
Lizardirc in a nutshell

Aug 29th, 2014
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  1. MC-S2-ChatRelay [FlightTime1969 disconnected from Minecraft server s2.]
  2. KFP Aug 09 21:17:56 <KFP> TLUL: #1 <-- African pop music
  3. HAL-9001 [YouTube] Title: Youssou N'dour - Li ma weesu | Uploader: TinouuoniT | Uploaded: 07/09/2010, 16:17 | Duration: 3mins 55secs | Views: 234,164 | Comments: 52 | Likes: 358 | Dislikes: 18
  4. KFP Aug 09 21:18:16 <KFP> TLUL: #2 <-- Canadian indie rock music
  5. HAL-9001 [YouTube] Title: The New Pornographers - My Slow Descent | Uploader: Mintrecs | Uploaded: 19/12/2006, 23:35 | Duration: 3mins 59secs | Views: 153,515 | Comments: 107 | Likes: 414 | Dislikes: 10
  6. KFP Aug 09 21:18:49 <KFP> TLUL: #3 <-- Australian blues music
  7. HAL-9001 [YouTube] Title: Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Higgs Boson Blues (Official Video) | Uploader: Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds | Uploaded: 04/12/2013, 10:17 | Duration: 9mins 15secs | Views: 598,726 | Comments: 434 | Likes: 4,788 | Dislikes: 48
  9. bumm13 NP: Shadows of Knight - Potato Chip (c. 1967)
  11. TLUL KFP: I typically grep for it when it's said by me because people invariably try to abuse it
  12. MC-S2-ChatRelay [FlightTime1969 connected to Minecraft server s2.]
  13. KFP TLUL: Oh I see.
  14. MC-S2-ChatRelay [TLUL disconnected from Minecraft server s2.]
  15. MC-S2-ChatRelay [TLUL connected to Minecraft server s2.]
  16. KFP TLUL: I'm only linking great songs, though their fittingness depends much on the mood of the listener.
  17. |<-- FlightTime has left (Quit: cya)
  18. -->| FlightTime (~chatzilla@lizardirc/user/FlightTime) has joined #lizardirc
  19. =-= Mode #lizardirc +o FlightTime by bwahahahaha
  20. MC-S2-ChatRelay [FlightTime1969 disconnected from Minecraft server s2.]
  21. MC-S2-ChatRelay [TLUL disconnected from Minecraft server s2.]
  22. MC-S2-ChatRelay [TLUL connected to Minecraft server s2.]
  23. |<-- FlightTime has left (Quit: cya)
  24. MC-S2-ChatRelay [TLUL disconnected from Minecraft server s2.]
  25. MC-S2-ChatRelay [TLUL connected to Minecraft server s2.]
  26. -->| FlightTime (~chatzilla@lizardirc/user/FlightTime) has joined #lizardirc
  27. =-= Mode #lizardirc +o FlightTime by bwahahahaha
  28. FlightTime finally got my server web accessible
  29. HAL-9001 [ FlightTime's Minecraft Servers s1 Minecraft Server ] -
  30. MC-S2-ChatRelay <TLUL> Ping
  31. TLUL Ping server
  32. TLUL .players
  33. MC-S2-ChatRelay TLUL: Players (1/20): TLUL
  34. KFP I shouldn't go to karaoke.
  35. KFP It's late.
  36. MC-S2-ChatRelay <TLUL> KFP: Nah, it's only 18:00
  37. MC-S2-ChatRelay [TLUL disconnected from Minecraft server s2.]
  38. KFP TLUL: Ok, are you in the mood for any music?
  39. TLUL NP: Mr. Belt & Wezol - Feel So Good
  40. TLUL KFP: Listening to trade one
  41. TLUL KFP: Not really a fan of trade one. Now listening to trade two. I've never been a huge fan of The New Pornographers, but we'll see
  42. TLUL KFP: My Slow Descent is sort of catchy, but not great IMO. I still like the song from before we called it trades better than either of these
  43. TLUL Higgs Boson Blues isn't something I'd choose to listen to; I like more upbeat music and heavy use of instruments, neither of which describe this.
  44. TLUL ;yt _sBZdSHAIZI <-- KFP: My first offering, french elecroswing
  45. HAL-9001 Something went wrong when accessing the YouTube API.
  46. TLUL smacks HAL-9001
  47. TLUL ;yt _sBZdSHAIZI
  48. KFP TLUL: Hmm.
  49. HAL-9001 [YT Search] Title: Caravan Palace - Clash (Original Mix) | Uploader: alexandre10021 | Duration: 3mins 26secs | Uploaded: 03/10/2011, 13:27 | Views: 2,509,272 | Link:
  50. KFP TLUL: Hey, these songs were in response to the ones you proposed, and I listened so not your first!
  51. MC-S2-ChatRelay [PelikanPatrol connected to Minecraft server s2.]
  52. MC-S2-ChatRelay [rozenluna connected to Minecraft server s2.]
  53. KFP Hey PelikanPatrol and Rozenluna!
  54. MC-S2-ChatRelay <PelikanPatrol> hi!
  55. MC-S2-ChatRelay <rozenluna> hi
  56. TLUL KFP: It's been a while, I've forgotten
  57. MC-S2-ChatRelay <PelikanPatrol> just showing rozen around
  58. MC-S2-ChatRelay <PelikanPatrol> a lot has changed!
  59. MC-S2-ChatRelay <rozenluna> I know! I;ve been busy
  60. KFP TLUL: It was the Ruoska thing.
  61. KFP rozenluna: Long time no see. No worries!
  62. TLUL KFP: Oh, I was just posting that because my fiancee liked it, so I was curious what the lyrics were like
  63. KFP rozenluna: I'm having a break from MC myself at the moment. But I'm on IRC.
  64. MC-S2-ChatRelay <rozenluna> oh, I see
  65. MC-S2-ChatRelay [TLUL connected to Minecraft server s2.]
  66. KFP TLUL: And we agreed a trade.
  67. TLUL KFP: Why the break? Bored? Trying to cut back?
  68. KFP TLUL: Just a break, I'll be back later.
  69. KFP TLUL: Actually, RE: Minecraft...
  70. MC-S2-ChatRelay [FlightTime1969 connected to Minecraft server s2.]
  71. KFP TLUL, Mindlessrampager, FastLizard4|zZzZ: We really need to make rules about using creative.
  72. MC-S2-ChatRelay <TLUL> KFP: I agree
  73. MC-S2-ChatRelay <TLUL> I was thinking the same thing reading scrollback
  74. MC-S2-ChatRelay <TLUL> My personal opinion: It should be restricted to admin-assisted repairs (as defined on-wiki), ...
  75. MC-S2-ChatRelay <TLUL> FTN maintenance, administrative tasks like rogue wither neutralization, and creation of ...
  76. MC-S2-ChatRelay <TLUL> spleef arenas or other non-survival aspects
  77. MC-S2-ChatRelay <FlightTime1969> Maybe Ops should use /i and /fly insted of changing gamemode (just my 2 cents)
  78. MC-S2-ChatRelay <TLUL> My reason for supporting the last one is because spleef and similar are minigames which we put ...
  79. MC-S2-ChatRelay <TLUL> in this server for convenience
  80. KFP There are a few specific spots where creative has been used on the server:
  81. KFP 1. The Fast Travel Network
  82. MC-S2-ChatRelay [FlightTime1969 disconnected from Minecraft server s2.]
  83. KFP 2. The spleef arenas
  84. KFP 3. The redesigned stretch of rail around enochsp's lot
  85. MC-S2-ChatRelay <PelikanPatrol> zzzzzzz
  86. MC-S2-ChatRelay <rozenluna> zzzzzz
  87. MC-S2-ChatRelay [TLUL disconnected from Minecraft server s2.]
  88. MC-S2-ChatRelay [TLUL connected to Minecraft server s2.]
  89. KFP 4. Did I miss something?
  90. TLUL KFP: 4. The New Player District
  91. KFP TLUL: Ah, right.
  92. MC-S2-ChatRelay [PelikanPatrol disconnected from Minecraft server s2.]
  93. MC-S2-ChatRelay [rozenluna disconnected from Minecraft server s2.]
  94. TLUL I find each one makes me slightly more uneasy than the last
  95. MC-S2-ChatRelay [PelikanPatrol connected to Minecraft server s2.]
  96. FlightTime I have mined all this and have only one pocket of coal
  97. HAL-9001 [ File:Extreme Swamp Mine.png - MyWiki ] -
  98. FlightTime *hit
  99. MC-S2-ChatRelay <PelikanPatrol> Gotta go guys, bye for now!
  100. MC-S2-ChatRelay [PelikanPatrol disconnected from Minecraft server s2.]
  101. TLUL FTN I'm okay with, spleef is fine as long as it's not being put somewhere that the "grandeur" that can be created impacts the look of a survival area
  102. TLUL I mean, I'm currently in creative mode building a grand spleef arena, but I'm not going to put that anywhere near a build; it's in the middle of the ocean
  103. TLUL (and I'll //move it somewhere else if someone builds close by)
  104. =-= FlightTime is now known as FlightTime|Away
  105. MC-S2-ChatRelay [Server] @p
  106. MC-S2-ChatRelay <TLUL> I'm trying to figure out how to do command selectors. It doesn't seem to be working
  107. KFP We also need a rule about /tp.
  108. KFP TLUL, Mindlessrampager, FastLizard4|zZzZ: I was hoping to create a guesthouse for new players in survival... ._.
  109. TLUL KFP: I was thinking the same thing, to be honest
  110. TLUL Not that I was personally planning on it, but that it's something that can definitely be done without creative
  111. KFP Rules need to be made!
  112. |<-- Scr7 has left (Quit: )
  113. MC-S2-ChatRelay [TLUL died: TLUL died.]
  114. KFP TLUL: No cause of death? D:
  115. TLUL KFP: I'm using /kill to reset my player pitch and yaw, because `/spleef setspawn` takes the current look
  116. |<-- Pharyngeal has left (Quit: ZNC -
  117. TLUL FastLizard4|zZzZ Mindlessrampager: Since WorldEdit is not the easiest thing to use because the selections aren't visible, I highly recommend the WorldEdit GUI client mod. It's incredibly helpful.
  118. TLUL One single feature: shows you what the current selection is visibly.
  119. MC-S2-ChatRelay [TLUL disconnected from Minecraft server s2.]
  120. MC-S2-ChatRelay [TLUL connected to Minecraft server s2.]
  121. MC-S2-ChatRelay [TLUL disconnected from Minecraft server s2.]
  122. MC-S2-ChatRelay [TLUL connected to Minecraft server s2.]
  123. MC-S2-ChatRelay [Server] Server is performing automated restart, in preparation for map generation, in 60 seconds!
  124. MC-S2-ChatRelay [Server] Server is performing automated restart, in preparation for map generation, in 30 seconds!
  125. MC-S2-ChatRelay [Server] Server is performing automated restart, in preparation for map generation, in 15 seconds!
  126. MC-S2-ChatRelay [Server] Server is performing automated restart, in preparation for map generation, now! Saving worlds and shutting down. Server will be brought back up once it has shut down cleanly. Map generation will begin after all Minecraft servers have finished restarting.
  127. MC-S2-ChatRelay [TLUL disconnected from Minecraft server s2.]
  128. |<-- MC-S2-ChatRelay has left (Quit: RoyalIRC disabled.)
  129. =-= Mode #lizardirc +d 3 by
  130. -->| MC-S2-ChatRelay (~minecraft@ has joined #lizardirc
  131. |<-- MC-S2-ChatRelay has left (Changing host)
  132. -->| MC-S2-ChatRelay (~minecraft@lizardnet/minecraft/relay-bot) has joined #lizardirc
  133. =-= Mode #lizardirc +o MC-S2-ChatRelay by bwahahahaha
  134. MC-S2-ChatRelay [Server] Jenkins has initiated a map generation build! There may be some momentary lag as this server's mapping data is transferred to phazon, but after that, smooth sailing!
  135. MC-S2-ChatRelay [Server] There will be another notification when map generation is complete.
  136. =-= FlightTime|Away is now known as FlightTime
  137. MC-S2-ChatRelay [FlightTime1969 connected to Minecraft server s2.]
  138. MC-S2-ChatRelay [Server] Map generation complete! Check out now! Map updates run every six hours, at 00:00 UTC, 06:00 UTC, 12:00 UTC, and 18:00 UTC daily.
  139. HAL-9001 [ Minecraft Overviewer ] -
  140. MC-S2-ChatRelay [FlightTime1969 was kicked from Minecraft server s2: You have been idle for too long!.]
  141. MC-S2-ChatRelay [FlightTime1969 disconnected from Minecraft server s2.]
  142. MC-S2-ChatRelay [FlightTime1969 connected to Minecraft server s2.]
  143. MC-S2-ChatRelay [FlightTime1969 disconnected from Minecraft server s2.]
  144. |<-- FlightTime has left (Quit: cya)
  145. |<-- chon has left (Quit: >tfw i'm a manlet)
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