
Daidouji's Wild Ride at the beach

Feb 2nd, 2017
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  1. Writet/h/read request 5 - Written by Genghis
  3. Nobody dared go in the water. Her black hair trailed behind her, going with the gentle waves as Daidouji circled about in the water. She glanced at the young men on the shore and dove underneath the waves to cool her muscles off with the flow. Moments later, she sprung forth the surface again, her attention on the men sitting nervously on the shore, all eyes fixed on her.
  5. More than once a young man had disappeared underneath the waves with a yelp only to appear back on the surface again on her shoulder, trashing and shouting for help. She never listened. Nobody was sure where she took them or what she did with them, but they were never quite the same afterwards.
  7. So, they only watched her from the shore, none daring to go in the water or lay back and relax. They were no weaklings themselves, but there is no such thing as a man beside Daidouji, only terrified boys. They'd all learned that training with her. Getting a strike in on her iron body hurt as much as taking one yourself.
  9. On another day, staying out of the water might've kept them safe from her, but that day's sparring had emboldened her. Training always got her worked up and, feeling refreshed from her little dip, she wanted some more. She dipped underneath again and came up right by the shore when the sand below was shallow enough to reach her feet.
  11. Her chest rose above the water, held in place by a bikini so tight it looked ready to snap the moment she flexed her chest. Drops of seawater flowed down her abs and the bottom of her bikini struggled and failed to contain the bush underneath. If they hadn't been looking at her before, they certainly were now.
  13. The unlucky – or lucky – boy sitting closest to the shore stared at her as Daidouji marched right up to him, freezing him in place with her look. She watched him tremble, grinning, ready to seize him up in her arms and do with him as she will, but the looks on her and the trembling young man convinced her otherwise. Feeling just a little bit of full of herself, she turned her head to everyone on the beach in turn, meeting the stares of every man and woman in turn and smirking with delight. She turned back at the boy, now towering above him, and slipped her fingers inside the band of her panties, pulled them down and tossed them aside.
  15. No-one made a sound, least of all the boy before her, but from the warmth of her body and the rush of blood to her limbs she felt how every single pair of eyes on the beach had centered on her form. The top flew off. Now she heard the first gasp. It wouldn't be the last.
  17. ”Know who I am?” Daidouji asked.
  19. ”D-dai...” The boy stuttered.
  21. ”Guess you do. You know what I do to kids like you?”
  23. ”N-nobody ever says what you do to them.”
  25. ”Huh. Then it's time I showed everyone.” She pushed the palm of her hand to his forehead and knocked him back to the stand, straddling his body beneath her. Her hand reached down the mess of hair covering her pussy. Daidouji pushed her fingers into the bush, the strands of hair parting between her fingers. She spread her lips apart right before his eyes. ”See that nub there? Mh…” She prodded it with her finger. ”If you want to breathe, you'll lick it like your life depends on it.”
  27. ”Please, I-mmmfh!”
  29. Daidouji smothered him with her pussy. He trashed and mumbled, his tongue wriggling about like a snake caught by the tail. Drops of seawater fell from her pubes to his forehead. Finally, not a moment too soon, Daidouji lifted herself from his face. He drew only a few breaths before she fell down on him again, forcing him to struggle for another moment's respite to the burning in his lungs.
  31. ”Please, no more,” he begged as she let him breathe.
  33. ”Why? You were doing so well.” Daidouji stood up. The crowd at the beach looked more shocked than the boy did. She laughed and turned back at him, only to catch him trying to scurry away from her in that small moment when her back was turned. Putting an end to his escape, Daidouji grasped him by the ankle and lifted him up. ”Want to make me do all the work? Pathetic.”
  35. She lowered him down again, the strength of the grip on his ankle letting him know the futility of trying to resist. He didn't try to, letting out a scared yelp when she planted him on his back and grabbed him by both feet. She lifted his legs upwards and mounted herself on top of him, guiding her hips down to the cock that nervously jutted out, aroused and erect no matter how terrified he was.
  37. And terrified he was. Too terrified to shout as she towered above him and fucked him with her strength and weight, pushing down on him and sending a shock through his body with every slap of her hips against him. Her force and his fear worked together to wring his cum out of him so quickly that in any other case he would've been ashamed of himself. But now his load spilled inside her with no such thoughts on his mind, drops quickly dripping out of her and onto him as she let go and left him laying on the ground like a fallen foe. He neither would be quite the same ever again.
  39. Daidouji knocked her head back and folded her arms under her chest. ”Who wants to try next?” She shouted.
  41. None dared step forwards. Two boys stood still, fixed in place ber her overwhelming presence while the rest backed off. Daidouji saw them, pinned them in place with her gaze and strode to them before they would think of running. There was fear in their eyes, but Daidouji felt these two would stand their ground. ”Well? Do I have to wring it out of you like I did from him, or are you worthy of being called men?”
  43. One of them stepped forward, defiantly holding her gaze with a stern look on his face. Daidouji's face mellowed out a bit, pleasantly surprised by the first bit of backbone she'd seen all day. She put her hand on his chest, slowly sliding it downwards on his firm body until it came to rest on his half-erect cock. Feeling its size in her hand, she smiled. ”I'll let you go first,” she said and turned her head to the other one, ”while you take me from the front.”
  45. She knelt down before the only thing in she would ever lower herself for. She grasped the limp shaft in her hand, pushing the tip upwards with her thumb and licking the head. As the shaft showed signs of hardening she let go and planted her hands on his thighs, working the cock with just her lips and tongue. Feeling it reach its full length while laid on her tongue, she plopped it of her mouth and glanced back over her shoulder.
  47. The one behind was ready, and Daidouji gave him all the encouragement he could ever need by lowering her hands to the sand. He took her from behind and pushed her further on the cock in her mouth, not at all dissuaded by the mess of cum her previous victim had left in her. Swearing not to become another, he gripped her strong body forcefully, giving her pussy the first of many of deep thrusts.
  49. Daidouji hummed with satisfaction as the man behind her poked at the ends of her pussy. For once there was one among them that could fuck like a man. She let him know of her approval by pushing herself back against the cock while moaning loudly with her lips wrapped around another man's shaft. The man before her gasped and groaned as her tongue resonated against his glans with the tremors of her voice. Daidouji's head bobbed back and forth on his cock to the pace of the thrusting against her ass.
  51. There was a loud gasp, then a groan, and finally cum flooded onto Daidouji's tongue. The orgasm cleared the man's head of all thoughts of restraint and he held onto Daidouji's head for the time it took his twitching cock to pump his seed into her mouth. After his release sense returned to his head and he hurriedly let go of her, backing off in preparation of her fierce rage, but instead he saw pure bliss on her face – bliss and a bit of cum.
  53. Gazing at the crowd with her mind wiped dry, her mouth hanging open and face flushed red, Daidouji didn't need to command the next one to step forth. Eager to use that body which she always bore almost naked for everyone to see, another man stepped forth offered his cock to her. Daidouji took it eagerly, sucking the head into her mouth. A violent thrust against her ass forced her down to the base on it and behind her the man shot his cum into her pussy. Leaking cum from both ends, Daidouji shook her rear to coax the next one to have a go at her.
  55. Another man stepped forth, long since hard from the display she was putting on. He seized her ass in his hands with a boldness matching her delirious state and sent her further into ecstasy. Her body could take every bit of rough handling they gave her, every thrust of their hefty cocks, but her mind couldn't keep up with the pleasure. She trembled fiercely with her orgasm, shivering until the men finished into her again and mixed their fluids into the growing mess spilling onto the sand and sticking to the bush covering her pussy.
  57. Daidouji panted for air and let her delirious gaze wonder among the crowd of onlookers. Just come on, she thought. I'll take all of you.
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