

Sep 1st, 2014
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  1. >Fapplebloom looks out the window, sadly wishing she were a man
  2. >Suddenly, Swooty Belle runs through her door without knocking
  3. >"Jimminy Crickets, nigger!" Fapplebloom shouts. "I was just trying to lucid dream here!"
  4. >"Hey, Fapplebloom, we're goin to the park to have sex. You wanna cum?"
  5. >"If I cum, can I cum?"
  6. >"You're a faggot, m8," Scataloo says, wiping her bum across Fapplebloom's floor
  7. >"Scootaloo, where's your fedora?"
  8. >"God took it from me, but at the same time, he didn't, because God isn't real."
  9. >"I hate the Jews."
  10. >The STD Mark Crusaders then went to the park where they found Rarity
  11. >"Swooty Ball, how many times do I hate to tel you not to touch my dresses?" she said with Barack Obama's voice.
  12. >"But I was in the fat pone thread and I needed something to cum on."
  13. >"Use my mouth you clitoral kike."
  14. >Fapplebloom then understood why she didn't have her cutie mark.
  15. >It was because her friends kept her from doing anything productive in society
  16. >They were like the fingerbang thread, only they were actual females
  17. >Fapplebloom then spent the rest of her life on /pol/ where she convinced people that the Sandy Hook kids were still alive.
  19. ---
  21. >Norman turned to Chloe with a disgusted look on his face
  22. >"So? What did you think?"
  23. "Get out."
  24. >"I can understand if you don't like it. I guess you have to watch the show to really understand what's going on."
  25. "Chloe, I love you, but if you ever show me one of your fanfics again, I'm going to orphan my children."
  26. >"Whatever. You can't stop me from following my dreams."
  27. "...I need to call Mary..."
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