
Everypony chats greatest moments

Mar 4th, 2014
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  1. (17:03:46) Xerelious: lmao
  2. (17:04:21) Xerelious: The fandom essentially became the age of the original target audience.
  3. (17:04:53) HydroAmbience: Or the men who were not the original demographic started acting like the targeted demographic
  4. (17:04:55) rexhyuga: hehe
  5. (17:05:06) Xerelious: Yep.
  6. (17:05:08) Starlight_Goya: X3
  7. (17:05:24) rexhyuga: that's awesome, I gotta remember that
  8. (17:05:59) HydroAmbience: Its funny because its true.
  9. (17:06:00) Xerelious: But seriously, there's so many 12-13 year olds, although, you ain't one of the few that make me want to give up on the world, Hydro.
  10. (17:06:18) Xerelious: You're coolio, in my eyes.
  11. (17:06:22) HydroAmbience: Sam here
  12. (17:06:24) HydroAmbience: *same
  13. (17:06:47) HydroAmbience: Also I hate the idea of grown men acting like Pinkie Pie
  14. (17:06:50) HydroAmbience: Its creepy
  15. (17:06:58) HydroAmbience: Bronycon for example
  16. (17:08:23) HydroAmbience: All the guys jumping around saying "Fun fun fun fun fun fun fun" is a little odd
  17. (17:09:04) rexhyuga: only a little
  18. (17:09:12) Starlight_Goya: I wanted to go to Bronycon, but never alone.
  19. (17:09:20) HydroAmbience: ^
  20. (17:09:50) Starlight_Goya: I'll drag Dyn with me~
  25. (19:49:47) Invicta: Is that a decently easy to understand graph, showing their differences?
  26. (19:50:51) HydroAmbience: ...
  27. (19:51:00) HydroAmbience: I'm not going to even say it
  28. (19:51:10) *Magic_Genie: I come in peace. I offer friendship.
  29. (19:51:29) SirSPT throws genie lamp out the window.
  30. (19:51:49) Invicta: That was rude SirSPT..
  31. (19:52:00) Invicta: Like how you killed me.. Ww1 style..:angry:
  32. (19:52:11) *Magic_Genie: It's a small world after all.
  33. (19:52:22) rexhyuga: he did what he had to!
  34. (19:52:28) rexhyuga: to save us all
  35. (19:52:28) S.P.I.K.E: GalenAnon logs into the Chat.
  36. (19:52:38) marston: I must go
  37. (19:52:39) HydroAmbience: It really wasn't rude
  38. (19:52:41) S.P.I.K.E: GalenAnon is now known as *Anon.
  39. (19:52:43) marston: My Planet needs me
  40. (19:52:45) *Anon: Priase helix fossil
  41. (19:52:48) Invicta: Was I too rouge rexhyuga? I mean.. He mowed me down with that Thompson...
  42. (19:52:48) SirSPT: You may find that rude, I found it relaxing.
  43. (19:52:58) marston shoots Sir
  44. (19:53:02) *Magic_Genie: Ow my body hurts.
  45. (19:53:21) Invicta: .... Has war been declared again?..
  46. (19:53:24) SirSPT stumbles back before revealing a hidden bullet-proof vest.
  47. (19:53:34) Invicta prepares to mobilize into his ww1 form again
  48. (19:53:52) HydroAmbience: ww1?
  49. (19:53:54) Invicta: You don't wanna challenge me or SirSPT, martson.
  50. (19:53:55) HydroAmbience: pffttt
  51. (19:53:57) SirSPT guns down Invicta first before shaking Marston's hands.
  52. (19:53:57) HydroAmbience: Hahahahaha
  53. (19:54:01) HydroAmbience: Don't make my laugh
  54. (19:54:10) SirSPT: Nice effort.
  55. (19:54:23) Invicta had a bullet proof vest as well
  56. (19:54:36) HydroAmbience: Modern technology is exceptionally superior to ww1 technology
  57. (19:54:50) Invicta: I just want to be unique.. Not so mainstream.
  58. (19:54:51) marston aims for Sir's head, then shoots him
  59. (19:54:54) *Magic_Genie: I want to throw SirSPT out a window too.
  60. (19:55:06) S.P.I.K.E: *Voice_of_Reason has been logged out (Timeout).
  61. (19:55:09) Anon: Rude.
  62. (19:55:11) S.P.I.K.E: Icy_Skies leaves the channel.
  63. (19:55:11) SirSPT ducks and loses a few hairs.
  64. (19:55:11) HydroAmbience: Mainstream?
  65. (19:55:25) Invicta shoots martson in the from right goof with my 1899 mosin nagat
  66. (19:55:29) S.P.I.K.E: Legion leaves the channel.
  67. (19:55:38) Invicta: * front
  68. (19:55:55) Invicta: HydroAmbience.. Being too casual or cheesy.
  69. (19:56:04) SirSPT smacks Invicta with the butt of the Thompson before expending an entire clip on him.
  70. (19:56:17) S.P.I.K.E: *Magic_Genie is now known as **.
  71. (19:56:21) SirSPT: Go back to your trench like the Frenchie you are.
  72. (19:56:21) Invicta: ( why does sir want to kill me all the time?..)
  73. (19:56:32) Invicta: I AM AN AMERICAN!
  74. (19:56:42) Invicta: An American soldier from 1917.
  75. (19:56:45) marston shoots Sir and Invicta while holding the gun with his working hand
  76. (19:57:07) SirSPT: Then you would be using a Springfield and not Mosin Nagat.
  77. (19:57:08) Invicta dodges martson's shoot by a hair.
  78. (19:57:12) S.P.I.K.E: Icy_Skies enters the channel.
  79. (19:57:19) Starlight_Goya points to Cas
  80. (19:57:23) HydroAmbience: Invicta... Repeating himself over and over again until he becomes highly annoying
  81. (19:57:23) Invicta: I found it on the battlefield and took it...
  82. (19:57:28) 00gravity: Why does Invicta like to talk about WW?
  83. (19:57:41) 00gravity: Its like, WW this, WW that.
  84. (19:57:48) SirSPT: Only WWI, Grav.
  85. (19:57:48) HydroAmbience: Exactly Gravity
  86. (19:57:52) Icy_Skies hides under a rock
  87. (19:57:56) **: Hello Goya it is nice to see you.
  88. (19:58:30) Invicta: ....... :sigh:
  89. (19:58:46) Invicta: HydroAmbience... You just offended me so much that I am LEAVING!
  90. (19:58:53) S.P.I.K.E: Icy_Skies leaves the channel.
  91. (19:59:03) HydroAmbience: Hey, I was just doing what you did to me
  92. (19:59:03) Invicta hops aboard his private streamliner train and leaves the chat with class
  93. (19:59:04) S.P.I.K.E: marston logs out of the Chat.
  94. (19:59:09) S.P.I.K.E: Invicta logs out of the Chat.
  95. (19:59:12) HydroAmbience: You can't blame me for your actions
  96. (19:59:15) **: Nice night.
  97. (19:59:44) Starlight_Goya: Hi, AU.
  98. (19:59:51) SirSPT: Is... Is he gone?
  99. (19:59:57) HydroAmbience: I think so
  100. (20:00:07) **: Oooooo idea
  101. (20:00:28) S.P.I.K.E: ** is now known as *Love.
  102. (20:00:35) SirSPT awards you medal. (whispers)
  103. (20:00:41) SirSPT: (whispers) You've earned this.
  104. (20:00:50) *Love: Perfect I am alrighty then.
  105. (20:01:05) 00gravity is about to reach the top of Mt Fugi.
  106. (20:02:25) HydroAmbience: (whispers to SirSPT) Thanks, its been quite awhile since I have been annoyed like that.
  107. (20:03:16) S.P.I.K.E: *Love is now known as **.
  108. (20:03:23) SirSPT: (whispers) It's okay. We all have that someone that annoys us on here.
  109. (20:03:52) 00gravity reaches the top and puts a flag up.
  110. (20:03:54) HydroAmbience: (whispers to SirSPT) I just hope I didn't go to, too far.
  111. (20:04:08) **: Hi 00gravity
  112. (20:04:59) SirSPT: (whispers) Well, you did point a flaw and provided reasoning without being a complete ass, so you should be okay.
  113. (20:05:02) S.P.I.K.E: ** is now known as **_*.
  114. (20:05:12) HydroAmbience: (whispers to SirSPT) I hope so.
  115. (20:05:14) 00gravity: Stop Austin.
  116. (20:05:33) **_*: O_O
  117. (20:05:53) S.P.I.K.E: **_* is now known as *O_O.
  118. (20:07:06) *O_O: I will just use this face to let others know I am online.
  119. (20:07:09) 00gravity: Stop.
  120. (20:07:24) Anon: He's not doing anything...
  121. (20:07:40) 00gravity: Your'e creeping me out.
  122. (20:08:10) *O_O: So this face means something?
  123. (20:08:47) HydroAmbience: Its an emote.
  124. (20:09:16) *O_O: Emote? Interesting
  129. (23:11:30) HydroAmbience: Damnit
  130. (23:11:32) HydroAmbience: GOYA!
  131. (23:13:02) S.P.I.K.E: Starlight_Goya logs into the Chat
  136. (20:53:20) S.P.I.K.E: Welcome to Everypony Network's Chatroom! Enjoy your stay!
  137. (20:53:21) S.P.I.K.E: Welcome to the General Discussion Channel. Please follow site rules, chat civil and take roleplays to the roleplaying channel. Thank you.
  138. (20:51:30) *Hippo_Hydro: That *squee* right there
  139. (20:51:44) *Grav_the_Goose: Proffesor Layton?
  140. (20:51:44) *Hippo_Hydro: Explain yourself anon
  141. (20:51:47) *Kitty_Goya: It's a face, still, heh.
  142. (20:52:09) Anon: ^
  143. (20:52:19) *Hippo_Hydro: :<<<<
  144. (20:52:36) *Hippo_Hydro: You know what
  145. (20:52:38) *Hippo_Hydro: Screw it
  146. (20:52:43) S.P.I.K.E: *Hippo_Hydro logs out of the Chat.
  147. (20:53:25) S.P.I.K.E: HydroAmbience logs into the Chat.
  148. (20:53:47) Xaniith: Welcome back.
  149. (20:54:11) HydroAmbience: thanks
  150. (20:54:15) *Grav_the_Goose: Blayke the Bear, Fulcrum the Falcon, Leigon the Leopard, Anon the Newt, Rachel the Raccoon, Sky the, Salmon, Xaniith the ???, marston the Mouse and Rex the Robin.
  151. (20:54:21) Anon: No.
  152. (20:54:24) Anon: Just... Stop.
  153. (20:54:36) *Grav_the_Goose honks at Anon.
  154. (20:54:41) Xaniith: I'm a ???
  155. (20:55:05) HydroAmbience:​d-.jpg:large
  156. (20:55:06) S.P.I.K.E: Fulcrum is now known as *Fulcrum_the_Falcon.
  157. (20:55:10) HydroAmbience: I don't know
  158. (20:55:18) *Kitty_Goya: Ohsweetgeezus
  159. (20:55:28) S.P.I.K.E: HydroAmbience is now known as *Hydro_the_Goya.
  160. (20:55:49) S.P.I.K.E: *Fulcrum_the_Falcon is now known as *Starlight_Goya.
  161. (20:55:55) *Starlight_Goya grins
  162. (20:56:03) S.P.I.K.E: Error: Username already in use.
  163. (20:56:03) S.P.I.K.E: *Grav_the_Goose is now known as *Rexhyuga.
  164. (20:56:07) Anon: ...
  165. (20:56:19) S.P.I.K.E: *Hydro_the_Goya is now known as *Starlaght_Goya.
  166. (20:56:21) *Kitty_Goya: Hey, that freaked me out.
  167. (20:56:38) *Starlaght_Goya: What did?
  168. (20:56:45) *Starlaght_Goya: "Starlaght"
  169. (20:56:52) *Kitty_Goya: Fulcrum did.
  170. (20:57:04) *Starlight_Goya: He he
  171. (20:57:04) S.P.I.K.E: Skye_Tart logs out of the Chat.
  172. (20:57:12) S.P.I.K.E: *Rexhyuga is now known as *Grav_the_Goose.
  173. (20:57:12) *Kitty_Goya: I was like, "When did I grin..?"
  174. (20:57:18) S.P.I.K.E: *Starlaght_Goya is now known as *Starlight_Goy@.
  175. (20:57:20) *Starlight_Goy@: There we go
  176. (20:57:23) S.P.I.K.E: Blayke is now known as *Nicaryan_Goya.
  177. (20:57:27) rexhyuga: drunk goya
  178. (20:57:28) *Nicaryan_Goya: :P
  179. (20:57:35) S.P.I.K.E: *Grav_the_Goose is now known as *00Goya.
  180. (20:57:40) S.P.I.K.E: *Starlight_Goy@ is now known as *Hot_Goya.
  181. (20:57:45) Anon: ...
  182. (20:57:50) *Starlight_Goya: Haha look at what I started
  183. (20:57:55) marston Anon
  184. (20:57:59) *Kitty_Goya: <.<
  185. (20:58:01) S.P.I.K.E: marston is now known as *Anon.
  186. (20:58:12) Anon: Don't imitate me.
  187. (20:58:12) *Nicaryan_Goya: It's a Goyasion!(invasion of Goya)
  188. (20:58:22) S.P.I.K.E: *Hot_Goya is now known as *GoyaGoyaGoyaGoyaGoy.
  189. (20:58:23) Anon: It's actually against the rules, last time I checked.
  190. (20:58:32) *Starlight_Goya: Okay okay okay everyone back to your original names lol
  191. (20:58:32) S.P.I.K.E: *Anon is now known as *Drunk_Goya.
  192. (20:58:37) *GoyaGoyaGoyaGoyaGoy: Fine
  193. (20:58:40) *Kitty_Goya: Bloody hell, guys,
  194. (20:58:42) *Drunk_Goya passes out
  195. (20:58:43) S.P.I.K.E: *Starlight_Goya is now known as Fulcrum.
  196. (20:58:44) *Nicaryan_Goya Bloya
  197. (20:58:46) S.P.I.K.E: *Drunk_Goya is now known as marston.
  198. (20:58:50) S.P.I.K.E: *Nicaryan_Goya is now known as *Blaya.
  199. (20:58:55) S.P.I.K.E: *GoyaGoyaGoyaGoyaGoy is now known as HydroAmbience.
  200. (20:58:57) S.P.I.K.E: *Blaya is now known as Blayke.
  201. (20:58:59) Fulcrum: Thank you guys :)
  202. (20:59:04) Blayke: :3
  203. (20:59:13) HydroAmbience: I will remember this day
  204. (20:59:16) S.P.I.K.E: marston is now known as *euahgafg.
  205. (20:59:18) *Kitty_Goya: Wait.
  206. (20:59:26) Blayke: asdfg!
  211. (21:05:55) *Kitty_Goya: I'm talking about in the logs, man.
  212. (21:06:26) NarrowLeaf: Also, as a request, please remove my name from that.
  213. (21:06:45) HydroAmbience: k
  214. (21:06:53) marston: kkk
  215. (21:07:04) HydroAmbience: Really
  216. (21:07:10) HydroAmbience: I'll rename you as anon
  217. (21:07:26) Fulcrum: Goyaaaaaa
  218. (21:07:35) *Kitty_Goya: We need more great moments.
  219. (21:07:38) *Kitty_Goya: What?
  220. (21:07:48) HydroAmbience: Well
  221. (21:07:55) HydroAmbience: There is that one with Fulcrum as a slug
  222. (21:07:59) HydroAmbience: That was the best
  223. (21:08:07) HydroAmbience: Also one where dyn came into the chat hung over
  224. (21:08:20) *Kitty_Goya: That...wasn't great, that was scary.
  225. (21:08:26) Fulcrum: Sometimes when I'm alone, I cover myself in Vaseline and pretend I'm a slug.
  226. (21:08:33) HydroAmbience: and one where some guy was hiding in a ballput it walmart
  227. (21:08:38) HydroAmbience: Jesus yes Fulcrum
  228. (21:08:43) HydroAmbience: Never gets old
  229. (21:09:15) Fulcrum: Anyone ever play the game twister?
  230. (21:09:16) S.P.I.K.E: *Kitty_Goya leaves the channel.
  231. (21:09:20) S.P.I.K.E: *Kitty_Goya enters the channel.
  232. (21:09:37) Blayke: And IIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!
  233. (21:09:41) rexhyuga: I saw a movie called twister, does that count?
  234. (21:09:43) Blayke: will always
  235. (21:09:47) HydroAmbience: I removed your name Anon
  236. (21:09:48) Blayke: LOVE YOOUUUUUUU!!!
  237. (21:09:54) Fulcrum: If you really wanna make the game more interesting... Just cover the mat in lube.
  238. (21:09:55) HydroAmbience: Now its Anon
  239. (21:10:03) HydroAmbience: HOLY *squee*
  240. (21:10:07) *Kitty_Goya: .-.
  241. (21:10:09) HydroAmbience: MY CANNONS
  242. (21:10:12) Blayke glomps Hydro
  243. (21:10:36) HydroAmbience: That is totally going in there
  244. (21:10:37) Blayke gets up & walks off quietly & expressionless
  245. (21:10:41) Fulcrum: Because it isn't hilarious until someone goes to the hospital
  250. (23:47:57) Fulcrum: Henry if you land face first thats what we call a crash not a controlled decent.
  251. (23:48:02) *MockingjayInFlight: hi
  252. (23:48:08) Henry: Unless it was intentional!
  253. (23:48:12) Henry: Even if I did break my nose!
  254. (23:48:23) BronyMarine343: Great song by the band, The Cab.
  255. (23:48:28) HydroAmbience:​ects/2110528317/dark-skyes-an-epi​c-brony-dating-sim?ref=discovery
  256. (23:48:31) *MockingjayInFlight: this is Mocking's cousin's sister
  257. (23:48:34) Henry: Oh my god.
  258. (23:48:36) Henry: Hydro, please
  259. (23:48:39) Fulcrum: Considering what happened in Malaysia.... I wouldn't talk like that :C
  260. (23:48:55) Henry: What happened in Malaysia?
  261. (23:49:00) Henry: Hydro, STAHP
  262. (23:49:09) *MockingjayInFlight: a plain crashed
  263. (23:49:14) BronyMarine343: What is Hydro doing?
  264. (23:49:29) BronyMarine343: PLANE MOCKING, PLANE!!!
  265. (23:49:29) HydroAmbience: NOU
  266. (23:49:43) Henry: When?
  267. (23:49:46) Henry: When did this happen?
  268. (23:49:50) *MockingjayInFlight: i can spell any thing i want
  269. (23:50:02) BronyMarine343: Oh.. Sorry.. My spell check went off...
  270. (23:50:06) BronyMarine343: I know
  271. (23:50:07) HydroAmbience: I'm actually looking forward to this. Pretty much because of the artwork
  272. (23:50:11) HydroAmbience: Not the game itself
  273. (23:50:21) Henry: Dating Sims only end one way.
  274. (23:50:29) Henry: And I doubt it'll reach KS feels level, so no thanks.
  275. (23:50:36) *MockingjayInFlight: *roles eyes* Mocking is right my aditude is worse than hers
  276. (23:51:11) *MockingjayInFlight: ...
  277. (23:51:12) SirSPT: ZE:VLR was the only Japanese game that evoked feels from me.
  278. (23:51:23) *MockingjayInFlight: *roles eyes*
  279. (23:51:24) SirSPT: Well, Dragon's Dogma did, but not as much as VLR.
  280. (23:51:33) *MockingjayInFlight: ...
  281. (23:51:51) SirSPT: Those are periods.
  282. (23:51:59) HydroAmbience: Meep
  283. (23:52:02) SirSPT: Usually used to end a sentence.
  284. (23:52:03) *MockingjayInFlight: duh
  285. (23:52:03) Blackout_Storm: murr
  286. (23:52:08) SirSPT: LIKE THIS.
  287. (23:52:15) SirSPT: And THIS.
  288. (23:52:18) BronyMarine343: brb
  289. (23:52:28) *MockingjayInFlight: i ain't mocking im her cousin
  290. (23:52:30) Blackout_Storm: okee
  291. (23:52:38) SirSPT: Cool story.
  292. (23:52:51) *MockingjayInFlight: She hates me and i hate her
  293. (23:52:52) Vincencius: Unless added into an ellipse like this... which usually is added to imply a pause/drama.
  294. (23:53:13) SirSPT: Thank you, Herr Vinny.
  295. (23:53:26) HydroAmbience: I use it when I am at a loss for words
  296. (23:53:31) *MockingjayInFlight: it started when i punched her in the face when she was 4 and i was 6
  297. (23:53:43) HydroAmbience: Wut
  298. (23:53:44) SirSPT: And that concludes today's punctuation lesson. Tune in tomorrow for proper capitalization.
  299. (23:53:58) HydroAmbience: Hue
  300. (23:54:08) *MockingjayInFlight: i know some things i can say
  301. (23:54:15) Blackout_Storm: Well honestly, I think the people of EP could use a right, proper lesson
  302. (23:54:21) Blackout_Storm: PERIOD
  303. (23:54:57) HydroAmbience: I don't really care about punctuation, I only care about if its legible.
  304. (23:55:18) *MockingjayInFlight: mocking is back my cousin came on again. HE DOESN'T KNOW A THING ABOUT GRAMMER!
  305. (23:55:33) SirSPT: Grammar*
  306. (23:55:42) SirSPT: So close.
  307. (23:55:46) Vincencius: I... can't even comprehend this sheer amount of mental strain.
  308. (23:55:54) BronyMarine343: I haven't met Mocking, have I?
  309. (23:55:59) *MockingjayInFlight: this fight has gone on for 10 years
  310. (23:56:01) SirSPT: Nope.
  311. (23:56:03) Starlight_Goya: Nope.
  312. (23:56:28) HydroAmbience: Nope.
  313. (23:56:31) *MockingjayInFlight: he makes me wanna :sad: all the time
  314. (23:57:03) HydroAmbience: (23:55:42) SirSPT: So close.
  315. (23:57:07) HydroAmbience: But oh so far away
  316. (23:57:17) SirSPT: Indeed.
  317. (23:57:38) *MockingjayInFlight: should we forgive each other
  318. (23:57:59) SirSPT: Yes.
  319. (23:58:01) Vincencius: I would suggest you should.
  320. (23:58:06) *MockingjayInFlight: okay
  321. (23:58:14) Vincencius: I mean, you would stop getting beat up, and you would save us the agony.
  322. (23:58:32) SirSPT: ^
  323. (23:58:36) *MockingjayInFlight: this is the first time we hugged in 10 years
  324. (23:58:42) HydroAmbience: hehe
  325. (23:59:00) *MockingjayInFlight: he just kissed my cheek
  326. (23:59:09) BronyMarine343: You guys forgave each other?!?!
  327. (23:59:19) SirSPT: ...
  328. (23:59:26) *MockingjayInFlight: eeyup
  329. (23:59:28) SirSPT: That's was amazingly quick.
  330. (23:59:28) Vincencius: I... can't comprehend.
  331. (23:59:38) SirSPT: That was*
  332. (23:59:41) SirSPT: Damnit.
  333. (23:59:41) HydroAmbience: Yep
  334. (23:59:52) *MockingjayInFlight: what im fast
  335. (23:59:56) BronyMarine343: My brother and I fight like no other. We don't hit each other, but we argue...
  336. (00:00:18) HydroAmbience: Oh
  337. (00:00:21) *MockingjayInFlight: he just told me that he loved me
  338. (00:00:25) HydroAmbience: I have the perfect image
  339. (00:00:36) *MockingjayInFlight: you nasty HydroAmbience:sad:
  340. (00:01:09) HydroAmbience:​ka/board/a/image/1381/08/13810851​78578.png
  341. (00:01:35) Vincencius: ^
  342. (00:01:42) SirSPT: ---^
  343. (00:01:43) *MockingjayInFlight: what
  344. (00:02:08) HydroAmbience: I'm sorry. I just had too.
  345. (00:02:21) *MockingjayInFlight: you callin me a liar
  346. (00:03:47) *MockingjayInFlight: :dash: hello anypony home
  347. (00:03:51) HydroAmbience: Meybe
  348. (00:04:04) Vincencius: No. They are all dead.
  349. (00:04:09) HydroAmbience: ^
  353. (21:45:07) HydroAmbience: Anarchy all the way
  354. (21:45:23) Xerelious: What Rachel said summons up Communism. What Marx thought was fantastic, unfortunately, it just won't work now.
  355. (21:45:37) Rachel: yes it would, does anyone here actually know what communism ACTUALLY is?
  356. (21:45:42) Blackout_Storm: I don't like the way that religion operates. You always see all these hate protests and children getting molested by preachers and the such...
  357. (21:45:59) S.P.I.K.E: SilverSheen leaves the channel.
  358. (21:46:02) Rachel: never mind Dny got it
  359. (21:46:09) S.P.I.K.E: SilverSheen enters the channel.
  360. (21:46:09) Invicta: Well.. Atheism destroyed a religious nation.. The Russian empire. Due to my strong christen beliefs.. I am anti communist. Also.. The government INTENTIONALLY starts famines that kills millions of people. They do NOT care about lives.
  361. (21:46:32) HydroAmbience: Then how about satan?
  362. (21:46:32) *Spare_Ribs: Since when did any government? lol
  363. (21:46:35) Rachel: that is not communism, it is corruption
  364. (21:46:41) Invicta: Well.. I will admit.. There is more than one type of communism...
  365. (21:46:46) Xerelious: Satan FTW.
  366. (21:46:59) HydroAmbience: ^
  367. (21:47:01) Rachel: no, there is only one comuunism, warped by greed and hate
  368. (21:47:04) Xerelious: Tru masta be the big S
  369. (21:47:04) Starlight_Goya: Satan's pretty chill.
  370. (21:47:06) SilverSheen: Satan for president
  371. (21:47:06) HydroAmbience: Satan is badass
  372. (21:47:15) HydroAmbience: Oh
  373. (21:47:16) Invicta: Leninism, Marxism, Stalinusm and Maoism.
  374. (21:47:19) HydroAmbience: I am saving this
  378. (21:01:12) HydroAmbience: Don't you mean like this?​f/2013/137/9/b/neckbeard_by_darth​munchy-d65n3vh.jpg
  379. (21:01:13) *anon: like in another era
  380. (21:01:24) tealove: Hey i'm wearing a black top with blue jeans and a hunting jacket
  381. (21:01:27) *anon: Up here in the northwest, we're all for scene and hipsters
  382. (21:01:28) S.P.I.K.E: Private channel opened to SirSPT.
  383. (21:01:32) HydroAmbience: (whispers to SirSPT) File not found
  384. (21:01:42) SirSPT: (whispers)​s/showthread.php?13478-Feminism&p​=528642&viewfull=1#post528642
  385. (21:01:44) *anon: Flannel, plaid, jeans, beanies. The works
  386. (21:01:53) Ridley_Wolf: WHAT IN CTHULHU'S DREAD NAME WAS THAT?
  390. (21:03:18) *anon:​pse_Party
  391. (21:03:20) *anon: oh woops
  392. (21:03:21) HydroAmbience: (whispers to SirSPT) brogentis?
  393. (21:03:23) S.P.I.K.E: Private channel to SirSPT closed.
  394. (21:03:24) *anon: didn't mean to link that
  395. (21:03:29) tealove: i mainly wear pink stuff with leather things, fancy rich people dresses, school uniform, or my hunting swag
  396. (21:03:34) SirSPT: (whispers) Yes.
  397. (21:03:40) S.P.I.K.E: Zeocrozz leaves the channel.
  398. (21:03:42) *anon: :v
  399. (21:03:57) SirSPT: Monroe was hot. For her time.
  400. (21:04:00) *anon: And could "act"
  401. (21:04:03) SirSPT: Anon.
  402. (21:04:06) SirSPT: Seriously.
  403. (21:04:09) *anon: That's literally her story
  404. (21:04:10) SirSPT: Language.
  405. (21:04:14) NarrowLeaf: I like Anon's remark.
  406. (21:04:21) *anon: She's sucked pretty much every famous person
  407. (21:04:24) *anon: of that time
  408. (21:04:29) Ridley_Wolf: Marilyn Monroe had nothing on Bettie Page.
  409. (21:04:36) S.P.I.K.E: Private channel opened to SirSPT.
  410. (21:04:38) HydroAmbience: (whispers to SirSPT) ah
  411. (21:04:41) S.P.I.K.E: Private channel to SirSPT closed.
  412. (21:04:47) *anon: I mean Cleopatra had more dignity and class than Monroe
  413. (21:04:51) tealove: *anon language you dont say D*** you say Male parts
  414. (21:05:01) *anon: Oh so *squee*
  415. (21:05:08) *anon: phallus
  416. (21:05:13) Invicta: Well.. Ask JFK..
  417. (21:05:13) *anon: Phallussss~~~~
  418. (21:05:22) HydroAmbience: :\
  419. (21:05:28) SirSPT: ...
  420. (21:05:34) HydroAmbience: JFK is dead, invicta :dash:
  421. (21:05:45) *anon: Exactly
  422. (21:05:53) *anon: That's how good she was
  426. (21:10:03) *anon:​​ng
  427. (21:10:08) marston: Spike
  428. (21:10:11) tealove: S.P.I.K.E tell *anon to cool it with the d word
  429. (21:10:14) marston: Tell everyone how awesome you are
  430. (21:10:14) Invicta: You should see how perverted my high school is * sigh , I'm the only guy from my high school you would like. :sigh: honestly. There are also tones of Justin beiber fans there.
  431. (21:10:24) tealove: *anon used 4chan images
  432. (21:10:26) Rachel: hi
  433. (21:10:29) *anon: hahah
  434. (21:10:32) *anon: OH hey rachel
  435. (21:10:43) Fulcrum: Hiya Rachel
  436. (21:10:57) S.P.I.K.E: TheEndIsNigh has been logged out (Timeout).
  437. (21:10:58) Legion: Good heavens tealove
  438. (21:11:01) *anon: But yes of course. Everyone is perverted :v it's whether or not they are a closet pervert or open pervert
  439. (21:11:18) HydroAmbience: ^^^PFFFT
  440. (21:11:19) Invicta: Hia Rachel... Just showed Marilyn Monroe to the group and SOMEUSER * points his hoof towards anon said a naughty word. :angry:
  441. (21:11:28) *anon: There is no pride in being closet pervert
  442. (21:11:32) tealove: Invicta
  443. (21:11:34) HydroAmbience: Freaking lel anon
  448. (18:41:20) *TheBeautyfulKind snuggles Icy
  449. (18:41:21) Fulcrum: Good :3
  450. (18:41:45) Icy_Skies is snuggled
  451. (18:42:07) *TheBeautyfulKind: your a good friend Icy
  452. (18:42:21) *TheBeautyfulKind snuggles Icy more
  453. (18:42:53) HydroAmbience: Anti-bronies are funny
  454. (18:43:21) Rachel: everyone i s finny in someway
  455. (18:43:28) Rachel: is funny*#
  456. (18:43:37) HydroAmbience: The extent they go to show they hate MLP is amusing.
  457. (18:43:56) S.P.I.K.E: Starlight_Goya leaves the channel.
  458. (18:44:02) S.P.I.K.E: Starlight_Goya enters the channel.
  459. (18:44:14) Legion: It is pretty funny sometimes, most of the time it's sad though
  460. (18:44:20) Icy_Skies: Sorry my interwebs is slow
  461. (18:44:45) HydroAmbience: Yep
  462. (18:44:49) HydroAmbience: Let me show you guys something
  463. (18:45:01) S.P.I.K.E: Xerelious has been logged out (Timeout).
  464. (18:45:10) Legion: It's appropriate right?
  465. (18:45:20) Icy_Skies: I'm not funneh
  466. (18:45:26) *TheBeautyfulKind: don don don
  467. (18:45:27) Legion: Yes you are Icy :)
  468. (18:45:31) HydroAmbience: Yeah
  469. (18:45:34) HydroAmbience:​/ATBA#
  470. (18:45:36) rexhyuga laughs at Icy
  471. (18:45:41) HydroAmbience: From what I've seen in there
  472. (18:45:51) Legion laughs with Icy
  473. (18:45:58) Icy_Skies: How am I funny?
  474. (18:45:59) HydroAmbience: I don't know how much lower you can get
  475. (18:46:10) S.P.I.K.E: Xerelious logs into the Chat.
  476. (18:46:43) S.P.I.K.E: Fulcrum has been logged out (Timeout).
  477. (18:46:45) S.P.I.K.E: Fulcrum logs into the Chat.
  478. (18:47:13) *TheBeautyfulKind: Fun fact if you die your eyes could stay open
  479. (18:47:27) rexhyuga: how is that fun D:
  480. (18:47:40) Starlight_Goya: O-o
  481. (18:47:43) *TheBeautyfulKind: idk
  482. (18:47:45) rexhyuga: for who is that fun?
  483. (18:47:59) HydroAmbience: [ATBA] Snappyapple632 Mar 3 @ 9:36am
  484. Cuz I don't have any friends, except for the CPU village.
  485. (18:48:04) *TheBeautyfulKind: idk
  486. (18:48:05) HydroAmbience: :\
  487. (18:48:55) Legion: That is not a fun fact o.o
  488. (18:49:03) Legion: That is a morbid fact
  489. (18:49:19) *TheBeautyfulKind: for some people like RD122 its fun she loved the fact
  490. (18:49:23) Starlight_Goya: It might be a fun fact for the Grim Reaper
  491. (18:49:27) HydroAmbience: The funny thing is. I used to hate to even look at a pony from mlp
  492. (18:49:40) HydroAmbience: Tealove pls
  493. (18:50:04) Legion: Tealove why do you constantly talk about RD122
  494. (18:50:11) Legion: I don't even know who that is
  495. (18:50:14) Rachel: i really wish you hadn't posted that link, i am now worked up
  496. (18:50:18) HydroAmbience: Me either
  497. (18:50:19) HydroAmbience: Who is that?
  498. (18:50:31) *TheBeautyfulKind: i don't she pays me to talk about her
  499. (18:50:31) HydroAmbience: Huh?
  500. (18:50:41) Starlight_Goya: But.
  501. (18:50:44) HydroAmbience: I am so confused?
  502. (18:50:49) Legion: What
  503. (18:50:49) Xerelious: ^
  504. (18:50:55) *TheBeautyfulKind: no lie i get 20$ for this conversation
  505. (18:50:59) Xerelious: What the hell
  506. (18:51:00) Starlight_Goya: You said she is your science partner
  507. (18:51:05) HydroAmbience: Jesus christ
  508. (18:51:10) Legion: .........
  509. (18:51:12) Rachel: yeah, Tea, for someone who dosen't like RD122, you seem quite obbsessed with her
  510. (18:51:14) Legion: ................
  511. (18:51:16) HydroAmbience: I don't even know what to say
  512. (18:51:26) *TheBeautyfulKind: RDLY is my science partner
  513. (18:51:38) *TheBeautyfulKind: RD122 is my enemy
  514. (18:51:41) Starlight_Goya facedesks
  515. (18:51:51) Starlight_Goya: Ohhh
  516. (18:51:58) HydroAmbience: So, let me get this straight. You get PAYED to whine about her here?
  517. (18:52:13) *TheBeautyfulKind: in my naeborhood this is normal
  518. (18:52:18) S.P.I.K.E: Icy_Skies has been logged out (Timeout).
  519. (18:52:20) S.P.I.K.E: Icy_Skies logs into the Chat.
  520. (18:52:20) Rachel: then please be quiet about her, it isn't nice to slag people off behind there back, it's mean and imature
  521. (18:52:24) Xerelious: ^
  522. (18:52:27) Legion: I would take you more seriously if you could spell right
  523. (18:52:37) Xerelious: Regardless, it's pretty damn annoying.
  524. (18:52:40) HydroAmbience throws hooves in the air
  525. (18:52:42) HydroAmbience: I'm done
  526. (18:52:44) Xerelious: So just...Don't do it
  527. (18:52:49) Legion: Exactly
  528. (18:52:51) *TheBeautyfulKind: i cant spell naeborhood
  529. (18:53:05) Legion: Cause nobody knows who RD122 is, so there's no point telling us about her all the time
  530. (18:53:07) HydroAmbience: Neighbarhood
  531. (18:53:12) Icy_Skies: Neighbourhood
  532. (18:53:15) Legion: Nerberherrd
  533. (18:53:20) HydroAmbience: ^^
  534. (18:53:25) Starlight_Goya: X3
  535. (18:53:28) HydroAmbience: That made me giggle legion
  536. (18:53:33) Legion hugs Goya
  537. (18:53:35) Rachel: i know who she is, i just don't really know about her so i don't care
  538. (18:53:42) *TheBeautyfulKind: Well the more money i get the more colages i get axepted into
  539. (18:53:49) Starlight_Goya hugs back
  540. (18:53:53) Legion: Wat
  541. (18:53:55) Starlight_Goya: Uh.
  542. (18:53:59) HydroAmbience: Lmao
  543. (18:54:07) HydroAmbience: I can't take you seriously at all
  544. (18:54:12) S.P.I.K.E: Icy_Skies leaves the channel.
  545. (18:54:13) Legion: Me either
  546. (18:54:15) Rachel: well don't do it here, because im sure the mods will find it a kickable offence
  547. (18:54:22) S.P.I.K.E: Icy_Skies enters the channel.
  548. (18:54:28) HydroAmbience: I am totally saving this
  549. (18:54:41) *TheBeautyfulKind: she paid me to do this after i joined
  550. (18:54:51) Legion: To talk about her.
  551. (18:54:57) HydroAmbience: How much?
  552. (18:55:00) rexhyuga: not even nice things
  553. (18:55:06) HydroAmbience: Maybe I can start getting payed.
  554. (18:55:09) HydroAmbience: ::S:
  555. (18:55:17) *TheBeautyfulKind: i have saved up 3,000 dolars now
  556. (18:55:18) Xerelious: Save it please Hydro
  557. (18:55:25) Xerelious: So I can laugh my ass off
  558. (18:55:28) HydroAmbience: Okie... :<
  559. (18:55:35) Starlight_Goya: Please Hydro this is beautiful
  560. (18:55:40) Xerelious: In the future
  561. (18:55:43) HydroAmbience: I will
  562. (18:56:12) Rachel: Tea, stop, we don't care, and it is a site offence to be mean and insult people on this site
  563. (18:56:18) *TheBeautyfulKind: She said do it or she will embarass the crud out of me at school too
  564. (18:56:34) Rachel: well buck up and show her your in charge
  565. (18:56:44) HydroAmbience: I just need to get everything she says until she stops
  566. (18:57:07) S.P.I.K.E: Eight_Star logs into the Chat.
  567. (18:57:12) *TheBeautyfulKind roles eyes at HydroAmbience
  568. (18:57:12) HydroAmbience: Hey eight
  569. (18:57:14) Icy_Skies: Hey I have to go now... Goodnight everyone
  570. (18:57:18) Legion: Eighters!~
  571. (18:57:21) Eight_Star: Sup.
  572. (18:57:21) Legion: Bye Icy :C
  573. (18:57:23) Rachel: hi Eight
  574. (18:57:25) Legion: We'll miss youuu
  575. (18:57:25) HydroAmbience: Great time you have joined chat at
  576. (18:57:41) HydroAmbience: We apparently have someone getting payed to whine about someone else
  577. (18:57:42) Icy_Skies: Bye bye :)
  578. (18:57:50) S.P.I.K.E: Icy_Skies logs out of the Chat.
  579. (18:57:52) Xerelious: Ahaaa
  580. (18:57:54) Xerelious: Eight man
  581. (18:58:06) Xerelious: You just missed out on the fun.
  582. (18:58:07) HydroAmbience: What do you think of this, eight?
  583. (18:58:13) Fulcrum: im out for a while
  584. (18:58:17) Legion: Bye Fulcy
  585. (18:58:23) Xerelious: Catch, Fulc
  586. (18:58:24) *TheBeautyfulKind: Eight_Star it is an honer to meat you
  587. (18:58:26) Eight_Star: I think it's drama.
  588. (18:58:31) HydroAmbience: ^^
  589. (18:58:37) Eight_Star: I also think that we have something against publicly denouncing others.
  590. (18:58:45) Eight_Star: :magical:
  591. (18:58:45) HydroAmbience: ^^^
  592. (18:58:48) Xerelious: I'm officially sobbing into my arms with laughter
  593. (18:58:51) Legion: THREE EYES
  594. (18:58:57) Legion whacks Hydro
  595. (18:58:58) Xerelious: I'm sorry
  596. (18:59:00) Eight_Star: They're arrows!
  597. (18:59:01) HydroAmbience: Nou
  598. (18:59:05) Eight_Star: ↑↑↑
  599. (18:59:07) *TheBeautyfulKind: oh god HydroAmbience
  600. (18:59:16) HydroAmbience: Okay
  601. (18:59:18) Legion slowly stops whacking
  602. (18:59:24) Legion: Oh
  603. (18:59:28) HydroAmbience: I am officially a mutant
  604. (18:59:37) S.P.I.K.E: Starlight_Goya has been logged out (Invalid IP address).
  605. (18:59:42) HydroAmbience: I might as well fly off with an umbrella.
  606. (18:59:47) S.P.I.K.E: Starlight_Goya logs into the Chat.
  607. (18:59:49) HydroAmbience: Toodaloo
  608. (18:59:54) Legion: Goya~
  609. (19:00:01) Starlight_Goya: Hm?
  610. (19:00:02) Legion: Hydrooo
  611. (19:00:10) *TheBeautyfulKind: burn the muntaint
  612. (19:00:11) Legion: Eighhhht
  613. (19:00:19) Legion: rrrrrrex
  614. (19:00:23) *TheBeautyfulKind: *mutant
  615. (19:00:24) HydroAmbience: But then again, I can ride the fluttertrain
  616. (19:00:26) rexhyuga: hi
  617. (19:00:30) HydroAmbience: Woo woo
  618. (19:00:33) Legion hugs Rex
  619. (19:00:39) rexhyuga hugs back ^^
  624. (19:30:06) *Anon: Well you see. I have straws for fingers
  625. (19:30:07) Legion: You clearly have little cups for fingers
  626. (19:30:10) RainbowDash9000: Who did what now?
  627. (19:30:11) Legion: No
  628. (19:30:13) Legion: Lies
  629. (19:30:15) Legion: Cups
  630. (19:30:19) Legion: You are made of cups
  631. (19:30:22) Rachel: if she hacked your accout you would of been logged out with a invalid IP adress
  632. (19:30:23) *Anon: bendy straws
  633. (19:30:23) Legion: Not straws
  634. (19:30:37) Eight_Star: Rachel is right.
  635. (19:30:45) HydroAmbience: True
  636. (19:30:52) RainbowDash9000: What are talking about?
  637. (19:30:52) *Anon: What about me
  638. (19:30:55) tealove: she is the best hacker in florida
  639. (19:30:57) *Anon: Anon is always right
  640. (19:31:03) Rachel: address*
  641. (19:31:04) Eight_Star: Tealove.
  642. (19:31:04) HydroAmbience: Pfffffffffffffffffffffft
  643. (19:31:08) Legion: Tealove...
  644. (19:31:10) tealove: she could do this it wasn't me
  645. (19:31:12) Legion facepalms harder
  646. (19:31:14) Eight_Star: Attention gathering is not okay.
  647. (19:31:20) Eight_Star: Not like this.
  648. (19:31:30) tealove: she hacked my account
  649. (19:31:33) Eight_Star: Though, not sure what attention is sticking at this point.\
  650. (19:31:39) Eight_Star: Nor if it would be good attention.
  651. (19:31:40) HydroAmbience faceheads through his desk into the ground and starts clucking like a chicken
  652. (19:31:41) RainbowDash9000: Who did?
  653. (19:31:46) *Anon: nothing can stick to my cups
  654. (19:31:46) Legion: It's kind of insulting that you think we would fall for this tealove
  655. (19:31:56) *Anon: Cups can fall for things
  656. (19:31:59) tealove: she hacked my Gmail too
  657. (19:32:01) HydroAmbience: Due to your incompetence, you have turned me into a chicken.
  658. (19:32:03) *Anon: mostly because we don't have great balance
  659. (19:32:04) HydroAmbience: Good job tealove
  660. (19:32:09) Legion pats Anon
  661. (19:32:17) *Anon: Cup Olympics
  662. (19:32:18) Eight_Star: Tealove earlier said she was being paid by RD122 to come and talk bad things about RD122, now claims to be hacked by this person.
  663. (19:32:31) RainbowDash9000: Who hacked in your account?
  664. (19:32:40) tealove: oh god i will punch her once i get to school
  665. (19:32:41) *Anon: The NSA
  666. (19:32:46) *Anon: Also cups
  667. (19:32:51) *Anon: we're taking over
  668. (19:32:52) Legion: The Department of Homeland Security
  669. (19:32:55) Eight_Star groans and rubs his head.
  670. (19:32:56) RainbowDash9000: Cups...
  671. (19:32:57) *Anon: Putin
  672. (19:32:59) HydroAmbience: You know
  673. (19:33:04) HydroAmbience: this was funny one at one time
  674. (19:33:06) Eight_Star: Tealove, how old are you?
  675. (19:33:08) tealove: i will knock some since into her
  676. (19:33:08) HydroAmbience: Now it's annoying
  677. (19:33:12) *Anon: I was funny one at all times
  678. (19:33:14) Rachel: Tealove, you would still be looged out with a invalid IP address, we know you are lying, your just dingging yourself a deeper hole
  679. (19:33:19) S.P.I.K.E: marston logs into the Chat.
  680. (19:33:22) tealove: im 14 and she is 15
  681. (19:33:27) Legion: Run Marston
  682. (19:33:30) Legion: Ruuuuun
  683. (19:33:33) marston: Why?
  684. (19:33:36) HydroAmbience: You make me look bad. Me being 15.
  685. (19:33:40) Legion: Derps in the chat
  686. (19:33:40) RainbowDash9000: It is getting annoying.
  687. (19:33:47) tealove: she did hack my account she knows my password
  688. (19:33:50) Eight_Star: Hydro, your generation is so terrible. Look at it!
  689. (19:33:53) S.P.I.K.E: Starlight_Goya has been logged out (Timeout).
  690. (19:33:53) Eight_Star: :derpe:
  691. (19:33:57) marston: Derps? You mean chat is being dumb?
  692. (19:34:01) HydroAmbience: I can't agree more
  693. (19:34:05) Legion: Pretty much
  694. (19:34:13) marston: Tell me something I don't already know
  695. (19:34:14) Eight_Star: Tealove, why do you think we believe you?
  696. (19:34:15) marston: ::S:
  697. (19:34:21) tealove: she knows my password
  698. (19:34:28) Eight_Star: So change it.
  699. (19:34:30) HydroAmbience: We are mostly stoners though
  700. (19:34:35) HydroAmbience: And hipsters
  701. (19:34:35) Legion: ^
  702. (19:34:36) tealove: okay brb
  703. (19:34:37) rexhyuga: no that would be to easy
  704. (19:34:40) Legion: I'm a hipster
  705. (19:34:42) Rachel: and she's on the same computer as you?
  706. (19:34:42) rexhyuga: silly eight
  707. (19:34:46) HydroAmbience: k
  708. (19:34:50) Legion: Hey
  709. (19:34:51) HydroAmbience: Cool Legion
  710. (19:34:52) Legion: Eight_Star
  711. (19:34:54) HydroAmbience: :P
  712. (19:34:57) Eight_Star: That's me.
  713. (19:35:04) Rachel: Tea, look up IP adresses, and stopp lying
  714. (19:35:08) marston: Here's a cute pony​/art/The-adorkableness-of-Magic-4​41189471
  715. (19:35:10) Legion: Eight_Star she's the best hacker in florida
  716. (19:35:12) Rachel: stop*
  717. (19:35:23) Legion: Eight_Star she knows my password
  718. (19:35:28) *Anon: u want to fght m8
  719. (19:35:32) *Anon: i swear on me mum
  720. (19:35:41) RainbowDash9000: Who is this person who hacked into your account tealove?
  721. (19:35:47) *Anon: cum @ me 'less ur chicken
  722. (19:35:49) tealove: how do i change my password
  723. (19:35:52) Eight_Star: Legion AH DUN BELEF YOU!
  725. (19:38:20) HydroAmbience: *a
  726. (19:38:25) Legion screams like a girl and runs in circles
  727. (19:38:40) marston: lolololololol
  728. (19:38:46) Eight_Star: That's hyuck.
  729. (19:38:47) tealove: i changed it
  730. (19:41:02) HydroAmbience: Meybe?
  731. (19:41:07) Eight_Star: I want a /kick all function.
  732. (19:41:10) Eight_Star: :magical:
  733. (19:41:15) HydroAmbience: Oh god eight
  734. (19:41:16) RainbowDash9000: Hydro, for shame.
  735. (19:41:18) HydroAmbience: You are perfect
  736. (19:41:24) Doctor_Samurai: ;~;
  737. (19:41:30) marston: Guys, I has a confession
  738. (19:41:34) Eight_Star: Kick all for one minute. lawl
  739. (19:41:36) Rachel: Tea, you have already ptoved yourself un trust worthy, i think you should cool it before you really cross the line
  740. (19:41:37) Vincencius: Oh
  741. (19:41:38) Vincencius: Okay
  742. (19:41:44) marston: I ate all the potato chips last month and framed Hydro for it!
  743. (19:41:45) Rachel: proved*
  744. (19:41:47) HydroAmbience: I basically stopped being serious
  745. (19:41:49) Vincencius: :O
  746. (19:41:50) marston: Please don't hurt me D:
  747. (19:41:51) HydroAmbience: Wait what
  748. (19:41:51) tealove: yes you were testing me you made me a stronger person HydroAmbience thanks for teaching me to stand up for myself
  749. (19:41:54) HydroAmbience: NOU
  750. (19:41:55) Vincencius: Marston! How could you?!
  751. (19:42:06) S.P.I.K.E: Starlight_Goya logs into the Chat.
  752. (19:42:08) HydroAmbience: Oh, I feel so honored tealove
  753. (19:42:10) marston: I had to, they were so tasty
  754. (19:42:13) Legion hides behind Goya
  755. (19:42:39) marston: And I couldn't frame anyone else
  756. (19:42:44) tealove: i know that sounded a little mushy but the point is thanks
  757. (19:42:48) Starlight_Goya: Oh, hai, Legion.
  758. (19:42:48) Vincencius comforts marston... "It's okay... I understand."
  759. (19:42:51) HydroAmbience: Are you now a Alpha-female now? ::S:
  760. (19:42:55) Legion shivers
  761. (19:43:05) marston hugs Vince
  762. (19:43:12) marston: Legion, why are you cold?
  763. (19:43:17) tealove: i guess so idk what you are saying HydroAmbience
  764. (19:43:26) Legion is not cold, just terrified of the chat
  765. (19:43:43) Eight_Star: Might I suggest, tealove, that you don't go punching anyone. Violence is always a bad answer.
  766. (19:43:59) RainbowDash9000: True
  767. (19:44:10) Eight_Star: Even if our government tries to teach otherwise, what with the wars and such.
  768. (19:44:11) Vincencius: Eight's right you know.
  769. (19:44:18) tealove: brb a bar-b-q dinner is calling my name ::S:
  770. (19:44:19) Rachel: it's a bad answer, but a good deturant
  771. (19:44:22) Legion: I dunno Eight
  772. (19:44:26) RainbowDash9000: I just makes things worse.
  773. (19:44:30) marston: Also, I was the one who put cat litter in Legion's food at the party
  774. (19:44:32) HydroAmbience: What I am saying Tealove is that you are making a complete fool out of yourself and you are now just dying for attention. Well... here is your attention.
  775. (19:44:44) HydroAmbience: I hope you are happy.
  776. (19:44:46) Legion: Violence is only a bad answer if everyone else realizes it's a bad answer too
  777. (19:38:00) Legion: Huck =/= hack
  778. (19:38:09) marston puts hot sauce on Legion's tongue
  779. (19:38:17) HydroAmbience: No huck is hillbilly laugh
  780. (19:38:20) HydroAmbience: *a
  781. (19:38:25) Legion screams like a girl and runs in circles
  782. (19:38:40) marston: lolololololol
  783. (19:38:46) Eight_Star: That's hyuck.
  784. (19:38:47) tealove: i changed it
  785. (19:39:12) HydroAmbience: Whatever
  786. (19:39:20) HydroAmbience: Onii-chan
  787. (19:39:25) Legion: What
  788. (19:39:28) HydroAmbience: Onii-chan!!!
  789. (19:39:32) RainbowDash9000: :dunno:
  790. (19:39:32) Legion: What?!
  791. (19:39:44) marston: Legion!
  792. (19:39:51) Legion: What?
  793. (19:39:52) marston: Legi
  794. (19:39:56) Legion: Wha
  795. (19:39:57) marston: Legion
  796. (19:40:00) Legion: What
  797. (19:40:01) HydroAmbience: Oh sorry guys. I got hacked by RD122. I didn't type that.
  798. (19:40:05) S.P.I.K.E: Vincencius logs into the Chat.
  799. (19:40:08) marston: hi
  800. (19:40:12) tealove: o my god HydroAmbience shut the crud up i am sick and tired of your crud now stop being mean before i get the big guns.
  801. (19:40:16) Rachel: :laugh:
  802. (19:40:25) HydroAmbience: That was my plan all along ::S:
  803. (19:40:28) Legion: hi marstin :3
  804. (19:40:52) tealove: you were testing me?
  805. (19:41:02) HydroAmbience: Meybe?
  806. (19:41:07) Eight_Star: I want a /kick all function.
  807. (19:41:10) Eight_Star: :magical:
  808. (19:41:15) HydroAmbience: Oh god eight
  809. (19:41:16) RainbowDash9000: Hydro, for shame.
  810. (19:41:18) HydroAmbience: You are perfect
  811. (19:41:24) Doctor_Samurai: ;~;
  812. (19:41:30) marston: Guys, I has a confession
  813. (19:41:34) Eight_Star: Kick all for one minute. lawl
  814. (19:41:36) Rachel: Tea, you have already ptoved yourself un trust worthy, i think you should cool it before you really cross the line
  815. (19:41:37) Vincencius: Oh
  816. (19:41:38) Vincencius: Okay
  817. (19:41:44) marston: I ate all the potato chips last month and framed Hydro for it!
  818. (19:41:45) Rachel: proved*
  819. (19:41:47) HydroAmbience: I basically stopped being serious
  820. (19:41:49) Vincencius: :O
  821. (19:41:50) marston: Please don't hurt me D:
  822. (19:41:51) HydroAmbience: Wait what
  823. (19:41:51) tealove: yes you were testing me you made me a stronger person HydroAmbience thanks for teaching me to stand up for myself
  824. (19:41:54) HydroAmbience: NOU
  825. (19:41:55) Vincencius: Marston! How could you?!
  826. (19:42:06) S.P.I.K.E: Starlight_Goya logs into the Chat.
  827. (19:42:08) HydroAmbience: Oh, I feel so honored tealove
  828. (19:42:10) marston: I had to, they were so tasty
  829. (19:42:13) Legion hides behind Goya
  830. (19:42:39) marston: And I couldn't frame anyone else
  831. (19:42:44) tealove: i know that sounded a little mushy but the point is thanks
  832. (19:42:48) Starlight_Goya: Oh, hai, Legion.
  833. (19:42:48) Vincencius comforts marston... "It's okay... I understand."
  834. (19:42:51) HydroAmbience: Are you now a Alpha-female now? ::S:
  835. (19:42:55) Legion shivers
  836. (19:43:05) marston hugs Vince
  837. (19:43:12) marston: Legion, why are you cold?
  838. (19:43:17) tealove: i guess so idk what you are saying HydroAmbience
  839. (19:43:26) Legion is not cold, just terrified of the chat
  840. (19:43:43) Eight_Star: Might I suggest, tealove, that you don't go punching anyone. Violence is always a bad answer.
  841. (19:43:59) RainbowDash9000: True
  842. (19:44:10) Eight_Star: Even if our government tries to teach otherwise, what with the wars and such.
  843. (19:44:11) Vincencius: Eight's right you know.
  844. (19:44:18) tealove: brb a bar-b-q dinner is calling my name ::S:
  845. (19:44:19) Rachel: it's a bad answer, but a good deturant
  846. (19:44:22) Legion: I dunno Eight
  847. (19:44:26) RainbowDash9000: I just makes things worse.
  848. (19:44:30) marston: Also, I was the one who put cat litter in Legion's food at the party
  849. (19:44:32) HydroAmbience: What I am saying Tealove is that you are making a complete fool out of yourself and you are now just dying for attention. Well... here is your attention.
  850. (19:44:44) HydroAmbience: I hope you are happy.
  851. (19:44:46) Legion: Violence is only a bad answer if everyone else realizes it's a bad answer too
  852. (19:45:14) Rachel: i've dealt with bullies who tried to pick fights, they never botherd again, it's not big, good or clever, but it gets the message across
  853. (19:45:44) Legion: After all, self-defense is still violence
  854. (19:45:53) marston: Chat suddenly got serious
  855. (19:45:53) Doctor_Samurai: Why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends.
  856. (19:46:00) tealove: she did know my password
  857. (19:46:01) Eight_Star: I used to think it was the best answer. So it's a good thing I've changed.
  858. (19:46:02) Doctor_Samurai: Lalalallaaalllla
  859. (19:46:12) Legion puts a banana on Marston's head
  860. (19:46:28) HydroAmbience: Can we kick Tea yet? This really is just getting annoying now.
  861. (19:46:32) *Anon: self-defense isn't violent
  862. (19:46:44) Eight_Star: 'Course, I'm like twice most of yer ages.
  863. (19:46:47) Legion: Yeah it kinda is :I
  864. (19:46:50) RainbowDash9000: http://d1jrw5jterzxwu.cloudfront​.net/sites/default/files/default/​files/uploads/stopbullying.png
  865. (19:47:00) *Anon: you can disarm just fine without violence
  866. (19:47:02) tealove: oh god change the subject
  867. (19:47:09) *Anon: Also there's the art of running away
  868. (19:47:10) marston slips on the banana
  869. (19:47:20) Eight_Star: Got a problem with anti-violence, tea?
  870. (19:47:23) Legion: Running away isn't self defense :P
  871. (19:47:28) tealove: no
  872. (19:47:31) Legion: It's running away xD
  873. (19:47:34) Vincencius: I love anti-violence.
  874. (19:47:42) Vincencius: Unless someone hits me.
  875. (19:47:47) Vincencius: Then it's all rules gone.
  876. (19:47:48) *Anon: Running away is defending yourself
  877. (19:47:52) Eight_Star: Running away is also refusing to face problems.
  878. (19:47:52) *Anon: by not being there
  879. (19:47:57) *Anon: Not exactly
  880. (19:47:59) Rachel: theres also the art of standing your ground, i won't start a fight but i will finish it if i have to
  881. (19:48:00) *Anon: Look at the french
  882. (19:48:02) Eight_Star: Which is where the conflict occurs in my morals.
  883. (19:48:04) S.P.I.K.E: Starlight_Goya leaves the channel.
  884. (19:48:07) HydroAmbience: Chat
  885. (19:48:09) HydroAmbience: pls go faster
  886. (19:48:10) tealove: dis is just a borng convorsation lets chat about random pie
  887. (19:48:15) S.P.I.K.E: Starlight_Goya enters the channel.
  888. (19:48:18) Legion: So basically Anon, you like to have an archer's armor
  889. (19:48:21) HydroAmbience: I can't keep up with the copy and pasting
  890. (19:48:21) Vincencius: Tis an awesome conversation
  891. (19:48:25) HydroAmbience: pls go faster
  892. (19:48:35) marston: That's what s-
  893. (19:48:38) HydroAmbience: I've got it all archived ::S:
  894. (19:48:40) marston is shot
  895. (19:48:41) Legion hits marston
  896. (19:48:50) RainbowDash9000: Pie!? I LOVE PIE!:omg:
  897. (19:48:57) marston is hit
  898. (19:49:03) Rachel: and also, for my career choice, i can't have a big problem with violence
  900. (19:38:00) Legion: Huck =/= hack
  901. (19:38:09) marston puts hot sauce on Legion's tongue
  902. (19:38:17) HydroAmbience: No huck is hillbilly laugh
  903. (19:38:20) HydroAmbience: *a
  904. (19:38:25) Legion screams like a girl and runs in circles
  905. (19:38:40) marston: lolololololol
  906. (19:38:46) Eight_Star: That's hyuck.
  907. (19:38:47) tealove: i changed it
  908. (19:39:12) HydroAmbience: Whatever
  909. (19:39:20) HydroAmbience: Onii-chan
  910. (19:39:25) Legion: What
  911. (19:39:28) HydroAmbience: Onii-chan!!!
  912. (19:39:32) RainbowDash9000: :dunno:
  913. (19:39:32) Legion: What?!
  914. (19:39:44) marston: Legion!
  915. (19:39:51) Legion: What?
  916. (19:39:52) marston: Legi
  917. (19:39:56) Legion: Wha
  918. (19:39:57) marston: Legion
  919. (19:40:00) Legion: What
  920. (19:40:01) HydroAmbience: Oh sorry guys. I got hacked by RD122. I didn't type that.
  921. (19:40:05) S.P.I.K.E: Vincencius logs into the Chat.
  922. (19:40:08) marston: hi
  923. (19:40:12) tealove: o my god HydroAmbience shut the crud up i am sick and tired of your crud now stop being mean before i get the big guns.
  924. (19:40:16) Rachel: :laugh:
  925. (19:40:25) HydroAmbience: That was my plan all along ::S:
  926. (19:40:28) Legion: hi marstin :3
  927. (19:40:52) tealove: you were testing me?
  928. (19:41:02) HydroAmbience: Meybe?
  929. (19:41:07) Eight_Star: I want a /kick all function.
  930. (19:41:10) Eight_Star: :magical:
  931. (19:41:15) HydroAmbience: Oh god eight
  932. (19:41:16) RainbowDash9000: Hydro, for shame.
  933. (19:41:18) HydroAmbience: You are perfect
  934. (19:41:24) Doctor_Samurai: ;~;
  935. (19:41:30) marston: Guys, I has a confession
  936. (19:41:34) Eight_Star: Kick all for one minute. lawl
  937. (19:41:36) Rachel: Tea, you have already ptoved yourself un trust worthy, i think you should cool it before you really cross the line
  938. (19:41:37) Vincencius: Oh
  939. (19:41:38) Vincencius: Okay
  940. (19:41:44) marston: I ate all the potato chips last month and framed Hydro for it!
  941. (19:41:45) Rachel: proved*
  942. (19:41:47) HydroAmbience: I basically stopped being serious
  943. (19:41:49) Vincencius: :O
  944. (19:41:50) marston: Please don't hurt me D:
  945. (19:41:51) HydroAmbience: Wait what
  946. (19:41:51) tealove: yes you were testing me you made me a stronger person HydroAmbience thanks for teaching me to stand up for myself
  947. (19:41:54) HydroAmbience: NOU
  948. (19:41:55) Vincencius: Marston! How could you?!
  949. (19:42:06) S.P.I.K.E: Starlight_Goya logs into the Chat.
  950. (19:42:08) HydroAmbience: Oh, I feel so honored tealove
  951. (19:42:10) marston: I had to, they were so tasty
  952. (19:42:13) Legion hides behind Goya
  953. (19:42:39) marston: And I couldn't frame anyone else
  954. (19:42:44) tealove: i know that sounded a little mushy but the point is thanks
  955. (19:42:48) Starlight_Goya: Oh, hai, Legion.
  956. (19:42:48) Vincencius comforts marston... "It's okay... I understand."
  957. (19:42:51) HydroAmbience: Are you now a Alpha-female now? ::S:
  958. (19:42:55) Legion shivers
  959. (19:43:05) marston hugs Vince
  960. (19:43:12) marston: Legion, why are you cold?
  961. (19:43:17) tealove: i guess so idk what you are saying HydroAmbience
  962. (19:43:26) Legion is not cold, just terrified of the chat
  963. (19:43:43) Eight_Star: Might I suggest, tealove, that you don't go punching anyone. Violence is always a bad answer.
  964. (19:43:59) RainbowDash9000: True
  965. (19:44:10) Eight_Star: Even if our government tries to teach otherwise, what with the wars and such.
  966. (19:44:11) Vincencius: Eight's right you know.
  967. (19:44:18) tealove: brb a bar-b-q dinner is calling my name ::S:
  968. (19:44:19) Rachel: it's a bad answer, but a good deturant
  969. (19:44:22) Legion: I dunno Eight
  970. (19:44:26) RainbowDash9000: I just makes things worse.
  971. (19:44:30) marston: Also, I was the one who put cat litter in Legion's food at the party
  972. (19:44:32) HydroAmbience: What I am saying Tealove is that you are making a complete fool out of yourself and you are now just dying for attention. Well... here is your attention.
  973. (19:44:44) HydroAmbience: I hope you are happy.
  974. (19:44:46) Legion: Violence is only a bad answer if everyone else realizes it's a bad answer too
  975. (19:45:14) Rachel: i've dealt with bullies who tried to pick fights, they never botherd again, it's not big, good or clever, but it gets the message across
  976. (19:45:44) Legion: After all, self-defense is still violence
  977. (19:45:53) marston: Chat suddenly got serious
  978. (19:45:53) Doctor_Samurai: Why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends.
  979. (19:46:00) tealove: she did know my password
  980. (19:46:01) Eight_Star: I used to think it was the best answer. So it's a good thing I've changed.
  981. (19:46:02) Doctor_Samurai: Lalalallaaalllla
  982. (19:46:12) Legion puts a banana on Marston's head
  983. (19:46:28) HydroAmbience: Can we kick Tea yet? This really is just getting annoying now.
  984. (19:46:32) *Anon: self-defense isn't violent
  985. (19:46:44) Eight_Star: 'Course, I'm like twice most of yer ages.
  986. (19:46:47) Legion: Yeah it kinda is :I
  987. (19:46:50) RainbowDash9000: http://d1jrw5jterzxwu.cloudfront​.net/sites/default/files/default/​files/uploads/stopbullying.png
  988. (19:47:00) *Anon: you can disarm just fine without violence
  989. (19:47:02) tealove: oh god change the subject
  990. (19:47:09) *Anon: Also there's the art of running away
  991. (19:47:10) marston slips on the banana
  992. (19:47:20) Eight_Star: Got a problem with anti-violence, tea?
  993. (19:47:23) Legion: Running away isn't self defense :P
  994. (19:47:28) tealove: no
  995. (19:47:31) Legion: It's running away xD
  996. (19:47:34) Vincencius: I love anti-violence.
  997. (19:47:42) Vincencius: Unless someone hits me.
  998. (19:47:47) Vincencius: Then it's all rules gone.
  999. (19:47:48) *Anon: Running away is defending yourself
  1000. (19:47:52) Eight_Star: Running away is also refusing to face problems.
  1001. (19:47:52) *Anon: by not being there
  1002. (19:47:57) *Anon: Not exactly
  1003. (19:47:59) Rachel: theres also the art of standing your ground, i won't start a fight but i will finish it if i have to
  1004. (19:48:00) *Anon: Look at the french
  1005. (19:48:02) Eight_Star: Which is where the conflict occurs in my morals.
  1006. (19:48:04) S.P.I.K.E: Starlight_Goya leaves the channel.
  1007. (19:48:07) HydroAmbience: Chat
  1008. (19:48:09) HydroAmbience: pls go faster
  1009. (19:48:10) tealove: dis is just a borng convorsation lets chat about random pie
  1010. (19:48:15) S.P.I.K.E: Starlight_Goya enters the channel.
  1011. (19:48:18) Legion: So basically Anon, you like to have an archer's armor
  1012. (19:48:21) HydroAmbience: I can't keep up with the copy and pasting
  1013. (19:48:21) Vincencius: Tis an awesome conversation
  1014. (19:48:25) HydroAmbience: pls go faster
  1015. (19:48:35) marston: That's what s-
  1016. (19:48:38) HydroAmbience: I've got it all archived ::S:
  1017. (19:48:40) marston is shot
  1018. (19:48:41) Legion hits marston
  1019. (19:48:50) RainbowDash9000: Pie!? I LOVE PIE!:omg:
  1020. (19:48:57) marston is hit
  1021. (19:49:03) Rachel: and also, for my career choice, i can't have a big problem with violence
  1022. (19:49:42) Eight_Star: What're you going for, Rachel?
  1023. (19:49:45) marston: Don't hug me, I'm scared
  1024. (19:49:50) S.P.I.K.E: Carbon_Luna has been logged out (Timeout).
  1025. (19:49:52) Legion hugs Marston
  1026. (19:50:00) Rachel: Officer in the R.A.F
  1027. (19:50:04) tealove: my career choise: Singing
  1028. (19:50:08) marston squeaks
  1029. (19:50:09) Eight_Star: Nice.
  1030. (19:50:27) Rachel: and if im fit enough after 2 years, apply for the S.A.S
  1031. (19:50:32) *Anon: You can say she's going,..... FAR
  1032. (19:50:34) *Anon: YEAHHHHHHHHH
  1033. (19:50:36) marston hugs Legion
  1034. (19:50:38) HydroAmbience: Is... is it over yet?
  1035. (19:50:45) Legion: No Hydro
  1036. (19:50:54) Eight_Star: I wish you luck, Rachel.
  1037. (19:50:56) HydroAmbience: Hotdiggitydamnit
  1038. (19:50:56) Vincencius: I want to be an author
  1039. (19:51:04) Starlight_Goya hides Hydro in a tree
  1040. (19:51:04) marston: Only a little
  1041. (19:51:06) RainbowDash9000: I... think... so?
  1042. (19:51:12) Rachel: thank you, i'll need it
  1043. (19:51:13) Starlight_Goya: You'll be safe now
  1044. (19:51:16) HydroAmbience is a woodpecker
  1045. (19:51:26) HydroAmbience starts pecking the tree
  1046. (19:51:44) Starlight_Goya: x3
  1047. (19:51:56) Legion rawrs at Goya
  1048. (19:52:07) marston: It's dangerous to go alone. Take this
  1049. (19:52:11) Starlight_Goya rawrs back
  1050. (19:52:16) marston hands Legion over to hydro
  1051. (19:52:17) tealove: a singing career sounds fun cuz i will travel alot and i get a chance to have fans
  1052. (19:52:18) Legion snuggles
  1053. (19:52:24) HydroAmbience: Huh
  1054. (19:52:27) Eight_Star: Vince, I know a great place to start.
  1055. (19:52:33) HydroAmbience snuggles back
  1056. (19:52:39) HydroAmbience: x3
  1057. (19:52:45) Eight_Star: I can get you an in for Freelance Ghostwriting once you're old enough.
  1058. (19:52:59) HydroAmbience: Well, atleast we aren't humping rex's leg now.
  1059. (19:52:59) Legion licks Goya's cheek
  1060. (19:53:09) RainbowDash9000: *hugs Legion*
  1061. (19:53:14) Legion: What Hydro
  1062. (19:53:18) Doctor_Samurai: ...
  1063. (19:53:24) S.P.I.K.E: Blackout_Storm has been logged out (Timeout).
  1064. (19:53:32) HydroAmbience: It's something narrow stated.
  1065. (19:53:58) Legion: ...
  1066. (19:54:03) Vincencius: Interesting
  1067. (19:54:08) Doctor_Samurai: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I never said anything.
  1068. (19:54:12) HydroAmbience: I just killed chat... Did I?
  1069. (19:54:12) marston: I remember that
  1070. (19:54:24) marston: He never did get a warning from the mods for it
  1071. (19:54:25) Starlight_Goya: Wait, I think I do too.
  1072. (19:54:25) HydroAmbience: Yeah, marston understands
  1073. (19:54:29) RainbowDash9000: *hugs Hydro*
  1074. (19:54:53) HydroAmbience huggles RD9000
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