

Mar 22nd, 2020
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  1. During her time when she was alive, she was an up and coming Jazz Singer. Traveling the country normally performing at clubs and lounges. She had this bright-eyed outlook on life. Upbeat and chipper, she was following her dream and nothing was going to stop her. At the peak of her popularity, she was involved in a hidden relationship with her stylist/long time friend Mandy. During the 1960s though same-sex relationships had no place in the public. Thus forcing the two to keep their relationship a secret. Especially if Jackie was going to get anywhere. Women at this point were already facing a hard time, but she and many persisted.
  3. Over time though Jackie's rise slowly started to dwindle, she got fewer bookings and was finding it harder and harder, especially with the rumors of her relationship with Mandy starting to surface. She turned to drinking as a way to cope with it. This often resulted in nasty fights with staff or nosey folks at the venues she was working. She eventually though punched the right guy in the face and he offered to be her manager. Now how did that happen? Well, she went on stage a bit inebriated, all hell broke loose. She fell off the stage, he caught her, he got socked in the face as soon as she was caught. Mind you this was unrequired...
  5. The man introduced himself as Charleston Venmin, a long time fan of Jackie's and talent manager with quite a few connections in Hollywood. Desperate for that taste of stardom she chased after for years, she agreed much to Mandy's protest. Charleston was able to prove himself and his connections as well as helped get Jackie back on the up and up in the eyes of the public. Jackie even cut back on her Whiskey intake as well from the success. Heck, he even went as far as to coerce the woman into blowing off steam with him. Their little roll around didn't go unnoticed by Mandy though. She often turned a blind eye to her girlfriend's adultery, but it came to a point where Charleston took it upon himself to
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