitions["Require users to confirm their email address"] = "Wymagać od użytkowników, aby potwierdzić swój adres email";
  322. $definitions["Restore"] = "Przywróć";
  323. $definitions["restore"] = "Przywróć";
  324. $definitions["Reset"] = "Reset";
  326. $definitions["Save Changes"] = "Zapisz zmiany";
  327. $definitions["Save Draft"] = "Zapisz projekt";
  328. $definitions["Search conversations..."] = "Wyszukaj tematów...";
  329. $definitions["Search within this conversation..."] = "Szukaj w tym temacie...";
  330. $definitions["Search"] = "Szukaj";
  331. $definitions["See the private conversations I've had with %s"] = "Zobacz prywatne rozmowy które miałem z %s";
  332. $definitions["Set a New Password"] = "Ustaw nowe hasło";
  333. $definitions["Settings"] = "Ustawienia";
  334. $definitions["Show an image in the header"] = "Pokaż zdjęcie w nagłówku";
  335. $definitions["Show in context"] = "Zobacz w kontekście";
  336. $definitions["Show matching posts"] = "Pokaż pasujące wiadomości";
  337. $definitions["Show the channel list by default"] = "Pokaż listę kategorii domyślnie";
  338. $definitions["Show the conversation list by default"] = "Pokaż listę domyślnych tematów";
  339. $definitions["Show the forum title in the header"] = "Pokaż tytuł w nagłówku forum";
  340. $definitions["Sign Up"] = "Zarejestruj się";
  341. $definitions["Skins"] = "Wygląd";
  342. $definitions["Sort By"] = "Sortuj przez";
  343. $definitions["Specify Setup Information"] = "Podaj informacje instalacji";
  344. $definitions["Star to receive notifications"] = "Śledź otrzymane informację";
  345. $definitions["Starred"] = "Śledzenie";
  346. $definitions["Start"] = "Początek";
  347. $definitions["Start a conversation"] = "Napisz nowy temat";
  348. $definitions["Start a new conversation"] = "Napisz nowy temat";
  349. $definitions["Start a private conversation with %s"] = "Rozpocznij rozmowę prywatną z %s";
  350. $definitions["Start Conversation"] = "Napisz nowy temat";
  351. $definitions["Starting a conversation"] = "Napisz nowy temat";
  352. $definitions["Statistics"] = "Statystyki";
  353. $definitions["statistic.conversation.plural"] = "%s rozmowy";
  354. $definitions["statistic.conversation"] = "%s rozmowy";
  355. $definitions["statistic.member.plural"] = "%s użytkownicy";
  356. $definitions["statistic.member"] = "%s użytkownik";
  357. $definitions[""] = "%s online";
  358. $definitions[""] = "%s online";
  359. $definitions[""] = "%s wiadomości";
  360. $definitions[""] = "%s wiadomośc";
  361. $definitions["Sticky"] = "Przyklej";
  362. $definitions["Subscribe"] = "Subskrybuj";
  363. $definitions["Subscribed"] = "Subskrybowane";
  364. $definitions["Subscription"] = "Subskrybowane";
  365. $definitions["Success!"] = "Sukces!";
  366. $definitions["Suspend member"] = "Zablokuj użytkownka";
  367. $definitions["Suspend members."] = "Zablokuj użytkowników";
  368. $definitions["Suspend"] = "Zablokuj";
  370. $definitions["To get started with your forum, you might like to:"] = "Aby zacząć korzystać z forum, może chcesz:";
  372. $definitions["Unapproved"] = "Niezatwierdzone";
  373. $definitions["Unhide"] = "Pokaż";
  374. $definitions["Uninstall"] = "Odinstaluj";
  375. $definitions["Unlock"] = "Otwórz";
  376. $definitions["Unmute conversation"] = "Włącz rozmowy";
  377. $definitions["Unstarred"] = "Nieprzestrzeganie";
  378. $definitions["Unsticky"] = "Odepnij / Odklej";
  379. $definitions["Unsubscribe new users by default"] = "Rezygnuję domyślnie nowych użytkowników";
  380. $definitions["Unsubscribe"] = "Odsubskrybowane";
  381. $definitions["Unsubscribed"] = "Odsubskrybowane";
  382. $definitions["Unsuspend member"] = "Odblokuj użytkownika";
  383. $definitions["Unsuspend"] = "Odblokuj";
  384. $definitions["Until someone replies"] = "Dopóki ktoś odpowie";
  385. $definitions["Untitled conversation"] = "Temat nie jest nazwany";
  386. $definitions["Upgrade esoTalk"] = "Ulepsz esoTalk";
  387. $definitions["Use a background image"] = "Użyj obrazu tła";
  388. $definitions["Use for mobile"] = "Użyj dla telefonów";
  389. $definitions["Use friendly URLs"] = "Użyj przyjaznych adresów URL";
  390. $definitions["Used to verify your account and subscribe to conversations"] = "Służy do weryfikacji konta i zapisać się do rozmów";
  391. $definitions["Username"] = "Nazwa użytkownika";
  392. $definitions["Username or Email"] = "Nazwa użytkownika lub email";
  394. $definitions["View %s's profile"] = "Zobacz profil %s";
  395. $definitions["View all notifications"] = "Zobacz wszystkie powiadomienia";
  396. $definitions["View more"] = "Zobacz więcej";
  397. $definitions["View your profile"] = "Zobacz swój profil";
  398. $definitions["View"] = "Zobacz";
  399. $definitions["Viewing: %s"] = "Czyta: %s";
  400. $definitions["viewingPosts"] = "<b>%s-%s</b> z %s wiadomości";
  402. $definitions["Warning"] = "Ostrzeżenie";
  403. $definitions["Welcome to esoTalk!"] = "Witaj w esoTalk!";
  404. $definitions["We've logged you in and taken you straight to your forum's administration panel. You're welcome."] = "Ostrzeżenie! Mamy zalogowany i wziąć Cię prosto do panelu administracyjnego fora. Proszę bardzo.";
  405. $definitions["Write a reply..."] = "Napisz odpowiedź...";
  407. $definitions["Yes"] = "Tak";
  408. $definitions["You can manage channel-specific permissions on the channels page."] = "Możesz zarządzać uprawnieniami dla poszczególnych kategorii.";
  409. $definitions["Your current password"] = "Aktualne hasło";
  412. // Messages.
  413. $definitions["message.404"] = "Och - Żądana strona nie została znaleziona! Spróbuj wrócić i klikając inny link. Lub coś innego.";
  414. $definitions["message.accountNotYetApproved"] = "Administrator nie jest jeszcze zatwierdzony. Cierpliwość jest cnotą!";
  415. $definitions["message.ajaxDisconnected"] = "Nie można połączyć się ze stroną (forum). Poczekaj kilka sekund lub <a href='javascript:jQuery.ETAjax.resumeAfterDisconnection()'>spróbuj ponownie</a>, lub <a href='' onclick='window.location.reload();return false'>odśwież stronę</a>.";
  416. $definitions["message.ajaxRequestPending"] = "Hej! Wciąż jest przetwarzanie niektórych swojich rzeczy! Jeśli opuścisz tą stronie możesz stracić wszystkie ostatnie zmiany dokonane.";
  417. $definitions["message.avatarError"] = "Wystąpił problem podczas wysyłania swojego zdjęcia. Upewnij się, że używasz prawidłowego typu obrazu (najlepszy .jpg, .png, or .gif) i rozmiar nie jest zbyt duży";
  418. $definitions["message.cannotDeleteLastChannel"] = "Hej, czekaj, nie można usunąć ostatniej kategorii! Gdzie twoje tematy mają iść? To jest po prostu głupie.";
  419. $definitions["message.cannotEditSinceReply"] = "Nie możesz edytować swojej wiadomości, bo ktoś już na nie odpowiedział, ponieważ go pisał.";
  420. $definitions["message.changesSaved"] = "Zmiany zostały zapisane.";
  421. $definitions["message.channelsHelp"] = "Channels are used to categorize conversations on your forum. You can create as many channels as needed, and rearrange/nest them by dragging and dropping below.";
  422. $definitions["message.channelSlugTaken"] = "This slug is already in use by another channel.";
  423. $definitions["message.confirmDelete"] = "Are you sure you want to delete this? Seriously, you won't be able to get it back.";
  424. $definitions["message.confirmDiscardPost"] = "You have not saved your post as a draft. Do you wish to discard it?";
  425. $definitions["message.confirmEmail"] = "Before you can start using your newly-created account, you'll need to confirm your email address. Within the next minute or two you should receive an email from us containing a link to activate your account.";
  426. $definitions["message.confirmLeave"] = "Woah, you haven't saved the stuff you are editing! If you leave this page, you'll lose any changes you've made. Is this ok?";
  427. $definitions["message.connectionError"] = "esoTalk could not connect to the MySQL server. The error returned was:<br/>%s";
  428. $definitions["message.conversationDeleted"] = "The conversation was deleted. Didn't that feel good?";
  429. $definitions["message.conversationNotFound"] = "For some reason this conversation cannot be viewed. It may not exist, or you may not have permission to view it.";
  430. $definitions["message.cookieAuthenticationTheft"] = "For security reasons, we couldn't log you in with your 'remember me' cookie. Please log in manually!";
  431. $definitions["message.deleteChannelHelp"] = "Woah, hold up there! If you delete this channel, there'll be no way to get it back. Unless you build a time machine. But, uh, there'll be no <em>easy</em> way to get it back. All of the conversations in this channel can be moved to another of your choice.";
  432. $definitions["message.emailConfirmed"] = "Cool! Your account has been validated and you can now start participating in conversations. Why not <a href='".URL("conversation/start")."'>start one</a> yourself?";
  433. $definitions["message.emailDoesntExist"] = "That email address doesn't match any members in the database. Did you make a typo?";
  434. $definitions["message.emailNotYetConfirmed"] = "You need to confirm your email before you can log in with it! If you didn't receive the confirmation email, please check your spam folder or <a href='%s'>click here to get it sent again</a>.";
  435. $definitions["message.emailTaken"] = "Curses, there is already a member with this email!";
  436. $definitions["message.empty"] = "You must fill out this field.";
  437. $definitions["message.emptyPost"] = "Yeah... uh, you should probably type something in your post.";
  438. $definitions["message.emptyTitle"] = "The title of your conversation can't be blank. I mean, how can anyone click on a blank title? Think about it.";
  439. $definitions["message.esoTalkAlreadyInstalled"] = "<strong>esoTalk is already installed.</strong> To reinstall esoTalk, you must remove <code>config/config.php</code>.";
  440. $definitions["message.esoTalkUpdateAvailable"] = "A new version of esoTalk, %s, is now available.";
  441. $definitions["message.esoTalkUpdateAvailableHelp"] = "It's recommended to always have the latest version of esoTalk installed to reduce security risk. And hey, there might be some cool new features!";
  442. $definitions["message.esoTalkUpToDate"] = "Your version of esoTalk is up-to-date.";
  443. $definitions["message.esoTalkUpToDateHelp"] = "esoTalk is developed in the spare time of a college student. Please consider <a href='%s' target='_blank'>donating</a> to keep it alive!";
  444. $definitions["message.fatalError"] = "esoTalk has encountered a fatal error. Try again, or <a href='%1\$s' target='_blank'>get help</a>.";
  445. $definitions["message.fileUploadFailed"] = "Something went wrong and the file you selected could not be uploaded. Perhaps it's too big, or in the wrong format?";
  446. $definitions["message.fileUploadFailedMove"] = "The file you uploaded could not be copied to its destination. Please contact the forum administrator.";
  447. $definitions["message.fileUploadNotImage"] = "The file you uploaded is not an image in an acceptable format.";
  448. $definitions["message.fileUploadTooBig"] = "The file you selected could not be uploaded because it is too big.";
  449. $definitions["message.forgotPasswordHelp"] = "So, you forgot your password! Don't worry, it happens all the time. Simply enter your email address and we'll send you instructions on how to set up a new one.";
  450. $definitions["message.fulltextKeywordWarning"] = "Note that keywords less than 4 characters in length, and common English words such as 'the' and 'for', aren't included in the search criteria.";
  451. $definitions["message.gambitsHelp"] = "Gambits are phrases that describe what you are looking for. Click on a gambit to insert it into the search field. Double-click on a gambit to instantly search for it. Normal search keywords work too!";
  452. $definitions["message.gdNotEnabledWarning"] = "<strong>The GD extension is not enabled.</strong> This is required to resize and save avatars. Get your host or administrator to install/enable it.";
  453. $definitions["message.greaterMySQLVersionRequired"] = "<strong>You must have MySQL 4 or greater installed and the <a href='' target='_blank'>MySQL extension enabled in PHP</a>.</strong> Please install/upgrade both of these requirements or request that your host or administrator install them.";
  454. $definitions["message.greaterPHPVersionRequired"] = "<strong>Your server must have PHP %s or greater installed to run esoTalk.</strong> Please upgrade your PHP installation or request that your host or administrator upgrade the server.";
  455. $definitions["message.incorrectLogin"] = "Your login details were incorrect.";
  456. $definitions["message.incorrectPassword"] = "Your current password is incorrect.";
  457. $definitions["message.installerAdminHelp"] = "esoTalk will use the following information to set up your administrator account on your forum.";
  458. $definitions["message.installerFilesNotWritable"] = "<strong>esoTalk cannot write to the following files/folders: %s.</strong> To resolve this, you must navigate to these files/folders in your FTP client and <code>chmod</code> them to <code>0777</code>.";
  459. $definitions["message.installerWelcome"] = "Set up your fat-free forum but by filling out the form below.<br>If you have any trouble, get help on the <a href='%s' target='_blank'>esoTalk website</a>.";
  460. $definitions["message.invalidChannel"] = "You selected an invalid channel!";
  461. $definitions["message.invalidEmail"] = "Seems this email address isn't valid...";
  462. $definitions["message.invalidUsername"] = "You must choose a username between 3 and 20 alphanumeric characters.";
  463. $definitions["message.javascriptRequired"] = "This page requires JavaScript to function properly. Please enable it!";
  464. $definitions["message.languageUninstalled"] = "The language was uninstalled.";
  465. $definitions["message.locked"] = "Hm, looks like this conversation is <strong>locked</strong>, so you can't reply to it.";
  466. $definitions["message.loginToParticipate"] = "To start conversations or reply to posts, please log in.";
  467. $definitions["message.logInToReply"] = "<a href='%1\$s' class='link-login'>Log In</a> or <a href='%2\$s' class='link-join'>Sign Up</a> to reply!";
  468. $definitions["message.logInToSeeAllConversations"] = "<a href='".URL("user/login")."' class='link-login'>Log in</a> to expose some channels/conversations that may be hidden to guests.";
  469. $definitions["message.memberNotFound"] = "Hm, there doesn't seem to be a member with that name.";
  470. $definitions["message.memberNoPermissionView"] = "That member can't be added because they don't have permission to view the channel that this conversation is in.";
  471. $definitions["message.nameTaken"] = "The name you have entered is taken or is a reserved word.";
  472. $definitions["message.newSearchResults"] = "There has been new activity that has affected your search results. <a href='%s'>Refresh</a>";
  473. $definitions["message.noActivity"] = "%s hasn't done anything on this forum yet!";
  474. $definitions["message.noChannels"] = "No channels are visible.";
  475. $definitions["message.noMembersOnline"] = "No members are currently online.";
  476. $definitions["message.noNotifications"] = "You have no notifications.";
  477. $definitions["message.noPermission"] = "You do not have permission to perform this action.";
  478. $definitions["message.noPermissionToReplyInChannel"] = "You don't have permission to reply to conversations in this channel.";
  479. $definitions["message.noPluginsInstalled"] = "No plugins are currently installed.";
  480. $definitions["message.noSearchResults"] = "No conversations matching your search were found.";
  481. $definitions["message.noSearchResultsMembers"] = "No members matching your search were found.";
  482. $definitions["message.noSearchResultsPosts"] = "No posts matching your search were found.";
  483. $definitions["message.noSkinsInstalled"] = "No skins are currently installed.";
  484. $definitions["message.notWritable"] = "<code>%s</code> is not writeable. Try <code>chmod</code>ing it to <code>777</code>, or if it doesn't exist, <code>chmod</code> the folder it is contained within.";
  485. $definitions["message.pageNotFound"] = "The page you're looking for could not be found.";
  486. $definitions["message.passwordChanged"] = "Alright, your password has been changed. Now you can log in! Hey, try not to forget it again, OK?";
  487. $definitions["message.passwordEmailSent"] = "Ok, we've sent you an email containing a link to reset your password. Check your spam folder if you don't receive it within the next minute or two. Yeah, some times we get put through to spam - can you believe it?!";
  488. $definitions["message.passwordsDontMatch"] = "Your passwords do not match.";
  489. $definitions["message.passwordTooShort"] = "Your password is too short.";
  490. $definitions["message.pluginCannotBeEnabled"] = "The plugin <em>%s</em> cannot be enabled: %s";
  491. $definitions["message.pluginDependencyNotMet"] = "To enable this plugin, you must have %s version %s installed and enabled.";
  492. $definitions["message.pluginUninstalled"] = "The plugin was uninstalled.";
  493. $definitions["message.postNotFound"] = "The post you're looking for could not be found.";
  494. $definitions["message.postTooLong"] = "Your post is really, really long! Too long! The maximum number of characters allowed is %s. That's really long!";
  495. $definitions["message.preInstallErrors"] = "These errors must be resolved before you can continue the installation.";
  496. $definitions["message.preInstallWarnings"] = "You can continue the esoTalk install without resolving the following warnings, but some esoTalk functionality may be limited.";
  497. $definitions["message.reduceNumberOfGambits"] = "Reduce the number of gambits or search keywords you're using to find a broader range of conversations.";
  498. $definitions["message.registerGlobalsWarning"] = "<strong>PHP's register_globals setting is enabled.</strong> While esoTalk can run with this setting on, it is recommended that it be turned off to increase security and to prevent esoTalk from having problems.";
  499. $definitions["message.registrationClosed"] = "Registration on this forum is not open to the public.";
  500. $definitions["message.removeDirectoryWarning"] = "Hey! Looks like you haven't deleted the <code>%s</code> directory like we told you to! You probably should, just to make sure those hackers can't do anything naughty.";
  501. $definitions["message.safeModeWarning"] = "<strong>Safe mode is enabled.</strong> This could potentially cause problems with esoTalk, but you can still proceed if you cannot turn it off.";
  502. $definitions["message.searchAllConversations"] = "Try searching for this term across all conversations.";
  503. $definitions["message.setNewPassword"] = "Alright! Now, what do you want your new password to be?";
  504. $definitions["message.skinUninstalled"] = "The skin was uninstalled.";
  505. $definitions["message.suspended"] = "Ouch! A forum moderator has <strong>suspended</strong> your account. It sucks, but until the suspension is lifted you won't be able to do much around here. Hey, screw them!";
  506. $definitions["message.suspendMemberHelp"] = "Suspending %s will prevent them from replying to conversations, starting conversations, and viewing private conversations. They will effectively have the same permissions as a guest.";
  507. $definitions["message.tablePrefixConflict"] = "The installer has detected that there is another installation of esoTalk in the same MySQL database with the same table prefix.<br>• To overwrite this installation, click 'Install' again. <strong>All data will be lost.</strong><br>• To create a new installation alongside this one, change the table prefix.";
  508. $definitions["message.unsuspendMemberHelp"] = "Unsuspending %s will enable them to participate in conversations on this forum again.";
  509. $definitions["message.upgradeSuccessful"] = "esoTalk was successfully upgraded.";
  510. $definitions["message.waitForApproval"] = "Before you can start using your newly-created account, an administrator must approve your account. We'll send you an email when you've been approved!";
  511. $definitions["message.waitToReply"] = "You must wait at least %s seconds between starting or replying to conversations. Take a deep breath and try again.";
  512. $definitions["message.waitToSearch"] = "Woah, slow down! Looks like you're trying to perform a few too many searches. Wait %s seconds and try again.";
  515. // Emails.
  516. $definitions["email.header"] = "<p>Witaj %s!</p>";
  517. $definitions["email.footer"] = "<p>(Jeśli nie chcesz otrzymywać żadnych e-maili, jak to jeszcze raz, można <a href='%s'> zmienić swoje ustawienia powiadomień</a>.)</p>";
  519. $definitions["email.confirmEmail.subject"] = "%1\$s, proszę, podwierdź swój email";
  520. $definitions["email.confirmEmail.body"] = "<p>Ktoś zarejestrował się na forum '%1\$s' z tym adresem email</p><p>Jeśli to ty to kliknij w ten link, aby potwierdzić konto:<br>%2\$s</p>";
  522. $definitions["email.approved.subject"] = "%1\$s, your account has been approved";
  523. $definitions["email.approved.body"] = "<p>Your account on %1\$s has been approved.</p><p>Visit the following link to log in and start talking:<br>%2\$s</p>";
  525. $definitions["email.forgotPassword.subject"] = "Did you forget your password, %1\$s?";
  526. $definitions["email.forgotPassword.body"] = "<p>Someone (hopefully you!) has submitted a forgotten password request for your account on the forum '%1\$s'. If you do not wish to change your password, just ignore this email and nothing will happen.</p><p>However, if you did forget your password and wish to set a new one, visit the following link:<br>%2\$s</p>";
  528. $definitions["email.mention.subject"] = "[Mentioned by %1\$s] %2\$s";
  529. $definitions["email.mention.body"] = "<p><strong>%1\$s</strong> mentioned you in a post in the conversation <strong>%2\$s</strong>.</p><hr>%3\$s<hr><p>To view the post in context, check out the following link:<br>%4\$s</p>";
  531. $definitions["email.privateAdd.subject"] = "[Private] %1\$s";
  532. $definitions["email.privateAdd.body"] = "<p>You have been added to a private conversation titled <strong>%1\$s</strong>.</p><hr>%2\$s<hr><p>To view this conversation, check out the following link:<br>%3\$s</p>";
  534. $definitions[""] = "[New Reply] %1\$s";
  535. $definitions[""] = "<p><strong>%1\$s</strong> has replied to a conversation which you followed: <strong>%2\$s</strong></p><hr>%3\$s<hr><p>To view the new activity, check out the following link:<br>%4\$s</p>";
  538. // Translating the gambit system can be quite complex, but we'll do our best to get you through it. :)
  539. // Note: Don't use any html entities in these definitions, except for: &lt; &gt; &amp; &#39;
  541. // Simple gambits
  542. // These gambits are pretty much evaluated as-they-are.
  543. // tag:, author:, contributor:, and quoted: are combined with a value after the colon (:).
  544. // For example: tag:video games, author:myself
  545. $definitions[""] = "author:";
  546. $definitions["gambit.contributor:"] = "contributor:";
  547. $definitions["gambit.member"] = "member";
  548. $definitions["gambit.myself"] = "myself";
  549. $definitions["gambit.draft"] = "draft";
  550. $definitions["gambit.locked"] = "locked";
  551. $definitions["gambit.order by newest"] = "order by newest";
  552. $definitions["gambit.order by replies"] = "order by replies";
  553. $definitions["gambit.private"] = "private";
  554. $definitions["gambit.random"] = "random";
  555. $definitions["gambit.reverse"] = "reverse";
  556. $definitions["gambit.starred"] = "followed";
  557. $definitions["gambit.ignored"] = "ignored";
  558. $definitions["gambit.sticky"] = "sticky";
  559. $definitions["gambit.unread"] = "unread";
  560. $definitions["gambit.limit:"] = "limit:";
  562. // Aliases
  563. // These are gambits which tell the gambit system to use another gambit.
  564. // In other words, when you type "active today", the gambit system interprets it as if you typed "active 1 day".
  565. // The first of each pair, the alias, can be anything you want.
  566. // The second, however, must fit with the regular expression pattern defined below (more on that later.)
  567. $definitions[" today"] = "active today"; // what appears in the gambit cloud
  568. $definitions[" 1 day"] = "active 1 day"; // what it actually evaluates to
  570. $definitions["gambit.has replies"] = "has replies";
  571. $definitions["gambit.has >0 replies"] = "has >0 replies";
  572. $definitions["gambit.has >10 replies"] = "has >10 replies";
  574. $definitions["gambit.has no replies"] = "has no replies";
  575. $definitions["gambit.has 0 replies"] = "has 0 replies";
  577. $definitions["gambit.dead"] = "dead";
  578. $definitions[" >30 day"] = "active >30 day";
  580. // Units of time
  581. // These are used in the active gambit.
  582. // ex. "[active] [>|<|>=|<=|last] 180 [second|minute|hour|day|week|month|year]"
  583. $definitions["gambit.second"] = "sekunda";
  584. $definitions["gambit.minute"] = "minuta";
  585. $definitions["gambit.hour"] = "godzina";
  586. $definitions[""] = "dzień";
  587. $definitions["gambit.week"] = "tydzień";
  588. $definitions["gambit.month"] = "miesiąc";
  589. $definitions["gambit.year"] = "rok";
  590. $definitions["gambit.last"] = "ostatni"; // as in "active last 180 days"
  591. $definitions[""] = "aktywny"; // as in "active last 180 days"
  593. // Now the hard bit. This is a regular expression to test for the "active" gambit.
  594. // The group (?<a> ... ) is the comparison operator (>, <, >=, <=, or last).
  595. // The group (?<b> ... ) is the number (ex. 24).
  596. // The group (?<c> ... ) is the unit of time.
  597. // The languages of "last" and the units of time are defined above.
  598. // However, if you need to reorder the groups, do so carefully, and make sure spaces are written as " *".
  599. $definitions["gambit.gambitActive"] = "/^{$definitions[""]} *(?<a>>|<|>=|<=|{$definitions["gambit.last"]})? *(?<b>\d+) *(?<c>{$definitions["gambit.second"]}|{$definitions["gambit.minute"]}|{$definitions["gambit.hour"]}|{$definitions[""]}|{$definitions["gambit.week"]}|{$definitions["gambit.month"]}|{$definitions["gambit.year"]})/";
  601. // These appear in the tag cloud. They must fit the regular expression pattern where the ? is a number.
  602. // If the regular expression pattern has been reordered, these gambits must also be reordered (as well as the ones in aliases.)
  603. $definitions[" last ? hours"] = "{$definitions[""]} {$definitions["gambit.last"]} ? {$definitions["gambit.hour"]}s";
  604. $definitions[" last ? days"] = "{$definitions[""]} {$definitions["gambit.last"]} ? {$definitions[""]}s";
  606. // This is similar to the regular expression for the active gambit, but for the "has n reply(s)" gambit.
  607. // Usually you just need to change the "has" and "repl".
  608. $definitions["gambit.gambitHasNReplies"] = "/^has *(?<a>>|<|>=|<=)? *(?<b>\d+) *repl/";
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