
Thorn's boner

Nov 17th, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: ((Why are there so many pizza boxes?))
  2. Covet: Thorn was hanging out in his dorm room, lounging on his bed. He'd been reading through one of his medical books, but heard the loud grumbling of his stomach as it groaned. "Shit... I hear you buddy. Time for a snack break." He got up off of his bed, leaving his book behind as he made his way into the kitchen to rummage around for something to munch on, not caring if it was his or not.
  3. Alexithymiaa: (Get that pizza, yo.)
  4. Covet: [I was wondering that same thing... because they're in the couch.... and just... idk wtf is happening there.]
  5. Alexithymiaa: (So.... can anyone just walk in here with a student ID or....?)
  6. Tsaaq: ((Nobody is here, we make the rules!))
  7. Covet: [These bitches XD. They'd probably have to knock and that'd be about it.]
  8. Alexithymiaa: (A VALID POINT.)
  9. Alexithymiaa: (But do they really have to? Can they physically open the door without knocking? Cause... I want to...)
  10. Covet: [Go for it. I give no fucks XD]
  11. Covet: [Thorn will for bunny suits though]
  12. Covet: [;D]
  13. Alexithymiaa: (HAH)
  14. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn huddled outside the boys' dorm door, her eyes set on Penelope as she whispered because they didn't want to get caught. "Okay... so we're just going to walk in, right? I have no idea which room is his, but how hard could it be to find?" She asked with a small laugh, reaching for the doorknob. "Ready?"-
  15. Tsaaq: She went to spritz herself a few times with her perfume then tucked it away, fixing her hair. "Why yes... If anyone sees us wouldn't they be mad to try and stop us?" She asked with a snicker. "Thorny couldn't have it in him to not label his door." She replied quietly. She nodded and waited for her to push the door open.
  16. Covet: Thorn had found a bag of Cheetos that he was totally going to pilfer and opened them up, taking a handful out as he dropped them into his mouth, crunching away at them, before he reached into the fridge for a bottle of water, to be at least sort of healthy.
  17. Alexithymiaa: "Look at us. We're going into the boys' dorm. No one that lives here is going to be mad." She said with a devilish grin, pulling out a strawberry blow pop from her small purse and unwrapping it, giving it a little wave in the air at Penelope. "Ammunition." She pushed the door open and stuck the lolipop in her mouth, a little surprised to see Thorn in the common area, but quickly recovering. She swaggered over toward the kitchen, really putting it on because that was the whole fucking point. Stopping in front of the foosball table, she hopped up to sit on the edge, crossing one leg over the other and resting her elbow on her knee so she could slowly pull the lolipop from her lips, eyeing him. "We didn't expect you to be hanging out, out here."-
  18. Tsaaq: She nodded her head in agreement and walked in behind Quinn with her hips moving left to right. "Nice touch." She smirked before seeing Thorn. "Oh dear. It appears you're not quite dressed for company." Penelope said innocently before pouting her large lips. She went to lean on the entranceway arch of the kitchen. Sticking out her well endowed bottom for reasons. All the reasons.
  19. Covet: Hearing the door open he turned around dropping the bag of cheetos on the floor, along with the water, that landed on the bag, making some fall out, while crushing the others. "I'll pay you back for them, I swear!" He said expecting it to be someone that was also in the dorms. When he saw Quinn and Penelope, all dressed up, with a sucker and ass out, staring at him, "To be fair, I didn't expect either of to come over at all, let alone in all that." He said obviously looking them up and down. "It's not even my birthday, or Christmas."
  20. Alexithymiaa: "Who says it has to be your birthday or Christmas for us to come over?" She asked, leaning over just a bit to stick out the BOOBS. She slowly pushing the lolipop back into her mouth, rolling it over her tongue before closing her lips around it and pulling it out of her mouth. "I mean... if you're not prepared to hangout, we can leave... or go to someone else's dorm..."-
  21. Tsaaq: "Thanksgiving is next week. Close enough." She shrugged. Slowly twisting to face him with her back arched. "That's quite a suggestion Quinn. Do any athletic yet sensitive males live in one of these dorms?" She asked. Her lips parting carefully as she went to step closer to Thorn then placed her hands on her hips. "I'm sure somebody will appreciate this."
  22. Covet: "Hey let's not get to hasty or anything. This just looks awfully planned out, like it was for me, because who else in this dorm knows you, huh?" He said eyeing Quinn as she played with her sucker, then looked over at Penelope's movements before she walked closer. "Ladies... Ladies, Lucky for you I'm Athletic, Sensitive in some areas, and am the only one here." He forgot all about the cheetos and water, and walked over to Penelope, putting his arm around her shoulder as he spun her around, then walked over to Quinn, offering his hand, "Come, I'll show you my room." He said with a smirk.
  23. Covet: *too hasty
  24. Alexithymiaa: -She hesitated a moment before putting her free hand in his, slipping down off the foosball table to her feet. "Who says that two powerful women decided to dress for YOU?" She asked, tipping her head up a bit to look at him before rolling the lolipop in her mouth again. "We dress for ourselves. And today, we felt bunnies were appropriate dress for how we felt." She sent him a smirk before leaning over to grin at Penelope.-
  25. Tsaaq: She shook her head a let out a slow scruntinizing hum. "This is not planned out my darling Thorny. We are very unpredictable. It's one of our perks." She added. Penelope let out a squeak from him spinning her. "Precisely." She said with a smile as she looked to Quinn. "You're so eager to show us your room." Penelope began to giggle. "I wonder what could be so interesting in there?"
  26. Alexithymiaa: (Im amused because these rooms are such shit.)
  27. Covet: "Mhhm...Mhhm. You do realize that not everyone at this school is a moron living off an art scholarship right?" He said to them both as he wrapped his other arm around Quinn. "Is this another lingerie for casual meet ups situation then?" Thorn said, "It's not so much that you did it for me, as it is you did it to torture me, because you're both vile succubi. The only thing interesting in my room, is Me of course. Plus I'm the only one here, so that means I get to enjoy you to myself, regardless off the reason." He told them as he walked down to his room taking a left at the end of the hall into the larger room with a double set of everything. Welcome to my boring, basic, college funded abode."
  28. Covet: [There's 2 sit nodes on the dresser for some reason.]
  29. Alexithymiaa: (HAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT)
  30. Alexithymiaa: (WHY DOES THIS EXIST)
  31. Tsaaq: ((So we can sit lo.))
  32. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn followed along to his room, turning in with the two of them, her eyes instantly searching the room for any signs of personality. Alas, there was none. "I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not wearing lingerie. I'm merely wearing shorts and a tank top with appropriately adorable accessories. Besides, I think you'll be okay." She said with a laugh, popping the lolipop back into her mouth and tugging away from him so she could go sit down on his bed. Crossing her legs, she tipped her head to one side, pulling her wavy hair over with it to hang over her shoulder, exposing her neck. "Is this the grand tour?"-
  33. Tsaaq: Penelope let out a gasp and forced herself to pout at him. "I am not a vile succubus, thank you very much." She scoffed. She walked into the room and immediately went to crawl onto once of then beds with her ass sticking up in the air. "We're not trying to torture you." She poked out her large lips then began to smile. "You're right. Your room is boring. But that's alright. We won't spend time looking around it." She declared, finally going to lay down on her side so she could drape her arm along her figure.
  34. Covet: Thorn grabbed the computer chair across from his bed, and spun it around before sitting down in it, man spreading as he leaned back, "Alright, Alright. So...what you're just going to lounge on my bed,taking up all the space, looking this sexy? You know if I wanted to look at Bunnies being cute together, I could get into anyone's stash of playboys here and do that." He said glancing over both their bodies like a fucking Perv.
  35. Alexithymiaa: "Guys still stash Playboy magazines in two thousand seventeen?" She asked with a bit of a laugh, her eyes flicking over to Thorn. "I thought that's what the internet was for." She pulled the lolipop from her mouth, waving it in the air. "In all seriousness for a second, if you ever need to get out of here because your room sucks, you can crash at the sorority house. There's plenty of space and no one would mind." She quickly pushed the pop back into her mouth, shifting it into her cheek. "Is there a problem with our lounging?"-
  36. Tsaaq: "Oh please. You could always get on the bed as well. But there's no garuntee how much space I'd give you." Penelope offered with a breahty sigh. "I'm sure those bunnies are a lot more... Exposed." She retorted. "I think a blood pumping, soft fleshy woman laying on your bed is more appealing than a centerfold in a magazine. Don't you." Penelope tilted her head at Thorn. She laughed as she nodded in agreement with Quinn. "Yes. It is quite drab in here. I almost feel sorry for you."
  37. Covet: "I don't actually know if they have playboys, and I sure as shit wouldn't touch them with gloves on let alone without." Thorn said, "Are you inviting me to sleep with you Quinn, I'm so shocked, here I thought you were both ladies." He smirked, then got up, "Don't feel sorry for me, I'm barely here, It doesn't need to be spiffy. I've got a bed and a dresser for my clothes." He walked over to the edge of the bed, "You're right not much room here with you two, but it's nothing a little bit of shifting and spacial reconfiguring can't help with." He said as he climbed over and inbetween them, "You could always just lay on me after all." He said throwing his arms behind his head as he watched them, wiggling trying to shove Quinn off the edge and Penelope against the wall, so they wouldn't have a choice but lay on him.
  38. Alexithymiaa: (This guy)
  39. Covet: [XD IT'S HIS BED DAMMIT! XD]
  40. Alexithymiaa: "Excuse you, rude." She said as she shifted off the bed when he pushed her, spinning around to look down at him. She planted her hand on her cocked hip, pulling the pop from her mouth. "Of course we're ladies. We're offering to let you sleep in our house because we feel just awful about your dire living conditions. Obviously we're being generous to you." She said with a laugh, her glance dropping over him trying to take up as much of the bed as possible. "Maybe I'd prefer to just lay with Penelope. Did you ever think of that?"-
  41. Tsaaq: Penelope made whining noises and pressed her body against the wall. She sputtered her lips. "I am a lady!" She complained. "Of course you'd want to lay with me. We're sorority sisters." Penelope chirped. She rose an eyebrow at Thorn. "No no no. Maybe we should do as he suggests. It's not like it'll be our problem when he's uncomfortable..." She said. "Lay on your back!" Penelope demanded. "I refuse to let my lucious bottom be scratched by this weird wall."
  42. Tsaaq: Penelope made whining noises and pressed her body against the wall. She sputtered her lips. "I am a lady!" She complained. "Of course you'd want to lay with me. We're sorority sisters." Penelope chirped. She rose an eyebrow at Thorn. "No no no. Maybe we should do as he suggests. It's not like it'll be our problem when he's uncomfortable..." She said. "Lay on your back!" Penelope demanded. "I refuse to let my lucious bottom be scratched by this weird wall."((repost))
  43. Covet: "I didn't know you cared so much about me. I'm flattered." He said to Quinn, giving her a wink "You can still lay with her, I'm not stopping you."Thorn moved to his back sating the ever demanding Penelope, "There? Better? I'll even rub your lucious bottom better if you need." He told her then patted the four inches of space between him and the bed, on the other side "C'mon Queeny. My name is Thorn, but I'm quite comfortable to lay on, I promise."
  44. Alexithymiaa: (THAT WAS THE WORST LINE EVER.)
  45. Covet: [XD]
  46. Tsaaq: ((Horrible.))
  47. Alexithymiaa: "Someone's awfully sure of themself." She said with a laugh, kneeling down on the edge of the bed before sliding to lay down, her head resting all up on his chest since there was literally no fucking room you asshole. But that didn't stop her from sticking her lolipop back in her mouth because priorities. "I have to say... you actually are pretty comfortable."-
  48. Tsaaq: "You know what? I'll let you know if I need your hands down there." She pursed her head then nuzzled against him. She drapped one of her legs over him. "Being sexually apealing is so tiring. I'm growing sleepier..." She yawned and brought her eyes to a close.
  49. Covet: "Always, Quinn. To both statements" He said putting his arms around both of them in polite places, because he wasn't a jerk pervert. "You poor thing..." Thorn said patting Penelope's head "I could do this all night." He said smuggly, because NOBODY else in this dorm had the game he had.
  51. Covet: [He's still winning!]
  53. Covet: [Yes it does, because he didn't have to do anything. XD It's like playing monopoly and being handed Park Place and Boardwalk right off the bat.]
  54. Alexithymiaa: (Those are the worst pieces anyway. Theyre the most expensive, people are less likely to land on them, and building houses and hotels is three times as expensive for less benefit. Fuck those spaces.)
  55. Alexithymiaa: -She draped her arm over the top of him in an attempt to get more comfortable, also closing her eyes. "I had a midterm early this morning and if I'm not careful, I'm definitely going to fall asleep." She mumbled, refusing to remove the candy from her mouth.-
  56. Tsaaq: "Hm?" She hummed, already pretty much fucking asleep because that's what MEN WILL DO TO YOU WITH THEIR BODY HEAD AND COMFORTABLE BODIES.
  58. Tsaaq: ((>:O))
  59. Covet: "I've got an alarm set for 5 am so I can go work out. I'll make sure you're both up for whatever you need." He said with a yawn, totally enjoying the feel of half dressed ladies all up on him. DARING someone to come in and bitch about there being girls in the dorm.
  60. Covet: [They are the nicest and fanciest places, Of course they'd be Park Place and Boardwalk. Better than Mediteranean and Baltic... Or the power and electric company... OKAY!]
  61. Covet: [*Electric and water]
  62. Alexithymiaa: "Five?" She asked with a bit of a whine to her voice, because that's early, fuck you Thorn. "Can't you work out at a normal hour, like a normal person?" She asked, moving her hand to push her mass of blonde hair back off her face.-
  63. Tsaaq: ((Hoping and praying he gets morning wood so he can suffer >:p ))
  64. Covet: [He's gonna get like.. wet dream wood... You can't help that shit... according to Sean... XD]
  65. Alexithymiaa: (He'll be fine.)
  66. Tsaaq: Penelope nuzzled her face into Thorn's neck unknowingly. Her fingers going to his lips. "Silence." She somehow commanded, even while being a sleeping fucker. "That's an issue for future Penelope. Not present Penelope." She whispered, kicking off those high fucking boots so she could get comfy.
  67. Covet: Thorn gave Penelope a look, then blew Quinn's hair out of his face as both girls drifted off on him. Totally fantasizing in his sleep about how different this night could have been.
  68. Alexithymiaa: (And you were going to stand and eat cheetos. HAH.)
  69. Covet: [Let's be honest, The cheetos are probably in his fantasy somewhere too...]
  70. Tsaaq: ((Cheetos dust on titties xD))
  71. Alexithymiaa: (Ughhhhh cheesy fingers nooooo)
  72. Covet: [Cheesy finger prints all over their bodies... that he can lick off... Yep.. total night boner... XD]
  73. Alexithymiaa: (Its like the grossest fantasy)
  74. Covet: [LMAO... He's honestly a clean dude though...Very hygenic. so the fantasy dream would even perplex him]
  75. Alexithymiaa: (That actually makes me feel better bahahaha)
  76. Covet: [Thorn: I'm never eating cheetos before bed again...]
  77. Covet: [Also Thorn: They were probably laced... with... cold medecine...]
  78. Covet: [The only reason why he didn't clean up said cheeto mess, is because.. hot girls in bunny suits....#Priorities.]
  79. Alexithymiaa: (LMFAO.)
  80. Covet: *medicine
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