
The Trickster and the Harlequin- When a good bro goes to war

May 7th, 2012
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  1. You wake on a beautiful morning, feeling the warmth of Rainbow Dash against your bare chest tickled you. It has been exactly 5 years since landing your ass in P0nyville, and you had come to expect the day’s proceedings. But you knew something that the others didn’t. You knew today was going to be bad. Your thoughts are interrupted by Rainbow Dash stirring on your chest. You look into her eyes, those wonderful eyes you fell in love with.
  2. ‘Morning.’ She says.
  3. ‘Morning, beautiful.’ You reply, giving her a kiss.
  4. ‘What’s the plan for today?’
  5. ‘Well, Pinkie Pie is going to surprise me with a party and we are going to laugh and party.’
  6. ‘Lokie, why must you ruin the surprise?’
  7. You slide out of bed, and get dressed. ‘Dashie, she does the same thing every year. It may not be a surprise, but I still look forward to it all. 4 months in a row with a party every month. I am the luckiest human to be here.’
  8. Rainbow flitters up behind you, wrapping her forehooves around your neck. ‘And I am the luckiest p0ny to have you.’
  9. You turn your head and give her another kiss, before she let go. ‘Can you wake up Harley for me?’
  10. Rainbow Dash shoots out of your room and you follow. As she flew into Harley’s room, you walked downstairs to make some breakfast for the three of you.
  12. You fly into cooking pancakes, a special treat for your family. You finish plating up the last pancake when you feel a tickle on the back of your neck, and you can’t help but to smile.
  13. ‘If you put hoofmarks on my clean roof, I am grounding you.’ You say.
  14. ‘You’re no fun dad.’ Came a voice.
  15. Harley floated down to the ground, and you look at your little filly.
  16. >Not so little anymore.
  17. She had grown taller in the past 4 years, more mature. Her mane had grown out and her voice was more adult. But every time you look into her yellow eyes, you are reminded about the little filly you saved from a dragon, the filly you saved from the Diamond Dogs, the little filly you saved from drowning. Your thoughts are interrupted by Harley talking to you.
  18. ‘What are you thinking about dad?’
  19. ‘Just about how many times I had to save your flank as a filly. You are a serious liability’ You chuckle as you sit down.
  20. ‘You’re the one who was stupid enough to get in trouble.’ Rainbow says as she flies in.
  21. ‘You’re right. I was stupid for falling in love with such a cute filly.’ You grab Harley in a hug ‘And I refuse to let you go.’
  22. Rainbow joins the hug ‘And she helped me tell you I loved you.’
  23. ‘Yeah right!’ Harley says ‘It took dad being angry at you for HIM to tell you.’
  24. ‘Shhhh… Grownups are talking.’ Rainbow says.
  26. After the group hug, and you shedding a few secretive tears, you sit down for a delicious breakfast of pancakes and berries. As you read the paper, you notice the main story.
  27. >Griffon Negotiations Not Going To Smooth.
  28. Your eyebrow twitches and you read onto the weather. It seems like a beautiful sunny day, perfect for your 5 year anniversary.
  29. ‘So,’ Rainbow says ‘Pinkie told me to get you there by 11, said to tell you it was an emergency.’
  30. You chuckle ‘Oh Pinkie Pie… I have something to do before I go to Pinkie’s, but you two go ahead without me. Get ready for the “surprise”.’
  31. ‘I want a Pinkie Promise.’
  32. ‘I Pinkie Promise that the minute I step foot into P0nyville, I go to Sugarcube Corner. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.’
  33. Rainbow gives you a smile, and goes back to eating. Harley is happy eating pancakes.
  34. ‘I can’t believe it’s been 4 years since I first met you.’ She says.
  35. ‘And that year was my happiest year here.’ You reply
  36. ‘What about your second anniversary, we got drunk and you drop kicked Spike across town.’ Dash says.
  37. ‘That’s close second.’
  38. After breakfast is finished, you clean the dishes as Rainbow and Harley get washed up for the party.
  40. There was a knock at the door. You open it to find Spike, a lot bigger than he was when you first arrived, but still your main bro.
  41. ‘Hey bro, what’s up?’ he says, sticking out his claw.
  42. ‘Not much, just about to say goodbye to the girls.’ You say completing the broclaw.
  43. Rainbow and Harley walk back down to see you hanging with Spike.
  44. ‘What’s going on here?’ Dash asks.
  45. ‘I am putting a dragon in my next book, so I am getting some info on him.’
  46. ‘Alright. See you both at the party.’ Rainbow gives you a kiss.
  47. ‘See ya Dad.’ Harley floats up and kisses your cheek, before tackling Spike. ‘See ya Pepper-breath.’
  48. ‘See ya Dash, see ya Snowball.’ Spike says.
  49. As they both leave, Spike turns to you, giving you a weird look.
  50. ‘What’s with all the cloak and dagger? I mean a letter to be here today, at this time, just for some info?’
  51. ‘No, we are going to walk Rarity to the party. I just thought you would like to come too.’
  52. Spike immediately perks up, and gives you another bro claw. You both walk outside, and you close the door behind you. Spike immediately walks for the bridge, but you put a hand on his shoulder.
  53. ‘Huh?’ he says, looking from you to the bridge.
  54. ‘I made a Pinkie Promise. Can’t go into town until all is done.’
  55. You walk around, following the rivers curves past Fluttershy’s cottage until you see Carousel Boutique. You open the door for Spike, and you follow. The sight around you shocked both of you to the core. The entire shop was a mess, shit everywhere. Spike heard quiet sobbing from the work room, and he ran straight into there.
  57. Rarity was curled up in a ball, crying her eyes out into a pillow. Spike immediately ran to her side, and you hid behind the door frame. No need to impede on their moment.
  58. ‘Rarity? What happened here?’ Spike said.
  59. ‘Spikey?’ she looked up to see Spike standing there. ‘Oh Spike, it was awful.’ She latched onto Spike, and held on to him.
  60. ‘Me and-‘ he looked around to see you nowhere ‘I came to walk you to Lokie’s party. What happened here?’
  61. ‘Griffons. They burst in here early in the morning.’ She let go of him and grabbed a yellow piece of paper, passing it to him. ‘They kidnapped Sweetie Belle.’
  62. Spike looked at the note:
  63. >Dear Groundies
  64. >Remove your people from Gryphonia, or we kill the little one.
  65. >You have 24 hours.
  66. >Gilda
  67. ‘Gilda?’ Spike says ‘As in Rainbow Dash’s ex-best friend? Oh crap…’
  68. You were shocked too. You never heard Spike swear before.
  69. ‘Spike, what do I do?’ Rarity says, crying into his shoulder again. ‘I want my baby sister back…’
  70. Spike looks to the doorway, and you look each other in the eye. You give him a solemn nod, and he gives her a pat on the back before pulling her away. He looked deep into her azure-coloured eyes to drive his point home.
  71. ‘Rarity, you –will- stay here. Don’t leave the store at all.’ He brushed her mane away from her face ‘No p0ny needs to see a p0ny of such grace and beauty in such a way.’ Spike carried Rarity to her lounge, and laid her down ‘I promise you, I will save Sweetie Belle for you. My dragon honour is staked on it.’
  72. Without another word, he walked out of there like the boss he was.
  74. You both walked outside and made your way back towards your house. You knew he was nervous, only young and going to war.
  75. ‘You scared bro?’ you ask.
  76. ‘N-no.’ you give him a warm smile, letting him know it’s okay. ‘Yeah… I just couldn’t let any of the others see her like that, and then my mouth went wild.’
  77. ‘Can I tell you something Spike?’
  78. ‘Yeah, what?’
  79. ‘When I first fought that dragon, I was fucking scared. I was scared for my life because I know what your kind is capable of. It was my fear that kept me going. And fighting off an army of Dogs, I was hella scared. I punched Dash for Christ sake and I could have died without letting her know I loved her.’
  80. ‘But you came back alive, albeit missing a few parts; you were in your 20’s though.’
  81. You chuckle. ‘How old are you right now Spike?’
  82. ’15 years old.’
  83. ‘You want to know what the scariest thing I ever did? When I was your age, I fought for my baby sister. I stood in front of scary men who thought I was just a child, and I proved them wrong. I told them I wanted to look after my baby sister, that I could be an adult and save us from adoption. I told them I would run away from every foster family until they listened. They threatened jail, and I told them to try. They gave in eventually. The main point is, I want you to remember something. Courage isn’t the absence of fear; it’s the ability to fight against your fear.’
  85. You and Spike make it to your house in no time, and you immediately head for the basement. As Spike paces, he hears a clunking sound coming from the stairs and sees you ascend the stairs wearing a steel armour chest guard, a large sword in hand and duffel bag over your shoulder.
  86. ‘Whoa…man, what the heck?’ he says.
  87. ‘You haven’t seen it all.’ You say.
  88. You hold out your left hand, cupping it like you are holding something, and a green flame sword erupted from your hand.
  89. ‘This is something I learnt from a game back home.’
  90. ‘Did you prepare for this day?’
  91. ‘Not really. I had the armour and sword made just incase something bad happened. I also studied the creatures of this area, just for fun.’
  92. ‘Oh…cool. So where do we go?’
  93. You pull a map out of your bag, and unfold it. After taking a good look at it, you look at Spike.
  94. ‘Okay, so Gryphonia is towards the south-east. It’s about a 3 day walk from here.’ Spike looked disheartened. ‘All is not lost. It’s a day by flight, and I doubt Gilda wants to carry Sweetie Belle all the way back. Judging by the map, she probably stopped in these mountains to camp. It’s about 3 hours walking from here. Once she gets word from her superiors, she will either let her go or…’ you trail off.
  95. ‘It’s okay Lokie. We will get her back.’
  96. You smile. ‘I bet you, if you save Sweetie Belle, Rarity will give you a Sneaky Castro.’
  97. ‘What’s a Sneaky Castro?’
  98. ’40 bits, same as down town. Come on, we gotta go.’
  100. The trek through the forest was long and slow. You had to cut through plants to make sure you headed in a south-eastern direction. You only stopped for lunch and a break after 2 hours, to which Spike protested.
  101. ‘Come on Lokie. We need to save Sweetie Belle.’
  102. ‘Spike, cool your flame. I get it. We need to rest a bit because your just-‘
  103. Spike interrupted you ‘I swear you say “just a baby”, I’ll rip your throat out.’
  104. ‘Bro,’ you throw your hands up ‘I was trying to say your just one dragon. You can’t waste all your energy on the journey.’ Spike sits next to you, upset ‘Sick of everyp0ny calling you a baby?’
  105. ‘I may live longer than others, but I am still in my teens in p0ny years. I just… If I did this, maybe others would see me as older.’
  106. You can’t help but to chuckle ‘Yeah, they certainly will.’
  107. Spike looks at you like you just made a dead foal joke.
  108. ‘Seriously bro, I know you are human, but you speak like you can see the future.’
  109. >Just…tell him. Might be easier this way.
  110. ‘…No. No, I can’t see the future. I just studied the newspaper. Know that griffon’s are prideful, and these talks about resource sharing and prisoner exchange… It’s inevitable that something like this would happen. I just thought it would take longer, and it wasn’t affecting the wearers of the Elements. Spike, you’re my bro and I trust you. That’s why I came. To help you in whatever way I can.’
  111. Spike gives you a knowing nod, and you both eat some apples, washed down with water.
  113. The final hour was the most nerve-wracking. You had to walk slowly and carefully, to make sure you don’t get spotted by griffons. Despite the tree coverage, keen eyesight wins over all. You only had the element of surprise. Pushing through the foliage, you creep through the jungle like a fucking viet-cong.
  114. As you edge closer to the mountain range, you motion for Spike to stay close. You don’t want him to be caught, not now. You try to remember everything from what you saw, but 60 odd years couldn’t help you much. You eventually get to the edge of the jungle, and both yours and Spike’s face get wiped in shock and horror.
  115. The mountains and the skies around them were filled with griffons. There was at least 300 griffons here, an entire army.
  116. ‘Well…fuck.’ You say.
  117. ‘We are seriously fucked…’ Spike says.
  118. You quickly turn to Spike and whisper something in his ear. he looks at you with worry.
  119. ‘Don’t fret bro. I know what I’m doing.’ You say
  120. ‘Really?’
  121. ‘Trust me, I’m the human.’
  122. You and Spike slowly climb out of the woods and up the mountains to the largest opening. With your sword sheathed in your pants, you walk into the cave, Spike leading. You needed to find where they were keeping Sweetie Belle, and get out as fast as-
  123. You take a blow to the back of the head, and your body falls to the ground.
  125. Spike turned around at the sound of your body hitting the ground. He saw two griffons advancing upon him. By their size, they must be males.
  126. ‘Oh fuck…’ Spike breathed.
  127. He tried to prepare a flame, but the one on the left was too fast. He shot forward and grabbed spike around the throat, closely followed by his fellow guard.
  128. ‘Looky here Leo. We caught us a dragon.’ Said the one holding him.
  129. ‘Haven’t had dragon in a while.’ Said the other griffon, Leo.
  130. ‘Now Ah say, Ah say, Ah say boys. You just volun-teer’d ya selves to be cooked in the colonel’s 11 secret herbs and spices.’
  131. Both turned to see you standing, steel sword in your right hand, flame blade in your left and a smile on your face. They dropped Spike, and tried to attack you, but you were prepared. You stabbed Leo through the head with your flame blade, and slash at the others chest. He hits the ground, blood pooling around him.
  132. The last words he hears before you decapitate him is ‘You hit like my grandma.’
  133. You look to your bro, making sure he is okay. He gets back to his feet, and you walk over to him.
  134. ‘You okay man?’ you ask.
  135. ‘Yeah, what about you? Ya took a pretty bad hit to the head.’ Spike says
  137. ‘Yeah, it’s cool. I took harder hits when I first came here. I’m used to getting knocked out.’
  138. You continue on into the catacombs, trying to find your way to Sweetie Belle.
  140. You are in luck. The massive catacomb brought you and Spike into a large open area, and across from where you stood, sat a wooden cage where Sweetie Belle lay quietly. You were almost home free, you just had to get to her. It was only 300 yards…
  141. >Yeah, ONLY
  142. ‘Ready to run Spike.’ You say.
  143. ‘Always Lokie.’ He replies.
  144. ‘Go.’
  145. You both all out sprint to Sweetie Belle cage, and you unsheathe your sword, ready to chop the cage to bits. Sweetie Belle looks up to see where the sound is coming from, and sees you and Spike here to rescue her.
  146. You see her jumping for joy, and calling out to you. As you get closer, you see she doesn’t look happy. She looks scared. When you reach the half way mark, you can finally hear her.
  147. ‘BEHIND YOU!’ she screams.
  149. You turn your head to see a lions paw kick you in the face. Spike soon follows. They grab your arms and tie them behind your back. Wrenching you from the ground, you come face to beak with a griffon, a female.
  150. ‘Ahh…more groundies. Trying to save the little bitch!’ she says. ‘Always nice to see the wittle baby dwagon. Ooo Spikey Wikey.’
  151. Spike fight’s against his bonds.
  152. ‘And what the buck are you… some sort of shave ape?’
  153. ‘Human. And you must be Gilda?’
  154. She walked away cackling ‘Oh, my reputation precedes me.’
  155. ‘Yeah, you could say that. Rainbow Dash spoke about you a bit.’ She stopped mid-stride and spun ‘Oh didn’t you hear? Yeah, I’m rutting the ever loving shit out of her. She LOVES screaming my name. Too bad she wasn’t a rug muncher or a member of the fur burger club, in your case.’
  156. She charged for you, grabbing your throat. ‘You know NOTHING on how to make Rainbow Dash happy.’
  157. ‘I’m….Pretty sure I can.’ You choke out ‘Oh Lokie! Right there! HARDER!!’ This made her squeeze tighter.
  158. ‘I should just pop your head like a zit, you fucking monkey.’
  159. ‘Not…not a lot of…pride in that?’
  160. ‘What do you know of pride?’ she releases your throat a bit.
  161. ‘Cheers. I challenge you to a Griffons Challenge. Your best fighter, versus my best fighter. Winner gets the prisoners.’
  162. ‘So, let me get this straight. You vs Me. Winner gets to do what they want.’
  163. ‘Not really. You vs. Spike. He is our best fighter.’ Spike looks at you with fear in his eyes, almost screaming “WHY MOTHER FUCKER?!?”
  164. ‘Deal. Any last words?’
  165. ‘I guarantee I will shove your head straight up your ass while you still breathe.’
  167. You are thrown into the cage next to Sweetie Belle, Spike on the other side of the bars. Griffons surrounded you all like an arena.
  168. ‘Dude, what did you do?’ he hisses at you.
  169. ‘Spike, you are my main bro. My Bro-mander. I believe in you. This is your quest, your glory. I’m just your sidekick.’ You bro-claw him one more time for luck.
  170. ‘YOU READY PIPSQUEAK!’ calls Gilda.
  171. Spike turns to look at Gilda, readying his flame. ‘I’m ready, you unholy bitch!’
  172. Gilda roars at him before flying into the air. Her movements are too fast for Spike to see. He is immediately knocked off his feet, flying 10 feet. He groans as he picks himself up off the ground, only to take another hit to his back. Hit after hit, Spike was knocked around the place.
  173. ‘WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO HIM?!?’ Sweetie Belle screamed at you.
  174. ‘Sweetie Belle, this is something Spike has to do on his own. This is his quest, I’m just the guide. I have faith in his abilities, and you will too.’
  175. Sweetie Belle is lost for words, and is almost crying. She couldn’t bear to watch this match.
  176. Spike tried his best to fight Gilda, but he wasn’t fast enough to land anything more than a simple scratch. Gilda had had enough fun playing with this baby, but she had to finish this. She flew into Spike at close quarters, grabbing him around the waste. Carrying him into the air, she flipped around and flew directly at the ground. Throwing Spike to the ground, satisfied he didn’t survive, she flew a few feet from your cage.
  177. ‘Guess I won. What was that about shoving my head into my ass?’
  178. Sweetie Belle curled into a ball, crying her eyes out.
  180. Gilda was about to strike you in the cage when she heard it. A chuckle. A deep chuckle coming from behind her. She spun to see Spike standing on his feet again.
  181. ‘Heh…Heheheheh….HehEHAHAHAHA! You think this is over!’ Spike sounded like a mad man.
  182. Gilda screeched. ‘Once I kill you, I am going to kill that little whiny bitch and her sister.’
  183. Spike stopped laughing and wiped the blood from his mouth. He growled a low, deep growl and roared loudly. Something in your mind snapped, and you pulled a folded silver blanket out from under your chest armour and chucking it over Sweetie Belle and yourself.
  184. Spike roared again, this time even louder, and his body started to spark. Those sparks ignited the air around him, creating flames. In one final loud roar, he burst into flames. The following blast wave turned most of the griffons watching the match to cinders.
  185. You lifted the fire blanket off your head to see a new Spike, mid-air, flapping a brand new pair of wings. There was a stirring near the cage as Gilda pulled herself out from under a pile of crispy fried griffon. Spike shot straight for her, grabbing her around her throat.
  186. ‘What was that? He growled.
  187. He started to pummel Gilda’s face into the ground, breaking her beak and face, as you kicked the smoking charcoal bars that held you. You pick Sweetie Belle up and walk over to Spike.
  188. ‘Bro?’ you say, passing Sweetie Belle to him.
  189. He carries her in his arms, cradling her, as he walked out. You looked at Gilda, and smiled.
  190. ‘Now about that guarantee…’
  192. You meet Spike and Sweetie Belle at the entrance of the cave. He looks up at you, and gives a half hearted smile.
  193. ‘Did you do it?’ he says.
  194. ‘I never break a guarantee.’ You say ‘congrats on the wings bro. I’m jelly.’ He holds out a claw, but you knock it away. ‘This calls for a bro-mantic embrace.’
  195. You wrap Spike in a hug, to which he returns. This, he deserved.
  196. ‘Climb on, I will fly us back to P0nyville.’ He says
  197. ‘Really? You sure about this.’
  198. ‘Yeah, if things get too heavy, I’ll just dump your ass somewhere.’
  199. You chuckle as you climb onto his back. The flight back to town only takes half an hour, Spike being determined to get back to Rarity as fast as possible. You all land outside Carousel Boutique, and you jump off to open the door for Spike and Sweetie Belle.
  200. As he carries Sweetie Belle to a sleeping Rarity, you decide to watch what happens. He slowly walks up to Rarity, and nudges her awake. She slowly opens her eyes and screams in joy as Sweetie Belle jumps from Spike to Rarity.
  201. ‘Oh Sweetie Belle… I was so worried about you.’ Rarity says, weeping into her sister’s mane
  202. ‘I was so scared. Spike and Lokie saved me.’ Sweetie Belle said, crying into Rarity’s chest.
  203. Rarity looks up from crying to look at Spike and yourself.
  204. ‘Oh Spike…’ she bring a hoof to her mouth, and starts to cry again ‘You… did this all for me?’
  205. ‘I told you Rarity, I would bring Sweetie Belle home. I should be going now.’ He turns to walk out, but is stopped by a hoof on his shoulder.
  207. ‘Spike, I was wonder,’ Rarity started to blush ‘Would you care to join me for dinner?’
  208. This was the moment you and Spike had waited for, and here comes the answer.
  209. ‘No…’ Spike said.
  210. ‘what…?’ Rarity said
  211. ‘WHAT?!’ you scream.
  212. ‘Rarity. I won’t deny I did this because I have feelings for you, but I also did this because I wanted to be seen as more than a baby dragon. I want p0nies to look at me as more mature. So I ask this, are you asking me because I risked my life to save Sweetie Belle, or because you see me for a more mature dragon?’
  213. ‘I…I…I…’ Rarity was lost for words.
  214. ‘Exactly. Lokie, I’ll meet you out the front.’
  215. Spike walked out of there more alpha than you could ever expect. Rarity looked at you for answers, but you shook your head.
  216. ‘Spike wants you to see him not as a baby. He did most of this for you, I just hope you can see it before it’s too late.’
  217. You walk out the front, and Spike flies you home before flying off again. You walk in the door, you are tackled by a very upset Rainbow Dash.
  218. ‘You broke your promise!’ she says, holding you to the ground.
  219. ‘Not really. I never stepped foot into the town. I was outside the limit’s helping Spike.’
  221. As you sit on to the couch, Rainbow sitting next to you, you tell her everything that happened that day. The fight with Gilda, the inevitable explosion that gave Spike his new wings, and the fact he turned down a date with Rarity because she still saw him as a baby dragon. After all is said and done, Rainbow has tears in her eyes.
  222. ‘He..He really did all that… for Rarity?’ she says
  223. ‘Yeah, I barely did a thing. I was just his guide, he was the hero.’
  224. There was a frantic knock at the door, and you open to find Twilight.
  225. ‘Have you two seen Spike? He was missing all day and-‘
  226. ‘And let me guess?’ you interrupt ‘He’s just a baby. Twilight, you are like a sister to Spike, but he isn’t a baby anymore. When he comes home, don’t scold him, don’t act all motherly, SEE him for who he is. A bad ass mother bucker who risked life and limb to save Sweetie Belle, and was rewarded with a pair of dragon wings.’
  227. Twilight looks at you in shock, but you just nod. ‘Go home Twilight. I promise everything will be alright.’
  229. As you sit in the basement, writing down the day’s events, a letter appears in front of you.
  230. >CB: So, were you right about today?
  231. >LL: Yes and no.
  232. >CB: :-?
  233. >LL: Yes, it was today. No, he declined the date, stating “He wanted to be seen for who he was, not what he did”.
  234. >CB: Very noble of him.
  235. >LL: Yeah. I still worry about him. Not as a baby, but as a bro. He seems to be growing faster than I thought.
  236. >CB: What does this mean for your predictions?
  237. >LL: Knowing they are going to happen changes the outcome slightly, but may in turn cause another event to occur. He may never have Gem, and my dreams would be false again.
  238. >CB: Hmm… I think you should sleep on it.
  239. >LL: Okay, Night Claire.
  240. >CB: Night Lachlan.
  241. >LL: Wait, did you go see mum and dad today?
  242. >CB: Yeah. I told them you missed them.
  243. >LL: I miss all of you.
  244. >CB: Well, 10 years down, 60 more to go.
  245. >LL: Night.
  246. >CB: Night.
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