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a guest
Jul 4th, 2012
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  1. on *:text:!spy*:#:{
  2. if ($1 == !spyadd) && ($regex($3-,/(level|speed|strength|defense|dexterity|total)\x3a\x20([\d\x2c\x2e]+)/ig)) && $regml(10) {
  3. set -l %num 1
  4. while ($regml(%num)) {
  5. inc %num
  6. writeini $scriptdirspy.ini $2 $v1 $regml(%num)
  7. inc %num
  8. }
  9. msg $chan $2 $+ 's 3stats added to the database!
  10. }
  11. elseif ($1 == !spyadd) msg $chan 4Sorry something is missing, the proper format is "!spyadd <nick> speed: $chr(35) strength: $chr(35) defense: $chr(35) dexterity: $chr(35) level: $chr(35) total: $chr(35) $+ " the order of the four stats is not important.
  12. elseif ($1 == !spy) && ($readini($scriptdirspy.ini,$2,speed)) {
  13. msg $chan 6 $+ $2 $+ 's stats are:
  14. msg $chan 6Speed: $readini($scriptdirspy.ini,$2,speed)
  15. msg $chan 6Strength: $readini($scriptdirspy.ini,$2,strength)
  16. msg $chan 6Defense: $readini($scriptdirspy.ini,$2,defense)
  17. msg $chan 6Dexterity: $readini($scriptdirspy.ini,$2,dexterity)
  18. msg $chan 6Level: $readini($scriptdirspy.ini,$2,level)
  19. msg $chan 6Total: $readini($scriptdirspy.ini,$2,total)
  20. }
  21. elseif ($1 == !spy) && ($2) msg $chan 4sorry $2 is not in the database!
  22. elseif ($1 == !spy) msg $chan 4You need a nick for me to look up anything silly.
  23. }
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