
Trouble In the Inn, Weddings, Potions, Farms [Day 163-182]

Dec 5th, 2013
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  1. [Pretty sure I messed up the first couple of days]
  2. Day 163
  3. Helped Al out with Cury and her thing. Had to tell him what I knew but in the end Cury decided to help so everything works out, I guess. Oh I also took a shit in Al's office after a fart battle with Cury. I'm honestly surprised Al was cool with me filling a bucket in his office.
  5. Man I miss the little fucker.
  7. Day 164
  8. I broke in the inn and Liven broke in the house.
  9. I need to make a appointment with Umbra.
  11. Day 165
  12. Now I have to make potions and poisons for Cury. I hope that no one gets hurt or dies from these.
  14. Day 166
  15. Made some of the brews today after crying for awhile because of Uni. I don't want to burden the others with my problems right now because I have to be professional.
  16. It's hard sometimes.
  18. Day 167
  19. My head hurt today and the pain wouldn't stop. I couldn't even think straight and I fucked up trying to get the mica extract from Able. Guys not going to give it too me and I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm going to something bad with it. I couldn't have picked a better time to ask.
  21. Day 168
  22. Cried still today. I think I might check myself into the clinic for awhile.
  24. Talked to Cury more about her potions and gave her some of them. I have to fiddle around with the mentil lentil one, it smells off. Have to give it to her before she leaves today for her mission. I wish that mare luck.
  26. Did hang out with Hospik for awhile. Made some crude jokes and found out things between him and Liven will never be straight.
  28. Day 169
  29. Lets hope I have these days right.
  30. After slight drunken cuddles with Hos at the inn I had to take Weiss and Reseph to the clinic. The entire time I was with Hospik they were fighting outside and after looking out the window I saw Res lying in the snow with a bloody mouth. Weiss also had a bulge coming out her side. After checking them over and made sure they were ok I left to let the doctors do their thing.
  32. Day 170
  33. Took a nice long nap after I made everyone some food but what I woke up to was a surprise. Silent was back in town. She shook me awake and was really happy to see me; I felt like a giant dick for what I had to do to her especially when she was so happy to see me. I told her I found another and I knew it cut deep. I think she wanted to magic my face off but if she did it didn't work because her horn backfired and she just rolled on the floor crying.
  35. I felt like the worst person that could have ever existed. I made the person who I was going to have kids with cry. The person who loved me. The person who I loved. I started drinking to combat these feelings and I blacked out and woke up at the clinic with a gash in my head.
  37. I wonder what happened afterwards.
  39. Day 171
  40. "I can forgive you, but i dont know if i can forgive myself"
  41. Left the clinic with a bandaged head, the cut must have been deep because that thing hurts. Did talk to Able about the poison thing when I saw him. I'm for sure not going to be getting instructions on how to make the mica extract but Able said he could help with other things science related so at least he hasn't lost all faith in me.
  43. After a nap with some weird dreams I worked up the nerve to talk to Silent again. After apologizing for not being able to tell her before she told me something that hurt me real bad. Said and I quote "You were the reason why i came back every few weeks... So i could see you..." That stung real bad and I just hated myself. I really hated myself.
  45. I got drunk and left her words echoing through my head. "You were the reason why i came back every few weeks... So i could see you..."
  47. Day 172
  48. I'm going to stay away from drinking for awhile, I can't remember shit after I start and it also gives me one hell of a hangover. I don't know how Hos can do it all the time.
  50. Brute helped me out a lot today. Can't remember what he said exactly but in essence he told me that I'm the only person who can decide if your a fuck up is you. That talk made me feel better about myself a great deal.
  52. After my mind cleared from it's drunken fog I wanted to find Mary and apologize for maybe being a dick to her when I was drunk. Found Mary in the square, she wasn't mad at me but I still apologized none the less. Then she said something that I didn't see coming. She asked if she should drop the ONette from her name since she can't puppet puppet anymore. I told her the puppets are always with her because she used her heart magic to bring them to life so when they weaved the magic back in her they literally weaved the puppet magic back in her. I'm just happy that I help her. I even told her one of my biggest secrets that I haven't told anyone here; I told her how before I named myself Slow Dive. Jesus why did I name myself something so stupid.
  54. After some more talk I took her to the inn and talked with Hospik about Silent. I told him how I still had feelings for her but that I pick him over her. Hospik makes me happy. :)
  56. Day 173
  57. Visited Boris with some others to see how he was doing with Curiosity gone. Found out that Boris, Eye and Curi are in a weird 3-way relationship. I'm not one to judge but if it works for them it works for them. Gustav is starting to warm up to me. He's stopped snapping at me as much but I know not to get to close to it, it still is a wild plant.
  59. Day 174
  60. Didn't do much today just cleaned and got the ingredients for Booze and Curious's wedding pie
  62. Day 175
  63. Had a great idea today after smoking some pot. The plan involved mushrooms and my vagina and boy let me tell you the effect was awesome. Shame I can't remember all of it but that's the price you pay. I did manage to get the pies baked like me at the inn. Had to kill one of them after it tried to bite me but I can't have pies biting guests. Then I had another idea that involved the mushrooms. I was going to make a mushroom pie until Mary stopped me and made me throw it out. At least the pies got baked like I did.
  65. Mary then took me to Hospik who took me to my house and gave me a cavity search. I started to shape up after awhile and started talking to Hospik while he hand in me. Tuns out he was planning on leaving and I was the only reason why he was staying. I kinda fell out after a minute and went to sleep.
  67. Woke up with Hospik right next to me after some talk we fucked in the missionary position. I never had sex in that position and I honestly didn't know what to do so I changed it up. I had him hold me in his lap and just lift me up and down on his meat rod. The whole thing felt great especially when he painted my insides with his baby batter. Was a bit new getting used to each other. Too bad we couldn't snuggle for long because; Booze's wedding was starting and I needed to drop off the food.
  69. The service was beautiful but cold as fuck since it was outside; lucky for us we didn't freeze to death. Then we celebrated at the inn and I danced with Star into the night. Little guy knows how to dance.
  71. I do have to go to the clinic to see about me getting pregnant from Hos cumming inside me. I don't think I'm ready for a child just yet and I think estrus is coming soon and I know I'll be even more receptive.
  73. Day 176
  74. Well old guy named Lonely Heart ruined my great day. He brought up the whole Penny thing and it just turned to shit for me. Got really uncomfortable and it actually hurt. I had to speak with Umbra about it afterwards; poor guy lost his lady Lightning Streak the other day. All these people dying...
  75. After some talk I broke down on his shoulder and he stayed the night.
  76. I guess this who gender swap thing must have done more to me then I thought I don't remember being this emotional when I was still a guy but feelings are good though even though they hurt real bad sometimes.
  78. Day 178
  79. Well Hospik and I are in trouble at the inn. Booze and Mary caught us having sex in the main area and Booze chased us out after firing Hos on the spot. So... that was bad on my part because Hos said we should take it else where when he saw Curious or someone. I was enjoying myself a bit too and didn't notice anyone.
  81. Did ask Golden for some advice about how to resolve this because he knows Mary and Booze just as well as I do. He said just give it sometime because Mary caught him and Star doing the same thing also as pay back Mary whipped his ass. That punishment wouldn't be the best for me I would like it way to much and it would get weird.
  83. I actually feel awkward for writing that so I'm going to close this for today.
  85. Day 179
  86. Well I'm a little sore and my jaw hurts from blowing Hospik but that's the least of my worries. Now I have to see if Booze and Mary will forgive us for our romp in the inn. Wish me luck journal.
  87. I could use some right about now.
  89. Well I had a little luck but not the most. Hos and I are now going to be working at the inn for three weeks and he has to wear my dress each time so... it's not the best. At least Mary forgave us and Hos got to keep his job, but she's still angry at me. She asked why I didn't just go upstairs and avoid this mess; passion makes a person blind and irrational. It will fuck you up in the end if you do keep it in check but I know that that's not a good reason. I chuckle softly in recollection knowing that Mary probably wanted to whoop my ass seven ways to Sunday when she talked to me. She actually killed two benches and around twenty snowmen while Hos and I were doing our thing. I'm really happy she did't explode on me; I probably would have dies under the weight of it.
  91. I just hope she can forgive me after this I betrayed my friends trust for a fleeting intimate moment that could have been taken care of up a flight of stairs. I'm such a idiot sometimes why on Earth did I tell Hos that we should keep going even if he had a suspicion that someone could have been there. What's the point of having ears if I don't listen.
  93. Now we apologize to Booze and serve this punishment. I hope he doesn't dish out something too evil.
  95. I did manage to apologize to Booze he accepted it but I can still feel his scorn and contempt for me. He almost kicked me out until I told him I made up with Mary but when he knew the punishment he sent my ass to work. Just thinking while I cleaned up the place; made me develop some... doubts. I asked if we were still friends and he replied with the trivial "Sure". That didn't help me in the slightest if anything made me fell worse and more insecure knowing I might have lost one of my good friends.
  97. Mary showed me that she still cared by giving us a punishment but I didn't feel it from Booze. He just gave curt replies to my apologizes. Guy probably hates my guts right now and he has a right to; we broke the biggest rule in the inn. I hope in time they can forgive me, us in time but for know I can only wait. As my mother always said when I was anxious or impatient for something "You just need T.I.M.E".
  99. It's going to be hard earning their trust back.
  101. Day 181
  102. Lost my journal for awhile in the inn while I was sleeping, luckily for me Mary picked it up for me so that was a blessing. I would hate for everyone to see my stuff spewed every which way. I do feel kinda bad for you journal I have quite a lot to write and I am heavy handed.
  104. So two days ago on the 180 day Liven was just a drunk mess and just being a giant asshole, he even spat in Golden's face. That's shit's not cool. Golden just kicked his chair out and left and Liven did later. When I came home I just heard him crying in his room while I was playing with Gustav. Gustav is looking really good and he/she/it has gotten a pinch bigger, and it appears that he's calmed down a little since before. Thing stopped trying to nip at me as much so I think it's warming up to me even if it would eat me given the chance.
  106. Today wasn't any better with Liven, in fact it was worse. All started with Resheph and Hot Pot just minding their own business talking about how she was pregnant and stuff then drunk Liven made some assy comments. Res got angry and I knew where it was going to I stepped in between the two. Res punched him the face and Liven just talked more shit.I made Res sit but he got up again and hit Liven again, Liven cracked a bottle threatening Res with it. Tried to get him to leave stubborn bunch they are but Res was the bigger man and left with HP.
  108. Others showed up settled down the entire thing and for some reason they let Liven stay and continue to drink. Why they let him do it I will know but this whole thing just pissed me off beyond all belief. I getting tired of this drunk Liven shit going around threatening my friends and just being a dick. I must have a problem because for some reason I want to help Liven and I don't know why; he's usually a dick to me but for some reason I still put up with his shit. I must be mental... that would explain why I talk with a rock all day.
  110. Later that day I left to go see the catacombs to scope out the scene for a future farm. Met some guy named Jim in the square with Mary, Turkey, Nova and Mariel. Jim guided us to the catacombs and led us down the stairs because the elevator to it was broken, apparently the last group that went on broke it and got hurt. But after looking around the decrepit kitchen and part of a aqueduct we went down a tunnel and came to a big open roomy room. We found some tools that were rusted out and it appeared that someone tried to farm here before but wasn't that successful or maybe they were shit I don't know.
  112. We did find some plant compost but it was all dead and well turning to dirt. Naturally I poked around at it and some small gold spark jumped out of it. We had no clue what it was and it didn't show again even after more of my pokes. Not to let a opportunity to learn something new pass I took the liberty of scooping up the lot of it.
  114. After checking everything out we found a giant latched door near the where the farm was; the latch for it was like five people high and four wide and had a giant key hole. Nova crawled inside the gears and tried to pick it. While she was fiddling around with the lock I went off in a corner to see if Based rock George had any tips. He said it was REAL on the other side of the door I don't fully understand what he meant when he said that but my little friend has never steered me wrong before. George also said that something bad lurks in the other tunnel we didn't go down. He didn't know what the thing was but whatever it was really shook him up. Little guy was scared of it.
  116. After giving the okay to mess with the lock and warning the others about the tunnel Nova went to work. So to prevent the untimely fate of anyone who goes down the other tunnel I built a sign saying "Do not enter you will die". After planting the sign I took a step into it and saw that the aqueduct still went further down into the tunnel and that the door was missing. I heard a sound when I was staking in my sign; it sounded like rocks grinding together. George was scared at this point and was shaking in bag making a small buzzing noise in my bag; we left the area with haste.
  118. Nova's lock picking didn't go well because her knife broke midway and cut her face and cut her face. Had to break up the arbitrary argument that ensued. I swear some people will argue about anything. Since picking the locks was too hard we opted to lift the latch ourselves; we started to lift it up inch by inch but alas we failed and it settled back in place. After trying to lift it back up again it came down again but decided to seek revenge on us for disturbing it's place; I was its victim. Damn smacked me right in the gut and sent me into the ground and holy shit that fucking hurt; I had to stay on the ground for a minute before I could regain my composure. At that point I wanted leave and come back later with more people. We did later manage to get to latch off after I think Mariel fiddled around with the lock.
  120. While my side hurt with every step we made our ascension up the stairs but I opted to stay behind because I saw Golden start to wonder away; I already knew what he was thinking. After warning him that looking down the other tunnel was a bad idea mutha fucka still went to it. Had to go in a little further then I wanted to with the Turkey and George started really shaking in my bag to the point where he was making a sound against all my stuff. Luckily for us Gold turned around and started walking back to the exit; I'm happy he did to, I would hate to have to explain to everyone why Golden is a squished pile of pony meat in a cave.
  122. I went to the clinic after I saw to it that the Turkey left the cave; the service in the clinic needs to be improved I waited there for quite sometime before I got any service. When I did get some service it was from Kai; all she did was wrap some gauze tightly around my midsection and said I was free to go but should come back if anything was wrong. I then took her to the inn to relax some; I like talking to Kai she's nice.
  124. Day 182
  125. Talked with the others in the inn about what ever lurks inside the other tunnel. To be honest the thing has actually gotten me kinda spooked but some people want to go and hunt after it. I don't want some cave rock thing attacking me while I'm doing my farming; that would just ruin my day.
  127. Went to the cemetery so I could see some old friends. I sat out there for awhile just talking to them; I wish they were still around but not like I can bring them back. Just imagine you get doomed to come back after you die over and over. That's enough thoughts about death for today. Anyways as I was leaving I bumped into Weather she said that she was going to look at the shack in the corner that I failed to notice until today. I followed Weather out to it and then we saw what looked like people looting the place. "Stop right there criminal scum!" is what I said but the people who were in was just Mariel and Hospik.
  129. For some reason I just let it go that they were snooping around in some random house and went into the cellar with them. It was dark in that cellar lucky I always bring some glow moss with me when I go out and with Hos's horn it brighten things up even more. We walked into a dingy room that had some kegs on the shelf and vials in different states of decay. I pocketed two of them hopefully I can find Able to help me figure out what is inside it; then I heard Hospik's pleas for help. He had some organic matter slither across him sucking him in.
  131. After some scuffle we all got stuck in it and moving around only sped things up. Hos discovered that just staying still slowed the entire process so we all took his advice and went limp. Hos used his some magic and the light that came with it made the plant thing recoil in fear or pain. Hos just kept hitting it with magic and it soon let Mariel and I go. I quickly began to rub the moss all over Hos because he was the furthest in and Mariel went to go make a torch. With all the combined light the plant thing shriveled up exposing only its eye and roots; one quick light blast later and the plant thing was dust. It's too bad that in the dust we saw the remains of someone unlucky enough to be snared by the plant.
  133. After stomping on the plants dusty remains we ventured into the lab. CHEMISTRY SETS EVERYWHERE! The place had three of them; I took one for myself, Mariel took one and Weather left hers for the town which was a nice thing to do. We also found a journal it's contents listed below.
  135. 1.)"I cant believe it! I get to the be the apprentice to Master Plantsworthy! I am so excited to get started!"
  136. 2.)"Today I learned my first set of potion ingredients! A important thing to note is the primer, its a small almost grass like plant that works to activate the more mundane ingredients! its so fascinating! The difference tho is the fact that the primer or 'Blades of Grass' as Master calls it are particularly sharp almost like the Spikeweed but without the wide leaves as those tend to be huge in comparison."
  137. 3.)"Learned something interesting today Chicory leaves when added with the primer can give a altering effect to the imbiber, i was going to ask more from Master but she seemed distracted as she left me to work it out myself as she went to her own lab. I keep hearing odd noises at night.' The papers show letters all written in basic showing the apprentices name was Bean Sprout and his correspondence with his family."
  138. 4.)"More i learned from my experiments and from what Master taught me was a simple formula called Base+Catalyzer is = or > the reagents and binders used. Its a balancing act of getting the re-activity of the reagents and base used equal to one another or at least not over the base and catalzyers as the potions tend to fizzle when going over. I am getting worried Master seems almost possessed by her work, I peeked in a few times and all i could see where Ginseng a relaxant and Spinach which can increase strength when primed before i was chased out of the lab."
  139. 5.) "I found, I found Master in her lab she was, she was in some weird plant she had Created! She Violated one of the aspects of Alchemy!! Thou shalt not create Life! She seemed to be using it for for lewd things and tried to to make me join her before I saw her get consumed by the plant! The dark slippery thing had tried to reach for me before I slammed my door close and locked it I can hear it now banging bangin-"
  140. It cuts off there the last words being interrupted by a splatter of ink as if the quill used was broken from too much pressure or from the ink pot breaking.
  142. After reading the story I made a mental note not to use my plants in that manner I then looked under the cot in the room and found a satchel bag. I found some notes saying "Boil, Burn, Grind, Simmer, and Distill are some of the means in which a beginner alchemist can start out with." I found a second hand note written on the side that reads "Master says that this isn't the only thing a alchemist can do its entirely up to the potion maker what they wish to do, must keep that in mind"
  143. I did find some weird seeds in the chest I'm going to test one of them later.
  145. After we packed up everything in the chest we gave everything to those who wanted and parted ways except for Hospik. I had him help carry the things to my place. I just pounced on him when we got inside and pinned him down with a kiss. This estrus thing is really going to my head among other places. After letting him strip his cloths off her took me to the room for some loving~.
  147. After a messy nights rest I got up to get some water and some a clip at around two in the morning. I then heard my drunk roommate come in and call for me. I found him face down in the couch lucky he didn't snap at me this time but if anything he was more sad then angry. Today was his birthday and poor guy misses his family. Apparently they all do some big holiday birthday thing together around this season. Reminded me of my family.
  149. Told him time heals all wounds and that seemed to do the trick for him because he said it was time to celebrate. Apparently his form of celebration ad drinking and then whacking off so I left him be but let him use my toys as a way of saying happy birthday. Then I fucked Hospik again and went to sleep.
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