
Travailing Magician

Jun 16th, 2013
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  1. It was an average day in Ponyville. Its Citizens were cheerful as usual, going about their daily rutine without a care in the world. Even though it was very peaceful, it was boring. You find yourself by an apple cart in the town's market area day dreaming about some distant memory hidden in the fog of your mind. It wasn't long before a voice cuts you off from memory lane and puts you back into reality. A quick shake of your head and an apology is given before having to ask what the question was.
  3. "Ah said sugercube, you plannin' on standing there, or you gonna buy something?"
  5. "Sorry ma'am. I was just-"
  7. "Anon," Applejack interrupts. "How long have you been livin' in Ponyville for?"
  9. "Two months." You reply flatly.
  11. "Uh-huh, and since then how long have you been buying apples from me?"
  13. "Two months."
  15. "And with all the small talk and what not. Not to mention that incident with the dragon, you would consider us friends right?"
  17. "I suppose so."
  19. "So why in tarnation do yha keep callin' me ma'am like we ain't nothing but strangers?"
  21. You give a shrug as you answer. "Sorry. Force of habit." Your years of military service in your past life still defaulted you to basic politeness.
  23. "Well cut it out won't yha?"
  25. "I'll try Applejack."
  27. She gives a small smile. "That's better, now what'll it be? A half dozen as usual?"
  29. "Actually, I just need one this time."
  31. "One?" Applejack asks with suspicion. "You ain't found another apple farmer to buy from have yha?"
  33. "No, no." You say as you raise your hands to surrender any false accusations she put upon you. "I got some work to do outta town so I don't need as many this week."
  35. She still doesn't believe you. Not until you pull out a scroll and wave it in front of her face; the royal seal stamped clear as day.
  37. "Now what in tarnation does the princess need from the likes of you?"
  39. You give a sigh and admit you didn't know, even though you did. Something was happening where traditional methods of keeping the peace failed and it was your job to stop the situation from getting worse. Usually you go as a backup plan. Last time you were asked to slay a dragon incase it wouldn't go somewhere else to hibernate so that its smoke breath wouldn't cause harm to Equestrians. Thankfully it didn't come to that when Fluttershy stepped in and saved the day.... would of been a good fight though.
  41. "Worst case I'll be gone a few weeks, but if not I'll be back in a day or so." You inform Applejack.
  43. "Well where ever you go be sure to bring back a souvenir would yha?" She asks with a smile.
  45. "I will if I remember." You flip a few coins her way to pay for the apple and leave for home to pack.
  47. "See yha when you get back Anon!"
  49. "E'yup. Have a nice day ma'am."
  51. --------
  52. With your shopping done you decide to head on back home located outside of town. It wasn't to far a walk, but far enough so that the locals didn't bother you. The route you take lead down an old country dirt road leading out of town to the forest land. It used to be a bigger road back in the day you were told. But since the rail road connected Ponyville travelers opted to take the train instead of walking and now it was seldom used.
  54. However, today was different. As you were walking along away from town, a lone cart was rolling towards town. Stepping off to the side of the road to let it pass by, you notice something strange about it. Other than the fact that it was moving by itself, it didn't look like a merchant's wagon. It looked more like a home than built to hull goods. There was also advertisements for some sort of performer . It didn't really matter to you since you were leaving town.
  56. "Ah fuck it." You say aloud as it rolls past. Not bothering to investigate any farther.
  58. You turn to continue home when the sounds of the moving cart stops and a voice calls out to you.
  60. "Excuse me strange creature. Trixie couldn't help but hear you scoff at her."
  62. "Well, kinda." You admit. "I was reading some of your banners about some sort of magic show and-"
  64. "Not just 'a' magic show. THE magic show. I perform the best magic any pony has ever seen in all of Equestria! For I am the great and powerful, Trixie!"
  66. "Can't say I've heard of you." You shrug. The blue unicorn seemed to take offence.
  68. "For somepony not to have heard of Trixie.... one must be living under a rock."
  70. "Look," You say, wanting this conversation to end. "You can brag all you want, but that still doesn't convince me of your claims."
  72. "Seeing is believing I suppose." Trixie shrugs. "How about you come to Trixie's next show and see for yourself her amazing powers."
  74. "I would if I could. But I'm afraid I'm being called upon by royalty and can't stick around." You hold the letter in front of her, hoping the royal stamps would speak for themselves. And more importantly to shut her up.
  76. She takes the letter with her magic and examines the letter. "Hmm, a shame you're going to miss out on the greatest performance you'll ever see."
  78. "A damn shame." You couldn't care less. "But now I need to get home and pack. So if you'll excuse me I must be on my way. Good luck with your show."
  80. "Trixie thanks you stranger. Perhaps we will cross paths again someday. Trixie bids you a farewell."
  82. And with that the cart sets off again towards Ponyville. This time you waited until Trixie is well out of earshot before you mutter to yourself, "Fucking weirdo. She makes that mint colored one seem normal.... almost."
  84. =================> END
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